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Commercial Law

exposed otherwise to the defenses that the buyer may launch

Bar 2011 Notes

Roland Glenn T. Tuazon







Negotiable Instruments Law

against the seller

Laws solution exempt from personal defenses

Second objection: I dont know the maker, I just know the one
negotiating it to me. How will I know hes solvent?

Laws solution will make the indorser liable

Ateneo de Manila University


First objection: a person stepping into the shoes of the seller is

HISTORY: contrast a negotiable instrument with a non-negotiable PN:

regardless (Accumulation of secondary contracts)

The more indorsers, the more you can sue

Two general parts in the law:
o 1 what makes an instrument negotiable
o 2 rights and obligations of parties
Two basic forms:
o Promise to pay (PN)
o Order to pay (bill of exchange)
What If it does not comply with requisites of negotiability?
o If it does not comply with the requisites of negotiability, it is still
a contract, but not covered by the NIL.
o Payable to order negotiated by indorsement, and delivery
o Payable to bearer delivery is sufficient
o N.B. If payable to a specific person, it is not negotiable
What are the four basic contracts involved?
o 1. Making
o 2. Drawing
o 3. Negotiating
o 4. Accepting

To show consent
o N.B. But for all, there must be delivery
What are the basic principles of the NIL?
o 1. Bad faith

If a person is in BF, he cannot invoke defenses.

Ex. Issued a negotiable instrument to pay for a car

that is defective. The indorsee knows that the car is


defective, he is in bad faith.

2. Estoppel

Ex. A father allowing a son to steal a check and forge

2a. Must contain a promise or order to pay

Need not use exact words, even equivalent words are

acknowledgement of an old debt

Exception 1: date of payment is mentioned,

his signature is estopped from denying it

3. Comparative fault

If a bank honors a check with a forged signature, the

bank is considered negligent too

But if the negligence of the drawer outweighs the

negligence of the bank, the law shifts the fault to the


4. The law will only protect you from personal defenses if you

are a holder in due course (Sec. 52)

Good faith

With value

Before overdue (see below)

With no notice of defenses

5. General rule: there must be demand , before an instrument


each other
An overdue instrument is shouting to the high

deem whether it is absolute.

Distinguish between uncertain events and certain

events, although indeterminate (ex. Moment of death)

2c. Sum certain, and payable in money

Because it is meant to be a substitute for money

Specify the denomination; cannot just be a number.

3. Payable on demand or on a determinable future time
4. Payable to order or bearer

Need not use exact words, but there must be

reasonable certainty so people know from whom they

could demand payment

Ex. instead of order pay to X or his indorsees;

pay to X or his assigns

Ex. instead of bearer pay to X or holder; pay to X

heavens I have been dishonored!

Requisites and kinds of negotiable instruments
What are the requirements for a negotiable instrument?
o 1a. It must be in writing
o 1b. It must be signed symbol of consent

If one signed another name or a symbol, it will bind

negotiability) in the old terms

Authorization to pay or a mere request does not

create a binding obligation to pay.

2b. The promise to pay or order must be unconditional

Do not look into evidence aliunde. You must confine

afloat, so overnight, banks sometimes transact with

or at least, a date of maturity

Exception 2: insertion of or order (words of

yourself within the four corners of the instrument to

becomes overdue. Exception: If time is of the essence.

Ex. Reserve requirements of banks must be kept

Creates a NEW obligation to pay, not a mere

or possessor
5. Where the instrument is addressed to a drawee, he must be
named or otherwise indicated with reasonable certainty

If name of the drawee is left blank, it is an incomplete

him if he intended for it to bind him

Location is immaterial

instrument which can be filled up as a remedy

When is a sum certain:

o Does a stipulation of interest still make it a sum certain?

Yes. It must be in writing.

N.B. Remember the rules on unconscionable interest


When does the interest become 12% by default?

1. Unconscionable interest

2. Stipulated an interest but no rate

What is required for the instrument to be valid?

1. Amount of installments must be indicated

2. Date of maturity of each installment specified

Ex. Promise to pay Jose Cruz or order P100,000 in

Do instructions on how payment will be entered in the

books of account affect unconditionality?

Does reimburse yourself from X

(ex. Nov 2005)

Does the stipulation of an acceleration clause make it a
sum certain?


Is it valid to stipulate payment in foreign currency?

Yes. If you talk about an exchange rate, you have to

failure to pay a sum certain?

Yes. Because you know how much is due at the date

of maturity. This is the reckoning point at the date of







Does mention of a CM securing the original obligation
make it non-negotiable?

Negotiable, because the promise to pay is still

Is I will pay reasonable attorneys fees in case there is

such fund.
What is the rule on how the original obligation came


talk about at least two currencies. It cannot be just


of a particular fund.
When does reference to a particular fund not


In general, it does not affect unconditionality

But not if mention of the original contract makes the

An acceleration clause: failure to pay an

installment will make the entire balance due and


source of payment. The latter is not negotiable.

What about treasury warrants?

It is not negotiable because it is payable out

destroy negotiability?

Payment must not be limited to come from

EACH is due. You cannot just give the starting point




What is the test?

It must indicate the source of reimbursement, not

10 installments. not negotiable

N.B. You have to specify both AMOUNT and WHEN


conditional, as long as it is not dependent to the CM.

When is it payable at a determinable future time:
o Distinguish between various insecurity clauses:

1st situation: Pay Jose Cruz or order; if the holder

feels insecure, he may demand that I post reasonable

maturity, the sum is still certain.

N.B. Stipulations on attorneys fees are always

securities, and if I fail to do so, he can declare the

subject to court control anyway.

When is a promise is unconditional:

entire balance due and demandable.

One view: non-negotiable date of maturity

depending on different grounds where the post office can

becomes uncertain because holder can







additional undertaking other than payment of

Other view: negotiable the undertaking to
put up a security is merely an accessory

The date of maturity is not

uncertain because acceleration is within

control of the maker; he can prevent it by

refuse to pay. Also, it can only be indorsed once.

Does an extension clause affect negotiability?

No, if the extension is for a definite time too.

Ex. Payable within 2 years from date, subject

to one year extension

Option to extend belongs to holder or maker/acceptor.

What additional provisions do not affect negotiability:
o What is the general rule?

Other obligation or undertaking aside from payment of

money makes it non-negotiable (secured by CM over

giving the additional security. (better view)

2nd situation: same if the holder feels unsecure, he

can declare the entire balance due and demandable.

It is not negotiable, because here, the holder

has the absolute option to make the

my car, which I will keep in good condition)

What are the exceptions?

1. Authority for holder to foreclose pledge, CM, or

obligation due and demandable.


paid upon maturity

N.B. the SC said, however, this is a void


When the maker may choose to pay before a certain

date, it is still negotiable (ex. on or before June 15)

o It benefits everyone because all





When the holder may absolutely choose to have the
obligation due, it is not negotiable.

o Everybody becomes

collateral securities
2. Authorizes confession of judgment if instrument not

What if

3. Waiver of benefit of law
4. Waiver of notice of dishonor
5. Waiver of venue
6. Waiver of exemption from execution
the holder has the option to require something

other than payment of money?

It is valid, as long as the other option is money.

Ex. If option is upon holder to demand either


cash or rice, it is still negotiable because the

liable by ripening their obligation.

What if its hinged upon a contingency?

Non-negotiable even if the condition occurs.

Philippine Education v. Soriano: A money order is not

negotiable, because although it says pay to the order of,

under Postal Regulations, obligation to pay is conditional,

holder can ALWAYS demand money

If the maker has the option, not valid.

What omissions do not affect negotiability?
o 1. Not dated
o 2. Failure to mention consideration

It is presumed in this contract

o 3. Does not specify place where it is drawn or payable

o 4. Bears a seal
o 5. Designates currency in which payment will be made
When it is payable on demand?
o 1. Upon sight or presentation
o 2. Instrument is silent on when payment is made
o 3. When it is overdue

As to the maker, he is discharged

BUT as to the indorser, it is upon demand

Upon whose order may an order instrument be paid?
o 1. Payee (who is not maker, drawer, or drawee)
o 2. Drawer

Ex. Jose Cruz writing a check saying Pay to the order

case] are negotiable instruments. The documents

provide that the amounts deposited shall be repayable
to the depositor. And who, according to the document,

is the depositor? It is the bearer.

2. To person or bearer
3. Order of fictitious person

What is the general rule?

There must be intent by the maker or drawer

of the NI that the instrument be issued to a

of Jose Cruz (better than making a check paid to

1. To bearer

Caltex: The Certificates of Time Deposit [in this


In this example, it is not complete until Jose indorses

He drew a check payable to a

corporation where he was just the corporate secretary.

parties to a contract)
3. Drawee
4. Two or more payees jointly

Ex. Pay to the order of Jose Cruz AND Manuel

He was just the corp. sec., and was not authorized to

5. One or some of several payees

Ex. Pay to the order of Jose Cruz OR Manuel Santos

Contra: For drawees, it CANNOT be alternative or


indorse; but he indorsed the check to himself


Y, his partner, sued the bank for

restoration of the amount.

HELD: it is payable to

The Drawer did not intend the payee (the

Corporation) to get the proceeds of the check, EVEN

IF the payee actually existed or not. It fell under this

If, however, the company required two

successive, but it can be jointly.

Ex. drawee can be drawn against A and B


X wanted to steal money from the


it, because there has to be delivery (at least two


fictitious person (knowledge is paramount)

Weller and Martin: Either partner can sign or issue

signatories to all checks, and X signed it with

but not A or B
6. Holder of an office for the time being

Ex. Treasurer of the city of Makati

What if the drawee is not indicated with reasonable

intent to steal, and Y signed it not knowing

Xs intent, then it does not become payable
to bearer. For the payee to be fictitious, both


It is not negotiable.
When it is payable to bearer?

must have same intent.

American Sash: Had a payroll clerk, who prepares
checks payable to employees.

He then makes the

officers sign the checks. Clerk padded payroll with

issued were cleared, and the checks issued to them

ghost employees, had the officers sign the checks

were from a closed account. Contention of spouses:

(the officers did not know that the employees didnt

How can PNB accept the indorsement of those

exist), and the clerk collected money. Issue: is this

checks, when the ones who indorsed were the

payable to fictitious persons. These ghost employees

officers and not the supposed borrowers. Contention

did not actually exist.

HELD: It was not a bearer

of PNB: it is intended for fictitious persons, since there

The DRAWERS were the officers who

was no intent that they actually get the money (even if


signed the checks.

Their intent controls.

the supposed borrowers really exist).

So the


checks DID NOT become payable to bearer because

Rodriguez spouses won.

they DID NOT KNOW that the ghost employees were

considered as payable to fictitious persons, the fact

not part of the payroll.

Rodriguez v. PNB: Employees of PNB formed a

must be known to the person issuing the negotiable

savings and loan association (SLA).


know that the supposed payees were not the real

spouses meanwhile, had current accounts with PNB.

borrowers (when it fact it was the officers). PNB must


Whenever the SLA lends to members, it issues postdated checks. But most of the time, the SLA does not

have enough money. The borrowers thus endorse the


checks to Rodriguez; in turn, Rodriguez rediscounts

the checks (issuing checks lower than face value).

For the checks to be

Here, the Rodriguez spouses did not

reinstate the amounts to the Rodriguez spouses.

4. Payee is not name of existing person

Classic example: payable to cash

5. Last indorsement is in blank

Completion and delivery

The SLA has a policy: when a member has an

outstanding loan, they cannot get another loan. So

the officers who wanted to borrow more, to circumvent

this, they made it appear that it is the other members

who are borrowing. The SLA, in accordance with the
usual procedure, issued post-dated checks to the

What is the effect of ante-dating or post-dating?

o Does not affect negotiability
When can the holder insert a date in the instrument?
o When the date of acceptance is not inserted by the drawee, the

supposed borrowers (but really for the officers). The

officers indorsed the checks to Rodriguez. Rodriguez

holder may insert date of issue or date of acceptance

What if he places the wrong date?

If negotiated to a holder in due course, that is the

correct date as far as the holder in due course is

issued discounted checks. PNB found out about this

and closed the SLA account. Meanwhile, the checks

issued to Rodriguez, which bounced because the SLA

concerned even if it is not

Purpose: the law protects a holder in due course, who
is relying on that date in good faith

account was shut down since the checks they

But what if the one who put the wrong date presented it for

payment to the acceptor/drawee?

Not valid. Cannot claim because he was not in GF.

A check drawn by X says Pay to the order of Y P10000 thirty
days after sight. It was accepted by E on Sept. 15, but did not

date the instrument. Y negotiated it to Z, telling the latter that

witness signature that the Z will pay X what Z owes. But X

instrument this date.

Can he collect from E?

Yes, even if it is more than 30 days from

actually made it appear that it was a PN where Y promised to

pay money to her.

acceptance. Z is a HIDC and the Nov 1 date

must be intent to leave a signature to make a PN.

What about incomplete and undelivered instruments?
o Will not be a valid contract in the hands of any holder, as

is true as to him.
If Y inserted the wrong date instead and did not

against the person whose signature was placed on the

possessing it has prima facie authority to fill up the blanks

CONTROLLING FACTOR: The blank or incomplete


This is an incomplete and undelivered

Ex. X went abroad and left signed checks for payment of

the holder turn it into a negotiable instrument

In a case, a person signed an instrument in blank and left

debts. Abusive employees put their own names and signed

it with the bank. The bank filled it up with an amount.

them with employees, it became possible for them to do this.

their own names. HELD: By pre-signing checks and leaving

What happens?

The amount inserted by the bank controls.

What are the two requirements for this instrument to be


1. It must be filled up in accordance with the authority

instrument prior to delivery (real defense)

BUT indorsers are liable

Ex. X left signed checks, and an employee took them and
filled up amounts.

instrument must have been delivered with intent that

HELD: The court believed the contention

that Y never intended for the signature to be for a PN. There

indorse it to Z, can he collect from E?

No. He is not a HIDC.

What is the rule for incomplete but delivered instruments?
o When it is wanting of a material particular the person

P60000 from X?

Yes. The defense does not apply to him.

X asked Y to sign a piece of paper claiming that it was a

the instrument was accepted November 1. Z placed in the

Can Y collect P60000 from X?

No. It was beyond the authority given him.

Y indorsed the check to Z, a HIDC. Can Z collect

The officers were negligent and shared in the loss (60-40).

What about complete but undelivered instruments?
o The NI is incomplete until delivered, but this does not prejudice

given to him

2. It must be filled up within reasonable time

X gave a check with a blank amount to Y, telling Y that he

Ex. You cannot sue if you hold checks that were not delivered
to you. You never acquired a right over them.

BUT a HIDC will not be subject to this defense it is a

should fill it up according to what X ultimately owes Y, but not

over P50000. X owes Y P30000, but Y put P60000.

personal defense
BPI Family Savings: BPI issued a check payable to City
Treasurer of Iloilo to pay for local taxes. They did not deliver it

to the treasurer, and just gave it to the employee.


HELD: There was no payment because BPI never delivered it

3. If not dated, assumed to be dated from time of issue

4. Written > printed provisions
5. If ambiguous whether a bill or note, the holder has the option to treat

to the city treasurer, so BPI cannot claim to have paid.

Associated Bank: Somebody was selling RTW clothes, and

it as either
6. Ambiguous role of signature deemed an indorser
o Because the indorser has the least liability among all

employee used it to pay for somebody elses local taxes.

shopping malls (buyers) issued crossed checks.


the checks fell into the hands of someone else, who indorsed it

to someone else, and were deposited to Associated Bank. The

solidarily liable

seller was wondering why she wasnt being paid. [If you are
legalistic, the RTW seller must sue the shopping malls, etc.,


because the checks were not delivered to her. In turn, the

shopping malls, etc. must sue the drawee banks, and then the
drawee banks sue Associated Bank why it cleared the checks.

The SC allowed the RTW seller to sue Associated

Bank directly because it cleared the checks.

It may be shown that delivery between immediate parties is

conditional, or for a special purpose.

Ex. A godson is taking the CPA test, but X is not in the

Philippines. He gave P10,000 check on the condition that he

pass the test.

The godson cannot enforce payment on the

check. BUT if the godson negotiates the check to a holder in

due course, the law will protect the HDC.

Rules of interpretation

1. Words prevail over figures

o Romero: Amount indicated in words is One Million Two

Hundred Pesos. Amount in figures: 1,200,000. Balance in the

account is 1,100,000.

The check bounced.

characters in a NI
7. If I promise to pay note is signed by two or more persons deemed

What is the general rule as to signatures?

o A person whose signature does not appear on the instrument
is not liable
What are the exceptions?
o 1. Duly authorized agent signing for principal
o 2. Forger liable for signature he forges
o 3. Signature in separate paper (allonge) because the
instrument has no more space
o 4. Estoppel
o 5. Signing under trade/assumed name
o 6. Instrument can be negotiated by mere delivery
What must an agent write to avoid personal liability?
o 1. Agent must disclose he is an agent
o 2. Disclose his principal
3. He has authority
What if the party is a minor or a corporation without capacity?
o Maker of a PN cannot refuse to pay to a holder on the ground
that the indorser is a minor. Neither can he raise the defense

The words

2. Payment of interest
o Runs from date from instrument
o Or if none, date of issue


that the prior indorsee is a minor.

ONLY the minor can raise the defense of minority, no one else.
Can apply this principle by analogy to other incapacitated

persons (Ex. corporation action ultra vires)


1. The minor actively misrepresented his age and it

appears that he is physically of such age

2. Minor kept fruits/benefits
3. Minor spent the money in good faith

Forgery of promissory note:

o A. Order instrument: A (signature forged by B)-B-C-D-E

E cannot collect from A (not bound)

E can collect from B (forger)

E can collect from C, D as indorsers (warranted the


What if a persons signature is forged?

o Did not give consent to the contract
o Except when he is estopped
What are the kinds of forgery?
o 1. Signature is copied
o 2. Fraud in esse contractus (fraud in factum)

Misled to signing instrument, not knowing it was a


B. Bearer instrument: A (signature forged by B)-B-C-D-E

Indorsing an instrument that need not be indorsed

leads to a warrant of such

C. Order instrument: A-B-C (signature forged by D)-D-E

E cannot collect from A or B (since it is an order

instrument, there is a cut-off to A and B, since Cs

negotiable instrument
3. Duress amounting to forgery

It must be duress in the execution (ex. Grab the hand

signature is forged)

E cannot collect from C (no consent)

E can collect from D as indorser/forger

D. Bearer instrument: A -B or bearer-C (signature forged by D)D-E

of the intimidated), NOT duress in inducement

4. Fraudulent impersonation

In general, it is NOT a forgery

The person to whom the note was given is presumed

N.B. This is an instrument payable to bearer; delivery

is sufficient, no need for indorsement.

Can E collect from A?

Depends. If E is not a holder in due course,

to be intended to receive the note (because he knew

A will claim that there was no delivery of

the intended payee)

Four general rules for forgeries:
o 1. A party whose signature is forged is not liable unless hes

complete instrument by B since C stole it

2. An acceptor who pays on a BOE cannot recover the money

because he admits the genuineness of the signature of the


3. A Holder in Due Course acquires good title if forged

indorsement is not necessary for his title

Ex. in a bearer instrument

4. A person negotiating an instrument after forgery is liable

from him
If E is a holder in due course, he may collect

from A since it is payable to bearer

Can E run after C?

No, Cs indorsement was forged

Neither can he run after B, because he

cannot trace his right to him [cut off by the

He can run after D, because by indorsing the
instrument (even if bearer), he warranted it.

(due to warranties)

N.B. if a bearer instrument is indorsed even

by D)-D-E. X accepted and paid.

Can X debit As account?

No, because it went against As order to pay

if it is not needed, the indorser warrants the

instrument as what it purports to be.

Forgery of Bill of Exchange:
o A. Order instrument: A (signature forged by B) and then

B or order, which was cut off by the forgery of

indorsed to C-D-E. X accepted as drawee.

Can E collect from A?

No. No consent.

Can E run after X?

Yes. By accepting, X admits the instrument

Can E run after A, B, or C?

No. They were all cut off by the forgery.

Can E run after D?

Yes, he forged.
F. BOE issued by A payable to B or bearer C (signature

forged by D)-D-E. X accepted and paid.

Can X debit As account?

Yes, because A promised to pay the bearer.

Can X get money back from E?

No. E is the bearer.

What is the remedy?

C can run after D, the forger.

G. BOE issued by A payable to B or bearer C (signature

after X because he did not accept.

C. Same as A, but bearer instrument.

How does the answer change?

Same rules on indorsement of a bearer

forged by D)-D-E. X did not accept.

Can E run after X?

No, X did not accept.

Can E run after C?

No, did not consent.

Can E run after D?

Yes (warranted and forged)

Can E run after B?

No, cut off by the forgery.

Can E run after A?

if there was indorsement even

if there is no need to do so, there is warrant

of the genuineness of the instrument by the

Cs signature.
Can X get money back from E?

Yes, because X only admits As signature as

genuine (it was) and not the indorsers

is genuine.

What is Xs remedy?
o Sue B, the forger.

Can E run after B?

o Yes (forger)

Can E run after C and D?

Yes. Warranted by indorsement

B. Same, but X did not accept.

How does the answer change?

Same for everyone, except E cannot run


E. BOE issued by A payable to B or order C (signature forged

D. Bearer instrument, but an indorsers signature was forged

Even if Cs indorsement to D is forged, the

payee can still collect from A (because he
just promised to pay the bearer). Remedy of
the acceptor is to just run after the thief.


Yes, can go after A if E is a HDC. BUT

cannot go after A if E is not HDC. N.B.

but Triumph did not report it to the bank. Robbers were able to

(reason: complete but undelivered instrument

cash checks.

HELD: Triumph was negligent for not reporting the

is a personal defense)
What are the exceptions to these general rules?
o 1. When there is estoppel (ex. father saying that his sons


forgery of his signature was genuine)

2. When there is unreasonable delay by the drawer in informing

forged his signature in a check book left lying there.

o HELD: Not negligent; no reason to suspect friend of bad faith.
An external auditor was hired to reconcile records. He managed to

exercise caution did not ask printing press to

surrender plates, account for spoilage, and MWSS did

Secretary forged his signature.

HELD: Ilusorio should

Sued bank, which refused to reinstate the amounts. Bank argued Casa
An external auditor is not an employee.




negligence. He trusted his secretary.

Gempesaw owes several groceries. She trusted a bookkeeper

verifying the statements. The bookkeeper was able to steal

negligence in hiring an employee.

Estoppel does not apply, because Casa had no way to know

more than P1M.


Negligent; did not confirm or examine the

invoices, receipts, etc. before signing the checks used

one tasked with safeguarding the school records and


the checks, and Gempesaw signed the checks without

the auditor was stealing money, because he was precisely the


blindly. When she ordered supplies, the bookkeeper prepared

It is an

independent contractor, so you cannot blame Casa for


not examine the signatures in the bank returns.

Ilusorio was leaving for abroad and he left his checkbook with
his secretary, who he asked to reconcile bank statements.

forge the signatures of the officers of Casa Montessori over a long time.
was negligent.


signatures of the officers of MWSS were forged. PNB paid.

HELD: MWSS must bear the loss for failing to

If the drawer had acted quickly, would the

drawee have been able to stop or freeze payment?

X left a check book with his friend, who was in the car. The friend

The bank should also be held negligent for

authenticating the checks.

MWSS did not have their checks printed by the central bank.
They had a private printing press print their checks.

the drawee about the forgery

Drawer can check the statements sent by the bank to


Robbers broke into Triumph Lumber. Check book was stolen,

comparing with bank records.

Effect of comparative fault?
o Split accountability for the loss (usually 50-50 but can adjust

to pay the suppliers.

Province of Tarlac had account with PNB.

Province issues

checks to the physician/head of the clinic. The cashier already

retired, but he was still hanging around. Cashier was able to

depending on level of negligence)

Illustrate comparative fault principle:

forge when he picked up the checks.

HELD: Province was negligent, for allowing the

cashier to pick up the checks even when he was


retired, so he was able to indorse the checks through

forgeries. Split accountability 50-50.

What is the general duty of the collecting bank when the
indorsement is forged?
o The collecting bank must return the money to the drawee bank,

because the drawee bank has no way to find out, until

So the collecting bank cannot claim there was

X, employee of Ford, was tasked to pay sales tax (P18M), made a check

the drawer informs them.

(But the SC has at times wrongly applied the 24 hour

payable to Insular Bank (for payees account only), the authorized

rule to the payees forged signature.)

New rules (to prevent ping-pong of checks):

If a check is dishonored, you can only present it one

collecting agent of BIR. X showed a fake BIR receipt to Ford. Instead,

more time. [Usual reason why one failure is allowed

X deposited a worthless check with Insular Bank, which X substituted for

the check issued by Ford. In their internal records, X made it appear the

honored it. X collected from Bank of America. Ford had to pay BIR
again. They sued.
o HELD: Citibank must return the money to Ford, because Ford

reverse, while you are litigating, you do not

for payees account only and there was no indorsement from

have the amount.

BIR. Citibank was guilty only of negligence.

Citibank manager (who was complicit) was criminally liable.
JJ doesnt agree with the court as regards Insular Banks

Consideration and Holders for Value

o Check: G.R. 121413 29 Jan. 2001
Rules on clearing
o Checks are brought to a clearing house and are run through a


The drawee bank has 24 hours to honor/dishonor the check.

If it dishonors it, the drawee bank returns the check to the


o 1. Failure of consideration is a personal defense. This usually
applies when X and Y have a transaction and Xs instrument

clearing house. They check the magnetic strips on the checks.

The amount will then be transferred to the collecting bank.
Then the checks will be physically given to the drawee bank.

reverse the entries.

BUT you are not precluded from suing to
collect after. But since the computer cannot

ordered it to pay the BIR, which Citibank disobeyed. It says


drawn against insufficient funds]

What is the effect when the drawee bank does not
return the check within 24 hours?

The drawee cannot ask the computer to

worthless check was deposited. X stole the real check, and Citibank

the drawer.
This 24 hour rule SHOULD NOT apply when it is the
payees or indorsees signature that is forged,

because the payee did not indorse the check.

N.B. This is NOT a case of negotiation, but presentment for

Any return beyond 24 hours: time-barred.

Here, the doctrine applies to the forged signature of

clearing house. The computer will return the amounts paid.


bounces, but Ys prestation is only partially fulfilled.

2. But if you bring in a third party (HIDC), then failure of

consideration is not a defense anymore.

3. As discussed in the next section, an accommodation party is

liable to a Holder for Value.

Under the law, consideration is presumed

Travel Inc.: Travel agency sued on the basis of a bouncing

check issued by a guy bringing in passengers. The CA was

sacks of rice.

wrong for asking the agency to prove the value of the ticket

however only delivered 5 sacks of rice. HELD: He

purchased. There is a presumption of valuable consideration,

can only sue for P10000

Want of consideration between drawer and payee cannot be invoked as

and that the check was for such amount.

Ex. in BP 22, there is no need to prove the check was issued

the drawee, did not accept. Can A launch the defense of

But Jack says that a

partial failure of consideration against B?

Yes. Want of consideration is a defense against the

consideration sufficient to support a simple contract. So love

and affection is valuable consideration.]
Rule on holder for value vis--vis prior parties:
o Rule: Where value is given for the NI, the holder is a holder for

of partial failure of consideration?

No. The acceptor cannot use want of consideration

as defense. By accepting, he admits authority of the

time consideration was given]

A issued a PN to B, but there is no consideration.

drawer to draw the instrument, and that he will pay.

indorsed it to C for consideration. C, then to D. What is

Accommodation party

Ds status as holder for value?

D is a holder for value with respect to A, B, and C

A and b are parties who

became bound prior to the value given.

What is the rule on holder who has a lien on the instrument?
o He is a holder for value only to the extent of the lien.
o Ex. Company appealing a lost case posts supersedeas bond
(ex. P500000).

Surety Company asks for collateral.

Who is an accommodation party?

o Signs as party but does not received consideration or value
therefore, from the underlying contract. Only lends his credit.
What is the accommodation partys liability?
o Liable to a holder for value, even if the holder for value knew
him as merely an accommodation party at the time that holder
took the instrument.

Ex. Some banks try to get borrowers to get surety


surety company is a holder for value to the extent of P500K,

companies to sign borrowing agreements.

even if the company issued a certificate of time deposit

[Same facts] X accepted. Can X refuse to pay on account

value in respect to all parties who became such prior to [the

because C gave value.

The seller

payee, in exchange for 10 cars. B only delivered 5 cars. X,

donation is a simple contract and the law simply requires

The check bounced.

defense of drawee who accepted a BOE

o A drew a BOE for the amount of P10M in favor of B, the

for valuable consideration

In civil law, generosity, love, affection, etc. are valid consideration.
o [N.B. Sundiang says love and affection, etc. cannot be
considered valuable consideration.

Ex. Somebody issued a check for P20000 for 10


companies charge premiums for signing as co-

negotiable for P1M.

What is the nature of absence of consideration?
o 1. Defense against a person not a HIDC (personal defense)
o 2. Partial failure of consideration is a proportionate defense.

makers. The surety company, not receiving any part


of the proceeds, is deemed an accommodation party.

Must there be independent consideration for the accommodation?

No, it is not an absolute prerequisite. The consideration that

supports the surety is the same consideration for the original

do when the check bounces, she pays.

May a corporation be an accommodation party?
o As a general rule: a corporation cannot be an accommodation


party to an instrument, because there is no business purpose

to such [unless that is the business of the corporation].

Prudencio: Construction project. The constructor borrowed from PNB

Can bearer instruments be negotiated?

o Yes.
When a bearer instrument is indorsed although

working capital. The bank required two other signors. The firm got the

project died anyway. PNB sued Prudencio spouses. HELD: Prudencio

spouses are accommodation parties. The court held that PNB is not a
holder in due course, because it knew that the spouses did not receive

consideration. When PNB released a portion of the money, it was in

JJs comment: the law says Holder for value not HIDC. You

cannot claim PNB was in bad faith when it released the money

released funds could have improved the project.

Sec. 52: definition of HIDC point in which a person must be is

50K and Manuel Santos for P50K.

Ratio: This in effect is two indorsements of 50K each

(two partial indorsements)

2. PARTIAL indorsement is treated under law as an
assignment. It is subject to personal defenses.

EXCEPTION: When it has been paid in part (ex. on

in GF is when he took the instrument. The release of the funds

happened long after.

makes accommodation parties liable to holders for value,

then the Prudencio Spouses should pay PNB because PNB is

make it cumbersome.
1. Prohibited to indorse to 2 or more indorsees severally.

