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A. Pre- registration will start on July 29, 2013 and will end on August 2,
B. All participants should be able to fill up in the pre- registration forms.
Only those on the list will be able to join the quiz bee proper.


A. All registered participants must be at the event venue at the time of
registration which is from 2:00- 2:30 p.m. on August 7, 2013.
B. Each contestant is allowed to bring only one (1) scientific calculator
and his pens. The organizers shall provide the necessary scratch
papers, markers, and answer boards.
C. The quiz bee shall consist of three rounds: Easy, Average and Difficult.



A. This quiz bee is a typical raise-your-board type wherein questions will
be flashed on the screen.
B. There are ten (10) questions for each round that will solely cover the
following areas of knowledge:
For Junior: General Chemistry, General Physics, Mathematics
(Algebra, Geometry, Probability, Calculus, and Trigonometry) and
General Information.
For Senior: All Chemical Engineering major subjects and General
C. Contestants shall be given a time limit to answer the questions. Timing
will start after the question has been read twice.
D. Teams can start writing or solving for their answers even before the
countdown begins.
E. Use of scratch papers and calculators are allowed.
F. Final Answers:
F.1. Each team shall write their final answers on the provided answer
boards, and these shall be submitted to the proctors assigned to
F.2. A submitted answer may be changed with a new answer only if
there is still time remaining.
F.3. Wrong spelling is considered incorrect.

F.4. Numerical values must be expressed in lowest terms.

F.5. Decimal places must be rounded off up to two (2) decimal

G. A board type of quiz bee will be conducted and the asterisk method will
be applied. In the asterisk method, the team could put an asterisk in
their answers. Once their answer is correct, the corresponding points will
be doubled. But if there answer is wrong, the team will be deducted half
the points of the corresponding question. If the team didnt put an
asterisk, normal point system will be used.


A. Any form of cheating is prohibited. Anyone caught doing the act will
result to the teams disqualification.
B. Coaching (e.g. giving audible or visible signals) coming from the audience
will result to invalidation of the given question, it will then be replaced.



Only the contestants shall be allowed to file protests. They should raise
their hands and wait for the quiz master to acknowledge them.
Queries and complaints must be raised right after the particular
question and prior to the next question.
Protests raised after the next question has been read will no longer be
The judges shall deliberate on all protests. Their decision shall be final
and nonnegotiable.

A. The top three teams that accumulated the most number of points after
all the questions will be declared as the Champion, 1 st Runner Up, and
2ndRunner Up.
B. Winners shall receive medals, certificates and cash prizes of Php 500.00
(and books, junior only) for the champion, Php 350.00 for the 1 st Runner
Up, and Php 200.00 for the 2nd Runner Up.
C. All participants shall receive certificates of participation.

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