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Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology

January 2011, Vol.37, No.1, 125-131.

Mental and Emotional Impact of Divorce on Women

Bharti Sharma

Shri Krishna Hospital, Gokal Nagar, Gujarat

Divorce dampens womens self esteem and divorced women reportedly undergo
very significant amount of strain. The present study has examined the effect of
passage of time on mental and emotional health of divorced women of varied
age groups. The participants of the study were 50 divorced women in the age
group of (20-30) and 50 in (30-40) age group. Assessment of impact of divorce
was carried out within a month of grant of divorce and after 1 year post divorce.
The emotional health was assessed using the Eight State Questionnaire (8SQ).
The mental health of the divorced women was measured through Mental Health
Inventory (MHI) and a semi structured interview schedule was used for post
divorce experiences. Content analysis was applied on material from the interview
schedule .It is found that divorced women experience better mental health with
the passage of time .Also, the younger women experience less emotional/mental
strain as compared to the older women. These findings have vital implications
for understanding societal structure and its changing concerns.
Keywords: Anxiety, Depression, Distress, Hypertension, Psychiatric care, SelfDestruction, Temperament.

Divorce is the legal dissolution of a socially

and legally recognized marital relationship
that alters the obligations and privileges of
the two persons involved. It is also a major
life transition that has far-reaching social,
pathological, legal, personal, economic, and
personal consequences (Price & Mc Kenry,
1988). In general terms it is considered as
the ending of a marriage. A breakup in
relationship is certainly the most terrible
situation for a person that results into an
emotional setback. The mental health
indicators which are affected by divorce relate
to depression, anger, low self-esteem, and
anxiety. The person concerned may blame
himself/herself for such a mishap. No doubt,
adapting to divorce can be a strenuous
process despite seeking relief of termination
of a problematic marriage. Many a times
continuing in an abusive and unsatisfying
marriage has had greater effect on the
psyche of spouses and children rather than

opting to be parted amicably or through court

(Goldstein, 2008)
The divorce rates have increased
considerably during the recent years not only
in developed but developing countries as
well. It has been often overlooked but it has
certainly changed the family structure due to
its pervasive destructive effects on the society.
In context of Indian society in the last few
decades divorce has become a handle to
challenge the establishment of a family in a
routine manner bringing severe impact on
emotional and mental health of an individual
especially women. Since women are
considered as the binding force in the family,
they are believed to be responsible for
whatever wrong is done. It has been argued
that women invest more in the family, take
larger responsibility for the marriage, and
therefore perceive divorce as a greater failure
than do men (Kurdek, 1990; Hung, Kung, &
Chan 2004).

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