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A1 Level 2: Diagnosis Activity hecha:

1. Diagnosis Activity -HTML Version No se deja ver
2. Diagnosis Activity - Downloadable Version gua 20
A1 Level 2: Learning Activity 1
1.Learning Activity 1 - HTML Version: Introducing my homeland (video en vivo Cali)
Stange 1: Sharing a little bit about my country:

1. Record a TV comercial
2. Participate in a forum
1 First: create a journal in Blackboard to post all your evidences.
How to do it:
1.Choose a Colombian city and do some research about it.
2. Record TV commercial promoting the city you choose. Talk about its weather and interest places.
3. Upload your TV commercial to a website like YouTube or Vimeo.
4. Create a journal entry and post the link of your TV commercial.
5. Write a post in the best Colombian cities forum describing the city you choose and saying why you
think it is the best place to visit.
6.Use comparative and superlative forms to talk about Colombian
cities. (escribir)
1. Create a journal in Blackboard.
2. Record a TV commercial about a Colombian city.YA
3. Upload your video to a website like YouTube or Vimeo.YA
4. Post the link of your video in your journal.NO SE DEJA
5. Write a post in the best Colombian cities forum.
1. What a beautiful land:
Dear listeners, today we will have a cold rainyday. Strong winds are coming
from the north andlightning storms are striking some areas. Temperatures will
be around 7 degrees below zero. Thick snow layers cover most streets and
roads making commuting a pain in the neck for most people in the city. Most

schools are closed and some companies are not operating. Youd better stay
home and avoid driving today.
I'm a bit disappointed in you. You are only a fair-weather friend
2. Face like thunder!" This expression means to look very angry:
"What's up with you today? You have a face like thunder!"
3. A storm in a tea cup: hacer alboroto por algo pequeo. Una tormenta en una taza de
To make a lot of fuss over something small:
"Don't worry about those two arguing. it's just a storm in a teacup
4. Take a rain check Postpone something
"I don't really want to go out for dinner today. Can we take a rain-check on it?"
5.Undertheweather: Not feeling very well.
"I'm feeling a bit under the weather at the moment."

6.It'srainingcatsanddogsoutside.Llueve mucho. To rain a lot

"We want to stay home today. It's raining cats and dogs outside

2. Thebestplacetovisit:
1.Bogota is the capital city of Colombia. Bogota was declared by UNESCO as the World Book Capital
City in 2007 (UNESCO, s.f.) and Ibero American Capital of culture by UCCI (UNESCO, s.f.). Bogota is
one of the most important cities in the continent.
What is the weather like?
Temperature ranges from 12 C (54 F) to 18 C (64 F).
Bogota is a cold city.
Where is it located?
It is located in the center of the country. Bogota is the biggest city in Colombia.
Where to go?
La Candelaria: This zone has a lot of colonial buildings. There you can find several museums,
cultural sceneries, restaurants, hostels and hotels. La Candelaria is one of the best preserved
places in Latin America.
Monserrate Hill: This place has the most beautiful views of the city. On the top of the hill, you will
find a church and several gift shops.
What to do there?
3 things to do in Bogot
- You can visit the Salt Cathedral in Zipaquira. You can go there by train.
- You can go shopping to the most important malls.
- You can visit some museums and amusement parks.
2.Medellin is the eternal spring city. This place is considered a business hub because of its industry
and technological development. It is particularly famous worldwide for being a very innovative city.
What is the weather like?
Its temperature ranges from 18 C (64 F) to 30 C (86 F). Medellin is a warm city.