Ex: A check for P100K is negotiated to Jose Cruz for

PNB took a risk,

rather than ensure the certain failure of the project, the

Must comply with

Where must the indorsement appear?
o On the instrument itself or to a paper attached to it
What must be indorsed?
o The entire instrument. Indorsing only part of the amount will


Fall back on the NCC.

requirements of putting it in a public instrument and

agreed to release part of the security money to help the project. But the

because the project was already failing.

unnecessary, it is still ultimately negotiated.

See Caltex case. When pledging a NI, there are no specific

Prudencio spouses who issued checks. The project was failing. PNB

HELD: Yes. Thats what an accommodation party is tasked to

a holder for value!

X was exchanging a post-dated check for cash to the disbursing officer

Types of indorsements:
o Special specified person to whom it is being indorsed
o Blank does not name any person

Indorsement of an order instrument in blank can

convert the indorsement into a special indorsement by

of AFP. AFP asked Y, Xs sister, to sign as accommodation indorser.

The check bounced. Y was acquitted for conspiracy charges, but was

held civilly liable. Correct?

writing his name

This ensures that the order instrument does not
become a bearer instrument



A issued a PN to B or order for P10K.


indorses it to C, but in blank. What can C do?

C can insert To C over the signature to

keep it an order instrument.

C CANNOT put To C, waiving notice of

dishonor. The contract must be consistent

with the tenor of the indorsement

Types of restrictive indorsements:

Pay to Jose
Cruz only

agent only)

trustee for


Passing of





X, because
indorsee is
apply to him
indorser can
because he
is just an
X, because

that he only
holds it for

same trust

X, because
indorsee is
agent of the


there is no
transfer of title

Yes, because
transfer of title


Rights of indorsee in restrictive indorsement:

o A) collect payment
o B) bring action indorser could bring
o C) transfer rights, if allowed to do so
What is a qualified indorsement?
o Done by writing without recourse although the instrument is

still negotiable
This can be done if the instrument will fall due for a long time
(ex. 5 years), and the indorser does not want to be insecure for

such a long time.

But qualified indorser still has some warranties under Sec. 65;

1. Genuine as to what it purports to be

(ex. not forged or materially altered)

2. Warrants his valid title

3. All prior parties have capacity to contract

4. That he is not aware of any fact that makes the

instrument valueless

(ex. that the maker is insolvent)

Ex. A issues a PN to B or order for P50K. B indorses to C,
then C to D. D indorses to E without recourse.

Can E collect from D?

No. The indorsement is qualified.

If As signature turned out to be forged, can E

collect from D?

Because he warranted that the
instrument is genuine as to what it purports

to be.
If D turned out to have forged Cs indorsement to
him, can E collect from D?


Yes, more so. He warranted his valid title to

What is the effect of a conditional indorsement?
o 1. The maker (or acceptor) may disregard the condition

his real name, so it will appear wrong name indorsed to real

because the maker made an unconditional promise to pay.


The indorser cannot change the original obligation

2. The maker can also say lets wait and see if the condition is

3. If the maker pays, but the conditioned turned out to be

unfulfilled after, the remedy of the conditional indorser is to run

after the indorsee to get back the money.

The conditional

indorser cannot run after the maker/acceptor because the M/A

has every right to dispose of his obligation while he feels

What is the effect of an indorser signing of an instrument payable
to bearer?
o It can still be indorsed through mere delivery
o But the special indorser is only liable to those who can make

If he wants, after signing as the misspelled name, he can sign

What if there is date attached to the negotiation?
o The date is presumed to be correct, but rebuttable.
o If there is no date, the negotiation is presumed to have been
done before it was overdue

Useful to establish HIDC

What if it indicates a place?
o Law of that country will govern as to questions of indorsement
N.B. Not every restrictive indorsement will destroy negotiability
o Only that in subsection A (Pay to X only) will destroy
o Crossed check is still negotiable
Can strike out an indorsement not needed for his title:
o Ex. bearer instrument: can strike out indorsements B to E
o If its an order instrument, can E strike out B?

No. Because it is payable to the order of B. You

cannot take him out, or else, E cannot draw title to the

title through his indorsement

Rule: a bearer instrument is always a bearer instrument
Contra: a WHR can be converted from a bearer to an order

ABCDE. E cancels the indorsement of C to D. He
loses the right to run after C. D is also discharged, because D

instrument by a special indorsement

What if the instrument is payable to two or more payees?
o All must endorse
o But if they are partners, there is mutual agency
What if the instrument payable to a cashier or fiscal officer?
o Assumed that the instrument is payable to the corporation he

lost his chance to run after C.

RULE: The indorser who is struck out and ALL indorsers after
him are eliminated

Ex. If there is indorsement from A to Z, and you

What is the effect if the name is misspelled?
o Must indorse the instrument according to the misspelled name,
because other parties will not know that there was a mistake

cancel C, persons C to Y are discharged.

What about Instruments transferred without indorsement?
o Transferee will only step into the shoes of the transferor
o So defenses against transferor apply to the transferee too
o But the transferee can compel the transferor to indorse it
o What is the time period to determine if he is a HIDC?

The reckoning point is that time of indorsement, not

the initial transfer


Ex. Did not know necklace was fake at time of

Status on payment



transfer; knew it was fake at time of indorsement = not

An installment has not

been paid and there is
no acceleration clause
An installment is not
paid and there is an
An installment is not
paid and there is an
An installment is not
paid and there is an
An installment is not
paid and there is an

Holder is aware

HDC as to installments
not due on the face of
the instrument
Not a HDC

Indorsement to a prior indorser:
o Ex. A-B-C-D-E-B
o Can B run after C, D, and E?

No. Because they in turn can run after B too!

There is compensation under law. The law will not

allow them to run around in circles.

Rights of the Holder

What are the rights of a holder?

o 1. Can sue in own name
o 2. Payment in due course discharges the instrument

Payment at or after maturity is in due course, and

without notice his title is defective
Holder in due course (Sec 52)
o Requisites:

1. Instrument is complete and regular on its face

2. Must have become a holder before it was overdue

and without notice of prior dishonor, if so

3. Took it in GF and for value
4. When he took, no notice of infirmity in instrument or

defect in title of the indorser

This elaborates #3
When is there defect in the title of the indorser?

If he took it through unlawful means (ex.

HDC as to installments
not due on the face of
the instrument

Holder not aware of the

exercise of this option

HDC as to installments
not due on the face of
the instrument

Holder is aware of its


Not a HDC

to investigate further as to not be a HDC.

Check: was it honest for him to take the instrument under these

X issued a crossed check to Y, in order to buy a car from Z. However, Y
took the check and paid it to ABC hospital, and the value of the check

stole it), illegal consideration (ex. issued for

was greater than his bill to ABC hospital (which gave change).

marijuana), or negotiated it in breach of faith,

stopped payment.

fraud (ex. issued for fake ring), or duress (ex.


Holder is not aware

What is the test to know whether or not he is a HIDC?

o A holder must be aware that something is wrong, but chose not

Holder is aware

ABC sued X.

X launched defense of failure of

consideration. Issue: is ABC a HIDC?

o No. Since the check was crossed, it can only be deposited.

issued as ransom money)

Rule on instruments payable on installments and HIDC:

ABC should have inquired as to the title of Y, but it did not.


If the checks are crossed, the taker must inquire as to the


nature of the indorsers title

X paid Y a check, drawn against ABC bank. Y altered the amounts. Y

X told Y to just pay him P80K right away because X could not

deposited it in DEF (her bank). Y told DEF not to present the check for

wait for the maturity of the check. Y has only paid P40K so far.

payment right away, even if it was already due, and to let Y to draw the

Then Y found out that the check was issued for a fake ring.

amount anyway. The alteration was discovered. ABC refused to pay.

The check was presented but it was dishonored. Y sued Z, the

DEF sued to recover. Is DEF a HDC?

o No. The circumstances show that the check was already due

drawer. Can he collect?

HELD: Yes, but only to P50K, since that is half the

but Y asked DEF not to present it for payment yet. And DEF

value of the check, and Y only paid half of the agreed

allowed Y to withdraw even if the check has not been cleared

consideration. He is a HIDC only to the extent of half

The claimant received a check that was not indorsed to it by the payee,

and the check had a notice of prior dishonor due to DAIF (drawn against

insufficient funds).
o HELD: Claimant is not a HIDC.
In two cases, there was lack or failure of consideration between the
maker/drawer and payee of the NI. In one case, it was merely issued as
security, and in the other, the car delivered had the wrong chassis

the check.
What are the rights of a HIDC?
o 1. Sue in own name and receive payment
o 2. Free from personal defenses
o 3. May enforce payment against all parties liable thereon
o Exception: when he cannot recover full payment

37 restrictive indorsement [GT: I dont know why.]

Maybe JJ meant qualified indorsement under

number. But in both cases, the payee already indorsed the check to

another person.
o HELD: Those persons are HIDCs and the defense of

54 notice before full amount is paid
124 when materially altered, a HDC may still
enforce against the maker/drawee according to the

failure/lack of consideration does not vest.

May a payee be a HIDC?
o Yes, because the law simply provides holder. A payee is a

original tenor of the instrument

General rule: the instrument is avoided as to

those not party to the alteration or did not

holder, too.
What about negotiation of an instrument payable on demand after

an unreasonable length of time?

o Holder is not a HIDC.
o Consider the nature of the instrument, customs, and particular

He is a HIDC only to the extent of the amount paid by him.

Ex. X issued a post-dated check to Y with value of P100K, and

indorse it
But not everyone can invoke real defenses against a HDC. For
instance, an indorser warrants an instrument is genuine in all
respects it purports to be.

Also, an acceptor warrants the

authority of the drawer to pay.

What about a transferee who receives notice of infirmity before he

Personal defenses

has paid the full amount agreed upon as consideration for the





Real defenses


No contract because an element is

inequitable or iniquitous fact behind

Voidable contract
Ex: no consideration, undelivered
complete instrument, acquired by
consideration, negotiation in breach
of faith, mistake, ultra vires act of
Not applicable to HDC

missing; or void against public policy

Exception if it is shown that the title of the negotiator is

defective, then the holder has to prove that either the holder or

Void contract
Ex; material alteration (so the
consent is not anymore to this
instrument); undelivered incomplete
instrument (no consent); forgery (no
consent); minority (lack of capacity)

the negotiator is a HDC

Exception to the exception the exception does not apply to a
party that has become bound to the instrument prior to the
acquisition of defective title

Ex. A B C D E. D swindled C, then indorsed

to E.

Applicable to HDC

When E runs after A, he is not required to

prove that he is a HDC because A was
bound to the instrument before the defective

Personal defenses are available against a non-HDC.

This does not

mean the non-HDC cannot collect. It just means that personal defenses

may be raised against him.

(58b) IMPT. Shelter Principle (GT)
o What it simply says is that a holder who (1) derives title from a
HDC (2

title occurred.
o X issued a check to Y, but there was failure of consideration. Y
negotiated to Z, who was not a HIDC (he was aware of the
failure of consideration between X and Y). Z sued X to collect.

) and is not a party to the illegality or fraud has

X refused and raised personal defense of lack of consideration.

the same rights as the HDC as to the prior parties to the

What is the implication?

The burden of proof shifts upon Z to prove that either

indorser, even if he is not.

Ex. A was induced by B through fraud to issue a PN to B or
order. B C, who was NOT aware of the fraud (HDC). C

Z or Y is a HIDC. In this case, it failed to do so.

In this case, Z loses the presumption of being HDC

D who was aware of the fraud but not a party to it. What is the

because Ys title, as negotiating party, is defective. Y


D is a holder in due course as to the parties prior to

has no benefit of the presumption because it is not a

holder anymore.

the indorser (A and B)

What if D indorses it to E, who is not an HDC?

Since E derives title from D, who is not an

Liabilities of parties

HDC, E does not have the rights of an HDC.

There can be no curing. So D cant indorse the instrument to




Pay according to tenor


process of dishonor

1. Existence of payee
2. Capacity of payee to
1. Existence of payee
2. Capacity of payee to

F, an HDC, and have it re-indorsed back to him to cure his

title. He resumes his position as not a HDC.

o General rule every holder is a HDC


1. He will pay the
amount to holder,
2. Or to a subsequent
indorser who pays for it

3. On due presentment,
it will be accepted/paid
according to its tenor

will pay the amount to

the holder, or to a
compelled to pay it


limiting his liability>
Pay according to tenor
of acceptance

Qualified indorser or
indorser by delivery

General indorser

presentment he will
accept/pay according to
2. Or if dishonored, he

4. The instrument is
valid and subsisting at

Liability of Maker:
o X issued a PN to Y. Y collected, by X failed to pay. He lodged
the defense that he used the money to pay for his sick
daughters expenses, and his daughter is a beneficiary of a

1. Existence of drawer,
drawers signature
3. Drawers capacity
and authority to draw
4. Existence of payee
and capacity to indorse
genuine and is what it
purports to be
2. He has good title
3. All prior parties had
capacity to contract
4. Has no knowledge of
any fact that would
impair the instrument
warranties only extend
genuine and is what it
purports to be
2. He has good title
3. All prior parties had
capacity to contract

trust administered by Y.

HELD: X must pay.

He made an unconditional

promise to pay. What he did with the money is none

of the courts business.

Liability of drawer:
o What is the nature of the drawers liability?

Merely secondary liable only if the instrument is


He can put without recourse to limit his liability.

D issued a check to P, drawn against BPI. P presented for
payment, and BPI debited Ds account.

However, P was

unable to receive the money because BPI withheld payment,

pending investigation of some anomalies. P ran after D.

HELD: D must pay, even if his account has already

been debited. He warranted that P will be paid, and if

not, he will make good the check.

Liability of acceptor:
o X issued a check for P4000 to Y. Y indorsed it to Z. Z altered
the amount to P40000, and negotiated to H. H presented it for
acceptance to E.

E accepted it.

For how much can the

check be enforced against the acceptor?

View 1: P40000 because that is the tenor of the



View 2 (better view): Acceptance is assent to the

order of the drawer (132), which is just P4000. He did

that the instrument will be paid. He is liable only if the maker or

not consent to P40000, since there must be

acceptor is insolvent and he is aware of that fact (since here,

knowledge. (124) In fact, for a HDC, even if there is

alteration, he can enforce payment according to the


drawer, the BOE cannot exist.

such. Examples:

Breach of W1 (genuine): the instrument is forged

Breach of W2 (good title): He stole the NI

Breach of W3 (prior parties had capacity to contract):

He admits authority of the

drawer to draw.
Acceptor admits existence and capacity of payee to indorse,


Prior party is a minor

Breach of W4 (no knowledge of fact that would impair
the instrument): Knew that M/D was insolvent; or that

But here, the irregular indorsers signature is found

there first.
What is his liability?

He is actually an accommodation party

Must be an additional party (not a regular party

there was failure of consideration

What is the underlying principle behind this?

Same as Statute of Frauds. An undertaking to

answer for the debt of another must be in writing to be
enforceable. He must be only liable to the person he

signing again will not increase the credit value of the

A (X irregular indorser) B C D E:

X is liable to B, C, D and E.

RULE: liable to all subsequent parties. (If payable to

dealt with
What is the liability of a general indorser?
o 1. Same as first 3 warranties of qualified indorser
o 2. Last warranty he warrants that the instrument is valid and

If maker is insolvent, even if the indorser was not aware, he is

X deposited (through indorsement) a check with ABC bank,

the maker or drawer or bearer, he is liable to all

It only

warrants the four listed warranties and is liable for breach of

you would normally expect the payee as the first signature

there is a breach of warranty).

N.B. In general, a qualified indorser or one negotiating by

original tenor
Acceptor admits existence of drawer because without the

because the instrument is meant to circulate.

o N.B. Acceptor does not admit signature of indorser.
What is an irregular indorser?
o He signs in blank before delivery. He is called such because

Unlike a general indorser, a qualified indorser does not warrant

parties subsequent to the maker or drawer)

What are the warranties where negotiation is by delivery?
o See the list of warranties in the law [see table]
o Person negotiating by delivery: only liable to the person to

drawn against DEF bank.

X was able to withdraw money

although not cleared. Eventually, the check bounced. ABC

asked for return of money.

HELD: X must pay. When he indorsed, he warranted.

whom he delivered the instrument. Not liable to subsequent


If for any reason (whatever reason) the drawee does

not pay, he is liable.


There is a 45-day holding period if the check deposited is

Click here for longer discussion on presentment, acceptance, and dishonor

drawn abroad. But RCBC accommodates employees, allowing

and some parts not included in the syllabus

them to withdraw right away.

An employee X, received a

How to enforce liability (presentment, dishonor)

check, and deposited. Bank required X to indorse the check as

an irregular indorser.

She was then allowed to withdraw.

Some employee (Y) placed below the indorsement: valid up

75,000 pesos only. The drawee bank dishonored the check,
since the indorsement was irregular. RCBC asked X to return
the immediately withdrawn money.

HELD: RCBC cannot collect.

The check was

dishonored because of the partial indorsement made


How do you enforce liability to those primarily liable?

o 1. No need to do anything to hold a maker liable because he
already promised to pay.
o 2. A drawee is liable once he accepts the instrument.
How do you charge those secondarily liable?
o In a PN:

1. Presentment for payment made within required

period to the maker (and then dishonored by non-

by Y. This is why the American bank dishonored.

Signature of indorser was forged. Payee presented the check
for payment to the drawee. It was paid. Payee signed at the

Then the forgery was discovered.

Must the payee


reimburse drawee?

No. It did not indorse the check. The signature is to


In a BOE:

1. Presentment for acceptance to the drawee OR

negotiation within reasonable time after it was

acknowledge payment, not to indorse.

The law mentions that warranties of general indorser

acquired in the following instances:

A. Bill payable after sight or acceptance

apply only to HDC. Should we follow this?

JJ doesnt think so.

What if it is indorsed when not required?
o He incurs liabilities of an indorser, whether general or qualified
What is the presumption?
o Indorsers are presumed to be liable in the manner in which

they indorsed. But parole evidence however may be accepted


2. Notice of dishonor is given to the secondarily liable

to prove otherwise.
Ex. A B C, C can prove that while Bs signature appears

or place of business of drawee

2. If dishonored by non-acceptance:

A. Give notice of dishonor to the indorsers

first, C indorsed it to him

What if the rule for indorsement by agent?
o If he fails to disclose that he is just an agent, or fails to disclose

his principal, he will be liable as an indorser


needed to fix maturity of instrument

B. Bill expressly requires acceptance
C. Bill is payable elsewhere than residence

and drawer
B. (If foreign bill, protest for dishonor by non-

3. If the bill is accepted:

A. Presentment for payment to the acceptor

If dishonored by non-payment, give






underlying contract between X and Y, X is still liable

secondarily liable
B. (If foreign bill, protest for dishonor by non-

When is presentment for payment necessary?
o For primary persons never necessary
o For secondary persons, generally




drawee/acceptor) because its their obligation. But the payee

or holder cannot demand interest subsequent to maturity and

drawee or acceptor will pay

2. Indorser where the instrument was made or

accepted for his accommodation and he has no

contractually just not through that particular check.

What is the implication of failure to make proper presentment for
payment? Does it discharge the person primarily liable?
o It discharges those secondarily liable on the instrument.
o It does not discharge the person primarily liable (maker or

presentment except:

1. To drawer who has no right to expect that the

X is no longer liable based on the check. But if there is an

reason to expect instrument will be paid if presented

3. Dispensed with under Sec. 82:

A) after exercise of reasonable diligence,

costs of collection.
When is a bill required to be presented for acceptance?
o [See enumeration above payable after sight etc., expressly
required, payable elsewhere]
o Note that a check does not fall under this enumeration
When is presentment for acceptance excused or dispensed with?
o 1. DELAY EXCUSED for bill payable elsewhere than place of
business or residence of drawee and the holder failed to

presentment cannot be made

B) drawee is fictitious person

C) waiver or presentment

4. Instrument dishonored by non-acceptance

What are the requisites for presentment for payment?
o 1. Presented by the holder or some person authorized by him
o 2. Made at reasonable hour on business day on proper date
o 3. At proper place
o 4. To person primarily liable, or if absent, to any person found

present for acceptance even after reasonable diligence

The delay thats excused is the delay in presenting it

for payment due to the delay in presentment for

at the place where presentment is made

o 5. Person must exhibit the instrument and surrender it
X drew a check in 1990. The holder, Y, presented the check to the

drawee bank only in 1994. It was dishonored by the bank. Y gave

notice of dishonor to X. What is the ruling?
o The dishonor was proper because it was presented beyond
reasonable time. Reasonable time is relative, depending on
circumstances. But for checks, they become stale in 6 months.

2. Drawee is dead, has absconded, is fictitious, or has no

capacity to contract
3. Presentment cannot be made even after exercise of

reasonable diligence
4. Although presentment has been irregular, acceptance

refused on some other ground

Requisites for valid acceptance?
o 1. In writing
o 2. Signed by the drawee
o 3. Drawee must assent to the promise to pay a sum certain in


money and not any other means

What is proof of acceptance?

It must be written on the instrument itself

If there is acceptance and the holder requests that it

be written on the bill, but the drawee refuses treat it


as dishonored by non-acceptance
What if it is written on another paper?

It only binds the acceptor to persons to whom it is

o 3. Any party who may be compelled to pay (e.g. indorsers)

o 4. Agent of #3
Who benefits from the notice?
o If given by the holder, benefits all subsequent holders and all
prior parties who have a right of recourse against the party to

shown to and on faith thereof, accepted the bill for

whom it was given

Ex. M P or order A B C D (holder). M

What is the rule on future bills?

If there is an unconditional promise in writing to

pay D. C may then notify any person who


D may notify C since C may be compelled to

accept a bill before it is drawn, and a person on faith

thereof took a bill for value

When is a bill deemed accepted?
o 1. Bill delivered to the drawee and he destroys the same
o 2. Bill delivered to the drawee but he refuses within 24 hours or

notice was given

Same example:

If D notified C, and C notified P, then D

deem it as dishonor by non-acceptance.

If he accepts qualified acceptance, the drawer and indorsers
are discharged from liability on the bill.

Unless they assent to the qualified acceptance

They must express dissent to the holder within

benefits through the notice of C, an indorser.

It also benefits A and B.

What is the effect of valid notice of dishonor?
o Immediate right of recourse against the secondarily liable party
arises. He becomes primarily liable.
How must notice be given?
o Parties reside in same place:

1. If at place of business, given before close of

reasonable time from receipt of notice of the qualified

because he need not notify B.

If given by indorser who may be compelled to pay, it benefits
the holder and all parties subsequent to the party to whom

within other period allowed by the holder to return the bill

What are the kinds of acceptance?
o 1. Conditional payment dependent on a condition
o 2. Partial only for part of the amount
o 3. Local only on a particular place
o 4. Qualified as to time
o 5. Acceptance of some of the drawees but not all
What is the rule on qualified acceptances?
o The holder has a right to refuse a qualified acceptance and

may be liable to him (P, A, or B). And so on.

If D notified B straight up, C benefits

Who should give notice of dishonor?
o 1. The holder
o 2. His agent or representative


business hours the next day

2. If at residence, given before usual hours of rest the

next day
3. If sent by mail, deposited in post office in time to

reach him in usual course the next day

Parties reside in different places

1. If sent by mail, deposited in post office in time to go

2. Indorser is the person to whom presentment for payment

was made
3. Instrument was made or accepted for his accommodation

by mail the day follow day of dishonor. If there is no

mail then, on the next mail thereafter

2. If given through other means, within time that it


would be received in due course of mail in the same

Drawer and drawee same person

Drawee fictitious or no capacity

time frame as above

When is notice of dishonor not required in general?
o In general: when after exercise of reasonable diligence, it

Drawer is to whom instrument was

presented for payment
Drawer has no right to expect it will
be paid by drawee

cannot be given or it does not reach the parties

When is notice of DH not needed to be given to drawer?
o 1. Drawer and drawee are the same person
o 2. Drawee is fictitious person or has no capacity to contract
o 3. Drawer is the person to whom instrument was presented for

But R, the drawer, who was the office

manager, was there. And the drawer dishonored.

4. Drawer has no right to expect that drawee or acceptor will

Ex. X withdrew her money from her bank account and

issued a check to cover for expected proceeds of
jewelry she had to sell. She failed to sell the jewelry.
The check was in the hands of Y who had ABC
investment house rediscount it. The check bounced.
HELD: X had no right to expect the bank will pay


Drawee is fictitious or no capacity,

and indorser knows
Indorser is to whom instrument was
presented for payment
Made or accepted for indorsers
accommodation (same principle: no
right to expect it will be paid)

Drawer countermanded


Ex. C went to the office of X, the drawee, but he was

not there.


because she withdrew all her funds.

5. Drawer countermanded payment

Meaning, drawer stopped payment.

N.B. In all these cases, the drawer KNEW that there was or

When can there be waiver of notice of dishonor?

o 1. Before actual time for giving it comes
o 2. Or after failure to give it
o Can waiver be implied?

o Who is affected by a waiver in an instrument?

If written on the instrument all the parties

If written over a signature just that person

o Waiver of protest

Includes presentment and notice of dishonor (steps to

hold a person secondarily liable)
Failure to give notice of dishonor by non-acceptance does not prejudice
rights of a HIDC subsequent to the omission.
o Ex. A drew a BOE payable to B. B indorsed to C. C presented
the BOE for acceptance to X. X dishonored the instrument. C

would be dishonor.
When is notice of DH not needed to be given to indorser?
o 1. Drawee is fictitious person or has no capacity to contract

did not give notice of dishonor to A or B.

C indorsed the

instrument to D, a HIDC. D will not be precluded by Cs failure

to give notice of DH to A and B.

and the indorser is aware of this fact upon indorsement



How is a negotiable instrument discharged?

o 1. Payment in due course by holder
o 2. Payment in due course by accommodated party
o 3. Intentional cancellation by holder
o 4. Any other act that discharges simple contract for money
o 5. Principal debtor becomes holder of instrument in his own

those subsequent to him)

89 those secondarily liable to whom notice was not given
122 renunciation by holder
142 qualified acceptance by drawee discharges those
Failure to dissent within

reasonable time is an assent

186 stale check
188 holder of a check procures it to be accepted or certified

Material Alteration

against secondarily liable party is expressly reserved

6. By extension of time of payment or right to enforce

recourse to that party

If against primarily liable person discharges the instrument
But it does not affect subsequent HIDC. So if C renounces all
claims against A and B, then negotiates it to D, who is a HIDC,




Except if secondarily liable party assents

Or right to recourse is expressly reserved

What is the effect of an absolute and unconditional renunciation?
o A holder renouncing against prior parties terminates

48 striking out indorsements (relieves that person and all

secondarily liable

Unless they assent to it.

How those secondarily liable are discharged:
o 1. Discharge of instrument
o 2. Intentional cancellation of his signature by the holder
o 3. Discharge of a prior party
o 4. Valid tender of payment by prior party
o 5. Release of principal debtor, unless holders right of recourse

D is not prejudiced by the prior renunciation.

What is the form of renunciation?
o It must be absolute and unconditional
o If it is merely oral and the instrument is not surrendered, the

What is the effect of a material alteration?

o Discharges all parties not party to the alteration
o Binds the one who made the alteration, those who assented,
and subsequent indorsers
What is the right of a HIDC?
o If he is not party to the alteration, he may enforce it according
to the instruments original tenor
What is a material alteration?
o 1. Date goes into the obligation
o 2. Sum payable, principal or interest into amount
o 3. Time or place of payment into enforcement
o 4. Number or relations of parties into obligation
o 5. Medium or currency of payment into amount
A issued a PN to B for 4K. B indorsed to C. C changed the amount
to 40K and indorsed to D. D indorsed to E. E is a HIDC. What is
Es right?
o Enforce the instrument for 4K against A or B
o Enforce the instrument for 40K against C (made the alteration)

renunciation is not effective.

o It is not effective if unintentional or by mistake
OTHER methods of discharge:

or D (indorsed and warranted)



Can a BOE be addressed to more than one drawee?

o Depends. If joint drawees, yes.
o If alternative or successive, no.
When can a BOE be considered a PN?
o 1. Drawer and drawee are the same person
o 2. Drawee is fictitious person or has no capacity to contract
o But can the holder treat it as a BOE still?


computers are offline, so the bank accepted it. Bank found out after and
chased after the payee to recover.
o HELD: By accepting, the bank admitted authority of drawer to

What is the nature of a check?

o Special kind of BOE.
o No need to present for acceptance you can present them for

Customer bought a managers check and asked that his account be
debited to purchase it.

the check to buy goods.

o HELD: It was a managers check so the store owner was a

payment immediately
Rules on BOE apply to checks too, such as the 24 hour

What are cashiers and managers checks?
o Drawer and drawee is the same
What are memorandum checks?
o Its just usually used as evidence of credit, by a drawer who

Certified checks:
o Banks usually do not do this anymore
Check must be presented for payment within reasonable amount of time
o Banking practice: 6 months, or else stale
o What happens when the check goes stale?

View one (2 cases): the obligation is discharged.

received goods. He usually redeems it for cash

What is a travelers check?
o You sign it twice (first as a specimen signature, and second

Payment of an obligation with an NI the obligation is

discharged when there is encashment or the value is

when paying. You present your passport too)

Crossing a check has three consequences:
o 1. Can be negotiated only once
o 2. Cannot be encashed; must be deposited

General can be deposited in any bank

Special must be deposited only in that bank

o 3. To be a HIDC, the holder must inquire as to what purpose

The bank realized that it made a mistake

because the account was actually closed. The customer already used

acceptance rule. If you dont return it in 24 hours, it is deemed

because there is no proper presentment for payment

Payee of a check presented a check in the morning; the bank said the
drawer had insufficient funds. Presented again in the afternoon, but the

Promissory notes and checks

What if you try to encash a crossed check?

It will be denied. You cannot run after the drawer

impaired due to the fault of the holder.

View two: the obligation remains because the
drawers bank account was not prejudiced. And there
was no loss caused by the delay.

This will only

happen if the bank becomes insolvent, that if the

payee didnt dilly-dally, he would have received

the check was issued for

But is it still negotiable?

Yes, it is still negotiable.

Sito: When the payee delays in presenting a check for payment, the
indorsers are discharged, because they have an interest to discharge


their potential secondary liability.


Unreasonable delay will discharge

BOE addressed to PBC, to pay Dupont. Dupont then submits

So contrast the rules: the drawer will not be discharged; the

the bill of lading, delivery receipt, etc. to PBC as proof of

indorsers will be discharged


delivery so that Dupont will be paid.

