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Sample Assignment

Assignment front sheet


Unit number and title

Pearson BTEC Level 7 Diploma in Strategic

Management and Leadership (QCF)

Unit 8 Corporate Communication Strategies

Assessor name

Student name

Salman Ahmad
Date issued

Completion date

Assignment title

Corporate Communication Strategies Report (1 of 1)

Submitted on


Learning Outcome


In this assessment you will have the

opportunity to present evidence that shows you
are able to:

Understand the
relationship between
strategic management
and leadership


discuss the purpose of corporate communication



assess how corporate communications link to

corporate objectives


analyse the relationship between corporate

communication and corporate branding


plan an internal corporate communications audit


conduct an internal corporate communications



critically evaluate the effectiveness of current

levels of practice


plan an external corporate communications



Plan for the development of future situations

requiring leadership


critically evaluate the effectiveness

of current levels of practice

Be able to apply
management and
leadership theory to
support organisational

Be able to assess


(Page no)

Be able to plan the

development of
leadership skills


plan the objectives of a corporate

communication strategy


select the audiences to influence

with a corporate communications
plan appropriate measures to monitor a
planned corporate communications strategy



Learner declaration
I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully
Student signature:


Assignment brief
Unit number and title

8 Corporate Communication Strategies


Pearson BTEC Level 7 Diploma in Strategic Management and Leadership

Start date

Salman Ahmad

Assignment title

Corporate Communication Strategies Report (1 of 1)

Purpose of this assignment

This assignment will provide learners with the opportunity to enhance their understanding of the
corporate communication strategies, communications audit and development of corporate
communications strategy.
This assignment must be answered in relation to the organisation you currently work in or an
organisation that you have knowledge of.
You are a communications consultant who has been appointed by a selected organization to produce a
report that is aimed at auditing the internal and external communication. The organisation has recently
identified extensive changes in technology and business dynamics in the markets it serves. There is a
need to plan for and manage this situation.
The management of your selected organization wants you to assess and audit its current internal and
external corporate communication strategies, to develop future corporate communications for the
organisation, and also recommend how the organization will be able to monitor those strategies. This
will allow the organization to closely observe its corporate communications for any potential loopholes
or weaknesses.
The conclusions and recommendations will be based on your critical review of the organisations
corporate communication strategies and must be supported by your findings from research.

Task 1 (LO 1 and 2 AC 1.1, 1.2, 1.3)

In this task you are required to show your understanding the important role corporate communication
plays in organization, and how it affects the all-important corporate branding.

Discuss the purpose of corporate communication strategies by referring to at least two sources.

Then assess how corporate communications link to corporate objectives, and analyse its
relationship with corporate branding.

You must reference your findings according Harvard Referencing Style and keep a well maintained
research log.
Task 2 (LO 2 AC2.1, 2.2, 2.3)
In this task you are required to audit the printed material (such as newsletters, letters, emails and
memos), tools, and processes used for communication (both horizontally and vertically) inside the

Plan an internal corporate communication audit in a selected organization, and then

systematically conduct it. You can audit the various communication tools given in Outcome 2
(Refer to Unit Specifications).

Furthermore, you are required to evaluate the effectiveness of current levels of practice in your
selected organization.

Task 3 (LO 3 AC3.1, 3.2, 3.3)

In this task you are required to audit the printed material (such as newsletters, brochures, flyers and
billboards), Ads, and other material. It also includes promotional material (graphics, printed material,
and audio/video) that is used for communication outside the organization.

Plan an external corporate communication audit in a selected organization, and then

systematically conduct it. You can audit the various communication tools given in Outcome 3
(Refer to Unit Specifications).

Furthermore, you are required to evaluate the effectiveness of current levels of practice in your
selected organization.

Task 4 (LO 4 AC4.1, 4.2, 4.3)

You are required to plan some of the potential objectives of a corporate communication strategy. This
can be developed out from the corporate communications audit. Then select the audiences that you
intend to influence with the corporate communications strategy. Furthermore, plan the appropriate
measures that you would take to monitor a planned corporate communications strategy.


Summary of evidence required by student

Task 1

Notes, summary and a discussion that shows an understanding of the important

role corporate communication plays in organization.

