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Principles of food chemistry

Unit 1:
Water: Chemical and Physical properties of water and ice, Types, Water sorption,
Water activity and spoilage, WA and packaging, Effect of water content on
rheology of food products1
Lipids: Components of lipids- Nomenclature, Classification 2; Physical AspectsTAG distribution pattern, fatty acid position in natural fats, Crystallization and
consistency2; Chemical Aspects- Lipolysis, Auto-oxidation, Thermal
decomposition, Chemistry of Frying2; Chemistry of fat and oil processing2; fat
soluble vitamins- Role, Requirements, stability, water soluble vitamins- Role,
Requirements, stability3
Carbohydrates: Classification- Monosaccharides, Oligosaccharides,
Polysaccharides1; Reactions of carbohydrates4, dietary fibers1
Unit 2:
Proteins1: Composition and structure overview- Amino acid composition, protein
classification, protein structure; Animal and plant proteins; Denaturation of
protein in food; Non enzymatic browning1;
Enzymes: Classification; Applications in Juice industry, other products of plant
origin, Animal Origin, brewery industry, Tea fermentation 4
Color: Measurement- CIE, Hunter, Munsell system, Gloss and Food colorants 1;
Texture: Objectives, Texture profile, different types of bodies, Textural properties
of foods, microsturctures, water activity and texture 1;
Flavor: Taste, Odor, Description of food flavours, Astrigency, flavor and offflavour, flavours of foods1.
Minerals: Major minerals, Trace elements, Metal uptake in canned foods 1


deMan JM. Principles of Food Chemistry. Springer Science & Business

Media; 2013:529. Available at:
id=pRw_AAAAQBAJ&pgis=1. Accessed December 16, 2014.


Fennemas Food Chemistry, Fourth Edition. CRC Press; 2007:1160.

Available at:
Accessed December 16, 2014.


Belitz H-D, Grosch W, Schieberle P. Food Chemistry. Springer Science &

Business Media; 2009:1070. Available at:
id=xteiARU46SQC&pgis=1. Accessed December 16, 2014.


Handbook of Food Science, Technology, and Engineering, Volume 3. CRC

Press; 2006:712. Available at:
id=B81Wo5BTHGsC&pgis=1. Accessed December 16, 2014.

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