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QRI creates value by

increasing production,
reserves and capital
efficiency for the upstream
industry worldwide.

We bring a sharper,
smarter focus to
reservoir management.
Dr. Nansen G. Saleri
CEO and President

A Message From The President ................................................... 4

Value Creation ................................................................................. 7

Sustainable Production Targets ................................................. 12
Alpha Reserves Appreciation ..................................................... 13
Capital Efficiency .......................................................................... 14
Environmental Stewardship ........................................................ 15

QRI Intellectual Advantage

RCAA ..................................................................................... 18
RMR....................................................................................... 20

Proprietary and Patented Metrics ..................................... 23

Worlds Foremost Experts in Reservoir Management

Our Executives ...................................................................... 27

Our Scholars ........................................................................... 35

Our Associates ...................................................................... 45

Our Professionals .................................................................. 53

The best minds

in the industry
are changing it.

A Message From The President

Quantum Reservoir Impact (QRI) was founded in 2007 with a goal to create
lasting value for our clients. We did so with the promise of substantial
production gains, reserves appreciation, and capital efficiency. Today our
clients across the globe can boast of value gains in excess of $25 billion USD
(and multiples going forward) as a direct outcome of working with QRI.
What is the secret of our success?
Reservoir Management Stewardship: We have the best people,
experience, and track record in the industry. Reservoirs perform better
with QRI.
Analytics: QRIs proprietary algorithms give us an edge in speed,
accuracy, and integration the business of connecting the dots.
We identify sources of underperformance, production bottlenecks,
technology gaps, and pathways to reserves and production growth in
green and brown fields.
Alignment with Client Goals: Our aim is not to sell services or gadgets.
It is to help our clients generate the greatest value for themselves.
I am even more bullish about the future. As Steve Jobs expressed so well at the
end of his commencement speech at Stanford University in 2005, Stay hungry.
Stay foolish. We will do so as we redefine the ever-expanding horizons of
creating value.
Dr. Nansen G. Saleri
Chief Executive Officer & President

I nte l l igent

R eservoir

M anagement

The QRI Difference:

Value Creation

QRIs services and technology gives our clients the ability to better manage their assets, from reservoirs to
investment portfolios. We have created our own metrics to guide diagnostic processes for our customers,
providing a unique perspective unmatched in the industry.

I nte l l igent

R eservoir

M anagement

QRI is a value-creation agency for the upstream oil

and gas industry. Since 2007, our mission has been to
introduce innovative and state-of-the-art methods of
extraction to the global petroleum industry, enabling
companies to achieve much improved levels of recovery
efficiencies and production sustainability while optimizing
capital resources.
Our approach is grounded in science, modern reservoir
management metrics, and actionable analytics.
QRI is distinguished by our unique reservoir management
approach, robust intellectual property, and stellar talent.
Our business principles reflect who we are and what we
aim to achieve.

Our Clients Come First.

Creating maximum value for our clients fuels our endeavors.

We Talk Straight.
We take great pride in delivering honest and technically sound solutions.

Confidentiality, Integrity & Trust Are Our Values.

We conduct all our client relations and business activities with these values at
our core.

We Leverage Top Talent.

We empower our team of executives, professionals, scholars and associates to
be the best at what we do.

We Live It.
Creativity, innovation, due diligence, and technical differentiation are not simply

Every reservoir is unique. For that reason, so are QRIs clients. Our team of scientists and engineers analyzes
each reservoir down to its very DNA, offering an exact blueprint of the job at hand.

QRI has a very simple definition of value creation:

increasing production, reserves and capital efficiency,
while maintaining environmentally friendly practices.
We bring together industry experts and academic
heavyweights who collectively analyze, design and
develop superior reservoir management practices for our
clients. These practices create value in the form of Alpha
Reserves, Alpha Production, Investment Risk Mitigation,
and other client benefits.

The QRI Difference: Value Creation

We strive to create maximum incremental value in the form of:
Higher hydrocarbon recoveries.
Greater production performance.
Efficacies of capital programs.
Delivery of superior environmental policies.

QRI Intellectual Advantage

At the heart of QRIs competitive advantage is an impressive collection of
proprietary processes and leading and lagging metrics for maximizing a
reservoirs potential. We offer unique metrics benchmarking to compare and
identify a reservoirs unrealized potential. The indices weve developed are
geared toward optimizing the extraction of hydrocarbons. These metrics aid in
the management of hydrocarbon assets, enabling higher recoveries and greater
production performanceproviding a perspective not found anywhere else in
the industry.

Reservoir Management Experts

We employ some of the best minds in the industry to create a better future for
our clients. Our experience with the worlds most challenging fields is extensive.
We have worked in more than 70% of the largest reservoirs (thousands of fields
worldwide) and in all types of geology and producing conditions.
Our top talent, together with our intellectual property, differentiates us from
other more traditional upstream consulting agencies.

QRIs unique approach determines the reservoir anomalies, and applies proprietary metrics to improve
recovery and capital efficiency.


Sustainable Production Targets

Alpha Reserves Appreciation

Our projects entail high-level strategic planning, with an emphasis on

QRI applies theoretical innovations to real-world problems. We do this in

world-class reservoir management practices, technology deployment, and

a greatly reduced timeframe, showing impressive results in the areas of

development/revitalization of oil assets. The broad aim of these initiatives is to

production increases, greater capital efficiency, and additional reserves.

improve reservoir management practices company-wide, with specific emphasis

on raising ultimate recovery efficiency.

One of our biggest strengths is our ability to continually expand and strengthen
our intellectual property (IP). Speed in diagnosis and execution is a top

Application of modern reservoir management best practices not only generate

priority, and QRI develops high-impact, accurate solutions expeditiously. Our

opportunities for rapidly raising production levels, but also achieve and sustain

proprietary metrics and key performance indicators help us identify and capture

forecasted targets.

all possible reserves, through the appropriate use of technology and modern
reservoir management best practices.

QRI provides a comprehensive forecasting methodology allowing our clients to

scientifically establish, track and monitor production targets. Targets can be
assigned by asset, complex or portfolio depending on the project focus. Modern
reservoir management practices are then applied in line with client and industry
benchmarks. Multi-disciplinary workshops and reservoir management training
round out the programs.

$ 1,200

$ 7,000

$ 1,000

$ 6,000
$ 5,000

$ 800

$ 4,000

$ 600

$ 3,000

$ 400

$ 2,000

$ 200

US $ Millions

Quarterly Value
US $ Millions


$ 1,000




Quarterly Value Created






Cumulative Value Added

QRIs diverse experience lies with some of the largest oil fields on earth.

Pre-QRI Situation

QRIs Diverse Experience

This clients field production forecast was in serious decline. Over an 18-month

Our elite reservoir managers have led field design of some of the largest and

period, it was forecasted to decline up to 60%.

most prolific oil fields in the world, bringing global experience and industryrecognized success to QRI. By applying a considerable range of top-level

The Impact of QRI

From QRIs start date until June 2011, QRI estimated the oil company generated

industry experience to a project, QRI can identify and capture missed


approximately $5.8 billion* in incremental revenues. QRI believes this added

value is a result of our recommendations.
* QRI obtained the value estimate by multiplying the adjusted historical West Texas Intermediate (WTI) through
the end of April 2011 and projected WTI (May and June 2011) by the incremental barrels produced.



Capital Efficiency

Environmental Stewardship

The use of reservoir management tenets helps optimize resources such as

Stewardship and prudent custodianship of hydrocarbon resources necessitate

drilling rigs, artificial lift, surface facilities, offshore platforms, water and gas

a well-crafted system of due diligence in reservoir management, which

recycling, compression, and power requirements.

ultimately leads to higher recovery, as well as enhanced reliability of production


QRI provides portfolio and asset ranking to assist in gap analysis. This ranking
employs QRIs proprietary leading and lagging metrics. The gap analysis

QRI hydrocarbon extraction programs are designed for sustainability and

takes into consideration technical capabilities with geological and operational

longevity. These programs have recovery factors that far exceed industry

complexity. Value is derived from optimized resource acquisition and allocation.

standards. The QRI talent network has extensive knowledge and success in the
stewardship of national hydrocarbons and is highly sensitive to the important
leadership role NOCs play within their respective countries.


Environmentally Friendly Practices

Our reservoir management stewardship approach focuses on environmentally

$ 1,600


$ 1,400


friendly practices. Most notably, these practices help to reduce water

$ 1,000

$ 800

$ 600

$ 400



better well placement can diminish future water or gas production. While these
and other environmentally friendly practices are attractive as they generate
value for our client, QRI believes that the benefit for the planet is even greater.
QRIs resource recovery and energy efficiency goals are to:
Reduce water handling, gas cycling, flaring, and total energy consumption.
Protect underground and surface resourcesfresh water, soil, wildlife, and
the air.



1 Year

costs. For example, optimized lift designs can reduce power consumption, while

Mitigate water cuts.



$ 200

QRIs smarter upstream extraction designs can mitigate surface facility risks and



$866 Million

US $ Millions

$ 1,200

and minimize artificial lift.

Number of Wells

$1.4 Billion

production, improve gas recycling, conserve energy, minimize surface footprint,

Ensure the health and safety of our workforce and the public.
These goals stem from ethical standards that guide our thinking and practices.
We do our very best to protect the environment in the conduct of all our
business activities.

3 Years

5 Years

QRIs client estimated average savings were $4,800,00 per well using QRIs recommendations.
Drilling efficiencies resulted in a reduced drilling time of 26 days per well.
QRI assumed a 20-well per field per year drilling schedule for three fields.



QRI Intellectual Advantage:

Proprietary and Patented Metrics

QRI has proprietary and patented processes that optimize the extraction of hydrocarbons. QRI has also
developed an array of leading and lagging metrics designed to manage hydrocarbon assets allowing higher
recoveries and greater production.

I nte l l igent

R eservoir

M anagement


Reservoir Competency Asymmetric Assessment (RCAA) is an investigative

RCAA is an accelerated discovery process.

Its aim is the efficient extraction of hydrocarbon resources.

process designed to reach solutions quickly. This process drives most aspects of
our client engagement and value creation. QRI has created metrics to guide this
diagnostic process for our customers, providing a perspective not found anywhere
else in the marketplace. Our predictive metrics allow us to be proactive rather
than reactive, thereby saving time and money.
RCAA has four principal focus areas that return the greatest rewards, such
as production increases, reserves appreciation, greater sustainability, and a
positive environmental impact. The key elements of RCAA include:

Field Development Design & Reengineering

High, Yet Sustainable, Rates of Return
An original field development design, or its reengineering, is the centerpiece of
our activities. Field development integrity is fundamental to achieving robust
results. QRI focuses on design criteria for field development, an area that has
been largely overlooked in the industry.

Strategic Assessment
Achieving Long-Term Excellence
Long-term excellence is a hallmark of our reservoir management process.
Risk assessment and contingency planning form the basis for understanding
the consequences of production forecasts and reserves estimates. Reservoir
management is like weather forecasting; the further out your predictions, the
less confidence you have in the forecast. This often overlooked feature is critical
to contingency planning.

Knowledge Systems
Engineering Intellectual Capital
QRI offers various vehicles for knowledge sharing to improve the technical
capability of the workforce. These take the form of reviews, workshops, written
documents and frequent encounters.

Operational Excellence & Due Diligence

Project Implementation Oversight
QRI offers various assurance programs that ensure smooth implementation
and operation of reservoir management activities. These tools and processes
are typically used in the design or performance phase. Without a process
to properly address development and operating issues within a higher level
reservoir context, reservoir management can quickly degrade into an exercise
in well engineering. RCAA takes a high-level approach to problem-solving with
the result that high-value opportunities are captured throughout the reservoir
management cycle.
Proprietary and Patented
U.S. Patent No. 7,963,327




RMR is a numerical assessment of 29 reservoir performance parameters.