What is the nature of a LOC?
o A contract between the customer who applied for it and the

to open a standby LOC from Z bank. Z bank issued

the LOC, payable when ABC shows documents

What is a Letter of Credit (LOC)?

o An instrument issued by banks on behalf of a customer

proving that X defaulted on the loan. ABC gave this

document. Z bank, however, refused to pay the whole

authorizing a beneficiary to draw a draft/drafts which will be


amount stating that X informed it that X had already

honored upon presentation to the bank

Must be drawn in accordance with the terms and conditions

made some payments, so these have to be deducted.


specified in the letter of credit

o Purpose: to ensure certainty of payment
Illustrate the nature of a LOC:
o ABC Company wants to buy chemicals from Dupont. But

Cannot do this!

The LOC is a primary,

absolute, and unconditional obligation.

It is not an

accessory obligation, so the defect in the underlying

contract cannot affect it.

Dupont has no assurance that when it ships chemicals, it will

be paid. So ABC gets a letter of credit (LOC) with PBC. PBC

then corresponds with a bank in the US (ex. Citibank) PBC

will transmit to Citibank the text of the LOC, through SWIFT.
Dupont then finds out that when it delivers the chemicals, the
bank will pay him. Since the bank is more trustworthy, Dupont

bank, with a stipulation in favor of a third person

An LOC is a primary, absolute, and unconditional obligation. It
cannot be affected by defects in the underlying obligation

Philamlife: X took a loan from ABC. ABC required X

Letters of credit

Dupont will not collect directly from PBC. Dupont will issue a

is now willing to sell the materials.

Dupont ships the chemicals to PBC. So when the bill of lading
arrives, PBC will tell ABC Company that the goods arrived.
PBC tells ABC Company that it will release the goods if there is
a trust receipt arrangement between them. So the proceeds of

purchase (although not necessary to perfect it)

Types of LOC?
o 1. Commercial LOC

issued as payment pursuant to contract of sale

The seller will be paid if the seller gives proof that he


the goods can be used to pay PBC if ABC does not pay.


If there really was

overpayment, X just has to run after ABC.


1. Safe mode of importing goods

2. Reduce risk of nonpayment

3. Substitute for and support the agreement of

complied with obligation to deliver

2. Stand-by LOC

Secondary payment mechanism, where a seller is

paid upon certification of a partys non-performance of

undetermined amount but with maximum limit stated

an agreement
Show proof that the applicant has not performed his

Who are the parties to a letter of credit (essential) and their
o 1. Buyer (applicant)

procures LOC

obliges to reimburse the bank upon receipt of

3. Confirmed LOC

Beneficiary stipulates that the obligation of the issuing

bank should also be the obligation of another bank to

himself (usually the notifying bank)

4. Back-to-back LOC

Credit with identical documentary requirements and

documents title
2. Issuing bank

undertakes to pay seller upon receipt of draft and

except for a difference in the price of the merchandise

proper documents needed

and to surrender the documents to the buyer upon

as shown by the invoice and the draft

The second LOC can be negotiated only after the first

Obligation is solidary with the buyer. It is a primary

covering the same merchandise as another LOC

obligation (unlike a guaranty, which requires default by

is negotiated
When is it considered a consummated contract?
o When the bank pays the creditor (seller-exporter), and not

when the debtor-buyer pays the bank because the bank can

give an extension of payment to the debtor.

What is the governing law?
o 1. Governed now by UCP 600 (Uniform Customs and Practice

for Documentary Credits). This is revised every 10 years or so.

The observance of UCP is justified by Art. 2 of the

the obligor)
3. Seller (beneficiary)

ships goods to the buyer

delivers documents of title and draft to the issuing

bank to recover payment
Who are the optional parties?

1. Advising (notifying) bank

May be utilized to convey to the seller the

Code of Commerce, which provides that in the

absence of a particular provision in the COC,

existence of the credit

BUT does not assure that the issuing bank
will pay and may refuse to accept the drafts

commercial transactions are governed by usages and


Limited to fixed or specific amount or to an

2. Code of Commerce, Art. 568:

LOC must be issued in favor of a definite person and

not to order


without being liable

2. Confirming bank

Lends credence to the LOC issued by a

lesser known issuing bank

Is directly liable to pay the seller-beneficiary

3. Paying bank

Undertakes to encash drafts drawn by the

payment is by LOC. Among the documents is a certification of

4. Negotiating bank

Instead of going to the place of the issuing

the buyer that the goods delivered were the proper goods. The

bank to claim payment, the buyer may

need not pay. (This is a stupid move by the seller, because he

buyer collected the goods but refused to send the certification!


approach another bank to have the draft

There are 3 underlying contracts in a LOC:
o 1. Application of customer for LOC

where customer-buyer undertakes




pays for bank charges

2. LOC

bank tells beneficiary-seller that if it draws the draft, it

always give a fake one if he really wanted to defraud the buyer.

Interpretation of Letters of Credit MUST BE STRICT (Rule of Strict
o 1. Particular genus If the LOC requires that the seller submit
an invoice for pine lumber, but the invoice states pine timber,

contracts to avoid compliance with obligation

A bank which issued a LOC is obliged to pay the draft so long

They do not deal with

goods nor are they required to examine them.

Ex. Seller-beneficiary submitted the

discrepancy, then the bank pays. If the buyer does not waive,


delivered turned out to be fake.

PBC v. Chua Tiep Seng: The bank does not guarantee the

the bank does not pay.

Cojack: Buyer is a con artist, so it ordered 3M worth of bags
from Cojac company.

It opened a letter of credit, and the

All that is

condition is that an invoice from Cojack be submitted. Cojac

required is the bank act in good faith.

There was a case (Feati Bank) where somebody shipped

bank asked the buyer if he waives the discrepancy; the buyer

genuineness of the documents submitted to it.


knows what a woodle is or could be.

When the bank discovers a discrepancy, what does it do?
o It forwards the documents to the buyer and notifies the latter of
discrepancies it discovered. If the buyer agrees to waive the

required, so the bank must pay, even if the goods


3. Misspellings If the LOC requires noodles but the
document says woodles the Bank may refuse to pay who

without verifying if he actually complied with the obligation in

the underlying contract
Banks deal with documents only!

the bank may refuse to pay

2. Quality specifications If the LOC requires Italian marble
and the document just says marble, the bank may refuse to

as the beneficiary submits the documents required by the LOC,

To combat this, the buyer may require a

surveyors certificate to examine the goods. But the seller may

will pay him after submitting documents

o 3. Underlying contract of sale between buyer and seller
Independence principle (always asked in Bar)
o Basic principle: cannot invoke defect in one of the other 3

is at the mercy of the buyer.)

A seller can commit fraud by submitting forged or false

reimburse the bank when it pays the draft, and also


The LOC requires buyers certification, so the bank

timber to someone abroad.

submitted an invoice, of course, without the misspelled K. The

There was an agreement that


refused. The bank did not pay. Later, the buyer just paid 1M to

Red clause
o A clause, usually written in red ink, where the beneficiary/seller

get payment

in advance, meaning, even

he also assigned the certificate of time deposit to a third party,

beneficiary/seller has not yet delivered the goods to the buyer.

who has the better right?

o HELD: The bank. It had a lien on the deposit.
FRAUD EXCEPTION: when can there be enjoinment of payment in

from a third party producer that does not accept anything but

a stand-by LOC?
o 1) Proof of fraud is strong, 2) fraud must involve abuse of

cash (hunters, lumberjacks, etc.). If the beneficiary does not

deliver the goods, too bad. The buyer still bears the risk.
Evergreen clause
o A provision that allows an expiring LOC to be automatically

independence principle, 3) irreparable injury (Transfield)

Distinguish between out and out fraud vis--vis failure to
meet specifications:

In a landmark case by the CA of New York, instead of

extended for indefinite number of periods until the issuing bank


CASE: The depositor/applicant owed the bank for a LOC, but

if the

This is usually because the beneficiary will purchase goods

Bank lien over applicants property

o Usual stipulation in a LOC if the applicant has a deposit there,

informs the beneficiary of its termination.

Ex. A foreign company not doing business here sues and asks

the seller delivering goods, he delivered rubbish. The

court allowed the buyer to have a preliminary

for a provisional remedy. The court requires a bond, so the

company obtains one from a surety firm.

injunction to stop payment be issued because this

The surety firm

requires that the company open a stand-by LOC with a bank,

which will pay the surety firm if the company is held liable. This
LOC will most likely contain an evergreen clause, to keep

renewing it until the case is over.

May the seller in the Feati bank case (where the buyer refused to



specifications, you cannot enjoin payment

Metro v. Daway: Case for corporate rehabilitation does not suspend
need to exhaust the resources of the applicant corporation that applied
for the stand-by LOC.

correspondent bank when it failed or advance funds?

o No. The correspondent bank cannot be sued unless it


payment from a stand-by LOC. It is a solidary obligation, there is no

issue a certification so the seller was not paid) sue the

involves out-and-out fraud.

However, if there is mere

confirmed the letter of credit. It becomes solidarily liable.

Revocable, irrevocable
o Revocable: no need to notify the beneficiary, can be done

Trust receipts

o Usually its irrevocable, for certainty of payment
Revolving letter of credit
o Automatically replenishes, whether per month, when the

What is a Trust receipt transaction (TRT)?

o The entruster (bank), who has absolute title over the goods,

releases these to the entrustee

The entrustee (buyer) executes and delivers a trust receipt,

amount is finished, or it can be cumulative, etc.


1. He holds the goods in trust for the entruster

2. Sell or otherwise dispose of the goods

3. Turn over to the bank/entruster the proceeds of the

X tried returning the goods to ABC, but it refused. HELD: X

sale to the extent he is indebted

4. Or turn over the goods to the bank, in case unsold

Note: if the entrustee returns the goods, he does not incur any further

liability. The entruster/bank then sells the goods

What is the nature of the entrusters title?
o The entruster has a security interest.

By fiction of law,

ownership is with the entruster-bank, until it has been paid or


did not commit estafa.

Can the trustee execute a Chattel Mortgage over the goods
covered by the TR?
o No. He does not have free disposition of the property.
Can a TR cover a purchase independent from the credit?
o No.
o Illustrate: X purchased goods. Independent of this purchase,

the proceeds of sale turned over to him.

But since it is a mere security interest, the entruster is not

X applied for a credit facility with ABC bank.

responsible as principal in the contracts entered into by the

purchased. HELD: This is invalid. The bank did not have any

entrustee. The entrustee bears the losses (ex. if the imported

lien or title to the goods; they were purchased separately from

goods burn or are stolen).

Since the entrustee is not the owner of the goods he cannot

them yet.
Allied Banking: X imported goods, and opened a LOC with ABC bank.

the credit application.

Can TR apply even to domestic transactions?
o Yes, TR can apply even in domestic transactions
What is the nature of ownership/security interest?
o X imported puka shells, covered by a trust receipt with ABC
bank. X failed to sell the puka shells. X decided to return the

When the equipment arrived, X took the goods from ABC and issued a

shells and claim he is not liable anymore because X claimed

trust receipt in ABCs favor. X installed the goods in his factory. X failed

ABC was the real owner of the shells and X just held it in trust.

HELD: X is wrong. ABC can still recover the money.

to pay. ABC sued X for violation of PD 115. X claimed the goods were
not covered because he did not sell nor manufacture/process them.

ABC bank

required X to sign a trust receipt for the goods he just

mortgage them yet. Or, at least, he has no free disposal of

Another case: X could not sell the goods covered by the TR.

HELD: The goods were covered. It says sell or otherwise dispose.

A TRT is a security transaction, and the buyer is still

Otherwise dispose covers the installed goods.

o Otherwise dispose can cover giving goods to a sister

fiction to create a lien.

really the owner of the goods; it just relies on a legal

For estafa, there has to be misappropriation
o Meralco/steel towers case: X fabricated steel towers (hired

ABC still has the right to

recover the money; or it can sell the goods.

PNB Case: The bank getting back the goods does not
terminate the obligation. It just has a lien, and to realize it, the
bank must foreclose otherwise, it is pactum comissorium.

by Meralco). X imported materials, which X received and gave

a trust receipt to ABC bank for. X used the materials to build

the steel towers. But Meralco hasnt paid X yet, so X couldnt

pay ABC bank. ABC sued X for estafa. HELD: No estafa, no

The bank then returns the excess or runs after the deficiency.
Rights and liabilities of parties:
o 1. Entruster not liable in any sale or contract entered into by the
entrustee. He merely has a security interest.



2. Entrustee bears risk of loss thus, loss of the goods does

2. There is no direct obligation by the WHM against

not extinguish the obligation

3. A purchaser for value and in GF of goods covered by TR is

the transferee
3. The transferee can compel the transferor to

free from entrusters security interest

4. Failure of entrustee to turn over proceeds of the sale

constitutes estafa or may be basis of suit for damages

5. If the parties agree to reschedule debts and impose

complete the negotiation by indorsing the instrument

What is the effect of negotiation?

1. The holder receives title to the goods as the

indorser had [NOTE: the holder never obtains better

conditions incompatible with the TR, then there is a novation

rights than the indorser, unlike under the NIL] and title

and no liability under TRL avails.

that the depositor had over the goods

X stole goods from Y and deposited with

WHM. X negotiated the WHR to Z. WHM

Warehouse Receipts Law

found out that the goods were stolen and

delivered them to Y.

o No.

What are the three functions of a WHR?

o 1. Contract for deposit
o 2. Evidence of receipt of goods
o 3. Represents the goods and operates as a transferable


that it is non-negotiable?

No. The stipulation is void.

This is a key difference between WHR and negotiable






over them either.

2. Direct obligation of the WHM to hold the goods for

Who can negotiate a WHR?

1. Owner thereof

2. Person to whom possession of the WHR has been

entrusted to by the owner, if by the terms of the


For NIs, a negotiable instrument can be made non

The depositor, X, never had

transferee Z never acquired title

document that carries with it control over the goods

When is a WHR negotiable?
o If payable to order or bearer
o If payable to order or bearer, can one insert a stipulation

Can Z hold WHM


1. The WHM must deliver the goods to the

For negotiable WHR, it cannot be converted into a

order of the person to whom possession has

non-negotiable WHR. The stipulation is void.

What if an order instrument is only delivered but not

been entrusted, or
2. If at the time of the entrusting, the receipt
is in such form that it may be negotiated by


1. Transferee acquires right against the transferor


mere delivery
Can a thief negotiate a WHR?

YES, but the WHR must be in such form that

unpaid debt and was levying against the 10 crates

he need not forge any signature.

When is it non-negotiable?
o Not payable to order or bearer AND there is a large print,

of goods. Who has a better right?

C, because Y did not obtain title over the

usually in red, that it is non-negotiable

N.B. so if its order or bearer the WHM cannot insist


to the levy, then Y would have had a better

on putting the red print that its non-negotiable

What is the consequence of not marking it so?

If someone relied in GF that it is negotiable and acted

upon it, it will be treated as negotiable.

What is the rule on duplicate WHR?
o Same as non-negotiable if the holder thought in GF that it
was the original, he could sue the WHM for damages
What is the effect of absence of any of the required provisions to

to better serve their purpose.

What is the right of a transferee of a non-negotiable WHR?
o 1. Title of the goods subject to the terms of any agreement with

the transferor
2. Right to notify the WHM of the transfer and acquire the direct

obligation of the WHM to hold the goods for him

What is implication of failure to notify the WHM of the

What are the conditions before the WHM delivers the goods?
o 1. Holder pays the WHMs liens
o 2. If the WHR is negotiable, to surrender the receipt
o 3. Readiness and willingness to sign an acknowledgment of
receipt of the goods
To whom must the WHM deliver the goods to discharge his
o 1. Person lawfully entitled to the goods or his agent
o 2. Person entitled to delivery under non-negotiable WHR or


Prior to notification, the title of the transferee can be

defeated by: a) an attaching or executing creditor of
the transferor, or by b) notification by the transferor or

What are the obligations of the WHM?
o 1. Safeguard the goods
o 2. Deliver the goods

To deliver

be found on a WHR?
o It does not invalidate the WHR. WHRs are liberally construed

goods due to lack of notification to the WHM.

If Y had informed WHM of the transfer prior

another transferee of a second transfer

Ex. X deposited 10 crates of goods with WHM.
WHM delivered a non-negotiable receipt to X. X

who has authority from the person entitled to delivery (SPA)

3. For negotiable WHR, the person in possession
When is there misdelivery or conversion?

1. Delivery to one not in fact lawfully entitled to the

2. The holder of a WHR informs the WHM prior to

delivery not to make such delivery, but he still did

3. The bailee had information that the delivery he was
about to make was to one not lawfully entitled to the

transferred the WHR to Y, for value. Meanwhile, C,

a creditor of X, obtained a judgment against X for


possession of the goods, but he still did

Rules on refusal to deliver:

1. WHM cannot refuse to deliver the goods just because of a

third party claim

But he may submit the situation for interpleader

2. WHM is excused for failure to deliver if he sold the goods to

also has to post a bond, in case the WHR falls in the hands of
a person who took it in GF and for value. The latter goes

receipt have the WHR frozen or surrendered, so it doesnt

end up in the hands of someone who takes it for value and in

request by the WHM

4. Right or title of third persons

A. Request by person lawfully entitled to goods to

because the goods are perishable

D. Delivery to claimant with better right
E. Attachment or levy by creditor where the document

during auction
What if the WHM delivers the goods without asking for surrender

GF and for value.

What if the WHM makes partial delivery of the goods?

He must cancel the WHR and issue a new one

reflecting the balance of the goods, or indicate partial

is surrendered or its negotiation is enjoined, or

The WHM in general, as a bailee, cannot claim ownership over the

of the WHR?
o He is liable for damages to any person who takes the WHR in

made was to one not lawfully entitled to possession of

Until this is done, the WHM cannot be compelled to

goods. What are the exceptions?

o 1. WHR negotiated to him, so takes the goods in his own right
o 2. Has unpaid lien, so he foreclosed it and bought the goods

WHM not to deliver the goods

Can lead to interpleader

B. WHM has information that the delivery about to be
the goods

WHM ascertains the facts first

C. Disposed to third person to satisfy WHMs lien or

against the bond.

How does a creditor go about attaching/levying the goods covered
by a negotiable WHR?
o Ask for enjoinment of indorsement or renegotiation of the

acknowledgment when the goods are delivered, upon

liable under the original tenor of the WHR.

What is the effect of loss of the receipt?
o The claimant has to file a case in court and get a court order
telling the WHM to deliver the goods, after proof of loss. He

satisfy an unpaid lien

o 3. WHM is excused for selling perishable or hazardous goods
What are valid defenses for non-delivery or misdelivery?
o 1. Loss or destruction of goods fortuitously
o 2. WHM has a right over the goods

A. Failure to satisfy the WHMs lien

B. legal title over the goods through transfer

o 3. Holder of receipt does not comply with requirements

Failure to surrender the WHR

Failure to satisfy the WHMs lien


Unlike in NIL, it does not discharge the WHM. The WHM is

document is impounded

F. Document of title is attached by creditor

What is the effect of alteration?

delivery on the receipt.

Again, failure to do so makes him liable to one who

takes the WHR in GF and for value.

Can an unpaid seller claim right over the goods over the holder of
the receipt who purchased it for value?


No. The vendors lien does not affect the transfer of title to the

purchaser for value.

X sold Y 10 sacks of rice on credit. Y deposited the sacks

with WHM, who issued a receipt. Y delivered the receipt to

goods are merchantable or fit for a particular purpose

What is the rule on attachment or levy of the goods covered by a
negotiable receipt?
o There can be no attachment or levy of the goods unless the

Z who purchased it for value and for good faith. Who has

receipt is first surrendered to the WHM or its negotiation is

a better right over the rice, Z or X who is still unpaid?

Z. While X has a vendors lien, it cannot defeat the

rights of a purchaser for value of the receipt.

The only way for the unpaid seller to get the goods is

to validly reacquire to the receipt from Z and surrender

the receipt for cancellation.

What is the effect of pledge of a receipt?
o The pledgee is in the same footing as a vendee for purposes of

the WHR law. He is thus also preferred.

Except of course, once the underlying obligation is paid, the

pledgee has to return the WHR to the pledgor.

X sold Y 10 sacks of rice by quedan, on credit. Y loaned

injunction or otherwise
What if the receipt is non-negotiable?

Remember the discussion above about whether the

creditor could attach or levy.

To safeguard

delivered the quedan to ABC bank. Y died. Who has the

better right, ABC bank (pledgee) or X (unpaid seller)?

Same principle as above ABC bank wins. Even as

a pledgee, it has the same preference as a purchaser.

Xs recourse is run after Ys estate.

What are the warranties of the transferor?
o NOTE: MOST IMPORTANTLY the indorser or one who

negotiates for value is not a guarantor. He is not liable to the

If the goods are lost, he is presumed to be at fault

But not for fortuitous events
What is the duty in keeping goods?
o He must segregate the goods belonging to different depositors
o But he is allowed to commingle if:

It is stipulated

It is customary to do so
What are the rules on commingled goods?
o Each depositor gets a pro rata portion of the common mass

bona fide purchaser if the WHM fails to deliver the goods. He


What can the creditor do?

1. Have the courts attach the receipt

2. Compel the holder to deliver the receipt to him by

transferee was able to notify the WHM first before the

money from ABC bank and to secure his indebtedness, Y

4. He has a right to transfer title to the goods and that the

does not guarantee to performance of the WHM of his duty.

1. The receipt is genuine
2. He has a legal right to negotiate or transfer it
3. He has no knowledge of any fact which would impair the

upon claim
What happens if there is partial loss?

The depositors also share in the loss proportionately

Key distinctions between NI and Negotiable WHR:

validity or worth of the receipt


Negotiable Instrument

Negotiable WHR

When deliberately altered, becomes

When altered, still valid, but it may

If payable to bearer, always remain
so payable regardless of the way it
was endorsed, whether specially or
in blank
HDC may obtain a title better than
the negotiating party

be enforced only according to the

original tenor
If payable to bearer and it is
endorsed specially, it will be
converted in a receipt deliverable to
Endorsee, even if he is a HDC,
obtains only such title as the person
negotiating had over the goods

deposited to him but under different bailments?

No. His lien only pertains to that one and the


What are included in the WHMs lien?

o 1. All lawful charges for storage and preservation
o 2. All lawful claims for money advanced, interest, insurance,





advertisements, and for sale of goods (to satisfy WHM lien)

What is the rule on notice?
o The charges present at the time of issue of the WHR must be
charges occurring after the WHR was issued.
What are the properties subject to the lien?
o 1. All goods deposited belonging to the person liable for the



to the value of the lien

3. Filing civil action for collection of claims

o 1. Insured possesses interest susceptible of pecuniary
o 2. Insured is subject to risk of loss
o 3. As consideration, the insured pays premium
Someone organized a jeepney association. They give membership fees
and if a driver gets into an accident, the association pays indemnity.
Sued by Insurance Commission for not having license to do Insurance

2. All goods belonging to others which have been deposited by

o Held: Was conducting insurance business without license. All

the person who is liable for the claims if the person has been
entrusted with possession of the goods, such that a pledge by


In general

stated or else there is no lien. He will only have a lien on



transportation, labor, weighing, coopering, and other charges in

relation to the goods
3. Reasonable charges


o 2. Refusing to deliver the goods when he should have complied
How is the lien enforced?
o 1. Valid refusal to deliver the goods until the lien is satisfied
o 2. Causing EJ sale of the property and applying the proceeds

WHMs lien

But can he claim a lien over other goods

him of the goods at the time of deposit would have been valid
When is the lien lost?
o 1. Surrendering possession of the goods

requisites concurred.
Contra Maxicare: Even if all elements are present, but if
primary purpose of contract is to provide services, then it is not
an insurance contract.

In Maxicare there is no insurance

contract because physicians pay for the first six sessions of

therapy after injury or loss, but the main purpose is to give


medical services. But here, even if you did not get injured or

sick, you can avail of medical checkup.

What are the characteristics of an insurance contract?
o 1. Aleatory

If you dont lose what was insured, there is no

contract and what is the effect of his acts?

o 1. The mortgagor can sue the insurance company if it does not

2. Personal

It does not adhere to the property insured because

mortgagee cannot collect.

Ex. The Mortgagor brought fireworks to the building

the personality of both parties is crucial and is the

primary consideration for the contract.

Ex. teenagers will be charged higher insurance over

The buyer of a car, for instance, will only be insured if

the sellers insurance contract.

3. Unilateral

It is only the insurer that has an obligation to perform

(the insured already paid).

o 4. Conditional
Can you insure against losing the lottery?
o No, this is wagering.

When is there insurable interest over life?

o 1. Own life, spouse and children

Children even if emancipated

Spouse need valid and existing marriage

o 2. Based on support or pecuniary interest

Ex. a key basketball player you signed for your team;


a concert impresario in an opera you organized

3. Based on legal obligation, whose death might delay or

prevent performance
4. Any person upon whose life any estate or interest vested in
him depends

Ex. X is allowed to stay in the family home of his

Who can be the insurer?

o One authorized by the Insurance Commission
Who can be insured?
o Anyone except a public enemy (citizen of a country with which

and it exploded. The mortgagee cannot collect.

3. The mortgagor can have the mortgagee perform acts that

Insurable interest


2. If the mortgagor performs an act that prejudices, the

benefit the contract

the insurance company allows for an endorsement of

What is the standing of mortgagors to sue on an insurance

parents as usufruct. They have interest to continue


the Philippines is at war with)

German company filed claim with Insurance

the life of their parents

Note: for the first, mere relationship is enough. For 2-4, there
must be pecuniary interest. So the interest of the creditor over
the debtors life ceases upon full payment.

So mere friendship does not fall under any of the

Company, and the Philippines was under US at that time. The

Germany and USA were at war (WWII) so the company cannot


When is there insurable interest over property?
o 1. Existing interest


2. Inchoate interest on an existing interest

Ex. stocks, which is based on subscription contract

3. Expectancy coupled with existing interest
N.B. MAIN DIFFERENCE: there must be a valid pecuniary

What is the value of insurable interest over property?
o The insurance cannot go beyond the value of the property
o Whereas in life, you cannot put value over life of a person

EXCEPT: if there is a way to place pecuniary value in

the life of the person.

Who can be the beneficiary in life insurance?
o 1. If over own life, he can designate anybody, even if the latter

o Contra: Assignment of a life insurance policy

The assignee need not have insurable interest

When does the beneficiary forfeit?
o If he causes the insureds death.

Except: When the killing is lawful (ex. self-defense,


has no insurable interest.

But: you cannot name one to whom you are

What is the rule for beneficiaries in life insurance?

o 1. The beneficiary/assignee must have insurable interest
o 2. If the policy is going to be assigned, the insurer must

prohibited to make donations to

Ex. co-guilty party of adultery/concubinage

2. If you are the beneficiary, you need to have insurable interest

relative? see sec. 12)

Various situations re: insurable interest over property:
o 1. Importer has insurable interest in goods he is buying even if
undelivered, because he can compel delivery. The seller also

over the life of the insured

X took an insurance policy over his own life for 1M and named his

executor of Xs estate claims only 50k must go to Y and the 950k


must go to Xs estate. Correct?

o No. Since the insured took a policy out of his own life, he is

free to name anyone as beneficiary.

The rule would be different if Y took an insurance out of Xs life

with the latters consent.

Ex. A father made his child an irrevocable beneficiary
of an insurance contract.

to completion.
3. Mortgagor and Mortgagee both have insurable interest
4. Lessor and lessee both have insurable interest
5. Mere possessor.

Ex. X Colleges was allowed to use a building by the

owner, as a school. It insured the building. It caught

the insurable interest is only P50k.

Can the insured change the beneficiary?
o Yes, unless it was made irrevocable in the policy.
o If the beneficiary is irrevocable, can it still be changed?

Yes. But if irrevocable, can only change beneficiary

has insurable interest because he has legal title.

2. Contractor has insurable interest over the building he is
erecting because under the law, he bears the risk of loss prior

friend Y as beneficiary. X died, and his debt to Y is worth 50k. The

the beneficiary is the executioner in death penalty)

What is the effect of unlawful killing?

Benefits go to the estate of the insured (nearest

If the father wanted to

revoke, the child must consent.


fire. HELD: There was insurable interest.

o 6. Partners, over the property of a partnership
o 7. Carrier, over goods it is transporting since he will be liable
o 8. WH man, over goods for safekeeping since he will be liable
What is the nature of a mere contingent interest over something?
o Not insurable.
o Ex. Creditor with no collateral over properties of buyer
o Ex. Expectant heir
o Ex. Fictitious contract of sale (completely simulated)

Can smuggled property be insured?

o No against public policy
When must insurable interest exist in life insurance?
o In life, need only exist when the policy takes effect
o Ex. X insured his wifes life. They annulled their marriage. But
the wife failed to revoke the insurance. X can collect.
When must interest exist in property insurance?
o When the policy takes effect and when loss occurs
o Need not exist in the meantime

Ex. Owned a car, insured, then sold it.


shares and became sole owner. The house burned.

Insurance company must pay because X was part of


repurchased, and then loss in fire.

A person mortgaged his building. The property had been sold
in foreclosure. Then it was lost by fire. He had no more right

the insurance is avoided.

Can one stipulate against insurable interest?
o No. Stipulation that there need not be an insurance interest for
an insurance contract NULL AND VOID.
What is the interest of a mortgagor over property he mortgaged?
o The extent of the value of the property
o How can the mortgagee be made the beneficial payee in

for insurers consent) the insurance K

2. The original policy may have a mortgage clause or
there is a rider making the policy payable to the
mortgagee as long as he has interest (loss payable

endorse the policy.

Change in interest after the loss does not change indemnity. It
is already an accrued liability at this time. It is a chose in

3. Independent contract between mortgagor and

Change in interest in one or more listed things:

A taxi company insured 20 units. Sold 4 of them. The

4. Acquired by the mortgagor under a contract duty to
insure the mortgagees benefit (in which case the
mortgagee acquires an equitable lien on proceeds

insurance over 16 is still valid.

Change of interest in will or succession does not avoid

X insured Family Home against fire.

collected by the mortgagor)

What is the extent of the mortgagees interest on the property
mortgaged to him?
o To the extent of the debt secured
o The interest exists until the debt is extinguished
o N.B. the mortgagee may procure the policy and have the

X died and

children inherited. The house burned. The children

the original insured.

But if there is a new person brought into the group,

the mortgagors policy?

1. Assign (with insurers consent) or pledge (no need

to redemption. HELD: Lost insurable interest.

o What if he still possessed the right of redemption?

