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Pit and Dump Design

Choose Pit & Dump from the GRAPHICS menu to display the PIT & DUMP design menu.


Select Base

Select a string to be used as the start for a pit or dump design.


Enter all the design parameters which relate to a pit or dump design.

Draw All

Draw all data relating to the design.

Go Back

Go back to a prior level in the pit design.


Alter the gradient of the current pit outline.


Move a selected part of the current pit outline by an offset.


Advance to the next pit outline.


Intersect the current pit outline with a selected triobject (DTM).

Tgle Rescale

Toggle the status of the automatic rescale after each new outline is created.

Ramp Change Change slope and width parameters for a specified pit ramp.
Ramp Id

Identify the two starting points for a pit ramp.


Stop a specified pit ramp from advancing any further.

Quit design

Quit from the pit or dump design.

Save design

Save the pit design at any point during design.

End design

End the dump design and save all results to files.

Pit and Dump design tasks are performed by using functions available on two menus available under the DESIGN menu
heading on the GRAPHICS menu.
The Pit & Dump design menu provides a group of functions to perform design tasks with integrated ramp generation for
conventional hardrock pit designs where the benches are typically horizontal and of a consistent bench height throughout
the elevation range of the pit.
The Pit & Dump design menu gives you access to a special subset of graphics functions which allow you to design:

an excavation from the bottom up or the top down, or

a land fill from the top down or bottom up, or

a waste dump from the bottom up or the top down.

The design process progresses from start to finish in a number of defined lifts or intervals with each lift or interval being a
specified vertical height. Full access to the other graphics functions which are available in GRAPHICS are provided and
all may be applied to the string which represents the current pit outline. To assist in the design process you may have a
range of string files which depict features of importance on each of the design bench levels. These files are referred to as
the geology and they are displayed for each bench level in the design if required as an aid in the design.
The design process includes the facility to include ramps at specified gradients and widths. Considerations are
automatically made for each of the ramps as the design process continues.
Various strings and files must exist before commencing a design, these include:

pit base
This should more correctly be referred to as the `starting outline'.
This must be a string which consists of at least 1 closed segment. There may be any number of closed segments
in the pit base. This string generally exists in a string file by itself and is loaded using the Recall File function.
If you are designing an excavation from the top down, the pit base string will actually represent the top, or starting
crest, of the excavation.

slope strings
A range of files are required, each of which has one or more strings containing one or more closed segments.
These segments define, for a certain elevation range, the slope angles and berm widths which are to apply for the
area inside each of the slope strings. The slope strings must have the following parameters in the description

D1 = slope angle in decimal degrees, and

D2 = berm width

The elevation range to which the slope strings apply is defined by the slope file range. If the pit base is at
elevation=100 and the ID range of slope files is 100,140,20 then the slope file ID=100 will apply up to the bench
level at 120 and the slope file ID=120 will then apply up to bench level at 140 and then the slope file ID=140 will
apply up to the top bench in the pit. In the case of designing a waste dump from the top down and with variable
slopes, the slope range may be defined by a negative ID range: ID = 140, 100 -20.

geology strings
A range of string files are required which define details of interest to aid in the pit design process. These are
typically outlines of ore zones but they may be point values from a kriged block model or they may be outlines of
an optimal pit etc. The geology strings are drawn in one of two possible styles and these are:

for a string model - colour filled polygons with no string numbers, and

for a points model - different coloured markers

ramp centre lines

Up to five individual ramps may be included in a pit design. The ramps may be of two different types these being:

circular sometimes known as spiral, and

all cut.

All cut ramps require a centre line string which defines the path of the all cut ramp. This centre line path must
exist in a string file before commencing the pit design.
In the design of the allcut ramp centre lines, care should be taken to ensure that the bend points do not coincide
with the points where crest, toes or mid-bench lines cross the centre line. It is not necessary to have Z values on
the ramp centre line strings because the centre line strings define the location, and the elevations are determined
using the start point on the pit base and the ramp gradient.

The pit design module produces a number of string files as the result of the design process, these files contain the
following data:

a string file which has strings of the crest and toe of each bench level in the pit

a string file which has strings at the mid bench level of each of the benches designed; these strings are the
volume outlines, and

if ramps are included in the design, a string file which has two strings which define the two sides of each of the
ramps which have been created.

There are some considerations which must be made when designing the shape of the pit base and during the pit design
process. You must take note of areas in the pit outline where the shape will converge on itself as the pit design
progresses. Special care must be taken in these places as the automatic pit generation process cannot remove all of
these convergences when they cause crossovers in the string. This means that it is sometimes necessary to perform
some interactive editing of the pit outline before progressing onto the next level.

1 To Design a Pit From the Base Up

1. Create geology outline string files by slicing the ore-body model at mid-bench or top bench elevations.
Alternatively, extract bench outlines from the output of a Whittle pit optimisation.
Note: It is not mandatory to have these geology files in the pit design process.
2. Create a closed pit base string by digitising points with a Z value equal to the base at one elevation. Save to a
string file with an ID equal to the elevation, e.g. BASE100.str.
3. Create closed slope strings by digitising points that will completely enclose the final pit design. The Z values are
unimportant. Save to a string file with an ID equal to the bottom elevation from which the slopes are to be applied,
e.g. SLOPE100.str.
4. Put the slope angle and berm width into the D1 field and D2 field respectively, of the slopes string file using
STRING TOOLS String Maths function.
5. Recall the base file into the GRAPHICS module.
6. Choose Pit & Dump from the GRAPHICS menu.
7. Choose Select Base from the Pit & Dump design menu and use the mouse to identify the base string.
8. Choose Parameters from the Pit & Dump design menu and enter the pit parameters into the displayed form.
9. If a ramp exists, choose RAMP Identify from the Pit & Dump design menu, and use the mouse to identify the
10. Choose OUTLINE Next from the Pit & Dump design menu, to start the design.
11. Continue step 10 until the pit design has progressed to the highest bench outline.

