News Letter Snehalaya - July To Dec 14

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Duration July - December 2014

Dear well wishers of Snehalaya,
Wishing you very happy x-mas and coming New Year. We are
indeed happy to produce you latest newsletter of Snehalaya.
We are communicating to you the important activities
carried out by Snehalaya during July to December 2014 in
brief through this newsletter.
This year, we are promoting 'volunteering' to connect
maximum people to Snehalaya's various projects. It proved
beneficial in many ways e.g. the volunteers are becoming
our ambassadors and spreading words in their circles, it
creates chain of volunteers day by day. Secondly we are
getting professionals to work with us and improve the
quality of current activities with the help of them.
We are become successful to attract international
volunteers as well. It is an ideal example of what volunteers
can do. Ms. Miranda Hudson has now registered the charity
in UK. Named Snehalaya UK. and working everyday to
collect the funds to support Snehalaya's various activities in
India without any expectations. She has wonderful vision
and now planning to start activities, which will help women
and children in UK. Similarly Ms. Ulrike Hilgers from
Germany is taking very hard efforts to connect maximum
German speaking people to Snehalaya through the website
www.snehalaya.dein the world. It is always updated and

attracting the philanthropists. Ms. Ulrike motivates those people

to donate, at least to take sponsorships of our beneficiaries in
Rahab. Center. She has generously made her house a collection
center of used material for Snehalaya. She is working selflessly
and silently. Several other selfless volunteers are coming forward
and investing their time to make Snehalaya global hub for social
Looking at opportunities the team Snehalaya has adopted many
contemporary changes. New organization structure has come up
and successfully being implemented under the keen guidance of
Hon. Pakash Apte, our mentor and supporter. The system became
de-centralized and non inter-dependent. It has geared up the whole
process of providing services to the beneficiaries. Improved the
quality of services. Snehalaya has formed separate 'Resource
Mobilization' department. It is now taking the shape and collecting
resources to run the grass-root projects. There is always a scarcity
of funds but we are trying to over come it with your generous
financial support.
We always remember your contribution,
support and guidance.
We still need your solid support to keep on going such
humanitarian work in future. Please extend your hand and
strengthen the movement of social change.
Thank you very much.

Condemn the brutal massacre of children in Pakistan:

Celebration of 'Vijay Din' with massive blood donation:

All the NGOs in Ahmednagar condemned on 16.12.2014 the

brutal massacre of children together in Peshawar, Pakisthan.
Snehalaya has taken initiative to establish "NGO
MAHASANGHA'', (Network of NGOs) a decade ago and more than
100 institutions and volunteers have became the active member
of this initiative. The Mahasangha has organized daylong
activities for condemning this massacre. All the volunteers
pledged to react with constructive-peaceful and consistent
measures for the protection of lives and rights of all children and
to combat the violence and terrorism. HanifShaikh, Asst. Director
Snehalaya said that due to the consistent efforts of Balbhavan in
Mukundnagar slum (Muslim dominated area)resulted in to labor
free slum. The kids have joined the school especially girls in
Mukundnagar have taken the education of Engineering too.
Instead of reacting aggressively, one must join such initiatives, as
only these efforts will bring sustainable change. The
representatives of 55 organisations have participated in this

India won the war against the Pakisthan on 16th Dec. 1971. This day is
being celebrated as a 'Day of victory' in India. Association of Past
students of Snehalaya organized
a blood donation camp on this
occasion. Smt. RevataiKulkarni
was present as chief guest. She
had lost her husband Late V. V.
Kulkarni who was captain in
Indian Army in this war.
Thousands of soldiers sacrificed
for the nation in this war. Indians
must keep this memory alive to
inspire the upcoming generation
to sacrifice for the nation. She has
appreciated the efforts by the past students of Snehalaya who have
organized the blood donation camp to remember the great victory and
uncommon sacrifice of Indian Army. Total 102 persons donated blood.

Sharad, Lajwanti and Chandrakant found new horizon of


Sharad, Lajwanti and Chandrakant found new horizon of


SharadJadhav was working with Snehalaya since last 7 years

as a Public Relation Officer; He has made significant changes
and developed the system to connect the individuals and
masses. He has got an opportunity to work with State
Government to strengthen the Panchayat Raj System. Ms.
Lajwanti was working with our English Medium School as
Head Teacher, now selected as a teacher in Z.P. School in
Ambad, Dist. Nasik. She was very fist employee of our school;
she has also contributed a lot to our school. Chandrakant was
known as a 'mother' of our HIV positive children. He was
staying with them for 24 X 7. He has a special affection for
our children; he is selected as a Counselor in Maharashtra
AIDS Control Society.
All three of them have joined with their respective offices from
15 , Sept. 2014, they are very much obliged and will be always
connected with Snehalaya.