He still has insurable interest

What happens when there is change of interest?
o If you sold your car, if the buyer wants insurance, you have to

X Y and Z co-owned a house. X bought Y and Zs

can collect.
What if the children bought the house from the

father when he was still alive?

Insurance does not transfer.

For co-owners, partners, etc:


mortgagor pay for the premiums


Standard/union mortgage clause subsequent acts of

mortgagor cannot affect the rights of the mortgagee

Open/loss payable mortgage clause acts of the mortgagor


contract had he known of the fact concealed

can affect the mortgagees rights, because the former is a party

or the conditions in the K would have been

to the contract
D had a loan of 3M from C. To secure it, D mortgaged his house

Concealment in life insurance:

Failure to disclose serious ailments

Need not disclose very minor sickness/injury

A Couple got an insurance policy for their mongoloid

baby, but they did not say he was a mongoloid.

HELD: concealment
There is a law prohibiting insurance companies from

worth 5M in favor of C.
o Who has insurable interest over the house?

D 5M (value of house)

C 3M (extent of loan)
o Will insurance procured by D in his own name and for his
own benefit inure to benefit of C?

No. Insurance is a personal contract and just like any

refusing to issue insurance to someone with AIDS, as

other contract, it just involves the parties unless there

is a stipulation pour autrui (see examples above)

But under Art. 2127 of the NCC, the mortagee has an

equitable lien on the proceeds of the policy.

C procured insurance. D fully paid C. The house burned

did not know, there is still concealment. (but


the injured party can rescind.

So if X, a laundrywoman, did not disclose
that she had stomach cancer because she

not a party to the insurance contract.

long as he discloses that he has AIDS

Is good faith a defense in concealment?

No. Whether it is intentional or unintentional,

down. Can C recover? Can D recover?

No and no. C has no more insurable interest. D is

Insurer would not have entered into the

What is the nature of concealment?

o Failure to communicate what a party knows and ought to
o Need not be intentional
What is the consequence?
o Insurer can rescind
o 1. Party must have known the fact concealed

Ex. he did not know he had cancer

o 2. Must be material to the policy

there was no knowledge concealment?)

3. Party must make no warranty of the fact concealed

In this case, if there was a warranty, the violation is

not a concealment but a breach of contract

4. Other party has no means to ascertain the fact concealed

If a party discloses that he has been hospitalized and

gave the contact # of the hospital, the insurers failure
to look into his records there were means to

ascertain the fact

If the agent commits a concealment, the applicant will be bound by that,
the insured made the agent his own agent for the purpose of filling up


the application form

There are matters the party need not indicate:

1. Insurer could have known

The inspectors went to the place and found that it was


near a squatters area. But the company issued a fire

insurance policy anyway.

A fire broke out.


insurance company cannot use the defense that it

was near a squatters area, because it sent

2. Matters of public knowledge/insurer should have known

Insured an oil tanker. Cannot use the defense, why

did you not disclose that there was a war in


Afghanistan. They should have known.

3. Information of ones own judgment.
4. Matters which pertain to excluded or exempted risks.

Ex. need not disclose that members of NPA are

burning houses in their neighborhood if the fire

insurance policy exempts rebellion/coup/etc.-related

What if the insured dies from another reason apart from the fact
o Insurer still not liable because it wouldnt have issued a policy.
Can there be waiver?
o Yes. Either express (in the terms of insurance) or implied (as

o But it may qualify as an implied warranty
As a rule, parole evidence is not allowed to vary the terms and
It is

imposed by law.
When is a representation presumed to refer to?
o A representation is presumed to refer to the date on which the
policy goes into effect.
If somebody applied to insure his vessel.

Ex. voyage from

Manila to Cebu. Where is the vessel? It is anchored in

already communicated).
Is there need to disclose nature or amount of ones interest?
o No. EXCEPT if one is not the absolute owner of the insured

Manila Yacht Club. But it is actually in Curimao. However,

when the policy takes effect and the vessel is in Manila already,


knowledge of ground for rescission

What are the kinds of representations?
o PROMISSORY: Representation as to the future
o AFFIRMATIVE: Representation as to a present fact
What is the nature of a representation?
o Can be written or oral
o Representation is not part of the contract. It is a collateral


without knowing it to be true and which tends to mislead

o 3. Fact is material
What is the consequence?
o Voidable at option of insurer
o But waived for acceptance of premium payments despite

conditions of the contract. It may qualify an implied warranty.

when there is failure to make follow up inquiries as to facts

1. Untrue statement
2. With knowledge and intent to deceive; or stated as true

there is no misrepresentation.
What if the insured has no personal knowledge of a fact?
o He may repeat the information he has on the subject which he

What is a representation in general?

o Statements made to induce the other party to enter into the

believes to be true
Ex. There is a question in life insurance about medical history
of the family. If one thinks his father died as a soldier, in action,
when he actually died of AIDS, and he says the former.

What is a misrepresentation?


But if the info came from the insureds agent, and exercise of
due diligence was possible, he is liable for the truth of the

Ex. There is no misrepresentation because he relied on what

the physician told him.

Representation is false if facts do not coincide with what was asserted
o Test for defense: substantially true in every particular

material to the risk

EXCEPT: Marine insurance where what is required is the

exact and whole truth

Ex. Have you ever applied for a life insurance policy and the

application was rejected? He said no. But before, he had an

application denied, but then accepted on reconsideration.

HELD: No misrepresentation.
Do you take alcoholic beverages? Applicant said no. But he

has been drinking since he was 16. He died of liver failure.

HELD: Misrepresentation. But if he only drank small

amounts on cocktail parties, it is not material. There

is no misrepresentation.
Insured filled up the application form. The insurance company

will not store flammable materials

When does non-compliance with a future warranty not avoid the
o 1. Loss occurs prior to the warranty taking effect
o 2. Performance becomes unlawful
o 3. Performance becomes impossible
Give an example:
o Somebody tried to insure his house for fire. Inspectors said his
neighborhood is not nice. Insurer said that it will insure, but
insured must put up a firewall within 30 days. A fire razed his

60 years old. He was more than 60 years old.

HELD: he wrote on the application form his date of

house in 10 days.
HELD: the insurer is liable.

no misrepresentation.
Test of materiality?
o If the other party would not have entered into the contract, or

under different conditions

Same if there is no cement

available (impossible) or if it becomes unlawful.

What is the effect of violation of warranty?
o Allows the other party to rescind.
o Even if not rescinded, it can be launched as defense by the


May relate to:
o Past ex. warranty that insured was never confined
o Present ex. warranty that insured is in good health
o Future ex. warranty in fire insurance that owner of property

said that they will only accept if the applicant is not more than

birth, but the company still issued a policy. There was

Implied imposed by law

Only exists in Marine insurance

Usually embodied in a rider
o These riders, issued with the policy, need not be signed
What is the difference of warranties from representations?
o Warranties are express and placed in the contract
o Representations are not written and are but collateral

Can the insured argue that it is not material?

No. The fact that it is in the policy entitles the insurer

to rescind. The basis is not materiality but breach of

Express or implied:
o Express found in terms and conditions


When there is breach of warranty, it is presumed to be

If there is a breach of warranty, and loss occurs EVEN IF not related to
the breach of warranty, the insurer is not liable.
o Ex. cannot bring explosive materials into his house.
brought fireworks inside.

X was issued an ordinary drivers license. Can only drive 4 wheeled
vehicles. He drove a 10 wheeler. Vehicle involved in accident.
o HELD: Insurer not liable because X is not authorized to drive


His kitchen caught fire without

relation to the fireworks. Insurer not liable.

Because the risk increased regardless.
What is the exception?

When it is merely incidental to the business.

When is there a waiver by the insurer?

o Despite knowledge of the breach, it accepts the renewal

the 10-wheeled vehicle.

How is the authorized driver clause interpreted?
o Usually it means that its just the owner of the policy and an


instance, placing alcohol to retouch the varnish of

authorized driver clause?

No. While it may be a violation of the law, it does not

ones insured furniture store does not breach the

warranty against placing inflammable materials.

Ex. where there was gasoline in the warehouse for
consumption of the owners car within 2 days.

violate the authorized driver clause that would breach


mothballs in a drug store.

Double insurance not just to those he acquired before but also the

future. Failure to give information is a breach of warranty.

o X obtained fire insurance over his house with Insurer A.
He warranted against past and future double insurance.

Then he obtained fire insurance over his house with

Insurer B. The same clause is included. The house burns
down. Is Insurer A liable? Is insurer B liable?

Both are not liable. There was breach of future

double insurance warranty for contract A and breach


of past double insurance for contract B.

X insured his stocks in trade. Mortgaged them, and insured

not the insured himself.

When the car is stolen or misused by a repairman, is it a

violation of the ADC?

No. It is considered theft under the policy.

What does under influence of liquor clause mean?
o No need to actually be drunk, as long as he is under the
When there is breach of warranty without fraud, what is the rule?
o It only exempts the insurer from the time the breach occurred.
o Give an example.

X obtained fire insurance over his house. Warranted

31, a fire broke out.

Insurer said X did not disclose

second insurance.

HELD: No need to disclose.

the warranties in an insurance policy.

The requirement for a license applies for a third party

against storage of inflammable materials.

them again, where there is loss proceeds go to mortgagee.

Fire destroyed the things.

authorized third party with a license that must drive the vehicle.
Is the expiration of ones license a violation of the

On Sept

On December 31 he stored

inflammable materials (fireworks) then a fire broke

out. The insurer is not liable for the Dec 31 fire, but is

Different interests

liable for the Sept fire.

involved. First goes to the mortgagor. Second goes

to the mortgagee. It is not double insurance.


What if there was fraud, i.e. there were inflammable

materials inside the house?

The policy doesnt attach in the first place.

Compare a warranty from a representation:



Part of the contract

Written in policy/rider
Conclusively presumed to be
Fact must be strictly complied with

Collateral inducement
Need not be written
Must be established to be material

Fact can be merely substantially true










1. Claimant has no insurable interest

2. Uncovered risks (ex. insured engaged in car racing)
3. Policy lapsed and insured did not pay
4. Policy was entered into pursuant to scheme to kill insured
(vicious fraud)
5. Someone substituted for the insured during medical test

This fraud is not barred by the clause there is NO

perfected contract with the insured because it was

If insurer has right to rescind, insurer must rescind prior to


commencement of action on the contract

Tender of premiums and notice that the policy is cancelled before suit is

Sec 48(b) incontestability clause

If a life insurance policy has been in force for at least 2 years since first
effect or last reinstatement insurer is BARRED from questioning it or
alleging misrepresentation or concealment, or deceit/fraud
o N.B. Really, what you are barring are defenses against

fraudulent misrepresentation or concealment, but not anything


What if the policy lapsed but was reinstated?

The 2 year period will run again.

BUT there are still defenses that can be invoked even after this

deemed a rescission

Sec48(a) action to rescind




Rescission of insurance contracts


another person
6. If insured is riding in a plane and it is not a commercial flight

(ex. 8-seater plane)

o 7. Entered into military without consent
o 8. Failure to furnish proof of death
o 9. Action not filed on time
What defenses are barred?
o 1. Misrepresentation
o 2. Concealment
o 3. Fraud
When must the two year period lapse?
o It must have lapsed while the insured was alive. If the insured
dies within two years, the heirs cannot wait for the 2 years to

Requisites for incontestability clause:
o 1. Life insurance
o 2. Payable proceeds upon death
o 3. In force for 2 years since issuance or reinstatement

lapse and claim incontestability.

The Policy


What is a preliminary policy/cover note?

Has terms and conditions of policy that will be issued.

Insurance company cannot collect separate premium on


persons, only he who can show it was intended to include him

preliminary policy and actual policy.

Common in car insurance and marine insurance

Because there is still some delay or information to be

can claim the benefit.

When does insurance taken by one partner or part-owner apply to
the interest of his co-partners or co-owners?
o The terms of the policy must be applicable to the joint or

determined (ex. looking for third-party liability in car

insurance first [give to LTO the cover note] or looking

for adequate carrier for goods for marine goods

since the policy depends on the state of the boat

What must be the form of policies?
o Must be in printed form. It cant be handwritten anymore.

common interest
Rules on interpretation:
o If the provision is clear, there is no room to interpret
o Tantoco Terminal: had two mills. Old mill was insured. When
the new mill was finished it was insured. The policy however
mentioned the old mill. Burned. Insurer refused.

HELD: Clearly they intended the new mill to be

Before you issue a new policy, the terms and conditions have

to be approved by insurance commission.

What is the rule on riders and additional attached clauses?
o Does not bind insured UNLESS the descriptive name/title of

insured, not the old one even if the policy says

the rider or clause is mentioned and written on the blank

Fortune: Security guard and driver of armored van had

spaces in the policy

What is the rule on additional riders or clauses issued after the

possession of the money.

o Must be countersigned by the insured or owner
o N.B. No need for signature of insured for earlier riders and

employees of the company, but the agency.

HELD: The insurance company pays.

They stole money.


company refused to pay because it claimed they were not

The very

purpose of the insurance is to insure against acts of

additional clauses
When must a policy be issued upon issue of cover note?
o Within 60 days, the policy must be issued.

If the cover note extends beyond 60 days, written

If description is so general that it may comprehend any class or

those holding the money, which in this case are the

agreement of insured must be obtained.

But now: there is a circular that allows cover notes to

What is an Open policy?
o There must be a maximum amount mentioned.

extend beyond 60 days.

Who receives insurance proceeds?
o Applied exclusively to person in whose name or for whose

benefit the policy is made

quantify the value within this amount.

What is a Valued policy?
o One expressing a policy that the thing be valued at a specified


It is a

maximum liability of the insurer.

So there can be an amount mentioned, but you still have to

Ex. Marine policies are usually this

What is a Running policy?

Successive insurances

Ex. Goodyear, instead of getting insurance whenever

2. Conviction of crime from acts increasing hazard

it ships tires to distributors, it gets a running policy that

insured against
3. Discovery of fraud/material misrepresentation
4. Discovery of willful or reckless acts increasing

covers all of these

In any case, it would have to notify the insurance company

hazard insured against

Ex. a bus company that always gets into

which would issue an indorsement, for it to be covered

What is the rule on validity of agreements limiting times for
commencing action?
o In general, a clause in an insurance policy that action upon the

accidents every week

5. Physical changes in property that makes it

policy must be brought upon by the insured within a certain

6. Determination by Commissioner that continuation

period is valid
But if the period fixed is less than one year from the time cause

of policy will place the insurer in violation of the code

Ex. Maximum risk it can insure is 20% of its

of action accrues, the stipulation is void (the period becomes

net worth (Ex. 100M net worth, so they can

the default 10 years, from a written contract)

In industrial life insurance period cannot be less

issue up to 20M).

than 6 months from accrual of cause of action

When does cause of action accrue?

From rejection of the claim by the insurer, because

prior to this, there is no necessity to bring suit yet
What if the clause says that action must be brought one

year from loss?

Its void, because you have to submit your claim to the

insurer first, and this takes time. The insurer might

insurer will disclose

When can there be automatic renewal in a non-life policy?
o Insured can automatically renew the policy as long as he is
willing to pay the premium
Except: 45 days before expiration of policy, the insurer informs
him that it will not renew

If insurer does not do this, insured can renew as a

action given to the insured will be less than 1 year

from the time cause of action accrues.
N.B. One year period to file a case is not like period for appeal.

Asking for reconsideration from the company does not suspend

Notice of cancellation:
o 1. Must be in writing
o 2. State ground for cancellation
o 3. State that if the insured asks for the facts as basis, the

decide beyond one year sometimes. In this case, the

It can issue policies

beyond that but it must be reinsured.

matter of right
Policy written for term longer than 1 year, it will be treated as written for
successive terms of 1 year
o Ex. construction contract requires policy covering the building

running of the period.

When can non-life policies be cancelled?
o 1. Only with prior notice AND
o 2. On the following grounds:

1. Non-payment of premium

as it is completed. There were 2 fires, and 3 years. It will be

treated as if it is expiring at every anniversary of the policy.



When is the insurer entitled to the payment of the premium?

o As soon as the thing insured is exposed to the peril insured

What is the effect of payment of premium to the liability of the

to show he is insurable, and pay the premium in

been paid is conclusive evidence, even if there is no actual

payment yet

But this does not estop the insurer from recovering the
payments afterwards
2. Payment in installments

Makati Tuscany: In fact, if only a few installments


What are the rules on refund of premium?
o Insured entitled to a refund of the premium if no part of the

Thus, here,

Makati Tuscany does not apply.

3. Grace period in life and industrial life policies by default,

there is a 30 day grace period. But it can be increased

4. Grant of credit by the insurer to the insured

Masagana added this. There was a market insuring

not entitled to a return of the premium.

X insured a shipment of goods from Manila to Cebu. Can
he can cancel it halfway, i.e. when it is in Romblon, and

there is usually a 60-90 credit period to pay renewal.

ask for refund of premium?

No. The insurer was already exposed to the risk; he

The market burned within the period and UCPB paid

What the exception to partial refund rule?

In life insurance, because the insurance on human life

is not divisible. So no matter how short, the insured is

its premises with UCPB since 1988, and every year

interest was exposed to the peril

Ex. Insured shipment of rice was never shipped

What if the insurance is for a particular period and there
was surrender prior to the end of the period?

Entitled to refund corresponding to unexpired time

Deducting any previous payment of the insurer due to

were paid, the insurer can sue to collect the rest

Tibay: The policy provided that it will not be binding
until all installments have been paid.

how much insurance it can buy until the end of the policy.
Can the insured apply for reinstatement at the end of the

Yes, but he has to undergo medical examination again

binding until the premium has been paid.

What are the exceptions?
o 1. An acknowledgement under the policy that the premium has

insurance policy prior to maturity

What is Paid-up Insurance?
o When the insured defaults, he gets the cash surrender value.
The insurer then applies the cash surrender value to check

o Notwithstanding any agreement to the contrary, no policy is

Amount of cash the insurer receives upon surrender of the life

the premiums a day after. The insurer was held liable.

5. Estoppel

As in Masagana where UCPB always granted

cannot ask or the return of the premium.


Masagana a credit period.

What is Cash Surrender Value?


It is not

What if the contract is avoided due to fault of the insurer?

Insured gets the premium returned.

Avoided due to fault of the insured, but not actual fraud?

Insured gets return of premium, if the insurer did not

incur any liability.

Ex. Pre-condition for fire insurance over house is to

fire from spreading to the other house contained

insured furniture, the firemen pointed their hoses. The

build a firewall. Insured didnt get to build it, so the


policy never attached.

Avoided due to fault of insured, with actual fraud?

No return.

Ex. Insured claimed he had a firewall, but he really did

furniture was soaked and damaged insurer is liable.

When is the insurer not liable even if there is loss?
o 1. The insurer is not liable for loss caused by connivance of

Ex. told someone to steal his car, sell parts, and claim

Can there be return of the premium due to over insurance?
o Yes. The insured gets a ratable return of the premium.
o Ex. a house worth 10M is insured for 10M with X, 5M with Y,


5M with Z. Paid premiums: 10K to X, 5K to Y, 5K to Z. He is

entitled to return of premium: 5K from X, 2.5K from Y, 2.5K

from Z.
Agreement not to transfer the policy after loss has occurred is void,

While distracted, robbers

broke into the store and stole the stocks in trade. Fire

When will the occurrence of the peril insured against make the

The house across the street caught fire.

Everyone congregated.

Loss, claims settlement, subrogation

insurer liable?
o 1. If it is the immediate cause.

Ex. Insured against fire.

2. Loss from unlawful act not liable

Ex. committed arson

3. Loss in which peril insured against is only a remote cause

Ex. fire insurance policy covers store and stocks in


because at that time, the liability has accrued. It is a chose in action.

Ex. Fire broke out in neighbors house. To prevent the

is just a remote cause.

4. Loss, the proximate cause of which is an excepted risk

Fire insurance policies say that they do not cover loss

due to coup detat, rebellion, riots, etc.

5. Loss where the insured is guilty of gross negligence

SMC hired a shipping company to transport thousand

cases of beer. The SMC rep met the captain and told

Faulty wiring exploded

the latter that the boat should be moved to a safer

(proximate cause) and led to fire.

2. If it is the proximate cause of the immediate cause

Ex. Insured against fire. Fire broke out and burned

place since there is a typhoon brewing. The captain

ignored it and tied the barge to the wharf. During the

down a tree, which fell and destroyed a house.

3. If it is damaged in the process of rescuing the insured

against the peril insured against.

Ex. Saving insured furniture from a house fire. When

typhoon the rope broke, the barge was cut loose.

Burden is on the insurer to prove that it is an excepted risk
o But for fire insurance, the burden is on the insured to prove that

they were brought out, they were stolen. Insurer is



it is not under an exempted risk

Ratio: because the thing is in possession of the insured, so he

can best give an explanation for the loss

How must notice to the insurer of loss be given?

1. Notice must be given without unnecessary delay

If reported an unreasonable time later ex. 6 months

opportunity is gone
Usually policies have a provision that claims must be

filed within a certain time. Beyond that, barred.

Delay in presentation of a claim/proof of loss is waived


insured because it paid by mistake.

What are the grounds when there is no subrogation?

1. Insured by his own act releases the wrongdoer from

if the insurance company did not invoke that as a


reason to deny the claim

2. When proof is required, insured is not required to give proof

the insurer didnt specify are waived, because the

insured is usually a layman
3. If the policy requires a certificate, and the insured cannot

o 1. Insured must be the same

Ex. mortgagor mortgagee not the same

o 2. Several insurers

If someone takes an insurance from Insurer X, then

produce it, it is enough to say that he cannot produce it not

because the document is prejudicial but because he could not

procure it

I cannot submit the report not because the contents

of the report are prejudicial, but because the

takes another after 6 months, no double insurance

3. Same subject matter

Ex. factory and stocks in trade not the same

4. Same interest

Ex. Insured property with proceeds payable to him,

then mortgaged same property with proceeds payable

investigator is abroad and cannot be found

What is the rule on subrogation and release of liability?
o General rule: when the insurer pays the insured, the insurer

to the mortgagee for his interest no double

becomes subrogated to the rights of the insured and can run


2. Insurer mistakenly paid for an excepted risk
3. Life insurance
4. Recovery of loss in excess of insurance coverage

Double insurance

that stands in court

Noda: police report should be sufficient

Defects in the notice or substantiation thereof which

The insurer thus can recover from the

after the wrongdoer

But the insurer will be discharged from its liability to the insured
if the insured committed any act that would prevent the insurer
from recovering from the wrongdoer

In motor vehicle insurance, the insured settled with

the wrongdoer for P2500. The insured still claimed
from the insurer, which paid. The insurer ran after the

5. Risk is the same

Ex. against fire, and then against earthquake not the

What is the consequence of double insurance?
o Usually there is a clause in insurance policies that will release

insurers from liability if there is double insurance

What is the consequence of over-insurance?
o The insurers can ask for reimbursement
proportionate liability

wrongdoer, which raised the defense that there was a




Ex. A house worth 10M is insured for 10M with X, 5 M with Y,

5M with Z:

Owner cannot recover more than 10M, the value of

the house
If owner recovered 10M from X, X can ask for 2.5M

from Y and 2.5M from Z.

In the same way, depending on who the owner

the original insurer fails to pay, the reinsurer will be liable to

reinsurers will pay too. They will rise and fall with the fortunes of the

collects from, they have to reimburse each other in the

said proportions.
In car insurance policies, there is a usual clause that for over-

covering a car worth P500K can only be liable for P250K each,
and nothing more.

What is reinsurance?
o Insurer obtains another insurance to cover for loss for liability
due to the original insurance
o The reinsurer is a liability insurer
o What is retrocession?

Subsequent layers after the first reinsurance

Two types:
o Treaty
o Facultative case by case
Can a reinsurer intervene in the original action?
o A reinsurer cannot intervene in the case of insurer and insured

What is an all-risk policy?

o All the insured has to prove is that the property was lost; no

to wait until the original insurer sues the reinsurer to recover, if

it wants to raise defenses.
Insurance is covered by the rule of uberrimae fides
What is the nature of a contract of reinsurance?

is not a fortuitous event.

It does not cover perils of the ship. What are these?
o If the ship is not sea worthy, or that the cause is due to the poor


need to prove that it was due to fortuitous events.

The only defense the insurer can raise is that the loss was due

to misconduct of the insured.

What is its not an all-risk policy?
o It only covers perils of the sea.
Perils of the sea:
o 1. Connected with navigation
o 2. Unusual movement of the sea/winds

There must be a fortuitous event. A normal typhoon

because the reinsurer has his own interest anyway. So he has

original insurer.
Can the insured sue the reinsurer directly?
o No. There is no privity of contract between them.
What is the exception?
o The cut-through clause

Insured can go straight to the reinsurer

o Ok in California, invalid in England

Marine insurance


Most of the time, there is a clause that says that the original reinsurance
need not litigate with every reinsurer. If the original insurer paid, the

insurance you can just collect proportionately. So two insurers

It is presumed to be against liability, not damages. So even if

condition of the ship.

o Ex. if it springs a leak.
What is barratry?

Insuring against the willful misconduct of the master or crew,

not mere wrong judgment.

A ship captain cuts loose a barge. Was this barratry?

Just an error of judgment. There has to be willful

misconduct by the master or crew of the ship. So the

DOES NOT cover particular average

Ex. fruits became rotten due to nature of the fruits

Rule on concealment is stricter, because the ship is usually in the high

insured cannot claim from the barratry clause.

When is arrest of the ship recoverable from?
o Covers arrest of the ship by administrative or executive order

seas so the insurer is at a disadvantage harder to inspect.

What is the different rule as to concealment in marine insurance?
o Usually, the cause of the loss need not be due to the fact
concealed. But for the following matters, concealment does
not avoid the policy EXCEPT if these were also the cause of

as settled in English jurisprudence. But in Malayan our SC

included arrest by court order.

What is the insurable interest of the owner of a vessel that has
been chartered?
o Only the amount which the charterer did not agree to cover, in

case of loss.
Ex. the ship is worth 10M. The charterer agreed to pay 5M in

missing. The vessel encountered a perfect storm and sank.

case of loss. The insurable interest is 5M.

What is freight?
o It is the expected profits of the owner of a ship which has been

The insurer is still liable even if there was concealment,

chartered to ship goods. These expected profits (freight) can


P500K if the vessel arrives safely and C was able to solicit

goods paying freight of P600K. The vessel sinks. What


C need not pay O, because the ship did not arrive

because the fact concealed was not the cause of the loss.
What is the different rule as to belief of a third person as to marine
o Marine insurance belief of a third person as regards what is

be insured.
What is the insurable interest of the charterer?

To the extent that can be indemnified for his loss.

O is the owner of a boat. C chartered it, agreeing to pay

the loss:

1. National character of the insured

2. Liability of the thing to capture/detention

3. Liability to seizure due to breach of foreign laws

4. Want of necessary documents

5. Use of false/simulated papers

Ex. Insured conceal that certain important documents are

Ex. surveyor saying that the ship is not seaworthy MUST BE

DISCLOSED it is material
What is the rule on misrepresentation as to expectation?
o If there is no fraud, misrepresentation as to expectation does

C can only collect 100K because that is the profit

not avoid the policy.

Ex. The insurer asks the owner when the vessel will go out to
sea, and the latter said April. The vessel only went to sea on
June. The misrepresentation was not tainted with fraud and

which was lost.

Insurer answers for general average
o Those who were saved will contribute to the general average
o Insurance policy will cover share in general average

does not avoid the policy.



Ordinary insurance

Marine insurance


Belief of a third person

Misrepresentation as to
Implied warranties

Can rescind even if

concealed fact was not
cause of loss
Need not be disclosed;
Can rescind

grounds apply
Must be disclosed;
If there is no fraud,
cannot rescind
Four implied warranties
automatically apply

If it is an insurance of cargo taken by different ships, all the

ships must be seaworthy

What if the ship becomes unseaworthy during the voyage?

There must be no delay in the repairs; else, the

insurer is discharged.
What must the voyage route follow?
o Usual maritime usage
o If none, then the most natural, direct, and advantageous


What is the presumption on knowledge of loss?

o There is a presumption if the knowledge of the loss could have

been received by the owner in usual rate of communication.

What are the implied warranties?
o 1. Sea worthy

May there be a waiver of warranty of

Three types of deviation?

o 1. Departure from course of the voyage
o 2. Unreasonable delay in pursuing the voyage
o 3. Commencement of an entirely different voyage
When it is proper to make deviations?
o 1. Caused by circumstances which neither the master or owner


Yes. If there is a waiver, even if the ship is

not seaworthy, the insurer is still liable.

2. will not deviate

3. Will not engage in illegal ventures
4. It will carry necessary papers if nationality was expressly

When is a ship seaworthy?
o If it can perform the services and encounter the peril of the

voyage contemplated.
Warranty of seaworthiness extends from the hull also that it

(whether insured against or not)

Ex. when the engine gets busted

3. Made in GF, upon reasonable belief to avoid a peril

Ex. received of reports waiting in ambush, thus

o 4. Made in GF, to save human life or another ship
Once the vessel deviates, even if it returns to the original route, the
insurer is exonerated.

is properly laden, and the complement of the vessel (master,

has control

Ex. when there is a typhoon

2. Necessary to comply with a warranty or avoid a peril


etc.) is fit
When must a ship be seaworthy?
o At the start of the voyage
o If there are different portions of the voyage, it must be

seaworthy in all such portions


Loss is either total or partial

Total loss is either:
o A. Actual total loss

Actual loss of the thing, renders it valueless

Examples of total loss:

1. Total destruction
o Ex. the ship burned

2. Loss by sinking or being broken up

o The ship sank or was broken up,

making it irretrievable
3. Damage to thing rendering it valueless for

cannot race anymore

4. Any other event depriving the owner of

factual basis for abandonment

o 6. Give notice to insurer whether orally or in writing
o 7. Notice of abandonment must specify the particular cause
What is the effect of abandonment?
o The insurer gets all the interest of the insured over the vessel

there was actual total loss as if there had been

No, the insurer become liable upon actual


Acts done in good faith by the agents of the insured after
abandonment is for the risk/benefit of the insurer (ex. effort to
repair the ship is for the risk/benefit of the insurer. So the

loss. He relinquishes his share to the insurer

If damage is more than of value of property insured,

insured can declare constructive total loss

What if the ship cannot continue but the cargo is transferred, what

insurer pays for it, and if the ship gets repaired, benefits.)
Insurer is liable for those acts of insured in good faith
o Ex. salvors fee, repairs in GF
o If abandonment is proper but insurer refuses unjustly, it does

is the effect?
o The marine policy on the cargo remains
o The insurer is liable for expenses for transfer, discharge,

storage, reshipment, and all other expenses to save the cargo

What if loss occurs?