Copyright 2006 Surpac Minex Group

Select Base
Function Name(s) :


Choose Select Base from the GRAPHICS Pit & Dump design menu to select a string to be used as the base of the pit
design. Note that all segments of the selected string number which are in the active layer are included as the base of the
pit design and the design process will apply equally to each segment of the selected pit base string. This will therefore
allow simultaneous pit design from more than one base. Eventually two adjacent designs may be merged.
Choose Select Base to display the prompt:

Select the pit base string

Position the pointer and select a point on the pit base string.

2 Result
All segments of the selected string which are in the same layer as the selected string are copied into the layer known as
the current outline and are used as the base for the pit design.

3 Warning
String xxx segment yyy is open. It must be closed to continue

This message indicates that segment `yyy' of string `xxx' is open. All segments of the pit base string must be

Function Name(s) :


Choose Parameters from the GRAPHICS Pit & Dump design menu to display the OPEN PIT DESIGN PARAMETERS

4 Define slope strings

Enter the Location and ID range of the files which contain the slope strings. The slope string files may contain any
number of strings which may each have any number of segments. Each segment of each slope string must have the

slope angle in decimal degrees in the D1 field and the berm width in the D2 field. All of the files specified must exist. Use
the String Maths function from the STRING TOOLS menu to apply appropriate values for D1 and D2.

5 Define geology
Enter the Location for the files which contain the geology strings. It is not necessary to use geology strings; if they are
not required do not enter a value for the location. If some of the geology string files do not exist the pit design will continue
but without the display of geology.

6 (M)idbench or (T)op
Respond with:

M, The geology strings are at the midbench level and the file ID numbers must be halfway between the crest
levels defined below for the pit crest range, or

T, The geology strings are at the top level of each bench and the file ID numbers must equal the crest levels
defined below.

7 (P)oints or (S)trings
Respond with:

P, The geology model is a point type model and the geology is displayed as different coloured markers at the
point locations, or

S, The geology model is a string type model and the geology is displayed as different coloured polygons.

The colours which are used for the geology are defined in a drawing styles file such as styles.ssi.
In the case of a string geology model it may sometimes be useful to use the Faces Off function to be able to see and edit
data which is hidden behind the geology polygons.

8 Define output files

These entries define the names of the files which will be created and the crest range for the pit.

9 Pit location and ID number

The file which will contain the crest and toe strings of the designed pit will have this Location and ID number. The ID
number default is taken from the Z value of the first point on the pit base string. It is also used as the nominal elevation of
pit base so that the bench heights can be determined.

10 Crest range
Enter the range of crests to be created for the pit design. For an upwards design use a positive range increment e.g.
100,140,10 and for a downwards design use a negative range increment e.g. 140,100,-10.

11 Volume locn
Enter the Location for the volume string file which will be created. The file created will have this location and the ID
number entered above. The volume strings are outline strings which are created halfway between the crest and toe of
each bench. If you make alterations to the elevations of points on the crest or toe of the benches during the pit design
then it is possible that the volume strings will be meaningless.

12 (E)xpand or (C)ontract
Respond with:

E, the pit will expand in shape from the pit base string, or

C, the pit will contract in shape from the pit base string.

13 Start string for volumes

Enter the string number which will be used as the starting string number for the volume strings.

14 Number of ramps
Enter the number of ramps for this pit design. A maximum of 5 ramps may be used. Zero means no ramps are required.

15 Ramp location
An entry is only required here if ramps are being created in this design. A file is created with this location and the ID
number entered above. Each ramp is represented by a pair of strings, one for each side of the ramp; strings 1 and 2 for
ramp 1, strings 3 and 4 for ramp 2 etc.
If there are any ramps in the pit, completion of the OPEN PIT DESIGN PARAMETERS form and choosing Apply will
display the OPEN PIT DESIGN - DEFINE RAMP DATA form. The ramp criteria are entered on this form.

16 Number of ramps in pit

Display only. The number of ramps entered on the previous form.

17 Allcut
Respond with:

Y, the ramp is an all cut ramp and a centre line string must exist for it, or

N, the ramp is a circular ramp; no centre line string is required.

18 CL string
If the ramp is an allcut ramp then a string number must be entered to define the centre line string. If the ramp is not an all
cut then any value entered is ignored.

19 Gradient
Enter the gradient of the ramp. An entry of `10' is interpreted as a gradient of 1 in 10 i.e. 10%.

20 Width
Enter the width of the ramp.
The ramp width and gradient data may be altered during the design process.

21 Define file for all cut ramp centre line strings

Enter the Location and ID number for the file which contains the ramp centre line strings. These centre line strings must
all exist in the one file. If there are no all cut ramps then any values entered here are ignored.

22 Result

A check is made to ensure that all the slope string files exist, that they are all closed, and that any required all cut ramp
centre line strings exist. If this check is successful then the pit design process may begin.
Any geology strings which are used are automatically recalled and displayed at the appropriate design level and in the
appropriate style.


Function Name(s) :


Choose OUTLINE Draw All from the GRAPHICS Pit & Dump design menu redraw all of the current pit design data.

23 Result
All of the pit design data are redrawn on the screen.

Function Name(s) :


Choose OUTLINE Grade from the GRAPHICS Pit & Dump design menu to alter the gradient along the current outline to
some new value and make all points on the current outline which are between two selected points be on that gradient. In
addition the current outline is altered laterally so that the slope angle as defined by the slope area which the points fall
inside is maintained. This function is commonly used to allow for drainage. It is often used in quarry designs.
Choose OUTLINE Grade to display the prompt:
Select the first point on the pit outline
Position the pointer and select the point from which the regrading function is to start.
At the prompt:
Select the second point on the pit outline
Position the pointer and select the point at which the regrading function is to end.
If you want to regrade the entire outline string then select the same point for both prompts.
Selection of the points will display the ALTER GRADIENT OF PIT OUTLINE form. Enter the remaining inputs to regrade
the pit outline.

