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SQL Server Essentials Vocabulary List

This Vocabulary List combines the vocabulary from your review exercises and combines it with
vocabulary from other SQL resources. In some cases you will see a word repeated. This is to
provide you with a couple definitions in the hope that one will fit your learning style better. You
can choose either definition, or combine them for your own definition.
I would suggest that you look at this list before we start and see if you know any of the definitions.
Put a check by any of them that you already know. Then come back after each week of lessons
and update the list with checkmarks for new words that you know. Keep doing this after every
week until you complete the lessons. See what words are left over at the end and try to finish
up the list.
You dont have to know the exact definition, but you should focus on the concept that each word
You can do it!



Aggregate function

A function that operates over a group of numerical values. Examples: avg,

sum, min, max, count.


An abbreviated name for a database object used to save typing while

writing queries.


Renaming a column in your output.


A DDL statement that changes the design or properties of a database or

database object.

Ascending Order

Sorts your results from A-Z.


Determining WHO can talk to the database.

Authentication Mode A security setting on SQL Server that specifies what types of logins are
allowed access to the server.


Determining WHAT they can do.


Bulk Copy Program is a command-line utility for importing or exporting data

from a delimited text file.

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BEGIN and END tell sql server that you are going to have multiple lines of

BETWEEN Operator

An operator used in SQL selects a range of data between two values.

Boolean operators

Allow you to filter the rows of a table with multiple conditions. AND, OR,

Cartesian result

All combinations of records from all tables. If table A has five records and
table B has 10 records, the Cartesian result set would be 50 records..


Case doesn't matter when you are writing queries.


Case matters and you have to match your query criteria exactly.


Whether you need to make sure you match lower case or upper case or
mixed case when you are writing queries and criteria.


A database or data storage area.

Catalog View

System information combined by SQL Server into a table-like view which

can be queried with a SELECT statement.


A type of keyword used for a query. SELECT is both a clause and a keyword..


The client part of a client-server architecture. Typically, a client is an

application that runs on a personal computer or workstation and relies on a
server to perform some operations.

Clustered Index

Where the index is stored with the table.


A windows program that allows you to run commands from the command


A field in a database table.


In the context of relational databases, a column is a set of data values, all of

a single type, in a table. Columns define the data in a table, while rows
populate data into the table


A change to a record that was loaded from the database into memory was
successfully saved to the data file.


Allow you to filter the rows of a table. Examples: =, !=, IN, Like

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Putting 2 different string values together. The concatenation operator is

the '+' sign.


Permission that allows full control.


A DDL statement that creates an object or database.

Create Procedure

The initial syntax to create a stored procedure.

Cross Join

A type of join that produces a Cartesian result set.


An acronym for what you can do to the data in a table. Select, Insert,
Update, and Delete.

CSV File

Comma Separated Values file. This is a type of Flat File Database.

Data Loss

When you run something that deletes data that isn't supposed to be
deleted. This can also happen through another program.

Database (Definition

A container of data.

Database (Definition

A collection of objects to store and retrieve data. Is commonly used to talk

about Relational Databases.

Database Context

Refers to which database you are running the current query against.

Database Context

When you are running a query or script, the database context is the
database that the script will talk to. If you are running a query, there is a
drop down list that tells you what database you are in.

Database Definition

A container of data.

Database Definition

A collection of objects to store and retrieve data. Is commonly used to talk

about Relational Databases.

Management System

A set of software components and programs that creates, maintains,

controls access to a database.


An attribute of a field that tells SQL Server what kind of data it may accept.
Examples include integers, dates and characters.


The limitation of the type of data that can be put into a column. Int,
Varchar, Datatime, etc.

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Database Owner schema. This is the traditional default database schema

that everyone used.


Data Control Language. A statement that affects the permissions a principal

has to a securable.


Data Control Language Allows you to secure objects in the database. Grant, Revoke


Data Control Language - Allows for securing the database.


Data Definition Language.


Data Definition Language - Allows you to create objects in the database. Create, Alter, Drop, Truncate

DDL Statement

A statement that creates, alters or drops databases or database objects.

Define CSV File

Comma Separated Values file. This is a type of Flat File Database.

Define Flat File


A database with only one table. A text file, CSV file or simple list is a flat file


A text file where each field is separate by a tab character.


Removes records from a table, but does not remove the table from the


A character which separates one object or entity from another.


A DCL statement that forbids a permission to a securable.

Descending Order

Sorts your results from Z-A.

Dirty Record

A change to a record that has been loaded from the database into memory
and has changed, but has not yet been saved back to the data file.


Data Manipulation language.


