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Qus:1 Write short notes on:

Kano model
Differences between a sponsors view and projects view in a project balance sheet
Triangular distribution
Organisational break down structure

Kano model:
In comparison to the previous two models, the Kano model is narrow in its approach. Its primary focus is
on the customer and his/her requirement of products and services from the business. Unlike the abovementioned two models, it focuses on only two factors, namely, customer perspective and product

Qus:2 Discuss capital budgeting in project management.

Describe use of capital budgeting to an organisation in terms of undertaking multiple

Explain the importance of capital budgeting in project selection
Discuss the aspects of capital budgeting that an organisation should consider while selecting
a project.

Describe use of capital budgeting to an organisation in terms of undertaking multiple projects:

An organisation undertakes multiple projects with different capital requirements and rates of returns. For
instance, some projects may need investment over a longer period of time, whereas others need

Qus:3 Write short notes on:

Rolling wave planning

Time centric earned value

Rolling wave planning:
Rolling wave planning is an iterative planning in which work to be accomplished in the near term is
planned in detail, while the work in the future is planned later. The technique employs a multi-pass
approach to planning and scheduling, where each pass or planning cycle builds further detail in the

Qus:4 Describe the various cost incurred in a project. Describe the applications of three - point

Discuss the THREE types of costs incurred in a project

Discuss the applications of three - point estimates.

Discuss the THREE types of costs incurred in a project:
The THREE types of costs incurred in a project are:

Qus:5 Explain the six sigma methodologies.

Discuss the 2 six sigma project methodologies

Compare the 2 six sigma project methodologies

Discuss the 2 six sigma project methodologies:
TheDMAIC project methodology has the following five phases:

Define: It includes defining and analysing the problem and understanding the voice of the
customer, his/her requirements and needs and

Qus:6 Discuss the time and materials contract.

Solve the following problem

Consider a the time and materials contract as follows:
Labour is billed according to the following schedule
1 software engineer : $45/hr
1 tester: $ 45/hr
1 senior software engineer: $65/hr
Material is billed according to the following schedule:
Cost of materials + 30 % profit/overhead
Actual cost of the material is $2140
Calculate the material cost, calculate the contract payable

Describe the time and materials contract

Calculation of material cost
Calculation of contract payable


Describe the time and materials contract:

The time and materials contract is a cross between FP and CP contracts. It is opposed to FP contracts in
which the buyer agrees to pay the contractor a lump sum for performance regardless of what the
contractors pay their employees, sub-contractors, and suppliers. This is the most risk-free type of contract.

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Note: Answer all questions. Kindly note that answers for 10 marks questions should be
approximately of 400 words. Each question is followed by evaluation scheme

1 Write short notes on:

1. a) Measuring exchange rate movements

Answer : Measuring the exchange rate

Exchange rates are expressed in various ways:

Spot Exchange Rate - the spot rate is the rate for a currency at todays market prices

Forward Exchange Rate - a forward rate involves the delivery of currency at a specified time in the
future at an agreed rate. Companies wanting to reduce risks from exchange rate volatility can buy their
currency forward on the market

2 The key component of the financial system is the money market that acts as a fulcrum of
monetary operations.
Write down the important points under each category mentioned below.

1. a) Functions performed by money market

Answer : There are two types of financial markets viz., the money market and the capital market. The
money market in that part of a financial market which deals in the borrowing and lending of short term
loans generally for a period of less than or equal to 365 days. It is a mechanism to clear short term
monetary transactions in an economy.

Money market is an important part of the

1. b) International interest rates

Answer : In many industrial countries the domestic impact of interest rate developments abroad has
become an increasingly sensitive question. Outside the United States the issue has centred on the possible
influence of high or rising interest rates on a still fragile economic recovery. When inflation expectations
are unknown, interest rate levels are, of course, difficult to interpret, and partly for this reason interest

rates have come to play a smaller role as explicit objectives of monetary policy. In some though not all
countries nominal interest rates are nevertheless felt to be uncomfortably high in relation to rates of
inflation. Moreover,

1. c) Standardized Global Market regulations.

Answer : The financial crisis of 2007 revealed fundamental weaknesses in the structure of financial
regulation. In response, policymakers and regulators have embarked on an ambitious regulatory reform
agenda that aims to achieve as much global co-ordination and consistency between regional reform efforts
as possible.
How successful attempts at

3 Thousands of years back the concept of bartering between parties was prevalent, when the
concept of money had not evolved. Explain counter trade with examples

Answer : Trading between nations has been happening since time began. In ancient time nations traded
silk, spices, cloth and animals of all kinds. Today nation trade food items, defense equipment, metals,
electronics etc. The products might have changed but the basic concept is still the same as the underlining
need which brings together two nations in a trade relationship still exists.

One such method of trading between nations is

4 There are different techniques of exposure management. One is the Managing Transaction
Exposure and the other one is the managing operating exposure So you have to explain on both
Managing Transaction Exposure and Managing Operating Exposure.

Answer : Transaction Exposure is a risk which is faced by the organizations which are involved in
international trade especially when they enter into the financial obligations. The risk which is faced by the
companies is about the changes occurring in the currency exchange rates after they have entered into trade
obligations in the international market. Many companies which face such a situation adopt hedging
strategy which

5 Every firm is going on concern, whether domestic or MNC. Explain the techniques of capital
budgeting and the steps to determine cash flows.

Answer : Capital investments are long-term investments in which the assets involved have useful lives of
multiple years. For example, constructing a new production facility and investing in machinery and
equipment are capital investments. Capital budgeting is a method of estimating the nancial viability of a
capital investment over the life of the investment.

6 Write short note on:

American Depository Receipts(ADR)

Answer : An American Depository Receipt, or ADR, is a security issued by a U.S. depository bank to
domestic buyers as a substitute for direct ownership of stock in foreign companies. An ADR can represent
one or more shares, or a fraction of a share, of a non-U.S. company. Individual shares of a foreign
corporation represented by an ADR are called American Depositary Shares (ADSs).

Global Depository Receipts(GDR)

Answer : Global Depositary Receipts (GDRs) are negotiable certificates issued by depositary banks
which represent ownership of a given number of a companys shares which can be listed and traded
independently from the underlying shares. These instruments are typically used by companies from
emerging markets and marketed to professional investors only.

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MB0052 Strategic Management and Business Policy

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Winter 2014




Subject code &


MB0052 Strategic Management and Business Policy

Book ID


Credit and Max.


4 credits; 60 marks

1(a) Define Strategic Management and Strategic Planning.

Answer: Business (or Strategic) management is the art, science, and craft of formulating, implementing
and evaluating cross-functional decisions that will enable an organization to achieve its long-term
objectives. It is the process of specifying the organizations mission, vision and objectives, developing
policies and plans, often in terms of projects and programs, which are designed to achieve these
objectives, and then allocating resources to implement the policies and plans, projects and programs.
Strategic management seeks to coordinate and integrate the activities of the various functional areas of a
business in order to achieve long-term organizational objectives. A balanced scorecard is often used to
evaluate the overall performance of the business and its progress towards objectives.

(b) Discuss the benefits of Strategic Management.

Answer: There are many benefits of strategic management and they include identification, prioritization,
and exploration of opportunities. For instance, newer products, newer markets, and newer forays into
business lines are only possible if firms indulge in strategic planning. Next, strategic management allows
firms to take an objective view of the activities being done by it and do a cost benefit analysis as to
whether the firm is profitable.

2. Discuss the difference between defensive strategies and pre-emptive

strategies. Give examples to support your answer.

Answer: Defensive strategies are only used by market leaders in strategic management. If your smallbusiness has reached a market-leading position, you may need to use such strategies. The goal of these
strategies is to hold onto your position as the market leader, fighting off competitors who try to take away
your market share. Because firms tend to target market leaders, this will not be an easy task, but
fortunately you have multiple strategies to choose from.

Defensive strategies are broadly classified as follows:

Position Defence: This strategy involves

(b) Differentiate between surgical and non-surgical turnaround. Give examples.

Answer: The surgical method, more commonly practiced in the West, involves sweeping changes like
firing of staff, managers, wholesale reshuffling of portfolios, closing down operations, etc. Some call it
bloodbath or bloodshed. Non-surgical turnaround adopts the opposite approach, that is, peaceful means
revamping or recovery through meetings, discussions, persuasions, consensus, etc.

The operations in surgical turnaround are like this: the first step is to replace the chief executive of the
ailing company by a new iron chief. The new chief promptly gets into action; he asserts his authority. He
issues pre-emptory orders, centralizes functions and spears some convenient scapegoats. Then he goes
about firing employees en masse and auctioning/selling whole plants and divisions until the fat is
satisfactorily cut to the bone. The bloodbath over, the product mix is revamped, obsolete machinery is
replaced, marketing is strengthened, controls are toughened, accountability

(b) Expansion through Diversification

Answer: Diversification is the name given to the growth strategy where a business markets new products
in new markets.

Diversification is a much used and much talked about set of strategies. It involves a substantial change in
the business definition singly or jointly- in terms of customer groups or alternative technologies of one
or more of a firms businesses. . There are two categories

5. Discuss the competitive strategy in:

Answer: Generic competitive strategies enable a firm to outperform competitors in the industry. These
strategies include overall cost leadership, differentiation, and focus. A firm following the cost leadership
strategy needs to achieve the lowest cost of production per unit level in the industry. On the other hand,
differentiation strategies are aimed at maintaining the exclusivity of the product so that the perceived
difference in the product serves as a competitive advantage to the firm. Using focus strategies, the firm
tries to capture a particular buyer group, segment of

(a) Emerging industry

Answer: Emerging industries are created by technological innovations, shifts in relative cost
relationships, or the emergence of new consumer needs. Given the high level of uncertainty and risk and
the lack of clarity in the rules of competition, formulating

(b) Declining industry

Answer: Declining industries are characterized by a sustained, absolute decline in unit sales over a long
period. These declines

6Benchmarking is the process by which companies look at the best in the industry and try to
imitate their styles and processes
Evaluate the rationale for benchmarking exercises and discuss the features and types of
benchmarking. Please ensure to include an example to support your answer.

Answer: Whether its for internal comparisons, or for measuring the effectiveness of your company
against close competitors, benchmarking is a vital continuous improvement tool. And although its safe to
say that the average executive understands the benefits of benchmarking performance, that doesnt
necessarily mean his or her company has ever participated in such an initiative.

