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Under present conditions we were asked to shorten development time of a new car as it satisfy the
requirements of all beneficiary in terms of dynamic performance and economic, reliability, comfort, safety
and operating cost.
Based on these considerations the present study aims to address basic knowledge on the principles and
specific technique for measuring quantities experimental research vehicles, methods of experimental
evaluation errors and experimental data.
The paper is divided into eleven chapters, the authors contributing as follows: Campian Ovidiu Chapters 1,
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10,11, SOICA Adrian Chapter 9.
In Chapter 1are presented the importance, purpose and main requirements imposed to experimental
research. It also presents the general aspects considering preparations to be made for the test vehicles.
Chapter 2 includes information on measuring chains used to test vehicle, being treated in detail all
components measurement chain.
Chapter 3 deals with issues related to laboratory test conditions main assemblies of the vehicle: engine,
transmission, suspension system steering, braking system. It also presents the main stands
specialized in trying these assemblies, specific transducers used, and methods of tests under laboratory
Chapter 4 is a detailed overview of dimensional and mass parameters of motor vehicles and the method of
determining them experimentally.
Chapter 5 presents the possibilities of determining experimentally by road and laboratory tests of the main
parameters for assessing performance vehicles.
Chapter 6 deals with problems of mobility and stability assessment vehicles.
Chapter 7 develops rules for determining by experiment parameters assessment of reliability.
In chapter 8 test method is presented for motor vehicles and their assemblies under severe conditions of
operation: tropical climate, polar climate, high altitude, etc..
Chapter 9 deals with both aspects of passive safety and interior the exterior.
In chapter 10 are shown how to estimate the errors resulting from measurements and the main ways of
processing test data.
In chapter 11 are the main rules and internal and international regulations used for approval of motor
vehicles and their subassemblies.
In preparing this paper was respected syllabus "Testing and approval of motor vehicles" taught students
who are preparing to specialized motor vehicles. The content and method of treatment is useful work
professionals working in the field test design and operation vehicles.
The evolution from the first motor car built in 1769 by Nicholas Joseph Cugnot French military engineer, to
the most modern current designs is very spectacular. Twentieth century meant for industry transition to
mass production cars, from the beginning of this century being produced over one billion vehicles. The car
has become an integral part of modern style life, being the primary means of achieving mobility.
The rapid development of the automotive industry in the last four decades has generated a crisis of
overproduction and significant changes regarding of production and distribution to the market. The current
period is characterized
by fierce competition vehicle market, which generated important changes in the process of developing a
new car. The current trend aimed at maintaining existing markets and winning new ones by producing

vehicles with dynamic features, economic, ergonomic, functional and high safety, with chemical and noise
pollution levels reduced and price as low as possible.
On the market remains only the manufacturers which have powerfull design, research, production and
service centers and are able to adapt quickly to the requirements of the beneficiaries.
The current period is characterized by a growing complexity of the development process of a new motor
vehicle as a result of the following requirements of social and natural environment and due to the high
quality demanded by consumers. Quality, ISO 9000 is the meaning of all properties and characteristics of a
product or service that bear on their ability to meet requirements stated or implied, it is the basis for
technical and economic assessment.
To achieve the above desideratum designers, researchers and vehicle manufacturers are teaming, building
vehicles progress being provided by all departments involved in strengthening development of new
1.1 Main stages of development of a vehicle

Launch of a new vehicle production involves the following

design phase;
experimental tests phase;
production phase;
period of service.
It should be noted that the four phases are not independent, but is interrelated throughout the process of
developing a new vehicle. For example, high frequency malfunction during service can require partial
reconsideration stages of the project and the resumption of phases experimental research and preparation
of manufacture so as to eliminate the causes the occurrence of defects.
In other cases there may be difficulties in the process of technological training during the manufacturing or
production process, which requires the adoption of changes in the project, which will be confirmed by
experimental tests before being placed in manufacure, not favouring the occurrence of subsequent defects.
Also, in time can be discovered design flaws that require reconsideration of the initial project and replay all
or part of the test phase experimental. Main stages of development of a new vehicle, links and corrections
that may arise are shown schematically in Figure 1.1.
As shown in the above, launching a new motor vehicle on market supposes complete the four phases. If
the systematic failure and their causes are identified later, the losses will be higher. The remediation costs
increase significantly when they are detected in phase production or use.