Where is it located?
Located in the Aburra Valley, on the central Andes Mountain Chain, Medellin is the second
biggest city of the country.
Where to go?
Botero Plaza: the most popular attraction in the city; in this place you can walk by beautiful
plump sculptures. This city is home to one of the most famous artists in Colombia: Fernando
Botero. Don't forget to take a picture of you standing by the largest metal sculpture!
Pueblito Paisa: It is the representation of a typical Antioquia's town. You can find one of the most
important sculpture collections of the 80's and the last century.
What to do there?
3 things to do in Medelln
- You can enjoy the flower fair at the citys annual parade (August).
- You can go shopping to Santa Fe Mall. It is the citys largest shopping mall and is located on
Avenida El Poblado.
- You can visit El Peol; it is a beautiful lake and recreational area.
3.Cartagena was declared as World Heritage in 1983 by UNESCO (UNESCO, s.f.). Cartagena is a
tropical paradise. It is visited by thousands of tourists who find it as the perfect place to relax.
What is the weather like?
Its temperature ranges from 30 C (86 F) to 35 C (95 F). Cartagena has a pleasant hot weather.
What is the weather like?
Its temperature ranges from 30 C (86 F) to 35 C (95 F). Cartagena has a pleasant hot weather.
Where is it located?
It is located on the Northern Caribbean coast of Colombia.
Where to go?
Castle of San Felipe de Barajas: It's one of the most amazing Spanish forts. It was built on top of
San Lazaro Hill.
Simon Bolivar Park: It is a small park. There are different types of restaurants where you can
enjoy good food. You can also find the oldest church in Cartagena and Santo Domingo Monastery.
What to do there?
3 things to do in Cartagena
- You can swim at Playa Blanca which is considered one of the bestbeaches in Cartagena.
- You can walk along the streets. You can have a look at the most impressive buildings of the old
- You can visit the historic center on horse and carriage.
Moving around amazing cities
John Spencer is an English teacher who lived in Bogota for 20 years, in Medellin a couple
of years, and finally, moved to Cartagena 2 years ago. We asked him to compare life in
Bogota, Medellin and Cartagena.
Heres what he told us:
In Colombia, I had the chance to live in three amazing places: Bogota, Medellin and Cartagena.
Bogota is a lovely city. It has lots of great buildings and places. Its biggerthan Medellin. Its the
biggest city in the country.
Medellin is the second biggest city. It usually has a hot or warm weather throughout the year, but I
must say Cartagena is probably the hottest city I have ever been to.

In terms of weather, I can say Bogota is colder and windier thanMedellin. Bogota is one of the most
important cities in the continent, but is too chaotic for me. As I was more interested in living in
a more peaceful place, I decided to move to Cartagena.
Traditional architecture in Cartagena is more romantic and magical, and its parks and churches are
wonderful. Cartagena isnt as noisy asBogota and Medellin, and its less crowded. I
feel happier living here.

Making comparisons in English
If you want to compare
cities size, you can say
Barranquilla is a
big city.
Medellin is bigger
than Barranquilla.
Bogota is the biggestcity in Colombia.
Making comparisons in English
If you want to compare cities weather you, can say
is a hot city.
Cucuta is hotter thanVillavicencio.
Barranquilla is the hottest city in Colombia.

Making comparisons in English

If you want to compare cities population, you can say
Cartagena is a
crowded city.
Medellin is morecrowded thanVillavicencio.
Bogota is the most crowded city in Colombia.

Making comparisons in English

When you want to compare one thing to another, you usually use comparative
adjectives. Lets check how these adjectives are formed.
Comparative adjectives
Sample sentence
cold + er
Bogota is colder than Medellin.
Mr. Spencer feels happier in Cartagenathan in Bogota.
More + populated
Bogota is morepopulated than Medellin.
Making comparisons in English
When you want to compare one thing to a group of things use superlative adjectives. Let
s check how these adjectives are formed.
Superlative adjectives
Sample sentence
cold + est
Bogota is the coldest city in Colombia.
Barranquilla is the hottest city in Colombia.
The most + populated
Bogota is the mostpopulated city in Colombia
Making comparisons in English
Some adjectives may have an irregular comparative form; this means that they are
formed in a different way. Lets check the table.
Irregular comparatives
Comparative form
Superlative form
The best

The worst
The Farthest

1. ColombianMarvelesTvcomercialChecklist_hayunaguaparaescribirelnombre: Apprenticesname


Buenas tardes,
Aqu pego el link (Record a TV commercial ) la grabacin del comercial que se encuentra
en yotube.
Muchas gracias.
Espero que me confirmen el recibido.

Stange 2:
TEST:Introducing my homeland Test - Level A1.2 HECHO
Introducing my homeland Test - Level A1.2

Stange 2:Chilli Winter Stage 2 : Writing a postcard to a good friend : What to

Dear Linda,
Im writing this postcard from New York City; it is a big , exciting and cosmopolitan city. I am
eating delicious food, enjoying sightseeing , visiting museums, The Central Park, Broadway,
the Times Square Garden, The Empire State building, etc., Im having a really good time here.
You know its winter time, so the weather is really cold . I have an amazing view from my hotel, it
is snowing a lot , I can see snowfl akes on mywindowpane , and it is really wonderful .
In this moment, Im reading an ad about Colombia, they are mentioning different places to visit there;
I know San Andrs is a stunning place. Now, Im planning my trip to Colombia, Im thinking of
traveling soon . I want to go and visit you. I cant wait to be there. Big hug from The Big Apple, Daryl.

