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Calcium Supplements-Fact Sheet

A mineral found mainly in the hard part of bones, where it is stored. Calcium is
added to bone by cells called osteoblasts and removed from bone by cells
called osteoclasts. Calcium is essential for healthy bones and is also important
for muscle contraction, heart action, and normal blood clotting. Food sources
of calcium include dairy foods; some leafy green vegetables, such as broccoli
and collards.

Types of Calcium Deficiency

1) Dietary Calcium Deficiency: - Individuals who fail to get enough
calcium intakes from their food suffer from this problem. In such a scenario, natural
calcium storage in the bones gets depleted. Consequently, it leads to weaker bones.
This deficiency also causes osteoporosis, a humped back, high risk of fractures and
other dangerous problems.

Indications of Dietary Calcium Deficiency :

Back or neck torment

Bone torment

Bone breaks as a result of minor or no injury

Loss of stature

Stooped posture

2) Hypocalcemia
The second type of calcium deficiency is hypocalcemia. It lowers the calcium level in the
blood. This deficiency generally occurs due to certain medications, or medical
conditions,such as hypoparathyroidism. This disease is really hair-raising because the
body tries to get the calcium from bones. This is to support the functioning of nerves,
heart, brain and muscles.

Signs of Hypocalcemia

Muscle issues


Poor appetite

Bleeding inside the skin that appears like modest red dabs

Recommended Daily Dosage of Calcium

Did you know that the recommended daily dosage of calcium increases with age? Here are
the daily recommended amounts for each age group:

Toddlers (ages 1-3): 500 mg daily

Children (ages 4-8): 800 mg daily

Adolescence (ages 9-18): 1300 mg daily

Adults (ages 19-50): 1000 mg daily

Adults ( ages 51 or beyond): 1200 mg daily

Calcium: Useful for Both Men and Women

The best natural supplements are beneficial for both men and women. There are many
nutrients such as vitamins and minerals that are missing in todays diet and therefore it
becomes necessary to look for some alternatives.
Listed below are some warning signs of calcium deficiency:

Joints aching




Brittle nails

Heart palpitations

Muscle cramps

Numbness in the legs and arms


How to Get More Calcium in Your Diet

Theres nothing complex to treating calcium deficiency. There are numerous ways to increase the
daily dose of calcium without putting in much elbow grease. Here are three simple suggestions:

Get Enough Vitamin D- The more vitamin D thats in your body, the more calcium that will be
absorbed into your bones and blood stream. You can receive vitamin D from the sun, milk or

Know when and how to Take Supplements- When youre not getting enough calcium from
your diet, you can turn to supplements that include Vitamin D. The supplements should be taken
before you hit bed. Calcium doesnt absorb effectively when its consumed with a meal.

Go Easy on Alcohol and Sodium- Its been proven by research that binging on alcohol or
sodium drives the kidney to eliminate calcium instead of absorbing it.

Warning Signs of Calcium Deficiency:

Joints aching




Brittle nails

Heart palpitations

Muscle cramps

Numbness in the legs and arms


Benefits of Calcium for Health

Bone up on calcium to prevent osteoporosis

Calcium will keep you slim and trim

Kick PMS to the curb with calcium

Calcium may combat cancer

Calcium is heart-healthy -- in moderation

Top Facts About Calcium

Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body.

Calcium is 1.5-2% of our body weight.

98% of all calcium is found in our bones, 1% in our teeth and 1% in other tissues.

Calcium requires many other minerals for healthy bone formation: magnesium, boron,
manganese, zinc, copper, silicon, strontium and phosphorus.

Calcium requires vitamins A, C, D and K for optimal metabolism.

Calcium absorption becomes less efficient with age.

Aside from osteoporosis, calcium deficiency can cause kidney stones and allows the body
to accumulate lead.

High animal protein (very high in phosphorus) intakes may incrase calcium loss through
the intestines and kidneys.

A very high fat intake also inhibits calcium absorption.

Hydrochloric acid helps calcium absorption in the duodenum where most calcium is

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Haryana India

Customer Helpline: 0124-4061234

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