Benchmarking is the process of measuring products, services, and processes against those of organizations
known to be leaders in one or more aspects of their operations. Benchmarking provides necessary insights

to help you understand how your organization compares with similar organizations, even if they are in a
different business or have a different group of customers.

Additionally, benchmarking can help you identify areas, systems, or processes for improvementseither
incremental (continuous) improvements or dramatic (business process reengineering) improvements.

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Elective Environmental Management

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Case Study Project

Elective Environmental Management

Environmental management is a strategic issue for the road transport system. In particular, the
impact of roads and road transport on sustainability, and the environmental impact of roads and
road use are key issues.

Examine the environmental strategy for developing a strategic framework for enhanced
environmental decision that includes four key themes;

1. Building partnerships
2. Harmonisation and consistency
3. Information sharing
4. Developing tools and techniques

Answer : Environmental management system (EMS) refers to the management of an organizations

environmental programs in a comprehensive, systematic, planned and documented manner. It includes the
organizational structure, planning and resources for developing, implementing and maintaining policy for
environmental protection.

An EMS helps a company address its regulatory demands in a systematic and cost-effective manner. This
proactive approach can help reduce the risk of non-compliance and improve health and safety practices for
employees and the public.

An EMS can also help address non-regulated issues, such as energy conservation, and can promote
stronger operational control and employee stewardship.

Basic Elements of an EMS:

Reviewing the companys environmental goals

Analyzing its environmental impacts and legal requirements

Setting environmental objectives and targets to reduce environmental impacts and

comply with legal requirements

Establishing programs to

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Total Marks : 80

Attempt any 4; (each carries 20 Marks)

1. 1) Coordination is imperative for the success of any organization.

Explaining the need for coordination suggest the ways to achieve effective
coordination in a decentralised private sectormanufacturing organization?

Answer:The term decentralization embraces a variety of concepts which must be carefully analyzed in
any particular country before determining if projects or programs should support reorganization of
financial, administrative, or service delivery systems. Decentralizationthe transfer of authority and
responsibility for public functions from the central government to subordinate or quasi-independent
government organizations and/or the private sectoris a complex multifaceted concept. Different types of
decentralization should be distinguished because they have different characteristics, policy implications,
and conditions for success.
Types of Decentralization: Types of

1. 2) Describe the interpersonal needs in terms of expressed and wanted

behavior. Cite suitable examples to support your views?

Answer: Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation (FIRO) is a theory of interpersonal relations,

introduced by William Schutz in 1958. This theory mainly explains the interpersonal underworld of a
small group. The theory is based on the belief that when people get together in a group, there are three
main interpersonal needs they are looking to obtain affection/openness, control and inclusion. Schutz
developed a measuring instrument that contains six scales of nine-item questions that he called FIRO-B.
This technique was created to measure or control how group members feel when it comes to inclusion,
control, and affection/openness or to be able to get feedback from people in a group. Unlike many
instruments used to examine human interaction behaviors, and needs, the FIRO-B is and was extremely
valid internally and externally using inferential statistics.

1. 3) Why do managers need to acquire different skills at various levels? What

are the skills conceptualized by Katz? Explain how they are proving useful
for Indian managers at differentlevels?

Answer:In order to be effective, a manager must possess and continuously develop several essential skills.
A successful practice of management depends upon such skills. Different writers suggest different types of
skills required of managers. For example, Abraham Collier desires a manager to possess organizational
skill so that be may view the enterprise in its complexity. Thus the following four types of skills are
required of managers:
1. Technical Skill. Technical skill is the knowledge of and proficiency in the activities
involving methods, processes, and procedures. Thus, it involves the ability to use the
tools and specific techniques in a particular area of. Expertise (i.e., a specialized
field). Technical skill is considered to be very crucial to the effectiveness follower level
managers because they have direct contact with employees performing work
activities within the enterprise. For example

1. 4) Discuss various strategies used in implementing organizational change in

the context of a large public sector manufacturing organization?

Answer: Organizational readiness for change is a multi-level, multi-faceted construct. As an organizationlevel construct, readiness for change refers to organizational members shared resolve to implement a
change (change commitment) and shared belief in their collective capability to do so (change efficacy).
Organizational readiness for change varies as a function of how much organizational members value the
change and how favorably they appraise three key determinants of implementation capability: task
demands, resource availability, and situational factors. When organizational readiness for change is high,
organizational members are more likely to initiate change, exert greater effort, exhibit greater persistence,
and display more cooperative behavior. The result is more effective implementation.

1. 5) Identify major barriers of communication and explain why do they arise.

Explain ways to overcome these barriers with suitable examples?
2. 6) Write short notes on any four of the following: (5 marks each )
3. i) Delegation and Decentralisation
4. ii) Line and Staff functions

iii) Theory X and Y

1. iv) Domino Effect
2. v) Organisational culture and climate

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COURSE : Total Marks : 80
Attempt any five questions. (16 Marks each)

1. 1) Who is an Entrepreneur? What is the influence of environment on growth

of entrepreneurship?

Answer: An entrepreneur is a person who organizes and manages a business undertaking, assuming the
risk for the sake of profit. An entrepreneur: Sees an opportunity. Makes a plan.Starts the business.Manages
the business.Receives the profits.An individual who, rather than working as an employee, runs a small
business and assumes all the risk and reward of a given business venture, idea, or good or service offered

for sale. The entrepreneur is commonly seen as a business leader and innovator of new ideas and business
processes.Entrepreneurs play a key role in any economy. These are the people who have the skills and
initiative necessary to take good new ideas to market and make the right decisions to make the idea
profitable. The reward for the risks taken is the potential economic profits the entrepreneur could earn.

1. 2) Discuss the role, functions and objectives of State Financial Corporation

in promoting SSI Units?

Answer: Indias State Finance Corporations: Management, Functions and Working of SFCs!
The State Finance Corporations (SFCs) are the integral part of institutional finance structure in the
country. SEC promotes small and medium industries of the states. Besides, SFCs are helpful in ensuring
balanced regional development, higher investment, more employment generation and broad ownership of
At present there are 18 state finance corporations (out of which 17 SFCs were established under SFC Act
1951). Tamil Nadu Industrial Investment Corporation

1. 3) What factors present in our society could account for the differences
between male and female entrepreneurs today? How do you think men and
women entrepreneurs will differ in next tendays?

Answer: Are men better entrepreneurs than women? Many of you are probably nodding your head right
now. Men are traditionally portrayed as being more successful than women in starting and maintaining a
business. Men dominate the list of famous entrepreneurs. The few women who do show up on the list such
as Oprah Winfrey and Rachael Ray are known for running businesses that cater primarily to women. So
theres your answer. Men are better entrepreneurs.
Or are they?
The real answer lays not in the size of the businesses that women run but in the type of business.
According to the National Womens Business Council, the economic impact of women-owned businesses
in the United States is just shy of the $3 trillion mark, a number that is far too large to be ignored. The
reality is that women often own and operate smaller bu

1. 4) How do you scout for new ideas? How do you shortlist the most
promising ones? Discuss?

Answer: What makes the difference between a good idea and a great idea? Good ideas come along all the
time and help people solve minor problems in work and daily life. Great ideas appear a little less
frequently and require a little more work to execute. Great ideas arent necessarily the result of highlypaid think tanks or drug-induced vision quests in the desert. Often they are unexpected moments of
inspiration that help keep the napkin companies in business.
The big challenge of generating great ideas is freeing yourself from the conventional, mundane thoughts
that occupy most of your brain time. Here are seven tips to help you open your mind and stimulate your
great idea generator.

1. 5) What is the importance of determining financial viability of a project?


1. 6) What are the steps in identifying the critical path in a Network ?

Answer:If you have been into project management, Im sure you have already heard the term critical
path method.If you are new to the subject, it is best to start with understanding the critical path and then
move on to the critical path method.Critical path is the sequential activities from start to the end of a
project. Although many projects have only one critical path, some projects may have more than one
critical paths depending on the flow logic used in the project.
If there is a delay in any of the activities under the critical path, there will be a delay of the project
deliverables. Most of the times, if such delay is

1. 7) What is the contribution by Sigmund Freud in the field of personality



1. 8) Why do people resist change? How do you overcome it?


1. 9) Explain the process of framing Basic Business Idea and how innovation
will be helpful informulating business proposals?


1. 10) Discuss the pros and cons of innovation?


1. 11) Discuss the need for entrepreneurship based education in India and
suggest measures for thesustenance of entrepreneurship attitude?


1. 12) Describe the entrepreneurship external environment forces?


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COURSE : Total Marks : 80
NB.1) All questions carry equal marks.
2) All questions are compulsory.
3} read questions carefully.
4} Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. 1) Management is the art of getting things done. Explain and bring out
the nature andfeature of management? (10 Marks)

Answer:Nature or Characteristics of Management:Management has a dynamic nature. It means that

management is an organizing and unceasing element or concept. Management does not occur by rigid
formula or fixed pattern. It is ever-present reality of organizational life. Management does not carry out
the work himself, but the managers get the work done through other people by pioneering, leading,
motivating and controlling their activities, efforts and behaviour. The following important characteristics
of features of management clearly indicate

1. 2) Define leadership and state the qualities of a successful leader? (10


Answer:More than 50 qualities have been identified that are important to great leaders. But there are
seven leadership qualities that seem to stand out as being more important than the others. The good news
is that each of these Leadership qualities can be learned, and they must be learned by practice and
Vision: Great leaders have vision. They can see into the future. They have a clear, exciting idea of where
they are going and what they are trying to accomplish and are excellent at strategic planning. This quality
separates them from managers. Having a clear vision turns the individual into a special type of person.
This quality of vision changes a transactional manager into a transformational leader. While a
manager gets the job done, great leaders tap into the emotions of their employees.
Courage: Courage is rightly considered the foremost

1. 3) What is span of control? Identify the factors determining span of control?

(10 Marks)

Answer:Span of control is simply the number of staff that report to a manager. Some companies also have
an ideal span of control, which is the number of reports they feel a manager can effectively manage. In
this case, if a manager has fewer reports than the ideal, they may feel he or she is not being effectively
used, while if he or she is handling more they may feel that the manager is over-stretched and the reports
will not receive enough direction.
The span of control of the average manager in an organization determines the width of the organization as
seen when viewing the organizational chart.

