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units with operating pressures below about 900 psi,

carbon steel tubes corrode slowly enough to have

an acceptably long life. In higher pressure boilers
the corrosion rates are significantly higher. Until
the early 1970s, all recovery boilers operated at
relatively low pressures and used carbon steel
tubes. But since the 1960s there had been
increasing numbers of reports of accelerated
corrosion in newer boilers that were designed to
recover more heat from the liquor by operating at
higher pressure. For example, when the operating
pressure exceeds 1000 psi the corrosion rate
typically exceeds 0.018" per year. This gives
carbon steel tubes an unacceptably short life.


W. B. A. Sharp
8524 Moon Glass Court
Columbia, Maryland 21045-5630
U. S. A.
The different chemical environments in different
parts of a recovery boiler cause many different
types of corrosion. They can also aggravate
thermal and mechanical cracking. This paper
discusses how tubes corrode and crack in each
environment. Implementing proven strategies
developed to reduce corrosion rates and inhibit
cracking reduces the risks of smelt-water
explosions, extends the service life of a boiler and
reduces its operating cost.

Corrosion protection strategies developed to extend

tube life include using pin studs to anchor an
insulating layer of frozen smelt on the surface of
carbon steel tubes and using tubes with a corrosionresistant layer added to their fireside surface.
Laboratory results (4) showed that Type 304L
stainless steel has good corrosion resistance in
simulated boiler environments and composite tubes,
co-extruded with an outer layer (typically 0.065"
thick) of Type 304L stainless steel over an inner
pressure-bearing layer of carbon steel, have
performed well in recovery boilers. Composite
wall tubes and floor tubes were first installed in
Scandinavian boilers in the 1970s. About 100
North American recovery boilers now have
composite water wall tubes installed in the lower
furnace. They are generally maintenance-free,
although specific problems of localized corrosion
and of cracking of composite floor tubes and air
port tubes will be discussed later.

Recovery boilers can be divided into at least eight
different zones that have distinctly different
chemical environments (1, 2). Tubes respond to
each combination of chemical, mechanical and
Understanding the causes of corrosion and cracking
enables us to develop and implement strategies that
reduce corrosion rates and inhibit cracking. This
reduces the risks of smelt-water explosions, extends
the service life of a boiler and reduces its operating

Corrosion-resistant layers can also be applied to

boiler tubes by thermal spray coating, and by
diffusing chromium into the surface of carbon steel
tubes (chromizing). The highest pressure recovery
boilers currently in service use high chromium
ferritic steel weld overlay coatings for corrosion


Corrosion and cracking in lower furnace tubes is of
particular concern because this area of the boiler is
the greatest source of smelt-water explosions (3).
Oxygen partial pressures in the lower furnace are
too low to stabilize protective oxides on carbon
steel tubes, although the reduced sulfur gases in the
furnace are able to form iron sulfide scales on these
tubes. The resulting corrosion rates depend
primarily on the surface temperatures of the tubes,
which in turn depend on the operating pressure of
the boiler. At the temperatures of boiler tubes in

Floor tubes corrode less than wall tubes, because

the frozen smelt layer on their surface has no
tendency to fall away. The frozen smelt provides a
physical barrier to the penetration of corrosive
gases, and an insulating barrier that reduces the
surface temperature of the tubes. As a result,


carbon steel usually provides adequate corrosion

resistance for floor tubes. Composite floor tubes
have been installed in some boilers, but are
unnecessary and problematic except in smelt runs.

spikes develop tensile stresses in the stainless

surface layer that remain when the boiler cools to
room temperature in a shutdown. It also shows that
tubes clad with Alloy 825 and Alloy 625 develop
much lower tensile stresses than conventional tubes
clad with Type 304L stainless steel. Therefore,
tubes clad with these alloys should be used as
replacements in boilers with floor tube cracking


