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This AGREEMENT OF LEASE made and entered into by and between:
The LESSOR: LEONARDOS FOODARAMA INC., a corporation duly
organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the Philippines, with
principal address at 79 F. Blumentritt St., San Juan, Metro Manila, represented herein
by its duly authorized representative, Renato G. Macapagal, hereinafter referred to
-andThe LESSEE: _________________________________, of legal age, Filipino, and
residing at _______________________________________________________________,
hereinafter referred to as LESSEE.
WHEREAS, the LESSOR is the owner in fee simple of a commercial complex
known as ___________________________________________________, situated at
WHEREAS, the LESSOR desires to lease out a portion of afore-described
property in favor of the LESSEE and the LESSEE accepts the lease subject to the
terms and conditions herein set forth.
NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing premises and
the covenants hereinafter stipulated, the parties hereby agree as follows:
1. UNIT : LESSOR hereby transfers and conveys by way of LEASE in favor of
the LESSEE a portion of the afore-stated properties (hereinafter referred to as
the Leased Properties) specifically described as follows:



2. CONDITION OF THE PREMISES: The LESSOR leases the Leased Unit to

the LESSEE on an as is, where is basis. The LESSEE hereby declares that it
has inspected the leased premises prior to the execution of this Lease
Agreement, and acknowledges that it is fully satisfied with the conditions
thereof. The LESSOR, may upon the request of the LESSEE, make the
necessary repairs and improvements to cater the needs of the LESSEE,
provided, however, that same shall be made known to the LESSOR prior to
the execution of this agreement. The LESSOR makes no warranty as to the
condition, operational or structural capability, or as to any hidden defects of
the Property which the LESSEE warrants to know by virtue of the LESSEEs
duty to inspect.
3. PERIOD: The term of this lease is _____________________, commencing from
__________________________ and expiring on __________________________
without the necessity of any previous notice or for any judicial action for
ejectment, provided, however, that no interruption in the physical possession
of the lease premises by the LESSEE for any reason whatsoever, whether on
account of fortuitous event, fire, flood, riot, blackout, brownout, strike,
picketing, or otherwise, shall be serve to extend the above-specified period of

this lease. The lease term is non-extendible and non-renewable. LESSEE

cannot pre-terminate the lease.
4. RENTALS: The monthly rental shall be _________________________________
(Php ____________), Philippine Currency, due and payable every month,
exclusive of withholding tax and VAT. Upon signing of the contract, the
LESSEE shall pay the amount of ____________________________________
(Php ____________) representing two (2) months advance rental payments
applicable on the 1st & 2nd month of the contract and issue _________________
(____) post-dated checks covering the succeeding ______________ months for
the entire duration of the contract.
5. SECURITY DEPOSIT: Upon the execution of this Contract, LESSEE agrees to
pay a deposit in an amount of ______________________________________
(Php ____________), as security for the faithful compliance by the LESSEE of
all terms and conditions of this Contract and for the return of the Unit in
good and proper condition, and to answer for any and all repairs or damages
to the Unit and other liabilities of the LESSEE under this contract. It shall be
understood that LESSEEs liability for any breach of this Contract or any
obligation for the leased premises shall in no manner be limited to the
amount of said deposit. This security deposit cannot be applied by the
LESSEE to any unpaid rental(s) or to any other liability of the LESSEE to the
LESSOR. The security deposit shall, unless the same is subject to forfeiture
under this Contract, be refunded to the LESSEE, without any interest thereon,
within sixty (60) days after the expiration of the lease and after the LESSEE
has moved-out of and vacated the Unit, whichever is later.
6. PRE-TERMINATION: Pre-termination of the Lease is prohibited and will
result in the automatic forfeiture of the LESSEEs Security Deposit in favor of
the LESSOR, it being understood that the essence and period of this Contract
as well as the period for the payment of the rent are fixed for the benefit of
7. ACCEPTANCE OF PREMISES: The LESSEE hereby acknowledges the
receipt of possession of the leased premises in satisfactory condition. The
LESSEE further agrees that upon the expiration or earlier cancellation of this
contract, he shall peacefully surrender to the LESSOR the possession of such
premises in the same satisfactory condition as when taken, ordinary wear and
tear being expected.
8. USE AND PURPOSE: LESSEE hereby expressly agrees and warrants that the
LEASED UNIT shall be used by it, strictly and exclusively, for
________________________________________________________________ and
said LESSEE is hereby strictly prohibited from using the said premises for
any other purpose or business without the prior written consent of the
directly or indirectly sublease, assign, or transfer its right of lease over the
leased premises or any portion thereof under any circumstance whatsoever,
and any such contract made in violation of the clause shall be null and void.
all improvements or alterations of whatever nature such as may be made
therein by the LESSEE at its expense shall form an integral part of the leased
premises and shall not be removed therefrom but shall belong to and become
the exclusive property of the LESSOR upon then termination of the lease,
without need for reimbursement for the costs thereof.
sufficiently preserve, repair and maintain in good, clean tenantable condition,