1. 4) Enumerate and explain the important principles of an Organization? (10


Answer:Proper understanding of management principles is very necessary and helpful for managers as
these principles act as guidelines for managerial activities. By practising principles managers can avoid
various mistakes while dealing with people in the organisation.
1. Principle of unity of objectives: Organizational goals, departmental goals, and
individual goals must be clearly defined. All goals and objectives must have
uniformity. When there is contradiction among different level of goals
3. 5) Write short notes (any two) (10 Marks)
4. a) Maslows theory of motivation

Answer: Abraham Maslow is considered to be the father of Humanistic Psychology,also known as the
Third Force. Humanistic Psychology incorporatesaspects of both Behavioral Psychology and
Psychoanalytic Psychology. Behaviorists believe that human behavior is controlled by external
environmentalfactors. Psychoanalytic Psychology is based on the idea that human behavior iscontrolled by
internal unconscious forces. Though he studied

1. b) Advantages of delegation

Answer: 1. Minimize Work Load Of Managers:Delegation of authority minimizes the workload of

managers.They can assign regular and routine nature of work to their subordinates while they concentrate
more effectively in managerial and creative functions. In this way, delegation of authority helps in
improving managerial efficiency and effectiveness.

2. Benefit Of Specialization: Specialization is the means of success in a dynamic

environment.The management delegates authority as well as responsibility to
subordinates on the basis of their ability and knowledge. This contributes in the
development of the concept of specialization among the subordinates.

1. c) Line Organization
2. d) Selection Process


1. 6) Explain the following concept (any two) (10 Marks)

2. 1) Planning

Answer: Planning is a basic management function involving formulation of one or more detailed plans to
achieve optimum balance of needs or demands with the available resources. The planning process (1)
identifies the goals or objectives to be achieved, (2) formulates strategies to achieve them, (3) arranges or
creates the means required, and (4) implements, directs, and monitors all steps in their proper
sequence.The control of development by a local

1. 2) Decision Making Organization

Answer: Decision-making is a crucial part of good business. The question then is how is a good decision
One part of the answer is good information, and experience in interpreting information. Consultation ie
seeking the views and expertise of other people also helps, as does the ability to admit one was wrong and
change ones mind. There are also aids to decision-making, various techniques which help to make
information clearer and better analysed, and to add numerical and objective precision to decision-making
(where appropriate) to reduce the

3) Organization
4) Staffing

1. 7) Define Performance Appraisal. Discuss two modern and two traditional

methods ofPerformance appraisal? (10 Marks)

Answer:It is a process by which a manager or consultant (1) examines and evaluates an employees work
behavior by comparing it with preset standards, (2) documents the results of the comparison, and (3) uses
the results to provide feedback to the employee to show where improvements are needed and why.
Performance appraisals are employed to determine who needs what training, and who will be promoted,
demoted, retained, or fired.

1. 8) What is Organizational Change? Discuss the causes for resistance to

change? (10 Marks)

Answer:Organizational change is both the process in which an organization changes its structure,
strategies, operational methods, technologies, or organizational culture to affect change within the
organization and the effects of these changes on the organization. Organizational change can be
continuous or occur for distinct periods of time.
General Concepts: The study of organizational change is interdisciplinary in nature and draws from the
fields of psychology, sociology, political science,
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Subject:- International business

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Subject:-international business
Course :emba total marks : 80
Nb.1) all questions carry equal marks.
2) all questions are compulsory.
3} read questions carefully.
4} figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. 1) explain and bring out the nature and feature of international hrm? (10

Answer: hrm means to select, develop, motivate and maintain human resources, in the organisation. It
first selects the right human resources or staff (i.e. Managers and employees). It trains and develops them.
It motivates them by giving them recognition and rewards. It also provides them with the best working
conditions.Human resources may be defined as the total knowledge, skills, creative abilities, talents and
aptitudes of an organizations workforce, as well as the values, attitudes, approaches and beliefs of the
individuals involved in the affairs of the organization. It is the sum total or aggregate of inherent abilities,
acquired knowledge and skills represented by the talents and aptitudes of the persons employed in the

1. 2) discuss the nature of international business? (10 marks)

Answer: international business is the process of focusing on the resources of the globe and objectives of
the organisations on global business opportunities and threats.International business conducts business
transactions all over the world. These transactions include the transfer of goods, services, technology,
managerial knowledge, and capital to other countries. International business involves exports and imports.
International business defined as global trade of goods/services or investment. More comprehensive view
does not focus on the firm but on the exchange

1. 3) what is technology transfers? Discuss the various aspects of

managingtechnology transfers? (10 marks)

Answer:technology transfer is the process by which basic science research and fundamental discoveries
are developed into practical and commercially relevant applications and products. Technology transfer
personnel evaluate and manage invention portfolios, oversee patent prosecution, negotiate licensing
agreements and periodically review cooperative research agreements already in place. Part of the
technology transfer process involves the prosecution of patents which is overseen by the national patent
and trademark office. Individuals with advanced

1. 4) enumerate and explain the theories of global trade and investments? (10

Answer: modern firm based theories

Explore the firms role in promoting exports and imports. These theories incorporate additional factors i.e.,
quality, technology, brand names, customer loyalty, product life-cycles etc. Into explaining success or
countries in selling products and services in international markets as firms and not countries are the agents
for international trade
International product life cycle theory:

1. 5) write short notes (any two) (10 marks)

2. A) world trade centre

Answer: the original idea for a world trade center in new york is generally credited to davidrockefeller,
one of industrialist john d. Rockefellers many grandsons. In fact, the idea was proposed soon after world
war ii, a decade before rockefellerever got involved, but he was the one who actually got the ball rolling.

In the 1950s and 60s, while serving as chairman of chase manhattan bank, rockefeller was dedicated to
revitalizing lower manhattan. He hoped to energize the area with new construction, in much the same way
his father revitalized midtown manhattan in t
1. B) social responsibility in international business

Answer: corporate social responsibility (csr) promotes a vision of business accountability to a wide range
of stakeholders, besides shareholders and investors. Key areas of concern are environmental protection
and the wellbeing of employees, the community and civil society in general, both now and in the future.
The concept of csr is underpinned by the idea that corporations can no longer act as isolated economic
entities operating in detachment from broader society. Traditional views about competitiveness, survival
and profitability are being swept away.
Some of the drivers pushing business towards csr

1. C) ethical issues in international business

Answer:international business ethics emerged quite late globally compared to the business ethics that
came up in 1970s. It was only in late 1990s that the international business ethics came to the fore
especially so after the economic developments that occurred on a global scale.
In 1990s many businesses from the developing countries expanded their operations and became
multinational. The transactions between businesses and the governments increased as a result, which gave
rise to many practical issues. Culture and its relativity was one factor more prominent than the others.
Other ethical issues in the context of

1. 6) explain the following concept (any two) (10 marks)

2. 1) political environment

Answer: the political environment:the political environment in countries throughout europe and asia is
quite different from that of the united states. In the u.s., government intervention in marketing tends to be
relatively minimal compared to other countries.
The u.s. is capitalist society, it operates an economic system where both the government and private
enterprise direct the economy. In other words, the u.s. government combines free enterprise with a
progressive income tax, and at times, steps in to support and protect american industry from competition
from overseas. For example in the 1980s the government sought to protect the automobile industry by
voluntary export

1. 2) technical environments

Answer: technical environments are those in which organizations produce a product or service that is
exchanged in a market such that they are rewarded for effective and efficient performance. (scott p. 132).
These environments foster more rational structures, and in the pure sense are perfect economies.
One common environment is the task environment, all aspects of the environment potentially relevant to
goal setting and goal attainment (dill, 1958) but commonly known as inputs, markets for outputs,
competitors, and regulators. managers are viewed as ensuring adequate supplies of resources and
markets, designing efficient work

3) cultural environment
1. 7) explain the features of international organization structure? (10 marks)

Answer: an organizational structure is the way that a business is set up to provide a hierarchy and a
specified line of reporting. The type of structure that is used varies from one company to another, but its
main purpose is internal organization. There are three basic types of structures: divisional, traditional and
matrix. The goal is to increase communication and delegate authority on a level that is suitable for the size
and needs of the company.
Divisional structure: this is a way of grouping employees according to either geography, internal
marketing responsibilities, or the product that the

1. 8) what is international strategic management? Discuss its feature and

nature? (10 marks)

Answer: This chapter will introduced us to the world of strategic management. Strategic management is a
process which determine whether an organization excels, survives, or dies.
All organizations engage in the strategic management process either formally or informally. Strategic
management is equally applicable to public, private, not-for-profit, and religious organizations. An attempt
is made in this thesis to show the applicability of strategic management to all types of organizations, but
the emphasis is on private-enterprise organizations.
Organizations usually employ one of the three general decision-making processes:

Managers want to resolve current

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Questions(4X 10=40)
1. 1. Illustrate the Meaning and significance of Healthcare Administrationand
the factors influencing it.

Answer:Within health care organizations of all sizesfrom large academic medical centers to
independent solo practicesmany people are experiencing distress. Some of this is appropriately
attributed to such external factors as payment reductions, regulation, and the business practices of insurers.
Less well recognized is the contribution of factors internal to the organizations: styles of leadership and
management, administrative policies and procedures, and organizational culture. As compared with
external factors, these internal characteristics have more direct, immediate, and powerful effects and are
far more amenable to change at a local level. The goal of this article is to call attention to these internal
factors to enable people

2. 2. Healthcare Administration is a Science and an Art. Comment.

Answer:Health care administration is one of the most important and exciting areas of business and public
policy. California State University Long Beach is one of just nine U.S. universities with both fully
accredited graduate and undergraduate health administration programs. The graduate program is
accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Health Management Education (CAHME) and the
undergraduate program is a fully certified member of the Association of University Programs in Health
Administration (AUPHA).
The health care industry is a rewarding field with great

3. 3. Describe the various principles and objectives of a Healthcare


Answer:IT IS becoming increasingly clear that the hospital has an important role in community health
activities, in education of the community and the professional groups and in forwarding our knowledge of
disease and its prevention. Present methods of meeting the demand for properly qualified hospital
executives are quite inadequate. Reacting to this general situation, a conference of representative groups
from various parts of theUnited States and Canada was called together by the Rockefeller Foundation
early in 1920 to consider the problem and to suggest a feasible method of dealing with It. After
considerable discussion, the conference appointed a Committee on the Training of Hospital Executives to
make appropriate recommendations. This Committee assembled and reviewed the available literature on
the subject and decided

4. 4. Healthy Environment is an important aspect as a concern for the

Healthcare. How would you address this issue effectively?