24 Perimeter distance
Display only. The perimeter distance between the two points is displayed for your information.

25 Perimeter gradient
Display only. The average gradient between the two selected points around the perimeter is displayed.

26 Z value at first point

Enter the Z value required at the first selected point. The existing Z value is displayed as the default.

27 Z value at second point

Enter the Z value required at the second selected point. The existing Z value is displayed as the default.

28 Grade the string

Respond with:

Y, alter the elevations of the two points to the values entered and force all intervening points to be on the same
gradient; the slope angles which are defined by the slope strings are maintained also, or

N, do not alter the gradient along the string.

29 Result
If you told the system to regrade the string then the string will be altered and the screen is updated accordingly.

Function Name(s) :


Choose OUTLINE Move from the GRAPHICS Pit & Dump design menu to move a portion of the current outline string
between two selected points by either a specified offset distance or, in the case of crests for an upwards pit or toes for a
downwards pit, by a change in the slope angle.
Hint: The OUTLINE Move function can always be chosen to indicate the current outline elevation and whether it is a
Choose Cancel if you do not want to move an outline.
Choose OUTLINE Move to display the prompt:

Select the first point on the pit outline

Position the pointer and select the point on the pit outline from which the move function is to start.

At the prompt:
Select the second point on the pit outline
Position the pointer and select the point at which the outline move function is to end.
If you wish to move the entire outline then select the same point twice.
Selection of the points will display the MOVE PIT OUTLINE (EXPAND/CONTRACT) form if the current outline is a crest,
for an upward pit, or a toe, for a downward pit.

30 Current outline
Display only. The identifier for the current outline, crest, or toe is displayed.

31 Current level
Display only. The Z value of the current bench level is displayed for your information.

32 Move by (O)ffset or (S)lope change

Respond with:

O, define the amount of movement by a perpendicular offset distance, or

S, define the amount of offset by a change in the slope angle, positive amounts will increase the slope angle and
make the pit wall steeper and negative amounts will decrease the slope angle and make the pit wall less steep.

Two forms are displayed if the current outline is a crest for an upwards pit or a toe for a downwards pit to accept the
remaining inputs to move the pit outline.
The MOVE PIT OUTLINE BY SLOPE CHANGE form is displayed if the response above was `S' to Move by (O)ffset or
(S)lope change.

33 Old slope angle

Display only. The existing slope angle for the first selected point is displayed.

34 Change angle by
Enter a value which gives the required change in slope angle. Positive values will increase the slope angle and make the
pit wall steeper and negative amounts will decrease the slope angle and make the pit wall less steep.
The MOVE PIT OUTLINE BY OFFSET form is displayed if the response above was `O' to Move by (O)ffset or (S)lope
change or if the current outline is a toe for an upward pit or a crest for a downward pit.

35 Offset distance
Enter the perpendicular offset distance by which the current outline between the selected points is to be moved.

36 Result
The pit outline between the selected points is moved by the amount and in the manner specified and the screen is
updated accordingly.

Function Name(s) :


Choose OUTLINE Next from the GRAPHICS Pit & Dump design menu to advance from one level of the pit design to the
next. This involves expanding or contracting the current pit outline to produce a new current pit outline at the next level in
the design or to create a new current outline at the current level in the design and so produce a berm if required.
When the OUTLINE Next function is invoked at the last pit outline string the pit design is automatically saved to the
specified files. The normal GRAPHICS mode is restored and the pit design can be edited further if necessary.
Choose OUTLINE Next to display the VERIFY CREATION OF A BERM form. Choose Apply when it is appropriate to
create a berm to allow you to confirm creation of the berm.

37 Current pit level

Display only. This is displayed to inform you of the current design level of the pit.
If you choose Apply at this point a string is created so that a berm will be present in the design, if you choose Cancel a
berm will not be created and the design will progress automatically to the next level creating a new crest string for an
upwards design or a new toe string for a downwards design.

38 Result
The appropriate outline string is created and the screen is updated accordingly.

Go Back
Function Name(s) :


Function Name(s) :


This function allows you to perform interaction between the current pit outline and any DTM which has been recalled into
a layer in the GRAPHICS module. This will prove useful to ensure that the pit outline string sits exactly on a DTM of
topography or to ensure that it sits exactly on a DTM of a seam deposit.

Choose Pit X DTM from the GRAPHICS Pit & Dump design menu to display the ENTER LAYER NAME OF DTM TO

39 Layer name
Enter the name of the layer which contains the DTM with which the intersection function is to be performed.
The DTM must have already been recalled into the graphics module prior to using this function.
Enter the layer name and choose Apply to display the prompt:
Select the first point on the pit outline

Position the cursor and select the point on the pit outline at which you want the intersection operation to commence.
Select the point to display the prompt:
Select the second point on the pit outline

Position the cursor and select the point on the pit outline at which you want the intersection operation to finish.
When selecting these two points you must observe the following rules:
1. Select the points in ascending point number order around the segment
2. Don't select the first point just before the segment start and the second point just after the segment start, ie don't
snap the segment start point
Note: If you want to alter the entire outline segment just select the same point (any point) twice.

40 Result
All points on the current pit outline between and including the two selected points are changed in position so that they are
exactly on the DTM surface. The way in which this is done depends on what the current pit outline is and whether the pit
is ascending or descending. The table below describes the way in which the results are produced.






Only the elevation of the points on the current outline string are changed to
make the points sit on the DTM.



The Y, X and Z values of the points on the current outline string are changed to
ensure that
1) the points sit on the DTM
2) the designed face angle is maintained to ensure consistency of design.

Tgle Rescale
Function Name(s) :


This function permits you to change the status of the automatic rescale function which may be invoked after each new
outline for the pit or dump design is completed when using the OUTLINE Next function.
The default state for this feature is on, that is, after each new outline is generated using the OUTLINE Next function, the
screen will be rescaled to ensure that all data is visible.
If the state for this feature is changed to off, then after the OUTLINE Next function is used the screen extents and camera
and target positions will not be changed. This is particularly useful if you have altered the view to permit you to see the
data from some position other than directly above the data.
Choose Tgle Rescale from the GRAPHICS Pit & Dump design menu to toggle the state of the automatic rescale feature
in the Pit and Dump Design module.

