Benefits of Honey According To Ayurveda

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Benefits of Honey According to Ayurveda

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All of you are well aware of honey. It has been
considered very beneficial and auspicious in
mythology, ayurveda and botanical science.
Honey is used as medicine as well as for
worship of God. One...
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Benefits of Honey According to Ayurveda

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Published on Dec 23 2014 03:30 PM | Posted by The Editor

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All of you are well aware of honey. It has been considered very beneficial and
auspicious in mythology, ayurveda and botanical science. Honey is used as
medicine as well as for worship of God. One of the five elements used for
preparing 'Panchamrita' (a sacred drink prepared with milk, curd, ghee, sugar
and honey) is honey. Honey is included in all auspicious ceremonies and has
the power of curing all diseases. It makes us sweet both internally and

Judging the Quality of Honey

When we purchase honey, we are not sure whether it is pure or impure. There
are few simple tricks, with which we can clearly judge its quality.
Pure honey pours down in the shape of a serpent whereas the impure
honey falls flat on the plate. Apply a little honey on a stick and light it on
fire, if it starts burning consider it to be pure.
Pure honey is transparent. A dog will not lick it. Pure honey has a good
smell. It melts in heat and frosts in cold season.

Which regions produce the best honey? Honey found in Kashmir and Himachal
is of the best quality and is very beneficial. It gives instant relief in the case
of eye problems. The quality of honey found in these regions is extremely good
because it is obtained from the lotus flowers grown in the lakes of Kashmir.
This type of honey containing a lot of medicinal values is not found in any
other place.

Medicinal Effects of Pure Honey Acccording to Ayurveda

New honey removes phlegm and is a purgative. One or two year old honey
reduces fat and is good for digestion.
Honey gives strength and power to the intestines. Regular consumption of
honey stops the accumulation of toxic elements in the intestines and also kills
worms. It is equally beneficial for chronic diseases, chronic constipation,
dysentery and diarrhea.
Honey removes phlegm accumulated in the lungs. It gives relief to the patients
of asthma and cough. Honey is also beneficial in cases of tuberculosis. It
keeps the mind fresh and healthy. It is especially beneficial for those who do
more mental work. Honey increases the humors of the body. Consumption of

honey is good for strengthening the sperm, physical strength and gives good
shape to the body. Soak one almond twice a day, rub it nicely on a grinding
stone in the night and keep it in a bowl. Add one spoon of honey and drink it
with cold milk without adding any sugar, half an hour before going to bed. This
is beneficial for mental strength, masculinity and physical fitness. This
medicine should be taken regularly for two months during the winter season. It
is extremely beneficial.
Honey cures phlegm disorder. Take half a spoon of honey and half a spoon of
ginger juice to get rid of cough. Add onion juice and honey in equal quantity
and take this medicine to get rid of accumulated phlegm. Simply licking honey
is also good for curing mild cough. Honey also cures skin problems. Honey
cures skin diseases and makes the skin healthy. It also kills worms and stops
Honey improves the eyesight. If lotus honey of Kashmir is available, it should
be applied in the eyes like kajal (eye liner). This cures all problems related to
the eyes and increases the eyesight.
Drink one glass of cold milk added with a few drops of honey before going to
bed. Do not add sugar or sugar candy. This reduces physical weakness. This
should be taken regularly for two months. It is necessary to brush the teeth
after drinking this milk.
Consume honey with fruits like jelly. It is beneficial for students, doctors,
lawyers, intellectual people, elderly persons, pregnant women and children.
Take one glass of clean water with two spoons of honey in the morning before
passing bowels. This gradually reduces the fat accumulated in the body. This
should be taken regularly for two months. This is beneficial for reducing fat
and increases the shine of the body.
Honey has medicinal values; it takes the qualities of the substance which is
added to it. This is the special quality of honey. This is the main reason for
calling it 'Yogvahi' (medium for mixing medicines).

What should be the quantity when consuming honey?

In the beginning honey should be consumed only in small quantities. Give four
to five drops to an infant, half a spoon to young children and one spoon to old
people. Increase this quantity gradually and then it can be taken four times a
day. Honey can be taken with chapattis, fruits, fruit juice, or almonds.
Consume it for two months regularly and discontinue for a month. One can
start taking honey after a gap of one month. One or two spoons of honey
should be taken everyday.

Useful Tips
Do not take honey with hot food or in the summer season because it is not
suitable in hot weather and hot conditions.
Honey creates negative effects when taken in hot conditions.

Honey causes adverse effects when consumed with hot fluids.

Honey turns into poison when it is heated. Honey is equal to poison when it is
taken with hot conditions, hot weather or hot food. According to Ayurveda one
should not take honey with hot milk, hot water and in hot weather.
There is no benefit if honey and ghee are mixed with equal quantities and
taken (they counter each other). In case of need, mix one part of ghee with
three or four parts of honey.
Consuming honey in excess quantity is not good for health. It is also advised
not to take honey with sugar candy, jaggery, jackfruit, fish, egg, meat, etc. Do
not consume honey continuously for several months (pause for one month in
between). This can cause a disease called 'Amajirg'.

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Amazing! Thank you!

Dec 23 2014 07:23 PM




Can honey and turmeric being taken together and in what quantities? If so, I suppose only in colder
Dec 23 2014 08:36 PM


This Article is highly beneficial! I have a question here: Can Honey be consumed by people who suffer
from Diabetes? Please clarify.
Dec 24 2014 02:52 AM


Worth reading
Dec 24 2014 04:23 AM


Please also advice where to get this pure honey I love this page very informative thanks
Dec 24 2014 04:42 AM


Very useful.can honey be taken by those who have diabetes and are advised not to take sugar or
other sweets.
Dec 24 2014 10:04 AM


This site is very good and giving divine info about our Punyabhoomi Bharath. Thank you very much
for all informations
Dec 24 2014 10:32 AM


very useful . thank you.

Dec 24 2014 11:24 AM

b sriram


Is honey beneficial for convulsive disorder? I buy honey packed by MORE supermarket chain of Aditya
Birla's.It tastes better than other branded honey.What is yr opinion about neem flower derived honey
which is marketed by Nuts & Spices chain?

Dec 24 2014 12:36 PM


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