Answer:Maintaining a safe environment reflects a level of compassion and vigilance for patient welfare
that is as important as any other aspect of competent health care. The way to improve safety is to learn
about causes of error and use this knowledge to design systems of care to make errors less common
and less harmful when they do occur. As a result, researchers, policymakers, and providers have
intensified their efforts to understand and change organizational conditions, components, and processes of
health care systems as they relate to patient safety.

Case Study.( 2x 20=40)

Case No 1
Issues to be discussed
1. Facts of the case

Answer: Workforce Problem the Program/Initiative Was Designed to


How to best engage the workforce to achieve the mission and vision

How to recruit and retain the best employees

How to create a great place to work

Major Objectives

2. Discuss the various initiatives as enumerated in the case based on your


Answer: Implementing an Integrated Human Resources System: Recognizing that the manager/employee
relationship is key in creating a great place to work, the group XYZ has devoted a great deal of time and
energy to redefining managers roles in the organization in an effort to improve that relationship. It has
stressed the importance of an integrated Human Resources System, where the key human resources
functions of selection, appraisal, reward, development, organizationaldevelopment, communication, and
employee relations must be closely inter-related and mutually supportive and where the manager must

3. Establish whether the integrated Human Resource system for theHealth

care is effective or not. Justify your view.

Health care decision-makers need reliable, high-quality information in order to make effective, evidencebased decisions. This critical information includes reports and analyses of the current health workforce in
the country. A human resources information system (HRIS) collects the human resources for health (HRH)
data. The HRIS generates reports that display or aggregate the HRH data in various ways to aid analysis or
to answer key HR policy

Case No 2 Referral System in Health Services: A Case Study of Punjab

Issues to be discussed

1. Facts of the case.

Answer:Punjab is one of the vital states of Indian Union consisting of 17 districts. Punjab has a vast
network of public health care facilities comprising of 217 hospitals excluding three tertiary level hospitals,
104 community health centres, 484 primary health centres and 1462 subsidiary health centres,
dispensaries. The teritary care facilities in Punjab consists of three Govt. Medical Colleges, two private
medical colleges and a prestigious Post-Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER),
Chandigarh under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India.
Punjab Health Systems Corporation

2. Analyse the Referral System based on the case and taking out ofcase
examples as well.


The Punjab Health Systems Corporation has initiated to strengthen thefunctioning of the hospitals for
referral system through the followingmeasures:

Renovating and upgrading hospital buildings to provide appropriatespace for services.

Upgrading and updating clinical skills of medical officers and staffnurses through an

3. Based on the analysis do you perceive increased effectiveness in the health

services? Justify your view.

Answer: Health literacy is a relatively new concept in health promotion. It is a composite term to describe
a range of outcomes to health education and communication activities. From this perspective, health
education is directed towards improving health literacy. This paper identifies the failings of past
educational programs to address social and economic determinants of health, and traces the subsequent

reduction in the role of health education in contemporary health promotion. These perceived failings may
have led to significant underestimation of the potential role of health education in addressing the social
determinants of health. A health outcome model is presented. This model highlights health literacy as a
key outcome from health
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COURSE : Total Marks : 80
N.B. : 1) There are 4 questions in paper.
2) All Questions are compulsory

1. A) Explain the characteristics of Organizational buyers? State the factors

affecting the same? Pleaseexplain the individual consumer buying behavior?
(20 Marks)

Answer: Organizational characteristics are aspects of organizations that can be identified, usually in
relation to performance. For example modern management theory would suggest that organizations with
an organizational climate focused on clear organizational objectives, a clarity of organizational structure,
with clear measurement systems enabling the monitoring of progress, with a clear organizational
commitment to goal achievement etc would perform better than organizations without these
For companies to achieve long-term success, they must create and maintain healthy environments in the
workplace. Healthy organizations understand that it takes a collaborative effort to compete in their market
segment and produce continuous profits. Healthy organizations have certain characteristics ingrained in
their corporate culture. Recognizing and understanding the characteristics of healthy organizations can
help you detect problems in

1. B) Define & explain the following with respect to consumer behavior, with
examples (20 Marks)
2. Attitude
3. Relation between Attitude,belief& behavior

Answer: Culture is one factor that influences behaviour. Simply culture is defined as our attitudes and
beliefs. But how are these attitudes and beliefs developed? As an individual growing up, a child is
influenced by their parents, brothers, sister and other family member who may teach them what is wrong
or right. They learn about their religion and culture, which helps them develop these opinions, attitudes
and beliefs (AIO) . These factors will influence their purchase behaviour however other factors like groups
of friends, or people they look up to may influence their choices of purchasing a particular product or
service. Reference groups are particular groups of people some people may look up towards to that have
an impact on consumer behaviour. So they can be a singer like the Lady Gaga or your immediate family
members. Opinion leaders are

1. C) Please explain: (20 Marks)

2. 1. Five distinct stages in the buying decision process.

Answer:The purchase is only the visible part of a more complex decision process created by the consumer
for each buying decision he makes. But what happens before and after this purchase? What are the factors
influencing the choice of product purchased by the consumer? Today, lets focus on the Consumer Buying
Decision Process and the stages that lead a shopper to purchase a new product. Engel, Blackwell and

Kollat have developed in 1968 a model of consumer buying decision process in five steps: Problem/need
recognition, information search, evaluation of alternatives to meet this need, purchase decision and postpurchase behavior.

2. 2. Personal factors affecting behavior.

Answer:Possibly the most challenging concept in marketing deals with understanding why buyers do
what they do (or dont do). But such knowledge is critical for marketers since having a strong
understanding of buying behavior will help shed light on what is important to customer and also suggest
the important influences on customer decision making.
There are many factors that can affect Buying process of a customer, let us shed some light on some
personal factors which influence the buying process of the customer.
Age and Life cycle Stage:Like the social class the human life cycle can have a significant impact on
consumer behaviour. The life cycle is an

3. 3. Buying process.

Answer:It is a set of procedures used to identify products for purchase, verify quality and compliance of
products and vendors, carry out purchasing transactions, and verify that operations associated with
purchasing have been executed appropriately. Different organizations have buying processes of varying
complexity, depending on the industry in which they work and the nature of the products being purchased.
The Customer Buying Process (also called a Buying Decision Process) describes the process your
customer goes through before they buy your product. Understanding your customers buying process is
not only very important for your

1. D) Explain. (20 Marks)

2. Actual Vs reference price

Answer:Actual and reference price orReal prices and ideal prices refers to a distinction between actual
prices paid for products, services, assets and labour (the money that actually changes hands), and
computed prices which are not actually charged or paid in market trade, although they may facilitate trade.
The difference is between actual prices paid, and information about possible, potential or likely prices, or
average price levels. This distinction should not be confused with the difference between nominal
prices (current-value) and real prices (adjusted for price inflation, and/or tax and/or ancillary charges).
Ideal prices, expressed in money-units, can be estimated

2. Semiotics

Answer: Semiotics (also called semiotic studies; not to be confused with the Saussurean tradition called
semiology) is the study of meaning-making, the philosophical theory of signs and symbols. This includes
the study of signs and sign processes (semiosis), indication, designation, likeness, analogy, metaphor,
symbolism, signification, and communication. Semiotics is closely related to the field of linguistics,
which, for its part, studies the structure and meaning of language more specifically. As different from
linguistics, however, semiotics also studies non-

3. Functions of attitude

Answer: Attitudes serve four major functions for the individual: (1) the adjustments function, (2) the ego
defensive function, (3) the value expressive function (4) the knowledge function. Ultimately these
functions serve peoples need to protect and enhance the image they hold of themselves. In more general
terms, these functions are the motivational bases which shape and reinforce positive attitudes toward goal
objects perceived as need satisfying and / or negative attitudes toward other objects perceived as punishing
or threatening. These situations are diagrammed in Figure below. The functions themselves can help us to
understand why people hold the attitudes they do toward psychological objects.
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COURSE : Total Marks : 80
N.B: 1) There are 4 questions in paper.
2) All Questions are compulsory

1. A) Define Advertising Copy? Please explain various ways of writing print

advertising copy withexamples? (20 Marks)

Answer:Text of a print, radio, or television advertising message that aims at catching and holding the
interest of the prospective buyer, and at persuading him or her to make a purchase all within a few short
seconds. The headline of an advertising copy is said to be the most important part, and quite often a small
change in its wording brings disproportionate results. Although a short advertising copy is more common
in consumer-product advertising, according to the UK advertising guru David Ogilvy (1911-1999) people
do read (and listen or attend to) lengthy advertisements if they are skillfully written. Most advertising copy
is based on advertising/consumer research and is composed by professional copywriters hired by
advertising agencies. Also

1. B) Design an Ad Campaign for a Construction engineering company?

( Manufacturers of Construction products)? (20 Marks)

Answer: The companys overall strategy is based on a continuous improvement process of setting
objectives, measuring results, and utilizing feedback to facilitate further growth and progress. The
company plans to rapidly develop marketing alliances with industry leaders and pursue new sales of its
services to residential and commercial builders. The market strategy is to capitalize on Fiberglass Worlds
alliances by securing city, parish, state, and government contracts.
Competitive Edge
Having both Fiberglass Plate installed offers the user an energy efficient system that will not fail.
Fiberglass Plate Products are a true fiberglass system that meets the demands of todays architectural
designs and will continue to provide

1. C) Write short notes on: (Any 4) (20 Marks)

2. 1. Characteristics of the ideal print advertisement

Answer: With the glut of advertising and marketing that saturates our daily lives, yours must work hard to
earn the customers attention. These 12 characteristics of great print advertising will help your next
campaign do just that.

Keep It Simple Less is better. One clear, compelling message is far more persuasive
than a confused jumble of offers and benefits.