Fig.1.1 Phases developing a new motor vehicle

Given the rapid changes on vehicles market, the time from launch project to launch market has decreased
by shortening design experimental research, training Manufacturing and approach ResearchDevelopment
modern strategies, as engineering competitor. If the 80 time Release of a motor vehicle completely new
was 62-63 months It now has been reduced to 43-44 months, or less. Peugeut company managed reduce
this time to just 33 months. By abandoning the strategy Conventional engineering and using concurrent
engineering strategy provides a partial overlap browsing the design and testing phases, giving up the idea
of obtaining a optimal for obtaining an optimum phase at the start of the market.

1.2 Experimental tests, significance, purpose, classification, requirements

Motor vehicle tests importance results from the fact that different types of tests as part of the development
process of a vehicle, contribute significantly to their continuous improvement in all phases of development.
tests is verified that the main technical parameters, economic indicators, workmanship, performance, safety
and durability in operation correspond to execution documentation. In the case of manufacturing companies
and repair facilities by tests are validated tehnological manufacture processes and repair. In operating units
shall be determined by testing the best type of vehicle for appropriate conditions and operating regimes of
the best thereof.
The tests performed on vehicles in whole or subsets of these are highlighted: their functional
features, sizes that characterize the dynamics, stability or economy of, resistance to exploitation, research
processes occurring in different units and mechanisms, and the vehicle as a whole, etc..
Among the main objectives of the tests can be listed as follows: to check the technical and
economic indicators provided in the design theme , to discover defects in design, technology or material , to
verify the quality of execution , to validate the constructive and technological improvements to the initial
design , to create complex database that can be used to design similar vehicles , to provide data for a more
accurate estimate of the useful life of the vehicle ; check vehicle compatibility studied different operating
regimes , to verify that the vehicle is designed and studied meets the requirements by domestic and
international standards , etc. .
To ensure efficient and economical operation throughout the period of service, vehicle should be inspected
carefully at the optimum time . Although you can not make a strict separation tests can be sketched their
classification as following criteria: destination after tests , as the object of research experimental research
purposes as experimental by the terms and conditions test . This classification principle is shown in Table
1.1 .
After attempts destination , as shown in Table 1.1 , we distinguish The following types of tests : tests
of scientific research approval test or type- testing or periodic inspection lot, test reception. Attempts are
most diverse research objectives , scope and means used to make them. This is for the purpose of solving
complex issues of general interest such sons or the study of new vehicles subsets of us, the use of new
fuels and lubricants ; replace with more modern technology , replacing materials with more economic
research in detail the processes occurring in the engine or other subassemblies of the vehicle , checking
mechanisms and new parts : research interaction with the vehicle path and the environment , research on
establishment of new experimental research methods , etc. . This type of test is usually carried out in
research institutes and research centers strong organized by technical faculties tradition. For the
construction industry automotive research tests are of particular importance , they is the main means of
validation of products and technologies, contributing to the continuous improvement of motor vehicles .
Attempts have type approval or official character and performs Usually, in accordance with the provisions of
national laws or international nature of law. These prototypes are chosen to be placed in
mass production , validating the project and tested " zero series " validating it manufacturing technology of
the new vehicle. There are two stages therefore approval of the prototype , which is the acceptance of
constructive solutions proposed for introduced in the manufacturing and approval zero series , aimed at
advising technology manufacturing of a vehicle approved as a prototype. Development process inevitably
involves a new vehicle design and a prototype and testing its improvement . During the tests prototype are
highlighted deficiencies and shortcomings of construction and appreciates materials used in construction
and operation , are the optimum settings . Approval tests of the vehicle as a whole must be preceded by
approval tests of main assemblies : Engine , clutch gearbox ; longitudinal transmission , axle , axle not
driven , suspension , steering system ;
and so on
After validation prototype manufacture and then proceed to attempt " zero series " . in running therein at