Dear Daryl,
Im so happy with your postcard, it's so good to know you are visiting Colombia. You know
you are more than welcome. Right now, it's Holy week in Colombia; it is very similar to
Spring Break in the United States. So, right now, we are relaxing and having some time to
rest. We are at the beach, so I am sending a picture attached for you to visit Colombia soon.
This is me in the purple swimsuit, and the boy wearing blue shorts is Tim, my little brother.
Looking forward to seeing you soon!
Dear Daryl,
Im so happy with your postcard, it's so good to know you are visiting Colombia. You know you are
more than welcome. Right now, it's Holy week in Colombia; it is very similar to Spring Break in the
United States. So, right now, we are relaxing and having some time to rest. We are at the beach, so I
am sending a picture attached for you to visit Colombia soon. This is me in the purple swimsuit, and
the boy wearing blue shorts is Tim, my little brother.
Looking forward to seeing you soon!

What are people at the beach doing? Look at the picture carefully and try to
answer the following questions:

Answers 1
Answers 2



are Linda and Tim doing?

are the two little kids doing?
are the man and woman in white swimsuit doing?
is the woman in the red swimsuit doing?
is the man in the black shorts doing?
is the dog doing?

1. What are Linda and Tim doing?

Theyre playing beach volleyball.

2. What are the two little kids doing?

Theyre making a sand castle.
3. What are the man and woman in white swimsuit doing?
Theyre having a cocktail.

4. What is the woman in the red swimsuit doing?

Shes sunbathing.
5. What is the man in the black shorts doing?
Hes running.
6. What is the dog doing?
Its barking.
1. The best place to visit
2.Learning Activity 1- Downloadable Version

Stage 3 :

Getting to know the rules

How to do it:

I'm so excited! My friend Daryl wants to come to Colombia to

spend his vacation. But first, he needs to know what he should or
shouldnt do
Lets give Daryl some useful advice so he can have a great time
here in Colombia.
Research about customs, legal norms and social rules in Colombia.
Prepare some tips about what people should or shouldn't do when
staying in Colombia.
Schedule a web conference with your tutor and other apprentices.
Talk with other apprentices about the tips you prepared before.


Do some research.
Prepare some tips.
Schedule a web conference.
Share your tips.

To study the learning material you need to do this task, go to this

And, go to this section to check the assessment criteria for this
We are ready now! Lets get started!

What to study?


Do's and dont's

Welcome back, dear apprentices!
I am planning my trip to Colombia as I am traveling very soon. I am getting ready, reading about
the things I should and shouldnt do there. Do you have any advice?
In this learning material, you are going to learn how to make suggestions or to give advice in
Keep going!

Lets read the following article I found on the internet. It has a lot of useful tips
and advice for travelersgoing to Colombia. If I want to have a good experience in this country, I
need to be well- prepared.
Lets read it together!

Tips for travelers going abroad

There are some actions anyforeigner should take into account before making any preparations for
business or tourism trips to Colombia. Here we gather some useful tips to make you aware of the
importance of taking care of yourself when being abroad
Tips for travelers going abroad
1. You had better have all legal documents such as visas, passportand insurances in order, or
youmight have legal problems when trying to leave or enter the country you want to visit
Tips for travelers going abroad
2. You should not packunnecessary or extremely valuable objects such as expensivelooking jewelry orgoods. This way you can avoid being an easy target for thieves.

Tips for travelers going abroad

3. You should make copies of your passport, air-tickets, itinerary and hotel reservations, and leave
them with your family in case they need to contact you in an emergency.
Tips for travelers going abroad
4. Before you travel, you shouldlearn as much as you can about the local laws and customs as well
as the current social and political situation in the place you are going to visit. Consult
yourembassy, consulate or travel agent to get information about your destination.
Tips for travelers going abroad
5. You should get familiar with the local weather and geographical conditions of the place you are
going to visit in order to know what kind of clothes or gear you need to take with you
Tips for travelers going abroad
There are many things travelers going to Colombia should or should not do. Drag the following tips
into the column they belong to.
LETS ANALIZE: Dear apprentice, did you find the article on tips for travelers going to
Colombia useful? Why dont you help me to answer the following questions?
1. What kinds of clothes should I take to Colombia?
2. Should I learn some Spanish or can everybody in Colombia speak English?
3. Should I get any vaccines if I go to specific places?
4. If a stranger talks to me in a very friendly way and offers to help me with
my luggage, should I accept his/her help?
5. Should I take a taxi at the airport or on the street?
6. What should I do if I get into legal problems in Colombia ?
Giving useful advice!
In order to answer these questions, we need to learn how to make suggestions or give advice in
English. Lets check the following information to learn how to use modal verbs to make suggestions
or give advice.
Giving useful advice!
Modal verbs in English are special verbs that can have many communicative functions. Some of
them express obligation or ability, while some others express necessity or probability. Today, we
are going to take a look at modals of advice: they are used to make suggestions or to give advice.
Modals of advice are:
My husband and I
Our friends