Reservoir Management Rating (RMR) is a structured approach used to assess

the quality of the reservoir management being employed in the recovery
of hydrocarbons from a particular reservoir. It is comprised of a unique


presentation of metrics, indices and quality measures taken from the RCAA
Q-Diagnostics inventory and it addresses the key reservoir management
elements of design, value enhancement and performance monitoring.




By providing a numerical assessment of critical reservoir performance

parameters using closed-form equations, essential questions and risk factors,



Reservoir Management

RMR can quantify the quality of a complex process as well as evaluate the
quality of alternative solutions in a standardized and internally consistent


manner. The effectiveness of RMR is based on its unique combination of




metrics. These emphasize the fundamental areas of reservoir performance while

filtering out noncritical parameters that add noise to the evaluation process.
The RMR score can be used to benchmark and improve both field development
designs and working operations. This process ensures that short- and long-term
views are being consistently maintained for an asset. By spanning both design




and operating phases, RMR checks that value is continually being anticipated
and advanced. RMR rating criteria include:


The engineering design of reserves recovery and rate of recovery (or the

The redesign of the depletion plan to ensure the maximum recovery of reserves




(or the full-cycle depletion plan).



Development & Operating Plan




The assessment of the current reservoir performance in relation to the recovery


Reservoir Surveillance
& Monitoring

design and depletion plan.

Reservoir Surveillance & Monitoring



The creation of a master plan to measure and assess critical reservoir

parameters to ensure the maximum effective recovery and optimum reservoir



Technology Application


Development &
Operating Plan


depletion plan) according to five critical categories of reservoir management.

Reserves Appreciation



Reservoir Management Design





Not Applicable

The use of the most appropriate technology available.

Proprietary and Patented



Proprietary and Patented Metrics

QRI has developed a number of proprietary and patented indices geared toward
optimizing the extraction of hydrocarbons. We have developed an array of
leading and lagging metrics designed to aid in the management of hydrocarbon
assets and allow higher recoveries and greater production performance. Notable
QRI metrics include:

Recovery Deficiency Indicator (RDI)*

Our RDI service is designed to quickly assess the potential for reserves increase
in a producing oil reservoir.

Reservoir Management Factor (RMF)

Our RMF service assesses the financial value gained in a project through
reservoir management.

Production Gain Index (PGI)**

Our PGI service is designed to quickly estimate the net gain in oil rate for a
developed oil field as a result of increasing aggregate well productivity.

Technology Improvement Index (TII)

Our TII service reflects the application of current and advanced technologies in the
areas of drilling, completions, production engineering, reservoir characterization,
and reservoir surveillance.

Geo-Technical Index
The Geo-Technical Index service captures and assesses the primary geologic
complexities that drive recovery efficiency. It captures the key recovery drivers
within each reservoir for both clastic and carbonate lithologies.

Drilling Efficiency Index (DEI)

Our DEI service is designed as a rapid screening tool to identify those assets,
within a large portfolio, where increased or improved drilling can have the
strongest and fastest impact.

Reservoir Development Quality Index (RDQI)

Our RDQI service captures the primary field and reservoir parameters that drive
recovery potential.

True Value Index (TVI)

Our TVI service encapsulates and assesses the combined value of a project.

*RDI - U.S. Patent No. 8,145,428

**PGI - U.S. Patent No. 8,145,427


Worlds Foremost Experts in

Reservoir Management

We employ the best the industry has to offer. At QRI, our world-class talent brings a sharper, smarter focus
to reservoir management.

I nte l l igent

R eservoir

M anagement


Our Executives


Dr. Nansen G. Saleri


President & CEO

As QRIs co-founder and chairman, Mr. Simon K. Hodson has been a key factor in

Dr. Nansen G. Saleri is the President, CEO, and co-founder of QRI, a unique value-

its success. He has focused most of his career on the development of new materials

creation enterprise in the upstream oil and gas industry since 2007. He is considered

and processes with improved efficiency and environmental profile towards the

one of the industrys preeminent authorities in reservoir management for his pioneering

development of new products. His innovations have led to significant value creation in

ideas in maximizing hydrocarbon recoveries, and he currently holds three U.S. patents.

business ventures.
As the former Head of Reservoir Management for Saudi Aramco for nearly a decade,
Mr. Hodson is the founder and Chief Executive Officer of StarStone, LLC, and has

Dr. Saleri led efforts toward establishing reservoir management metrics and launching

served as the Chief Executive Officer of E. Khashoggi Industries, LLC (EKI), the

its massive gas expansion program. He played a pivotal part in the companys

developer and licensor of the StarStone technology, since January 2006. For more

technological ascendancy in its upstream capabilities, specifically in the area of modern

than 20 years, EKI has been in the business of developing revolutionary technologies in

reservoir management and smart technologies. Dr. Saleri was chief architect of the

material science for commodity industries and products.

companys hugely successful optimization programs, most notably for Ghawar, the
worlds largest field.

Mr. Hodson has been a named inventor on over 100 U.S. and over 400 related foreign
patents. He has had a 30-year commitment in the reinvention of basic commodities as

Prior to his work with Saudi Aramco, Dr. Saleri worked for Chevron, serving as Manager

essential to the sustained growth of society and industries worldwide. Mr. Hodson has

of Reservoir Engineering.

been a guest lecturer at numerous universities and schools on technology development

and materials science applications to business.

In 2006 he was the recipient of the Society of Petroleum Engineers John Franklin Carll
Award, and he is both an SPE Distinguished Member and Distinguished Speaker.

Attended U.S. Naval Academy and University of South Florida
B.Sc., Physical Science, Foreign Languages and
Business Communications, Brigham Young University
Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Professional Experience
30+ years industry experience

He is a soughtafter opinion leader on global energy issues with wide-ranging media

engagements, including the Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, Bloomberg and CNBC.

Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, University of Virginia
M.Sc., Chemical Engineering, University of Virginia
B.Sc., Chemical Engineering, Bosphorus University (formerly Robert College, Turkey)
Reservoir Management
Key Awards
JPT Distinguished Author Co-Chairman of the SPE European Forum Advisory Board of
Petroleum Engineering at the University of Houston
2006 John Franklin Carll Award, given annually by the Society of Petroleum Engineers
2009 Chair of SPE Carll, Lucas & Uren Award Committee
SPE Distinguished Lecturer
Professional Experience
35+ years industry experience
Former Head of Reservoir Management, Saudi Aramco
Former Manager Reservoir Engineering, Chevron


Donald Tang

Dr. Robert M.

Vice Chairman

Chief Technology Officer

Neal K. Githens

Bryan Lastrapes

Executive Vice President

of Corporate Affairs

Chief Operations Officer

Chief Strategy Officer

QRIs Vice Chairman, Mr. Donald W. Tang, has been integral to the companys

Dr. Robert Toronyi worked for Chevron for over 30 years for every one of its upstream

Neal K. Githens was present at QRI from day one and was a key architect for the design

Bryan Lastrapes has over 30 years of experience in a broad spectrum of subsurface

success. He is known as a catalyst, bringing diverse viewpoints together across

companies and affiliates, gaining both a wealth and breadth of knowledge of

of the company. Mr. Githens was instrumental in guiding QRIs growth by developing

engineering, business development, and management roles globally. He most recently

national borders to create mutual benefit.

modern international oil company technology activities. He was Chevrons Reservoir

relationships with major national oil companies in North America and the Middle East

led the efforts to build Shells unconventional onshore business in North America, and

Management premier technical expert for both its domestic and international

and is integral in directing the companys global growth plan.

was responsible for the acquisition of Shells core assets in the Eagle Ford, Marcellus,

An investment banker and businessman, Mr. Tang is the founder and CEO of CSIP

companies. He headed Chevrons international technology activities, which spans

Group. He also serves as trustee of The RAND Corporation. Mr. Tang previously

all corners of the globe and, in particular, its business development opportunities in

Mr. Githens has also been a driving force behind the development of QRIs

and Montney shales, and in the Pinedale, Wyoming tight gas sands. In addition, he led
the post-acquisition integration and management of these assets, playing a critical

served as Vice Chairman of Bear Stearns & Co. Inc.


technological platform. This platform is helping in the adoption of QRIs key metrics

execution role in management and leadership of the new onshore business.

and processes as the company works to change the way oil reservoirs are evaluated,
He joined Bear Stearns in 1992 as Senior Managing Director. In 1993, he was assigned

Dr. Toronyi was a member of Chevrons Reserves Advisory Committee and its

to Hong Kong as President and Chief Executive Officer of Bear Stearns Asia where

Reservoir Management Assurance team for major capital projects. He was part of

he managed its four offices. Mr. Tang was elected to the Board of Directors of Bear

a team which is revamping Chevrons reservoir management efforts to improve its

Prior to joining QRI, Neal Githens was a vice president with Goldman, Sachs & Co.

experience in building and managing major project teams and capital budgets, and

Stearns & Co. Inc. in 1997, and assigned to Chicago in 1999 as head of the Midwest

production performance and reserves replacement. As project manager for Chevrons

where he worked in Technology. In this capacity he was responsible for the research

brings experience in reserves management, reservoir characterization, field operations,

Region, before being named Vice Chairman in 2001.

Kuwait business development, Dr. Toronyi worked closely with senior oil officials

and integration of advanced computing and storage technologies into the firms

and technology application. Mr. Lastrapes was recognized at the highest level of Shells

to improve the long-term production performance of the Burgan oilfield, the second

computing environment.

Commercial Academy, leading commercial deals through valuations, negotiations, and

Prior to Bear Stearns, he held senior positions at Lehman Brothers and Merrill Lynch.

leading to improved reserve and production performance.

Mr. Lastrapes has held technical and managerial leadership roles globally, including
on projects in Brazil, West Africa, Middle East, Central Asia, and China. He has

largest oilfield in the world.

acquisitions totaling over $12 billion.

As the firms information management specialist, he also worked closely with the
Technology Principle Investment Area, Investment Banking, and Investment Research

Mr. Tang is an adjunct professor at The University of Texas at Arlington College of

Business Administration. He serves as a member of numerous boards and is Chairman
of the Banking Reform Committee on China and Chairman of the Asia Society Southern

B.S., Chemical Engineering, California State University, Polytechnic of Pomona, California
Key Awards
2007 Los Angeles Urban League Community Coalition Award
2007 Sponsors for Educational Opportunity Corporate Leadership Award
2004 Chairmans Award of the Asia Society
2002-2003 Spirit of Los Angeles Award from United Way
2000-2001 40 under 40 Designation by Crains Chicago Business Magazine

Ph.D., Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering, Pennsylvania State University
M.Sc., Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering, Pennsylvania State University
B.Sc., Petroleum Engineering and Mathematics, Marietta College
Key Awards
Officer and Chairman of Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) chapters
Chairman of the SPE Reservoir Engineering Committee
Chairman of the SPE Fluids Mechanics Committee
Author of Chevrons Reservoir Simulation Guide

divisions of the firm.

Professional Experience
10+ years industry experience
Former Vice President with Goldman, Sachs & Co.

MBA, University of Houston
B.S., Electrical Engineering, Louisiana State University
Professional Experience
30+ years industry experience

Professional Experience
30+ years industry experience
Former Premier Technical Expert in Reservoir Management, Chevron

Professional Experience
15+ years industry experience



Ted A. Izatt

Dr. Peter G.