Stopping Power Make your ad visually strong to capture the readers attention. You
have only a second or two. If your advertising goes unnoticed, everything else is

Clarity Good advertising communicates quickly and convincingly. Readers wont

take the time to figure out a convoluted message theyll

2. 2. AIDA Model

Answer: AIDA stands for attention, interest, desire, and action. It is an acronym used in marketing and
advertising, which helps marketing managers develop effective communication strategies and
communicate with customers in a way that better responds to their needs and desires. AIDA describes a

common list of events that occur when a consumer views an advertisement. Each letter in the acronym
stands for the following:

3. Medial planning tools

Answer:Media planners have many tools at their disposal to research and select sites that will help clients
reach their target audiences. Very often were targeting large audiences by demographic or region, and we
can use standard syndicated data tools such as @Plan, comScore, or the SRDS, a provider of media rates
and data, to help us identify sites that index high with our target audiences. This is fine for clients who
want to reach very large groups of people such as females 18 to 24 in the northeastern United States.
But what about when youre going after a niche audience such as users of a particular technology or
collectors of classic cars? In these cases, those data sources are not as helpful because many niche sites do
not show up on their radar screens. Instead, you


Answer: Above the line (ATL), below the line (BTL), and through the line (TTL), in organizational
business and marketing communications, are advertising techniques, or different strategies companies use
to sell their products.In a nutshell, while ATL communications use media that are broadcast and published
to mass audiences, BTL communication use media that are more niche focused. While both ATL and BTL
communications can be used to either build brand awareness or drive sales through specific offers
(promotions), it is BTL interaction that gives the marketer the ability to tailor their messaging in a more
personal manner to the audience. ATL

5. Ad agency organization structure

Answer: The organizational structure of an advertising agency consists of the same basic elements,
regardless of the firms size. An account services team manages client relationships, the creative team
develops the advertisements and media specialists select the media outlets that will run the ads. A senior
management team takes responsibility for the agencys business and financial operations.
Agency Management: The senior

1. D) Illustrate positioning statements for: (any 4)? (20 Markes)

2. 1. Maruti

Answer:In 1981, Maruti was launched. The company was started by the Government of India and was
initially called Maruti Technical Services Private Limited. The first Managing Director of the company
was Sanjay Gandhi, late-Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhis son.
During the period of 1985 to 1996, a few other significant developments took place including Suzuki
taking up 50% stake in Maruti, leading to a 50-50 joint

2. 2. Nirma washing powder

Answer: This product created a marketing miracle, when introduced in the domestic marketplace. In
1969, when the detergents were priced so exorbitantly that for most of the Indians, it was a luxury item.
Nirma envisioned the vast Fabric Wash market segment and sensed a tremendous potential therein. This
product was priced at almost one third to that of the competitor brands, resulting into instant trial by the
consumers. Owing to its unique environment-friendly, phosphate-free formulation, the consumers became
loyal to this brand, helping it to over-take the decades old brands, in terms of volumes. This brand had
been ranked as the

3. 3. BOSCH

Answer: The company began as a Workshop for Precision Mechanics and Electrical Engineering which
the founder Robert Bosch opened in Stuttgart in 1886.
The companys international activities can look back on a long tradition: as early as 1898, only a few years
after having found his company, Robert Bosch opened his first representative office in London. The next
step towards internationalisation followed one year later with the foundation of a second Bosch
representative office in Paris to provide the French and Belgian markets. Particularly important for the
further development of the foreign organisation was the opening of an agency in New York in 1906 and
the commencement of production in

4. 4. Harward business school

5. 5. Apple

Answer:We believe that were on the face of the earth to make great products and thats not changing.
Were constantly focusing on innovating. We believe in the simple, not the complex.

We believe we need to own and control the primary technologies behind the products that we make and
participate only in markets where we can make a significant contribution.
We believe in saying no to thousands of projects so that we can focus on the few that are meaningful to us.
We believe in deep collaboration and cross pollination in order to innovate in a way others cannot.
We dont settle for anything other than excellence
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Subject : Administration and Ethical Issues in Health Care Sector

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Post Graduate Diploma in Medico Legal Systems
(Applicable for 2013-14 batch)

Subject : Administration and Ethical Issues in Health Care Sector

Total : 100 Marks

1. 1) Answer the following questions

1. a. What information is needed by the patients/ relations?

Answer:The doctorpatient relationship is central to the practice of healthcare and is essential for the
delivery of high-quality health care in the diagnosis and treatment of disease. The doctorpatient
relationship forms one of the foundations of contemporary medical ethics. Most universities teach students
from the beginning, even before they set foot in hospitals, to maintain a professional rapport with patients,
uphold patients dignity, and respect their privacy.
A patient must have confidence in the competence of their physician and must feel that they can confide in
him or her. For most physicians,

1. b. Circumstances often information may be withheld

Answer: When physicians communicate with patients, being honest is an important way to foster trust
and show respect for the patient. Patients place a great deal of trust in their physician, and may feel that
trust is misplaced if they discover or perceive lack of honesty and candor by the physician. Yet there are
situations in which the truth can be disclosed in too brutal a fashion, or may have a terrible impact on the
occasional patient.Contrary to what many physicians have thought in the past, a number of studies have
demonstrated that patients do want their physicians to tell them the truth about diagnosis, prognosis, and
therapy. For instance, 90% of

1. 2) Discuss Documentation and medical record keeping with

specialreference to legal aspects of medical records. 30

Answer:The terms medical record, health record, and medical chart are used somewhat interchangeably to
describe the systematic documentation of a single patients medical history and care across time within
one particular health care providers jurisdiction. The medical record includes a variety of types of notes
entered over time by health care professionals, recording observations and administration of drugs and

therapies, orders for the administration of drugs and therapies, test results, x-rays, reports, etc. The
maintenance of complete and

1. 3) Write short notes on any four 40

2. a. Confidentiality

Answer:Confidentiality is one of the core duties of medical practice. It requires health care providers to
keep a patients personal health information private unless consent to release the information is provided
by the patient.
Why is confidentiality important?
Patients routinely share personal information

1. b. Crosspathy Practice
2. c. Unethical Conduct

Answer:In the Pennsylvania study, witnessing unethical behavior was associated with a greater likelihood
of students acting improperly themselves. In a survey of 303 students across all 4 years of medical
education at a single medical school, about a third of the total sample said that derogatory comments made
by physicians were sometimes or often appropriate. The more senior the students, the more likely they
were to believe that

1. d. Advertisement & Medical Profession

Answer: If an educated, intelligent, hardworking demographic is your target market, it may pay for you to
advertise to the medical profession. Of course, whether it succeeds for you depends heavily on your
product and selling strategy. You may also find that the medical field encompasses a broad variety of
clinicians ranging widely in income levels and perspectives. While many clinicians including doctors and
pharmacists are very highly paid, medicine has its lower-income staff, such as licensed practical nurses
and phlebotomists. Your advertising success will depend largely on your goals and strategy.
Education: Physicians, pharmacists, psychologists

1. e. Valid Consent

Answer:Valid consent is much wider than simply providing information, and it comprises a number of
considerations, the most significant of which are briefly summarized below.

First you must determine that your patient has capacity to consent to treatment.
Capacity means the ability to use and understand information to make a decision.

Even when you apply the capacity test and you consider the patient isnt capable of
consent then you may still be able to treat the patient provided that you act with their
best interests in mind. If they are under 16, you will either

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Subject : General Principles of Law

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Post Graduate Diploma in Medico Legal Systems
(Applicable for 2013-14 batch)

Subject : General Principles of Law

Total: 150 Marks
Answer all questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1. 1) Define Tort? What do you mean by Injuria Sine Damnum &Damnum Sine
Injuria. 30

Answer: It isthe area of law that covers the majority of all civil lawsuits. Essentially, every claim that
arises in civil court with the exception of contractual disputes falls under tort law. The concept of tort law
is to redress a wrong done to a person, usually by awarding them monetary damages as compensation.
Tort law can be split into three categories: negligent torts, intentional torts and strict liability. Negligent
torts encompass harm done to people generally through the failure of another to exercise a certain level of
care (usually defined as a reasonable standard of care). Accidents are a good example of negligent torts.
Intentional torts, on the other hand, refer to

1. 2) Discuss the Section 304-A of The Indian Penal Code,1860 withspecial

reference to Jacob Mathews case 30

Answer: J U D G M E N T R.C. LAHOTI, CJI Ashok Kumar Sharma, the respondent no.2 herein filed a
First Information Report with police station, Division No. 3, Ludhiana, whereupon an offence under
Section 304A read with Section 34 of the Indian Penal Code (for short the IPC) was registered. The gist
of the information is that on 15.2.1995, the informants father, late JiwanLal Sharma was admitted as a
patient in a private ward of CMC Hospital, Ludhiana. On 22.2.1995 at about 11 p.m., JiwanLal felt
difficulty in breathing. The complainants elder brother, Vijay Sharma who was present in the room
contacted the duty nurse, who in her turn called some doctor to attend to the patient. No doctor turned up
for about 20 to 25 minutes. Then, Dr. Jacob Mathew, the

1. 3) Discuss the Article 21 of the Constitution of India with referenceto health

care system in India? 30

Answer: The Constitution guarantees fundamental rights to its people. Article 21 gives the citizens the
Right to Life. As with all fundamental rights, the Right to Life is justiciable. Many other obligations,
required to produce an egalitarian society, are enshrined in the Constitution and are listed under Directive
Principles of State Policy. These include Article 47, 39 and 38, which argue for the need to raise the level
of nutrition, enhance standards of living and improve public health. They also make a case for social
justice and sustainable livelihoods.
The Supreme Court has, on many occasions, cited the

1. 4) Define FREE CONSENT. What are its components? Giveexamples of your

own choice. 30

Answer: Free consent is one of the most important essential elements of a valid contract. The term free
consent refers to meeting of free and fresh minds of two parties of an agreement when two parties take and
understand, purpose, subject matter and terms and conditions of the agreement in the same sense it is free
consent. Both of them must take things in the same way. They must not understand it in different way. An
agreement which is made freely it becomes a valid contract due to presence of free consent of both the
parties. In any of the free consent of both there will no free consent in the agreement.
1. 5) A) What is capacity to contract? 30

Answer: Capacity to contract means the legal competence of a person to enter into a valid contract.
Usually the capacity to contract refers to the capacity to enter into a legal agreement and the competence
to perform some act. The basic element to enter into a valid contract is that s/he much have a sound mind.
Certain class of people are exempted from the category of people who are capable of entering into

1. B) Define Void Agreements.

Answer: Void agreements are those agreements which are not enforced by law courts. Section 2(g) of the
Indian Contract Act defines a void agreement as, an agreement not enforceable by law. Thus the parties
to the contract do not get any legal redress in the case of void agreements. Void agreements arise due to
the non-fulfillment of one or more conditions laid down by Section 10 of the Indian contract Act. This
Section states as follows: All agreements are contracts if they are made with free consent of parties
competent to contract, for a lawful, consideration and with a lawful object, and are not hereby expressly
declared to be void.
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Subject : Introduction to Medico Legal Systems

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Post Graduate Diploma in Medico Legal Systems
(Applicable for 2013-14 batch)