Data Manipulation Language - Allows you to add, delete, and change data in
a table. - Insert, Update, Select


Domain Name Server

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Domain Name Server

Domain name server, the system that automatically translates Internet

addresses to the numeric machine addresses that computers use


A DDL statement that eliminates an object or database.


The command that is used to run a stored procedure.

Execution Plan

In Management Studio, it shows the path that Sql Server will take when
looking for data in the table.

Explicit transaction

A group of SQL statements treated where all events of the transaction occur
at once or none of them takes place at all.


A process that takes data from a table and saves it as another type of data


A column in a database table.


A clause that limits the records in your query results.


It closes ports to the entire computer. In the hotel analogy, you may still
have a bathroom, but you can lock the door so that no one can get in. You
can even lock the whole hotel, so that no one can even get into the whole
hotel. This is how the firewall works. It can block all internet traffic, or
simply open individual ports/doors to specific programs/rooms.

Flat File Database

A database with only one table. A text file, CSV file or simple list is a flat file

Foreign Key

A foreign key is a field in a table that matches the primary key column of
another table.


A keyword which chooses the table youre querying for the information.

Full Table Scan

When the database goes through every row to see if it can find the data.


Takes a value and transforms it to another value. An example is the

REVERSE function.


A built in SQL Server function that will return the system date.

GO Statement

Tell the server to execute everything before the GO as a batch.


A DCL statement that allows a permission to a securable.


The command that allows you to give a permission on an object to a user.

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operator (>)

Finds all of the values that are bigger than the specified criteria.

Group By

The SQL Clause that allows you to aggregate across a subset of data. An
example would be to sum or average across the different jobs in an
employee table.

Having Clause

Works with the Group By clause and allows you to filter after you group


A process to bring data into a SQL table.

In Operator

An operator used to enumerate a set of exact matches in your query.

Identity Column

A column that is made up of values generated by the database.


A sorted storage of an individual or multiple columns that makes the

database more efficient and faster.

Index Seek

When the database uses the sorting of the Index to jump more directly to
the data it is looking for.


The data and calculation you choose to view from a database, usually for
business purposes.

Inner Join

Combines records from two or more tables where matching values are

Inner Join

During the Inner Join the only rows that are returned from the database are
those records that match between the two tables. (The ON clause tells you
which columns need to match.)


This DML keyword is a statement used to add new records to tables.


Microsoft's auto-complete functionality. As you are typing, intellisense will

try to predict what you are trying to type. It is like Google's autocomplete
when you are searching.

Intermediate State

The state a record is in after it has been loaded into memory.

IP Address

A unique string of numbers separated by periods that identifies each

computer attached to the Internet.

Join Clause

The clause used to join tables in SQL.


A word built into the SQL language.

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An operator that allows you to do special relative searches to filter your

result set for a specified pattern in a column.


A program that is running and waiting for some kind of input from a client.
While it is waiting, you can say that it is listening for input/commands. SQL
Server has a listener on port 1433.


Exclusive use of data in a table to ensure changes occur without conflicts or



A server-level principal in SQL.

Management Studio

The user interface to talk with SQL Server services.


Mathematical operators allow you to add, subtract, multiply, and divide

values in your select statement. Examples: +, -, /, *


A table hint that allows your query to view data in the intermediate state.

Non-Clustered Index

Where the index is stored separately from the table.


Unknown or unspecified values.

NULL Value

A Null Value is the absence of a value in a column.

Object Explorer

A special section of SQL Server Management Studio where you see the
databases, tables, view, stored procedures, and other objects about the


Words or symbols used by SQL to make calculations or evaluations. Some

commonly used operators are AND, OR, (<), (>) and (=).

Order By Clause

The clause in SQL that allows you to sort your results.

Ordinal Column

Numerical representation of the column. Using the number of the column

instead of the column name.

Outer Join

Combines records from two or more tables and shows matching and
unmatched values.

Outer Join

There are 3 outer joins, Right, Left, and Full. The outer join will retrieve all
of the rows from one of the tables even if they don't match a record in the
other table. In the case of a left outer join, it will bring back all of the rows
from the left table even if they don't exist in the right table.

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A level of access to a securable given to a principal.


A program within the windows command line that will return the IP Address
of a domain name.


The process of adding data to a table.


A term used to describe a table that contains data.


A port is like finding the address of a hotel. You know the City, Street, and
street number, but you don't know which door to go through. One door
may go to the laundry room, one may go to the bathroom, and one may go
to your hotel room. The port on a computer is the same. The IP Address
gets you to the computer/server, but the port is the door to the program
you are trying to talk to. In the case of SQL Server, this is port 1433.


