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ENPH 353

Compton Effect


A.P. French, Special Relativity, p. 194

R.A. Serway, C.J. Moses and C.A. Moyer, Modern Physics, sec. 2.5
G.F. Knoll, Radiation Detection and Measurement

One of the most convincing demonstrations of the corpuscular nature of electromagnetic
radiation is the Compton effect. The observed phenomena may be completely accounted for by
treating the incident radiation as particles which are elastically scattered from free electrons. The
process in which an incident photon of energy E is scattered at a free electron, which is initially
at rest, is illustrated in Fig. 1. The photon scattered at angle has energy E and the electron
recoils at angle with an energy Ee. Relativistic kinematics and the principles of conservation of
energy and momentum allow the scattered photon energy to be expressed as a function of the
angle of scattering:

E =E [1+(E /mec2)(1-cos)]-1

where mec2 is the rest energy of the electron.

Fig. 1: Compton scattering of a gamma ray from a free electron.

To test this relationship, the experiment investigates the dependence of the energy of the
scattered photon, E , on the scattering angle . To eliminate photons that have scattered through
other angles and by other mechanisms, a coincidence technique is used so that the scattered
photon is recorded only if the recoil electron is simultaneously detected. The incident photon (of
661 keV energy from 137Cs) is scattered by an electron in one NaI detector and the scattered
photon is detected in a second NaI detector. The recoil electron is detected in the first. In each
case the detector photomultiplier pulse height allows a measurement of the particle energy. A
multichannel analyzer (MCA) is used to store the pulse height spectrum of either detector, but
only if both detectors are activated simultaneously.

NaI scintillators, each 2 in diameter and 2 in length, are used in this experiment. For a discussion of the
interaction of y-rays with the scintillator, see Knoll.
For a test of the Compton scattering theory, the scattered photon energy should be measured for at least
three scattering angles. In each case the recoil electron energy should be determined also, as a check of
experimental consistency through energy conservation. There are two main procedures in setting up the
experiment: first, to adjust the amplification in each of the channels so that pulses of similar size and
shape, suitable for energy measurement, are received at the MCA, and second, to adjust the relative time
delay in the two channels so that the coincidence requirement is accurately established. For more details,
see the section on the description of the electronics below.
Gain Adjustment: Place the 137Cs source between the two detectors and observe the decay (photopeak)
pulses in both channels using a fast oscilloscope. Ensure that the 137Cs source selected is one of the
stronger sources, or the rate will be too low. The pulse amplitudes at the preamplifier outputs may be
roughly equalized by adjustment of the photomultiplier voltage. Note that the photomultiplier amplifiers
(Fig. 2) have two outputs: a unipolar output for use in pulse height (energy) analysis, and a bipolar output
for accurate generation of the timing pulse. Adjust the gain of each amplifier so that the unipolar pulses
are similar, and so that the pulse at the output of the Linear Gate (with the coincidence requirement
switched off) is a few volts in amplitude. When the MCA is used to display the 137Cs pulse height
spectrum, the photopeak should appear at approximately 80% of the maximum abscissa.
Timing Adjustment: Now replace the 137Cs source with a 22Na source positioned on the line joining the
two detectors. 22Na decays by emission of positrons which annihilate with electrons producing two 511
keV -rays 180o apart. The simultaneous emission of -rays is used to test the coincidence circuit.
Observe the photomultiplier pulses, and the timing pulses generated by the timing single channel
analyzer. Observe the coincidence output with the coincidence requirement switched on, and vary the
signal delay in one channel to maximize the coincidence rate. This is best done by comparing the relative
pulse arrival times at the inlet to the coincidence unit using the oscilloscope. Alternatively one could
maximize the coincidence pulse intensity on the oscilloscope or count coincidence pulses by means of the
MCA for a suitable time interval. When the signal delay has been adjusted to equalize the delay times in
the two channels, the system is ready to observe Compton scattering.
Energy Calibration: To calibrate the MCA without altering any circuits, the coincidence requirement
can be switched off and the 137Cs photopeak will accumulate quickly to provide a calibration at 661 keV.
A lower-energy (81 keV) calibration point can be obtained by the use of a 133Ba source. One may also get

a calibration point using the 511 keV annihilation gamma rays from the 22Na source. Remember to
calibrate both crystals. Ensure that the calibration data being collected is for the channel selected at the
coincidence unit.

Data Collection: For adequate statistics in a reasonable time, rather coarse angular resolution
must be accepted (source-detector separation 20-30 cm). Choose an angular position for the
source and observe the spectrum as it accumulates, and when an acceptable spectrum is obtained
use the MCA cursor to measure the channel positions of the peaks corresponding to the scattered
photon and the recoil electron. See details below on data analysis.
Repeat the process twice by arranging the detectors so that scattering at two other angle
combinations can be studied. It is desirable to use thick lead shielding to isolate the second
detector from the source. If the separations of the source and detectors are measured accurately
with a metre-stick, the scattering angle and its uncertainty can be estimated. For an arbitrary
geometry, the pulse height spectra from both detectors must be recorded in turn in order to obtain
the energies of the scattered photon and the recoil electron. As with the first measurement, repeat
your analysis for each channel several times as a way of estimating the uncertainty.
Data Analysis: For each spectrum collected, use the curser to select three different zones in the
spectrum. First select a band representing the background level just below the peak. Then select
a band that encompasses the peak. Finally use the cursers to select a band representing the
background just above the peak. The systematic uncertainty in the determination of the peak
location will be dominated by the selection of the background bands for subtraction. For each
detector, make several measurements of the peak location, using slightly different bands, to get a
feel for the uncertainty in the measured peak position due to this selection.
When doing the analysis, use the information from both channels as a consistency check. (The
scattered gamma ray, and the recoil electron energy). Ensure that all sources of uncertainty are
considered, and estimated.
Description of the Electronics:
The electronics is used to amplify and shape the signals from the PMT bases, to select events in
which there are coincident events in the detector and to transmit such events to the MultiChannel Analysis System. Each PMT is connected to a linear amplifier (Amp) the output of
which is connected to single channel analyser (SCA) which produces a logic pulse related in
time to the creation of a signal in the scintillator. The pulses from the SCAs are fed to a
coincidence unit (FC), in modern terms an AND gate, which produces an output when an event
occurs in which a -ray is scattered from the central detector into the other one. The output of the
coincidence unit is used to enable the output of the gated stretchers (GS) so that the scintillator
pulses get through when there is an event where energy is deposited in both detectors. Note that
the FC unit normally requires that the channels A and B both be in the in position. If for
example A is in the in position and B in the out position then all pulses from the A side amplifier
will be sent to the MCA. This feature can be used to calibrate the system. The outputs of the
detectors are sent to separate spectra of the multichannel analysis system (MCA). The gate and
delay unit (G&D) together with the logic inverter (LI) is used to generate the correct enable

signal for the MCA. This signal tells the analogue to digital convertor in the computer to convert
the input signal to digital form. The basic operation of the MCA is to histogram the digitized
signals. Other functions of the MCA enable the identification of channels and the calculation of
peak centroids and areas. Details of these functions are given in the laboratory. You should
check the operation of the electronics with an oscilloscope. When you do this check it is best to
place a 22Na source positioned mid-way between the detectors.

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