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environmental challenge organisation (singapore)

news release2007 Activities known as ECO Singapore

Contact Person : Wilson Ang

President, ECO Singapore Our Youth. Our Future.
Contact No. : (65) 9147 4541 / 9147 4542 Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002
Email : Charity Reg. No: 1739

Activities for Year 2007

International Outreach Programs


30/4/2007 -11/5/2007
United Nations, New York

Following up from the World Summit on sustainable Development in 2002.

The Division for Sustainable Development provides leadership and is an
authoritative source of expertise within the United Nations system on
sustainable development. It promotes sustainable development as the
substantive secretariat to the UN Commission on Sustainable Development
(CSD) and through technical cooperation and capacity building at
international, regional and national levels. The context for the Division’s
work is the implementation of Agenda 21, the Johannesburg Plan of
Implementation and the Barbados Programme of Action for Sustainable
Development of Small Island Developing States.

Last year, we manage to get the accreditation to send youth delegation

down under the International Affair’s team of 4. In order to garner a better
representative position, a workshop will be held for interested individuals
and NGOs to raised their concerns on this cycle’s themes and also follow up
with online discussion to form up a local draft for the delegation.

For year 2007, this is the second, or policy year of the second
implementation cycle.

The focuses for this cycle are:

- Energy for Sustainable Development;
- Industrial Development;
- Air pollution/ Atmosphere;
- Climate Change.


November 2007
InQbuzz, 113 Somerset Road, National Youth Centre, #01-02 Singapore 238165 I Tel: (65) 9147 4541 I Fax: (65) 6738 1693
Registered Address: 10 Anson Road, International Plaza, #15-14 Singapore 079903
environmental challenge organisation (singapore)
news release2007 Activities known as ECO Singapore

Program Partnership Our Youth. Our Future.

Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002
The project is a series of different activities showcasing and Charity Reg. No: 1739
Asian and European youth involvement in the campaign towards
sustainable development, highlight of which will be a ten (10) day youth
summit geared towards information and skill-sharing to foster stronger
regional and interregional partnerships and cooperation.

The Project aims to strengthen and emphasize the role of youth as the main
stakeholder of sustainable development. It will facilitate and enhance
further youth involvement and collaborations as well as highlight positive
contributions of youth and youth organizations in sustainable development.

The objectives are:

1. To conduct a youth-led research across at least 10 Asian and European

countries on youth’s involvement in sustainable development, particularly
on the following topics: Institutionalizing education for sustainable
development; Youth representation in sustainable development decision-
making & coordination platforms; and Youth involvement in community-
based sustainable livelihood.

2. To establish an Asian Youth Network to facilitate deeper cooperation and

collaboration between Asian youth organizations and encourage unified
campaign on programs and recommendations on sustainable development
issues in the Asian region.

3. To conduct a series of interactive skill- and knowledge sharing activities

and discussions on various sustainable development issues and practices,
for about 50 youth leaders from 10 countries across Asia and Europe.

4. To formally launch the “Asia Europe Youth Network for Sustainable

Development” and to start the continuous and exciting collaborations and
partnership with all its members.

5. To discuss, adopt and launch a comprehensive youth campaign for the

inclusion of sustainable development in the priority agenda of Asian and
European governments, inter-governmental organizations, and institutions
in both regions through program and policy recommendations.

It is a ten (10) day event is divided into three (3) phases:

1. Asian Youth Environment Network Strategic Meeting is a three (3)

day event, with participants from Asia discussing the creation of the
proposed Asian Youth Environment Network (AYEN) and the design of its
operational mechanisms.

2. Asia-Europe Youth Festival on Sustainable Development is a four

(4) day event that will update the Asian and European participants on the
latest on sustainable development issues as well as showcase the various
initiatives, programs and accomplishments of the different participating

InQbuzz, 113 Somerset Road, National Youth Centre, #01-02 Singapore 238165 I Tel: (65) 9147 4541 I Fax: (65) 6738 1693
Registered Address: 10 Anson Road, International Plaza, #15-14 Singapore 079903
environmental challenge organisation (singapore)
news release2007 Activities known as ECO Singapore

organizations/countries through presentations, exhibits and Our Youth. Our Future.

study tours. The Festival will also serve as the foundation Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002
for the Asia-Europe Youth Network on Charity Reg. No: 1739
Sustainable Development (AEYNSD) as a venue for deeper and more unified
youth efforts between the two regions.