The order that you filters are applied in your where clause. Parenthesis,
And's, then OR's.


A logical statement used to evaluate to TRUE, FALSE, or UNKNOWN for each


Primary Key

Attribute of a field that ensures no two records have an identical value.

Primary Key

A primary key of a table uniquely identifies each row/record in the table.


Any account or entity that is trying to access a resource.


An organization concept in Management Studio that allows you to save a

group of sql scripts together.


A Sql Server Management Studio tool used to save and organize a group of
scripts to make it easier to retrieve them later.


A question you ask to get information from data in a database.

Query Window

The window where you can type in different commands to send to the
server. Basically the window where you talk to the server.


Relational Database Management System is a tool that allows for safe

storage of data and quick retrieval of important business information.

READUNCOMMITTED A table hint that allows your query to view data in the intermediate state.


A row of data in a table.

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Record set

The set of data returned as an answer to a query.

Registered Servers

A special section of SQL Server Management Studio that allows you to save
your SQL Server connections so that you don't have to remember them.

Relational Database

A database containing more than one table.

Relational Database
Management System

Abbreviated as RDBMS. A tool that allows for safe storage of data and quick
retrieval of important business information. Examples: Microsoft SQL
Server; Oracle; MySQL

Result set

Another term for record set.

Result set

The output from a query. Usually a set of rows in the form of a grid/table.


A DCL statement that undoes the last Grant or Deny for that permission.


The command that allows you to remove a permission on an object to a



A group of permissions that can be granted as a whole by granting the role.


Data in the intermediate state is discarded.

Row Constructors

These allow you to insert multiple records in an INSERT INTO statement.


Populate data into the table. You insert, update, select, and delete a row.

Scalar Value

A scalar value doesn't change for any row in your result set. This happens
when you specify a string value ('test string') instead of a column.


Schemas group similar database objects together so that they are better
organized and can also be secured as a group.


SQL code saved as a file. Usually has a .sql extension.


SQL code saved as a file.


A group of database statements in the same screen or file. If saved, it

usually has a .sql extension to the file.


When you combine more than one sql statement together. The statements
are intended to run together.


A resource that you control access to by setting security limits. Databases

and tables are examples of securables.

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The ability to limit what a person can see/access.


The process of limiting access to the database.


A SQL command used to choose which fields to return in your query results.


The server part of a client-server architecture. The server waits for

messages and then performs some kind of action. You could say that is
waits for conversations from a client.


A process, much like an application, that runs in the background of your



Individual programs that run without an interface. This mean they run in
the background and you don't see a window that they are running.


A SQL keyword that assigns values to variables.


Structured Query Language.

SQL Login

A SQL server level principal.


A command-line tool to run SQL scripts or individual SQL statements.

Stored Procedure

A group of sql that is created as a single object that can be called to run the
full script.


The order that things must occur. In the case of SQL, it is the order that you
must type the different SQL keywords for the required outcome, like
creating a view.

System Databases

Databases that SQL Server uses internally. There are 4 of them: Master,
Model, MSDB, and TempDB.

System Table

A table created by SQL Server to store settings used by SQL Server.


A text file where each field is separate by a tab character.


A relational database object that has columns and rows and stores the
information of the database.


Transaction Control Language, or TCL, provides options to control


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Transaction Control Language Allows you UNDO capabilities when doing

DML. Commit, Rollback


The type of marker that designates the ending of a column or a row.


The TRAN keyword is short for transaction.


A group of actions treated as a single unit to ensure data integrity.


A hierarchical view of objects. There is plus sign that allows you to expand a
treeview. You will see this in the Object Explorer.


Removes records from a table without any chance for a ROLLBACK. Fast,
because it doesn't write to the log files. Table is still in the database. It is
not a DROP.


Transact SQL. It is Sql Server's flavor of SQL.


Transact Structured Query Language is the computer programming

language based on the SQL standard and used by Microsoft SQL Server to
create databases, populate tables and retrieve data. The Oracle equivalent
would be PL/SQL.

Unmatched records

A technique used to find the records between tables that dont match.

Unpopulated Table

A table with no records.


A statement that changes - or manipulates - existing data without adding

any new records.

USE statement

Sets the database context.


A container that can store a string, number, or date. It must begin with a
'@' sign.

What is the object


Server, Database, Schema, Tables:Views:Stored Procedures:Functions

Where (clause)

The most common optional keyword used to filer query result sets.


Used in SQL match patterns used in conjunction with the LIKE keyword.


Authentication mode where all of your logins are part of a Windows


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