Subject : Introduction to Medico Legal Systems

Total: 100 Marks

1. 1) Discuss Indian legal System 30

Answer:The Indian Judicial System is one of the oldest legal systems in the world today. It is part of the
inheritance India received from the British after more than 200 years of their Colonial rule, and the same
is obvious from the many similarities the Indian legal system shares with the English Legal System. The

frame work of the current legal system has been laid down by the Indian Constitution and the judicial
system derives its powers from it.
The Constitution of India is the supreme law of the country, the fountain source of law in India. It came
into effect on 26 January 1950 and is the

1. 2) Write note on any three 30

2. a. Medical Council of India

Answer:The Medical Council of India (MCI) is the statutory body for establishing uniform and high
standards of medical education in India. The Council grants recognition of medical qualifications, gives
accreditation to medical colleges, grants registration to medical practitioners, and monitors medical
practice in India. The current chairman of

1. b. Nursing Council of India

Answer:The Indian Nursing Council is a national regulatory body for nurses and nurse education in India.
It is an autonomous body under the Government of India, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare,
constituted by the Central Government under section 3(1) of the Indian Nursing Council Act, 1947 of
Indian parliament.There are many registered state-level nursing councils. They are granted autonomous
rights by the nursing council.
1. Kerala Nurses and Midwives Council Kerala

1. d. Central Council of Homoeopathy


1. 3) Write note on Bar council of India 10

Answer:The Bar Council of India is a statutory body established under the Advocates Act 1961 that
regulates the legal practice and legal education in India. Its members are elected from amongst the lawyers
in India and as such represents the Indian bar. It prescribes standards of professional conduct, etiquettes

and exercises disciplinary jurisdiction over the bar. It also sets standards for legal education and grants
recognition to Universities whose

1. 4) Write about following legal & medical terminologies 30

1. a. Plaintiff

Answer:A Plaintiffalso known as a claimant or complainant, is the term used in some jurisdictions for the
party who initiates a lawsuit (also known as an

1. Cause of Action

Answer:The cause of action is the heart of the complaint, which is the Pleading that initiates a lawsuit.
Without an adequately stated cause of action the plaintiffs case can be dismissed at the outset. It is not
sufficient merely to state that certain events occurred that entitle the plaintiff to relief. All the elements of
each cause of action must be detailed in the complaint. The claims must be supported by the facts, the law,
and a conclusion that flows from the application of the law to those facts.
The cause of action is often stated in the form of a

1. e. Cognizance

Answer:It is the power, authority, and ability of a judge to determine a particular legal matter. A judges
decision to take note of or deal with a cause. That which is cognizable to a judge is within the scope of his
or her jurisdiction. A Justice of the Peace would not have cognizance of a major criminal matter, for
In old practice,that part of a fine in which the defendant acknowledged that the land in question was the
right of the complainant. From this the fine itself derived its name, as being sur cognizance de droit, etc.,
and the parties their titles of cognizer and cognizee.

1. f. Fundamental Rights

Answer:Fundamental rights are a generally regarded set of legal protections in the context of a legal
system, wherein such system is itself based upon this same set of basic, fundamental, or inalienable rights.
Such rights thus belong without presumption or cost of privilege to all human beings under such
jurisdiction. The concept of human rights has been promoted as a legal concept in large part owing to the
idea that human beings have such fundamental rights, such that transcend all jurisdiction, but are
typically reinforced in different ways and with different

1. g. F.I.R

Answer:A First Information Report (FIR) is a written document prepared by police organizations in
Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan when they receive information about the commission of a cognizable
offence. It is generally a complaint lodged with the police by the victim of a cognizable offense or by
someone on his or her behalf, but anyone can make such a report either orally or in writing to the police.
For a non cognizable offense a Community

1. j. Evidence Based

Answer:In medicine, Evidence Based means pertaining to the conscientious, explicit, and judicious use of
current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients. The practice of evidencebased medicine means integrating individual clinical expertise with the best available external clinical
evidence from systematic research.
Evidence-based prevention refers to a set of prevention activities that evaluation research has shown to be
effective. Some of these prevention activities help individuals develop the intentions and skills to act in a
healthy manner. Others focus on creating an
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Subject : Laws Relating to Incorporation of Medical

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Post Graduate Diploma in Medico Legal Systems
(Applicable for 2013-14 batch)

Subject : Laws Relating to Incorporation of Medical

Total Marks-150
Answer the following questions. All questions carry equal marks
1. 1. Discuss a) the nature of partnership
2. b) Relations of partners to third parties

1. Discuss in detail the dissolution of partnership firm. 30

Answer: When the relation between all the partners of the firm comes to an end, this is called dissolution
of the firm. Section 39 of the Indian Partnership Act, provides that the dissolution of the partnership
between all the partners of a firm is called the dissolution of a firm. It implies the complete break down
of the relation of partnership between all the partners.

Dissolution of partnership is different from the

2. 2. Discuss in detail the provisions relating to registration of Partnership

Firm & effect of non-registration.

What is registration of Public Trust? How it is done? 30
Answer: A trustee is required to uphold a strong level of integrity and impartiality in conducting its
duties. Typically, a trustee is not permitted to benefit or profit from its position unless the trust document
specifically allows for payments to the trustee for providing services. Often, a trustee may have a fiduciary
responsibility to the trust beneficiaries.
Public charitable trusts, as distinguished from private trusts, are designed to benefit members of an
uncertain and fluctuating class. In determining whether a trust is public or private, the key question is
whether the class to be benefited constitutes a substantial segment of the public. There is no central law
governing public charitable trusts, although most states have Public Trusts Acts. Typically, a public
charitable trust must register with the office of the

3. 3. Write notes on 30
4. a) Medical Treatment by Charitable Hospitals withconcessional rate to
patients belonging to indigent andweaker section

Answer: In a stinging indictment of the health support system in the country, the Supreme Court in the
case of Samira Kohli v/s DrPrabhaManchanda and others, had drawn attention to the pitiable condition of
the poor who need medical aid. In India, the majority of citizens requiring medical care and treatment fall
below the poverty line, said the court. Most of them are illiterate or semi-literateThey do not have
access to effective but costly diagnostic procedures. Poor patients lying in the corridors of hospitals after
admission for want of beds or patients waiting for days on the roadside for an admission or a mere
examination, is a common sight.
1. b) Powers of Charity Commissioner to issue directions to Trusts Hospitals.

Answer: Several hospitals are started and run by charitable trusts registered under the Bombay Public
Trust Act. These trusts avail of facilities and assistance in some conditions on such big trust hospitals to

provide medical services to poor or not so well off persons. The Bombay Public Trust act was therefore
suitably I amended in 1985.
As per the provisions:
The Charity Commissioner or any other

4. 4. Write Note on
5. a. Types of Companies

Answer:There are different types of company, which can be classified on the basis of formation, liability,
ownership, domicile and control.
1. Types Of Companies On The Basis Of Formation Or Incorporation

Chartered Companies: Companies which are incorporated under special charter or

proclamation issued by the head of state, are known as chartered companies. The
Bank Of England, The East India Company,

1. b. Memorandum of Association

Answer:: It is a British A document that regulates a companys external activities and must be drawn up
on the formation of a registered or incorporated company. As the companys charter it (together with the
companys articles of association) forms the companys constitution. The memorandum of association
gives the companys name, names of its members (shareholders) and number of shares held by them, and
location of its registered office. It also states the companys


amount of authorized share capital,

whether liability of its members is

1. c. Articles of Association

Answer: In corporate governance, a companys articles of association (called articles of incorporation in

some jurisdictions) is a document which, along with the memorandum of association (in cases where the
memorandum exists) form the companys constitution, defines the responsibilities of the directors, the

kind of business to be undertaken, and the means by which the shareholders exert control over the board
of directors.

5. 5. Powers duties & liabilities of Directors of company 30

Answer: Section 2(13) of the Companies Act, 1956, defines a Director as any person, occupying the
position of Director, by whatever name called. The Articles of association generally contain provisions as
to their appointment, retirement rights duties and remuneration.
Composition of Board
The Board of Directors is elected representatives of the shareholders of the company. The Board of
Directors of a company collectively are responsible for
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(SEM 3) / PGDFMN (SEM 1)





Note: Answer all questions. Kindly note that answers for 10 marks questions should be
approximately of 400 words. Each question is followed by evaluation scheme.

Q1.Explain the objectives of tax planning. Discuss the factors to be considered in tax planning.
(Objectives of tax planning 5 marks; Factors in tax planning 5 marks) 10 marks

Answer: Objectives of tax planning :

1. Objective of raising revenue:

The basic and primary objective of taxation is raising revenue. Enormous amount needed by modern
governments for National defense, creation of infrastructure and social upliftment schemes make regular
and systematic resource mobilization compulsory.

Q2.Explain the categories in Capital assets. Mr. C acquired a plot of land on 15th June, 1993 for
10,00,000 and sold it on 5th January, 2010 for 41,00,000. The expenses of transfer were 1,00,000.Mr.
C made the following investments on 4th February, 2010 from the proceeds of the plot.

1. a) Bonds of Rural Electrification Corporation redeemable after a period of three years,

2. b) Deposits under Capital Gain Scheme for purchase of a residential house 8,00,000 (he does
not own any house).Compute the capital gain chargeable to tax for the AY2010-11.
(Explanation of categories of capital assets 4 marks ; Calculation of indexed cost of acquisition 2
marks; Calculation of long term capital gain 2 marks; calculation of taxable long term capital gain 2
marks) 10marks

Answer : Categories of capital assets :

1. Collectibles :

Long-term investments in collectibles are taxed at a flat 28%. Short-term investments in collectibles are
taxed as short-term capital gains at your ordinary income tax rates. Collectibles include the following


Q3.Explain major considerations in capital structure planning. Write about the dividend policy and
factors affecting dividend decisions.
(Explanation of factors of capital structure planning 6 marks; Explanation of dividend policy 2
marks; factors affecting dividend decisions 2 marks) 10marks

Answer : Factors of capital structure planning :

1. Trading on Equity:

The word equity denotes the ownership of the company. Trading on equity means taking advantage of
equity share capital to borrowed funds on reasonable basis. It refers to additional profits that equity
shareholders earn because of issuance of debentures and preference shares.

