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Refute of the Trinity doctrine *

* As defined in the Charter of The World Council of Churches and written into the
charter of most referred to as Christian Religions. I am not going to add to the
already absurd writings of this doctrine,, but I will state that below are more
than 90 scriptures of more than 500 scriptures in the New Testament which
profusely argues against the Trinity Doctrine and all the complicated theories
promoted to somehow understand it.. .

There are too many scriptures,, in the Bible, which tell us that Christ Jesus has
a relationship "WITH" his Father, his God ( Jehovah / Yahweh ),, not with himself
as a 3 part being.. Christ Jesus ( Yeshua ) also has a relationship / association
with the Holy Spirit.

The Trinity Doctrine is not that there are three in a unison association,, it is
that in all actuality they are/is just one 3-part entity. Below are more than 90
scriptures that profusely argues against this... these are 90 out of more than 500
scriptures in the New Testament alone.

MATTHEW 6: 6 Father who is unseen

John 5: 37...6: 46 1Timothy 6:16

MATTHEW 10: 40 Him who sent me

John 5: 23 ... 6: 39 ... 12: 44,49 ...11: 41,42

MATTHEW 16: 16,17 Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God... My Father who
is in heaven...revealed this to you
Mark 14: 61 Luke 22: 70 John 10: 36...17:1...13: 19...20: 31 1John 4: 15...2:
22...5: 5 2John 1: 3

MATTHEW 17: 5 This is My beloved Son

Luke 3: 22 2Peter 1: 16, 17 Hebrews 1: 5

MATTHEW 23: 9,10 One is your Father, He who is in heaven. .....One is your leader,
that is, Christ
1Corinthians 8:5 Colossians 3: 17

MATTHEW 24: 36 ....that day and hour...; the Father alone knows.
Mark 13:32

MATTHEW 26:39 My Father,...not what I want, but what you want.

Matthew 26: 42 Luke 22: 42 John 6: 38

MATTHEW 26: 53 ...My Father... 27: 46...My God

Luke 22: 29 John 20: 17 Hebrews 1: 9 Revelation 1: 6

MARK 14: 62 "... the Son of of Man seated at the right side of the Almighty....

LUKE 7: 27 ... says God; I will send him ahead of you (Jesus) ......... ..
Matthew 11: 10 ( Malichi 3:1)

JOHN 4:25, 26 ... Messiah is coming ( Christ)... I ( Jesus ) He .

1John 5:1

JOHN 5: 22 ... the Father...has given all judgement to the Son .

John 17:2

JOHN 13: 3 Jesus.....come forth from God, and was going back to.......... God.
John 14: 28...17: 11 1Corinthians 7: 40
JOHN 13: 20 ...he who receives whomever I send receives me ; and ....... Him who
sent me .
1John 2: 22 1 Corinthians 3: 23

JOHN 14: 28 ... the Father is greater than I

Acts 3: 13 1Corinthians 11: 3....15: 24,,27,,28 Philippians 2: 6*

*Philippians 2: 6 is one the most varied translated verses in the Bible,, please
reference a few translations on this one.

JOHN 17: 3 the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast......... sent

JOHN 17: 4 I glorified thee... the work which Thou hast given Me to do.
John 17: 5 Father ! Give me..., the same glory I had with you before ...the world
was made.
John 17: 22, 24

JOHN 17: 21 That they may all be one; even as Thou, Father art in me,...... and I
in Thee, that they also may be in us
John 14: 17 ... 17: 22-23

ROMANS 8: 17 ... we will posses with Christ what God has kept for Him .

PHILIPPIANS 2:9 God raised him to the highest place... and gave him...... the
name... greater than any other
1Corinthians 15: 27 ( Psalms 145: 13...8: 6 )

1TIMOTHY 2: 5 ... one mediator between God and man... Christ Jesus

HEBREWS 1: 2 ... His Son... whom God has chosen ( appointed heir )

HEBREWS 2: 17 ... High Priest in His service to God,...

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