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Jiddu Krishnamurthy

1) Jiddu Krishnamurthy was born in a Brahman family in Madanapalli of Madras province, now in
Andhra Pradesh.
2) His father Jiddu Naryaniah old theosophist was invited by Mrs. Annie Besant the president of
Theosophical society invited him to come to Madras (worked for the welfare of humanity).
3) Mrs. Annie Besant sought his permission to allow Krishnamurthy to be in her care, thus
Krishnamurthy too came under the influence of Theosophical society and became a staunch
4) Mrs. Annie Besant saw all the potentials of becoming world teacher provided recifacider.
5) Krishnamurthy had a unique temperament of thoughtful nature with a habit of quiet observation. He
was educated privately.
6) Krishnamurthy around 1971 began to feel some spiritual experience and his genius began to unfold.
7) He had a strange spiritual development. His utterance regarding religion, religious sculptures or
customs and conventions shook Theosophical society, he denied the role of world teacher. He
questioned the very ideas of theosophical society that worshipped him. He resigned from the society,
returned all the money wealth to the donors.
8) Krishnamurthy drew more inspiration from the beauty of nature rather them from religious books.
Nature reflected the truth of life.
9) He said religious binds our mind with belief and makes us prisoners of belief.
10)He was the master orator who could only be matched with Dr. S. Radhakrishnan a Pandit.

Madan Mohan Malviya

He used to be very mysterious and spiritual in his various pronouncements.
When he spoke about his ceaseless struggles in search of smith it was difficult to perceive the maturity
of his various spiritual expressions ultimately Krishnamurthy was proclaimed as the teacher. During
1928-29 he went on world tour delivering lectures at various places in USA and Europe.
Krishnamurthy was unique since he boldly refused to follow any traditional Indian philosophical
school [Unique: he not only refused to follow anyone of the religious units but also did not set up and
unit of his own.]
We did not find Krishnamurthy views in a systematized form. He has not chosen to write any treatise
on any educational theme nor he presented any scheme of education to be followed.
His views in many aspects pertaining to things related with human life is general and in relation to the
existing system of education I particular are found in a scattered form in various conversation with his
He was deeply interested in education and in schools. He founded eight schools in different parts of the
world. his views on education is contained in his book “Education and the significance of Life.”

Krishnamurthy message
“First understand the purpose of your life the purpose of this individual existence. Understand what it
is towards which you are thriving then utilize every emotion every thought to strengthen you.”
He remarked the exclusive realizes of technique has produced scientists mathematicians and engineers
who have no understanding of the process of life.
In India Krishnamurthy was not taken seriously he was looked upon by Indian as a European with an
Indian skin. He was brought up by Europeans in their own conditions and he became familiar with
English and French languages from an early age. The result was he forgot his own mother tongue and
India/Indians. He grew up essentially as a teacher of the west.
Krishnamurthy devoted considerable attention to the problem of young generation and pointed out that
there is serious defect in the method of their upbringing, the education and training imparted to
children right from the beginning. He insisted that we should create new generation well equipped with
intelligence and can reason out.
Role for education is to prepare the young generation for new type of free living.

Importance of life and education

Life is important, but we when we do not make any search for realizing this importance what the
significance of our education we may be excessively education but when there I no correlation ship
between ideas and feelings the given education is meaningless.
The existing civilization has bees so much divided into many parts that education has its significance
he remarked individual is usually ‘accidental’ by the views accidental he meant the circumstance and
the environment in which he is brought up. The environment is smeared with narrow nationalism
superstitions prejudices and class differences. The modern education is based on accidental
environment it encourages only corruption and self defensiveness.
Education is not only to train mind training many create efficiencies but it may tend to perfection.
Today education is not only developing love amongst each other. love alone lead one to understand
significance of life pointing out to ceaseless wars.
He says modern education has failed.
Education does not mean only to acquire and systematize information we do not understand
significance of any information in content to wholeness of life.
Education help us to find permanent problems of life and education should help individual to find real
values of life.

Nature of True Education according to Krishnamurthy

Wrong education leads to narrowness and self-deception.
If life is made dependent on machines what will happen to people at large lesser homes more weaker
Desired education is possible only then right type of education.
The current civilizes will be destroyed without right type of education.
Time education alone can help people to feel free from mundane bandage.
He emphasized that government and religious bodies should not be allowed to control education.
The purpose of education should be to develop the child as much as it is capable of it has to be guided
to perceive life in its complete education has to create now values.
Krishnamurthy rejected the traditional concept of Guru Shishya.
Real education should only aim at gaining knowledge but also capacity to look at the world
Education is neither acquisition of know nor passing examination, getting of degrees or becoming
qualified education must help in facing the world in a totally different intelligent way.
Real education enables man to become aware of the violence everywhere in the world.
In the process of real education a teacher has to help his students in knowing themselves bit by bit
along with bookish knowledge.
Education should lead to total understand of man.
In this process of real education there should be complete freedom is that minds are used to their
highest capacity.
Krishnamurthy tried to emphasize need of changing our outlook and attitude so that education
becomes an instrument of bringing about full awareness of existing life situation.
Education of world peace Krishnamurthy believes that there can be no hope for world peace as long as
education is controlled either by the government or some religious seek.
Education should help to develop bonds of love, sympathy, and compassion.

The School
Right type of education gives freedom and emancipation.
Freedom of education is to remove all those obstacles which all those come on the way of acquiring
excellence in life.
A big school with tool of enrolled children are just like big industry or like government office which
employs certain person to complete certain routine work in a mechanical manner.
Real education should be given to small school which pays compassionate attention to enrich and
every child school should try to understand the hereditary and environmental factors of each child.
This understands will reveal the real background of child accordingly the needful individual attention
and guidance may be given to each one and work of the school should be conducted in a democratic
manner participation of all and students should be made obligating.
only of teacher is not only to transmit information to children but also to lead his student to understand
the truth and purpose of human life.

Guardian and teacher

Krishnamurthy believes that only that person who himself is fully educated can faithfully perform the
task of a teacher.
Teacher have not succeeded in obtaining the gems of truth and understanding the real purpose of life.
such teacher are problem teacher and problem teacher develop a band of problem children.
Headmaster should be able to spot out the problem teacher in his school a problem teacher may be
helped to become a normal and good teacher.
Just as there are problem teachers similarity there are problem parents.
parents who do not enjoy happy home due to financial; difficulties housing problems and some
difficult family members become problem parents.
The number of problem children with be definitely reduced if there are no problem teachers and
problem parents.
Parents too should be educated in carrying out there respionsibility at home in such a manner that their
words do not become problem children
To love ones children in one real sense is to be in constant communion with them an see that they are
getting such as education which makes them sensitive intelligent and harmonious in growth.
Teacher should try to understand himself
Teacher should help the child to chart out a right course of action.
If the teacher wants to make the child fearless them the teacher himself should be fearless.
Before giving freedom to the child the teacher himself should understand the true importance of
in order to help the child in finding out solution to a problem the teacher himself should participate in
the efforts that child make.
Teaching should be considered a worship the child as a deity and school a temple.

At the most unconventional thinker of this century, Krishnamurthy freely expressed his views on
variety of issues and problem which confront us. Having extraordinary courage of conviction to say
without fear what he thought was best.

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