3. The Asia-Europe Youth Dialogue is a three (3) day event focused on

the formulation of policy and program recommendations, based on the
information gained by the participants from the first component of this
project (KRBM) and during the Festival. Resource persons shall also be
invited to give additional knowledge and/or validate information. Such
recommendations will be use to lobby in various international platform such
as ASEM, UN, ASEAN etc. It is a symbolical lobbying process that will prove
the strong ties and partnership of the two regions.

Domestic Outreach Events

Throughout 2007

InQbuzz, 113 Somerset Road, National Youth Centre, #01-02 Singapore 238165 I Tel: (65) 9147 4541 I Fax: (65) 6738 1693
Registered Address: 10 Anson Road, International Plaza, #15-14 Singapore 079903
environmental challenge organisation (singapore)
news release2007 Activities known as ECO Singapore

EXPRESS! is a quarterly electronic newsletter produced Our Youth. Our Future.

by ECO. The e-magazine covers a wide range of topics Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002
ranging from biodiversity, climate change, energy, Charity Reg. No: 1739
population, poverty, agriculture, pollution, right down to health and
sanitation. It aims to be the environmental lifestyle magazine.

This publication is circulated amongst other Environmental as well as

Youth Non-governmental and non-for-profit organisations both locally
and globally. Circulations are also made to corporate partners and
government agencies.

After about a year, the team is finally ready for it to be on print

version ready to be circulated physically as well as online. Intention is
to tie up with the Ministry of Environment to have constant
subscription and outreach. Ad space will be allocated to have
interested corporate partners to advertise their products and services
to the youth.


First show in August 2007
Various Shopping Malls

A series of road shows will be held in selected shopping malls around the
island-wide. Each road show will last for 3 days, over the weekend. The
aims of the road shows are three-fold:

• Showcase environmental issues close to youth in 4 areas of concern:

Water, Energy & Ecological Footprint, Waste Management and Food
• Educate the public about the importance of caring for such issues
• Empower the public in taking active steps to lead environmentally
sustainable lifestyles with practical methods

The road show serves as a platform for presenting environmental issues to

targeted public. Because of the need to reach out to youth in different
areas of Singapore, it will have to be mobile in nature, and have exhibition
modules that can be deconstructed and reassembled for future use.

The public are generally well informed about environmental issues from
daily news reports, media and even schools. Thus the road show’s
philosophy is to present issues that are of practical and close concern to the

There will be 4 modules to showcase as mentioned in the objectives of this

proposal. Each module will have its issues presented on a 4m by 4m
exhibition panels. Each module will bring out issues in a creative and light-
hearted manner – by appealing to the public’s senses (visual graphics,
auditory sensations etc), to provide an experiential learning experience.

InQbuzz, 113 Somerset Road, National Youth Centre, #01-02 Singapore 238165 I Tel: (65) 9147 4541 I Fax: (65) 6738 1693
Registered Address: 10 Anson Road, International Plaza, #15-14 Singapore 079903
environmental challenge organisation (singapore)
news release2007 Activities known as ECO Singapore

Part of the exhibit is also allocated to showcase the existing Our Youth. Our Future.
environmental groups and their efforts. Where the trained Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002
ECO Guides for the road show will also share with the public Charity Reg. No: 1739
about the existing environmental efforts. Where we hope it can get more
public to actively participate in other environmental NGOs programs.


March 2007
Siglap Community Centre

Working closely with Siglap Community Centre to create ECO Clubs

that will work with the youth community around the area and
engaging artiste to have creative ECO clubs. The integrate
environment and arts to create interesting art pieces. Currently, the
key partner is with Alvatar Jacobs to have the club engage artiste to
work out art pieces out of materials that are being disposed.

4th Quarter
Singapore Science Centre

A lot of us know there is something inherently wrong with the environment

we are in, but we refuse to face up to reality. The sheer scale of the
problems Mother Nature is facing is discouraging many of us from doing
anything about it. Our objective here is to break down this mental barrier.

By building a small-scale EcOasis, we wish to exemplify how each of our

actions matters and how all of us can help contribute to building a more
sustainable environment for our future generations to come. Educating the
younger generation that every small action matters is especially critical.

Volunteers will participate in the construction of EcOasis during the

weekends. No prior experience is required as skilled workers will be around
to guide The volunteers will be involve in non-structural works appropriate
for novices, e.g. making decorative panels, preparing planting beds,
installing info/educational boards etc.

Technologies to be Showcase:

• Bio-diesel
• Composter
• Green roof/walls
• Rainwater harvesting
• Water Desalination by distillation
• Recycled’ living space


3rd Quarter of 2007

InQbuzz, 113 Somerset Road, National Youth Centre, #01-02 Singapore 238165 I Tel: (65) 9147 4541 I Fax: (65) 6738 1693
Registered Address: 10 Anson Road, International Plaza, #15-14 Singapore 079903
environmental challenge organisation (singapore)
news release2007 Activities known as ECO Singapore

Our Youth. Our Future.

