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Name _________________ Period _______

Introduction to Problem Solving


Use the power point presentation saved on the network to complete the questions below:
1. Put these Problem Solving Steps in numeric order:
_________Generate alternative solutions

_________Choose among the alternative solutions

_________Recognize that there is a problem

_________Implement the chosen solution

_________Evaluate the solution

_________Identify the problem

2. Fill in the Blanks for these: Techniques for Recognizing Problems

Comparison against_____________

Monitor for ________ signals

Comparison of _________ performance with objectives or _________ performance


Inverse _____________

_____________ complaints

Role _____________

3. Identify the Problem Ask Who?

Who says that this is a _____________?

Who ___________ or is causing the problem?

Whom does it or will it ___________?

Who has done something ___________ the problem?

4. Identify the Problem: Ask What?

What happened or ______happen?

What are the _______________?

What are the________________ to others?

What __________surround the occurrence of the problem?

What is not ______________as desired?

5. Identify the Problem: Ask When?
When did it or will it ___________?

When did it___________ occur?

6. Identify the Problem: Ask Where?

Where is the problem __________?

Where did it or will it have an ___________?

7. Identify the Problem: Asks Why?

Why is this a _____________?

Why did it or will it ___________?

Why was nothing done to _________ the problem from occurring?

Why did no one ______________ and do something about the problem sooner?
Why is a response needed________?
8. Identify the Problem: Ask How?
How should the process be __________?
How are others_____________ with this or similar problems?
How do you know this is a problem; what supporting ______________ do you have?
9. Problem Identification: Final Questions
How will you know the problem is_____________?
What does the ______________state look like?
What data will you need to ______________these questions?

Problem Solving

Name _________________ Period _______

Techniques for Identifying the Problem
10. Fishbone:
Talking to ___________________ to build a ___________________ to look at the effects and _____________ or
contribute to those ______________ and should be used to determine the ______ cause or identify areas of data
_____________ or to study why a process is __________ performing properly.
11. Why-Why Diagram
Is a ___________ diagram where each ______ statement is determined by simply asking whey the __________ occurs.
12. Problem Statement
Comes as an end result of ______________ identification and is a brief, ________ to the point identification of the
specific problem to be addressed including ___________ rational for why is should be solved.
13. Individual Techniques for generating solutions: Name 3
________________________ ________________________ ________________________
14. Advantages of Using a Group: Summarize two advantages:
15. Limitations of Using a Group: Summarize two limitations
16. Group Techniques for Generating Solutions:
Brainstorming is: ___________________________________________________________________________
Name two alternatives to brainstorming ________________________ ________________________________
17. Choosing Among Alternative Solutions:
How _____________is the idea?

Is it __________________?

How cost-_____________ is it?

Can it be easily implemented by a limited _____________of individuals?
Is the idea consistent with the directions already undertaken by the ________________?
18. Implementing the Chosen Solution
What _____________ are needed?
Who else within the organization needs to _______________ the solution to the problem?
What has to happen in order to implement the solution; what are the steps in _______________________?
Who is going to be __________, and what will they do? When will the various ___________of implementation take place


Problem Solving

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