About 65 of the approximately 340 recovery boilers
in North America have composite floor tubes.
Although fireside cracking of composite floor tubes
had been found in about two-thirds of the European
recovery boilers with composite floor tubes by
1992, it was not noticed in North American boilers
until 1993. Cracking is not usually found in
composite floor tubes unless it has been previously
found in composite spout opening tubes and
composite floor panel membranes in the same
boiler. In sloped floor units, cracking is more likely
to occur near the spout openings and where floor
tubes bend down towards the supply header.
Fortunately, when deep cracks reach the stainless
steel-carbon steel interface, they either end in a
corrosion pit in the carbon steel or turn and run
parallel to the interface.

Temperature spikes in floor tubes that develop

tensile stresses in the surface of composite tubes
propagate cracks by thermal fatigue. This can be
minimized by installing a layer of packed refractory
or interlocking tile over the floor tubes. Since floor
tubes are not designed to supply much of the heat to
the boiler water, the loss of steaming capacity of the
boiler will be small.
Both carbon steel and composite tubes suffer
localized corrosion in the corners of port openings
in high pressure boilers (7). Localized wastage on
the furnace side of air port tubes is caused by high
temperatures produced by the exothermic
combustion of unburnt liquor on these tubes in the
jet of air entering the boiler from the port.

There is increasing evidence that floor tube

cracking is initiated during shut downs and water
washes rather than during operation (5, 6).
Laboratory testing has shown that the concentrated
solutions of sodium sulfide and sodium hydroxide
formed by dissolving a large amount of smelt in a
small amount of water cause stress-corrosion
cracking in the Type 304L stainless steel cladding
in the temperature range160-200C (320-392F).
To avoid the conditions that can produce cracking
in composite floor tubes, do not begin to water
wash until floor tube temperatures fall below 160C
(320F), and be sure that all the smelt is removed
from the floor tubes before the boiler is fired up

The windbox side of air port tubes can also suffer

localized corrosion. This has been attributed to the
presence of molten sodium hydroxide in stagnant
areas where it has not reacted to form sodium
Corrosion products that would
otherwise protect carbon steel tubes (sodium ferrite)
and composite tubes (chromic oxide) are fluxed
(dissolved) away by molten sodium hydroxide,
allowing rapid corrosion. On composite tubes, this
fluxing can rapidly thin the stainless steel outer
layer. Fortunately the thinning slows when the
stainless steel outer layer is consumed and the
underlying carbon steel is exposed. Typical
corrosion rates might be 0.01 - 0.05" per year on
the stainless steel layer but only 0.03 - 0.08" per
year on the exposed carbon steel. Because the
corrosion rate slows down when the underlying
carbon steel is exposed, it produces expanding (but
not deepening) bald spots that expose the
underlying carbon steel, beginning at the top inner

Stress-corrosion cracking only occurs when tensile

stresses are present. Finite element analysis has
shown that the surface of composite tubes is in
compression when a boiler is at its operating
temperature. However, temperature monitoring has
shown that floor tubes can experience brief
temperature spikes of several hundred degrees.
Stress modeling shows that these temperature


corners of air port tubes. This balding can be weldrepaired with Alloy 625 before serious damage is

same as the smelt temperature, simulating the case

where tubes have boiled dry. Smelt flow across the
tube surface accelerates the corrosion rate because
the replenished smelt delivers more heat and wears
away the insulating frozen smelt layer. To avoid
this, smelt spouts are designed with internal watercooling systems to keep their surface temperature
low. Lowering the temperature of smelt spout
cooling water 40oF can increase spout life four
times. However, the temperature of spout cooling
water must be kept above 140oF to avoid dew point
condensation that could risk smelt-water