SharadJadhav was working with Snehalaya since last 7 years as a Public

Relation Officer; He has made significant changes and developed the system
to connect the individuals and masses. He has got an opportunity to work
with State Government to strengthen the Panchayat Raj System. Ms.
Lajwanti was working with our English Medium School as Head Teacher,
now selected as a teacher in Z.P. School in Ambad, Dist. Nasik. She was very
fist employee of our school; she has also contributed a lot to our school.
Chandrakant was known as a 'mother' of our HIV positive children. He was
staying with them for 24 X 7. He has a special affection for our children; he is
selected as a Counselor in Maharashtra AIDS Control Society. All three of
them have joined with their respective offices from 15th, Sept. 2014, they are

Snehjyot Observed World AIDS Day:Snehalaya's Snehjyot Project

observed World AIDS week by organizing various unique

Introduction of bride and groom: On 1 December 250 PLHAs from

whole of Maharasthra State were invited, out of them 96 women/girls
and 120 men/boys who wish to get married were participate in the
progamme. Seven grooms found their life partners. The Dean of Govt.
Hospital explained the importance of precaution, treatment and
counseling to live a good and normal life.
Marriages:Snehjyot organized the marriages on 3 December. Seven
couples got married at a time. It was the first time in India that HIV
positive couples were getting married and starting their new life with
the life partner of their choice.
LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) are also very much at
risk of HIV/AIDS.
Hence, Snehjyot organized a sensitization
programme on 4th. December. Many renowned personalities working
in this field were focused on the prevention of HIV/AIDS also focused
on the regular treatment and drug adherence for those who are
already HIV infected. The project also organized cultural programme
for LGBT community 240+ people attended the programme.

Sensitization programme for victims of prostitution:

300+ victims of prostitution were participated in this event from all over Ahmednagar
district. Dr. Girish Kulkarni discussed about the rights of women in flesh trade. He
appealed the women to join various vocational courses, which will provide them
alternate business to live a life; it may lead them to leave prostitution. He also assured
to give 800 sq. ft. piece of land to those victim women who will leave prostitution forever.
He announced the new programme who will work for the rehabilitation of the women in
prostitution very closely and strategically.

Contribution by sex workers for flood affected people in J & K

The victims of commercial sex work in Ahmednagar contributed Rs.10,321for the flood
affected citizens of Jammu and Kashmir on 12 September. Mrs. SumanTribhuvan, trustee
of Snehalaya and Head of the Rehabilitation Committee handed over the cheque to Mr.
RajendrakumarPatil, Resident Deputy Collector of Ahemdnagar for Chief Minister's Relief
Fund. The prostitutes in Ahmednagar have always contributed in every national calamity
happened during last 25 years. It includes the 1st serial blast in Mumbai in 1993, Earth
quakes in Marathwada& Gujarat, Kargil war, Tsunami, Cyclone in Odisha, drought in
Maharashtra, Landslides in Uttarakhand last year etc. The women fight for the justice. But
at the same time they are sensitive and serious about their duties as citizen of India.

Prakashache Dan
:Snehalaya appealed the society including
schools to donate new clothes, tooth pest,
tooth brush, soap, hair oil etc. on the
occasion of Diwali Festival. The people
responded wonderfully to our appeal
especially schools. Every student donated
something small to Snehalaya. Snehalaya
distributed the collected gifts among 2000
slum children.

AGM (Annual General Meeting)

Snehalaya organised its 6th Annual
General Meeting on 26 July 2014.
All the present and past trustees, core
team members and representatives of
beneficiaries were participated in the
meet. Many important topics related
to the beneficiaries, newly started
projects and policies were discussed
in the meeting. The trustees
sanctioned the expenses incurred in
the financial Year 2013-14 and the
budget for the year 2014-2015. Mr.
ArunSheth, Vice-President published the Annual Report for the year 2013.
Mrs.SumanTribhuvan, representative of sex workers was elected, as a Board Member
due to sad demise of Mrs.MeenaShinde. All the projects gave presentation of their work
before the Board of Trustees.