Chief Investment Officer

Richard J. Heil

Robert L. Wells

Chief Geologist

Chief Financial Officer

Chief Reservoir Engineer

Ted A. Izatt was the No. 1 ranked Institutional Investor All-American fixed income

Dr. Peter Christman has over 29 years of experience working for Shell in reservoir

Richard Heil is a senior geological consultant with over 30 years experience in the

Bob Wells brings significant experience as a finance and operations executive with a

analyst for energy for six years prior to joining QRI. Institutional Investor highlighted

management and development in both conventional and unconventional reservoirs.

oil and gas and environmental engineering industries. For 23 years he marked a

strong career in banking, commercial real estate, homebuilding and training. Prior to

his outstanding credentials, including his ability to move markets, his significant

Most recently he was the Manager of the Unconventional Gas Center of Excellence

distinguished career with Saudi Aramco, where he was involved in or responsible for

joining QRI, he was chief financial officer and chief operating officer of Phillips Homes,

relationships within the oil and gas industry and with investors, and his ability to see

where he managed a virtual team of 30 subsurface experts with the primary focus on

the construction of many of the 3D geocellular geological models of the Saudi Arabian

where he helped the company work through the real estate downturn.

beyond financials to truly understand the company management.

niche expertise and technology deployment. While this team had a global remit, efforts

giant reservoirs. He was also a key member of Saudi Aramcos Reservoir Engineering

were focused primarily on the U.S., Canada and China.

Best Practices Team, providing reservoir characterization requirements.

research department from 2004-2008, where he covered the global high grade and

He has extensive experience in technical assurance as both the Regional Discipline

A tireless proponent of the multi-disciplinary asset management team, Mr. Heil is

largest banks. His career at UBS included extensive client management roles and

crossover energy and basic materials industries. Previously, he was a senior vice

Advisor for Reservoir Engineering and the Manager of Technical Excellence. In addition

known for achieving effective results from detailed geocellular models incorporating

credit underwriting and review work. At Bank of America, he was a vice president of

president for Lehman Brothers and was responsible for coverage of oil and gas on a

he was identified as the Principal Technical Expert for CO2 and Miscible Gas Injection

salient geological, petrophysical and reservoir engineering information. In addition

Commercial Real Estate Construction Finance. Between his careers at UBS and Bank

global basis. He also worked for Moodys Investors Service as managing director of the

where he led a global team of Subject Matter Experts in gas injection. Prior to holding

to hands-on construction of reservoir models, he also served in management as

of America, he started, built up and sold a training operation specializing in computer

global oil and gas group.

these positions he was assigned to the Technology Centre in The Netherlands where

supervisor or division chief for a variety of operating and specialist groups, including


he worked on fields in the Middle East and Malaysia.

the geological support division for Ghawar field, the reserves division and the geo-

Mr. Izatt was a senior managing director in the highly rated Bear Stearns fixed income

Mr. Wells also has an extensive background in banking. He was director of financial
analysis for North American Commercial Banking for UBS AG, one of the worlds 10

modeling unit.
MBA, Finance, Brigham Young University
B.A., Communications, Brigham Young University
Key Awards
No. 1 ranked Institutional Investor All-American fixed income analyst for energy
Professional Experience
25+ years industry experience
Former Senior Managing Director for Bear Stearns

Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, University of Texas at Austin
M.S., Chemical Engineering, University of Wisconsin
B.S., Chemistry, University of Wisconsin
Key Awards
Published several articles in SPE Publications and Journals
1995 Best Paper for SPE Reservoir Engineering (SPERE)
1998-1999 Technical Editor SPE Reservoir Engineering
1996-1998 Review Chairman Editorial Review Committee
1995-1996 Technical Editor
1996 Chairman Fluid Mechanics and Oil
1992-1995 Member Recovery Processes Technical Committee
1990-1993 Editor - Phase Behavior Monograph Committee

M.A., Geology, University of Texas at Austin
B.Sc., Geology, Tufts University in Boston

M.B.A., University of Chicago
B.S., Business Management, Brigham Young University
Professional Experience
30+ years industry experience

Professional Experience
30+ years industry experience
Former Chief Technical Consultant, Reservoir Characterization Department,
Saudi Aramco

Professional Experience
29+ years industry experience



Sami O. Ajam

David Maczka

Andrs Brugmann

Sharon A. Sloan

Vice President Business Development

Vice President, Latin America

Business Development Manager,

Latin America

Vice President,
Organizational Capability

Prior to his joining QRI, Sami O. Ajam was president of MEERA (Middle East Energy

David Maczka has over 30 years of international business experience with a focus on

Andrs Brugmann has over 12 years industry experience, specializing in business

Sharon A. Sloan is an expert at clearly communicating complex concepts across diverse

Research Associates), a firm specializing in market research and business development

establishing foreign companies in Mexico. He specializes in business development for

development, procurement and project evaluation. He was head of procurement,

audiences, sensitive to the needs of multicultural and multilingual audiences. She has

for global energy firms. During his tenure with MEERA, Mr. Ajam helped numerous

global companies in Mexico and Latin America. His expertise includes introducing new

finance and administration for Pemex Healthcare System where he transformed and

demonstrated the ability to lead impactful teams, strategic initiatives and projects.

small oilfield services companies expand their geographical market coverage and

technologies into the Mexican marketplace and building sustainable business models

improved the supply chain. Prior to this position, he was responsible for investor

increase their market shares while at the same time assisting E&P companies, foreign

for large industrial groups.

relations and financial analysis of strategic project and business development at

Ms. Sloan spent nearly 30 years with Chevron, most recently as a change management

to the marketplace, gain market entry into Middle East and Asia Pacific. As president of

Pemex. Mr. Brugmann also worked with CitiGroup in industry analysis and was a

consultant, where she was responsible for building business readiness and

MEERA, he worked with Middle East energy funds on energy investment opportunities.

process engineer supervisor for Latin America at Procter & Gamble.

organizational capability through effective change management. She also advised

Mr. Ajam previously worked for Halliburton Energy Services, where he held numerous
global positions within the company including positions in engineering, sales,
management, and marketing.

Graduate course work in Reservoir Engineering at the University of Houston
M.Sc., Electrical Engineering, Southern Methodist University
B.Sc., Electrical Engineering, The University of Texas-Arlington
Professional Experience
35+ years industry experience
Former President of Middle East Energy Research Associates
Former global positions with Halliburton Energy Services

M.B.A., California National University
C.P.A., Universidad Iberoamerican
Professional Experience
30+ years international business experience
Financial Advisor for Polibanca Innova
Business Development Advisor, State of Hidalgo Mexico
Board Member, Bancomext
Board Member, Cohini (International Corporate Business Development Hidalgo)
Board Member, National Chamber Shoe Industry

business unit leaders on methods to improve decision quality and better understand
how behavioral change management is critical to project success and sustainability,
B.S., Chemical Engineering (Magna Cum Laude), UNAM University
Professional Experience
12+ years of industry experience

and guided capital project teams on the systematic application of Chevrons project
management methodology. In previous roles with Chevron, she served as manager,
organizational capability and manager, information design and consulting.

M.B.A., University of Houston
B.S., Psychology, University of Houston
Key Awards
Founding member of the CEPS Diversity Panel
Appointed to serve on the Upstream Diversity Advisory Council
Panelist on several university diversity forums
Speaker at the Association for Psychological Types conference
Web Advisory Council member for Oil and Gas Journal representing Chevron
Professional Experience
30+ years of industry experience
Former Change Management Consultant, Chevron



Our Scholars



Former Professor
University of Alberta and
Penn State University

Otto N. Miller Professor of

Earth Sciences and
Professor of Petroleum Engineering
Stanford University

As a professor for 40 years at Penn State University and the University of Alberta, and

Dr. Khalid Aziz served as the Associate Dean for Research (School of Earth Sciences)

currently at the University of Calgary and the University of Regina, Dr. S.M. Farouq

and Chair of the Petroleum Engineering Department at Stanford. His research interests

Ali has supervised over 200 graduate theses and taught more than 5,000 engineers

include reservoir simulation, modeling of advanced wells, multiphase flow in pipes,

across the world at intensive one-week petroleum industry courses.

natural gas engineering and shale gas recovery. Dr. Aziz previously served as professor
of chemical and petroleum engineering at the University of Calgary. He has also served

A specialist in reservoir engineering, oil recovery and simulation, Dr. Farouq Ali has

on the faculty at the University of Alberta.

authored over 500 papers and conducted more than 200 petroleum reservoir studies.
He has designed more than 30 major oilfield projects and advised oil companies and

Among his many awards, he has been awarded Honorary Membership in the Society of

various governments on oil policy and production strategies. He is considered one of

Petroleum Engineers. He has authored or co-authored more than 150 technical papers,

the industrys leading experts in heavy oil.

two books and one monograph. He is a member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers,
European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers and the National Academy of
Engineering of the United States.

Ph.D., Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering, Penn State University
M.Sc., Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering, Penn State University
B.Sc. (Hons.), Petroleum Production Engineering, Birmingham University
B.Eng., Petroleum Production Engineering, Karachi University in Pakistan
Key Awards
Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Distinguished Lecturer Award
Petroleum Societys Distinguished Service Award in 2000
APEGGAs Summit Award in 2001
SPE Improved Oil Recovery Pioneer Award
SPE Thermal Recovery Pioneer Award
Kapitsa Gold Medal from the Russian Academy of Sciences
SPE Lester C. Uren Award
SPE Anthony F. Lucas Gold Medal
Awarded honorary doctorates by two major universities in Russia
the National Petroleum Institute of Russia and Dubna International University
Professional Experience
40+ years industry/academic experience
Honorary Professor of Oil and Gas Engineering, University of Calgary

Dr. Aziz has held a number of industrial positions, including that of the Chief Engineer
of Karachi Gas Co. Ltd. He is the founder of the Computer Modelling Group and cofounder of Neotechnology Consultants Ltd, both very successful companies. He is a
frequent consultant to major oil and gas companies and government agencies.

Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, Rice University
M.Sc., Petroleum Engineering, University of Alberta
B.Sc., Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan
B.Sc., Petroleum Engineering, University of Alberta
Key Awards
Honorary Membership in the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
SPE Cedric Ferguson Award
SPE Distinguished Member SPE Reservoir Engineering SPE Lester C. Uren Award
SPE Distinguished Faculty
SPE Distinguished Lecturer
Gold Medal of Honor of Albert Einstein by the Russian Academy of Sciences
Blaise Pascal Medal in Earth Sciences by the European Academy of Sciences
Lifetime Achievement Award by the Petroleum Society of Canada
Received Honorary Doctor of Laws from the University of Calgary
Professional Experience
50+ years industry/academic experience
Otto N. Miller Professor of Earth Sciences and Professor of Petroleum Engineering,
Stanford University


Professor and holder of
Robert L.Whiting Professorship
of Petroleum Engineering
Texas A&M University



Associate Professor
Chemical Engineering
The University of Texas at Austin

Dr. Yalchin Efendiev

Professor of Mathematics
Texas A&M University

Scholar, Professor and

A.B. Stevens Endowed Chair
Texas A&M University

Dr. Thomas A. Blasingame joined the faculty in 1991. Two years later, he was notified

Dr. Steven L. Bryant is associate professor in the Department of Petroleum and

Dr. Christine Ehlig-Economides is currently full professor of petroleum engineering

Dr. Yalchin Efendievs world-respected research focuses on numerical analysis and

that his proposal to the Department of Energy for research in reservoir characterization

Geosystems Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin. He directs the

at Texas A&M University in the Albert B. Stevens endowed chair. She founded the

scientific computation with applications to porous media fluid flow, such as ground

had been accepted, providing $1.6 million in funding - one of the largest research

Geological CO2 Storage Affiliates Program at UT-Austin, where his group developed

Center for Energy, Environment, and Transportation Innovation (CEETI), one of four

water and oil recovery modeling. His research program in the Texas A&M Department

grants in the departments recent history. Hired to capitalize on his expertise in applied

the inject low and let rise strategy for secure long-term storage that was included in

research centers in the Crisman Institute. She came to Texas A&M to develop research

of Mathematics has a strong track record of funding support from both federal

reservoir engineering, Dr. Blasingame has established a productive and well-funded

the IPCC Special Report on Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage.

and education in energy engineering that would enable the petroleum engineering

and industry sources, including the National Science Foundation, the United States

department to grow and evolve to a broader energy scope. She has successfully

Department of Energy and Chevron.

research program which has netted approximately $500,000 in the past five years.
Dr. Bryant is regularly invited to discuss threats and opportunities for the oil and

introduced a freshman level energy course that was approved for the core curriculum

Dr. Blasingames focus on high quality research is reflected in the comments of several

gas industry in CO2. He is currently principal investigator on several projects funded

as a natural science elective and an Energy Engineering Certificate program.