The insurer is liable for the general average\

What are the requisites of abandonment?

5. Must be factual

Ex. So in a case where the shipment of oranges was

(ex. salvage, proceeds of the salvage, etc.)

This same effect will result if the insurer paid as if

total loss
B. Constructive total loss

Unique in marine insurance

Abandonment is act of insured after constructive total

over the thing insured

2. Constructive total loss
3. Unconditional and not partial abandonment
4. Made within reasonable time from receipt of information of

the trip and were sold by the captain, there is no

o Ex. Ship was ordered seized
Is there need for abandonment for actual total


reportedly lost, but they actually just ripened during

Ex. a race horse broke its legs, so it

possession of the thing at the port of

1. Actual relinquishment by the person insured of his interest

the purpose it was shipped

o Ex. palay got wet and became

not prejudice the insured

Acceptance of the abandonment can be express or implied

Mere silence of insurer after notice is not an

Acceptance is conclusive and cannot be revoked [except if the
ground is not factual, like the oranges case]


What if the insurer unjustly refuses to accept the


The insured can sell the vessel and earn scrap value.

[100:120], so loss of 50M worth of sugar is loss of

The insurer is liable for the balance.

Upon accepted abandonment, who is entitled to the earned

destroyed. Insured can recover of 20M, which is 10M for

Freightage earned after the loss to the insurer of the ship

expenses, because the insurer is presumed to be willing to

What is the Co-insurance clause?

o It applies by default only to marine insurance. It has to be

incur these expenses to avoid loss.

Is a marine insurer liable for contribution expenses made by the
insured for general average loss?
o Yes.

stipulated in fire or other insurance.

The prerequisites are:

1. Loss is partial

2. The property is insured for less than its total value

What is the effect?

The insurer is liable only for the difference between

Fire insurance

the amount of insurance and the value of the property.

Huh? Give an example na lang.

Vessel X was worth 1M but was insured for only

800K. It was damaged to the extent of 200K. The

expected profit.
Is a marine insurer liable for expenses attendant upon damage and
subsequent repairs?
o Yes, the insurance is liable pursuant to sue and labor

Measure of indemnity

60M in profits)
Not separately insured: Sugar being shipped is worth 100M
and has expected profit of 120M. 50M worth of sugar was

o Freightage earned before the loss to the insurer of the

(Because for every 5 M of sugar it earns 6M sugar

insured can recover 160,000 which is 1/5 of 800k

(since 200K is 1/5 of 1M)

What is the difference in what the insured can recover if the profits

are separately insured and if not?

o Profits separately insured: Sugar being shipped is worth 100M

and has expected profit of 120M. 50M worth of sugar was

destroyed. Insured can recover 60M as insurance for expected


What are the requisites of alteration?

o 1. Change in the use or condition of a thing insured
o 2. Which is limited by the policy
o 3. Without consent of insurer
o 4. Through means within control of insured
o 5. Increasing the risk
What is the consequence of alteration?
o The insurer can rescind the contract
Give an example of alteration that increases the risk.
o Conversion of a bookstore to a restaurant
Give an example which does not.
o Conversion of a residential condominium into an office
What is a hostile fire and friendly fire?
o Hostile fire fire that escapes and burns in a place where it is
not supposed to


Friendly fire fire that burns in a place where it is supposed to


Friendly fire can convert into hostile fire

X is seeking to recover from the insurer for soot marks

caused on the wall by a gas stove burner. Can X recover?

No. The marks were caused by friendly fire.

Does co-insurance apply to fire insurance?
o Not by law. But it is a standard clause placed by companies.
What is the rule on valuation for fire insurance (if there is none

assault or murder. You have to pay extra to cover this.

What does accident or accidental mean?
o No technical meaning. Something that happens by chance or
fortuitously, without design or intention.
Is this the same as no fault?

No. It just distinguishes itself from intentional.

What is the rule on third party liability?
o There can be a provision allowing a third party to directly sue

the insurer.

But the insurer is not solidarily liable; just directly

provided in the policy)?

o The valuation must reflect depreciation suffered by the property

before it was burned.

SMC had a building worth 100M, which burned.




materials that year skyrocketed.



liable. The liability of the insurer is contractual, not


quasi-delictual. The liability of the insurer is limited by


So SMC is trying to

recover insurance based on those new prices.

But the

insurer claimed SMC thus was underinsured in this case.

SMC said that it was not, based on the old prices. What

recovered, and old prices to disclaim underinsurance.

What is the effect if the insurance gives the insurer the option to
rebuild the property instead of paying?
o This is valid. The contract is novated and it becomes a

The insured

recovers from the insurer.

What if the indemnity is against liability?

The insured need not pay first before proceeding

against the insurer.

Is the insurer liable even if the insured commits criminal

or deliberate criminal acts.

A guy was showing off his gun. A friend asked if it was loaded,
and he said no. To prove it, he pointed the gun at himself and

If intentional injuries caused by the insured or a third person are

pulled the trigger. There was a bullet. He died. Can the heirs

excepted, what does intentional mean?

o Exercise of reasoning faculties, consciousness, and volition of

third person cannot sue the insurer.

What if the indemnity is against actual loss or payment?

The third party cannot sue the insurer, because it has

o Yes. This is still accidental. What is not covered is intentional

contract for a piece of work.

The insurer becomes liable for quality of the work done.

Casualty insurance

the policy.
If there is no such provision, the contracts are separate, so the

to wait for the insured to pay him.


SMC cannot use new valuation for the amount to be

Usual accident policy doesnt cover death or injury caused by

o HELD: Yes, because it was accidental.
o JJs viewpoint: No, because he was stupid.

the person.
It is the intention of the person inflicting the injury that controls.


Sometimes, there is a clause where the insurer will defend the case on

behalf of the insured in court. In a case, the insured sued the insurer

entitled to charge premiums every year.

not because of the liability clause (because the insured was not yet

Life insurance

made liable) but because the insurer was negligent in defending the



another of an undertaking or obligation in favor of a third party.

o Fidelity bond contract of insurance against loss from

Surrender value after 3 years.

2. Limited payment policy

Insured pays premium for limited period. If he outlives

the period, he does not get anything.

3. Endowment policy

Insured pays premium for specified period.

Fidelity guaranty insurance for consideration, one agrees to

integrity, fidelity, or honesty of persons holding positions of trust

What is the nature of a suretyship agreement?
o Solidary agreement, but only to the extent of the contractual

amount in the bond

The court/obligee is not concerned w/n the premium has been

paid or the insured absconds.

What if the bond is not accepted?
o The principal-applicant is entitled to return of the premiums

benefits from the insurance.

No cash surrender value.
N.B. kind of like life insurance policies you take before

flying commercial
5. Industrial life

Insured pays premiums weekly, or monthly, or oftener

What is the effect of death of insured through suicide?
o The insurer is only liable if the insured committed suicide after

But not entitled to return of taxes paid (ex. DST) and other

the policy has been in force for a period of two years from date

service fees, like what was spent to review the application.

What is the exception?

If there was fault of the insurance company, leading to

of issue or last reinstatement, unless shorter period is provided

If the suicide was committed in a state of insanity, the insurer is
liable too, regardless of date of suicide

denial of the application. Even the taxes paid shall be

to him. If not, the beneficiaries receive the benefit.

4. Term insurance

Insured pays premium only once, and is insured for a

specified period. If he outlives the period, no person

paid. It will go against the surety when the obligation is not

If he

outlives the period, the face value of the policy is paid

indemnify the assured against loss arising from want of

1. Ordinary life, general life, or old line policy

Insured pays a premium every year until he dies.

What is suretyship?
o Agreement where surety guarantees the performance by

One that will last until the end of the case. The company is

What is a continuing bond?

The business of insurance


Certificate of authority from the Commissioner lasts one year

What is the margin of solvency for insurance companies?
o For a domestic firm, the excess of its admitted assets excluding

paid-up capital, over the amount of liabilities, unearned


premiums, and reinsurance reserves

For a foreign firm, the excess of its admitted assets in the
Philippines excluding security deposits, over the amount of

liabilities, unearned premiums, and reinsurance reserves

Agents and brokers:
o Must be licensed

Soliciting for compensation without license


criminally liable
Rebate of premiums is also prohibited.
Can agreements regarding kickbacks be enforced?

No, they are illegal.

from the insurer, but he has to prove there was negligence or


Third party excludes

o Driver, etc.
o Relative by affinity/consanguinity within 2nd degree
o Employee [see qualification]
What if a provision says that final judgment is needed before

will take a really long time.

What is the no fault clause?
o The injured third party or passenger can claim for death or

claim as a precondition to pay under the no fault clause.

What are the important periods?
o Claim from the insurer within 6 months from accident
o Go to court within 1 year from denial of claim
Importance of a license:
o If the one recovering is the driver himself, he can recover

clause does not apply to the owner.

If it is someone else, who is authorized, he must have a valid

What if the car is unlawfully taken and driven by a person
who is not authorized?

The theft clause applies, and not the authorized driver

injury without necessity of proving fault or negligence, under


The insurer cannot ask the insured to waive the rest of the

damages even if his license is expired. The authorized driver

liability attaches?
o Its a void provision. If you have to wait until final judgment, it

the insurer of the vehicle he is riding in

o Else, against the insurer of the directly offending vehicle
What is the right of the insurer paying under the no-fault clause?
o It can directly claim against the owner of the offending vehicle
What if the claim exceeds the amount awarded under the no fault
o If the claim exceeds 15,000, then the insured can still claim it

Compulsory motor vehicle liability insurance

If theres injury, medical certificate

In all cases, police report

o 3. Claim is against one motor vehicle only
From whom must the insured claim against?
o If a passenger, mounting, or dismounting the vehicle, against

the ff conditions:
1. Indemnity shall not exceed P15,000

N.B. this value can adjust please check

2. Ff proof of loss is sufficient to substantiate the claim:

If theres death, death certificate

Ex. a repairman took the car out for a joyride

Intellectual Property Law


In general

manufacture of a product, application of process, rendering of

What do intellectual property rights cover?

o 1. Copyright
o 2. Trademarks
o 3. Geographic indications

Indication identifying a good as originating in a certain

service (including management contracts), and transfer,

assignment, or licensing of all forms of IP rights (including nono

place where a given quality, characteristic, or


One creator
Joint creators, where individual parts
are not identifiable
Joint creators, if the joint authorship
consists of separate and identifiable
Commissioned work

acquired by, or used by others without their consent in

a manner contrary to honest commercial practices.

As long as:

A. It is a secret

B. It has commercial value because it is a

C. It has been subject or reasonable steps to

keep it a secret
Differentiate between copyrights, trademarks, and patents:
o Copyright: literary and artistic works which are original

intellectual creations, protection upon creation

Trademark: visible sign of distinguishing goods (servicemark
if services) of an enterprise, including stamped or marked







Audio-visual work


For other purposes: producer, author

of scenario, composer, director,
photo director, author of work

Employees work in regular course of

Employees work, if not part of his

What are technology transfer agreements?

Creator, heirs, assigns

Co-owned by authors

Creator (although the commissioning

person owns the work)
For exhibition, producer

container of goods
Patent: technical solution of a problem in any field of human
activity which is new, involves an inventive step, and industrially

Rights of intellectual creator exists from moment of creation

o Even if you havent registered yet with the National Library

Who owns the copyright?

lawfully within their control from being disclosed to,

mass market computer software)

N.B. this cannot cover mass market software such as Windows


reputation is attributable to the place

4. Industrial designs
5. Patents
6. Layout designs of integrated circuits
7. Protection of undisclosed information

Natural and legal persons can prevent information

Contracts involving transfer of systematic knowledge for the

But if the writer can be identified (ex.

Quijano de Manila is Nick Joaquin,
he still gives consent)

since these were chosen by the first compiler; unless,


What are covered:

o Even choreography, musical compositions, drawings, paintings,

architecture, sculptures, computer etc.

Are email and letters also covered?

Yes. Any form of text is covered.

Can a dictionary be copyrighted?

A dictionary can be copyrighted. While no one has a

monopoly on words, the court held that the original
writer used his judgment in selecting which words will

be used.
For DVDs?

The producer,





which the movie is based, etc.

But for collecting, the producer has the right

Architect exclusive rights over the plans he makes.

Also covered by special law

You cannot use these same plans to make another

Are derivative works also covered by copyright?
o Yes, but you have to get the consent of the original creator.

Examples of these are dramatizations of novels,

translations, or adaptations (ex. Miss Saigon, from


a work
2. News of the day or miscellaneous facts amounting to press

3. Official text of legislative, administrative, or legal nature, and

photography, screenwriter, author of the work on

of course, he gets permission.

What is the main principle?
o To be protected it must be original.
What are not copyrightable?
o 1. Mere data, idea, procedure, system, etc. even if embodied in

Madame Butterfly)
What about compilations?

Yes, they are covered by the rule on derivative works.

This involves judgment of, for instance, the best

permission of the government agency

Transfer or assignment of copyright:
o If you sell, mortgage, convey your copyright, you must register
it with the National Library to bind third parties.
o The transfer or assignment must be in writing
What if an authors work is distorted?
o Owner can object to the distortion of his work.
o Will transfer to new media distort a work?

How long is the copyright?
o Lifetime of author + 50 years
o What if there are several authors?

From death of last author

o What if the author is anonymous?

Count 50 years from first publication (commence from

Filipino short stories. So he has to get the consent of

their translations
4. Works of the government

But if the work will be economically exploited, need

those whose stories he included in the compilation.

And if someone else wants to make another

Jan 1 following the date of publication)

What if the authors identity is found out?

You change the period to his lifetime + 50

What if its work of applied art (artistic creation with
utilitarian functions or incorporated in a useful article)?

compilation, he cannot use the same set of stories


25 years from making
What about broadcast?

20 years from date of broadcast

o They are not extended by assignment
The economic rights of author need his permission for:
o 1. Reproduction or substantial reproduction (ex. photocopying


speech. There was infringement when another book copied

up business. Is this exploitation of the work?

Technically, this is economic exploitation of

the work.
Ex. The character Charlie Brown is copyrighted. So

goods. Or a bakery cannot use Cookie Monster.

Some artist connoisseurs bought Xs paintings for a cheap price.

Then they sold the paintings for a fortune when he became

famous. What is Xs right?

o He must get 5% of the selling price. (Sec 200 Droit de suede)
o This ensures that the artist benefits from the higher price
o This right exists as long as the copyright exists.
What is infringement?
o Piracy or substantial reproduction, and so much is taken that

There must be copying for there to be infringement. How do you

is also missing page 23.

Action for infringement. Remedies?
o 1. Injunction to restrain infringement
o 2. Payment of damages

Within 4 years

But usually its hard to prove the amount lost since

infringers do not have accounts or receipts.

the value of the original work is substantially diminished

Is infringement the same as plagiarism?
o No. Every act of infringement is plagiarism. Not every act of

even the same examples.

Is intent needed for plagiarism?
o Law requires bad faith or intentionality
o But academic institutions as a matter of discipline remove this

establish this?
o Through circumstantial evidence
o Ex. a book has a missing page 23. Another book that is similar

sporting goods cannot use Charlie Brown on their

plagiarism does not.

Case: There was a book on grammar and styles of writing,
and it quoted actual literary works exhibiting those figures of

an entire book)
2. Derivative works
3. Public distribution or exhibition

Businesses started playing certain songs to drum

Must copying be substantial for plagiarism?

o No.
Because infringement requires substantial copying,

plagiarism is infringement.
Plagiarism is passing off the work of another as ones own. It

may consist of copying verbatim the work of another w/o

usually temperate damages are awarded.

3. Order delivery under oath of the infringing works and

tools/instruments that produced the work

Moral and exemplary damages awarded

o 4. Criminal case
When is there no infringement of copyright?
o [Limited use]
o 1. Used for the benefit of a charitable institution, or if privately

acknowledgement, or rewriting in ones own words the idea

expressed by another

BUT you cannot have a copyright over an idea. So

and for free

2. Ephemeral recordings by broadcasting organization using
own facilities for broadcast use

Production of works as part of current events

copying an idea is plagiarism, but not infringement.



Ex. newscast covering ribbon cutting in an event, and

December 30. Cannot claim that one stole

the camera caught a mural in the footage this is



valid use, the artist cannot demand money

[Valid purpose]
3. Used as teaching aid

Ex. using Filipino folk dance songs to teach native

that fact from another book.

3. Extent

Amount of work used

Infringement requires substantial copying.

4. Used for judicial proceedings or giving advice

Ex. citing law book in legal opinion or memorandum to

words but is qualitatively the heart of the E.A.

5. Fair use

For criticism.

Ex. quoting portions of a book for comment

For research and private study

6. Reproduction by libraries of fragile works, isolated articles in







viewer/listener must identify the work being


So copying must really be

Libraries can make photocopies (ex. the book is
fragile already ex. Maximo Kalaws The Malolos
Congress or Apolinario Mabinis books). If you only
need isolated portions of the work for a thesis or
research; instead of photocopying the whole book,

writing a brief or a thesis, is this fair use?

If one is citing portions to use for an anthology, is

you can just copyright the 10 or so pages.

To complete a set, where it is missing one book or so,
and it cannot be procured the library can borrow a

this fair use?

No. This is economic exploitation

2. Nature of work

What is example of nature preventing copyright?

Trying to copyright the phone book invalid

Poes The Raven

Ex. In a satirical work, you are poking fun at

preserve or replace a copy

o 7. One back-up copy of computer programs
Four factors to determine fair use:
o 1. Purpose

If one is citing portions of a work because one is

But this

does not just involve quantitative, but also qualitative

Ex. Quoth the raven nevermore is just five

composite works, brief portions of published work, or to

Ex. simple fact that Rizal died on

book and photocopy it

4. Effect on the market


because of nature of the work

Example of a statement that can be reproduced?

What can be patented?

o 1. Any technical solution to a human problem which is new,
involves an inventive step, and industrially applicable

Ex. Machine, computer,

medicines, process, etc.



Example of process:

Developing a synthetic replacement for wood

patent in the 12 months preceding application for

alcohol to prevent jamming the barrel of a


patent non-prejudicial?

1. Disclosed by the inventor

2. Disclosed by the patent office and the

information was in an application filed by the
inventor or a third party who got the
information from the inventor but did not get


What cannot be patented?
o 1. Discoveries

Newton cannot patent the law on gravity

But he can patent inventions based on it

Ex. parachutes
o 2. Mathematical methods, scientific formulae, schemes, forms,

2. An improvement on current machines

Ex. colored television, 3G phones

3. Microorganisms created artificially in a laboratory

Ex. those to combat oil slicks

Budapest treaty: governs the patentability

his consent in filing the application

3. Disclosed by third party who obtained the


the world
o Ex. a plow
2. Prior filed or effective patent, utility model,


mechanical skill can do it it cannot be patented

Ex. putting a block of wood over two rollers to rewind
printer ribbon is not patentable.

treatment, which is not humanitarian

Contra: machines used for treatment can be patented

o 4. Plant varieties, animals, etc.
o 5. Aesthetic creations

Covered by industrial design

o 6. Against public policy

Ex. invention to help commit suicide

To patent an invention:
o 1. New

When is it not new?

1. Already available to the public anywhere in


2. Involves an inventive step

If it is useful, but it is not an invention and anyone with

or methods to do mental acts

3. Methods for treatment of animal or human bodies

If patented, patients have to pay royalties to get

When is prior disclosure of the information in the

It does not show

flash of genius
3. Industrially applicable

Something that spins perpetually. Has no industrial

use, so it cannot be patented.

The rule on invention patents: who wins?
o First to file gets the right.
o The same rule applies for industrial design
o Must be registered with intellectual property office.
What is the first-to-file rule?
o First to file first to apply wins.
o If they file the same day, they will be joint owners of the patent.
o What is the right to priority for a foreign registered patent?

If there was an earlier application for patent filed in a

foreign country that allows same rights for Filipino
citizens, then one can use that date of filing in the

or industrial design


foreign country as the

same date of filing in the

subsequent Filipino application

Provided, that it is filed within 12 months of earliest

The design must be new.

Someone copied a design for a suitcase from a

foreign catalogue. This is cannot be registered under

foreign registration and the local application expressly

claims this priority rule

What is the remedy of the actual inventor after proving in court that

the one who filed attained it through fraud?

o 1. Order patent to be cancelled OR
o 2. Substitute the actual inventor in the patent (alternative)
If two or more persons invented it?
o The patent is owned jointly

Ex. Wright brothers over flying machine

o What if it is commissioned?

Follow their agreement.

If there is none, the one who commissioned the work


on jockey briefs.
How long is the term of protection for ID?
o Term of protection for industrial design is 5 years, renewable

same as patents, but industrial design cannot be the subject of

owns the patent.

What about employees?

If it is part of his duties, it belongs to the employer. If

it is not, he owns the patents.

Ex. an employee in the NFA invented a

him because its not his job to do it.

What is the value of registration?
o Assignments in order to bind third parties must be
registered with the Intellectual Property Office.

compulsory licensing
What is the term of a patent?
o 20 years from date of filing of application
What is infringement?
o Infringement is the making, using, or importing of the patent of


subsequent buyers or mortgagees in good faith will be

the product without authorization by the owner

But importation of medicines has been excluded parallel

importation is allowed (see notes below)

What are the grounds to cancel registration of a patent?
o 1. What is patented is not new or patentable
o 2. Patent does not disclose the invention in a manner
sufficiently clear and complete for it to be carried out by a

What is an industrial design?
o Any composition, lines, colors, etc. which form a pattern for

for two consecutive terms of 5 years.

EXCEPT: period of 10 years for layout design

Period starts from first commercial exploitation anywhere in the

Compare patents and industrial design:
o Limitations of the right of owners of industrial design are the

machine to salvage rotten rice. It belongs to

industrial design.
Someone registered as industrial design the Y design

making a product. Ornamental design may be copyrighted

Ex. design for jewelry, clothes, shoes, cars, tiles, etc.

Compare to: Integrated circuits electronic components of

person skilled in the art

o 3. Patent is contrary to public order or morality
Two tests to determine infringement:
o 1. Literal infringement

When you file an application for a patent, you submit a

claim explaining how the product works.

digital equipment (ex. cars with electronic keys, elevators, etc.)

What is required for it to be registrable?


If you

compare the patented product with the claim, and it is


exactly the same, then it is literal infringement.

2. Doctrine of equivalence

If you appropriate an invention and make some

changes, but it performs substantially the same


damages are mutually exclusive

2. Injunction
3. Destruction of infringing product and implements used to

What is contributory infringement?
o Aside from the infringer, anyone who induces the infringer or

make that product

4. Cancellation of patent if the invention is not new, patentable,

provides the infringer with the component knowing that it is

same thing.
N.B. Having the same effect, but not proving that it
achieves it through the same means does not prove

or does not disclose the invention sufficiently to make a person

specially adapted for infringing and not for any other use is an

court can award reasonable royalty

Court may treble the actual damages (equivalent to
exemplary damages) so trebling and exemplary

functions, and it achieves the same results, its the

1. Damages

If the damages cannot be readily ascertained, the

infringer too.
Betamax case: the VCR was alleged as being used to pirate,

but it was proved to be usable for lawful purposes

Is an improver an infringer?
o Yes, if there is no consent from the owner of the patent.
What if there is a pending petition to cancel a patent?
o A petition for infringement may prosper, because it is still

skilled in the art to produce it

5. Criminal action against





infringement even after finality of judgment against him

Cheaper Medicines Law amendments:
o The CML provides for what medicines cannot be patented.
o If you just discovered a new form for the medicine it is not
patentable as a separate invention.

Ex. Medicine sold in liquid form, and then converted to


capsule form. It cannot be patented.

Neither if you just discover a new property, but did not add a

Can a foreign corporation not doing business here sue for

new chemical reagent.

Ex. Viagra was originally used for heart ailments, but

o Yes, as long as its country gives Filipinos reciprocal right to do

serendipitously they discovered it can cure erectile


Defenses against infringement?
o 1. Prescription

Action prescribes after 4 years from infringement

o 2. Patent is not new or patentable
o 3. Patent does not disclose an invention in a manner that will

It cannot be patented again because

there was no chemical reagent added.

Voluntary licensing:
o IPL regulates technology transfers.
o There was a decree providing for regulation of technology
transfer arrangements.

We cannot abolish it, for being

constitutionally mandated, so it was restored, when initially

make a skilled person to make that invention

o 4. Against public policy


Prohibited provisions in licensing agreements:


[Anti-competitive measures]
1. That the licensee must get goods, products, raw materials

adaptation/application of the technology to local context, or for

from specific sources. Then the license becomes a captive


market of the supplier.

2. Prohibits the use of competitive technology, and the

technology transfer agreement was not exclusive

3. Require that the technology recipient should not contest the


validity of any of the patents of the tech supplier

[Too much control]
4. The licensor can fix the sale or resale price of the products


produced under the license

5. Restricting volume and structure of production
6. Prohibit the licensee to export the product, except if it is

owner of the patent

[Exploitative benefit to licensor]
7. Gives licensor option to buy the product used by the licensee

(purchase option)
8. Obligates licensee to transfer for free to the licensor the

9. Exempting the licensor from obligations under the

o If there is substantial benefit for the country:

High technology content

Increase in for-ex earnings

Generate jobs
What if the agreement does not comply with the prohibited or

agreement or to third parties brought about by suits re: use of


the licensed product

[Beyond actual use]
10. Require payments of royalties for patents which are not

11. Restricting use of the technology even after expiration of


the patent
12. Require payment of patents after expiration of agreement

does not impair the quality standards imposed by the licensor

o [Catch-basin]
o 15. Analogous cases
Law provides compulsory provisions :
o 1. Philippine Law must govern
o 2. In case of litigation, proper court in the Philippines governs
o 3. If there is arbitration, venue is Philippines or a neutral
country only

Governed by UNCITRAL rules or ICC ONLY

o 4. Licensor bears all taxes
When may the IPO grant exceptions from prohibited or mandatory

improvements or licensed obtained through the licensed


new products, processes, or equipment

14. Preventing licensee from adapting imported technology to
local conditions or introducing innovations to it, as long as it

because some other country has exclusive contract with the


13. Restricting R&D of the licensee which gear towards

mandatory provisions?
o It is unenforceable
What is the right of the licensor and licensee?
o The licensor is not prohibited from entering into licensing
agreement with a third person or exploiting the subject matter



UNLESS there is provision to the contrary

The licensee can exploit the subject matter of the agreement

during the whole term

What are rules on the rights of the owner of the patent?

1. For patented products: restrain, prohibit, and prevent

unauthorized persons from making, using, selling, or importing


or acts concerning the medicine so prepared, by a pharmacy or

the product
2. For patented processes: restrain, prohibit, and prevent







exploit an invention when public interest, national security,

safety, etc. requires it

Ex. if there is public health need for a medicine and

the demand is not fulfilled by the supply, the

of the patent not claim the rights above?

o 1. When product has been put on the market by the patent

owner or with his consent

If you bought the patented product, you should be

buy an IBM product but you cannot use it unless you

Supreme Court
8. Invention is used in a ship, vessel, craft, or land vehicle of
another country entering Philippine territory temporarily or

pay a royalty is not allowed.

The moment a patented medicine is allowed to be
used anywhere in the world. Ex. it was registered in

the US and the inventor allows it to be used

elsewhere, automatically you can use it here.

government can import it

If a person is allowed to use it for these needs, the
use is non-exclusive (so others can use it too)

This use can only be enjoined by the

able to use the product. So the old rule that you can

medical professional, for individual cases

7. Government or a 3rd person authorized by government may

manufacturing, dealing with, using, selling, or importing any

product obtained directly/indirectly from the process
What are the limits on these patent rights i.e. when can the owner


6. Act is to prepare a medicine in accordance with prescription



It must be exclusively used for the vessel

What is the prior user rule?
o When there is a prior user in GF of the invention or has
undertaken serious preparations to do so, before the filing or

course you must buy the patented medicine)

2. Charitable purpose
3. Valid parallel importation
4. Where the act is done privately, for non-commercial

priority date of the application by another, the prior user can

keep on using the invention even when the patent is granted to

5. Used for educational/scientific purposes

Once a patent expires, the owner loses his exclusive

The right of the prior user may only be transferred along with

the enterprise or business, and not separately.

When can the government use the invention even without prior
agreement by the patent owner (compulsory licensing)?
o 1. National emergency
o 2. Public interest/national security, health, development of vital

rights and anybody can make that invention. But in

the case of medicines, use of that for experiment
should be allowed even if the patent has not yet
expired. You need lead time to study that medicine
(ex. 3 years), so the moment the patent expires, they
will be ready to produce that medicine.


national economy
3. Judicial or administrative determination that the exploitation

of the patent has been used for anti-competitive purposes

4. Has not satisfied the demands of the market (for medicine)

5. Public non-commercial use of the patent with no satisfactory

6. Where the demand for patented medicine is not being met,


and on reasonable terms determined by the Sec. of Health

What is the effect/role of compulsory licensing?
o N.B. Most cases involve medicine.
o Compulsory license in medicine usually is done to decrease

1. Immoral
2. Public order or morality
[same or misleading]
1. Identical with a registered mark

A. Referring to same goods/services or closely related


Ex. Ang Tibay is registered for shoes and

slippers. Ang Tibay cannot be registered for

prices through competition

Petition to compulsory license:
o Can only be filed after four years from filing of the application of

pants and shirts, because theyre both

haberdashery products and its reasonable to

the patent, or three years from the date the patent, whichever

ends later must fall within both periods

o Medicines anytime
What are the terms of the licensing agreement?
o Usually parties are given time to negotiate terms and


that could cause confusion (see tests below)

C. Too similar to a trademark known around the world
D. Identical to a translation of a foreign trademark

Ex. Promesa soaps becomes promise

2. Deceptive
3. Likely to mislead public publicly known symbol

Ex. red/white/blue barbershop pole

[relating to persons]
4. May disparage or falsely create belief that it is related to a


person living or dead

5. With signature of living individual unless with his consent
6. Name of deceased president during lifetime of the widow,

conditions of compulsory license, but then the Director will step

in after



What is a trademark?
o Visible sign capable of distinguishing goods/services/enterprise

Ex. including Coca-Cola bottle, which was specially

What can be a trademark?
o 1. Anything fanciful can be used as a trademark. If a word is


arbitrary and fanciful, it is entitled to immediate protection.