Thermal fatigue cracking has been reported in both

carbon steel tubes and composite tubes at (primary)
air ports and spout openings since about 1983.
Around air ports the cracking is generally limited to
the tubes that form the port opening itself, while
around spout openings the cracking can spread to
several tubes on either side. These tubes experience
temperature excursions when the insulating frozen
smelt layer is removed by rodding and when molten
smelt washes up against the tubes. Cracking in
tubes that form air ports is aggravated by residual
tensile stresses from the forming of tube bends and
from attachment welds. Although the fireside
cracks in composite floor tubes discussed below
turn at the base of the clad layer and propagate
parallel to the tube surface, cracks in air port tubes
and smelt spout tubes can continue to propagate
into the carbon steel layer. This propagation
appears to be driven by residual stresses introduced
during the formation of the air port tube bends.
Because the cracks can penetrate the carbon steel
portion of these tubes this type of cracking must be
inspected and repaired with particular care.

Smelt that freezes across air ports or smelt spouts

interferes with the operation of the boiler, and must
be removed by rodding. The removal of this frozen
smelt suddenly exposes the tubes to hot molten
smelt, and cycles of sudden heating can produce
thermal fatigue cracking on the metal surface.
Washing of the smelt bed up and down against wall
tubes causes similar heating cycles. Because the
outer stainless layer of composite tubing is
restrained by the inner carbon steel layer, composite
tubes are more vulnerable than carbon steel tubes to
thermal fatigue cracking, particularly at fireside
attachment welds.
Corrosion rates on upper furnace wall tubes, roof
tubes and furnace screen tubes are two to three
times slower than on lower furnace tubes because
the addition of secondary and tertiary combustion
air raises the oxygen partial pressure enough to
stabilize protective iron oxides on carbon steel
tubes. Additionally, radiative heat fluxes are lower
and gas temperatures are lower, so tube surface
temperatures are slightly lower. For this reason,
composite tubes are not required in the upper
furnace water walls.
Upper furnace wall tubes that are not seal welded to
one another can suffer cold-side corrosion on the
side of the tubes that faces away from the furnace.
Deep and isolated pits and irregular channels of
corrosion running down the length of the tubes can
be produced by cold-side deposits acidified by
furnace gases where they are wetted by water
washing. This cold side corrosion propagates when

Recent work by Tran and others (8) shows that

improved firing practices can eliminate tube
cracking by reducing the occurrence of thermal
spikes. If improved operational control does not
eliminate the cracking, the cracked wall tubes
should be replaced with Alloy 825-clad or Alloy
625-clad composite tubes.
Molten smelt can dissolve carbon steel and
composite tubes at rates equivalent to many inches
per year. Fortunately the flow of water through
boiler tubes keeps them cool, so the smelt freezes
rapidly on them and insulates the tube surface from
the corrosive effects of molten smelt. Flowing
smelt produces higher corrosion rates than stagnant
molten smelt. Student research at IPST has shown
that rates up to the equivalent of 50" per year have
been measured when the metal temperature is the


moist furnace dusts remain on the tube surface for

long periods (e.g. when a unit is water washed but
not fired to dry the tubes during an extended
outage). Laboratory measurements show that moist
tube deposits will corrode carbon steel at about
0.001" per day at ambient temperatures.

tube in the plane of vibration (11). Fatigue cracking

is aggravated by locally severe restraints, such as
sharp corners on vibration bars produced by flame
cutting, and by thinning caused by external wear
from loose components like worn vibration bars.
Empirical studies have concluded that generating
bank vibration bars are more trouble than they are
worth unless the drum-to-drum distance exceeds
31 (12). Where vibration bars are required,
making them from an oxidation resistant alloy such
as Type 304L stainless steel extends their life.