SPE technical reviewers, and his efforts have led to 22 conference presentations. He

by industry and the U.S. Department of Energy to develop tools and understanding

integrates his skills as a reservoir engineer, fluid dynamicist, pressure transient analyst

needed for large-scale implementation of geologic CO2 storage, and serves on the

Dr. Ehlig-Economides worked for Schlumberger for 20 years in a truly global

and mathematician in the increasingly complex domain of well test analysis. He has

planning committee for the University of Texas Law Schools recurring Conference on

capacity. She has published more than 60 papers and has authored two patents,

consulted in gas reservoir management, well testing short courses, well test analysis

Carbon and Climate Change. He worked in industry research centers at BP and at ENI

and has lectured or consulted in more than 30 countries. Dr. Ehlig-Economides is

and interpretation, programs for reservoir description and reservoir management, and

Petroleum for a decade before taking a research scientist position at Rice University,

internationally recognized for her expertise in reservoir engineering, pressure transient

software development for petroleum engineering applications.

then joining UT-Austin. He has published more than 60 papers and one textbook.

analysis, integrated reservoir characterization, complex well design, and production

Fraunhofer-Bessel Research Award in recognition of lifetime achievement in applied

Dr. Blasingame was the 1996 chairman of the SPE Education and Professionalism
Committee and has served on several other SPE committees. He is actively involved
in the American Society for Engineering Education and has chaired the departments
Austin Chalk Symposium, a one-day conference for operators, service companies, and
consultants working in the Austin Chalk. He has participated on several departmental
committees and currently serves on the College of Engineering Faculty Advisory Committee.
Dr. Blasingame is involved in continuing studies on methods for the evaluation and
prediction of gas reservoir performance, field-scale programs in reservoir description
and reservoir management, development and application of methods of analysis and

Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, University of Texas
B.Sc., Chemical Engineering, Vanderbilt University
Key Awards
Holds the J. H. Herring Centennial Professorship in Petroleum Engineering at
Holds the George H. Fancher Centennial Teaching Fellowship in Petroleum
Engineering at UT-Austin
SPE Distinguished Lecturer

interpretation of well tests and production data, and theoretical/computational studies

of multiphase flow in porous media.

Ph.D., Petroleum Engineering, Texas A&M University
M.Sc., Petroleum Engineering, Texas A&M University
B.Sc., Petroleum Engineering, Texas A&M University
Key Awards
Anthony F. Lucas Gold Medal, Texas A&M University
Charles W. Crawford Service Award, Texas A&M University
Distinguished Achievement (Teaching) Award, Texas A&M University
John J. Koldus Faculty/Staff Achievement Award, Texas A&M University
SPE Distinguished Service Award, Lester C. Uren Award and Distinguished Member
SPE Distinguished Lecturer (Performance-Based Reservoir Characterization)

Professional Experience
18+ years industry/academic experience
Associate Professor in the Department of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering,
University of Texas at Austin

Dr. Efendiev has been honored by Germanys Humboldt Foundation with its prestigious

Ph.D., Petroleum Engineering, Stanford University
M.Sc., Chemical Engineering, University of Kansas
B.A., Math-Science, Rice University
Key Awards
Anthony F. Lucas Gold Medal 2010
Member of the U.S. National Academy of Engineering
Founded the Center for Energy, Environment, and Transportation Innovation (CEETI),
one of four research centers in the Crisman Institute
Received numerous awards from the SPE
Elected to the National Academy of Engineering
Executive Editor of the SPE Formation Evaluation journal
SPE Distinguished Lecturer
Numerous posts as chairman or member of SPE committees and task forces
Co-chaired a steering committee for the Middle East Colloquium in Petroleum
Program Chairperson for the 2006 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition

research and potential for future cutting-edge research performance.

Ph.D., Applied Mathematics, Caltech
Advisor: Professor Tom Hou
B.S., Moscow State University
Key Awards
Plenary talk, SIAM Geosciences
Fraunhofer Bessel Award (Alexander von Humboldt Foundation)
The young researcher fellowship of Sixth U.S. National Congress on
Computational Mechanics
W. P. Carey Prize for outstanding thesis work in applied mathematics,
California Institute of Technology
Saul Kaplun Memorial Fellowship, California Institute of Technology
Honors Diploma in Moscow State University
Second Degree Diploma (shared the second place) in the
USSR Mathematics Competition
Professional Experience
12+ years industry/academic experience

Professional Experience
30+ years industry/academic experience
Professor and A.B. Stevens Endowed Chair, Texas A&M University

Professional Experience
25+ years industry/academic experience
Professor, Department of Petroleum Engineers, Texas A&M University



Dr. Terry Engelder


Howard J. Herzog

Dr. Ruben Juanes

Professor of Geosciences
Penns State University

Professor of Petroleum and

Natural Gas Engineering,
George E. Trimble Chair in Earth
and Mineral Sciences
Penn State University

Principal Research Engineer

MIT Laboratory for Energy
and the Environment

ARCO Associate Professor

in Energy Studies, MIT

Dr. Terry Engelder is a leading authority on the recent Marcellus gas shale play. He has

Dr. Turgay Ertekin is professor of petroleum and natural gas engineering, George E.

Howard Herzog is a national and global leader in CCS research and development. He

Dr. Ruben Juanes is a distinguished ARCO Associate Professor in Energy Studies in

previously served on the staffs of the U.S. Geological Survey, Texaco, and Columbia

Trimble Chair in Earth and Mineral Sciences, Penn State University, where he began as

is the Principal Research Engineer, MIT Laboratory for Energy and the Environment in

the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Massachusetts Institute of

University. Short-term academic appointments include those of Visiting Professor at

an assistant professor in 1978. He has had extensive experience with the development

Cambridge, Massachusetts. Since 1989, he has been on the Laboratory for Energy and

Technology (MIT). A computational geoscientist and engineer with a strong interest

Graz University in Austria and Visiting Professor at the University of Perugia in Italy.

and application of fluid flow models in porous media, and has been deeply involved

the Environment staff, where he works on sponsored research involving energy and the

in the physics of multiphase flow in porous media, Dr. Juanes research focuses

in the mathematical modeling of flow problems using various techniques for more

environment, with a recent emphasis on greenhouse gas mitigation technologies.

on advancing the fundamental understanding and predictive capabilities of the

Dr. Engelder has been named one of Foreign Policy Magazines Top 100 Global

than 30 years. He has taught courses in fluid flow dynamics in porous media at the

Thinkers for 2011. Other academic distinctions include a Fulbright Senior Fellowship in

graduate and undergraduate levels and has directed the research work of more than

Mr. Herzog was a Coordinating Lead Author for the IPCC Special Report on Carbon

simultaneous flow of two or more fluids through rocks, soils and other porous materials.

Australia and Penn States Wilson Distinguished Teaching Award. He has written 150

100 graduate students on reservoir modeling, well test analysis, and unconventional

Dioxide Capture and Storage (2005), a co-author on the MIT Future of Coal Study

His research combines theory, simulation and experiments that elucidate fundamental

research papers, many focused on Appalachia, and a book, the research monograph

gas reservoir engineering. His current research deals with the flow of gases in tight

(2007), and a U.S. delegate to the Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forums Technical

aspects of multi-fluid flow, which is then applied for prediction of large-scale Earth

Stress Regimes in the Lithosphere. In the international arena, he has worked on

formations, coal seam degasification process, well test analysis for composite

Group (2003-2007). In 2010, he received the Greenman Award in recognition of his

science problems in the areas of energy and the environment, including geological

exploration and production problems with companies including Saudi Aramco, Royal

reservoirs, enhanced oil recovery techniques, and artificial neural network applications

significant contribution to CCS and GHG control technologies.

carbon sequestration, methane hydrates, and ecohydrology of arid environments.

Dutch Shell, Total, Agip, and Petrobras.

in petroleum and natural gas engineering.

Prior to his current position with MIT, Dr. Juanes was a professor at the University of
Dr. Ertekin has developed several multiphase, compositional, multidimensional

Ph.D., Geology, Texas A&M University
M.S., Geology, Yale University
B.S., Geology, Penn State University
Key Awards
Named one of Foreign Policy Magazines Top 100 Global Thinkers
Fulbright Senior Fellowship, Macquarie University, Australia
French-American Foundation Fellowship, France
Wilson Distinguished Teaching Award, Penn State
Membership in a US earth science delegation to visit the Soviet Union
Geological Society of Washington - Second Place Paper
He has written over 150 research papers
Professional Experience
30+ years industry/academic experience

isothermal and nonisothermal numerical flow models that simulate the performance
and applicability of some thermal and nonthermal recovery techniques in the
petroleum reservoirs. Dr. Ertekin has given more than 250 invited lectures, paper
presentations and seminars and more than 40 workshops and short courses
throughout the world, and he has authored or co-authored more than 200 publications
including four books and four book chapters.

Ph.D., Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering, Penn State University
M.Sc., Petroleum Engineering, Middle East Technical University in Ankara B.Sc.,
Petroleum Engineering, Middle East Technical University in Ankara
Key Awards
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology
Served on the SPE Editorial Board
Executive Editor of SPEs Formation Evaluation journal
Associate Editor of SPEs Reservoir Engineering journal
SPE Publications Division Outstanding Associate Editor Award
SPE Distinguished Achievement Award for Petroleum Engineering Faculty
SPE Lester C. Uren Award for Distinguished Achievement in the Technology of
Petroleum Engineering
SPE Distinguished Member

M.S., Chemical Engineering Practice, MIT
B.S., Chemical Engineering, MIT
Chemical Engineers Degree, MIT
Key Awards
Greenman Award, International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies
Authored and co-authored a number of publications
Professional Exerience
22+ years academic/research experience

Texas at Austin and Stanford University.

Ph.D., Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California at Berkeley
M.S., Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California at Berkeley
Studied at the School of Engineering, University of La Corua, Spain
Key Awards
Department of Energy Award for Outstanding Contributions in Geoscience
Department of Energy Early Career Award
Plenary speaker, Gordon Research Conference on Natural Gas Hydrates
ARCO Professorship in Energy Studies
Gilbert W. Winslow Career Development Professorship
Plenary speaker, Gordon Research Conference on Flow and Transport through
Permeable Media
Invited participant, National Academy of Engineering Frontiers of Engineering
Professional Exerience
10+ years academic/research experience

Professional Experience
40+ years industry/academic experience
Professor of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering, George E. Trimble Chair in Earth
and Mineral Sciences, Penn State University



Dr. Larry Lake

Dr. Kishore K.