Ex. selecta (Spanish word for selected), maiden


form bra, Big Mac, Citi

2. Secondary meaning is only required if it is originally not
trademarkable, but after long use, it has acquired another

assume they expanded.

B. Not exactly identical but one is a colorable imitation


What cannot be registered?
o [public policy]

except with the latters consent

[generic symbols]
7. National symbol
8. Flag of Philippines or other foreign country
9. Uses geographical indicator known for that product

Ex. Isabella tobacco

10. Signs that are customary or usual in everyday language
11. Signs that are used to designate the kind or quality of the

Ex. Shoes or Funeral Parlor


o 12. Over a color or shape

o 13. Emblem of the United Nations (under special law)
What if the applicant is registering a similar trademark for closely

related goods?
o The prior trademark will be protected.
o Examples of closely related goods (INVALID):

Ex. X-7 Soap X-7 Pomade (both bathroom

concave sides, and just had a green apple.

Fruit of Loom was circular, and had a red

o 1. Dominance test

This looks past trivial differences

This applies if a questioned TM contained the main

likely result
Deception need not be actually proved
Ex. Both Paddocks and Dockers jeans had the words



apple, with bananas, and grapes.

Ex. Lorenzana Patis had a carp.

patis had a bangus and had the same font.

Ex. Lard was sold with a big Roman V.

Another used III

Ex. Black Cat Tea and Black Dog Tea
Ex. Master Roast and Famous Master, since


Passage of time will not bar action to protect that international

What is the rule on secondary meanings?
o Trademarks which originally may not be registrable may be
registered if it already obtained a second meaning.

Ex. California manufacturing

Not just the State but the manufacturer of

as the dominant design, and not the eagle, so its not

confusingly similar to Levis
2. Holistic test

Consider the TMs in their entirety

What must be considered?

1. Relevant market (is

the dominant word is master

What if the TM is internationally well-known?
o It can be protected even if not sold here, whether or not

pictures of the older TM, such that confusion would

purchased with great care.


Ex. Fruit of Eve was challenged by Fruit of

the Loom. Fruit of Eve was rectangular with


Ex. Wonder Beauty Soap Wonder Laundry Soap

o Examples of not closely related goods (VALID):

Ex. Esso Oil =/= Esso Cigarettes

Ex. Bruth briefs =/= Bruth soaps

Ex. cigarettes =/= liquor

Ex. Jollibee sandals =/= Jollibee restaurant

What are the tests to determine if two products are confusingly

Ordinary household items are not


physicians? Illiterate household helpers?)

Ex. Physicians are less likely to be confused
2. Kind of product, since more expensive

products will have more prudent buyers


Ladys Choice mayonnaise

Ex. Some colors or shapes

What are the requirements?

1. The use of such as a trademark must be exclusive

2. The name has been used for at least 5 years (long

period of time, according to law)

Is prior use necessary to register a trademark?
o No. Prior use is no longer a requirement to register a trademark
When must a registered trademark be used?


Within 3 years from registration

What if you did not use it?

If you did not use it, you must file an affidavit of non-


use and explain why. Otherwise, it will be cancelled.

o What is the ONLY acceptable reason?

Force majeure

N.B. other reasons like poor economy are invalid

How long is the duration of registration?
o 10 years, with indefinite renewal for similar periods
What if someone just imports or distributes a foreign product?
o He cannot register the TM. He does not own it.
Can a TM be assigned or transferred?
o Yes. A trademark may be assigned or transferred without

shirts. So this way, even if they havent attached the

labels, the manufacturer can be held liable for

2. Petition to cancel the registration of mark

A. Within 5 years of registration

Ground: confusingly similar

B. Any time

o 1. Mark became generic (aspirin


patent which are generally both 4 years

When is there infringement of trademark?
o Use, copying, etc.
o Includes preparatory steps to carry out the sale of goods

This applies to those who make fake shirts. They

will only sell the label when they are about the sell the

bind third parties, it must be registered in the IPO.

o Otherwise a third party may buy it in GF.
What are the inter partes cases (contested cases before the IPO)?
o 1. Opposition against registration of mark

Within 30 days after publication

Ground: registration will damage the


N.B. compare this with periods for actions under copyright and

make the shirts first, without attaching the label. They

transferring the business.

What is the principle in registration?
o The law adopts the Torrens principle. If the assignment is to

3. Misrepresentation of source of

Copying, counterfeiting, making colorable imitations of TMs

and using it for labels, packages, etc.

Three elements to prove infringement?
o 1. The TM is valid
o 2. The plaintiff owns it
o 3. There is likelihood of confusion due to use of defendant
When is registration not needed for an action?
o 1. For unfair competition

A. Passing off a product format of another

B. Giving goods the appearance of another

o 2. False designation of origin
The law says the right is acquired from time of registration. When
is this counted?
o From filing of the date of application
o Or from the priority date. This is when there is actual


Thermos bottle)
2. Abandonment failure to use for
uninterrupted period of 3 years


registration in other countries covered by the reciprocity rule.

Types of confusion?
o 1. Confusion of goods
o 2. Confusion of business

Goods are different but the product can be reasonably

assumed to originate form the plaintiff, deceiving the


What is the status of standing crops?

They are real property under the NCC but

personal property under CM Law, so it can

Chattel Mortgage

be chattel mortgaged.
Property which may be real property under
the NCC may be personal property under

What are the requisites of Chattel Mortgage?

o 1. Constituted to provide security for a principal obligation

If the principal obligation fails, there can be no CM

o 2. The mortgagor must be the absolute owner of the property

special law.
The parties considered the house as personal
property, and subjected it to CM.


X bought a car and placed it up for CM. But when he

parties. But this does not bind third parties,

because it will not occur to third parties to

signed the CM mortgage, the car hasnt been

check with the CM registry if real property is

delivered to him yet.

HELD: Cannot CM the car because delivery

is needed to transfer ownership.

Seller sold an oil tanker, and seller has not been fully

treated as personal.
5. Mortgage must be registered

If the residence of the mortgagor and the property are

in different places, they must be registered in both

They agreed the buyer will not register the


property until there has been full payment. The buyer

breached the agreement and registered it.

HELD: The registration was valid, because

4. Must be personal property

Ex. moving vehicles, shares of stock, machinery

Ex. Shares of stock have situs in the

principal office of the corporation (ex. Makati)
and the mortgagor lives in Pasig. It must be

the mortgagee was in GF and the buyer was

the absolute owner by that time anyway.
3. Must have free disposal of the property

Trustee cannot CM property because he has no free

Does it bind

them and third parties?

By estoppel this classification binds the

registered in both.
Register with appropriate specialized agency:

If Motor Vehicle, with LTO, aircraft, Civil

Aeronatics, ships, Maritime office, copyright,

placed by persons on property of another, etc.

Can personal property considered real property

under the NCC by subject to CM?


National Library, trademark, IPO.

What if it is not registered?

Valid between the parties, but not against

third persons.
6. Affidavit of GF

What if there is no affidavit of GF?

Binds the parties, but not third parties.

But if a third party actually knows of the execution of a

Still the mortgagor. He can sell the property since he retains

CM and the CM was done in good faith, it will bind the

The sale is valid, but he can be liable under the RPC for selling

third party.
Can the CM extend to improvements and future property?
o No.
o Contra: In REM, the mortgage extends to improvements

judgment creditor who levied on the property mortgaged, who


introduced on the real property by the mortgagor.

Ex. REM over land with one property, and another


building is built, the REM extends on it.

There was a CM over machines in a factory. But then more

over the new improvements?

No. Because the machines were treated as personal

property so the parties are estopped and cannot apply

the REM principle.

Can a CM secure future loans or indebtedness?
o No. Cannot constitute CM to provide security for future
indebtedness, whereas REM can be used to do this.


provision that it will cover future loans is void.

You can amend the CM over the first loan to cover the

equity of redemption and not the property itself.

If the mortgagor defaults, can the mortgagee appropriate the

sell it.
Is a private sale of the property to foreclose valid?
o Yes.
To foreclose, what is needed?
o 1. Publication in the newspaper is not needed,
o 2. Notice must be posted in two or more public places, where
the mortgagee resides or where the property is located at least

new one if the first loan still exists.

If the first loan has been extinguished, you constitute


a new CM.
Because here, the parties have to swear that they constituted it

to secure a valid obligation and not to defraud creditors.

o You cannot swear by an obligation that does not exist yet.
Someone mortgaged his car and it was completely wrecked,

collected money from Insurance, and bought a new car, does the

The creditor must respect the CM. He can only garnish on the

o No. This is pactum commissorium which is invalid.
o Can the mortgagee take the property?

Not forcibly. He can file for replevin to get it, and then

machines were introduced later on. Does the CM extend

something that has been mortgaged under CM Law.

If a personal property was mortgaged and the mortgagor has a

CM cover the new car?

o No. Must constitute a new CM.
Who owns the property under CM? Can he sell it?

10 days before the sale.

3. Notice to mortgagor
What if there is a stipulation as to where the property must

be sold?

It must be followed
What if the proceeds of the foreclosure exceed the amount owed?
o Return to the mortgagor.
o If there is deficiency, the E can run after mortgagor for it.
o Exception?

Art 1484. Sale of property payable in installment

basis. If sale was done to cover for the balance of the
price, if the foreclosure sale results in deficiency, the E
can no longer sue for payment of the deficiency.


What is the notice requirement?

o 1. Notice must be published once a week for 3 consecutive
weeks in a newspaper of general circulation

N.B. If you publish it on Monday the first week, it must

Extrajudicial foreclosure of REM

ALWAYS be Monday the next two weeks.

What is required before property can be foreclosed extrajudicially?

o There must be stipulation giving the mortgagee a SPA to

foreclose it extra-judicially.
If a loan is overdue, what will not preclude foreclosure of the REM?
o 1. Allegations that the mortgagee did not furnish the mortgagor

mores for being unconscionable.

What is the effect of this on the foreclosure?

The foreclosure is thus void, because you have to first

Is personal notice to the mortgagor needed? What if there
is failure to do so?

No need. No effect.
What if there was no posting but there was publishing?

It is sufficient.
What if the sale is postponed?

You must give notices again through posting and

What are the exceptions?

1. Sale not finished that day and will continue the next

determine the amount that is properly due to the

What if the provision says the bank can unilaterally
increase the interest?

The provision is void, violating mutuality of contracts

2. Waiver (see below What if mortgagor talks to the

What if there are clerical errors in spelling the name of the


If the property is properly described, then it is valid.

But what if the notice puts the wrong date when the
mortgage was executed?

This made the foreclosure invalid because there was

in the NCC. The parties have to agree in advance a

formula on how to increase the interest rate. This will

any rate of interest. If it is unconscionable, it will be void.

Ex. 5% a month or 6% a month are contra bonus

Wednesday or Friday.
2. It must be posted in 3 public places where the property is

monetary board, it doesnt mean the parties can stipulate on

an updated statement of account

o 2. Negotiation for restructuring of the loan
What is the rule on interest rates?
o While the ceiling rates on interests have been lifted by the


make the formula valid.

What if the foreclosure was done in another place as opposed to

no mortgage constituted on that date

What if the mortgagor talks to the bank before foreclosure
promising to pay the loan, and the bank makes him sign a waiver
of republication, is it valid?
o Yes.

what was stipulated in the agreement?

o Valid. If there were no words of exclusivity, there is waiver of
venue (Rule 4 of ROC).


While commentators have said that third parties who want to

buy the property will be prejudiced since they did not know, this

waiver is valid because it is for the benefit of the owner of the

o If the mortgagor is a natural person, he has one year to

for foreclosure even if it is a notary public who does it. The

registration of the sale.

If the mortgagor is an artificial person like a corporation, the

redeem. If the property is covered by Torrens title, count from

judge also has to confirm it after.

To what extent does Rule 39 apply to EJ foreclosure of mortgage?
o Only to the extent of redemption.
o But not for other provisions, such as the requirement in Rule 39

redemption period is three months from date of sale or the date

when the deed of sale was registered whichever comes first.

In the ROC, if real property is sold on execution you have to pay

1% per month for interest. What if the lender-mortgagee is a bank?

o The rate stipulated on the loan document governs.
What if there are two loans falling due on two dates, where one

soon as the loan is covered. So if a subdivision developer

mortgaged all the lots, they can be sold in EJ foreclosure lump

was due, and the second fell due during redemption?

o The R must pay for BOTH loans; otherwise the first redemption

What happens to the excess or deficiency after foreclosure?
o Excess goes to mortgagor
o Mortgagee can sue for payment of deficiency
Is there a right to redemption?
o Yes.
How do you redeem?
o 1. Tender the correct redemption price, or
o 2. File a case to compel delivery of property for redemption

redemption price is not settled.

is not valid.
What can the buyer of the foreclosed property do?
o He can ask for a writ of possession. Granting this is ministerial
and non-litigious. This is ex parte and there is no need to

(tantamount to tender of payment)

BUT this doctrine is based on the premise that the

If the redemption

price is not disputed, this doctrine does not apply. If

redeem and the bank-mortgagee did not object.

Under the Banking Law, i.e. the mortgagee is a bank, what is

Can the foreclosure be done by a Notary Public and not a sheriff?
o Yes, although the courts now require the payment of filing fees

that the sheriff must sell the properties one by one and stop as

Ex. In a case, the sheriff placed that there are 2 years to

require presentation of evidence.

He must just allege that there was a valid mortgage, default,

foreclosure sale, and the sale was according to Act 3135.

When can you ask for a writ of possession?
o Either during redemption period or after lapse of redemption

Does the rule in Rule 39 where enforcement of decision is

after filing the case, the redemption price was

through motion for 5 years and independent action til 10

determined when before it was unknown, he must

years apply here?

No. This right is imprescriptible.

What if you enter into a new contract ex. a K of lease?

then tender the redemption price.

Can the parties agree to extend the redemption period?
o Yes, this is valid.


That new contract will govern the relationship of the

parties. You cannot file for writ of possession you


How can the mortgagor question the validity of foreclosure?

o Within 30 days from when buyer takes possession, the
mortgagor can file a petition to annul the foreclosure sale.

N.B. if he fails to file the petition within the 30 day

file for ejectment.

To whom can the writ of possession not be enforced

The writ of possession cannot be enforced against a

you count the period from there)?

When no writ of possession has yet been issued, the

third party who is in possession of the land in GF and

is not in privity with the parties in the mortgage. The

mortgagor can file a case to litigate to question the

case has to be ejectment.

What if the owner-mortgagor of the property has a lessee

on the property?

A lessee stands in privity with the owner of the

But the writ of possession cannot be enforced

has actual knowledge

3. House Rental Law: if the property of the

deed of sale even if the owners duplicate was not given.

Otherwise, the owner can prevent mortgage from being
effective just by withholding the owners duplicate.

against the lessee when:

1. The lease hasnt expired and it is

annotated on the title
2. The lease is not annotated but the buyer

validity of foreclosure (ordinary civil case)

What if the owners duplicate remained with the mortgagor (since
he failed to surrender it), and there was failure to register?
o The court should order the register of deeds to annotate the

property so the lessee has to respect the writ of

period, it will be barred.

But what if possession hasnt been delivered yet (since

N.B. for other aspects of CM Law and REM Law, see Civil Law and
Remedial Law notes.

Truth in Lending Act

apartment is covered by the House Rental

Law, the buyer must honor the lease even if
it is not registered.

He cannot evict the

tenant until the expiration of the contract

What if a third partys rights are adverse against the

If the rights of the third party are adverse against the

What is the purpose of the law?

o To protect citizens from lack of awareness as to true cost of

mortgagor, it cannot be enforced against him because

it violates due process. It violates their rights without

prior hearing.

Ex. A third party claims that he bought the

property prior to it being mortgaged.


credit by assuring full disclosure of the cost

To prevent uninformed use of credit to the detriment of national

What is the basic obligation of the lender?
o The debtor must be informed how much it is costing him to
borrow money the charges he has to pay
Which creditors are covered?

1. Any person engaged in the business of extending credit,

who requires a finance charge

2. Any person engaged in the business of loaning or selling

property/services on a time, credit, or installment basis (either

as principal or agent), who requires a finance charge

What does the Act cover?
o 1. Any loan, mortgage, deed of trust, advance, or discount
o 2. Any contract to sell, contract of sale property or services, on

installment basis;
3. Lease purchase contract with financing company
4. Hire, bailment, lease of property
5. Option, demand, lien, pledge, or claim against property or

6. Purchase, acquisition of, or any credit upon the security of

prosecuted criminally
Manual of regulation for banks
o If a bank lends more than P500,000, it can charge a handling

Truth in Lending Act, the bank cannot charge the handling fee
The statement given did not mention that the bank can increase
a penalty?
o No.

Anti Money Laundering Act

any obligation arising from any of the foregoing

What must be indicated?
o Cash price
o How much downpayment will go to the principal, and the

o Total amount to be financed + finance charges

Percentage of finance charges vis--vis total amount

Central bank prescribed a form to be used by banks to give this

What is money laundering?

o Crime where proceeds of illegal activity are transacted, to
make them appear to have originated from legitimate sources
Who are guilty?
o 1. Person who transacts the money coming from the illegal

2. He who knows that the money came from an illegal source,
but performs acts to facilitate the transaction

Ex. Bank officer who helps open bank account, with

even covers private persons (5-6 lending, for instance).

o What if the form is not given to the debtor?

Need not follow the exact form, as long as the

instrument reveals the pertinent information
Effects of failure to comply?
o 1. The credit agreement is still binding
o 2. The borrower is entitled to be paid double the finance

If that was not disclosed in the statement to comply with the

the penalty in case of default. Can the bank charge this increase in

information. But this law is not limited to financial institutions. This law

4. The creditor who did not comply with the law may be

charges (not less than 100 pesos, not more than 2,000 pesos)
3. When the debtor sues the creditor for payment of finance

knowledge that the funds came from kidnapping

3. Person who does not comply with disclosure requirements of

Who are covered?
o 1. Banks
o 2. Quasi-banks
o 3. Financing institutions (ex. financing companies, pawnshops,
investment houses, trust companies, institutions supervised by

charges, he can get attys fees.



Bank, insurance companies,

securities dealers,

brokers, investment houses, investment managers, mutual

funds, common trust funds, pre-need companies, foreign

exchange corporations, money changers)

4. Those engaged in exchange of valuable property like

jewelry, paintings, etc.

Does it cover real estate companies?
o NO. So if someone uses illegally obtained money to buy land,
the real estate company is not required to comply with AMLA.
What are the two kinds of transactions?
o 1. Covered transactions

More than P500,000 or its equivalent on one banking

Automatically, these have to be reported although

2. Suspicious transactions

The amount is irrelevant, even if less than P500,000.

If it is suspicious, it mus be reported.

Ex. there is no underlying legal or trade obligation or

Ex. the transaction is structured to avoid reporting (for

instance, instead of remitting an amount more than

P500,000, everyday he remits P499,999.)

The underlying crimes whose commission will give rise to violation
of AMLA:
o [By public officers]
o 1. Violation of Graft and corrupt practices
o 2. Plunder
o [Grave crimes with property implications]
o 1. Kidnap for ransom
o 2.Violation of dangerous drugs law
o 3. Piracy
o 4. Hijacking, destructive arson, murder

(N.B. this is the HK-MAD enumeration + piracy)

o [Obtaining property illegally]


o 1. Robbery and extortion

o 2. Jueteng and illegal betting on jai alai
o 3. Qualified theft
o 4. Swindling
o 5. Smuggling
o [Commercial violations]
o 1. Violation of e-commerce law
o 2. Securities regulation code violation
What is the composition of the AMLC?
o 1. Governor of Bangko Sentral, 2. Chairman of SEC, 3.
Insurance Commissioner
How are decisions reached?
o Decisions must be unanimous (all 3 of them)
Powers of the AMLC?
o 1. Implement measures to prevent AML
o 2. Coordinate with foreign countries for enforcement of AML
o 3. Investigate transactions
o 4. Recommend for prosecution
o 5. Apply for order, ex parte, for freezing accounts (with the CA)
o 6. Could institute forfeiture proceedings
o 7. Enforce sanctions for violations
What are duties of covered institutions?
o Establish true identities of their clients
o Are anonymous accounts allowed?

No. The Bank must know who actually owns the

account, even if its just numbers indicated.
What is the effect of compliance with required reporting under this

Transaction is removed from coverage of law on secrecy of

bank deposits
The officers who make the reports in GF are given immunity

from prosecution.
Petition for ex-parte order to freeze an account:
o Filed with the CA
o The freeze order is valid for 20 days.

But it may extend the period

Contra: in the case of inquiring into deposits or investments, it

is not ex parte so the court has to conduct a hearing first.

General rule: The AMLC must get court order to investigate any
deposit in accordance with this law.

money. Then the bank closed. Cannot recover from

Then they have to establish

probable cause.
o When is court order not required to inquire?

In case of: kidnapping, DDL, hijacking, destructive

arson, and murder (HK-MAD)

Contrast with powers of the BSP?
o The BSP is authorized to inquire into any deposit or investment

to ensure that the Bank is complying with this law.

It may be done in accordance with its regular annual

inspection, or through special examination.

So the Monetary Board can inspect the accounts even without

What banking transactions are not covered by insurance?

o 1. Investment products like bonds, securities, trust receipts
o 2. Deposit accounts that are unfunded

Ex. Issued a check that bounced, so he had no

o 3. Deposits from unsafe/unsound bank practices
o 4. Proceeds from money laundering
o 5. Contents of safety deposit box
What is the maximum coverage?
o P500,000
What is the period to claim?
o Within 2 years from actual takeover by the receiver
Somebody has a current account, saving accounts, time deposits,
and if you add it all up, the value exceeds P500000. If the bank

the order.

Phil. Deposit Insurance Corporation Law

closes, how much can he collect?

o P500000 only. You add it up. Its not per account.
What is the rule to determine what is covered?
o Add up all deposits altogether. But if he has another deposit in
another capacity (ex. guardian of minor, administrator of
estate), this is a different capacity so its another P500K. (Per

What is the mandatory coverage of the PDIC?

o The law requires that checking accounts, savings accounts,

capacity rule)
X has a separate account and a joint account (X and/or Y).
What is the rule?

Two separate accounts, one for the separate account,

and time deposits must be insured with the PDIC

Does the PDIC law cover trust accounts?

No. Remember this. It applies to deposits.

What about other obligations of the banks?

If considered deposit liabilities upon order of the

PDIC, may be covered also

Deposits of a branch of a domestic bank abroad (ex. BPI

one for the joint account.

The rule is that joint accounts are insured separately

from any individually-owned account.

What if there are two or more depositors, such as in a joint
o The P500K will be divided among them unless there is a

has a branch abroad) what is the rule?

Not required to be insured.

But the domestic bank may ask the PDIC to insure the

deposits of the branches abroad.

different agreement.
What if the account is held jointly by a juridical entity and
one or more natural persons?


It is presumed that the deposit entirely belongs to the

corporation. The natural persons are assumed to be

just officers.
If you have a person with several joint accounts, then what is the

total he can get?

o Add all joint accounts together, and subject to the ceiling
o Ex. three separate joint accounts, with A, B, and with C, then

accounts cannot exceed P500K

What if the depositor owes the bank too?
o There will be set-off with what he collects.
Two ways for PDIC to comply:
o 1. Hand over the money to the depositor
o 2. Open another account in another bank in the name of the

Corporation, defined

What is the right of PDIC after payment?
o There is subrogation, so in liquidation of the bank, the PDIC
can represent the depositor.
What if there is monetary or financial instability in the banking

adjust the maximum coverage. But they must be unanimous

and it will have to be approved by the President.
What if somebody owns a negotiable certificate and it is payable to
o He cannot collect unless his name is recorded in the books of

experience wounded feelings, mental anguish, etc.

It can, however, recover damages for besmirched

It has the right of succession. What is this?
o Stockholders may come and go but its personality remains the

Cannot perform an act unless authorized by law.
o As opposed to natural persons who can do anything as long as

not prohibited by law

Does a defective incorporation result into partnership?
o No. A partnership requires delectus personarum, which is not

the bank.
Can a person split his deposits or create fictitious accounts?
o No. It is illegal to create fictitious deposit accounts or split
deposits to circumvent the maximum liability in case of closure

It is an artificial person, created by law.

o What is the implication?

It cannot recover moral damages since it cannot

o If established by the Monetary Board, the PDIC directors may

this, there is no payment, it is a criminal act.

Decisions of PDIC are FINAL. What is the remedy?
o Certiorari.

Corporation Law

his share will be added up and the shares on the three

What is the period to pay?

o It must be within 120 days from closure of the bank. If beyond

always existent in a corporation, so it is not a fall back.

But the liability of persons who form a defective corporation

they are liable as partners.

Those who merely subscribed are not liable as such.

Nationality of corporations

of the bank.
Ex. He has 1M so he transfers P500K to the name of his



Primary test:

Place of incorporation test is the principal doctrine: country

under whose laws it was organized

When does the control test also apply in addition to the place of
incorporation test?
o 1. Exploitation of natural resources
o 2. Operating public utilities, mass media, advertising
o 3. War-time test

During war time, the nationality of a



change it?
o XYZ and ABC both own 50% of the corporation. ABC is 50%



against property of the SHs, and vice versa.

o A SH cannot be sued if the corporation breaches its contract.
The purpose of the law is justice and fairness. Therefore, when the law
not allow that. So there is piercing the veil of corporate fiction.
When is there piercing?
o 1. If it is used to commit fraud, violate the law, etc. (fraud

Requisites for this to apply?

1. Complete control, not just of stocks but

XYZ is 60% Filipino and 40%

makes it 25% and 25%. So it becomes 55% Filipino

and 45% foreign.
How did the foreign investments act change this rule?
o XYZ becomes 100% Filipino because it is at least 60% Filipino.

also policy and business practice

2. Control used to commit fraud or wrong

3. Proximately causes injury or loss

Case: There was a tax imposed on the sale of cars of
a corporation. This companys 95% owner would sell
the cars exclusively to the second corporation, owned

So XYZ contributes full 50% Filipino ownership, added to

95% of his wife, for a very cheap price, and the wifes

ABCs 25% = the corporation is 75% Filipino and is thus

corporation sells to the public. This was tax fraud and

qualified to own land.


Corporate juridical personality


sequestration order against the corporation.

If there is a judgment against corporation, it cannot be enforced

foreign. What are the implications?

XYZ makes it 30% Filipino and 20% foreign. ABC


creates a device like the corporate vehicle, and it is abused, the law will

corporation is determined by control test

o 4. Grandfather rule
What is the Grandfather rule in corporations and how did the FIA

Filipino and 50% foreign.

Case: SH cannot question the search warrant filed by

It has separate juridical personality.

o The corporate property does not belong to SHs.

there was piercing.

2. In the internal dealings, if the SHs show that they are not
treating the corporation as a separate juridical personality
(alter ego cases)

The corporation is only a conduit or alter ego of the

The SHs

cannot recover property or intervene in a case of the

controlling SH.
Here, no fraudulent intent but there is systemic
disregard for separate juridical personality, and so

corporation to recover property.

Case: A SH sued to annul foreclosure of a mortgage.

third persons could not be expected to be bound by


He wanted to annotate a notice lis pendens. This was

not allowed because he was just a SH.


Ex. there was a controlling SH where she gave four

minor employees 1 share each, and had the four

impleaded in a case. Check if the officers were actually given

endorse the certificates in blank to her.

the chance to be apprised and be involved in the defense of


controlling SH also confused her own funds with the

corporations. There were no meetings held, etc.

Is mere control of a corporation sufficient to pierce?
o No. It must be control plus something else.
o If a holding company is exercising control over management of

must be control for the purpose of committing fraud.

Against whom can you invoke this rule against?
o You can invoke this only against the majority SHs. You cannot

invoke it against minority SHs.

Can the corporation use piercing for its favor?
o No. The underlying basis for piercing is that the separate
juridical personality is being used to commit fraud.

already it has been held as an exception to the rule that an

the act
Who is this proved?

1. Corporation issued a resolution

2. Corporation took advantage of the act

What is the corporations liability for criminal acts?
o An officer may be held personally liable for the crime per se if


corporation cannot invoke it for its favor.

Ex. A SH sued on behalf of a corporation, claiming that since

there is a law expressly making the person liable for the

corporations criminal offense

cannot use piercing for the corporations favor.

Piercing can apply even for affiliate companies:
o Ex. Merrill-Lynch Phils. was organized. The AOI said primary

Capital Structure

purpose is to transmit orders of customers if you want to play

the stock market abroad. A client placed an order to sell his
holdings of silver. Merrill-Lynch NY delayed it, and by the time
it was sold, the price of silver plummeted. The client sued both
M-L Philippines and M-L NY. MLP said the contract was with
MLNY. MLNY said it was not doing business in the Philippines
so it cannot be sued. HELD: MLNY earns business in the

officer must be impleaded under AC Ransom.

What is the corporations liability for torts?
o Corporation liable for a tortuous act by an officer or agent only
when the corporation has expressly directed the commission of

he was the controlling SH, the veil must be pierced. INVALID

the case.
If the officers were sued in their official capacity, there is no
problem. When the corporation however has ceased to exist

a subsidiary this is in itself is not enough. The management

The general rule is that a judgment cannot bind a person not

Philippines but circumvents it through MLP. So it was pierced.

In piercing cases, how can an officer be held liable while still
respecting the due process clause?

What is needed to form a corporation?

o 5-15 incorporators

Majority are residents

Only natural persons

At least one share each

o Can a corporation be a subscriber?

Yes. A corporation can be a subscriber but not an

What is the maximum corporate life?
o 50 years, extendible for additional periods of 50 years
o You can only extend in the last five years of its corporate


Minimum required paid up capital?

o Generally, none

Except for banks,




can be a subscriber. You count the subscription of the


companies, etc.
For all, at least 25% of the authorized shares must be

At least 25% of those must be paid.

Minimum paid-up is P5000.

Must everyone pay for 25% of their subscriptions?

It is not required that everyone must pay 25%.

Someone can pay less, although one paid 100%.

You just have to pay the 25%, total.

A corporation may be stock or non-stock (NS).
o Stock:

1. Must have shares and

2. Must be authorized to declare dividends

So country clubs are NS because they


corporation to see whether the 25-25 rule is met.

Classification of shares:
o Generally, broad discretion.
o Shares are presumed to be equal, so unless provided
otherwise, they get same voting rights, dividends.
What are exceptions to this general rule?
o 1. Shares must not be denied voting rights unless:

A. Preferred

B. Redeemable
o 2. Banks, trust companies, insurance companies, etc. are not

cannot declare dividends

A government corporation is governed by its own special Law.

allowed to issue no-par-value shares.