Modal Verb
Had better
Ought to
Piece of advice
Learn some Spanish before coming to Colombia.

Colombia! Giving useful advice!

People use should or ought to to indicate that it is a good idea to do something or that it is
necessary or advisable. Lets check the following examples:

If you are planning to go to San Andres, youshould buy summer clothing.

You should learn some Spanish before traveling to Colombia because not all the
people there speak English.
Before going to Colombia, you shouldget some vaccines to prevent
yellow feverand malaria.
You ought to be very careful when talking to strangers.

Giving useful advice!

You shouldn't accept help from strangers.
You shouldn't hail a taxi on the street. It is better to take a taxi at the airport or
call a taxi service.
You shouldnt leave your luggageunattended.
Giving useful advice!

You had better buy enough winter clothes if you go to New York in winter
time. Otherwise,you might get sick.
You had better put your money in a safe place. Otherwise, you might berobbed.
You'd better keep an eye on your bags or someone might stealthem from you.
You'd better not loseyour passport while being abroad or you might have legal

i "Had better" is often used to imply that if you do not follow someones advice,
there might be a negative consequence or result:

Giving useful advice!

You had better buy enough winter clothes if you go to New York in winter
time. Otherwise,you might get sick.
You had better put your money in a safe place. Otherwise, you might berobbed.
You'd better keep an eye on your bags or someone might stealthem from you.
You'd better not loseyour passport while being abroad or you might have legal

Listen to the following examples paying especial attention to the pronunciation of /a:/; it
is the sound we pronounce when we say casa in Spanish. Check and practice how this
sound is usually spelled and pronounced in English.
Spelling and Pronunciation of /a:/

Stage 4

: Getting ready to travel

How to do it:

I'm finally going to Colombia next week! I need to buy some

summer clothes and some gifts for linda and her family.
Help me out with the shopping! Let's have some fun together!
Listen carefullyto a dialogue between Daryl and a shopkeeper. You
can find it in the What to study section under the
name"Shopping Time".
Based on the dialogue "Shopping Time", download and
complete a purchase order. You can find the purchase order in the
What to study section too.
Based on the dialogue "Shopping Time", download and
complete a purchase order. You can find the purchase order in the
What to study
section too.
Create a journal entry to post the purchase order.



To study the learning material you need to do this task, go to this

To check the assessment criteria for this task, click on this section.

Listen to a dialogue.

Based on the dialogue, complete

a purchase order.
Post the purchase order
in your journal.

Now, I'm ready for my trip to Colombia! Thanks to you all

for helping me out. See you there soon.


1. A visit to the shopping mal: audio

2. Shopping time dialogue
3. Purchase order
How to check it?Saleunapginaparaponerminombreyyap.

A1 Level 1: Learning Activity 2

Learning Activity 2 - HTML Version

A1 Level 2: Learning Activity 2

Becoming a biographer, Direct instruction time: 16
Learning outcome:Narrating past events related to ones
family within a timeline, taking into account principles of
1. Writeabiographer:recoletexperiences.

Dear apprentices,Watch the next video. Then, answer some

Video: Hey, welcome to my place; come in! Hi my name is Jarell
Morey and this is where I live, please come. So this is my place.
It`s very small but I really love it,


1. Study the learning materials.

2. Write about important moments in your life.
3. Read the checklist.
1. Weekendsarereallyfun
2. WhatcanIsay?
3. Whendidithappen?

Weekends are really fun!


