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5-year Observed
Survival Rate















Stage I is when the tumor is found only in one lung and in no lymph nodes.

Stage II is when the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes surrounding the infected lung.

Stage IIIa is when the cancer has spread to lymph nodes around the trachea, chest wall, and
diaphragm, on the same side as the infected lung.

Stage IIIb is when the cancer has spread to lymph nodes on the other lung or in the neck.

Stage IV is when the cancer has spread throughout the rest of the body and other parts of
the lungs.

e in an honest manner? It's nice to think solid critical thinking skills would be a reasonable
safeguard, but it seems as though they may not be enough.
I look forward to your comments.
Thank you.
Guy Grenville - January 9, 2007 5:47 AM
Who can we trust? Certainly not the companies that make such a huge profit from the sale
of cancer drugs. Will we ever find a cure? Highly unlikely as there is no money to be made

from finding a cure, only from the repeated sales of drugs. I lost both my parents to this
horrible disease, and have put my heart and soul into finding out everything I can. I
personally know of people who have 'Cured' themselves using the methods that you claim
are innefective, especially essica and B17, and I have known people who have died because
they believed what their doctors have said.
How can a scientific study, that's funded by a pharmaceutical company, be regarded as
fair?? How many times have we heard stories of people who suffer terrible side effects from
the 'safe and tested' drugs that their doctors prescribe? And do they REALLY know exactly
what they are prescribing, or are they just doing what the pharma company tells them.
Conventional medicine has let me down too often for me to trust it anymore, and I firmly
believe that money is more important to them than health.
Damien Johnson - January 23, 2007 1:34 AM
Do the negative trials you refer to include the work of Professor John Beard from the the
Edinburgh Uni, and subsequent work by Ernst T Krebs Bsc (Biochemistry)and his studies on
cancer free societies that regularly ingest hydrocyanic acid (which incidentally only form
hydrogen cyanide in the presence of an enzyme produced by out of control trophoblast
cells). Or what about the toxicology studies performed by researchers from New Zealand
Coop and Blakely that failed to kill a single sheep despite injecting them with huge doses of
Or the plethora of others that have been equally denigrated by the cancer machine. I ask
you doctor, where you would go if you or your family, perish the thought, you were
Regards Damien Johnson
des daniels - April 5, 2007 6:14 AM
I work at Sky News and I'm keen to hear from anyone who has taken B17. If it has helped
you or not I'd like to speak to you.
Matthew Pitagora - October 11, 2007 2:24 PM
My wife was diagnosed with cancer 5 years ago, and she has been taking 500 mg/day of
Laetrile since her diagnosis.

Although we agreed to let the "medical practitioners" mutilate her breast, we opted not to
do chemo or radiation, and as a result of this "diagnosis" we now adhere to a homeopathic
regimen which does not include conventional, pharmaceutical/surgical influenced
I recently read G. Edward Griffin's phenomenal expose of the cancer industry, "World
Without Cancer," and as a result of reading the book, I realized that Laetrile/amigdalina/B-17
is a cancer-preventative vitamin which most people, especially in the U.S. are lacking, and
should be taken regularly as part of a health maintenance program (including proper diet
and exercise) akin to taking Vitamin C.
I now take Laetrile daily as part of my own supplement regimen.
As for the pseudo-scientific studies financed by big Pharma, and conducted "independently:"
Suffice it to say, the researchers continued testing Laetrile until they got the right results for
the cancer industry.
Read "World Without Cancer."
andy o - May 29, 2008 2:32 AM
it sounds to me like dr.furman doesnt like the fact that his jurrasic form of medicine is what
his bosses i.e. non
doctors...businessmen have told him what he can or cannot practice, or maybe its the fact
that his 15+ yrs of medical school are keeping him from believing that B-17 actually works,
cause hes been spoon fed that he is a demi god who has all god! hes a doctor!
no B-17 can cure people, it took me 15 yrs to learn different!
Russ - June 24, 2008 12:49 PM
Dr. Furman, I love what you do and what you typically preach about eating the right foods
but i think you need to study the benifits of Laetrile a bit more. I am sick and tired of having
my family and friends die of cancer at the hands of American Medical Doctors. Yes, i agree
that the cancer they got was self inflicted (bad diet and lifestyle choices) but there are
strong cancer cure options out there that the Standard American Medical system simply will
not even look into unles some study is conducted by a Big Pharma company. My Father-InLaw was diagnoses with a very aggresive form of Prostate Cancer back in November of 2002
and given 2 years to live, even after prostate removal surgury. Not ready to die, he went to
Mexico and received Laetrile treatments from a clinic that has been in practice for over 30