at his/her own cost, the interiors of the Unit, including the flooring, interior
walls or other finishes, doors, windows, cables, conduits, wirings, sockets,
electrical installations, and plumbing fixtures found in or about the Unit. The
Unit and all additions and installations supplied by LESSOR shall be kept in
a good, clean, working condition. LESSEE shall keep drains, pipes, sanitary
or plumbing apparatus in the Unit in good, clean and tenantable condition.
LESSEE shall take all such steps and precautions at his/her own cost to
prevent the Leased Premises from becoming infested with termites, rats,
mice, cockroaches or other pests or vermin. Should LESSEE fail to maintain
the Leased Premises properly such that the same is infested with pests,
LESSOR may employ pest control services on the Leased Premises and
charge the cost thereof to LESSEE. All minor repairs in the Unit will be at the
LESSEEs sole expense. Major repairs, within the period of this Contract, not
caused by or attributable to LESSORs fault or negligence shall be for the
LESSEEs sole account.
LESSEE hereby agrees further that any damage to the leased premises
or its appurtenances caused by said LESSEE or his agents, employees,
customers, guests or any other person without the fault of LESSOR shall
repair promptly at his expense within five (5) days otherwise LESSOR may
cause said repairs to be made at the expense and for the account of LESSEE.
LESSEE shall use the premises at all times in such manner that the
same shall not constitute a nuisance and shall not permit obnoxious odors or
noises to emanate there from, and agrees that he shall provide the leased
premises with receptacles and sufficient containers for waste, refuse, rubbish,
etc., and further agrees that the disposal of garbage shall be done at such
time, place and manner as may be fixed by LESSOR.
LESSOR, in his own initiative, shall have the right to make such
repairs for the preservation, improvement, and/or ornamentation of the
building in which the leased premises are located as it may necessary;
provided, that LESSOR shall not be liable for any inconvenience or injury to
LESSEE and/or his business, including customers, agents, employees, guest
or any other person, resulting or arising from the undertaking of any such
work under the foregoing provision.
12. PROHIBITIONS: LESSEE shall not use the leased premises for dwelling or
sleeping purposes and gambling in any form and other illegal acts therein are
strictly prohibited, without prejudice to the criminal liability therefore under
the Revised Penal Code.
LESSEE shall not bring in and /or keep within the leased premises
any live animal or pet.
LESSEE shall not paint, drive nails, screws, or abutments on the wall
or frames, or make alterations, improvements, or changes in any part of the
leased premises, including electrical installations, plumbing and other
fixtures, without he prior written permission of LESSOR. Any violation or
injury or damage caused or done by LESSEE under this provision may be
repaired or summarily removed and/or restored to its original condition by
LESSOR at the expense and for the account of LESSEE.
LESSEE shall not bring into, use or store in the leased premises
inflammable or explosive materials or gas-fueled appliances, in any form or
quantity, which LESSOR may reasonably prohibits, nor shall be install
therein any apparatus machinery or equipment which may cause obnoxious
odor, tremor or noise nor do or cause to be done any act or thing which may
expose the leased premises to fire or increase the fire hazard or change the
insurance rate of the building, it being understood that should LESSEEs
other liabilities under this contract; provided, that in case of brown-outs,
black-outs or any other emergency LESSEE shall use only battery-operated
lighting apparatus.
13. INSPECTION AND VISITATION: LESSOR has the right to enter, and
LESSEE agrees to allow LESSOR or its authorized representatives or agents to
enter, the Leased Unit, during office hours, in order to inspect the same,