As environment issues are intangible and cannot be directly Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002
felt by youths, emotions will be the key element to link up Charity Reg. No: 1739
the entire interaction between the Eco Singapore and the youths. This will
form the heartbeat of the web portal.

Key focus will be on the realities of eco-living, with the intention of

encouraging youths of today:
- To begin a sustainable lifestyle today
- To participate and feel empowered that they make a difference.

1. Increase awareness of both local and international environmental
problems among youths in Singapore
2. Inspire youths to make changes to their lifestyles to encourage
environmental sustainability.
3. Provide an interactive and “cool” platform for youths to discuss,
question, challenge and assess current environmental policies, and
how it can be improved from a youth’s perspective.
4. Promote environmental issues across holistically by having them
view environment from a political, social and economic standpoint.

Evoke! Means:
- To summon or call forth:(emotions, feelings, and responses)
- To create a new, especially by means of the imagination

The portal is broken down as follows:

E: Expression
A site where youths can express their feelings about the environment.
e.g. Anger, Passionate, Helpless, etc

V: Venture
A revenue for youths to venture and to know more about environmental
e.g. Provide links to other NGOs and resources

O: Opportunities
Provide opportunities for youths to come in contact with the environment
and to learn more about the environment.
e.g. Event Calendar, Internships

K: Kinship
Provide a virtual online community for environmental enthusiasts to
interact and widen their contacts.
e.g. Online forums, Blogging

E: E-Hub
Education resource centre.

!: !Lifestyle
Provide environmentally friendly lifestyle tips.

InQbuzz, 113 Somerset Road, National Youth Centre, #01-02 Singapore 238165 I Tel: (65) 9147 4541 I Fax: (65) 6738 1693
Registered Address: 10 Anson Road, International Plaza, #15-14 Singapore 079903
environmental challenge organisation (singapore)
news release2007 Activities known as ECO Singapore

Our Youth. Our Future.

Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002
September 2007

The NYEF aims to provide a platform for local environmental groups to

discuss the current environmental realities of the Earth, and for the youth
participants to present their recommendations. The NYEF also hopes to
encourage youths to begin leading responsible lifestyle habits today for a
sustainable tomorrow and also to recognize youth as environmental
stakeholders by challenging them to rethink existing environment policies.
Youths of age 17 - 30 years old are expected to discuss and engage in
global and local environmental issues and policies with local environment
groups and environmentalists

Dr. Yaacob Ibrahim, Minister of the Environment and Water Resources, was
the Guest Of Honour of the inaugural NYEF in 2006.


9th August 2007
Marina Bay

Given the success drawn from NDP 2006, we hope this initiative could
grow to benefit more youths. To encourage the grooming of litter free
habits in schools and have the students participate at National level
activities. This will serve as a platform where youths are both
empowered to make a difference and recognized as stakeholders as
they play their roles as ECO Youth Champions.

For the year 2007, ECO Singapore will be working together with
South West CDC’s “My School Shines” Program, to take up the Litter
Free component in the program to get schools to participate in a one-
week “No Cleaner’s Week” campaign, where the cleaners in the
schools will only clear the rubbish from the trash bins. The students
will have to maintain the school’s cleanliness without the assistance
of the cleaners. A grading system will be in place and volunteer will
be carrying it out. After which, the school will be given a grade for
their cleanliness.

Secondary Schools who participated in the program be able to have

their students be involved and trained on the litter free component
for the National Day Parade. Their training will constitute carrying out
trials during the full dress rehearsals and preview to gear them up for
the actual event. As per the previous year, they will be lead under
the Mentor Youth Champions.

InQbuzz, 113 Somerset Road, National Youth Centre, #01-02 Singapore 238165 I Tel: (65) 9147 4541 I Fax: (65) 6738 1693
Registered Address: 10 Anson Road, International Plaza, #15-14 Singapore 079903
environmental challenge organisation (singapore)
news release2007 Activities known as ECO Singapore

Primary Schools who participated in the program will Our Youth. Our Future.
be able to have their students be involved and trained Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002
on the litter free component for the National Youth Charity Reg. No: 1739
Festival Opening Ceremony. Under the guidance of a Mentor youth,
the lower Secondary School students will be given the opportunity to
organise and lead the primary school students to encourage their
fellow youth to pick up after themselves.