41 Result
The state of the automatic rescale feature is changed.

42 Messages
Confirmation of the state if the automatic rescale feature is confirmed by either of the following two messages being
displayed in the message window.
Pit designs will not automatically rescale
Pit Designs will automatically rescale

Each of the functions on the PIT TOOLS menu which expand or contract segments will also create ramps for both all cut
ramps and circular ramps.
All cut ramps (at least when designing an excavation, they are all fill ramps when designing a dump), require both a
starting position in the segment which is to contain the ramp, and a segment which represents the path which the ramp
will follow as it progresses from one level to the next. The elevations of the points in the centre line segment are irrelevant
as the elevations of the ramp points are determined as the segments are expanded/contracted.
Circular ramps only require a starting position in the segment containing the ramp. The path of the ramp is determined as
the segment is expanded/contracted with the ramp spiralling around the segment as the design progresses from one level
to the next.
In addition to the type of ramp, the ramp starting position, and of course the centre line for all cut ramps, the ramps are
further defined by their physical characteristics such as width and gradient.
There is no limit to the number of ramps which can be associated with a segment nor to the mix of circular and all cut
ramps which can be associated with a segment. Care should be taken to ensure that ramps dont unduly impact on each
other as this is likely to make the ramp geometry behave in an undesirable manner, for example, a circular ramp
progressing around the end of an all cut ramp is likely to give strange results.

43Considerations for ramp design

In preparation for designing ramps you must make certain considerations to achieve the best results. The most important
of the considerations relates to preparing an appropriate starting position for the ramp. An appropriate starting position will
ensure good ramp design while an inappropriate starting position is likely to produce undesirable ramp geometry at the
start of the ramp at the very least.
For both all cut and circular ramps, the starting position of the ramp must be represented by 2 points which are
immediately adjacent to each other on the segment which is being used. These points should be separated by a distance
which is approximately equal to the width of the ramp which will be created. Typical configurations of these points for both
types of ramps are shown below.
When an all cut ramp is defined a small adjustment is made to the segment outline to give an appropriate starting position
for the ramp. This starting position is created by inserting two new points in the segment and extending the segment
along the direction defined by the ramp centre line segment for a distance of 1 unit (ie. metres/feet). The diagram below
shows an example of how the segment shape is altered when an all cut segment is defined for a segment.

RAMPS Define
Function Name(s) :


With this function you can define a ramp for a selected segment so that the special segment and string expansion
functions available on the PIT TOOLS menu will create the shape of the ramp as the segment is expanded.
Choose RAMPS Define from the PIT TOOLS menu to display the prompt:
Select the first ramp point
Use the mouse to select the point which defines one side of the ramp. After selecting this point the following prompt will
be displayed:
Select the second ramp point

Use the mouse to select the point which defines the other side of the ramp. The points which are selected should, for best
results, be spaced apart by a distance which is approximately equal to the width of the ramp which is to be created. The
order of point selection is irrelevant.

Select the 2 ramp points to display the DEFINE A NEW RAMP form.

44 Ramp name
As a matter of convenience each ramp which is defined is given a name to assist in later editing of the ramp
characteristics such as width and gradient when using RAMPS Edit. This is especially useful if more than one ramp is
being created for a segment.

45 Ramp string
The ramp is represented by a two string segments, one for each side of the ramp. Enter the string number to be used for
these segments. You should choose a string number which is not already in use nor which is likely to be used by the
expansion functions as each time these functions are used they create a new string by incrementing the string number of
the selected segment.
Management of the ramp edge segments for plotting will be much simpler if you choose a string number which will remain

46 Ramp type
Choose the type of ramp which will be created. Valid choices are:

This is a circular ramp which will be generated in a clockwise fashion around the segment as it is
expanded/contracted from one level to the next.

This is a circular ramp will be generated in an anticlockwise fashion around the segment as it is
expanded/contracted from one level to the next.

all cut
This is a ramp which will be created as an all cut ramp (for excavations), or as an all fill ramp (for waste dumps). A
further requirement for this type of ramp is that you will be required to select a segment which defines the path
which the ramp must follow as the design progresses from one level to the next.
This segment is commonly referred to as the centre line segment for the all cut ramp. The Z value of points on
this segment have no influence on the elevations of the points which represent the ramp as it is created. The
elevations of points on the ramp are determined as the design progresses from one level to the next.

47 Ramp width
Enter the width required for the ramp. This field has a default value, rounded to the nearest unit, of the distance between
the 2 selected points. This may prove a useful aid in ensuring that the correct points have been selected.

48 Ramp gradient 1:
Enter the gradient required for the ramp. The gradient is defined as a ratio, therefore entering a value of 10 will produce a
ramp with a gradient of 1 in 10, or 10%.
Note: The following ramp design parameters are only relevant for circular ramps. They have no significance for all cut
ramps and in fact if you choose to create an all cut ramp these input fields will become inactive.

49 Gradient method

For circular ramps a number of different methods may be used to calculate the gradient of the ramp. This is only an issue
when the ramp has relatively tight corners which result in significantly different lengths along one side of the ramp as
opposed to the other side of the ramp.
Valid choices for the gradient calculation method for circular ramps are:

inside edge
The ramp gradient is calculated along the inside edge of any curves in the ramp. The advantage of using this
option is that the ramp gradient will never exceed the design gradient as the inside edge is the shortest path from
the start of the ramp to the end of the ramp.

outside edge
The ramp gradient is calculated along the outside edge of and curves in the ramp. This may be desirable in
circumstances where the ramp gradient must not be less than the design gradient. The outside edge will cause
the ramp elevations to be calculated using the ramp gradient and the longest path from the start of the ramp to
the end of the ramp.

centre of ramp
This ramp gradient is calculated along the centre of the ramp, that is half way between the two edges of the ramp.
This method will minimise the deviation of the ramp gradient from the design gradient.