years. Today he is alive and well and cancer free. PSA has been ZERO for over 2 years now.
Try convincing me it doesn't work and you will fail. I am not going to say that i belive it will
work for everybody but this option of treatment needs to be given to the patient so the
patient can make up there own mind.
Beverly - July 19, 2008 8:58 AM
Hi in the year 2000 the Imperial College Of London said B 17 laeterile is SAFE and it kills
caner if you go to my site and type in B17 you will find that info
Julie Clarke - July 28, 2008 9:42 AM
Hi Beverly - what is you site address???? My father has been diagnosed with cancer of the
pancreas, and we will do anything to give him more time.
Michelle - July 29, 2008 7:50 AM
My mother who has been diagnosed with Stage 4 terminal colon cancer, no chemo offered)
has been taking B17 for 7 weeks now and her tumour levels are going DOWN. I hope you are
wrong and all the people who are still alive are right sir.
Gwen - December 18, 2008 9:40 PM
I am going to start taking it myself. We have cancer in the family and I've seen Chemo take
every life I know, where the cancer had spread.
Just look at the hunzakuts. They eat the kernels everyday and have NO trace of cancer. Isn't
that study the best of all?
Holly - January 18, 2009 1:11 AM
My close friend's grandmother was diagnosed with breast cancer and lived 10 years thanks
to regular doses of laetrile. What eventually killed her was radiation treatments that fried
her brain. She lived for years cancer-free after taking the laetrile treatments. She withered
away slowly from dementia, which had everything to do with radiation and nothing to do
with laetrile.
Doctor X - March 10, 2009 1:02 PM
jerred - April 5, 2009 3:04 AM

My grandmother was diagnosed with duces C bowel cancer and was given less than a 30%
chance of survival initially. Her odds of survival then fell too under 5% and she was in
Palliative care, it was at this stage we found out about the vitamin B17 and the liquid
injections. we immediately started her on the injections and she began to make a recovery
this all happened 10 years ago. SHE IS STILL ALIVE TODAY. she takes the kernels on a daily
basis every since.
Debra Andrus - February 3, 2010 1:07 PM
I have read all of the postings on this web site. In 2007 my dad at the age of 72 was
diagnosed with multiple myeloma. After all the usual drug therapies and thousands of dollars
they tried a drug called Valcade. It's in a sense a glorified poison,after one treatment his
cancer went crazy. So i ordered the amigdalina to try, it couldn't hurt as they had already
poisoned him with the valcade. But he passed away the day before i got it. So now i have
been taking one pill every other day since september 28th. If it is just a vitamin whats the
big deal? I have had melanoma a few times and had a full hysterectomy for cervical cancer. I
feel great. I take no other kind of med's or hormone replacement therapy because i beleive
it is worse for you than the amigdalina. I have had skin growths that have disappeared after i
started taking it. I'm happy with it and plan to keep taking it as long as i can get it.
ian sinclair - April 11, 2010 10:27 AM
The priests of science would have I beleive that their experiemnets discount the works of
nature. Medicine has become a business,science has become a profit driven business. We
are warned of the danger of natural remedies, but in the meantime medical drugs are
responsible for the death of untold thousands and this is accepted by society.Drug
companies are in control , disease and death are good business. Take a step back - the
Emperor has no clothes , it is time to say - enough !
Doctor X - I wonder if you are employed by a pharmeatheutical company ?
Marcia - April 24, 2010 7:57 PM
Glad to see so many positive stories/remarks concerning laetrile!! My older brother is a 30+
year Hodgkin's disease cancer survivor. He went to Mexico for laetrile after initial diagnosis,
following which he was completely cancer free for four years, but failed to take the
maintenace doses of laetrile during that time, so had a recurrence four years later. He
followed the prescribed recommendations at that time, had laparotomy/splenectomy and