Soft Launch end Dec 2007
Various partners and locations

Working closely now with 77th Street and perhaps Banyan Tree to
work and sell trendy ECO Products such as Basura bags, jute bags
and hand pump torchlight that focus on youth. Getting youth
purchase products that make a difference. Encouraging them to vote
with their dollars. The products they buy will be products we get from
developing countries where it will provide jobs for them.

We are in the stage of exploring what are the products that will
attract youth and the best way to market such alternative lifestyle
and living image. To be ECO Savvy.

At current, we are also doing Business-to-Business sales in mass

quantity for their corporate gifts or retails outlet product packaging.

Our first retail outlet and showroom will be in the red bus at the
youth park beside Singapore Powers.


Launch: December 2007
Duration: One year
Various partners and locations

This is a partnership with the National Library Board and other

environmental groups to organise a series of talks at various NLB
branches and outdoor locations. The intention is to increase
exposure to environmental issues, concerns, myths and secrets that
are little known.

Additionally, it will provide a platform to further interest and

exposure in youths and children in the NLB database of books.


All year
InQbuzz, 113 Somerset Road, National Youth Centre, #01-02 Singapore 238165 I Tel: (65) 9147 4541 I Fax: (65) 6738 1693
Registered Address: 10 Anson Road, International Plaza, #15-14 Singapore 079903
environmental challenge organisation (singapore)
news release2007 Activities known as ECO Singapore

Our Youth. Our Future.

The ENRICH! Training programme is a two days course that Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002
allows participants to learn more about the various Charity Reg. No: 1739
environmental issues and how they interlink with one another. Participants
will be engaged fully throughout the two days of the program through a
series of interactive lessons and case study to fully understand the
significance of the environment and our daily lifestyle. Participants will
leave the two days program as being more enriched in terms of their
knowledge on the environment and how each can start playing a role to
make a difference now.

Successful completion of the full program will entitle the participant be a

volunteer peer facilitator for future programs conducted.

The ENRICH! Training programme can be conducted for both schools and
corporate partners. However, a minimum number of 160 and 100
respectively is required. Partners can request to do a modification to the
training programme depending on their immediate needs.


Launch March 2007

“My School Shines” (MSS) programme is an extension of the “My

Environment Shines” (MES) Programme that has been rolled out to all
sixteen constituencies of South West District.

In line with MES programme, the one-year MSS programme will consist of 3
modules addressing the 3 public health goals of South West district, “A
Litter-Free Environment”, “Clean and Sparkling Toilets” and “A Community
That Does not Spread Bugs”.


5th June 2007

Global Warming

Global warming is a growing concern and it is important for us as an
individual to start taking actions in our daily consumption habits to
ensure a more sustainable future. To make more informed choices as
consumers. We can vote with our dollars and make that change in

InQbuzz, 113 Somerset Road, National Youth Centre, #01-02 Singapore 238165 I Tel: (65) 9147 4541 I Fax: (65) 6738 1693
Registered Address: 10 Anson Road, International Plaza, #15-14 Singapore 079903
environmental challenge organisation (singapore)
news release2007 Activities known as ECO Singapore

For 2007, our project is simple. We want to have the Our Youth. Our Future.
youth to engage with the public on a one to one basis Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002
on what they can do to make that difference. The Charity Reg. No: 1739
volunteers will be trained to know what global warming is and be able
to share with the public at a MORE personal level.

The volunteers are geared up with survey forms as a medium to start

the interaction with the public. And we’d also be able have the survey
and have it complied to know the current awareness level and also
reason why it does not translate into action effectively.

Lastly, a one-dollar coupon off Uzumaki ice cream, Japan’s favourite

ice cream, will be given out as a thank you gesture for the public of
their time on the survey.

The survey will carry on every weekends by the volunteers for the
whole month of June 2007.

Target number of people:



17th April 2007

Partnering with Ben and Jerry’s outlet in Singapore, an outreach to

promote action to combat climate change was initiated during the
annual cone free day. As per every year, there will be tons of people
queuing up for their free ice-cream, youth will be deployed to engage
the public on the 10 simple ECO things to do in their daily lifestyle to
reduce their carbon footprint.

Moving forward, we will be working to have all Ben and Jerry’s outlet
be used as a learning store. Where the customers can not only enjoy
the ice-cream in their outlet, but also read from the signatures that
will be at each table and places where ever possible to remind them
how each of us can make a difference in our own little way.

InQbuzz, 113 Somerset Road, National Youth Centre, #01-02 Singapore 238165 I Tel: (65) 9147 4541 I Fax: (65) 6738 1693
Registered Address: 10 Anson Road, International Plaza, #15-14 Singapore 079903

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