W.A. (Monty) Moncrief Centennial

Endowed Chair in Petroleum
Engineering, The University of Texas
at Austin

Professor of Petroleum and

Geosystems Engineering
University of Texas (Austin)

Dr. M. Nafi Toksz

Dr. Eric van Oort

Professor and Robert R. Shrock

Endowed Chair Department of Earth,
Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

B.J. Lancaster Professor in the

Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering
Department, The University of Texas
at Austin

Dr. Larry Lake is is a world-known expert in reservoir engineering. He is a specialist in

Dr. Kishore Mohanty is currently a professor, of petroleum & geosystems engineering

Prof. M. Nafi Toksz is Robert R. Shrock Professor of Geophysics, Founder of the Earth

Dr. Eric van Oort is an esteemed B.J. Lancaster Professor in Petroleum Engineering at

reservoir engineering and geochemistry. Dr. Lakes work in quantifying the effects of

at the University of Texas (Austin). Prior to this post Dr. Mohanty was a professor of

Resources Laboratory and its Director from 1982 to 1998, and Director of the George

the University of Texas Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering Department.

geochemical interactions and flow variability for resource recovery is widely applied by

chemical & biomolecular engineering at the University of Houston. He was also the

R. Wallace, Jr. Geophysical Observatory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

the industry. His reservoir characterization work includes demonstrating that different

director of the Institute for Improved Oil Recovery. His research encompasses miscible

He received his geophysical engineering degree at Colorado School of Mines and his

He has over 20 years experience in the oilfield industry with Shell International

geological depositional processes produce flow properties that can be statistically

flooding, surfactant treatment, viscous oil recovery, mobility control, pore structure,

M.S. and Ph.D. degrees, in geophysics, at the California Institute of Technology. He

E&P, including over 15 years experience in drilling land and offshore exploration

described. He was also among the first to recognize the importance of rock-fluid

wettability, fractured carbonates, hydrates, CO2 sequestration, and nanotechnology.

has been a faculty member in the Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary

and development wells by Shell Upstream Americas. Dr. van Oort was an expert in

Sciences, MIT, since 1965.

wellbore stability and real-time operation centers within Shell. His research included

chemical interactions on enhanced oil recovery. Dr. Lakes work has been crucial in

petroleum-related rock mechanics (e.g. wellbore stability, fluidshale interactions,

developing more efficient methods for recovering oil and gas from reservoirs. For

Recently, his team has developed a dilute surfactant treatment for fractured oil-wet

example, many companies now simulate hydrocarbon recovery by taking into account

carbonate reservoirs that can produce more than 60% of the oil at a very low

Prof. Toksz has made major scientific contributions in many areas of geophysics,

lost circulation, geopressure prediction, etc.), production technology, production

variations discovered through Lakes research.

chemical cost.

including seismic exploration, plate tectonics, planetary interiors, earthquake

chemistry and quantum mechanicsmolecular spectroscopy.

seismology, and imaging. Prof. Toksz is the author or co-author of more than 300
After five years of working for Shell as a research scientist, Dr. Lakes passion for
teaching brought him to The University of Texas at Austin in 1978. In 2012, his former
students established the Larry Lake Endowed Presidential Fellowship in Petroleum and
Geosystems Engineering in honor of their professor, friend and mentor.
Dr. Lake literally wrote the book on Enhanced Oil Recovery, and has co-authored three
other textbooks and more than 100 technical articles and reports. He also edited the
6-volume Petroleum Engineering Handbook.
Dr. Lake received the highest honor for an engineer when he was inducted into the
National Academy of Engineering.

Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, Rice University
B.S., Chemical Engineering, Arizona State
Key Awards
W.A. (Tex) Moncrief, Jr. Centennial Endowed Chair in Petroleum Engineering
Shell Distinguished Chair in Petroleum Engineering
SPE Reservoir Engineering Award
SPE Lucas Gold Medal
Hocott Distinguished Centennial Engineering Research Award
SPE Award for Improved Oil Recovery Pioneer
University of Texas Joe J. King Award for professional service
SPE DeGoyer Award for distinguished service
Texas Society of Professional Engineers Dream Team
Society of Petroleum Engineering/Department of Energy Improved Oil Recovery
Professional Experience
40+ years industry/academic experience

Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, University of Minnesota
B.Tech, Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (Kanpur)
Key Awards
Outstanding Review Chair Award, SPE Journal Editorial Board
Pioneer Award, SPE Improved Oil Recovery Symposium
Top Technical Reviewers Award, SPE
Chemical Weeklys Padmashri Dr. G. P. Kane Chemcon Distinguished Speaker Award,
Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers
W.T. Kittinger Outstanding Teacher Award, Cullen College of Engineering
Sigma Xi Faculty Research Award, University of Houston
SPE Distinguished Member
Professional Experience
30+ years industry/academic experience

technical papers in geophysics, including many articles on geophysics and seismology.

Following his 20+ years with Shell, he formed a consultancy group called EVO Oilfield

He has edited books and served on editorial boards of scientific journals. M. N.

Consulting, LLC. The company specializes in advice on drilling fluids and cementing,

Toksz has and continues to serve on scientific advisory and review committees for

borehole instability and lost circulation prevention, drilling efficiency optimization,

U.S. government agencies, universities, international organizations, and industry. His

non-productive time (NPT) / invisible lost time (ILT) reduction, making optimum use

academic activities include teaching, leading several research projects, and advising a

of Real-Time Operations Centers (RTOC) capabilities, fit-for-purpose rigs and well

number of graduate students.

manufacturing solutions, performance benchmarking and target setting, training and

staff development for drilling and completion operations.

His ability to discern solutions to complex problems and communicate his insights
clearly and thoughtfully have made him a sought after speaker, consultant, and

Dr. van Oort is also the Chairman of the Board of Directors for Genesis Real Time

commentator in academia, industry, and the media.

Systems, which delivers state-of-the-art real-time technologies for remote operations

monitoring and remote command and control to the oil and gas industry. It is
collaboration between ex-NASA engineers, knowledge management experts and

Ph.D., Geophysics, California Institute of Technology
M.S., Geophysics, California Institute of Technology
Geophysical Engineering degree, Colorado School of Mines
Key Awards
Harry Fielding Reid Medal of the Seismological Society of America
Scientific Achievement Medals from NASA
Scientific Achievement Medals from the Colorado School of Mines
SEG Honorary Membership
Professional Experience
45+ years industry/academic experience

experienced drilling/completion engineers.

He has published over 50 oilfield papers and over 15 non-oilfield papers.

Ph.D., Chemical Physics, University of Amsterdam
M.S. (cum laude), Chemical Physics, University of Amsterdam
B.S. (cum laude), Chemistry, University of Amsterdam
Key Awards
Organizing Committee Member, SPE Drilling Automation Workshop, Vail
Organizing Committee Member, SEG/SPE/AAPG Research Workshop on Shales,
Chairman, Drilling & Completing Trouble Zones (DCTZ) Conference, Galveston
Technical Advisory Board Member, San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth
(SAFOD), 2000 - 2010
Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology
Best Paper Award, SPE Drilling & Completion (September Issue, 1997)
Distinguished Lecturer, Society of Petroleum Engineers
Experiment Award, awarded for best experiment in global RD Shell Research
Professional Experience
25+ years industry/academic experience



QRI is unique because it

Dr. Edward M.

Dr. Carlos

Provost and William E. Leonhard

Professor of Geology at the California
Institute of Technology

Zarrow Centennial Professor in

Petroleum Engineering, University
of Texas Petroleum and Geosystems
Engineering Department Program
Director of the Formation Evaluation
Joint Industry Research Consortium

Dr. Edward Stolper is the esteemed Provost and William E. Leonhard Professor of

Dr. Carlos Torres-Verdn has been with the Department of Petroleum and Geosystems

Geology in the Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences at the California Institute

Engineering of The University of Texas at Austin since 1999, where he is full professor

of Technology (Caltech).

and currently holds the position of Zarrow Centennial Professorship in Petroleum

Engineering. After receiving his Ph.D. in 1991, he held the position of Research Scientist

Dr. Stolper is an expert in the origin and evolution of igneous rocks on the Earth

at the Schlumberger-Doll Research Center. He then was a Reservoir Specialist and

and other planets using experiment, theory, and field studies. Recent focuses

Technology Champion with YPF (Buenos Aires, Argentina).

include studies of Hawaii and other hot spot volcanoes, theory and modeling of the
thermodynamics of mantle melting, oxygen isotopes as probes of mantle sources of

In his current position, Dr. Torres-Verdn conducts research on borehole geophysics,

magmas, the petrology of Martian meteorites, and the role of volatiles in island arc

formation evaluation, well logging, and integrated reservoir characterization. He


is the founder and director of The University of Texas at Austins Joint Industry
Research Consortium on Formation Evaluation. Dr. Torres-Verdn has served as Guest

He is the former chief scientist for the Mars Science Laboratory managed by NASAs

Editor for Radio Science, Associate Editor for the Journal of Electromagnetic Waves

Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California (a division of Caltech), and a co-

and Applications, the SPE Journal, and Petrophysics (SPWLA), and is currently an

investigator on the Mars rover Curiosity science team.

Associate Editor for Geophysics.

A member of the National Academy of Sciences and a Fellow of the American

In addition to the awards listed below, Dr. Torres-Verdn has written over 120 refereed

Academy of Arts and Sciences, he has published over 130 articles and received

journal publications and over 130 refereed conference proceedings. His Joint Industry

numerous honors and awards.

Research Consortium on Formation Evaluation is currently sponsored by Afren,

Anadarko, Apache, Aramco, Baker-Hughes, BG, BHP Billiton, BP, Chevron, China
Oilfield Services, LTD., ConocoPhillips, ENI, ExxonMobil, Halliburton, Hess, Maersk,

Ph.D., Geological Sciences, Harvard
M.Phil., Geology, University of Edinburgh, Scotland
A.B. (summa cum laude), Geological Sciences, Harvard
Key Awards
Doctor Philosophiae Honoris Causa, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
V.M. Goldschmidt Medal, The Geochemical Society
D.Sc. (honorary), University of Edinburgh
Crosby Lecturer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Fellow: Geological Society of America, The Geochemical Society and The European
Association for Geochemistry, Mineralogical Society of America, American Academy
of Arts and Sciences, American Geophysical Union, The Meteoritical Society
Arthur L. Day Medal, Geological Society of America
Arthur Holmes Medal, European Union of Geosciences
National Academy of Sciences Member
Miller Visiting Research Professor, University of California, Berkeley
James B. Macelwane Award, American Geophysical Union
F.W. Clarke Medal, The Geochemical Society
Newcomb Cleveland Prize, American Association for the Advancement of Science
Professional Experience
35+ years industry/academic experience

Marathon Oil Corporation, Mexican Institute for Petroleum, Nexen, ONGC, OXY,
Petrobras, Repsol, RWE, Schlumberger, Shell, Statoil, Total, Weatherford, Wintershall,
and Woodside Petroleum Limited. He has taught numerous industry training courses
and has served as keynote speaker for several conferences.

Ph.D., Engineering Geoscience, University of California at Berkley
M.Sc., Electrical Engineering, University of Texas at Austin
B.Sc., Engineering Geophysics, National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico
Key Awards
Formation Evaluation Award, SPE
Distinguished Technical Achievement Award, SPWLA
Best Paper Awards 2003, 2004, 2006 & 2007 Petrophysics
Best Presentation Award, SPWLA
Best Poster Awards, SPWLA
Engineering Foundation Award, College of Engineering, UT
Departmental Teaching Award, Department of Petroleum and Geosystems
Engineering, UT
Deans Fellowship by the College of Engineering, UT
Distinguished Technical Speaker, SPWLA
Professional Experience
25+ years industry/academic experience


brings together experts

from all facets of the
industry and applies their
expertise in innovative ways.

Our Associates

Mahmoud M.

Dr. Joseph W. Ault

Former Head of Corporate Reserves,

Former VP Exploration & Petroleum

Engineering Development,
Saudi Aramco

Mahmoud Abdulbaqi is the Chairman of the Board of Directors for both ARGAS and

Dr. Joseph Ault retired in 2006 from Chevron after 35 years. During his career

ARDISEIS, two geophysical companies which are joint ventures between Saudi Arabia

with Chevron, he held several production/engineering upstream assignments,

and CGGVERITAS (Compagnie Generale de Geophysique Veritas) of France. The first

including technology positions with Chevrons Upstream Research Company and

company operates in Saudi Arabia and the second throughout the Middle East. He is

several production and reservoir management assignments in Canada, California

also a consultant to the oil and gas, and financial industries in Saudi Arabia, the United

and Louisiana. Dr. Ault was chief petroleum engineer for Chevrons Gulf of Mexico

States, France, and the United Kingdom.

operations, area superintendent (Venice, Louisiana), division manager of Chevrons

San Joaquin Valley fields, and oversaw production/drilling operations during an

In October 2005, Mr. Abdulbaqi retired from Saudi Aramco as Vice President of

assignment in Canada.