The alternatives available give you the flexibility to ensure that you create a design suitable for local conditions and local
design requirements.

50 Berm crossing method

When a circular ramp crosses a berm in the pit design you can choose to have the ramp strings created so that it is
possible, if appropriate, to exit the berm on either the toe side of the ramp, the crest side of the ramp, on both sides of the
ramp or on neither side of the ramp.
The berm crossing method which you choose is dependant on local conditions and design requirements. The flexibility
provided by these alternatives gives sufficient flexibility to cater for most ramp design situations.
Choose the berm crossing method by entering one of the following choices:

exit at crest
This berm crossing method ensures that the ramp and pit wall geometry will be created so that it is possible to
exit the ramp on the crest side of the ramp and drive onto the berm.

exit at toe
This berm crossing method ensures that the ramp and pit wall geometry will be created so that it is possible to
exit the ramp on the toe side of the ramp and drive onto the berm.

exit at crest and toe

This berm crossing method ensures that the ramp and pit wall geometry will be created so that it is possible to
exit the ramp on both the toe and crest sides of the ramp and drive onto the berm.

no berm exit
This berm crossing method will create the ramp and pit wall geometry so that it is not possible to exit the berm
from the ramp.

51 Berm taper distance

Regardless of the berm crossing method which is chosen, a distance must be defined which is used to taper the ramp
geometry neatly when berms are inserted into the design. The berm taper distance defines how far either side of the berm
crossing the ramp geometry is modified to create acceptable ramp geometry.
It is important that the berm taper distance is appropriate for the design conditions. The berm taper distance must not be
greater than the distance between successive crossings of the ramp by the pit outline segments otherwise the
adjustments made at one berm crossing will be unduly influenced by the adjustments made at the next or previous berm

Complete the DEFINE A NEW RAMP form and choose Apply to continue. If the ramp is a circular ramp no more input is
required. If the ramp is an all cut ramp you will be presented with the prompt:
Select the All Cut ramp centre line string
Use the mouse to select the segment which will represent the centre line of the all cut ramp. There are some conditions
with regard the centre line segment which must be considered for successful ramp design. These conditions are:

The centre line segment must intersect with the line between the two selected ramp edge points.

The start of the centre line segment must be 'near' the line between the two selected ramp edge points. This can
be easily determined by drawing the segment label for the centre line segment. This label is drawn at the start of
the segment. If the label is drawn at the end of the centre line segment which is furthest from the line between the
two ramp edge points you should use the SEGMENT Reverse function to make the segment start in the correct

For best results, the point at which the centre line segment intersects with the line between the two selected ramp
edge points should be approximately halfway between the two selected ramp edge points.

The diagram below may help in understanding these conditions.

The ramp centre line segment may be

extended at any time during the design process by using any of the Graphics editing or Digitising functions. Generally, the
ramp centre line segment will be stored in a different layer to the pit design which is being created as ultimately a DTM
will be created from the pit design and the ramp centre line segment cannot be included in this DTM as it has no
meaningful elevations.

52 Result
The ramp data is attached to the segment and will be used by the string and segment expansion functions found on the
PIT TOOLS menu to create ramp edge strings and to alter the shape of the segments as the design progresses from one
level to the next.

53 Warnings
The ramp points MUST be adjacent
This message is displayed if the two points which have been selected are not immediately adjacent to each other. The
points which are selected must be adjacent to proceed. This can sometimes be difficult if the segment contains more than
one point at exactly the same X,Y,Z position.
After displaying this message you will be prompted to reselect the first ramp point.

54 Ramp design considerations

1. During the course of designing pits and dumps with ramps, you must be aware that certain editing functions may
cause the ramp data to become lost, requiring you to have to redefine the ramps before proceeding to designing
the next level of the pit. The functions which you should use with some caution during the design process are

SEGMENT Break and SEGMENT Join. These functions result in existing segments being destroyed and
replaced with new segments. As the ramp data is actually attached to the segment, any action which results in a
segment being destroyed will result in the loss of the ramp data.
2. The positions (X, Y, Z values) of the ramp edge points are known and remembered after the string and segment
expansion functions are applied. If you happen to edit the ramp edge points and move them to a new location,
you may be required to redefine the ramp edge points. If this occurs, you will be presented with the warning
The 'ramp name' ramp edge points have been moved or deleted. They must be reselected to continue.
and then prompted to select the ramp edge points as you did when the ramp was originally defined. Use the
mouse to select the ramp edge points as you did originally and the design will then proceed.
3. When designing an all cut ramp, you must ensure that the ramp centre line segment is long enough for the design
otherwise the ramp will terminate prematurely. If this occurs you can rectify the situation by UNDO-ing the last
expansion and extending the ramp centre line segment and then executing the segment expansion function

Function Name(s) :


With this function you can review and/or alter the ramp design parameters for any segment which has had one or more
ramps defined. This may become necessary if there is a need to alter features such as the ramp width or gradient part
way through a pit design. It is also possible to delete a ramp definition from a segment, effectively terminating the creation
of the ramp at that point.
It is not possible however to alter the ramp type. That is, an all cut ramp cannot be made into a circular ramp, nor can a
circular ramp be made into an all cut ramp.
It is possible however to delete one type of ramp and then define a new ramp of a different type which starts at the same
location thus permitting, indirectly, a change of ramp type. Similarly, you may choose to create a ramp switchback by
deleting the current ramp, manually editing in the geometry for the ramp switchback and then starting a new circular ramp
travelling in the opposite direction.
Choose RAMPS Edit from the PIT TOOLS menu to display the prompt:
Select the segment for which the ramps are to be edited.
Use the mouse to select the segment for which the ramp data is to be viewed, edited or deleted to display the EDIT

55 Delete
A ramp definition may be deleted from the segment by entering "Y" in this field. By deleting the ramp definition from the
segment, the ramp is terminated. Any geometry created prior to the act of deleting the ramp definition will not be deleted.
Note that the ramp is not deleted until Apply is pressed.