Maherchi Sadi programme: Snehalaya tried to connect our

victim women in flesh trade with the society through this
unique way. Snehalaya appealed the society to gift new sari to
these women including HIV positive women in Snehalaya on
the occasion of Diwali festival. It is the gift by a brother to his
sister. The people came forward and understood 'their' actual
problmes and assured to assist them to over come it. We were
successfully built the confidence of our beneficiaries that they
can go in to the society without fear as society also cares for
them in this way. Total 1000 saries were distributed among
victim women in prostitution in Ahmednagar district.

Diwali Celebration: Lions Club of Ahmednagar

celebrates Diwali with all our beneficiaries in Rehab.
Center every year. This year they organized fun fair in
our campus on 25 October, children enjoyed horse and
camel riding, delicious food and music and magic show.

Assistance by corporate
Plantation in Himmatgram by L&T

On 16 September, Shri P. S. Mallik, General Manager (Corporate Sustainability) accompanied by Shri

Ramchandra Deshpande, Secretary of L&T Public Charitable Trust inaugurated the first phase (250
saplings) of the ambitious project to plant 1001 fruit tree saplings in Himmatgram. This is a part of the
CSR that L&T does for the community and the lead role was taken by Dr. Rishabh Firodiya and
ShriIshwarHande. The saplings after a few years will provide nutritious fruits daily to the beneficiaries in
Snehalaya especially for the HIV+ women & children whose immune system has already deteriorated.
L&T's sponsorship will perpetually benefit hundreds of hapless women & children, and will show-case the
Environmental CSR of L & T. Snehalaya family-members are extremely grateful to L&T for its long-term
commitment to serve under-privileged women & children.

Isaca donated computer lab to our school:

Isaca, Pune donated 10 new brand computers along with printer and necessary furniture to
Snehalaya's English Medium School in September. The children from slums, red light areas andthose
who reside in Snehalaya's Rehab center including HIV positive children are studying in our school. This
is the school for the children of special need. We wanted to make them computer literate and build
their confidence to use the computer for day today work, but previously there was no facility available
in our school. Now we can conduct on line sessions for our students. We are highly grateful to Mr.
Vijay Bhalerao, Mr. Hemant Joshi, Ms. VarshaBhide, Mr. ShirishPade and all the members of ISACA.

Rotary Club donates well-equipped 'Ambulance' to Snehalaya:

Rotary Club of Pune Prime City donated well-equipped 'Ambulance' to
Snehalaya's Hospital and three wheeler tempo for Himmatgram
project. Rt. Deshmukh, Governor, Pune region, Rt. Pramod Parikh, Rt.
SantoshHonkarpe and many other Rotarians were present for the
programme. They also planted several saplings in the campus of

Financial assistance by KSB:

In September, We thankfully received the financial assistance by KSB Pumps. They donated
50 benches and other office furniture including cupboards, tables, revolving chairs, racks,
display boards etc. for our school. Also gave financial support to make the playground of 40000
sq. ft. better and usable for our kids. Apart from that KSB has taken overall educational
sponsorship of 40 students of our Rehab. Center.
We are heartily grateful to Mr.
ShirishKulkarni, Mr.KiranShukla, Mr. SantoshKulkarni and Mr. ChandrashekharBhusa and
KSB team for its support to Snehalaya.
GKN Sinter Metal sponsored a building to rehabilitate HIV
positive families in Himmatgram. The construction is almost
completed and it will be ready to use up to first weak of January
2015. Presently we are getting 5-8 calls
every day enquiring to provide shelter to
the HIV positive patients.
We are
sincerely thankful to Mr.
UjjalBhattachrjee, Mr. DevendraAkolkar,
Mr. SangramKadamand GKN Sinter
Metals for their outstanding support for
the rehabilitation of HIV positive families.

Our Partners

Shramdan by various companies in MIDC:

Snehalaya is motivating the employees in various
companies in Ahmednagar industrial area to
volunteer with us.
Currently the employees of
Shreeram Coating, Zen Electric Company, Precision
tech. are volunteering in Himmatgram and Rehab.
Center projects.
It is very useful initiative of
Snehalaya to connect the people with its movement of
change. Hundreds of employeesare not only working
in these projects nowadays but also changing their
mindsets completely. They are now ready to accept
HIV positive patients, victims of prostitution.It means
they are now becoming sensitized about various social
issues and learning the strategies to fight against
them. They are now became the volunteers of
Snehalaya and ready to shoulder any other
responsibilities in future.