Exploration and Vice President of Petroleum Engineering and Development.

From 1992 until his retirement from Chevron, he held the position of Chevrons Head
Mr. Abdulbaqi was elected to the position of Vice President of Exploration in 1991, and

Corporate Reserves Manager. He joined QRI as an Associate in 2007. Dr. Ault has

in this capacity oversaw exploration for oil and gas and the development of the worlds

considerable experience in reserves estimation and reservoir management practices

largest reservoirs. During his 34 years with the company, he held the positions of Chief

covering many worldwide locations (California, Texas, Alaska, Canada, Thailand,

Exploration Geologist and Chief Production Geologist, was a member of the Saudi

Indonesia, Australia, South America, Europe, Africa, and Kazakhstan).

Aramco Executive Advisory Committee, Planning Advisory Committee, and the Board
of Directors of the Arabian Drilling Company.
After graduating with a degree in Geology in 1966, Mr. Abdulbaqi worked for three
years in academia and two years in engineering geology before joining Aramco in 1971.
In addition to his education in the geosciences, Mr. Abdulbaqi is a graduate of the
Management Program at Georgetown University Law Center in Washington, D.C., and
the Managing the Enterprise Program at Colombia University Business School in New
Mr. Abdulbaqi has chaired many industry forums and authored numerous technical
papers and internal company reports. From 1999 to 2002, he served as the first
President of the Middle East Region for the American Association of Petroleum
Geologists (AAPG). He also served on the association advisory council. In 2003, the
AAPG awarded him with the status of Honorary Membership, ranking him among an
elite club of industry pioneers.

Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, University of California at Santa Barbara
M. S., Chemical Engineering, University of California at Berkeley
B.S., Chemical Engineering, University of Arizona
Key Awards
Participated in a number of SPE committees and forums dealing with reserves
estimation and reporting
Member of Society of Petroleum Engineerings (SPE) Subcommittee on Supply and
Demand, the Societys Education and Professionalism Committee and served as its
Participated on the Program Committee for the 1999 SPE Annual Technical
Conference and Exhibition
Professional Experience
35+ years of industry experience

In addition to his honorary membership of the AAPG, Mr. Abdulbaqi is also a founding
member of Dhahran Geosciences Society in Saudi Arabia, vice president of the
European association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE), a member of the Society
of Petroleum Engineers (SPE), and the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG).

Professional Experience
35+ years of industry experience


Dr. m. tunc Aktan

Bryan C. Bartlett

Dr. Rod P. Batycky

Dr. Albert F. Chan

Principal Petroleum Engineering


Former Chief Engineer,

Saudi Aramco

Co-founder, StreamSim Technologies

Founder and Managing Director,

SpacerTek, Inc.

Dr. M. Tunc Aktan has been working as a reservoir engineering consultant since

Bryan Bartlett, who is currently a private consultant and public speaker, has worked

Dr. Rod Batycky is co-founder of StreamSim Technologies, Inc. where he is currently

Dr. Albert Chan is the Founder and Managing Director of SpacerTek, Inc. in Dallas,

retiring from Chevron after 25 years of service. Dr. Aktan started his career with

in the oil, gas and engineering industry for over 35 years. His principle areas of

involved in commercialization of new technologies for streamline-based simulation,

Texas. SpacerTek is a company specializing in the application of production

Chevron developing reservoir simulation models and conducting reservoir studies. He

expertise center on the design, construction, operations and protection of oil and gas

and additionally provides consulting services and short courses world-wide. He is also

enhancement technologies for drilling and completion operations, in formation

later worked at Saudi Aramco where he was the team leader of Central Area Reservoir

production and processing facilities, all the way from the wellhead to the product

a technical editor for SPEREE and JCPT, a member of SPE, and a registered P.Eng. with

damage treatments for well productivity enhancement, and also in surfactant-polymer

Management activities. At this position he was in charge of designing, implementing

distribution terminal. He has considerable familiarity with engineering standards and


enhanced oil recovery (EOR) technology.

and managing large scale water flood projects.

design practices, facility operational business and safety principles, maintenance

and inspection codes, programs and responsibilities and practicing engineering

Prior to forming StreamSim, Dr. Batycky was awarded the SPEs Cedric K. Ferguson

Dr. Chan began his professional career in 1976 as a Senior Research Engineer with

stewardship and ethics.

Medal. Previously he worked as a reservoir engineer with Shell Canada.

AMOCO Production Company in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He retired from BP in December

Dr. Aktan spent considerable part of his reservoir engineering career with Chevrons

2000, following the merger of ARCO with BP, but continues to serve BP and Conoco-

international operations where he was involved in the technical evaluations of business

opportunities in many parts of the world including Russia, Kazakhstan, China, Nigeria,

From 1981 to 2003 Mr. Bartlett worked for Saudi Aramco, where he held a number

Denmark, Latin America and the Middle East. His work in Kazakhstan led to Chevrons

of engineering and operations leadership roles. He spent 10 years in a number of

formation of the Joint venture to operate the giant Tengiz field. Resulting from his

positions associated with engineering, project management and facility operations in

hands-on, extensive involvement, he has deep knowledge of the reservoirs in these

the northern area Safaniya, Marjan, Zuluf, Abu Safah and Berri fields.

areas of the oil patch with their problems, solutions and opportunities.
From 2000 through 2003 Mr. Bartlett was appointed as Saudi Aramcos Chief
As consultant to Chevron, Dr. Aktan provides his extensive knowledge of a major

Engineer, where he was responsible for Corporate Engineering Consulting, Process/

oil company technical background. Lately he has been working in Kuwait where he

Process Control Engineering, Central Inspection Engineering, engineering standards

created the field development plans for Kuwaits North Fields Project which will be

development/control and Engineering Development and Training. During this period

up for bidding. He has also been working on Kuwaits giant Burgan field to optimize

he was also the Chairman of the Board of Engineers and the Professional Engineering

reservoir performance and increase reserves.

Development Program, as well as being appointed as the founding chairman of the

Corporate Energy Usage and the Corporate Innovation Committees. He also served on

Dr. Aktans over 30 years of experience includes reserves estimates, field optimization

several Company Strategic Imperative work teams.

and development planning, secondary and enhanced oil recovery design and
operations. He has been the recipient of Chevrons CEO Award (1991) for outstanding

Prior to his years with Saudi Aramco, Mr. Bartlett worked for Universal Oil Products

technical contributions.

Co. (UOP) in Des Plaines, Illinois and several European locations, where he was a

Phillips as a consultant. Dr. Chan has pioneered many innovative technologies for
Ph.D., Petroleum Engineering, Stanford University
M.S., Petroleum Engineering, Stanford University
B.Sc., Chemical Engineering, University of Calgary
Key Awards
Technical editor for the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Reservoir Evaluation &
Engineering Journal and Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology
Awarded the SPE Cedrick K. Ferguson Medal

drilling and completion operations to greatly enhance the well productivity. His
expertise led to innovative advancement in spacer design and displacement process for
well-bore cleanout and cementing jobs, as well as in the engineering and optimization
of drill-in fluids for openhole horizontal and multi-lateral well completions. He has also
developed many patented microemulsion-based treatment technologies for mitigation
of formation damage to achieve well productivity enhancement.

Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University
M.Ch.E., Chemical Engineering, Rice University
B.S., Chemical Engineering, Rice University
Professional Experience
35+ years industry experience

refining technical specialist.

Ph.D., Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering, Penn State University
M.Sc., Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering, Penn State University
B.Sc., Petroleum Engineering, The Middle East Technical University
Professional Experience
30+ years of industry experience

He is a member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, a member of the King Abdullah

University of Science and Technology (KAUST) development team, a member of the
KAUST-USA Board of Directors.

B.Sc., Chemical Engineering, University of New Mexico
J.L. Kellogg Executive Management Program, Northwestern University
Professional Experience
35+ years industry experience



W. Carl Glaw Jr.,


Dr. Randolph J.

Founder and Managing Partner,


New England Research, Inc. (NER)

Dr. Marco R. Thiele

Servet Unalmiser

President, StreamSim Technologies

Senior Advisor, Reservoir Management

For nearly 30 years, W. Carl Glaw has proven his ability to create high-value, mutually-

Dr. Randolph Martin co-founded New England Research, Inc. (NER) in 1985 to address

Dr. Marco Thiele co-founded StreamSim Technologies, Inc. in 1997 to develop and

Servet Unalmiser retired from Saudi Aramco as a Senior Consultant on July 1st, 2005.

beneficial relationships and his proactive approach to financial solutions have provided

industry needs for advanced core analysis and petrophysics. NER applies experimental

promote the use of streamline-based reservoir simulation technology as powerful

Before joining Saudi Aramco in 1980, he worked for the Mineral and Research Institute

value, convenience and seasoned expertise to clients in 42 countries around the

data on rocks at all scales to provide physically based solutions for the energy industry.

reservoir engineering methodology. Dr. Thiele is president of StreamSim Technologies

as a Drilling Engineer and then for Turkish Petroleum Corporation as a Reservoir

globe. Under his leadership, GLO CPAs has established itself as a progressive public

NERs data-driven approach emphasizes the integration of petrophysics, rock mechanics,

where he is directly involved in the ongoing technology development program as well

Engineer. He worked in Saudi Aramco from November 1980 until his retirement.

accounting firm,and has set the highest standards for quality control.

geophysics, and geology, through development and application of physical modeling.

as training, consulting, and marketing aspects of the business. In 2006, Dr. Thiele was

During his career in Saudi Aramco, he pioneered in establishing and resolving

named a Consulting Professor in the Department of Energy Resource Engineering at

issues encountered in the company operation associated with petrophysics as well

Stanford University.

as handled a great variety of assignments in the capacity of R&D and Technology

Mr. Glaw provides the firms clients with peace of mind and strategic business support

Much of Dr. Martins current activities are based on the application and refinement

including audit, tax benefit and retirement planning, and pension plan design and

of several proprietary tools, including NERs AutoLab and AutoScan test systems and


NERs patented Pore Structure Inversion (PSI) analysis software. PSI generated rock

From 1994 to 1997 he was an Acting Assistant Professor at Stanford teaching

models are being used for pore structure based rock type identification, prediction of

graduate-level courses on Reservoir Simulation, Thermodynamics of Phase Behavior,

saturation and recovery, and improved analysis of NMR logging data.

and Applied Mathematics in Reservoir Engineering. His research at Stanford focused on

Mr. Unalmiser has been recognized as an industry expert in a wide spectrum of

streamline-based flow simulation, uncertainly in reservoir forecasting, and integrated

rockfluid interaction discipline. He has worked as a subcommittee member for

reservoir management.

the American Institute for Petroleum (API), Dallas, TX in authoring numerous

B.B.A., University of Houston, C.T. Bauer College of Business
Key Awards
Director to the Board of the Texas Business Hall of Fame Foundation
Distinguished Alumnus of the Year in 2003, University of Houston, Bauer College of
Chairman of the Advisory Board for UH, Bauer College of Business Wolfe Center for
Entrepreneurship & Innovation
Chairman of the Advisory Board for the Department of Petroleum Engineering, Bauer
College of Business
Founded and chaired for two terms, the Advisory Board , Bauer College of Business,
Dept. of Accounting and Taxation
Member of the Deans Advisory Board Executive Committee, Bauer College of
Business, Dept of Accounting and Taxation
Volunteer of the Year Award for 2007, University of Houston, Bauer College of
Professional Experience
30+ years accounting experience

Dr. Martin and his colleagues perform high quality physical properties measurements

Coordinator. Besides his consultancy endeavor, he also directed and coordinated a

focus area team associated with Recovery Dynamics projects for company reservoirs.

recommended practices (RP) for the industry. He has been awarded U.S. Patent

(e.g., strength, velocity, permeability, electrical conductivity) at in situ conditions.