56 Name

The ramp name is displayed here. This field cannot be edited. The ramp name is displayed to make it easy to distinguish
between ramps when more than one ramp are associated with a segment.

57 String
The string number being used for the ramp edge segments is displayed here. This string number cannot be altered.

58 Type
The type of the ramp, "all cut", "clockwise" or "anti-clockwise" is displayed here. The ramp type cannot be altered.

59 Width
The width of the ramp is displayed. The width can be altered as required to change the manner in which the ramp
geometry is created. Changing the ramp width does not alter any previously created ramp geometry. Only ramp geometry
created after changing the ramp width will be influenced by the new ramp width.

60 Gradient 1:
The ramp gradient expressed as a ratio is displayed here. The gradient can be altered as required to change the manner
in which the ramp geometry is created. Changing the ramp gradient does not alter any previously created ramp geometry.
Only ramp geometry created after changing the ramp gradient will be influenced by the new ramp gradient.

61 Gradient method
The method of calculating the ramp gradient for circular ramps is displayed here. This has no impact on the calculation of
the gradient for all cut ramps as the gradient there is calculated along the ramp centre line segment.
Valid choices for the gradient calculation method for circular ramps are:

inside edge
The ramp gradient is calculated along the inside edge of any curves in the ramp. The advantage of using this
option is that the ramp gradient will never exceed the design gradient as the inside edge is the shortest path from
the start of the ramp to the end of the ramp.

outside edge
The ramp gradient is calculated along the outside edge of any curves in the ramp. This may be desirable in
circumstances where the ramp gradient must not be less than the design gradient. The outside edge will cause
the ramp elevations to be calculated using the ramp gradient and the longest path from the start of the ramp to
the end of the ramp.

centre of ramp
This ramp gradient is calculated along the centre of the ramp, that is half way between the two edges of the ramp.
This method will minimise the deviation of the ramp gradient from the design gradient.

Changing the ramp gradient calculation method will only influence the ramp geometry which is created after the change is
made. Previously existing ramp geometry is not effected.

62 Berm crossing Method

The method of creating ramp geometry at berm crossings for circular ramps is displayed here. This has no impact on the
ramp geometry at berm crossings for all cut ramps.
Choose the berm crossing method by entering one of the following choices:

exit at crest
This berm crossing method ensures that the ramp and pit wall geometry will be created so that it is possible to
exit the ramp on the crest side of the ramp and drive onto the berm.

exit at toe
This berm crossing method ensures that the ramp and pit wall geometry will be created so that it is possible to
exit the ramp on the toe side of the ramp and drive onto the berm.

exit at crest and toe

This berm crossing method ensures that the ramp and pit wall geometry will be created so that it is possible to
exit the ramp on both the toe and crest sides of the ramp and drive onto the berm.

no berm exit
This berm crossing method will create the ramp and pit wall geometry so that it is not possible to exit the berm
from the ramp.

63 Berm crossing Taper distance

The distance used to taper the ramp into the berm where no exit from the ramp to the berm is required is displayed here.
This has no impact on the ramp geometry at berm crossings for all cut ramps.
Changes to the berm crossing taper distance will only influence the ramp geometry created after the change is made.
Previously existing ramp geometry is not effected.

Complete the EDIT RAMP DEFINITIONS form and choose Apply to change and/or delete the ramp
definitions. The new ramp parameters, if any still exist, are remembered for future ramp creation when using
the string and segment expansion functions available on the PIT TOOLSmenu.

RAMP Change
Function Name(s) :


Choose RAMP Change from the GRAPHICS Pit & Design design menu to view or alter the ramp gradient and width
data for all ramps.
Choose RAMP Change to display the same form used to enter the original ramp data; the OPEN PIT DESIGN - DEFINE
RAMP DATA form. However, for this function, some of the fields are not modifiable.

64 Number of ramps in pit

Display only. The number of ramps entered on the previous form.

65 Allcut
Display only.

Y, the ramp is an all cut ramp and a centre line string must exist for it, or

N, the ramp is a circular ramp; no centre line string is required.

66 CL string
Display only. If the ramp is an all cut ramp then this is the number of the centre line string.

67 Gradient
Enter the new gradient of the ramp. An entry of `10' is interpreted as a gradient of 1 in 10 i.e. 10%.

68 Width
Enter the new width of the ramp.

69 Define file for all cut ramp centre line strings

Location and ID number
Display only. If there are any all cut ramps then the Location and ID number of the file of ramp centre line strings is

70 Result
The new ramp gradients and widths data are saved.

RAMP Identify
Function Name(s) :


Choose RAMP Identify from the GRAPHICS Pit & Dump design menu to select two points which define the start of a
specified ramp.

Choose RAMP Identify to display the ENTER RAMP NUMBER TO BE DEFINED form.

71 Ramp number
Enter the number of the ramp which is to be defined.
At the prompt:
Select the first ramp point
Position the pointer and select the first point of the ramp start position.
At the prompt:
Select the second ramp point

Position the pointer and select the second point which completes the definition of the ramp start position.
It is important that the ramp two points are selected in the correct order relative to the direction of the generation of the pit
outline. All cut ramps are always defined by selecting the points in clockwise order around the pit base. Circular ramps
however must have the points selected so that the ramp point which is on the outside of the pit is selected first.

72 Result
The message shown below is displayed in the message window to advise you of the direction that the defined ramp will

73 Messages
Ramp xxx is yyy

This message advises you of the direction `yyy' of ramp number `xxx'. The direction may be either clockwise or anticlockwise.

74 Warning
The ramp number must be between 1 and xxx
This pit design may have at most `xxx' ramps and the ramp number which you enter must be between these bounds.
There are no ramps in this pit
This pit has no ramps and so you cannot identify them.
Ramp number xxx is already defined
The ramp number `xxx' has already been defined. It cannot be defined again without stopping it first using the RAMP
Stop function.
The point selected is not on the pit outline
The ramp points must be on the pit outline string.