Wedding of


Priya More selected as a Lady Police



20 July was very joys day for

whole Snehalaya family as our
two daughters were getting
married on that day. Team
Snehadharorganizedthe event.
Ms. Glory wedded with Santosh
Kothari and Rekha wedded with
PremkumarBehara. Santosh is
working in cloth store and
earning good amount of money
he has having his own house.
Premkumar is also well settled
in Ahmednagar. Glory and
Rekhaboth are orphans and
living in Snehalaya's Rehab.

Snehalaya's daughter Ms. Priya More

selected as Constable in Maharashtra
Police. She was staying in our rehab. Center
since last 8 years. She completed her 12
and was trying very hard to get in to Police
Presentation in Google: Snehalaya was invited to present its
humanitarian work and share the experiences with the
Googlers in Hyderabad. Dr. Girish Kulkarni, Mr. Rajiv
Kumar Singh, Mr. GirishKhudanpur, Anil Gawade were
present for the programme. Mr. Rajiv Singh explained about
Snehalaya's struggle to change the lives of deprived people,
Dr. Kulkarni appealed to the employees of Google to join
hands with Snehalaya through various ways. More than 300
employees visited our stall and took information about

Run for child rights Program by Child Line



On 1 & 2 August 'Child Line' & 'Snehalaya English Medium School' jointly organized
a mini marathon 'Run for Child
Rights' in Ahmednagar city. 550
students of 8 renowned secondary
and higher secondary schools
were participated in the
marathon. Mr. Kundanawared
the participants about Childline
and its toll free no. 1098 and
appealed the students to call if
they face any problem at home,
school or at any public places. Mr.
SangramJagatap, MLA of our city
distributed the prizes to the

Snehalaya starts NirbhayKanyaAbhiyan

Snehalaya's Snehadharproject started
'NirbhayKanyaAbhiyan' an awareness campaign for girls and
womenabout the laws and rights of women. This will be round
the year programme initially started with the members of
SHGs. Our Social workers aware the women participant about
Snehadhar and its
helpline for women in
distress. Adv. Sayali
discussed the law
against domestic

Mumkin Hai Satyamev Jayate : The renowned actor Mr. Aamir Khan's popular
TV show SatyamevJayate included and telecasted Snehalaya's work in its third
season also. Snehalaya has got an opportunity to reach to the viewers in all thee
seasons. Please click on
SatyamevJayate has created positive impact in the minds of viewers about
various burning social issues and change.

Childline stopped child marriage

Kavita (13 yrs.) was being forced to get
married by her parents. In spite of her
denial she was take to the marriage hall.
Unknown person called Childline and
informed about the child marriage.
Childline verified the documents and
stopped the marriage with the help of
Police. Police lodged complained against
groom, his parents and Kavita's parents.
Now Kavita has rejoined the school.
Childline is taking further follow up of the

Radionagar The Team of Marathi Movie 'Mismatch' interviewed by Radionagar

on 6 December. The entire artists visited our Community Radio Station to
connect to the masses and promoted the movie. The people especially youth
could directly communicate with the team included with Producer, Director and

Inauguration of New contact office in Shrirampur :

Snehalaya operates clinic, counseling center, day and night care center for the
children in Dhangarwasti (ward no. 2) of Shrirampur town, and it's an ill famous
red light area for the so-called sophisticated members of society. In spite of
several sensitization programmes and activities maximum people are not happy
to visit our office in red light area especially women. Hence, we started searching
new place for contact office; fortunately the Municipal Corporation of Shrirampur
offered us a space in the commercial complex. It is really an ideal place, where
anybody can visit; we have exhibited photographs and made available the flyers
and all kindsof information material for the visitors. We accept donations in
cash, cheque and in kind at that place. One full time volunteer attends the office
every day.

Snehalaya's Career Academy shows the path towards bright future

to the youth:
Snehalaya's Career Academy invited Mr.
YajurvendraMahajan of
Deepstambhorganisation, Jalgaon to
discuss various career opportunities in
civil services with 100+ youth in
Ahmednagar district. Snehalaya
provides career guidance, books
(library, reading room) for competitive
exams and organizes guest lectures of
the successful Govt. Officers to motivate
the youth. All the beneficiaries are from
poor families but having grate desire to join civil services. Mr. Mahajan focused
on the goal setting, technics of study and keeping appropriate attitude
towards life.