was staged as stage IV Hodgkins' disease (metastatic to liver). He almost died from chemo
and radiation and stopped both after just a few treatments. He went back to Mexico for
laetrile, again became cancer free and this time took IV laetrile maintenance for over two
years and has been completely cancer free ever since -- now thirty-two years! I wonder if Mr.
Fuhrman ever knew anyone personally that used laetrile or if he is simply relying on the
available medical "research" when making his statements of laetrile's inefficacy and that
people that use laetrile are 'slowing poisoning themselves'. As I sit here and write this, I am
eating a few apricot kernels, which I have done for an extended period of time on a daily
basis with absolutely NO ill effects whatsoever. If it wasn't so serious, I would laugh when I (a
medical transcriptionist) type reports where the medical oncologist dictates, "Patient is
tolerating chemotherapy with ACCEPTABLE TOXICITY"!!! Think about that statement!
ACCEPTABLE TOXICITY???? At what time should toxicity EVER be ACCEPTABLE??? The fact
that the word "toxicity" is used tells you that chemotherapy is toxic to the human body!!!
Does Mr. Fuhrman or any other medical "professional" (I use the term loosely) actually think
that the chemotherapy is NOT "SLOWLY POISONING" people, sometimes not so slowly?!?!?!
IT IS POISON!!! I believe with all my heart that more times than not, cancer patients actually
die from the damage done by chemotherapy and radiation rather than the cancer itself.
Laetrile/B17/amigdalin truly does contain a small amount of cyanide, but as the proponents
of it point out, it only attacks cancer cells, NOT healthy cells, unlike chemo and radiation,
which attack both cancer AND healthy cells, damaging the body, many times irreparably,
destroying the blood count, compromising the immune system, sometimes causing
irreversible peripheral neuropathy, NONE of which is a side effect of laetrile/B17/amigdalin.
Unfortunately many who have been reported as trying laetrile but died (such as actor Steve
McQueen) had waited too long and were beyond help before they decided to seek laetrile
treatment, therefore the stories of its ineffectiveness that were widely publicized and gave
such a negative picture, which of course is what the American medical practitioners want.
Carl O Helvie - May 30, 2010 8:36 AM
I was diagnosed with lung cancer and given 6 months to live---that was 36 years ago and I
refused chemo, surgery and radiation and used laetrile, a special diet, supplements,
meditation, prayer, affirmations, visualization, faith and other alternative interventions. I not
only overcome lung cancer but now at age 78 I am free of known chronic illnesses and

prescribed medications. I am very active mentally, spiritually and physically and my goal in
life is to help other achieve results similar to mine. periodically I eat a few apricot kernels for
a few weeks as a preventive measure.
My brothers step daughter also used laetrile 31 years ago for melanoma and has been fine
since. She has also been given a limited amount of time to live at that time.
jmike - June 14, 2010 12:48 AM
just take a look at red yeast rice history if you think the drug companies are right, asians
have been consuming it for years, it has a natural statin, the drug companies discovered
what the asians already knew, the fda outlawed red yeast rice as it was patented as a drug
by the big pharma. a foodstuff outlawed, that's your government at work. educate yourself,
if it don't kill you it will make you stronger. maybe you shouldn't start with a large dose. start
small and look for reactions. if none, continue, if reactions, stop. common sense.
kakau - September 13, 2010 3:57 PM
Hi my friend was diagnosed with brain cancer oligodendroglioma and had surgery, but the
doctors couldn't remove everything just part of it. Since then he isnt under any regular
treatment (chemo or radiation), but is under alternative such as raw juices, natural extracts
and just started on DCA. I have seen many testemonials about B17 and I really want to know
more about it specially for brain tumor (seeds and injections). Informations such as dosage,
where can we buy and if is that possible to have the injections at home. Thank you God
bless you all
Dee - November 6, 2010 12:37 PM
Kakau - read "Alive and Well" by Philip E. Binzel, Jr., M.D.
An excellent book - gives some doses and protocal. Lung cancer here, removed right lower
lobe and some nodes. Chemotherapy killed my brother. I am going to use this treatment
method, including the diet and supplements, one way or another even if I have to do it all
myself. It is very hard to find a doctor that will administer laetrile. It isn't really illegal, just
banned by the FDA. So doctors won't go near it least the FDA hound them into oblivion.
Jackie - November 13, 2010 10:24 AM
Is it safe to consume apple seeds while pregnant? I have ulcerative colitis and the apple
seeds bring me into remission. I am about 1 week pregnant and my colitis has flared. I want
to resume eating the it safe?