Recovery boilers operated with relatively cool

smelt beds and consequently high concentrations of
SO2 and SO3 in the flue gases tend to form sodium
bisulfate deposits in the upper furnace (9). These
have low melting point temperatures. If the melting
point temperature of a deposit is lower than the
surface temperature of an upper furnace tube, the
molten deposit will flux off the oxides that would
otherwise protect the tube. The corrosion initiates
as pits that can appear in parallel lines like cat's
claw scratches. It is likely that this pitting initiates
where stresses in the tube have cracked the mill

Similar cracking can occur at attachment welds on

pendant tubes in the upper part of the boiler. If
these welds are subject to excessive stresses, e.g. as
a result of the freeze up of sliding tube
connectors, or as a result of unexpectedly high
amplitude vibration of the tubes, fatigue cracks will
nucleate adjacent to the attachment weld on the
outside of the tube. Through-wall cracks can cause
severe damage by directing jets of water onto
adjacent tubes that thin large areas and produce
fish-mouth ruptures.

Pitting in upper furnace tubes can also be caused by

the reduced sulfur gases that exist under
partially-burned liquor particles. This type of
corrosion only occurs when the liquor droplets are
incompletely burned in the lower furnace (i.e. in
heavily loaded boilers with inadequate mixing of
combustion air) where partially-burned liquor
droplets carry over and are deposited on upper
furnace tubes.

In the absence of molten deposits and unburned
liquor carryover, rates of superheater corrosion
depend only on the tube temperature and oxygen
partial pressure. The corrosion rate is limited by
the transport of reagents through the thickening
surface oxide. Therefore, superheater materials can
be made more corrosion-resistant by adding
alloying elements that form oxides with lower solid
state diffusion coefficients.


Fireside fatigue cracking in generating bank tubes
(10) and in pendant tubes at restraints is a
significant cause of critical leaks. Cracks initiate at
the node where a vibrating tube is held stationary,
where a generating bank tube passes into a
where an economizer tube is welded into a
where pendant tubes are held by vibration bar
These fatigue cracks proceed inwards from the
fireside of the tubes and are largely unaffected by
corrosion processes. They often appear as pairs of
cracks close to the restraint and on either side of the

When a superheater temperature is high enough to

produce unacceptably high corrosion rates on
unalloyed carbon steel, tube materials with alloying
additions of chromium are required. Although
chromium oxidizes more readily than iron,
chromium oxides have much lower diffusion
coefficients than iron oxides. Commonly used
superheater tube materials, in order of increasing
corrosion resistance, are as follows:
Carbon steel
T11 steel (1% Cr)
T22 steel (2.25% Cr, 1% Mo)


Type 347 stainless steel (19% Cr)

Alloy 310 (25 % Cr)

by low melting point acidic sulfate deposits as on

superheater and furnace screen tubes, and by
erosion-corrosion caused by water droplets
entrained in the sootblower steam.

Because the most corrosion-resistant of these alloys

(the austenitic stainless steels like 347 and 310)
would be vulnerable to waterside stress-corrosion
cracking if the boiler water became contaminated
by chlorides, some mills prefer to install composite
superheater tubes with a Type 310 stainless steel
(25% Cr) outer layer and a 2.25% Cr inner layer.
These are more expensive than solid Type 347
superheater tubes, but combine the high oxidation
resistance of the stainless steel outside layer with
the high temperature strength and immunity to
stress-corrosion cracking of the carbon steel inner

Generating bank tubes often suffer "near drum

thinning" (13). This is localized fireside thinning
within about 0.5" of the outer surface of the mud
drum. It produces an elliptical depression on the
tube (shaped as if the tube was clay and you had
pressed your thumb into it) where the tube faces the
lowest sootblower. The thinning appears where dust
particles are blown off the surface of the mud drum
and against the tubes by sootblower jets. During
each sootblower cycle, the dust particles scour a
little oxide off the tube surface that was formed
since the previous sootblowing cycle. Special
ultrasonic equipment has been developed to detect
and quantify this type of thinning from inside the
tubes (14).

Unburnt liquor particles carried over because of

incomplete combustion (high loading and
inadequate reaction with combustion air in the
lower furnace) can destabilize protective oxides on
the windward side of superheater tubes in the same
way as was described earlier for screen tubes.