least one group of 10-15 vehicles, machines using tools , tools, devices and checkers designed and built
for the production
the series , in order to obtain satisfactory appreciation . By seeking " zero series " is check manufacturing
technology , which involves carrying out tests on an operation, and the repetition of tests carried out on
prototype testing . attempts approval are long complex trials , aimed validation design and manufacturing
technology to a new vehicle .
Attempts periodic or batch control is performed to check whether manufacturer maintains the quality of the
vehicle determined and certified by approval . Within these tested a small percentage of vehicles
manufactured the number and duration must be less than 6 months or 40,000 kilometers covered
effectively . Usually put a vehicle in a lot of pieces or 3000-6000 vehicle per quarter , depending on batch
size production . It is reasonable that cycle, these samples are as high and their size is limited to key
indicators to reduce manufacturing costs . achieving this
goal requires a high and stable quality of vehicle manufacture . In these tests are verified and durability
vehicle bodies , This test is similar to that of the approval tests with except that it runs in a shorter time and
a lower road . There is also a minimum program framework under which the tests should be carried out
control periodically , ie a turnover of approximately 5,000 km, performed in a minimum time 15 days.
Acceptance tests may be considered to be included in the test manufacturing technology . They are made
to verify the quality of vehicles in Current manufacture or repair. Outside of the final , which runs
manufacturer to all motor control receiver is the beneficiary or his authorized representative . Overall
Acceptance tests are of limited
follow if the vehicle meets the general conditions of operation. Once the object of experimental research ,
the tests are classified into: test assemblies and aggregates , the test vehicle as a whole and tests
performed on sacred models. Subassemblies test is to determine the characteristics of each whole and
aggregate vehicle. This refers to the engine test , organs transmission , steering, suspension , brakes,
wheels and other components and assemblies
the vehicle. Assemblies in laboratory test must precede the test vehicle as a whole , both in the laboratory
and on
way. The test vehicle is set to determine the main characteristics and performance parameters of:
dimensional and mass ; dynamic qualities , economical qualities , passing ability , convenience of ; cockpit
ergonomics , reliability , security movement , establishing coefficients characterizing the interaction
between the vehicle and the environment; transmission losses , etc. .
Scale model tests are performed to abandoning attempts to whose cost price is very high . In place of the
test is used
following that features scale models , parameters and vehicle performance be determined from the
characteristics , parameters and model performance under the laws of geometric similarity , kinematic and
dynamic . After experimental research purposes distinguish the following main categories testing :
functional testing , stress testing , durability testing . Functional tests the main goal of highlighting features
parameters and functional performance and overall operation of the vehicle and the various subassemblies thereof, such as capacity parameters
pass- steering parameters , etc. . Resistance tests are established through which requests that produce
destruction assemblies and subassemblies . Durability tests , including tests distinguish normal from which
they are subject are similar to the components and accelerated to the operating requests are amplified to
shorten test time . Another method of shortening of test samples sustainability is increasing the frequency
Application of periodic varying applications where it does not influence life directly . After test conditions and
methods distinguish the following main testing : laboratory tests , road tests , operational tests , tests under
special conditions.
Laboratory tests of the vehicle as a whole or sub-assemblies it runs under stationary conditions , using
facilities provided with equipment adequate load measuring and recording . The laboratory tests R
phenomena advantage that it allows high precision and make it possible to removing the influence of not
studied. The drawback of this method is that the laboratory can not be simulated precisely the conditions
under which the vehicle operates in
operation. Attempts way ( to go ) is performed on special test tracks furnished or uneven road sections
provided with profiles and such coatings made to match the actual conditions of use. If the paths of test
properly chosen test methods and apparatus used correspond intended purpose and testing conditions, the
accuracy of test data will be fully satisfactory. The main advantage of this method is that the testing is done
under very similar to the operation , which ensures results similar to the operation.
Attempts are regularly operating in normal working conditions of operating companies by qualified