2. Degree of control:

Q4.X Ltd. has Unit C which is not functioning satisfactorily. The following are the details of its fixed

LandGoodwill (raised in
books on 31st March, 2005)

10th February, 2003

Book value
(Rs. lakh )

5th April, 1999


12th April, 2004


Date of acquisition

The written down value (WDV) is Rs. 25 lakh for the machinery, and Rs.15 lakh for the plant. The
liabilities on this Unit on 31st March, 2011 are Rs.35 lakh.
The following are two options as on 31st March, 2011:
Option 1: Slump sale to Y Ltd for a consideration of 85 lakh.
Option 2: Individual sale of assets as follows: Land Rs.48 lakh, goodwill Rs.20 lakh, machinery
Rs.32 lakh, Plant Rs.17 lakh.
The other units derive taxable income and there is no carry forward of loss or depreciation for the
company as a whole. Unit C was started on 1st January, 2005. Which option would you choose, and

(Computation of capital gain for both the options 4 marks; Computation of tax liability for both the
options 4 marks ; Conclusion 2 marks) 10marks

Answer : Total price of the unit is :

Option 1 :
The net wealth of the undertaking (aggregate value of the total assets of the undertaking minus the value
of the
liabilities as appearing in books of accounts) shall be deemed to be the cost of acquisition and the cost of
improvement for the

Q5.Explain the Service Tax Law in India and concept of negative list. Write about the exemptions
and rebates in Service Tax Law.
(Explanation of Service Tax Law in India 5 marks; explanation of concept of negative list 2marks;
Explanation of exemptions and rebates in Service Tax Law 3 marks) 10marks

Answer : Service tax laws in India :

Generally, the liability to pay service tax has been placed on the service provider. However, in respect of
the taxable services notified under Sec.68(2) of the Finance Act,1994, the service tax shall be paid by such
person and in such manner as may be prescribed at the rate specified in Sec.66 of the Act and all the
provisions of Chapter-V shall apply to such person as if he is the person liable for paying the service tax.
The following services have been notified under Sec.68(2) of Finance Act,1994:
the services,(i)

in relation to telecommunication service

Q6.What do you understand by customs duty? Explain the taxable events for imported, warehoused
and exported goods. List down the types of duties in customs. An importer imports goods for
subsequent sale in India at $10,000 on assessable value basis. Relevant exchange rate and rate of
duty are as follows:

Exchange Rate
Rate of Basic
Declared by
Customs Duty



Date of
submission of
bill of entry

25th February,

Date of entry
5th March,
granted to the 2010



Calculate assessable value and customs duty.

(Meaning and explanation of customs duty 2 marks; Explanation of taxable events for imported,
warehoused and exported goods 3 marks; Listing of duties in customs 2 marks; Calculation of
assessable value and customs duty 3marks) 10marks

Answer : Custom duty :

A customs duty is a tariff or tax on the importation (usually) or exportation (unusually) of goods. In the
Kingdom of England, customs duties were typically part of the customary revenue of the king, and
therefore did not need parliamentary consent to be levied, unlike excise duty, land tax, or other forms of
taxes. Commercial goods not yet cleared through customs are held in a customs area, often called a
bonded store, until processed. All
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Note: Answer all questions. Kindly note that answers for 10 marks questions should be
approximately of 400 words. Each question is followed by evaluation scheme.

Q.1 Elaborate on the basic steps in organizing a merger and explain on the five stage model of
mergers and acquisitions.

Ans: Explanation of basic steps in organizing a merger :

Step 1-Informal Discussion:

The first step of the process involves an informal discussion by the board of directors. The board should
consider the history of the cooperative, the present status, and, above all, what the cooperative should do
to survive, prosper, and meet members needs.

Step 2-The Merger Steering Committee:

Q.2 Synergy is the additional value that is generated by the combination of two or more than two
firms creating opportunities. Explain the role of industry life cycle and pre requisites for creation of

Ans : Explanation of the role of industry life cycle :

Life cycle models are not just a phenomenon of the life sciences. Industries experience a similar cycle of
life. Just as a person is born, grows, matures, and eventually experiences decline and ultimately death, so
too do industries and product lines. The stages are the same for all industries, yet every industry will
experience these stages differently, they will last longer for some and pass quickly for others. Even within
the same industry, various firms may be at different life cycle stages. A firms strategic plan is likely to be
greatly influenced by the

Q.3 Corporate restructuring is a broad based business initiative that results in major change of size,
ownership, control and/or management. Write down the characteristics of corporate restructuring
and explain the types of corporate restructuring.

Ans : Characteristics of corporate restructuring :

1. To improve the companys Balance sheet, (by selling unprofitable division from its core business).
2.To accomplish staff reduction ( by selling/closing of unprofitable portion)
3.Changes in corporate management.
4.Sale of underutilized assets, such as patents/brands.
5.Outsourcing of operations such as payroll and technical support to amore efficient 3rd party.
6.Moving of operations such as manufacturing to lower-cost

1. 4 Leveraged Buyouts (LBO) is a financing technique of purchasing a private company with

the help of borrowed or debt capital. Explain the modes of LBO financing and governance
aspects of LBOs.

Ans : Explanation of modes of LBOs :

LBOs are typically used for three purposes, each in the category of corporate acquisitions generally. These
are 1) taking a public company private, 2) financing spin-offs, and 3) carrying out private property
transfers frequently related to ownership changes in small business.

Public to Private

The first situation arises when an investor (or investment group) buys all of the outstanding stock of a
publicly traded company and thus turns the company into a privately-held enterprise (taking private in
reverse of going public).

1. 5 Joint Ventures (JV) have become an important strategic option for many businesses. Give
the meaning of JV with example. Explain the characteristics of Joint Ventures. Also explain
the Rationale for Joint Ventures and alternatives to JVs as expansion strategy options with

Ans : Meaning of JV with example :

A joint venture (JV) is a project or enterprise in which multiple companies or individuals invest.
Participants usually share equally in the projects direction and profits. A business arrangement in which
two or more parties agree to pool their resources for the purpose of accomplishing a specific task. This
task can be a new project or any other business activity.

1. 6 Amalgamation is the nature of merger is an amalgamation/consolidation which satisfies/

meets the following conditions. Explain the two methods of amalgamation. Explain the
treatment of Goodwill arising on Amalgamation and treatment of reserves of amalgamation.

Ans : Explanation of two methods of amalgamation :

There are two main methods of accounting for amalgamations:

(a) the pooling of interests method; and

(b) the purchase method.

1. The Pooling of Interests Method :

Under the pooling of interests method, the assets, liabilities and reserves of the transferor company are
recorded by the transferee company at their existing carrying amounts. If, at the time of the amalgamation,
the transferor and the transferee companies
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(SEM 4) /










Note: Answer all questions. Kindly note that answers for 10 marks questions should be
approximately of 400 words. Each question is followed by evaluation scheme.

Q.1 What do you understand by the term risk and uncertainty? Explain different types of risk
facing business and individuals.

Ans : Risk and uncertainty :

Risk and uncertainty are two terms basic to any decision making framework. Risk can be
defined as imperfect knowledge where the probabilities of the possible outcomes are known, and
uncertainty exists when these probabilities are not known . A more common usage of these terms would
state uncertainty as imperfect knowledge and risk as uncertain consequences. . If a person says I am
uncertain about the weather tomorrow,: this would be a value-free statement implying
imperfect knowledge about the future. If this same person says I am planning a picnic for

tomorrow and there is a risk of rain, now he or she is

Q.2 Identify the role of insurance in managing risk financing. Explain the importance of insurance
transaction. Discuss in different perspectives of insured and insurer

Ans : Role of insurance in managing risk financing :

Rising insurance premiums and the occasional inability to obtain coverage at any cost have changed the
traditional role of insurance. Obtaining coverage for every insurable risk is being replaced by the risk
management concept. Risk management, which includes insurance coverage, is intended to minimize the
costs associated with assuming certain types of risk and providing prudent protection. It deals with pure
risks that are characterized by chance occurrence and that may only result in a financial loss. Risk
management does not address speculative risks that afford the opportunity for either financial gain or loss.

Introduction of insurance transaction :

It is a term used to refer to the actual conducting of insurance business , for example , soliciting and
negotiating contracts. The definition of this term can vary from

Q.3 Explain the reasons that have been responsible for the privatization of the insurance industry in
the country. Identify the problems and prospects of public insurance enterprises.

Ans : Privatization of the insurance industry :

Over the past century, Indian insurance industry has gone through big changes. It started as a fully private
system with no restriction on foreign participation. After the independence, the industry went to the other
extreme. It became a state-owned monopoly. In 1991, when rapid changes took
place in many parts of the Indian economy, nothing happened to the institutional structure of insurance: it
remained a monopoly. Only in 1999, a new legislation came into effect signalling a change in the
insurance industry structure. We examine what might happen in the future when the domestic private
insurance companies are allowed to

Q.4 Explain the creation and application of insurable interest. Give the differences between
wagering and insurance.

Ans : Creation of insurable interest :

Insurable interest exists when an insured person derives a financial or other kind of benefit from the
continuous existence of the insured object (or in the context of living persons, their continued survival). A
person has an insurable interest in something when loss-of or damage-to that thing would cause the person
to suffer a financial loss or other kind of loss. Typically, insurable interest is established by ownership,
possession, or direct relationship. For example, people have insurable interests in their own homes and
vehicles, but not in their neighbours homes and vehicles, and certainly not those of strangers. The factual

Q.5 Give the important activities of life insurance company. Describe the important historical
milestones in the development of the life insurance sector in India.

Ans : Important activities of life insurance company :

Financial market activity of life insurance companies :

An important development in the financial markets of several industrial countries in recent decades has
been the growth of long-term institutional investors and their increasing domination of the capital market.
Aided by both demographic and financial market trends, it seems likely that this development will
continue in the future. However, the nature and the importance of this change including the global
dimensions of the trend towards institutionalisation have often been overlooked or underestimated by
market commentators and observers. Even fund managers themselves are often unaware of the conditions
faced by institutional investors in other countries.

Insurance transfers the financial effect of fortuitous losses. A financial organizations primary defences
against loss are adequate internal controls

Q.6 Give short notes on :

Pricing objectives.
Pricing elements.
Rate computation

Ans : Pricing objectives:

Pricing objectives or goals give direction to the whole pricing process. Determining what your objectives
are is the first step in pricing. When deciding on pricing objectives you must consider:

1) the overall financial, marketing, and strategic objectives of the company;

2) the objectives of your product or brand;
3) consumer price elasticity and price points; and
4) the resources you have available.

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(SEM 4) /










Note: Answer all questions. Kindly note that answers for 10 marks questions should be
approximately of 400 words. Each question is followed by evaluation scheme.