Task 2

Written report that audits the internal corporate communication strategies.

Task 3

Written report that audits the external corporate communication strategies.

Task 4

Written report.

Task 1, 2,
3 and 4

Research Log for all the data sources used in these tasks


General guidance about assessment evidence

Primary and/or secondary research evidence findings must be appropriately referenced within the report and research
evidence attached as annexes to the report.
The written report must be presented in a professional manner, with front page, contents page, page numbering,
bibliography and annexes.
Students must submit a signed declaration that the work submitted is their own see the Learner declaration box on
page 2 of this assignment.

Assignment Guidelines
Generic Report Structure and Format
1- Title Page: Please make sure that the title page contains your name, assessors name, unit name,
assignment title and date of submission Make it creative, eye catching and attractive. Learner can
put logos and images relevant to the topic.
2- Assignment Cover Sheet: Please make sure that you have attached the assignment cover sheet
(provided with the assignment brief) after the title page.
3- Acknowledgement: Be courteous, say a thank you to all those who have helped you in
attempting your assignment.
4- Table of Contents: Contents sheet (TOC) with a list of all headings and page numbers is must for
the report.
5- Executive Summary: This should give a quick and brief glance of learners report. Executive
summary should not be more than one (or two) page. You should also include organizations
mission, aims and objective in the summary.
6- Body: This will be the main content of the report. Make sure that you have given clear headings
for each task and sub heading (under each task) wherever required.
7- Conclusion and Recommendations: Once all tasks are attempted, learner should write a
conclusion note upon which you should be able to base recommendations and suggestions for
further improvement.
8- Bibliography and Annexure: This is the last section of the report. Bibliography would list all
references and citation which learner have consulted while attempting the assignment, whereas
the annexure would include all evidence which learners are required to attach with the report. It is
mandatory for all learners should attach the evidences (Videos, Photos, Audio recordings etc) of all
the work done in attempting the tasks.
Tips for Better Formatting and Report Presentation:

Font Style and Size: Use A4 page size, 12 point Arial or Times New Roman font with 1.5 line
Header and Footer: You should insert headers and footers to your report, this makes it more
presentable. The header could contain assignment title, whereas the footer could contain the page
Using Footnotes: References and citation should be given in the footnotes, preferably following
Harvard Style Referencing.
Your assignment should be word-processed and should not exceed 6500 words in length (or 25
pages). Exhibits / appendices are outside this limit
Pages should be numbered (bottom right hand corner)
Spell-check the document and read thoroughly for grammatical errors

Non Web Research

Internet is a helpful tool, as it gives you access to a diverse range of information but at the same time it is
not a very comprehensive and reliable source. Therefore you should try to look for other sources of
secondary information such as books, journals, articles, magazines, research reports etc.
It is mandatory to cite and reference work of others (e.g. theories, models, concepts etc) consulted for
this assignment. Learners are suggested to use Harvard Style of referencing for citations and bibliography.
Content and Proof Reading
You should make sure that the content of the report is strong and relevant to your topic. Please ensure to
proof read your report to avoid grammatical and spelling errors.

Plagiarism Policy
The college has strict penalty for plagiarism and the assignment will be cancelled if the assignment is
observed for this.
The definition and scope of plagiarism are presented below:
Plagiarism occurs when a student misrepresents, as his/her own work, the work, written or otherwise, of
any other person (including another student) or of any institution. Examples of forms of plagiarism
The verbatim (word for word) copying of anothers work without appropriate and correctly
presented acknowledgement;
The close paraphrasing of anothers work by simply changing a few words or altering the order of
presentation, without appropriate and correctly presented acknowledgement;
Unacknowledged quotation of phrases from anothers work;
The deliberate and detailed presentation of anothers concept as ones own.

All types of work submitted by students are covered by this definition, including, written

Achievement Summary
Unit Number and


Pearson BTEC Level 7 Diploma in

Strategic Management and
Leadership (QCF)

Assessor name

Unit 8 Corporate Communication


Student name


Salman Ahmad

Assignment Feedback
Formative Feedback: Assessor to Student

Action Plan

Summative feedback

Feedback: Student to Assessor

Assessor signature


Student signature


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