Rupa sheltered in our Rehab. Center

Rupa (3 yrs.) daughter of Kamala, a Dhaba based prostitute was
sheltered in our Rehab. Center. Rupa found in a very measurable
condition with Kamala on the roadside Dhaba. Rupa was
malnourished and needed medical help. After series of counseling
sessions Kamala became ready to send her to our center. Now
Rupa is attending playgroup in our school and became healthier.


'Earth Studio'

organized training to make eco

friendly statues of Lord
Ganeshafor our beneficiaries in
Rehab. Center. 50+ beneficiaries
were participated in the event.
Ms. ManjiriKute guided them to
make the statue with soil and
paint it with natural colors. The
beneficiaries were working after
their school time in the studio. They made 250 statues in two
months period and sold it in the market on the occasion of
Ganesh Festival. They earned Rs. 1.5 Lakhs, the earning will be

Awards and recognitions:

Social Justice Award by Siddhivinayak Temple Trust, Mumbai:

On 23 October, Snehalaya was awarded with 'Social Justice Award' by

Siddivinayak Temple Trust, Mumbai recently for its outstanding work in the
field women and children development in Mumbai. All the trustees of the
Temple Trust were present for the programme. Dr. Girish Kulkani accepted the
award on behalf of Snehalaya.

Janakibai Wamanrao Adik award:


On 20 October, Snehalya has been awarded with Jankibai

Wamanrao Adik Manavseva Award. The award conferred by
Dr. F.M. Shinde, renowned author. Mr. Yashwant Kurapatti
accepted the award on behalf of Snehalaya



15 Youth Motivation Camp 18 November :

Hon. Anna Hajare handed over our national flag to ArunimaSinha, as
she was going to climb the peak KoiszskoMountain in Australia.
Arunima is the 1st handicapped that climbed the Mount Everest. She
lost her leg while fighting with the goons in the train. She is the living
example of how one can
overcome the adverse situations
without making complaints.
Other resource persons in the
youth camp have shared their
life experiences and provoked a
thought process of the youth
c a m p e r s i n c l u d i n g D r.
SangramPatil, presently running
hospital for poor patients in
Erandol, dist. Jalagaon. As well
as a movement to save the
democracy.Dr. Anand Patil, a surgeon, started the movement 'Study Circle' 25


14 Youth Motivation Camp 15

years ago. This movement has helped about 1 lack youngsters for joining civil
services. He gave tips for competitive examinations. Mr. Rajeevkumar Singh,
Founder of Snehalaya and the Head Global Recruitmentin Wipro discussed career
opportunities in I.T. field. Mr. VinodChavan, past camper and senior Police Officer.
He shared the experience in nexlite areas.
The prostitutes in Ahmednagar gave financial
assistance to SagarPalwe who passed B. Tech.
with distinction and got admission in Florida
institute of technology in U.S.A. Sagarbelongs
to poor family, hence cannot afford the
expenses. The prostitutes contributed their
earning of last night and gave Rs. 8065 to
Sagar. This example of social concern
touched every one. The campers left with an
inspiration to help needy.


17 August:

284 students were selected out of 700 newly

registered students for the camp. Many eminent
personalities addressed the youth participants;
including Mr. Sagar Doiphode(I.A.S), he
discussed an opportunities in civil services
through various competitive exams. Mr. Aadik
Kadam (Founder, World Borderless
Foundation) shared his experiences while
working in Jammu and Kashmir for the
orphaned girls due to terrorism. 50 participants
donated blood in our blood donation camp
followed by this session. Hon. Anna Hanare also
motivated the youth to work for nation.

Ethical Voting:

Snehalaya made all our beneficiaries to vote

in the Central and State Assembly election
More than 1400 beneficiaries
including victims women in red light areas,
MSM, Hijaras/unuch and our 28
beneficiaries in Rehab. Center who have
completed the age of 18 had practiced their
right of voting first time.

Bank Name

State Bank of India


Branch name

Main Branch (Ahmednagar)

Market Yard Branch


Account Number



(Donations in foreign currency also

(Donations in Indian currency

9 digit MICR number



Current/ savings account

Current account

Saving account

Name of Account (Cheques

to be made payable to)

SWIFT Code/ Remittance




Yes! I want to make a

difference today!!
All donations are exempted
from income
tax under 80G of IT Act.
Exixiting donors are
requested to
update their
contact information.

Contact us - Snehalaya, F-Block,Shree Tiles Chowk, M.I.D.C, Nimbalak,Dist. : Ahmednagar, MS, India - 414111.
Tele: +91 241 27783353. Cell No. : 9011020171/73. Email: Website :
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