If the surface temperature of a superheater tube

exceeds the melting point of the deposits on its
surface, the surface oxides will dissolve rapidly into
the molten deposits. For example, a 5oF increase in
tube temperature (beyond the deposit melting point)
can increase corrosion rates four- or five-fold. To
avoid this rapid superheater corrosion, a mill should
minimize the formation of molten bisulfates by
reducing the excess volume of combustion air that
produces SO3, minimizing the S/Na2 ratio in the
flue gases and optimizing sootblower operation to
keep the tubes clean.

Slow leakage of boiler water out of boiler drums

where generating bank tubes are not completely
sealed into the drum can produce caustic stresscorrosion cracking. The leaking water flashes to
steam when it reaches the outer surface of the drum,
concentrating the water treatment chemicals.
Caustic stress-corrosion cracking, also known as
caustic embrittlement, occurs in carbon steel under
tensile stress in caustic concentrations above about
5% at temperatures above about 300F. The tensile
stresses may arise from operating pressures or from
residual stresses produced by welding. The inside
of the holes in a boiler drum contain residual tensile
stresses from the rolling (inside-out expansion) of
the tubes to seal them into the drum. The
combination of hot concentrated caustic and tensile
stress can drive caustic stress-corrosion cracks from
hole to hole in a boiler drum and produce water
leaks (15), particularly if the drum is made from
high strength steel. Re-rolling generating bank
tubes to improve the seal between tube and drum
will eliminate the cracking only if every seal is
perfect. Otherwise the additional rolling merely
raises the tensile stresses that are driving the cracks.
Seal welding leaking tubes to the drum is
problematic also, because it introduces additional

The most aggressive conditions in superheaters are

found at the front corner of the bottom bends in the
hottest platens. These bends experience not only
the highest heat flux but also erosion from particles
entrained in the flue gases.
Since generating bank tubes are relatively cool and
serve in a relatively oxidizing environment,
corrosion allowances are generally small and
sometimes zero. However, thinning can be caused


stresses that tend to loosen the seals of adjacent

tubes. A final solution to generating bank tube
leaks often requires either very careful seal welding
of all the tube seals or replacement of the
generating bank tubes.

increases the fireside temperature. A related form

of under-deposit corrosion can occur where sodium
hydroxide becomes concentrated from the boiler
water chemicals by a departure from nucleate
boiling, by boiling under porous deposits or by
waterline evaporation. Corrosion in concentrated
caustic solutions under deposits is sometimes called
caustic gouging. It produces localized corrosion
with a smooth or wavy contour.

Economizer tubes rarely suffer corrosion damage,
although sootblower erosion can occur and external
fatigue cracking has occasionally caused tube
ruptures. Rates of thermal oxidation are low, and
temperatures of water-filled economizer tubes are
far below deposit melting temperatures. However,
corrosion can be caused by dew point condensates.
If surface metal temperatures in an economizer,
precipitator or stack fall below the dew point
temperature (typically 155-170oF), moisture will
condense out of the flue gases onto these surfaces.
This moisture will readily dissolve acid furnace
gases (e.g. CO2, NOx, SOx) and its pH can fall as
low as 3.0 or 2.5. This acidic condensate will
dissolve carbon steel. Dew point condensation
generally occurs during low-load operation, where
the flue gases are coolest, and in the winter. In
precipitators it tends to occur first where shell
heating or insulation are inadequate. Most boiler
operators find it is more cost-effective to insulate or
heat the precipitator shell than to raise the flue gas
temperature. Where carbon steel precipitator or
stack temperatures cannot be maintained above the
dew point, Type 316L stainless steel or polymeric
coatings provide useful protection.