Hi, Tania! How are you?
Fine, thanks and you?
Very good. I just talked to Claudia. She said she wants to go out sometime to catch up.
Are you free tomorrow evening?
Yeah! We can go to the mall and eat some ice cream.
Yeah, that sounds great! Lets go to the mall. Actually, I wentto the ice cream
shop lastSaturday, and we had agreat time, it was really fun.
Ok, great! So, lets meet by the door number 1 on Friday at 6:00 p.m.
Yeah, Perfect!
Hi, girls!
Hello! How are you?
Im fine, thanks for asking. So, where do you want to go first?
Lets go to the food court and then do some window shopping.
Great! I think I need to buy some new shoes anyway.
What would you like to eat? I think I want a cheese burger.
I ate cheese burgers last night, I prefer fried chicken.
I would eat some chicken too. Ok! So, three orders of fried chicken, French fries and diet cokes
coming up!
So what did you do last weekend Claudia?
Well, on Saturday morning I cleaned my house. Then, in the afternoon I took a nap, but my cousin
Sandrawoke me up at five oclock.
She wanted me to go to the movies with her.
There, we met some cute guys. But I wantedto go to the ice cream shop, so they went to the
movies and we atesome sundaes.
And on Sunday, I stayedhome. I watched some movies, and I did my homework. What didyou do
last weekend?
Well, I was with my boyfriend. On Saturday, my boyfriend Charlie and I dined out. And later that
evening we went to the arcade.

On Sunday, we stayed home as well. But I didnt do any homework. In the afternoon, we took out
the karaoke andsang lots of old songs.
Oh, that sounds like a lot of fun! Yeah, It really was.
Remember that when we want to talk about something that happens now or happens all
the time, we use the actions in one way:
I eat cheese burger.
You are a student.
He wakes me up at five oclock
She wants me to go to the movies with her.
It is fun to sing.
We go to the arcade.
They sing a lot of old songs.
But if we want to talk about something that alreadyhappened and referring to past
events we need to change these actions into past tense. For example:
I eat cheese burger every week.
You are a student.
He wakes me up at five oclock every day.
She wants me to go to the movies with her.
It is fun to sing.
We go shopping every month.
They usually sing a lot of old songs.
I ate cheese burger last night.
You were a student.
He woke me up at five oclock this morning.
She wanted me to go to the movies yesterday.
It was fun to sing last week.
We went last weekend.
They sang a lot of old songs last Sunday.

Lets check what you just learned. Listen to the activities Tania and Claudia did last weekend!
Then, select a verb and drag it into the correct gap. Click on the next link to get help with the
We can also ask questions about things that alreadyhappened, pay attention to the order
of words as it is the same you learned for present tenses before:
Were you at the party?
Was she your girlfriend in 2005?
What did you do last weekend?
Where did you go?

Notice that, when we ask about something that already happened, we use were and was
instead of am, is or are and, did instead of do.
Notice that you can add some expressions to the sentences to refer to things that
happened already. For example:
Last year
Last weekend
On Monday
For two years
At 8:00 oclock
For three hours
Lets read some more examples:
We went to the ice cream shop on Saturday.
I ate cheese burgers last night.
On Sunday, I stayed at home.
On Saturday, morning I cleaned my house.
What did you do last weekend?
To transform statements into negative ones we use "wasnt", "werent" and "didnt".
Mike was at the party
We were at the party
Andrea danced at the party
Mike wasnt (was not) at the party
We werent (were not) at the party
Andrea didnt (did not) dance at the party
2. Write about important moments in your life.

What can I say?

Dear apprentices,
In this material you will go
through regular
and irregular verbs,
which will help you to get

better in your English

language practice.
Our goal now is to learn
about intonation and
pronunciation when using
the past form of regular
and irregular verbs.
We invite you
to work on these activities
and reinforce what
you have learned.
I was at the beach
with my two best friends
last weekend. We had a
great time. Lets see
some pictures!

The Humans through history have impacted nature of many forms, unfortunately today
the effect of the man's hand in nature has been negative since we are living a century of
barbarism, man is very destructive and intervenes nature with that false possibility of
development; the only thing we are doing is exterminating, loot and devastate the whole
paradise of natural resources that has privileged a country like Colombia.
FORO 2: Advise:
I advise all of you to hear lectures and videos on youtube calls: "TED" are excellent and
you can try to listen in English without subtitles because the translations do not always
say the same thing and can confuse you. I advise you not think, just listen.
Try to avoid action movies or some in which the vocabulary is very technical!
Good luck! See you soon!

Diana Carolina.
FORO 4 Important invention:
Nowadays more important invention is the phone, It has done that we are in a new era
where man never had been so interconnected with the world, we are in the era of
informationism where we have access to the world through smartphones what possess
the virtues of the internet and help you to communicate from any corner of the world.




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