Function Name(s) :


Choose RAMP Stop from the GRAPHICS Pit & Dump design menu to stop the creation of a specified ramp.

Choose RAMP Stop to display the ENTER RAMP NUMBER TO BE DEFINED form.

75 Ramp number
Enter the ramp number to be stopped.

76 Result
The specified ramp number is stopped and will not be continued any further in the pit design. The ramp may be restarted
at a later time by using the Identify RAMP function.

77 Warning
There are no ramps in this pit
This pit has no ramps and so you cannot stop them. The ramp number must be between 1 and xxx
This pit design may have at most `xxx' ramps and the ramp number which you enter must be between these bounds.

Quit design
Function Name(s) :


Choose Quit design from the GRAPHICS Pit & Dump design menu to quit from the pit design function and delete all
data associated with the design.

Choose Quit design to display the QUIT FROM A PIT DESIGN form.

Choose Apply to confirm the Quit design request. Choose Cancel to return to the pit design functions and continue the

78 Result
If the Quit Design function is executed then all data associated with the pit design is deleted and the screen is updated
accordingly. If you choose Cancel then the screen is unchanged and the pit design will continue.

Save design
Function Name(s) :


Choose Save design from the GRAPHICS Pit & Dump design menu to save the pit design to the defined result files at
any time.

79 Result
All neccessary data is saved to files previously defined to accept the pit design results. This is confirmed by the following
message being displayed in the message window as many times as neccessary.
xx points written to file xxx

End design
Function Name(s) :


Choose End design from the GRAPHICS Pit & Dump design menu to end a pit design session prematurely and save all
the results to the files which where specified initially.

Choose End design to display the END THE CURRENT PIT DESIGN form.
Choose Apply to continue with the End design function. Choose Cancel to return to the pit design function.

80 Result
If the End design function is executed then all data associated with the pit design is saved to the appropriate files and
you are returned into the normal GRAPHICS operating mode. If you choose Cancel then nothing happens and the pit
design function will continue.

Slope Method
Function Name(s) :


The string and segment expansion functions available on the PIT TOOLS menu use one of three alternative methods for
determining which slope angles are to be used when creating new segments.
This function allows you to view and alter the method currently set to obtain the slope angles for expanding segments.
Choose Slope Method from the PIT TOOLS menu to display the VIEW/ALTER THE DESIGN SLOPE METHOD form.

81 Define the slope angles using

Select the method you wish to use to obtain the slope angles when expanding segments during the design process.
Three different methods are available. These are:

design slope

This is the default method unless another method is deliberately chosen. This method obtains the slope angle
from the Design Gradient which can be set or altered by using the DESIGN Grade function.
Using the DESIGN Grade function, the slope angle may be expressed as either a percentage, a ratio or as an
angle in decimal degrees.

This method obtains the slope angle to be used by reading the contents of the D1 field from each point in the
segment. This provides a very flexible method permitting considerable variation in slope angles with minimum
effort involved in establishing the different slope regimes.
This method is particularly useful when different slope angles are required on different sides and across the ends
of the pit as it is difficult to define slope strings easily for this circumstance. This method has the advantage that
the slope angles (and berm widths from D2) are copied into the new segments created by the expansion
functions on the PIT TOOLS menu.
If any point in the segment being expanded has a non-numeric value in the D1 field, or if the D1 field does not
exist or if it is blank, then the Design Gradient is used.
Note that the angles stored in the D1 field of the points in each segment must be expressed in decimal degrees.

slope strings
This method obtains the slope angle to be used, for each point in the segment being expanded, by reading the
slope angle from the D1 field of the slope string which encompasses the point in question. If a string file has not
been loaded using the LOAD Slope Strings function, or if the value in the D1 field is not numeric, or if the D1
does not exist or if it is blank, or if the point is not contained inside any slope string, then the Design Gradient is
Note that the angles stored in the D1 field of the points in the slope string segments must be expressed in
decimal degrees.

Regardless of the method used to obtain the slope angle, angles should range in value between 0.1 and 89.9 degrees to
produce the expected results. Values of 0 and 90 are not permitted at all.

Complete the VIEW/ALTER THE DESIGN SLOPE METHOD form and choose Apply for the Design
Slope Method to be set for future use.

Pit Wall Pushback

Function Name(s) :


Pit Wall Pushback allows you to examine what happens when either:

The pit walls are pushed back by a specified distance, or

The berms are changed thus altering the overall slope of the pit.

The function operates on previously developed Volume Outline files from GRAPHICS Pit Design and will move any
point on the pit walls that lie inside a shift envelope string. Such a string can be created in GRAPHICS to enclose, say,
some material missed by the previous pit generation. An envelope enclosing the entire pit will result in all walls being

Pit Wall Pushback can be used successfully to examine waste dump expansion.

Choose Pit Wall Pushback from the MINING TOOLS menu to display the PIT WALL PUSHBACK form.

82 Define the Existing Volume Outlines

Enter the Location and Id Number of the file that contains the existing volume outlines which are to be modified.
The existing volume outlines are the mid bench contours of the pit to be pushed back.

83 Define the New Volume Outlines

Enter the Location for the resultant pit with the pushed back walls.

84 Identify Change Envelope

Identify the Location and Id Number of the file that contains the shift envelope which defines the area of the existing
outlines which are to be pushed back. The envelope should be a closed segment, and the first segment of string number
1.You may shift the upper portion of the pit if you create an envelope which sits outside the part of the pit you do not want
to adjust but encloses the part of the pit which you want to revise.

85 (P)arallel Shift or (B)erm Change?

Nominate which type of pit wall modification you require, 'P' for a parallel shift or 'B' for a berm change.

86 Berm Change
If you select 'B', then you enter the pushback distance of the berms which are enclosed in the shift envelope.