Because they need capital.

3. Preferred shares must be par value shares.

What are preferred shares as to assets?

Priority in distribution of assets in case of

But the Corporation Code is suppletory to its charters.

So there can be no amendment of the Special Law

authorizing that there be less than 5 directors


o Corporators: those who compose the corporation
o Incorporators: sign the AOI
o SHs: for stock corporation
o Members: for NS
What is the 25-25 rule?
o At least 25% of the authorized capital stock must be

What are preferred shares as to dividends?

Priority in distribution of dividends in case of

Can preferred shares be given preference over


because the Corporation Code is still suppletorily

Yes. While a corporation cannot be an incorporator, it






Ex. You are liquidating a corporation. You

cannot benefit shares prior to the creditors.

4. Cumulative vs. Non-cumulative shares

Cumulative preferred shares: entitle holders to

payment of current dividends AND back dividends

subscribed, and 25% of the subscription must be paid

What if 5 natural persons held 1 share each and the rest of

before holders of common shares are paid

Non-cumulative preferred shares: entitle holders to
payment of current dividends only, before holders of

the shares are held by a holding company? Is this valid?

common shares are paid


5. Participating vs. non-participating

Participating: entitle holders to participate with holders

redemption (The latter qualification is based

of common shares in retained earnings after the

stipulated dividend paid to preferred shares

i.e. paid their dividends, THEN still share in

the common pie

Non-participating: entitle holders only to stipulated

director, it must not be for a period exceeding 5 years

What are treasury shares?
o Those issued and fully paid for, and then reacquired by the

preferred dividends and nothing more

This is the DEFAULT RULE

6. You can classify shares according to nationalization


Ex. SMC (class A shares can only be owned by

Filipinos, class B anyone) to make sure its always

They will become outstanding again when the


What happens in redemption?

Corporation pays money in exchange for the






Cannot vote and

tax evasion scheme.

Besides, the terminology is wrong.

You can only

declare stock dividends from authorized but unissued



Shares deemed retired after redemption.

What is required for the corporation to do?

Corp required to maintain a sinking fund to

cover for redemption price if required to

These are not outstanding.

cannot have dividends declared from them. This is a

corporation, and cannot be compelled or

corporation sells the treasury shares

Can there be stock dividends declared from treasury


in the AOI. Terms and conditions stated in



Still considered issued; not considered as outstanding

Considered fully paid for and held by the corporation

May be distributed as property dividends
What is their status?

Not outstanding, not cancelled.

In a state of
dormancy, which in the possession of the corporation.

60% owned by Filipinos

7. Redeemable shares

How can these be issued?

May only be issued when expressly provided

on the Trust Fund Doctrine)

8. Founders shares

If theres a right to exclusively for or be voted for as

No need for unrestricted retained earnings
before shares are redeemed but there must
be sufficient assets to pay creditors/answer
for operations, or else there can be no


From treasury shares, you can declare

property dividends.
Can cash dividends be declared from the shares?

NOT entitled to dividends because the corporation

cannot declare dividends for itself

When do non-voting shares vote?
o [Key agreements]

1. AOI amendment

2. BLs adoption and amendment

o [Property-related]

1. Increase/decrease of bonded indebtedness

2. Increase/decrease of capital stock

3. Sale/disposition of all/substantially all of corporate

[Changes in the corporation]

1. Merger/consolidation

2. Investment of funds in another corporation or

contract by the time it was constituted

What about other promoters contracts?
o In general contract law this would have been void because a
non-existent corporation cannot give consent until it is formed,

those who didnt oppose it in writing which was filed to

the secretary
Liability is the difference in value

Who is a promoter?
o Promoter one who, acting alone or with others, takes initiative

consideration for it.

o Promoters contracts: both parties know corporation doesnt

exist yet
Contracts entered into with defective corporations (de facto or

by the corporation. Those who are not are not.

Promoters are also and personally liable for pre-

incorporation expenses.
o Subscription, not payment, grants rights to stockholders, even
if not fully paid for. Holders of non-delinquent shares have all

by estoppel): at least one party is unaware that the corporation

Who are personally liable for the promoters contracts?

The investors who are the moving spirit behind the

incorporation personally liable for expenses incurred

in founding and organizing business/enterprise and receives

but these are exceptions to this general rule.

What is needed to validate and enforce promoters

The corporation has to ratify the acts when it is

Incorporation and organization

(contract theory)
When is revocation disallowed already?

When the AOI have been submitted to SEC

Is a corporation bound by a promoters contract once it is

It is not, unless it had received benefits from the

retained earnings/surplus
Who is liable?

Solidary liability of director/officer who issued it and all

not materialize (offer theory)

2. Or all other subscribers consented to the revocation

another business purpose

3. Corporate dissolution
What are watered stocks?
o 1. Issued without consideration
o 2. Discounted shares
o 3. Issued as stock dividend when there are no sufficient

2. Subscription is irrevocable for 6 months

1. But revocation valid thereafter if the corporation did

is not yet constituted

What is pre-incorporation subscription?
o 1. Acquisition of unissued stock in existing or still to be formed

the rights of a stockholder.

This is a consensual contract

No need for tradition, unlike sales shares deemed

issued already.

corporation is deemed a subscription regardless of appellation


Only need to register in the Stock and Transfer Book

for dispositions, so no need to register for issuance

Not covered by SOF because subscription itself

executes the contract.

When a condition for issuance of shares is void, then it
becomes a pure, valid subscription agreement.

Ignore the

What is valid consideration for issuance of shares?
o 1. Actual cash

Cannot be a PN or future services

o 2. Property:

Actually received, necessary or convenient



corporate purpose, with fair valuation

Appraised by SEC
3. Labor actually performed
4. Previously incurred indebtedness
5. Amounts transferred from unrestricted retained earnings to

stated capital
6. Outstanding shares exchanged for stocks in event of

its better to just consider the subscription valid, but the

consideration void.
The subscriber has outstanding payable consideration in cash,

What is required for amendment?
o Must be authorized by 2/3 of the SHs and majority of the
When does it take effect?

Upon approval by SEC

Or lapse of six months from filing

Grounds for disapproving application/amendment?
o 1. Articles not sufficient in form
o 2. Purpose is illegal, unconstitutional, illegal, immoral, etc.
o 3. Treasurers affidavit is false
o 4. Did not comply with nationalization requirement

N.B. Applies where required. The SEC will endorse it

with the relevant government agency (education

and the directors/officers are liable for watered stocks.

Articles of incorporation:
o 1. Name of the corporation

Registration of business names is with SEC

o 2. Purposes

Can have several secondary purposes so if the

CHED, etc.)
What is the requirement as to the name?
o Required to submit undertaking that you will change the
corporate name if it is the same or confusingly similar.
What must be considered?

1. The same/confusingly similar name

2. Engaged in the same line of business

Can you make a corporation that practices a profession?

primary purpose does not become profitable, you can

and number
4. Term for which it will exist

Period of maximum 50 years, extendable

No extension until last 5 years of term

5. Names, nationalities, residences of directors
6. Names, nationalities, residences of incorporators
7. If a Stock Corporation, amount of authorized capital stock

If there are par value shares, the amount each

The amount subscribed and paid each by the

What if the consideration is unlawful?
o It would violate the TFD if the subscription is deemed void. So

3. Place of principal business

Must be in the Philippines

The SEC now requires that you put even the street

shift without amending the AOI

SEC can only reject if patently illegal



Acevedo: It is not engaged in the practice of optometry. It

a corporation as to those who cannot deny its corporate

hires employees engaged in optometry. So its allowed.

How does the SEC check for the starting capital?
o When you incorporate, the SEC will require you to waive

contracted with this association, and after receiving benefits,

claims that the association is not a corporation. So it covers

include it.
When does a de facto corporation exist?
o 1. Valid law under which it was organized
o 2. Attempt in good faith to form a corporation

There must also be a certificate issued by the SEC

obligations to the defective corporation.

Differences between de facto and estoppel?
o 1. De facto has real existence in law; estoppel has none
o 2. De facto may exist even if there are no dealings between

with a blue ribbon and the seal. Without this, cannot

When it applies:
o Someone must deal with the association like a corporation and

secrecy of bank deposits, so they can check starting capital.

Can the proceeds of a bank loan be counted as paid-up

No. This is a liability, not paid-up capital. You cannot

claim to be a corporation.
o 3. User of corporate powers
What is the scope of the de facto corporation doctrine?
o Situations where the defective enterprise contracts with an

agreed to merge. One president got majority votes. The other guy
refused to recognize the others win and continued to collect dues.
o HELD: There was no intra-corporate dispute because there
was no valid merger; there were no articles of merger. There is
no corporation by estoppel because both presidents knew they

be against the de facto corporation and not the individuals

behind it.
Can its existence be attacked collaterally?
o No. Just directly, through quo warranto, and only by the Sol-

o No. There is no law allowing that.
What is a corporation by estoppel?

did not merge.

What is the nature of the liabilities of those behind a corporation
by estoppel?
o If the incorporators knew there was no corporation (fraud)

What is the nature of its acts?
o Valid, like that of a de jure corporation.
o Even the acts of the officers are valid, although they also have
liabilities of valid officers.
Can a corporation to practice a profession be a de facto

parties on a corporate basis; estoppel needs these

3. A corporation cannot be de facto unless the requisites are

present; estoppel, even without any requisite

Two associations of jeep drivers incorporated as NS, non-profit. They

outsider. The suit by or against the defective enterprise must

So defective in form that it is neither de jure or de facto, but it is

liable as general partners (all properties)

If the incorporators did not know or there was no fraud liable

as limited partners (only properties they intended to invest)

Can the person behind the corporation claim that it is a
corporation by estoppel, when the person was being sued for
execution of properties (because the corporation did not exist)?
o No. Cannot invoke this. Because the person KNOWS that
there was no corporation, so there was no genuine belief on his


What are by-laws?

o Intramural document, to govern intra-corporate relationship.
When are by-laws valid?
o 1. Do not contravene law
o 2. Reasonable and non-discriminatory
o 3. Do not contradict Articles of Incorporation

If there is conflict, AOIs win out

Is it possible that an express by-law provision be violated and still





without actual knowledge.

Corporate Powers


What is the underlying theory behind corporate powers?

o All powers are exercised by the BOD.
o No person or officer can bind the corporation; it has to be the

BOD. Agents must not exceed the power granted by BOD.

There are instances, however, where stockholders or members
have to give their consent this is where the underlying

2. 2/3 of outstanding capital stock may delegate to the

BOD the power to amend or repeal the by-laws.

N.B. Majority of outstanding capital stock

this power to the lawyer is valid.

Valley Golf: A member pledged his proprietary shares to Chinabank.

gave it a lien over proprietary shares.

o HELD: Valley Golf lost. By-laws do not bind third parties

revoke the certificate.

How can BLs be amended or repealed?

1. Majority of BOD + Majority of outstanding capital

6. Manner of issuance of stock certificates
Citibank: By-laws allowed country managers to sue and

because the shares were delinquent. Valley Golf claimed its bylaws

corporation, but it can be a ground for the SEC to



Chinabank sought registration of the shares by Valley Golf refused

by the by-laws because its an intramural document.

How can BLs be adopted?
o Majority vote of outstanding capital stock.
o What if BLs are not adopted within 1 month from

Not a

number of shares)
5. When annual election of officers is done, and manner of

He forfeited, and Chinabank foreclosed and bought the shares.

express or implied, whether empowered or ratified.

When can a third party be bound by by-laws?
o He must be duly informed in time of the pertinent provisions,
actually or constructively. Otherwise, he cannot be prejudiced

defend lawsuits, and delegate this power. So a delegation of

bind the corporation?

o Yes, as long as there is corporate approval through the BOD,

Can impose additional qualifications (like minimum

may revoke this delegation.

What should be included in the by-laws?
o 1. When regular and special meetings are held
o 2. Quorum
o 3. Proxies
o 4. Qualifications, duties, compensation of directors or officers

contractual relationship is being altered or amended.

A Corporation can sue or be sued in its own name. It must indicate its
corporate name in the pleadings and not use an acronym
A. Power to extend or shorten corporate term:
o Majority of BOD + 2/3 of OCS
o There is right of appraisal for dissenting stockholders (although
some commentators say there shouldnt be for mere shortening


of corporate term)
B. Power to increase or decrease capital stock:
o Majority of BOD + 2/3 of OCS

Need SEC approval:

For increase to check whether there is subscription

o Majority of BOD + 2/3 of OCS
o What is the test of substantially all?

W/N it can still continue business afterwards.

Qualitative test, whereas it is quantitative for all.

o Compare to sale in usual and regular course of business,

to at least 25% of increased stock, and at least 25%

For decrease it must not prejudice corporate

Until approval, the funds are just held by the corporation in trust

which is covered by business judgment doctrine. This does not

for the stockholders. Its not part of paid-up capital yet.

o Is there a right of appraisal?

C. Power to create, incur, or increase bonded indebtedness:
o Majority of BOD + 2/3 of OCS
o What is a bonded indebtedness?

Usually a very large amount

With first lien on important corporate assets

For a long period of time

o Need SEC approval

To check if the corporation has at least P25M net

public offering to comply with the law

3. When the shares issued are in exchange for

property for a corporate purpose

4. Conversion of corporate debt to SH equity

need SH approval.
Is there a right of appraisal?

F. Power to purchase own shares:
o What is required?

The corporation must have unrestricted retained


worth and 3 years operating experience

o Is there a right of appraisal?

D. Power to deny preemptive rights:
o Where is there a right of preemption by SHs?

1. If there is increase of capital stock OR

2. If the corporation acquired treasury shares

o What is the purpose of preemption?

So a SH can prevent dilution of his % ownership.

o When is there no right to preemption?

1. Provided for in the AOI

2. Shares issued to comply with order to make a

E. Sale/lease/exchange/mortgage all or substantially all of its


Redeemable shares, which do not require URE for

them to be redeemed by the corporation

When can the corporation buy shares from SHs?

1. To eliminate fractional shares because of stock

2. To collect indebtedness out of an unpaid

3. To pay dissenting or withdrawing stockholders

entitled to payment of their shares

4. To decrease cost of doing business, by decreasing

amount of dividends to be paid in the future


What happens to the shares?

They become treasury shares. These cannot vote.

G. Power to invest corporate funds in another corporation or

o When do you need SH approval?


then you dont need SH approval

If it is not, you need Majority of BOD + 2/3 of OCS


SMC buying a brewery abroad is in line with primary

If it is in line with the primary purpose of the company,


for a premium, i.e. P120/share.

Mau Sugar Central buying a company manufacturing

dividends, because dividends can only be declared

These do not require SH approval because this fits in





illegally obtained
In what forms?

Stock, property, or cash dividends

For property or cash dividends, no need for


the same amount.

Even if a subscription has not been fully paid, the SH will




Nielsen, including the dividends that were not given.

Stock dividends can only be declared out of the authorized, but
unissued shares. Treasury shares cannot be declared as stock

Creditors can sue the SHs for the dividends they

SH approval

For stock dividends, 2/3 SH approval is needed

Presumed that rights of shares are equal. So they will receive


dividends, part of it should go to Nielsen. HELD:

Lepanto is guilty of breach of contract, and must pay

be illegal. In effect you are returning the investment of the


The agreement included that everything Lepanto declared

and not just investment per se.

H. Power to declare dividends:
o It must have unrestricted retained earnings. Otherwise, it will


management contract with Lepanto, and the latter refused.


management power involved of the other company,

During the war, the

Japanese took over the management of Lepanto. After the

obtain best returns.

THUS, the investment in another corporation that

from corporate earnings.

They must be retained as part of capital.

Nielsen had a mgt. contract with Lepanto mining (because
Nielsen had technical expertise).

the power, discretion, and purpose of corporation to


What happens to the

premium surplus?

The surplus cannot be declared as cash or stock

deposit accounts, money markets, treasury bills, and the

to his outstanding dues.

A corporation made public offering of shares with par
value of P100. But it was able to sell it in the stock market

sugar bags same doctrine

What is the nature of investing in another corporation,

If it is delinquent. The cash dividends will be applied

dividends, but as property dividends.

Book keeping entry: from retained earnings capital

Sometimes property is reappraised to increase value.
What are the conditions?

1. There are earnings from operations

2. The property must have depreciated

So land cannot be reappraised

3. The depreciation allowance must have been

Stock corporations are prohibited from retaining surplus profits
in excess of 100% of paid-in capital stock.


receive dividends. What is the exception?


1. Justified by definite corporate expansion

projects approved by the board

2. Corporation obtained a loan and there is a

Except, when are 2/3 votes needed from the managed


1. If a SH or SHs who own stocks in both corporations

condition in the loan that the corporation

cannot declare dividends without creditors


3. Special circumstances justify retention

If you invoke any of these provisions, your financial

statements must include an explanation

The power to demand dividends is one of the few

majority of BOD in the managed corporation


5 years for any one term. You can keep renewing it.
Does the principle that a principal can terminate an agent

any time apply here?

No. This is a contract for lease of services.

What if the management contract is with an outsider

powers of SHs where they can initiate action.

Once a cash dividend has been declared, it cannot anymore be

individual and not a corporation?

No need for SH approval because the corporation is

revoked. Because otherwise, a corporation can manipulate the

price. (Ex. the corporation says we will declare dividends in a

really just appointing an agent in this instance.

month, so prices go up and shares are bought. If they can

revoke it, then the prices can go down and the corporation can

re-buy the shares.)

What are the tax implications?

There is no tax consequence for stock dividends,

because its still the same pie, cut in smaller pieces

You only get taxed when you sell the stocks.

Dividends will be given to stock holders in the books. If a sale
of shares is made and the buyer is not put into the stock and
transfer book, it only binds the parties but not the corporation.

So the remedy is the seller gets the dividends and

turns it over to the buyer

I. Management contracts
o There is now regulation of management contracts to prevent





Increase or decrease
corporate term
Increase or decrease
capital stock
Denying pre-emptive

Majority of BOD + 2/3 of

Majority of BOD + 2/3 of
Majority of BOD + 2/3 of







1. Provided in AOI
2. Comply with public
offering law
3. For property
4. Debt for equity
Majority of BOD + 2/3 of
1. Eliminate fractions







abuse. It is usually done when one company has technical or


have more than 1/3 of shares in managing corporation

2. Majority of BOD in the managing corporation is

special expertise.

Approval by BOD

And majority of the SHs of BOTH corporations

Substantially all of



funds in another

Declare dividends

3. Pay appraising SH
4. Decrease cost of
5. Other similar
Majority of BOD + 2/3 of

URE exceeding 100% of

(subject to exceptions)

Ex. a hotel can hire entertainers

What are the type of ultra vires acts?

1. Acts done beyond powers of the corporation, as



going into

without authority

3. Acts which are per se illegal

What is the SCs attitude in interpreting whether acts are
ultra vires?

Strict, if the act is per se illegal.

If the act is not per se illegal, as long as fairly

incidental and reasonably necessary to corporate



Can be demanded by SHs

Majority of BOD + Majority
of OCS of managing
company + Majority of

purpose, acts are deemed valid.

But if the AOI or purpose clause has limiting words,
then the court will hold the corporation to such limited



Change to 2/3 of OCS of

managed company if:
1. Common SH/s possess
more than 1/3 shares in
managing company, or
majority of BOD

provided by law or AOI

2. Acts on behalf of a corporation done by those


Ex. Transportation of goods by water

What is the effect if an act is ultra vires?

First type of ultra vires: void and does not bind the

corporation, but can be ratified by the SHs through:

1. Performance

2. Ratification

3. Estoppel
Second type: no authority so unenforceable contract

But if the corporation cloaked the person with

apparent authority, the corporation cannot
deny the contract entered into by that person

Ultra vires acts:

o What is the scope of a corporations allowable powers?

Powers of corporation include those necessary to

achieve the primary purpose:

with external indicia of authority

Third type: always void

When can ultra vires be invoked?

For purposes of enforceability, if it has been fully

executed by both sides, one cannot invoke ultra vires

If it has been partially executed (by one side), it
cannot be invoked because one side is in estoppel


If it is merely executory on both sides then ultra vires

liquidation of the corporation.

can be invoked
Can a corporation guarantee the debt of another?
o No, because it might prejudice the claims of its creditors and it

Stockholders and members

of the subsidiary
2. Will result in increased business
3. Will enhance the chances of collecting






regarded as equity in trust for the payment of corporate


Corporation may not dissipate the subscribed capital

stock (which the creditors can check to satisfy their







allowed only for preferred and redeemable shares

There must always be a class with complete voting rights
For joint owners of shares, consent of all is needed, unless one

is constituted an agent
o Pledgor or mortgagor still votes for his shares.
Take note of instances when even non-voting shares can vote
(fundamental changes in the corporation)
What are the kinds of meetings of SHs?
o Meetings may be regular or special.
o Provision on meetings applies only if there is no provision in
the bylaws or articles to the contrary.
What matters can be taken up?
o General meeting: anything can be taken up
o Special meeting: only matters previously indicated can be
taken up

If everybody is present and nobody objected, it is

Examples of when the TFD is violated:

1. Corporation releases or condones payment of


Who can vote?

o Any share, except those deprived of right to vote, which is

What is the Trust Fund Doctrine?
o Capital stock, property, and other assets of the corporation are

The Corporation cannot

distribute assets whimsically.

violates the trust fund doctrine

When is it valid?

If it has a business purpose, for instance:

1. A mother company guaranteeing the debt

of redeemable shares regardless of URE, 3) dissolution and

unpaid subscription.
2. Payment of dividends without URE.
3. Properties transferred in fraud of creditors.
4. Properties disposed or undue preference given to

some creditors even if the corporation is insolvent.

The TFD is the backbone as to why there is a strict procedure

in distribution of corporate assets, and that it can only be done

if: 1) there is amendment of AOI to decrease ACS, 2) purchase


tantamount to waiver
But if some were absent and those present waived,

those absent may question the waiver

Where must it be held?
o City or municipality where the corporation is located

Metro Manila considered a city

o Need not be in the office
What determines quorum?
o What is provided for in the BLs. Most of the time its a majority

Once a quorum is announced to be present, the SH is

competent to take up matters, even if some leave after

What is the power of executors, administrators, receivers, and

o Can vote the shares of stocks they administer without need for

What if there are two or more owners of shares?
o They must go together, but if and/or, either can vote
o If both attend and cannot agree on how to vote, the vote is not

valid for the period for which it was issued

What is the ceiling for continuous proxies?

5 years, maximum validity

Is it revocable?

Yes, unless it is coupled with an interest

If he shows up to vote, the attendance to vote will

instance, 10 years.
Is it revocable for a period of time?

No, because it is based on contract, unlike proxies

which are based on agency.

Who receives dividends?

The trustee, with obligation to turn over dividends to

the beneficial owner.

Derivative suits requisites?
o 1. Cause of action which calls for such remedy

If its covered by business judgment rule, cannot sue

There must be violation of the rights of the corporation

an interest
BUT he must show up to vote. If he doesnt vote, it

doesnt revoke the proxy.

What are required for a valid voting trust agreement?
o 1. In writing and notarized
o 2. Cannot exceed 5 years at a time (except for longer loan)


Yes. It will remain until the loan has been paid; for

result in nullifying the proxy, unless it is coupled with

Can the voting trust agreement be coterminous with a

shares together
What are required for a valid proxy agreement?
o 1. In writing
o 2. Signed by the SH
o 3. Filed with corporate secretary before the meeting
o How long is a proxy valid?

Unless it provides that it is a continuing proxy, its only

and SEC
What is the maximum duration?

5 years
What are the powers of the trustee?

Trustee is qualified to sit in the board

If the voting trust agreement was given to a lender, as

is required in a loan agreement, it is coupled with an

There are different devices how to get votes. How?
o 1. Proxy solicitation
o 2. Voting trusts
o 3. Pooling agreement, where several SHs agree to vote their

3. Certified true copy of agreement filed with the corporation

not just the private parties

The cause of action must benefit the corporation, and

not the particular stockholder bringing suit

2. Must be filed in the name of the corporation

Since the cause of action belongs to the corporation,

the corporation gets the damages that are awarded
3. Must be a SH when the offense was committed, but the acts
continued when he became one
4. Must have exhausted intra-corporate remedies

Unless excused

Ex. BOD of corporation granted its own directors

excessive compensation.


No need to compel the

BOD to file a suit on behalf of the corporation since

the object of the suit is to nullify the BODs own acts.

This is futile.
o 5. No right of appraisal for the rights complained of
Contrast with other kinds of suits?
o Individual suit brought by the SH in his own name against the

corporation for a wrong directly inflicted on him

Representative suit brought by SH in his own behalf and all
other SHs similarly situated when a wrong is inflicted on them

as a group
Nature of right to inspection?
o 1. SHs: to protect themselves

Must be exercised in his interest as SH for some

purpose germane to the corporations interest.



the corporation has the burden of proof to contest GF.

2. Directors: broader, because they make decisions
Remedies for refusal to allow inspection?


Criminal case

Grounds to deny inspection?

1. Must improperly use information received before

2. Asking for trade secrets

3. No good faith

4. No valid purpose

Ex. bought one share just to inspect

What is the rule for SHs of corporations with wholly-


disposes all or substantially all of its assets

8. Close corporations (anytime)

N.B. If the amendment does not affect the rights of SHs (ex.
change of corporate name), no appraisal rights.
What is the rule for close corporations?

Can ask anytime to be bought out

When can a SH be asked to be bought out?

Must have voted against the action, not for the action.
When can the SH exercise right?

Within 30 days of the action

What is the value of shares based on?

Value the day before the action was done. This is

because the action would inevitably change the value

of the shares.
What if they cannot decide on the value of the
shares within 60 days from the time the action
was taken?

Appraisal will be done

Pay within 30 days after award was made

Cost of appraisal borne by corporation. But

if the value offered is close to the value

owned subsidiaries?

Even if not a SH of the subsidiary, if consistent with

offered by the corporation, then the SH will

bear the cost because it was close to the

equity, GF, and fairness, the SH can inspect records

amount offered by the corporation.

of the subsidiary

Any dissenting SH can ask to be bought out.

When is there appraisal right?

1. Amendment affects the rights of SHs

2. Creating preferred shares

3. Shortening or extending corporate life

4. Increase authorized capital stock

5. Going into another line of business

6. Merger/consolidation

7. Corp. sells, leases, mortgages, encumbers, or

Appraisal rights:


SH cannot be paid unless there are unrestricted retained


earnings, otherwise you violate the Trust Fund doctrine.


For close corporations, where even if there


are no UREs he can ask to be bought out.

What is the effect of appraisal?

The SH will lose all his rights, except to receive

When will his right to be paid cease?

1. Demand for payment is withdrawn with consent of

When martial law was declared, the members of the Board fled
to the Middle East. A corrupt member of the board sold the
land to Iglesia. HELD: Invalid, because it was not the board

corporation, or
2. Act he is protesting against is reversed or

disapproved by SEC, or

3. SEC says he is not entitled to appraisal rights

What is the effect of this?

His SH rights will be restored

o When will his SH rights be restored?

1. Any of the three above

2. The corp. fails to pay within 30 days

What are the obligations of SHs?
o 1. Liability to corporation for unpaid subscription
o 2. Liability to corporation for interest on unpaid subscription if

that sold to INC.

A corporate officer cannot file a case for BP22. There must be

board authorization.
Requirements to be a director?
o 1.Must own at least 1 share of stock in his name in the STB

What if he is merely holding that as trustee?

He is still qualified.

The by-laws can require a bigger number (ex. 50K


required by by-laws
3. Liability to creditors of corporation for unpaid subscription
4. Liability for watered stock

Solidary with corporate officers responsible

5. Liability for dividends unlawfully paid
6. Liability for failure to create corporation

shares for San Miguel)

The moment a SH ceases to hold even one share, he

automatically ceases to be a director

2. Majority of directors must be Philippine residents
3. Independent directors

Required for banks (at least 2) and listed companies

(either 2 or 20% of board, whichever is fewer)
4. Not disqualified:

A. Criminal offense punishable by more than 6 years

B. Or violation of Corp. Code 5 years prior to election

C. Public officials, appointed or elected, cannot serve

in BOD of non-rural banks

Directors must be elected every year among the SHs of the
corporation. At what point must the director be a SH, at point of
nomination or assumption of office?
o There are conflicting decisions in US jurisprudence (some say

Directors and officers

No. It does not bind the corporation

Islamic directory of the Phils: Acquired parcel of land.

when nominated, some say upon assumption of office).

Powers of the corporation are vested where?

o Board
Can the president make a decision on behalf of the corporation,

Majority view: enough when he assumes office.

without board authorization?


JJ believes that the minority rule must prevail The provision

says that they must be elected from among the holders of

stock. So he must be a SH at time of election.

There are two devises peculiar to election of directors:
o 1. Proxy voting

A person need not be personally present to vote; can

just give written proxy.

Even if his shares have not been fully paid, as long as

not delinquent
2. Cumulative voting

If someone holds multiple shares, he can cast all

those votes for one person (ex. 1,000 shares 1,000

and cumulative voting?

No. Its provided by law as mechanisms to allow

minority SHs to win positions as directors.

What if shares are delinquent?
o Not allowed to vote
How may a director be removed?
o 2/3 vote of SHs (or members if non-stock)
o In what kind of meeting?

At regular or special meeting, but the notice must

specifically state removal of the officer will be taken up
What if its not mentioned?

Cannot be taken up
Who are the directors that cannot be removed without cause?
o 1. Director representing minority of SHs
o 2. Independent directors (as required by law either 2

capacity until successors are elected.

How are vacancies filled? (CLV DISCUSSION)
o 1. Special vote by majority of directors

Assuming they still compose a quorum

o 2. General or special meeting of SHs

This is required when the remaining directors do not

compose a quorum anymore
3. If vacancy is due to increase in seats must be through

election by SHs
o What is the term of the replacement?

Only the unexpired term of the one replaced

Do they get compensation?
o None, except:

1, If the by-laws provide

2. Reasonable per diems.

o Who fixes the compensation?

SHs, not directors; otherwise, there would be conflict

companies cannot run for the board.

Term of office of directors?
o Usually one year.
o But if the annual meeting is delayed, they remain in hold-over

votes in favor of one person)

Can the board pass a resolution prohibiting proxy voting

For instance, providing that SHs holding shares in rival

of interest

SHs can give directors performance bonus.

Is there a limit to director compensation?

The total yearly compensation of the directors cannot

exceed 10% of the income prior to tax.
What about officers?