Petrophysical heterogeneity is quantified using NERs AutoScan test system, an

He is the recipient of the 1996 SPE Cedric K. Ferguson Medal, winner of 1994

entitled Method & Apparatus for Determining Properties of Reservoir Rock and

advanced petrophysical core scanner which measures spatial variability of flow,

International SPE Student Paper Contest, and a 1991 distinguished SPE speaker invited

has been appointed by SPE to serve on the JPT Editorial Committee for the period of

electrical, and elastic properties. These data are integrated with core and log data to

by the SPE Adriatic Section. Dr. Thiele is a technical editor for the SPE Reservoir

2003-2006 to identify innovative, high-interest technical information for publication in

support NERs unique value added analysis that is offered to clients as part of NERs

Evaluation and Engineering Journal, and serves on the SPE Primer Series Committee.

the area of Formation Evaluation.

core measurement services. Much of the integrated work flow was developed on
carbonates with the support of Saudi Aramco.

Dr. Thiele has published widely on reservoir flow modeling and application of
streamline-based flow simulation to reservoir engineering, and is a frequent speaker on

From 1978-1985 he was an Associate Professor of Geophysics at Pennsylvania

the topic at international conferences and symposiums.

State University. He offered graduate level courses in rock mechanics, the chemical
and mechanical effects of fluids in the upper crust, and rock magnetism. He is a
past recipient of the Research Award, National Research Council, Committee for
Rock Mechanics. Dr. Martin has published numerous papers on coupled processes,
particularly the influence of pore structure on fluid flow, rock strength, and

Ph.D., Geology and Geophysics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
M.S., Geology and Geophysics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
B.S., Geology and Geophysics, Boston College
Professional Experience
28+ years industry experience

Ph.D., Petroleum Engineering, Stanford University
M.S., Petroleum Engineering, University of Texas at Austin
B.S., Petroleum Engineering, University of Texas at Austin
Key Awards
2012 SPE Lester C. Uren Award
Outstanding Technical Review Award
SPE Reservoir Engineering & Evaluation Journal SPE Cedric K. Ferguson Medal
Winner of the International SPE Student Paper Contest
Winner of the distinguished SPE speaker invited by the SPE Adriatic Section
Editor for the SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering Journal
Served on the SPE Primer & Books Committees

M.S., Petroleum Engineering, Middle East Technical University in Ankara
B.S., Petroleum Engineering, Middle East Technical University in Ankara
Key Awards
Awarded U.S. Patent entitled Method & Apparatus for Determining Properties of
Reservoir Rock
Appointed by SPE to serve on the JPT Editorial Committee
Recipient of numerous professional awards including the Saudi Aramco
Recognition Award and the Saudi Aramco Achievement Award
Professional Experience
32+ years of industry experience

Key Awards
Recipient of the Research Award, National Research Council,
Committee for Rock Mechanics



The QRI team has decades

of hands-on experience
developing and managing
the reservoirs of many of
the worlds largest oil fields.


Our Senior Professionals

Dr. Michael Aikman

Scott Amos

Project Manager

Senior Advisor, Reservoir Characterization

Dr. Michael Aikman has over 21 years of international industry experience, focused on

Scott W. Amos has over 28 years of diverse experience in international petroleum

reservoir engineering and reservoir management and development. Dr. Aikman has

geology, and 18 years of reservoir characterization and field development experience,

a breadth of experience, including conventional reservoir engineering, enhanced oil

working within multidisciplinary teams. He has extensive development operations,

recovery and business development. His work included extensive reservoir simulation

geologic mapping, characterization, and modeling skills. Mr. Amos previously held

for oil reservoirs (waterflood and miscible gas injection) and gas reservoirs. He has

positions of increasing responsibility with Saudi Aramco, most recently as a Senior

worked on developing oilfields using complex horizontal well technology in order to

Geological Consultant. Prior to his work at Saudi Aramco, he was a Senior Geologist

optimize ongoing waterflood operations. Dr. Aikman has led multidisciplinary teams in

with Shell Oil Co.

the areas of conventional reservoir development and EOR studies.

Joe Broussard

Jeremy Brown

Project Manager

Analyst, Petroleum Engineering

Joe Broussard has over 27 years of E&P experience with oil and gas operating

Jeremy Brown previously worked as senior staff engineer in reservoir engineering

companies, including 20 years with ExxonMobil. He is a petroleum engineer with

for ExxonMobil, supporting the Point Thomson Project in Alaska and Gorgon LNG

diverse subsurface experience and a deep understanding and knowledge of reservoir

Project in Australia. Mr. Brown also supported ExxonMobil Exploration Co., assessing

management and engineering, life cycle field/asset development planning and

discoveries in Vietnam, Philippines, and Australia. Before joining ExxonMobil, he

strategy, and production engineering. Mr. Broussard has worked on significant E&P

worked as lead research engineer for the Design Institute for Physical Properties

projects around the world, including Beryl Field (North Sea), Karachaganak and

Research, a thermodynamics research initiative directed by the American Institute of

Kashagan (Kazakhstan), Itau (Bolivia) and Zafiro Complex (Equatorial Guinea).

Chemical Engineers.

Dr. Chrissi Lynn Brown

Carlos Buenrostro

Principal Analyst, Reservoir Simulation

Analyst, Petrophysics

Dr. Chrissi Lynn Brown has extensive worldwide petroleum industry experience,

Carlos A. Buenrostro was formerly a petrophysicist with Saudi Aramco, responsible

conducting reservoir simulation studies and acquisition evaluations for fields in

for and integrating petrophysical properties in three major oil/gas fields with complex

Angola, Bahrain, India, Canada, Brazil, Brunei, Azerbaijan, and Qatar. In these studies,

carbonate and clastic reservoirs to a general reservoir management project team. Prior

she evaluated EOR and IOR technologies such as ASP, SP, AP, polymer flooding,

to his work with Saudi Aramco, he was a petrophysicist with Schlumberger in Mexico,

hydrocarbon miscible floods, nitrogen injection, CO2 injection, high pressure sour gas

Congo and Angola.

injection, and horizontal, big-bore, and multi-lateral well performance. Most recently,
Dr. Brown was a research fellow at the University of Texas, training graduate students
and conducting simulations to design pilot and field scale EOR projects to costeffectively maximize oil recovery.


Patricia E. Carreras

Dr. David Castieira

Salom Gutierrez Jr.

Christian J. Heine

Principal Analyst, Reservoir Simulation

Senior Analyst, Reservoir Management

Associate Leader, Innovation Group

Project Manager

Principal Analyst, Reservoir Characterization

Patricia E. Carreras has more than 20 years of experience as a reservoir engineer.

Dr. David Castieira previously was a reservoir engineer with Shell International

Salom Gutierrez has over 30 years experience in oil and gas optimization and

Christian Heine has over 31 years of industry experience, including his 20 years with

She worked 17 years for Chevron in Buenos Aires and Houston for both internal

Exploration and Production Inc. where he worked on developing and applying new

management of the production, processing and marketing. He was a senior reservoir

Saudi Aramco, where he worked in exploration, reservoir characterization, upstream

operating and technology companies. As reservoir engineer for the major onshore El

quantitative analytical methods for smart reservoir management. This included new

engineer with ExxonMobil, where he led a multidisciplinary team in executing the

joint ventures and the Professional Development Center. While with Aramco, he was

Trapial field, she created surveillance, monitoring, and development plans, estimated

approaches for data integration, well placement and production maximization. He

drilling, completing, testing and production start-up of three fields in Chad, Africa. Prior

actively involved in placing over 300 development wells and made an immediate

production forecasts and reserves based on reservoir simulation and classical reservoir

was part of a multidisciplinary, multinational team of engineers and geophysicists that

to ExxonMobil, Mr. Gutierrez worked at Mobil Oil for 20 years where he progressed

impact on the way Aramco explored, delineated, and developed reservoirs using

engineering, and proposed water injection optimizations. Among others, Ms. Carreras

added value to different geologically complex fields in Nigeria, Malaysia and North Sea.

through various field assignments optimizing oil and gas production through primary,

geologic models to guide the exploration and development drilling programs. Mr.

has provided technical support to offshore Gulf of Mexico, Brazil, and Angola projects,

secondary and tertiary recovery methods. He also worked for Kinder Morgan as a

Heine was very active in the Aramco training program, where he taught several

and to the Kuwait Partitioned Neutral Zone projects.

senior surveillance engineer and plant manager.

courses for both the geology and petroleum engineering programs.

Tanmay Chaturvedi

Dr. Chih-Ying Allan Chen

William Jackson

Dr. Yuanlin Jiang

Analyst, Petroleum Engineering

Senior Analyst, Reservoir Management

Senior Advisor, Reservoir Characterization

Senior Analyst, Reservoir Management

Tanmay Chaturvedi earned a masters degree from Stanfords Department of

Dr. Chih-Ying Chen previously was a senior reservoir engineer with Ryder Scott,

Bill Jackson worked for Chevron in the United States and internationally for over 20

Dr. Yuanlin Jiang has nearly 10 years of research and industry experience, most

Petroleum Engineering in 2006 and focused on assessing the potential of CO2 capture

where he worked on or coordinated numerous petroleum reserves evaluation, field

years, and has been working as a consultant for the last five years. His key strengths lie

recently as a reservoir engineer for BP, where he worked in a deepwater production

in coal bed methane reservoirs. He worked as a Reservoir Engineer for Chevron

development and management projects located in Indonesia, China, UAE, Iraq,

in geologic model building and hes an expert in well planning and drilling operations

asset (Holstein field) in the Gulf of Mexico. His responsibilities included reservoir

providing reservoir engineering and reservoir simulation support to assets in Angola,

Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Colombia, Algeria, Angola, Cameroon, Gabon, Niger,

with significant experience in planning and executing horizontal well programs. Mr.

performance analysis, history matching and prediction, reservoir uncertainty

Indonesia, Nigeria and the United States. Mr. Chaturvedi taught reservoir engineering

Nigeria, Croatia and the USA. Dr. Chen also served as a technical advisor

Jacksons geographic and basin experience include most of North and South America,

assessment, reserve booking support, new well planning support, and depletion

classes and his research interests include reservoir simulation, IOR, and Chemical EOR.

at Ryder Scott in conducting major mergers and acquisitions (M&A) projects for

the Middle East, Indonesia and China.

scheme evaluation and optimization. While with BP, Dr. Jiang developed downhole

He also has expertise in Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS).

numerous clients with multi-billion USD transactions. Prior to his work with Ryder

temperature analysis technology, and was responsible for temperature analysis for

Scott, Dr. Chen worked for Formosa Petrochemical Corp. as an E&P project lead.

key wells.

