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Is a written account of intended future course of action aimed at achieving specific goals or
objectives within a specific timeframe. It explains in detail what needs to be done, when, how, and
by whom, and often includes best case, expected case, and worst case scenarios.

Technology plan
is a written statement that lets an organization know where they are now and where they want to
be some time in the future with regard to the technology and infrastructure in their organization.
A technology plan provides the guidance to evolve and mature relevant technologies to address
future mission needs, communicate vital information to stakeholders, provide the technical portion
of the overall program plan (cost and schedule), and gain strong executive support. It should be a
"living" document that is a basis for an ongoing technology dialog between the customer and the
systems developers.
Components of strategic technology plan
Mission, vision statement
A mission statement describes the overall purpose of the organization.
An example of a mission statement:
Our mission is to ensure our students have the desire for learning and provide them with the
knowledge, skills and values to become contributing citizens of the world.
A vision statement describes what the organization stands for, what it believes in, and why it exists.
It describes a desired outcome, invoking a vivid mental picture of the company's goal.
An example of a vision statement:
The Carrington Public School System is committed to seeing students exercising selfcontrol, being accountable, showing respect, actively learning, inquiring, discussing,
questioning, debating, self-motivated, creating, connecting instruction to life and reflecting
and revising.

The objectives are tied to the mission and vision statements. Each goal has objectives and
indicators. The objectives state in specific and measurable terms what must be accomplished in
order to reach the larger goal.
The Technology plan splits the objectives into categories:

Teaching and learning

Educator preparation and development

Administration and support services

Infrastructure for technology

Technology Plan Components

A technology plan is a key enabler for the systems engineering function. Based on the future
mission or business needs, it defines a desired technical end-state to evolve toward. Because that
end-state may not be achievable with current technology, it is important to determine which
technologies are available now, which technologies are in development, including their maturity
levels, and which technologies do not yet exist. This helps influence an investment strategy that can
focus and push the "state-of-the-art," and it helps define requirements that are not achievable at all
or may be cost-prohibitive.
Technologies requiring further investment and maturation should be assessed as part of the
technical planning process. Appropriate risk should be assigned to technologies assessed as
immature, with the need for concomitant mitigation plans. Technologies that have been in the
research and development (R&D) phase for an extended period (over five years) should be assessed
for the maturation trend to determine if additional investment would significantly improve the
At a minimum, the plan should include identification of all technology being brought to bear for the
solutions, the maturation and trend of applicable technologies (forecast), insertion points, required
investments, and dependencies

Swarz, R. and J. DeRosa, 2006, A Framework for Enterprise Systems Engineering Processes, The
MITRE Corporation.
Byrne, R., June 2, 2005, A Netcentric Strategic Technical Plan (STP).
MITRE Mission Planning Team, November 2006, JMPS Strategic Technical Plan Version 3.0.
CC2SG Technology Planning Team, October 5, 2005, COCOM C2 Systems Group Technical
Planning Process.

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