Martin Synger - December 5, 2010 10:28 PM

I agree with many of the pro laetril comments above and due
to a high PSA reading I am taking apricot seeds and B17 tabs
If you haven't heard of Proton therapy because your doctor knows so little about it and
thinks its only experimental,
you might save your life by getting in touch with the University of Florida Proton Therapy
Institute, 2015 N.Jefferson St. Jacksonville Fl 32206 or (877)686-6009 or Unlike the Xray radiation treatment that kills healthy cells as well as
cancer cells they have a greater cure rate and fewer side effects than any other known
option. They will send you the most helpfull info
about the multi million dollar machine complexes that are
also available at the Loma Linda University Medical Center
in So. Cal, The University of Texas Anderson Cancer Center in Houston Texas, The
Massachusetts General Hospital in
Boston,The Indianna University in Bloomington and the ProCure Proton Therapy Center in
Oklahoma City. I would not call treating over 60,000 patients "EXPERIMENTAL". So if
laetril(b17) is quackery and experimental they are in good
company with HA! EXPERIMENTAL Proton therapy, which is covered by most of the Health
insurance companies. They will also send you "YOU CAN BEAT PROSTRATE CANCER and you
dont need surgery to do it" by Proton Cancer Survivor
Robert J. Marckini at no cost. He examines all of the options for treating cancer and you will
increase your
knowledge on the subject 1,000 fold after reading this book. My only concern is that he
choose to stay away from
the Laetril controversy. That probably would have cast too much doubt on the Proton
Tommy - January 6, 2011 7:43 PM
Does anyone know where i can obtain amigdalin ??or which site i should use to buy it??
please respond
Judy - March 8, 2011 2:48 PM

Hi there. i have received my laetrile but does not state how many tablets per day to take??
anyone know? also what is the diet that needs to be undertaken with the laetrile.
thanks Judy
krakrjaks - March 15, 2011 2:09 PM
Hi Judy, I just got back from some treatment in Mexico. I do not think that just one thing
works. The doctor does all non-toxic treatments which is what I was looking for. Probably had
me on 10 different things. It wasn't a shotgun treatment. there were things that I had heard
that helped and he said no and had a good reason for each of them. but one of the things he
had and is still having me do is B17. He has me on 1500mg per day or 500mg three times
per day. Now I am sure every person is different. some were taking different amounts than
me and some were not even getting B17. If I were you I would get under the care of a nontoxic cancer treating doctor. Be careful there are a lot of people that are just looking to make
money off of us that have cancer. God be with you as you travel down this road.
kerina - March 20, 2011 7:55 PM
It makes me so happy to ready all the positive comments about
B17 and everyones recovery. Im delighted people have started to
to make up their own minds about their treatment and not
blindlessly go into chemo. I wish everyone a healthy pharma free life :-)
Dan - March 31, 2011 7:02 PM
Hi Judy.. the "Gerson" diet , along with many different treatments ALONG w/ Laetril ,( B 17)
and GET professional help - there are numerous sites one good one
(most clinic's have MD's w Ca/USA licensed MD's on staff-)
is a great partner has just been diagnosed with Bladder cancer and WE are
definitly "OPTING" for the alternative NON_toxic treatments.. among them Flor-essence"- red
clover tea, among the many options.. SO there is help.we will give an update - YOUR RIGHT
the BIG Pharm's $$ don't want people to KNOW this info!ralph sheppard - May 27, 2011 12:09 PM
I have been diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2004, the doc suggested removal of prostate.
I chose to wait and watch. Psa didnt rise at all until 2009 at which the scare tactic was
presented by another urologist suggesting I definitely needed the prostate removed. I began

looking into all the options out there ,Proton theary, radical surgery, seeds, you name it.
chose to see three other urologist the during the next year and a half. I was told in 2009 that
i only had a year to live if I didnt have him administer the radiation. this was the second
warning of death within a year or so that I had been given.
I continued to wait and watch even after the second urologist's biopsy indicated that ( in his
words) the cancer has spread all through my prostate and was the agressive type. The is
biopsy in 2004 , 12 specimens, this second biopsy I still have not decided anything radical.
I chose to begin hormone thearpy 4 mo ago with 1 tablet daily and shots every few months.
I have had the second shot a few weeks ago. I had such a change in my actions, No breast
growth though, but my emotions went wild, finding fault with everyone around me, getting
hot flashes ( very Bad )i WAS ALMOST A WOMAN !! However the PSA of 84.4 went to 14.1 in
a week,. continued down to 9.3 4wks later and finally 5.0 my last visit which was another 4
weeks. As of a week ago I desided to reclaim my manhood, I stopped the tablets,
completely, no slowing down just quit the junk. called the Urologist and informed him of my
desion. I am 76 years old and I going out as a man if I to go out at all.
Three mos ago I began apricot kernels , slowly at first, 3 kernels an hour 10 times a day. i AM
KERNELS WITH 300 MG B17 tabs (novodalin, Amigdalin I will be starting my 5th month on
this regiment but cannot say what is happening with the prostate cancer I have a PSA test
awaiting results as of yesterday,.
Short of going for another biopsy I do not know how to check to see if there has been any
Change (progress) with my prostate cancer. I have had no side effects at all as yet from the
If anyone has an idea how to track progress in my situation, Please contact me.
Ildiko - February 3, 2012 4:36 PM
The ultimate alternative cancer cure website for anyone with cancer is
Irma - March 16, 2012 2:34 PM
After I did pass all medical treatment when was diagnosted with breast cancer-chemo and
radiation plus have continue for 5 years hormono therapy, recodnizing that all hard way