undertake maintenance or repairs and to verify the LESSEEs compliance

with the terms and conditions of this lease.
14. UTILITY SERVICES: All bills or charges for electricity, water and other
utility services to the Unit shall be for the sole account of LESSEE up to the
actual date when LESSEE vacates the leased in accordance with the covenants
and condition of this lease and shall be payable to LESSOR on demand.
15. REMEDIES FOR BREACH: LESSEE hereby agrees that all the provisions
contained in this Contract shall be deemed as conditions as well as covenants
and that this Contract shall be automatically terminated and cancelled
without resorting to court action should LESSEE violate any or all said
conditions including the payment of rent due within the time herein
stipulated and in any such cases when there is breach hereof. If the LESSEE
violates any of the terms or conditions of this Contract, the LESSOR may, in
addition to any other remedies or recourse prescribed by law, immediately
repossess the Unit without the necessity or instituting any judicial or court
action. In this connection, the LESSEE hereby names, constitutes, and
appoints the LESSOR, its authorized agents, employees, and/or
representatives, as its attorney-in-fact, with full power and authority, to open,
break-open, padlock, enter, occupy, secure, the Unit, to clean up, make
repairs in, and relet the Unit, remove property left in the Unit and to take
such other steps and employ such other means to enable the LESSOR to take
full and complete physical possession and control of the Unit, barring the
LESSEE from entering the Unit. The LESSEE, further hereby empowers
LESSOR its authorized agents, employees, and/or representatives, as its
attorney-in-fact to take inventory and possession of whatever equipment,
furniture, articles, merchandise, appliances etc., found therein belonging to
the LESSEE and/or to other persons and to place the same in LESSORs
warehouse for safekeeping, charging LESSEE the corresponding fees thereof
provided that in case LESSEE fails to claim said equipment, furniture,
articles, merchandise, appliances etc., from storage and liquidate any liability
with LESSOR within thirty (30) days from date of said transfer to LESSORs
warehouse LESSOR is likewise hereby expressly authorized and empowered
by LESSEE to dispose of said property/properties in a sale duly notarized
and to apply the proceeds thereof to whatever liability and/or indebtedness
LESSEE may have to LESSOR plus reasonable expenses for the same
including storage fees and the balance if any shall be turned over to LESSEE.
The LESSEE hereby expressly stipulates and agrees that any or all acts done
or performed by the LESSOR, its authorized agents, employees and/or
representatives under the preceding provision may not be the subject of any
petition for a temporary restraining order or writ of preliminary injunction or
mandatory injunction in court, and that the LESSOR and/or its authorized
agents, employees, or representatives will be free and harmless from any civil
and/or criminal liability or responsibility hereof.
16. PENALTY: LESSEE agrees to pay to LESSOR a penalty on any amount due
under this Contract which remains unpaid on due date thereof at the rate of
twelve percent (12%) per annum, to be computed from the date of
delinquency until such amount is paid in full.
17. NON-WAIVER: The failure of the LESSOR to insist upon a strict compliance
of any of the terms, conditions and covenants hereof shall not be deemed a
relinquishment or waiver of any right or remedy that said LESSOR may have,
nor shall it be construed as a waiver of any subsequent breach of or default of
the terms, conditions and covenants which shall continue to be in full force
and effect. No waiver by the LESSOR of any of its rights under this contract
to be in full unless expressed in writing and signed by the LESSOR.
18. VENUE OF ACTION: In case of litigation arising from or in connection with
this Contract, venue of action shall be exclusively in the proper Regional or

Municipal Trial Court of San Juan City and the amount equivalent to 25% of
the amount claimed shall be due and demandable as attorneys fees.
19. COMPLETE AGREEMENT: This Contract constitutes and embodies the
entire and complete agreement between the parties and no other terms and
conditions, verbal or otherwise, not herein expressly contained, shall affect,
change, modify be added to or in any manner alter the provisions herein
agreed upon unless such changes, modification, addition or alteration is/are
expressly stipulated in writing duly subscribed and sworn to before a notary
20. RECEIPT OF COPY: Finally, LESSEE hereby certifies that he has read or
caused to be read to him all the provisions of the foregoing contract, receipt
of a signed copy of which is hereby expressly acknowledged by LESSEE and
that he has fully understood the same.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto signed this contract of lease, this
_____ day of ____________________ 20___ at San Juan City.


Authorized Representative

Lessee/Authorized Representative

Signed in the presence of:



) S.S
BEFORE ME, a Notary Public for and in ______________________, this _____
day of __________________, 2012 personally appeared:

Competent Evidence
Of Identity

Date/Place Issued

_________________________ ______________________


_________________________ ______________________


known to me and to me known to be the same persons who executed the foregoing
Deed of Absolute Sale and they acknowledged to me that the same is their free act
and deed.

This instrument consists of six (6) pages, including the page on which this
acknowledgment is written, signed on all pages by the parties and their witnesses.
WITNESS my hand and seal on the date and place first above written.

Doc No.
Page No.
Book No.
Series of


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