Q.1 Explain the concept of merchant banking. Give a small introduction on book building and write
about the methods and guidelines for book building.

Ans :Concept of merchant banking :

Merchant Banking is a combination of Banking and consultancy services. It provides consultancy to its
clients for financial, marketing, managerial and legal matters. Consultancy means to provide advice,
guidance and service for a fee. It helps a businessman to start a business. It helps to raise (collect) finance.
It helps to expand and modernize the business. It helps in restructuring of a business. It helps to revive
sick business units. It also helps companies to register, buy and sell shares at the stock exchange. In short,
merchant banking provides a wide range of services for starting until running a business. It acts as
Financial Engineer for a business.
The functions of merchant banking are listed as follows:
1. Raising Finance for Clients
2. Broker in Stock Exchange

Q.2 Explain the whole concept of issue management which includes pre-issue and post issue

Ans :Introduction of issue management :

Issues or issue management refers to the systematic examination of an organization (usually companies,
public authorities, political parties, associations, etc.), with their environmental concerns. Its about the
public to identify emerging, organization relevant issues early and to react accordingly. This can be
through participation in shaping public opinion or done by adapting the organization policy. In addition,
an organization also includes measures to bring subjects even in the public debate, the issue management.
The term is also used in the project management and the software testing is used. There are, for example,
the problem management , the task of management or the management and processing of reported errors
so designated.

Pre-issue management :

Q.3 Financial services are of several kinds. Financial services are divided into two extensive
categories. Explain in detail both the categories of financial services.

Ans : A. Fund based financial services:

1. These Involve provision of funds against assets, bank deposits, etc.

2.Fund based income comes mainly from interest spread (the difference between the interest earned and
interest paid), lease rentals, income from investments in capital market and real estate

3. Major part of the income is earned through fund-based activities. At the same time, it
involves a large share of expenditure also in the form of interest and brokerage.

1.Equipment leasing :

A lease is an agreement under which a company or a firm acquires a right to make use of a capital asset
like machinery, on payment of a prescribed fee called rental charges. Long-term.

Q.4 Give the difference between Bank Vs Depository. Explain the functions performed by

Ans : Differences between bank and depository :

On the simplest level, depository is used to refer to any place where something is deposited for storage or
security purposes. More specifically, it can refer to a company, bank or an institution that holds and
facilitates the exchange of securities. Or a depository can refer to a depository institution that is allowed to
accept monetary deposits from customers. Central security depositories allow brokers and other financial
companies to deposit securities where book entry and other services can be performed, like clearance,
settlement and securities borrowing and lending. On the other hand ,
A bank is a financial institution and a financial intermediary

Q.5 Give the introduction of leasing with an example. Explain all the four types of leasing.

Ans : Introduction of leasing with example :

Leasing is a process by which a firm can obtain the use of a certain fixed assets for which it must pay a
series of contractual, periodic, tax deductible payments.
The lessee is the receiver of the services or the assets under the lease contract and the lessor is the owner
of the assets. The relationship between the tenant and the landlord is called a tenancy, and can be for a
fixed or an indefinite period of time (called the term of the lease). The consideration for the lease is called


Suppose the AB company takes a new automobile on lease for three year. Also assume that at the end of
three years the AB company will be called to take the ownership of vehicle at no extra cost. Here not only
the vehicle is taken on lease but also the AB company is using the lease agreement as a means of financing
the automobile.

Explanation all the four types of leasing :

Q.6 Write about the concept of securitization and its features . Explain the process of securitization
of debts and its advantages.

Ans : Introduction of securitization :

Securitization is the financial practice of pooling various types of contractual debt, such as residential
mortgages, commercial mortgages, auto loans, or credit card debt obligations, and selling said
consolidated debt as pass-through securities, or collateralized mortgage obligation (CMOs) to various
investors. The cash collected from the financial instruments underlying the security is paid to the various
investors who had advance money for that right. Securities backed by residential mortgage receivables are
called residential-mortgage-backed securities (RMBS), while those backed by other types of receivables
are asset-backed securities.

Features of securitization :

1. Marketability:

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Credit and Max. Marks

4 credits; 60 marks

1.Discuss the principles of Management by Henri Fayol.

Answer : Henri Fayol, a mining engineer and manager by profession, defined the nature and working
patterns of the twentieth-century organization in his book, General and Industrial Management, published
in 1916. In it, he laid down what he called 14 principles of management. This theory is also called the
Administrative Theory. The principles of the theory are:

1.Division of work: tasks should be divided up with employees specializing in a limited set of tasks so
that expertise is developed and productivity increased.

2.Authority and responsibility: authority is the right to give orders and entails enforcing them with
rewards and penalties; authority should be matched with corresponding responsibility.

3.Discipline: this is essential for the smooth running of business and is dependent on good leadership,
clear and fair arguments, and

2.Discuss the pre-requisites of an Effective Control system.

Answer : Controlling can be defined as measuring and correcting of performance to achieve the
organisational goals.
Control is the last in the management process and is perhaps the most important. Control is the rudder of
business because it ensures that a process is going in the right direction by making continuous corrections.
Without control, the business will perhaps go to where it should never go and do what it should never do.
A business will be able to expand in product portfolio and geography and delegate and outsource only
because controls are possible

3.Define Personality. Discuss the factors that determine personality development.

Answer : Definition of Personality: The term personality means different things to different people. Its
root, of course, lies in the Latin term persona meaning speak through and denoted the mask worn by
actors in Greece and Rome. To the common man, it means external appearances and behaviour, to the
psychologists it means the inner awareness of self as a permanent organising force, and to the manager, it
denotes the measurable traits, both inner and outer which can predict the performance in an organisation.

Following are the factors that determine personality development:

Heredity The relationship of heredity with personality is a well-accepted fact. Traits

like physique, eye colour, hair colour, height, temperament, energy level, intelligence,
reflexes, etc. are generally referred to describe the influence of heredity in developing

The heredity approach argues that the ultimate explanation of an individuals

personality is the structure of the genes. Identical twin and other studies have not
confirmed this fully, however genetic influence is fairly well accepted.

4.Discuss the concept of Attitude. Describe the components and functions of Attitude.
Answer : Meaning of attitude
Attitudes are also known as frames of reference. They provide the background against which facts and
events are viewed. It becomes necessary to know the attitudes of members of an organisation because they
have to perceive specific aspects like pay, hours of work, promotion, etc. of their work life in the wider
context of their generalised attitudes. Attitudes are also known as frames of reference.
Explanation of the components of attitude
Components of attitude
There are three components of an attitude namely 1) Cognition, 2) Affect and 3) Behaviour.
1. Cognition. It is the mental process involved in gaining knowledge and comprehension,
including thinking, knowing, remembering

5.Discuss the three stages of Stress. Explain the reasons for stress.

Answer : Stage 1: Alarm Reaction. Any physical, emotional, or mental upset will cause an instantaneous
reaction by the body to combat the stressor. This physical response is well known as the fight-or-flight
reaction. The fight or flight reaction sends a tremendous burst of adrenaline to all parts of the bodythe
blood vessels, heart, stomach, kidneys, lungs, eyes, muscles, and more. If the stress is short-term (acute)
or not severe (in biological terms, a short time would be a few hours, perhaps even a couple of days), we

6.Write short notes on the following :

a)TOWS matrix
Answer : A TOWS analysis involves the same basic process of listing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities
and threats as a SWOT analysis, but with a TOWS analysis, threats and opportunities are examined first
and weaknesses and strengths are examined last. After creating a list of threats, opportunistic, weaknesses
and strengths, managers examine ways the company can take advantage of opportunities and minimize
threats by exploiting strengths and overcoming weaknesses.

b)Porters Five Forces model

Answer : Michael Porter provided a framework that models an industry as being influenced by five forces.
These five forces are those competitive forces that shape every single industry and market. These forces
help us to analyze everything from the intensity of competition to the profitability and attractiveness of an

Five Forces Analysis helps the marketer to contrast a competitive environment. Five forces analysis looks
at five key areas namely the threat of entry, the power of buyers, the power of suppliers, the threat of
substitutes, and competitive rivalry.

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MB0039 Business Communication
Credit and Max. Marks 4 credits; 60 marks

Note Answer all questions. Kindly note that answers for 10 marks questions should be
approximately of 400 words. Each question is followed by evaluation scheme.

1 As a speaker you are addressing a group of people. Explain the elements involved in this
Answer : When two or more people are in the same place and are aware of each others presence, then
communication is taking place, no matter how subtle or unintentional. Without speech, an observer may
be using cues of posture, facial expression, and dress to form an impression of the others role, emotional
state, personality and/or intentions. Although no communication may be intended, people receive
messages through such forms of non-verbal behaviour.

2 What is the importance of Kinesics and Proxemics in communication? Explain with examples.

Answer : Nonverbal communication is the process of communication through sending and receiving
wordless (mostly visual) cues between people. It is sometimes mistakenly referred to as body language
(kinesics), but nonverbal communication encompasses much more, such as use of voice
(paralanguage), touch (haptics), distance (proxemics), and physical
environments/appearance.Typically overlooked in

3 How does internal business communication affect the organization? Discuss the role of each
stakeholder in this.
Answer : Some of the forces impacting your small business are more challenging to master than others.
The degree to which you can control them varies. At the same time, you can improve the state of internal
and external factors effecting your

4 Imagine a new product from food industry. Write a persuasive letter to customers, persuading
them to buy your companys product.
Answer : Sales letters can be extremely powerful; marketing studies show that they outperform other
direct mail formats such as brochures and postcards. But before you get to see how effective sales letters
are for yourself, you have to write one. Heres how to write a sales letter that will wow your readers and
persuade them to buy your product or service.

5 You are going to face a job interview for the post of Manager-operations. Which aspects you will
keep in mind while facing the interview?
Answer : Find out what type of interview you can expect. The recruiter setting up your job interview can
probably give you an idea ahead of time. If you have the opportunity, ask how long the interview will be
and who will be on the panel? You can better tailor your answers when you understand the interview

6 Write short notes on:

1. a) SQ3R technique of reading
Answer : Meaning of SQ3R :
SQ3R is a tried and tested study strategy. It not only helps us to understand and remember but can also
help us to identify the information we need to write an assignment. SQ3R is an active reading exercise that
is designed to help us get a fuller understanding of your reading materials. We will need to keep a pen and
some paper on hand to use this method.
SQ3R is an acronym which stands for

Survey (or Skim)


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