Waterside deposits are most likely to form where

heat transfer is highest, i.e. on tubes at the smelt
line (smelt-gas interface), around fuel burners, and
under pin studs or other weld attachments that
funnel heat into the tube. Tube samples are cut out
of these regions to measure the deposit thickness
and determine whether the boiler needs chemical
Upset conditions that produce thick, insulating
waterside deposits that restrict water flow can
produce rapid fireside corrosion even on composite
The waterside of boiler tubes is also vulnerable to a
form of corrosion fatigue cracking known as stressassisted corrosion (16). During the first year when
inspections for waterside cracking in recovery
boilers became common (1992), nearly half the
units inspected showed indications of cracking. In
units over 12 years old, this percentage was over
80%. Cracks found in these inspections forced
many companies to replace carbon steel lower
furnace tubes. The cracking occurs on the
waterside of tubes at locations where attachment
welds are present on the outside of the tube.
Despite cautionary bulleting from boiler
manufacturers (17), pulp and paper companies had
rarely, if ever, inspected for this type of cracking
until a smelt-water explosion in the Stone Container
Missoula, MT mill in May 1991 was traced to this
cause. Recent research (18) has shown that stressassisted corrosion is caused by local dissolution
during water quality upsets at sites where the
waterside oxide is fractured by tensile thermal
stresses. Tensile residual stresses are generated
within about 1 of attachment welds by temperature
cycles to the boiler operating temperature and back
(19). The locations most vulnerable to stress
assisted cracking are floor-to-sidewall seals and

Corrosion damage on the waterside of boiler tubes
is usually caused either by inadequate feedwater
purity or by improper chemical cleaning. A wellmonitored water treatment program and efficient
deaerator operation are essential to avoid the
corrosion damage and heating losses caused by
insulating waterside deposits. Excessive waterside
deposits cause two types of corrosion. They cause
localized oxygen pitting under deposits where the
environment is starved of oxygen, and they
accelerate fireside corrosion by insulating the tube
from the cooling effect of the water inside it which


attachment welds at air ports and smelt spouts.

Specialized radiographic techniques have been
developed to detect these cracks and estimate their
severity (20).

recovery boilers a state of the art review,

pages 1001-1023 in Proceedings of TAPPI
Engineers and Papermakers Conference,
published TAPPI, 1997.

To minimize waterside stress-assisted corrosion,

avoid excursions in feedwater quality. When
recovery boilers are being built or rebuilt, make
attachments to membranes rather than tubes
wherever possible and avoid attachments that are
localized and very strong. In units that have
experienced waterside corrosion fatigue, use
chelants rather than acids for scale removal and
carefully monitor chemical cleaning operations, to
avoid conditions that could damage the boiler.

6. J. R. Keiser, B. Taljat, X-L Wang, R.

Swindeman, P. J. Masziasz, R. L. Thomas, E.
A. Payzant, D. L. Singbeil and R. Prescott,
Analysis of Cracking of Co-Extruded
Recovery Boiler Floor Tubes, pages 10251041 in Proceedings of TAPPI Engineers and
Papermakers Conference, published TAPPI,
7. M. A. Lunn, W. B. A. Sharp, H. N. Tran and D.
Barham, Corrosion of composite tubes at
recovery boiler air ports a case history, 6th
International Symposium on Corrosion in the
Pulp and Paper Industry, Helsinki, Finland,
August 29 September 1, 1989; published
Finnish Pulp and Paper Research Institute,
Helsinki, Finland, 1989.

Deaerators and deaerator storage tanks are

vulnerable to stress-assisted corrosion beside welds
in the pressure shell, particularly those below the
water line. To prevent this cracking, control the
feedwater chemistry and avoid water hammer.
Also, carefully check design calculations and weld
quality when purchasing a new deaerator.

8. H. Tran , S. Vafa, A. Roherty, C. A. Milbury,

D. C. Mott, F. Piroozmand, K. B. Rivers and B.
A. Anderson,, "Modifying Boiler Operation to
Reduce Primary Air Port Cracking in a
Recovery Boiler", paper 49-3 in Proceedings of
TAPPI Fall Technical Conference, 2002,
Published TAPPI, 2002.