personnel in this regard , both and the company producing the service. Precision of results is The higher
the number the better the test vehicle is greater than the number of the duration of the test is high and is
higher . In some cases it is advisable
combined tests , laboratory and operation to complete and validate the results obtained with either method
separately . If the number of vehicles chosen for the test is large enough , the research may be conducted
The tests shall be performed under special vehicles that are to be operated under special conditions.
Special test conditions may involve : turnover extended column dusty roads . ; turnover prolonged high
temperatures ( 35 45oC ) mileage slowly on sandy soils and swampy ; turnover under very low temperature (under - 25oC )
turnover in tropical conditions ; taxi altitude high, etc. .
It is worth noting that these types of classifications of tests are of indicative precise determination tests very
difficult. Achieve conclusive results often involves a trial combined to complement each other .
The main requirements imposed tests are: objectivity , reproducibility ; accuracy , speed of performance ,
The requirement stems from attempts to be objective itself, unless it is considered importance of defining
an optimal design solutions or actual knowledge of the state found in the technical operation of a motor
vehicle without preconceived ideas and / or opinions subjective .
Objectivity is achieved by testing : unbiased attitude and lacking ncerctorului prejudices , providing test
conditions non-singular and underprivileged in terms of the effort required vehicle , remove possibility of
subjective interpretations of the test results by following rigorous test program , the widespread use of the
test apparatus
With data recording , processing compliance methodology
data, the causes that led to the non-inclusion of design parameters and functional limits of technical
For cars , repeatability test involves testing the same conditions so that for a given vehicle technical
condition well defined results of repeated tests and / or performed under similar conditions do not differ
significant results and findings remain invariant .
Test repeatability is achieved by: use of test methods not affected by random environmental factors ,
eliminate or mitigate the influence human factor test using the same driver or drivers of psychophysiological structure similar training , limiting the scope of change of the test conditions , they are very
accurately determined by standard
governing tests (eg ST 6926/1 ) .
Repeatability idea is subscribe efforts of international organizations (ISO, DIN SAE ) to develop normative
test some highly generality accepted in different countries.
Getting the correct test is correlated with insurance their objectivity and repeatability , but also also requires
: knowledge detailed phenomena investigated by trial , establishing sensible limits variation of the
parameters measured, using the measurement scheme of an apparatus and judiciously chosen , properly
prepared and complete test program , compliance standards relating thereto, to ensure measurement
accuracy required by standard fair interpretation of the results of the tests , repetition test results whenever
they are contradictory or match those available from previous tests and / or determined by calculation.
Not hard to imagine the serious consequences it can have taking decision to accept the launch in
manufacturing and / or operation of vehicles whose design and technology have been validated by
incorrect attempts .
Importance of timely results of a test is sometimes pressing that risks becoming an end in itself and
attempts to compromise essential . the objective of rapid tests should be obtained without affecting other
characteristics imposed on them , by: programming of test Phase sequence ( eliminating time dead )
possible use of accelerated test methods , processing and rapid interpretation of data acquisition using
modern storage systems and
processing data from tests , to minimize the volume attempts to ensure a reasonable level of confidence.
Attempts are transactions directly unproductive , time-consuming , fuel , materials , labor , and their cost is
directly reflected in the price vehicle. Ensuring tests of economy involves: preparation program test so that
the volume and duration of work is minimized without affecting the their tests as possible on stands and
polygons , where
Road tests , association tests on the same aggregated ensembles motor vehicle testing a large number of
aggregates or assemblies on cars in operation , using data from the enterprise service system producing ,
using the test of a highly skilled professional .
1.3 Preparation of test vehicles

In most cases, the testing of a vehicle or of a combination of Its theme is based on a research program
attached to the contract or command launched by the beneficiary test. Team of specialists who will perform
attempt to formulate clear objectives test to make corrections needed where this is necessary so that
carrying out the tests to be optimal and the results fully meet the needs of the recipient. In If the results of
test are unfavorable from it to
showing the causes which led to the invalidation of the product and the corrections to be made to eliminate
them. In order to allow a certain flexibility of the program test and correct dosage of material and human
efforts in order to improve test process is required separation of the main objectives and side .
Obtaining reliable results from the test vehicle or assemblies shall be ensured in the phase of preparation
of the test. In this phase team to perform tests must form a clear and correct on : test objectives , the
means to be used during the test, the stages to be covered during the test, the sample in which it will fall
test results . Often requires weeks or even months training for one day , one hour , one minute , or a
fraction of a second is made test .
1.3.1 Preparation of the test program
The general program of testing is usually required by standards or institutuiei that efectuaeaz internal
work , the organizers of their deployment they the obligation to draw up a detailed program to ensure
maximum efficiency
The test program shall include:
test objectives ;
test phases in chronological order with an indication ofpartial specific phases and time of execution;
detailing each phase of the test in detail the work enumeraea specific places , paths , polygons or test
benches and
execution time ;
environmental requirements required for testing ;
test regimes considered during testing , payload the vehicle running test , the speed mode , and so on ;
number of parameters investigated , the complexity of the tests and the number of repetitions
experiments ;
accuracy of measurement of the parameters determined by testing , which must be according to the
values recommended by the technical documentation and national and international standards ;
equipment for measurement, data acquisition and processing thereof, which should enable a rapid ,
possibly real-time results to assess the success of the test and if need partial reversal or all of the sample
while maintaining or changing the method of testing ;
responsibilities of the contracting parties and / or employees for providing material testing;
The responsibilities of individual staff test ;
Bench specific conditions , if any;
number of products tested ;
The test program depends on : the purpose of experimental research (determination
dynamic qualities , operating, etc. . ) vehicle type (car,
truck , jeep , off-road truck , rail car , tractor trucks , agricultural tractors , industrial tractors , etc. . ) to the
destination test ( scientific research or type approval , periodic or batch control , the reception).
Given that the above test programs will differ among themselves , but they also have many common
elements as shown in approximate scheme work stages in the different types of testing shown in Table 1.2 .
Elaboration of the test is one of the most important phases motor tests, in which employees must have a
clear and uniform leading to a trial objective, reliable, repeatable, made timely and maximum economic

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