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As a socially motivated human being as well as management student, I have been regularly
involved in different aspects of social & rural development such as issue based project
planning & formulation, field study through research tools PRA (Participatory Rural
Appraisal) and Monitoring & Evaluation. After participating in different short assignment
and field studies I have gained sufficient technical, communication and interpersonal skills as
well as confidence to handle community development assignments. This whole two years
theoretical and practical experience has given me a wider approach towards development of
marginal sections.This helps me to understand and feel the problem of the society. I have
joined MBA (Rural Management) batch 2011-13 to understand and enhance my capacity to
contribute towards the development of deprived society .
The first assignment during my study was what is an enterprenur? How can i see myself as an
entreprenur and what are my positive and negative points.India is a country of village, where
60 percentage of Indian population stills lives in village where vast resources are available
and rural people who have very past practical knowledge about the rural things but the thing
is the work done by them is not in planned, organized manner, in my MBA in Rural
management, I have studied that how we can do things in well planned manner ,organizing
them, how to implement the planning that over all society can get benefit out of and after all
impact assessment is also very necessary .
In my MBA I studied about real rural problem and poverty in Rural society & livelihood.
There was a subject called Development approaches and interventions where approaches for
rural development were taught to us. Today Micro finance and SHGs are the backbone of
rural area which was studied in Micro finance. Gender issue is the biggest drawback of rural
people which I studied in Gender development .There are many resources in rural areas how
to utilize those was taught in Rural development & administration. The major issues related
to Rural industries and the social change was seen in Rural industrialization and social
change. The important thing which is found in Rural India is the health problem which I
learned in my last semester subject called Rural social service. The major role played by
NGO and panchayat in development of village was experienced in Management and
development approaches and Panchayat Raj & local development and the most important
time of my MBA was when I did my summer internship from Vishnuprayag Hydroelectric
Power Project India Pipalkoti Uttarakhand in Rehabilitation & Resettlement (R&R), where
I learned about that what are the necessary things which are needed to keep in mind before
rehabilitating any one. I was reporting to Mr. RD BHAT (Manager Social and
Environment VPHEP PROJECT). My report was appreciated at both Institutional and
Organizational level
The group assignments in which I was involved as a Group Leader; was focussed on ITC- echaupal and networking of ITC e-chaupal.
I have the knowledge about Rural Marketing and how can we sell our product in rural areas
because rural people must be deprived but, they are value conscious consumer. They want

product at lower cost and of good quality and these product is only made by private
organization or enterprises which are operating in the free market. As a management student
we help these companies to gain or compete in the rural market to get economic gains.
FMCG sector these days are the booming sector and most of the private organizations are
working on these sectors. In a market system FMCG plays an important role because
everyone buys these products in rural as well as in urban areas. As a MBA student I have a
core knowledge about this particular field because we should always take our work seriously.
Management student should work for the betterment of the organization and for the society.
I worked with HERDS (Himalayan Education & Resource Development Society) NGO as a
intern after my MBA also for 6 months in Koteshwar in Tehri garhwal and Leaded the
group in Formation OF SHG , did various meetings with the near by village
,empowerment of people,community development, organized the Rural activities like
PRA .The NGO was involved in doing CSR work of KOTESHWAR project .
My IT skills and understanding of gender issues in development perspective was of great help
to me. These skills have been developed through a continuous learning process facilitated by
certain management and documentation trainings. Working in multi disciplinary
environment/team has always been an incentive to the learning process.
Inter personal skills have always facilitated me in networking and liasoning with different
agencies/stakeholders as a result substantial success have been achieved in information
sharing and convergence. I find myself very comfortable and physically fit in applying for the
above mentioned position. I am of the firm belief that all my experience and learning would
help me in giving my best to the organization and community.
So, I do think that I can justify my appointment, if given and provide good service to the
cause. I have attached my resume for further details regarding myself.
I am looking forward for your positive response.
Manish joshi

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