1. W. B. A. Sharp, "Overview of recovery boiler
corrosion," p.23-31 in Corrosion Problems in
the Pulp and Paper Industry, Volume 7,
published TAPPI Press, 1992.

9. H. Tran, N. Mapara, and D. Barham, "The

Effect of H2O on Acidic Sulfate Corrosion in
Kraft Recovery Boilers," p. 421-426 in
Proceedings of 1995 Engineering Conference,
published TAPPI Press, 1995.

2. H. N. Tran, Recovery boiler corrosion,

Chapter 10 (pp.285 322) in Kraft Recovery
Boilers, by T. N. Adams, W. J. Frederick, T.
M. Grace, M. Hupa, K Iiisa, A. K. Jones and H.
N. Tran, published TAPPI Press, 1997.

10. D. G. Stasuk, Near drum cracking in recovery

boiler generating bank tubes, pages 1079-1082
in Proceedings of TAPPI Engineers and
Papermakers Conference, Published TAPPI,

3. D. G. Bauer and W. B. A. Sharp, "The role of

inspection in detecting factors that cause
recovery boiler critical exposures and
explosions," TAPPI J. 74 (9), 92-100, (1991).
4. O. Moberg, Recovery Boiler Corrosion,
pages 125-136 in Pulp and Paper Industry
Corrosion Problems, Volume 1, published
NACE, 1974.

11. J. C. Reid, Inspection for cracking in black

liquor recovery boiler tubes, pages 1049-1071
in Proceedings of TAPPI Engineers and
Papermakers Conference, published TAPPI,

5. D. Singbeil, R. Prescott, J. Deiser and R.

Swindeman, Composite tube cracking in Kraft

12. D. C. Bennett (Corrosion Probe, Incorporated),


Private Communication, October 1998.

20. W. B. A. Sharp, The Strength of Recovery

Boiler Tubes Containing Stress-Assisted
Corrosion, 11th International Symposium on
Corrosion in the Pulp and Paper Industry,
Charleston, SC, June 8-11, 2004, published
TAPPI Press, Atlanta, GA, 2004.

13. R. Thompson, D. Singbeil, C. Guzi, and D.

Streit, "Corrosion of generating bank tubes at
the mud drum interface in kraft recovery
boilers," p.309-318 in Corrosion Problems in
the Pulp and Paper Industry, Volume 7,
published TAPPI Press, 1992.
14. D. Stasuk, Recovery boiler generating bank
tube thinning, Proceedings of 1991 TAPPI
Engineering Conference, published TAPPI,
15. F. Bruno and L. Kiessling, Further aspects on
steam boiler drum stress-corrosion cracking,
pages 163-174 in Pulp and Paper Industry
Corrosion Problems, Volume 6A published
Finnish Pulp and Paper Research Institute,
16. W. B. A. Sharp, An Overview of StressAssisted Corrosion in the Pulp and Paper
Corrosion/2004 symposium, New Orleans, LA,
published NACE International, Houston, TX,

17. W. R. Sylvester and G. Sidla, Waterside

stress-assisted corrosion cracking in boilers,
pages 269-273 in Proceedings of 1989 TAPPI
Engineering Conference, TAPPI Press, 1989.
18. D. Yang, R. W. Neu and Preet M. Singh,
Mechanism of stress-assisted corrosion on
carbon steel boiler tubes, Paper 26-1 in
Proceedings of 2006 TAPPI Engineering,
Pulping and Environmental Conference,
Atlanta, GA, published TAPPI Press, Atlanta,
19. S. Pawel, P. Singh and G. Sarma Modeling of
recovery boiler tube wall panels to investigate
the effect of attachment welds on stress-assisted
corrosion, in Proceedings of 2005 TAPPI
Engineering Conference, published TAPPI,
Atlanta, 2005.


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