which i pass was not true and just bussiness industry and just killed me eventualy-- very
does alternative way like B17 and non toxic treatment in mexico helped me and other who
treated with toxic traditional med. And from what source to buy sertified B17 and where that
clicic in Mexico where just real help not taking money.
Please help if you know that info
Carl O Helvie - April 16, 2012 9:03 AM
If you email me I can answer the questions you have asked.

By Fred25
Reply 3967343
April 5, 2013 at 2:06 pm
I have been taking between 15 and 20 apricot kernels everyday (when I remember)
now for about 5 months.
I don't know whether the kernels are helping because I am taking so many other
natural therapies as well, but I am confident the kernels are doing no harm, so I'm
going to keep on taking them.
My lastest CT Scan, on March 23, 2013, showed there was no further growth (or
further shrinkage) in any of my Stage 4 lung cancer tumours. Everything is stable.
My guess is that the single most effective natural treatment for me has been cannabis
along with intravenous Vitamin C @ 75 grams 2x per week.
I've been using (1) Snake Oil drops (5 drops at bedtime); Cannacaps (one capsule at
9:00 am and one capsule at 3:00 pm); cannabis resin (1 gram at bedtime) and Holy
Annointing Oil to rub on my back and chest every night at bedtime.
Age: 76
Diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer in October 2011.
By adoman77

Reply 3968553 In reply to 3967576 by AnnikaH

April 5, 2013 at 9:40 pm
read my post again......GONE sign of LC ...Perfect check-ups every 3
months.....for last 9 and a half years....
And here is why Apricot kernels are NOT poisonous ..
Apricot seeds main ingredient is Amagdylin .. Amagdylin contains four substances.
Two are glucose; one is benzaldyhide, and one is cyanide. Yes, cyanide and
benzaldyhide are poisons if they are released or freed as pure molecules and not
bound within other molecular formations. Many foods containing cyanide are safe
because the cyanide remains bound and locked as part of another molecule and
therefore cannot cause harm.
There is even an enzyme in normal cells to catch any free cyanide molecules and to
render them harmless by combining them with sulfur. That enzyme is rhodanese,
which catalyzes the reaction and binds any free cyanide to sulfur. By binding the
cyanide to sulfur, it is converted to a cyanate which is a neutral substance. Then it is
easily passed through the urine with no harm to the normal cells.
But cancer cells are not normal. They contain an enzyme that other cells do not share,
beta-glucosidase. This enzyme, virtually exclusive to cancer cells, is considered the
"unlocking enzyme" for amagdylin molecules. It releases both the benzaldyhide and
the cyanide, creating a toxic synergy beyond their uncombined sum. This is what the
cancer cell's beta-glucosidase enzyme does to self destruct cancer cells.
Amagdylin or laetrile in conjunction with the protective enzymes in healthy cells and
the unlocking enzymes in cancer cells is thus able to destroy cancer cells without
jeopardizing healthy cells. Chemotherapy, on the other hand, kills a lot of other cells
and diminishes one's immune system while killing an undetermined amount of cancer
Those cancer cells tend to return elsewhere because the patient's general health was
reduced from the pervasive chemo toxins. The cancer industry has declared the bench
mark for curing cancer as being cancer free for 5 years. It's estimated that of those
who undergo the AMA big three for curing cancer, surgery, radiation, and
chemotherapy, no more than 3% make the 5 year cancer free mark. Besides the
treatments' debilitating effects, they are much more expensive!
But for someone with cancer, it takes a considerable amount of daily B17

consumption to enable the amagdylin to reach the cancer cells with beta-glucosidase.
That's because some of the amagdylin molecules will be neutralized by the normal
cells containing rhodanese.
Many practitioners who use laetrile have an 85% cure rate among cancer victims who
did not undergo much of the standard cut, burn, and poison that is main-stream - while
the cure rate for those who come to laetrile therapy as a last resort after all that
conventional medicine could only have a 15% recovery rate.

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