Carl Dismuke

J. Thomas Eggert

David Jones

David R. Lewis

Principal Analyst, Reservoir Management

Principal Analyst, Reservoir Characterization

Senior Advisor, Reservoir Management

Principal Analyst, Production

Carl Dismuke is a reservoir engineer with nearly 30 years of diverse experience with

Tom Eggert is a petroleum geologist who spent 19 years at ARCO before joining

David Jones served with Saudi Aramcos Reservoir Management Department. He led

David Rucker Lewis brings almost 30 years of diversified petroleum engineering

specific expertise in Reservoir Management and oilfield development. He worked

Occidental Petroleum Corporation (Oxy) for 11 years. His most recent position with

the GIANT project which is a multi-disciplinary team effort charged with developing

experience to the field with expertise as a reservoir, production, drilling engineer as

for Saudi Aramco and Qatar Petroleum over 22 years, where he contributed to the

Oxy was as senior geological advisor for international business development in the

and applying leading-edge technologies and methods to the determination of OIIP,

well as in facilities design and operations. This experience includes engineering support

development planning of several of the worlds largest oil fields. Mr. Dismuke served as

Middle East, Caspian, North Africa and Europe. Mr. Eggerts broad skill set includes

ultimate oil recovery and the reservoir surveillance program for the Ghawar field.

for oil and gas operations for wells from Midland, Texas to offshore Saudi Arabia

both supervisor and lead reservoir engineer for Saudi Aramcos Central Area including

geosciences integrated with petrophysics, subsurface engineering and well planning/

While concurrently serving as the teams reservoir engineering expert, he contributed

in both carbonates and in sandstone environments. During his 11 years with Saudi

serving as Supervisor over the Shaybah and Berri fields reservoir management. He has

drilling disciplines.

petro-physical and numerical simulation approaches that resulted in breakthroughs

Aramco, he provided technical expertise with ESP installations, well interventions (rig

also worked for Amoco Production Company in their West Texas CO2 flood operations

in the understanding and capturing of the reservoirs mechanics. Mr. Jones is a

and rigless) and other well surveillance operations for Saudi Aramcos northern area

and their Production Research Center.

recognized expert in reservoir management metrics and reservoir performance.

onshore/offshore fields.



Dr. Sbastien F. Matringe

Dr. Anirban Mondal

Roberto Pea

E. Craig Phillips

Senior Analyst, Reservoir Management

Innovation Group Leader


Senior Analyst, Drilling

Principal Analyst, Petrophysics

Dr. Sbastien Matringe previously was a reservoir engineer with Chevron, where he

Dr. Anirban Mondal previously was a fellow at IAMCS-KAUST, Texas A&M University

Roberto Pea has over 10 years of drilling engineering and operations experience.

E. Craig Phillips is a highly skilled petrophysicist with over 30 years experience in log

worked on numerous field development projects including green field development

where he worked in the area of Bayesian inference and uncertainty quantification

As a drilling engineer for BP, he worked on underbalanced and horizontal drilling

interpretation, core analysis, rock typing, core-log integration and nuclear magnetic

for Negage field in Angola, bid preparation for the West-Qurna field in Iraq, reserve

in large scale spatial inverse problems with applications in reservoir modeling and

operations in the Mid Continent and he worked on high-pressure high-temperature

resonance (NMR) processing and interpretation. He previously spent over 10 years

estimation and development plan of Gbokoda in Nigeria, and polymer flood evaluation

prediction forecasting. Dr. Mondal also served as an intern for Schlumberger, where

well operations in the Tuscaloosa trend in southern Louisiana. Mr. Pea was also the

with Saudi Aramco as a senior petrophysical consultant, where he worked on a

for Wafra in Saudi Arabia-Kuwait. Prior to his work with Chevron, Dr. Matringe

he built Bayesian models used to estimate the density of fluid, with its uncertainty

D&C Supplier Performance Management leader for the North America Business Unit,

specialized team of three that developed the methodology to perform full pore system

worked for ExxonMobil as a reservoir simulation engineer, where he developed the

in prediction and estimate the free fluid level. He also contributed on a project on

where he conducted operational optimization studies. At the beginning of his career,

characterization and modeling of complex carbonate reservoirs based on capillary

companys first million-cell simulation model for Kashagan. He was also a reservoir

multistage completion optimization at Schlumberger.

he worked as a wells operations engineer on various drilling rigs in the Gulf of Mexico.

pressure parameters derived from over 1,700 capillary pressure measurements.

engineer for ConocoPhillips.

Jay Mouton

Paul A. Murray

Majid M. Salamah

Sy S. Salerian

Principal Analyst, Facilities

Chief Designer, Knowledge Systems

Project Manager

Director, Human Resource Management

Jay Mouton has over 39 years of oil and gas industry experience with 32 years working

Paul Murray previously served as a Knowledge Management Consultant for Saudi

Majid M. Salamah has over 20 years of exploration and production experience with

Sy. S. Salerian has over 15 years of consulting and business administration experience,

for ExxonMobil and its affiliates. He is a highly experienced facilities and operations

Aramco National Oil Company from Science Applied International Corporation

Saudi Aramco and Chevron. He held multiple roles ranging from reservoir simulation,

including consulting for Fortune 100 and 500 companies. He is an experienced

problem-solver, having worked in demanding positions in virtually every facilities

(S.A.I.C.). He was team lead in the knowledge management (KM) initiative at Saudi

simulation support, reservoir management, and business development. Mr. Salamah

knowledge manager, team leader, motivator, mentor and coach. Mr. Salerian most

aspect of the upstream industry. He has supervised, advised and mentored

Aramco, which focused on establishing learning communities to improve knowledge

most recently served as the Organizational Capability Manager for Reservoir and

recently served as the Academic Coordinator for a leading Turkish bilingual private

a wide range of professionals from various cultures during his 29 years working

sharing across the organization, building upon existing intellectual capital, and

Production Engineering at Chevron Energy Technology Co., where he worked

school in Istanbul.

in overseas locations on five continents. Mr. Mouton has an extensive history of

shortening learning curves all in strategic efforts to mitigate risks associated with

with team leaders and unit managers to develop strategic staffing plans, identify

designing and troubleshooting surface facilities including the design of Saudi Aramcos

scaled-up operations and increasingly advance drilling and completion technologies

competency gaps, and create competency development plans. While with Saudi

Abqaiq GOSPs and gas pipelines.

being introduced within E&P.

Aramco, he supervised a staff of engineers and system analysts.

Emmerick Joe Pavlas, Jr.

Farrokh Pebdani

James P. Sizer

Adalberto Suarez

Senior Advisor, Reservoir Simulation

Senior Advisor, Reservoir Management

Project Manager

Analyst, Petroleum Engineering

With over 40 years of simulation experience, Emmerick (Rick) Joe Pavlas, Jr. is

Farrokh Pebdani has over 30 years of experience in petroleum research and

James P. (Jim) Sizer is a petroleum engineering consultant with 30 years of experience

Adalberto Suarez previously worked for ConocoPhillips as a reservoir engineer,

considered an expert in reservoir simulation with a strong background in PVT, miscible

development, as well as field application of reservoir management best practices. Most

across a broad range of assignments in drilling, reservoir, production and gas

where he implemented waterflood monitoring and surveillance program across the

gas enhanced-oil-recovery and geological characterization for reservoir simulation. He

recently he worked in reservoir management and field development for Saudi Aramco,

processing. Mr. Sizers first 20 years were spent with Exxon and Saudi Aramco in a

Chittim Ranch field. He first worked for the company as a metrics analyst, where he

has worked on major projects spanning the globe from Alaska to West Texas and from

where he focused on water management for Ghawar and Abqaiq fields. Mr. Pebdani

variety of reservoir management drilling positions. As a reservoir management engineer

was responsible for the production losses metrics in ConocoPhillips. Before working

Jakarta to the Middle East. Mr. Pavlas was the project lead for the ARCO on Prudhoe

has a broad background spanning gas, condensate, light oil, and heavy oil reservoirs.

for Exxons Alaska Interest Organization, his duties included reservoir surveillance for

with ConocoPhillips, Mr. Suarez worked in Petrolera Ameriven, starting as production

Bay miscible gas project. Additionally, he worked for nearly 20 years in Saudi Aramco

He has extensive reservoir engineering experience with EOR technologies, reservoir

EOR/waterflood patterns, economic evaluations of hydrocarbon miscible gas flood

engineer intern where he gained experience in drilling and workover operations, plant

completing his tenure as senior consultant for the NOC.

simulation, well testing, and reserves estimation.

expansions and optimization of WAG floods for the Prudhoe Bay field.

process and production operations, reservoir surveillance operations, well construction

operations, reservoir simulation and finance.



Meher Surendra

William W. Todd

Analyst, Petroleum Engineering

Senior Advisor, Production

Dr. Demetrios V.
Principal Analyst, Reservoir Management

Meher Surendra has been involved in the design and analysis of subsea systems,

During William W. Todds career, he has held positions of increasing responsibility

Dr. Demetrios V. Yannimaras has over 30 years industry experience in all aspects of oil

pipelines, flow assurance, safety engineering, process & separation, gas dispersion and

both in management and as a technical expert, most recently with Chevron Oil

and gas recovery processes (primary, IOR and EOR). He has worked for BP and Amoco

thermal management. He has worked extensively with clients to mitigate problems

Company, where he spent 35+ years. He is a recognized expert in reservoir

in the U.S., Canada, UK, Colombia, and Venezuela. Dr. Yannimaras has also consulted

encountered in flow assurance and on offshore platforms. Mr. Surendra was an engineer

management and simulation. His work in this area includes technical service projects

for many majors and independents on gas injection, and holds the patent for the

at Prospect Inc. where he worked in conjunction with clients to mitigate problems

for internal Chevron clients as well as Saudi Aramco. Mr. Todd was the principal

innovative A NEW process (Ammonium Nitrate Enhanced Waterflooding). He was

encountered in flow assurance on offshore platforms. He also worked as a Research

developer and instructor for Chevrons in-house reservoir simulation training. He has

responsible for the optimization of the technical and economic performance of many

Assistant at the Department of Petroleum Engineering at Texas A&M University,

also conducted many reservoir simulation studies on carbonates and clastics both

onshore and offshore fields under primary, secondary, or tertiary recovery.

where he investigated the applications of swirl flows in the oil and gas industry.

domestically and internationally.

Maurice Vanderhaeghen

Dr. Jorge Viamontes

Reservoir Management

Senior Analyst, Reservoir Engineering

After graduating from Imperial College, London in 1988 with a Masters of Petroleum

Dr. Jorge Viamontes is a reservoir engineer with a broad background. He has worked

Engineering, Maurice Vanderhaeghen trained as a Reservoir Engineer with Energy

in fields located in the Gulf of Mexico (U.S. and Mexico), Canada, Gabon, Nigeria

Resources Consultant in England. He then joined Soekor in South Africa and

(Port Harcourt swamp area), North Sea, and New Zealand. Since joining QRI, Dr.

subsequently Woodside Offshore Petroleum in Australia in 1992. In 1996, Mr.

Viamontes is responsible for production optimization for the worlds 12th largest oil

Vanderhaeghen became an independent contractor working for major operating

field. Past positions and experience include lead production reservoir engineer for a

companies in the region. In 1999, he was contracted to ConocoPhillips working within

number of oil and gas fields, green field appraisal and development, subsurface team

their Indonesia and Australia operations. Since late 2004, Maurice has been with Hess.

leader maximizing brown field value, special core analysis, and development of EOR

Jeff Wittstock

Cromwell D. Wong

Principal Analyst, Reservoir Characterization

Principal Investment Associate/Financial Analyst,

Business Development

Jeff Wittstock has over 30 years experience in exploration and development on four

Cromwell Wong has over nine years of investment banking and advisory experience.

continents. He has developed expertise in geology and geophysics, field appraisal and

He was previously an associate analyst at JPMorgan Securities, Inc. in New York City.

development, reservoir characterization, modeling, and petrophysics. He formerly was

While completing his MBA from the Marriott School of Business at Brigham Young

the Chief Geologist for Calvalley Petroleum in Yemen and First Calgary Petroleums

University in Provo, Mr. Wong competed in the very prestigious CFA (Chartered

in Algeria where he co-led and coordinated the successful appraisal and subsurface

Financial Analyst) Global Investment Research Challenge for which he and his team

development of several major fields. Mr. Wittstock also held geoscience and leadership

won the North and South Americas Regional championship.

positions with EnCana Corporation, Hornet Energy Ltd. and Amoco. At EnCana, he was
credited with the discovery and development of a major field extension.



Quantum Reservoir Impact

2 Houston Center
909 Fannin St., Suite 2200
Houston, TX 77010

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