87 Parallel Shift
If you select 'P', then you enter the parallel shift distance to be applied to the outlines enclosed in the shift envelope.
Note: This is the final form field to be input if this option is chosen.

88 Define the Previous Pit Outlines

If you selected 'B' for berm change pit wall modification, then enter the Location and Id Number of the file that contains
the crest and toe strings of the pit design. This is required to calculate the elevations of the berms.
Complete the PIT WALL PUSHBACK form and choose Apply to start processing.
When you have generated new volume outlines, you can calculate the tonnage and grades if you intersect the ore and
waste by the new outlines in Polygon Intersection, and then pass the result through String File Reports.

Function Name(s) :


This module assists you to reshape dump material to meet specific slope criteria and minimize the volume of material to
be shifted. The reshaping is achieved by using a balance line algorithm with two controlling criteria:

a cut and fill balance, and

user-defined slope zones.

89 Overview
Reshaping is done by regrading on sections which have been extracted from a DTM.
During the first pass the sections are regraded according to the design parameters.
A second set of sections are extracted through the output of pass one in a direction perpendicular to the original sections.
This second set of sections is then regraded using the same criteria as in the first pass.
The final pass involves extracting sections in the original direction from the results of the previous step to produce a set of
cross-sections which can then be used for:

determination of cut and fill volumes, and

plotting to give a pictorial representation of the new dump

The design criteria are:

a cut and fill balance must be achieved, and

areas of different maximum slope may be define to control the final surface.

90 Reshaping Flow Diagram

Note: The example filenames used in the diagram above are used by the demonstration data described at the end of this
The Reshaping function is located on the ENVIRONMENTAL TOOLS menu.
Choose Reshaping from the ENVIRONMENTAL TOOLS menu to display the RESHAPING form.

91 Define the section file

A set of regularly spaced sections (open strings in a .str file). Typically created by using the Section DTM function of the
Enter the Location and ID number of the string file containing the sections to be reshaped.

The input string file must contain the A1 - B1 point coordinates of the axis used to take sections through the dump. This is
essential so that the slope strings can be transformed into the same coordinate space as your cross sections input. If you
created the sections using the Section DTM function these axis point coordinates will be in the string file axis record.

92 Section spacing
The interval between the sections taken through the DTM along the axis from the axis point A1. This must be the same as
the spacing which was specified when the sections were created. The sections must all have the same spacing.

93 Balance test value

This is the value entec compares the current balance result with, generally one unit. The smaller the balance test value
which is used, the more extensive the testing to try and achieve a cut and fill balance and hence the longer the
processing time.

94 Define the slope file

A slope string file which defines the areas within which the slopes are to be applied. The slope string may have any
number of segments as long as they are closed.
Note: The slope angle which applies to each slope area must be in the `D1' field of each string in the slope string file and
it must be an angle expressed in decimal degrees.
Enter the Location and ID number of the slope string file. The slope string file is a set of closed strings defining various
If some slope strings are embedded, entec considers the one with the lowest string number. This rule implies that the
string which encompasses the whole data must be the last one, i.e. its string number must be greater than all other
strings in the slope string file.

95 Define the output file

Enter the Location for the new string file of sections which will be created. The ID number of the input file will be used.

96 Result
The redesigned section file is expressed in the same coordinate system as the original section files. Therefore if input is in
the real world system, that is the original axis lies S-N or W-E, the output will be also in the same coordinate system.
The output data consists of:

A string file which contains a set of matching sections for the original input sections. The strings in this file
represent the results after regrading the dump in the two directions.

A note file (.not) which contains details of the cut and fill volumes, both individual and cumulative, for the sections
after the regrading process has been completed. There is not an exact balance between the cut and fill volumes,
since the process is essentially 2-dimensional. The magnitude of the imbalance depends on the spacing between
sections: the greater the spacing, the greater the potential imbalance.

97 Messages
Processing sections in first direction
The cross sections are being regraded in their original direction.
Processing sections in second direction
The regrading process is now being applied to cross sections which are perpendicular to the first direction.

Processing string xxx

Computing cut and fill volumes
Cut volume for string xxx
Fill volume for string xxx
Processing completed results in xxx, yyy
The file `xxx.not' is a note file which contains a summary of the cut and fill volumes for the regrading. The file named `yyy'
is the new regraded string file.

98 Warning
The axis length is zero
The length of the axis defined in the axis record of the string file is zero. The axis record must have the coordinates of the
axis which was used to create the sections originally.
Section string xxx is not open
String number `xxx' in the original section file is closed. All section strings must be open.
Invalid slope angle in string xxx
The D1 field of string `xxx' in the slope string file contains an invalid angle.
Angles greater than possible
It has not been possible to regrade a cross section.
Undefined slope area
A point on a cross section is outside all slope areas. This is not allowed. Redefine the slope areas.

99 Reshaping Demonstration Data

Objective To use entec's Reshaping module to simulate regrading of strip mine spoil piles.
The demonstration data for are to be found in the dem/reshape directory.
To assist you there is a macro `reshape.cmd' in the reshaping directory which will show the demonstration data to you.
This macro will initially display the string files in the graphics module so that you can study the data which is to be used.
To invoke this macro press the F6 key. This will display the MACRO PLAYBACK form. Enter the name of the macro
`reshape' and choose Apply. The macro will now run pausing where necessary to allow you to examine the data. On
some occasions you will need to press a key for the macro to continue, you will be advised of this by a message in the
message window and a beep from the computer.

100 Further Processing

The redesigned section strings may be used by other modules for further processing. Some of these uses are listed

Producing hardcopy plans of the section profiles by using the PLOTTING module.

Transforming the section strings into the plan coordinate system by using the String Maths and 2D
Transformation functions.

Creating a DTM of the redesigned surface by using the Create DTM function.

Extracting contours of the redesigned surface by using the Contour Extract function.

Volume determination of the redesigned surface by using the DTM Volumes function

Note: The last three items above, you must first transform the strings into the plan coordinate system.

Copyright 2006 Surpac Minex Group

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