The prohibitions re: compensation do not apply to

them because they perform services beyond the

independent directors or 20% of the board, whichever is less)

The law mentions conviction as a DQ for becoming a member of

the board. Can the By laws add other qualifications?

o Yes.


ordinary duties of a director

Special qualifications of officers:
o President must be director
o Sec must be resident of Philippines and a citizen

o Treasurer need not be a director

Can an officer occupy two or more positions?
o Yes.
o Exceptions:

1. President cannot be the same as treasurer

2. President cannot be the same as secretary

o Because there are some requirements that require assent of

President and treasurer/secretary as check and balance.

There were two separate conflicting lists of officers shown. Which

the corporate secretary.

o 3. Bound oneself solidarily to the obligations of the corporation
o 4. By provision of law
Examples of bad faith:
o Did not remit SSS collections
o A director acquired interest adverse to the corporation
o Director received kickback from contractors
o Grabbed corporate opportunity (ex. the director bought a goods
up for sale which is in the line of business of the company

wins out?
o The ones mentioned in the General Information Sheet win out

because its required to be filed with the SEC.

What is the business judgment rule?
o Courts will not set aside decisions/resolutions of officers of the

which he works in)

What is the duty of loyalty?
o The Doctrine of corporate opportunity. Directors or Trustees
who acquire personal or pecuniary interest in conflict with their

corporation unless there is bad faith or illegality or gross


Courts will not second guess the wisdom of the officers even if

duty as director are liable solidarily for damages.

Officer X acquires interest adverse to corporation. What

are his responsibilities?

1. Liable for all damages to the corporation

2. Compensate for all lost potential profits

CANNOT be waived/ratified
Officer Y by virtue of his office acquires a business

there are losses

Differentiate treatment of officers from non-officers?
o 1. Officers are hired or fired by the BOD in exercise of business

judgment. Non-officers are protected by security of tenure.

2. Officers are subject to common law duties of loyalty and

opportunity for himself which should belong to the

diligence. Non-officers are not bound by these.

When can officers be held personally liable?
o 1a. Assented to patently unlawful act of corporation

Ex. approved bribe

o 1b. Bad faith

Ex. fired a manager who was instituting reforms to


2. Issued watered stock or being aware of this, did not object to

corporation. What are his responsibilities?

1. Account all profits to the corporation

2. Refund profits that would have accrued to the


prevent shenanigans bad faith

Ex. cooked the books of account to pretend losses, to

Which can be waived or ratified?

Adverse interest cannot be ratified or waived by the

justify retrenchment
1c. Gross negligence
1d. Conflict of interest

Business opportunity can be ratified by 2/3 of the

outstanding capital stock

What is the nature of contracts of the corporation with its own
directors and officers?


They are voidable. The corporation has the exclusive right to

annul the contract.

When will it be not voidable?

1. Presence of the director must not be needed for

The BOD cannot just make a blanket delegation of its


2. His vote was not be needed to approve the contract
3. The contract was fair and reasonable

It must be an arms-length transaction

4. If the party is an officer, prior authorization of the

What is the effect of the first two defects?

Can be ratified by the SHs in a meeting with full

powers to the Ex Com.

What cannot be delegated?

1. Matters requiring SH approval

2. Filling vacancies in the board

3. Amending/repealing by-laws

4. Amending/repealing board resolution which by its

express terms cannot be amended/repealed

5. Declaration of stock dividends

What is the power of the board over resolutions of the Ex

What about contracts between corporations with interlocking
o They are not per se prohibited.
o But if a director has substantial interest in one and minimal in

2. His vote was not needed to approve the contract
N.B. these are the same first two requirements as in

What is the general scope of powers of the officers of a
o Can operate without authorization on the usual course of

self-dealing directors
What is an executive committee?
o By laws can provide for it, composed of at least 3 members of

the Ex Com to enter into contracts.

Powers are vested on the board. An officer acting alone cannot
bind the board. What is the exception?
o Ratification by the authority who should have performed that

one and minimal in the other corporation?

1. Presence of director must not be needed for

BOD can approve or revoke it.

What is the exception?

When rights of third parties are involved.

Ex. A third party entered into a K with the Ex

Com, relying in good faith on the power of

another, he would be tempted to favor the first.

When is there substantial interest?

When his equity exceeds 20%.

What is the effect if a director has substantial interest in

The BOD must specify what powers are delegated.

business, or administrative matters

Ex. Insurance company can sell insurance even without board

the BOD.

N.B. They must be directors.

What powers are delegated?

Capital affairs

What are the requisites to issue a certificate of stock (COS)?

o 1. Signed by the P/VP and countersigned by the secretary/asst.



2. Delivery of the COS

3. Pay par value of the shares (or entire value if no par value)
4. Original certificate surrendered, if the shares are being

to delivery even if the stock certificate is not itself delivered (as

What are the remedies of the SH when the corporation refuses to

issue a COS?
o 1. Specific performance
o 2. Damages if specific performance not granted
o 3. Mandamus to compel issuance of COS
o 4. Rescind the subscription contract
What is the nature of the duty to issue a COS?
o It is ministerial , so even if there is a case filed, the buyer must

and the corporation, while the STB is merely kept for

What is the nature of shares of stock?
o Quasi-negotiable. Just like N.I., endorse at the back and

record the entries himself.

What are the allowable restrictions in sale of shares?
o Procedural: Restriction must appear in the AOI, BL, and COS
o Substantive: Not more onerous than allowing the corporation to
What if the seller of the COS is not the true owner?
o The buyer cannot get valid title.
o The first buyer, however, was given a fake COS. Effect?

None. The real owner cannot be deprived.

o What if the first buyer sold to a second buyer, signing and
delivering the fake COS?

The new buyer will be protected. Give her shares too.

deliver. All transfer of shares are valid just between the parties

Who may post in the STB?
o The president cannot post the entries, it must be the Secretary.
o If the secretary refuses, compel performance, but one cannot

purchase the shares of the transferring SH for reasonable

part of the shares; it is all or nothing

If he sells all the shares, it is a novation of contract, with a
substitution of debtor.

So you need corporations consent.

The buyer becomes the debtor for the unpaid

in usual rule in Sales Law).

How does one sell shares?
o 1. He must Sign AND deliver the COS; and

Mere signing without delivery no sale

o 2. Have transaction recorded in the STB
What if there is a conflict between the Stock and Transfer Book and
the AOI?
o The AOI wins. The AOI is the basic contract between the SHs

be given a certificate
What are the unpaid claims contemplated by the law?
o Payment for subscription, not unpaid claims for monthly dues
When is the COS issued?
o No certificate will be issued until full amount paid
What is the nature of a subscription contract?
o It is indivisible.
o If somebody has not yet paid full subscription, he cannot assign

If there is a deed of sale which is a public document, it is akin

until registered in the STB.

No need to execute separate deed of sale or assignment,

because they are quasi-negotiable.

The corporation runs after the seller for damages.

What is the exception?

When there are no more shares to issue. In

this case, the new buyer does not obtain any
shares, but can sue for damages.


Directors responsible for issuance of shares who issue watered-

down stocks and those who know about it and didnt give their

o Solidarily liable with the non-paying SH
If someone only paid part of the stocks, when must the rest be


1. By provision
2. Upon call by the directors
What is the nature of the call?

It must be uniform for all, not just for particular

When is there interest payable?

Only if there is a provision

If there is no rate mentioned, just that interest must be

paid, apply the legal rate

What is the nature of the unpaid portion of the subscription?
o It is an asset of the corporation, and is thus a receivable
o What is the implication?

Creditors can run after these.

A. But first they have to sue the corporation,

the shares?
o Sue the SH in a collection case.
What is the remedy for a lost COS?
o 1. Owner submits affidavit of loss
o 2. Corporation verifies the affidavit and publishes notice in


and if unsatisfied, the creditors can sue SHs

newspaper of GC for 3 consecutive weeks at owners expense

3. After 1 year from publication, right to contest is barred and
the corporation can issue a new COS to the SH
What if the applicant issues a bond to cover for damages?

The 1 year period is waived

What if there is a contest of the application?

The corporation cannot issue COS until resolved

What is the free and harmless clause?

If there is no bad faith or gross negligence, there can

be no action against the corporation for issuance of

automatically be included as co-defendants.

If after 30 days of call there is no payment, what happens?
o 1. The shares become delinquent.
o 2. The directors can auction the shares

Personal notice sent through registered mail

Published in newspaper of GC for 2 weeks

o How can the SH prevent sale of the shares?

Pay unpaid dues, interest, and costs (for publication,


least amount of shares for the highest price get it.

What if there are dividends before sale?

They will be applied to the unpaid dues.

If the SH wants to question the sale, what are


File case within 6 months from the date of sale

He must tender payment of unpaid dues and interest

What is the other option of the corporation, apart from auction of

on unpaid subscriptions.
B. If the corporation is insolvent, the SHs can

There is a fixed price, but those willing to accept the

the new certificate

What if the corporation fails to comply with the procedure
above and just issues a new COS?

It is valid, but the corporation cannot avail of the free

How is the bidding for the shares done?


and harmless clause

What is the rule on involuntary dealings with shares?
o A. Mortgage, if not covered by COS

Mortgage binding on third parties with notice

o B. Mortgage, if covered by COS

Register in the CM registry of both the domicile of the

owner and place of principal office of the corporation

No need to register if the COS was delivered

to the pledgee/mortgagee

No need to log in the STB

C. Attachment or levy

Creditor must leave with the president or managing

agent a copy of the writ and a notice stating the stock

Priority rules:
o A. Two judgment creditors

Whoever serves writ first

o B. Judgment creditor v. mortgagee/pledgee

Whichever is first in service of writ v. registry in CM


C. Mortgagee/pledgee v. buyer/assignee

First between registry v. STB entry

D. Judgment creditor v. buyer/assignee

First between service of writ v. STB entry

Dissolution and liquidation

When and how can a corporation voluntarily dissolve?

o 1. Vote of majority of BOD + 2/3 of OCS

What if dissolution will not prejudice any creditor?

1. Just need SEC approval

2. After 3 consecutive weeks publication in

newspaper of GC, dissolution takes effect

What if creditors are affected?

1. Petition filed and all the names of the

consecutive weeks

4. SEC will decide w/n dissolution is proper

o 2. Amending the AOI, shortening corporate life

Fastest and simplest way

Who decides on dissolution?
o The SEC
o There must be a tax clearance first from the BIR before the
SEC dissolves a corporation (because this is the last chance to

was attached

3. Order published in newspaper of GC for 3

creditors will be mentioned.

2. Set for hearing, so if someone has

recover taxes)
Involuntary dissolution:
o 1. Based on grounds provided in the Corp. Code (see above)
o 2. Violations of PD 902-A (SEC reorganization act see above
for some acts)
o 3. Quo Warranto
What are the specific grounds?
o 1. Does not commence business within 2 years from its

2. Suspended transactions for 5 years
3. Failure to adopt and file BLs within required time
4. Offended provision of law for creation (or renewal)
5. Commission or omission of act deemed as surrender of


corporate rights
6. Misuse or right or privilege granted by law
7. Receiver recommended against continuation of business
8. Serious misrepresentation to public
9. Refusal to comply with SEC order leading to grave abuse of

o 10. Failure to file reports with SEC within prescribed period
What if the corporation claims that the economy was depressed
and there was no demand for its goods; thus, there was no
o Even so, it has to file an ITR and the general information sheet,

objections, he can oppose.

even if not operating.


Is dissolution automatic?
o No, the SEC determines the cause first.
Can a minority stockholder file a dissolution case?
o Yes.
o For what grounds?

1. Majority is mismanaging assets

2. Dissipating its assets

3. Fraudulently disposing its properties

o Can a receiver be appointed in an action for involuntary

for example renew a contract of lease. It must not pertain to

This is like the death penalty for corporations.

o Ex. do not dissolve a company just because one employee

can be filed against the trustee provided the

prescriptive period has not lapse. The trust will last

does not wear an ID

Ex. but you can dissolve a corporation that engages in banking

without authorization from the Monetary Board because it







often constituted as the trustee himself. Sometimes,

its the directors themselves that are the trustees.


corporation to pay off creditors and distributing the residue to


until the affairs have been wound up.

What is the common practice now for the cases that are
still pending before the three years end?

Appoint a trustee. The lawyer handling the case is

harms public interest

Where is the dissolution case filed?
o SEC, not RTC
Three ways of providing for mechanics for dissolution:
o 1. Directors themselves can take care of winding up
o 2. Appoint trustee to whom they assign assets of the

acts of that of a going concern.

Will corporate dissolution abate any ongoing case against or filed
by the corporation not finished within the three year period?
o Yes, under the old rule.
o This now only applies if:

1. The directors are in charge of winding up (option 1)

2. Receivership (option 3)

But not if under trusteeship (option 2), because suit


N.B. You do not dissolve a corporation for every single minor infraction.

o Three years from the time SEC approved dissolution

What can the corporation do and not do during this period?
o It can only wind up its affairs disposing its properties. It cannot

N.B. Three year period does not count anymore if this

option is chosen
o 3. Receiver appointed
What is the effect of dissolution on existing rights and obligations?
o It does not impair its rights and obligations
o Ex. Even if a corporation has been dissolved, it must still be

How long must winding up be?


What are the characteristics of NSNP corporations?

o 1. No shares of stock
o 2. Not be authorized to declare dividends

As indicated in the by-laws or AOI

Only exception: distribution as a consequence of

o 3. Eleemosynary purpose
For what purposes may a NSNP corporation be organized?
o 1. Charitable
o 2. Religious order, to manage its properties
o 3. Educational

4. Others: professional associations, cultural, fraternal, literary,

2. Return all assets held by corporation with resolutory

condition of dissolution
3. Transfer assets received by the corporation subject to

scientific, social, civic service, similar purpose like chambers of

What is the rule on the right to vote?
o By default, each member may vote
o Unless limited, broadened, or denied in the AOI or BLs
o For stock corporations, even non-voting shares vote for


certain transactions. Does this rule apply to NSNP?

No. They can even be denied voting rights for these


organizations with similar purpose

4. Other assets distributed according to BLs or AOI, or follow

Why are close corporations important?

o Most corporations in the Philippines are family corporations.
What is the definition of a close corporation? What are the

He has to be

can sell it, pledge it, etc.

What is the policy in elections of the board?
o 1. There can be more than 15 directors

Purpose: to broaden representation

o 2. By default, the voting is staggered, 1/3 of positions are voted

from the other SHs

Usually it provides too that if none of the SHs are
willing to buy the shares, it must be offered to the


for every year (for policy continuation)

N.B. But you can also provide that everybody will be


plan of distribution
Can a NSNP corporation be converted to a stock corporation

approved first. But he has proprietary rights, so he


features that make up a close corporation?

o 1. AOI provides there are at most 20 SHs and none more
o 2. There are restrictions on transfers

Ex. before a SH sells shares, he must ask permission

His son Y inherits his shares. He does not

automatically become a member.


Close corporations

But usually associate and honorary

members do not have voting rights, just playing rights.

What are the peculiar rules in proxy voting?
o Can be allowed to vote by e-mail or similar means.
o Membership is not transferred in proxies.

Ex. X is a member of a golf and country club. He



members. You have dissolve the NSNP corporation first.


Golf and country clubs for instance have honorary


through amendment of AOI?

o No, because this is tantamount to distribution of profits to the

fundamental issues, unlike in stock corporations.

NSNP corporations can make classifications of members.



corporation itself
3. Prohibition on listing shares in the stock market
4. Articles may provide for classification of shares

Ex. If there are three brothers, there can be class A,

B, and C shares one for each brother and his family,
to ensure that each has equal ownership; can only

elected every year or any other system

How are assets distributed upon dissolution?
o 1. Pay all liabilities and obligations of the corporation


hold shares of the class pertaining to his family

5. Can provide for higher quorum or voting requirements
6. Can agree that the SHs manage the corporation and not the


In this case, the SHs have powers, duties, obligations

of directors
Which corporations are not allowed to be close corporations?
o Those vested with public interest.
o Specifically:

1. Mining companies, oil companies

2. Stock exchanges, banks, insurance companies

3. Public utilities

4. Schools
How can the restrictions on transfers bind third parties?
o 1. Must appear in AOI, and
o 2. Must also appear in BLs, and
o 3. Must also appear at the back of the COS
Whats the effect of pre-incorporation agreements?
o They remain binding even after incorporation
o Ex. a pre-agreement that the president comes from Family A,

What is required for amendment of AOI?
o If the amendment seeks to delete any provision required by the




corporation, board, SHs, or officers

3. Require the purchase of the shares of a SH even if there are


no unrestricted retained earnings

4. Appoint a provisional director as tiebreaker
5. For extreme cases, dissolving the corporation

How many trustees must be there?

o Always multiples of five (5, 10, 15, etc.)
How long must their terms be?
o Five years
o Every year, only 1/5 is elected to provide for continuity
o But can there be contrary stipulations as to term and

Religious corporations

meeting and they did not object.

What is the nature of the preemptive right?
o Covers ALL issuances of stock.
o There is right of pre-emption even if debt is being converted to


elections of trustees?


the treasurer from Family B, etc.

When are board meeting not necessary?
o Board meetings not necessary if everyone signs or SHs know


2. Alter, prohibit, or cancel any resolution or action of the

Educational corporations

that the board members were signing minutes without a


How can a religious organization administer its properties?

o 1. NSNP corporation
o 2. Corporation sole

One person only: ex. the Archbishop

o 3. Religious aggregate or society
How does a corporation sole come about?
o 1. File affidavit with the SEC, stating that:

A. the affiant is the head of a religious sect and would

requirement not valid or effective unless there is 2/3 vote of

OCS (all, even those with no voting rights), or a higher

proportion of votes if required by AOI.

What are the remedies that may be done by SEC in case of

deadlock in close corporations?

o 1. Amend/alter provision in the AOI that causes the deadlock


want to be corporation sole

B. His religion allows him to incorporate as a

corporation sole

C. He is charged with administration of properties

2. Submit the following:

A. Inventory

B. Manner for choosing successor

C. Where he will hold office

Can the archbishop be a foreigner and hold land?
o Yes. He is actually just administering it, and the property really

belongs to the faithful.

What if the corporation sole wants to dispose property?
o He must get authorization from RTC unless his religion allows

with another corporation, which breached the contract. X got a

license, and then it sued.

him to dispose or mortgage real property

What is the nature of a religious aggregate or society?
o Incorporated to manage its properties.
o The articles provide that members constitute a religious society

sue for the foreign corp. Here, it can sue.

How can you sue a corporation not doing business here and also
without a license?
o Make the action quasi in rem by attaching its property to obtain

jurisdiction over it.

What if the corporation is doing business and is not licensed and
the other party was aware of it?
o Then it cannot have the case dismissed because the other

Foreign corporations
What is a foreign corporation?
o 1. One formed, organized, existing under laws other than those

of the Philippines
2. AND whose laws allow Philippine corporations to do

party benefited from the contract.

When is it considered doing business?
o 1. There must be habituality. Transactions must not be

If the corporation is just buying here, its not doing

business there
What is the effect of a foreign corporation having no license and

doing business?
o It cannot sue.
o If its not doing business, and has no license: can sue.
What is required to do business here:
o Must appoint resident agent to receive summonses for the

out a space for lease and sending officers here.

2. Substantial portion of the business of the primary purpose of
the corporation

If a shipping company goes here and hires a cook,

thats not doing business because its not as

What else must it do?

To say that if it has no resident agent, summonses

business because there is no profit from buying

Except isolated transactions that indicate intent to
habitually do business is doing business. Ex. renting


Resident agent required to be in good financial


The other corporation said that the

contract is void. Valid?

o The contract is valid; the only effect is that there is no power to

and at least 2/3 of members have agreed to incorporate.

X is a foreign corporation with no license. It entered into a contract

substantial portion of its business of the primary


may be served to the SEC

Also, any officer in the Philippines may be served with

3. Contract consummated in the Philippines

If the contract is consummated abroad then the

foreign corporation is not doing business here

Foreign investments act has a definition of what is doing business.
The definition includes:


indicative of doing business

2. Service contracts
3. Opening offices

Whether liaison office or branch

4. Appointing representatives or distributors who are either

Domiciled here

Or staying here for at least 180 days

5. Participating in management, supervision, or control of any

domestic business, firm, entity, or corporation here

6. Any other acts implying continuity of dealings/operations


1. Soliciting orders

Even if its isolated transaction, as long as its

Merger and consolidation

What is a merger, and what is a consolidation?

o Merger one corporation absorbed by another
o Consolidation combine to form a new corporation
What is the procedure?
o 1. Plan for merger or consolidation drafted by each

corporations BOD

Approved by majority of BOD and at least 2/3 of OCS

Any amendment subject to same voting requirement

2. Articles of merger or consolidation executed by each
corporation, signed by P or VP and certified by Sec/Asst. Sec,

What doing business under FIA does not include:
o 1. Mere investment of a foreign entity in a local entity or

setting forth:

A. Plan of merger or consolidation

B. For stock corporation, the number of outstanding

exercise of rights as investor

2. Having nominee officer or director to represent its interests in

that local corporation

3. Having a distributor or representative doing business in its

shares, and for non stock, the number of members

C. The result of voting

3. Four copies of Articles submitted to SEC for approval

For special corporations, must have approval of the

own name
What are the grounds to revoke a license?
o 1. Failure to file annual report or pay fees
o 2. Failure to appoint or maintain a resident agent
o 3. Failure to submit to SEC notice of change of resident agent

or address
4. Failure to submit to SEC notice of amendment of AOI or by-


laws or articles of mergers/consideration

5. Misrepresentation of material matter
6. Failure to pay taxes or fees due to the Government
7. Transacting business outside of purpose clause
8. Transacting business as agent of foreign corporation not

licensed to do business here

9. Any other ground that would render it unfit to do business

designated government agency as well (ex. banks)

Can dissenting SHs exercise appraisal right?
o Yes.
When does merger or consolidation take place?
o Upon SEC approval
What is the effect of merger or consolidation?
o 1. The separate existence of the absorbed corporation will

cease to exist
2. Acquire rights, portfolio of business, and assume liabilities of
the absorbed corporations
Is it bound to absorb the employees?

No, as long as it is done in GF. The decision to retain

employees is within legitimate sphere of management



then sought to enforce the PN against ABC. Is it liable, even if the


3. Examination in an impeachment case

4. When there is an order from the court in cases of bribery or

PN was in XYZs name?

o Yes. ABC assumed XYZs liabilities.

dereliction of duty
5. When the money/bank account is the subject matter of the

XYZ corp issued a PN to D. XYZ was then absorbed by ABC. D


Even if it is no longer in the possession of the

Laws on confidentiality of bank transactions (RA 1405)

What is the purpose of this law?

o To encourage people to deposit in banks and avoid private
What is secrecy of bank deposits?
o Bank deposits and investment in bonds issued by the

account to account to make it difficult to trace

Ex. To settle the estate of the deceased (in Special

Contra: X sold treasury bills to Y for a sum of money.
Y sued for specific

Y then wanted to examine the bank

account of X.

HELD: This is NOT covered by this exception

because the account is not the subject

So this prohibition does not cover private

matter of litigation.
6. Under the AMLA, the AMLC can inquire into deposits where
there is probable case of money laundering (some requiring
court order, some not see discussion of AMLA), or if there

banking institutions
2. Investments in bonds issued by the Philippine Government,

are covered or suspicious transactions

7. Under the HSA, Anti-terror council can apply with CA for
authority to examine deposits upon probable cause of

its subdivisions and instrumentalities

Does this law cover trust accounts?
o Yes.
o The law says that deposits of whatever kind or nature are

covered by this law. So concept of deposit is not limited to


What deposits are covered?

Ex. in a case, the money was transferred from

X refused to deliver the bills.

government are confidential

o The very existence of the account is confidential
Who are covered by the prohibition under law?
o Prohibition against giving details is only limited to bank officers
and employees.

savings, time, or current deposits.

o 1. Depositor gave written consent
o 2. If a bank officer or SH will borrow money from his own bank,

commission of terrorism/conspiracy
8. Under the NIRC, the CIR can examine bank deposits if:

1. The depositor died, to check net estate

2. Taxpayer applied for compromise of tax liability on

ground that he is in no financial position to pay

3. Upon the request of information from the foreign tax
authority pursuant to an international convention or
agreement to which the Philippines is party

hes required to waive secrecy of bank deposits


9. The PDIC may examine deposits in case of findings that

banks engage in unsafe or unsound bank practices

10. Under the Unclaimed Balances Act, disclosure to the

Treasurer of the Philippines of dormant deposits of at least 10

Gangcaico: The OMB Law provides that the OMB can inquire into bank

deposits during investigation. This was the old doctrine. But in this

law forgot to provide for it

General Banking Law:
o There is secrecy of bank transactions. No officer or employee
may disclose information about funds or property belonging to

case it was reversed. Requisites now before OMB can examine:

o 1. There must be a case in court already
o 2. The account must be clearly identified
o 3. Inspection covers only the account identified
o 4. Bank employees and owner are notified
Is there a violation of secrecy of bank deposits if the account is

private individuals without court order. This covers all funds


amount is not actually disclosed.

Foreign Currency Deposits Act
o Foreign deposits are exempt from examination
o And also exempt from garnishment

BUT see exception below, in the rape case

Judgment was rendered against a foreign national

General Banking Law

Types, definition

who raped a Filipino child. He escaped. The only

source of money he had was a foreign currency
deposit with Chinabank.

The bank argued it

purposes of encouraging investment, which

What is the definition of banks?

o An entity engaged in lending funds obtained in the form of

cannot be garnished. HELD:

It can be garnished. The FCDA was for the

and property, unlike FCDA.

It covers even safety deposit boxes.
It does not cover public officials accounts (ex. Clarissa
Ocampo during impeachment trial) requisites:

1. Funds belonged to public officer

2. It was disclosed to an official body (ex. Senate)

3. And it was by court processes

o No, there is none. Bank accounts can still be garnished. The

Who can inquire?



N.B. But not the Anti-terrorism council because the

this situation does not fall under.

Only one exception under the FCDA itself:

Depositor gave written consent

Which exceptions under other laws apply to FCDA?

1. AMLA exceptions

2. HSA exceptions

3. NIRC exceptions

Receives money from the public and lends it out to them
What is required?

Banks must be STOCK corporation with funds


obtained from the public

Public means that there must be at least 20

How are banks classified?
o 1. Universal banks
o 2. Commercial banks
o 3. Thrift banks (RA 7906 primary)

A. Savings and mortgage banks

B. Stock savings and loan associations

C. Private development banks

o 4. Rural banks (RA 7353 primary)
o 5. Cooperative banks (RA 6938)
o 6. Islamic banks (RA 6848)
What are the powers of a universal bank?
o 1. Everything commercial banks can do
o 2. Powers of an investment house
o 3. Power to invest in non-allied enterprises
What are the powers of a commercial bank, in addition to ordinary

services to cooperatives
What are quasi-banks?
o Entities engaged in borrowing through deposit substitutes for
o (Ex. money market placements)
What are trust entities?
o Trust entities are those authorized by the MB to act as trustee
or administrator of any trust, or hold property in trust or on

evidences of debt
o 3. Accepting and creating demand deposits (checks and drafts)
o [Deposit, credit]
o 4. Receiving other types of deposits and deposit substitutes
o 5. Extending credit
o [Foreign exchange, securities]
o 6. Buying and selling foreign exchange, gold, and silver bullion
o 7. Acquiring marketable bonds and debt securities
What are thrift banks?
o Those that provide short-term working capital, medium-to-long

deposit for benefit/use of others.

These funds and properties in trust must be kept separate from

those held under general banking functions.

Central Bank (CB) supervises bank operations.
o CB can examine companies where banks or quasi-banks have

controlling interest
Nobody can engage in banking or quasi-banking without
Monetary Board authorization.

Shares, etc

industry, and housing, by

o 1. Accumulating savings of depositors and investing them
o 2. Capital loans secured by mortgages, bonds, CM, etc.
What are rural banks?
o Those that provide credit facilities to farmers and merchants, to

hold equities in rural banks may be incorporators

What are cooperative banks?
o Those organized primarily to provide financial and credit

term financing to businesses engaged in agriculture, services,

the purpose of relending or purchasing receivables/other

o [Instruments]
o 1. Accepting and issuing LOC
o 2. Discounting and negotiating PNs, drafts, BOEs, and

2. Must have purely 100% Filipino equity

3. Cooperatives or corporations primarily organized to

their cooperatives, people of rural communities

Special rules:

1. Can have elective or appointive local officials serve

as director, officer, or consultant


What kind of shares can banks issue?

o Banks can only issue par-value shares so you can ensure it
met the minimum paid-up capital requirement.
Can banks acquire their own shares?
o No, unless given as security as loan.
o The bank has to dispose these shares within six months after it
got them.
What is the limit on ownership of shares?

Unlike the former law, the GBL does not impose a limit on the

related interest.
Rules on family groups and related interests

What are family groups?

Stockholdings of individuals related to each

affinity, legitimate or common law, are



controlled by the same group of persons or

family group are related interests.

What is required?

The family group or related interests MUST

with the bank.

Foreign individuals and foreign non-bank corporations can only
own up to 40% of total voting shares of a local bank.

The restriction here refers to TOTAL





Type of shareholder

Limitation on shares

Family groups, related interests

Foreign individuals and non-bank
foreign corporations
Filipino individuals and domestic
non-bank corporations
Foreign banks
Universal bank

Unlimited, but must disclose

40% of total voting shares of local
40% individual equity

Commercial bank


participation of foreigners in the bank

What is the test of foreign citizenship under this


rural bank, or financial allied enterprise

Universal or commercial bank can own up to 100% voting stock

disclose such fact in all their transactions



of only one other universal or commercial bank.

other within 4th degree of consanguinity or

considered family groups.
What are related interests?

Two or more corporations


o Universal bank can own up to 100% equity of a thrift bank,

number of shares that can be owned by the same family or



60% equity of domestic banks

100% equity of thrift bank, rural
bank, or financial allied enterprise
100% equity of only one other
universal or commercial bank
100% equity of only one other
universal or commercial bank

What are the three modes of entry for foreign banks in the
o 1. Acquiring up to 60% of an existing domestic bank
o 2. Investing up to 60% of a new banking subsidiary

Control test of majority stockholders, and not

place of incorporation
Filipino individuals and domestic non-bank corporations can
only own up to 40% of the voting stock of a local bank.

The restriction here refers to individual equity


participation of non-bank domestic corporations

Foreign banks

Up to 60% equity of domestic banks (see discussion

immediately below)


incorporated under Philippine laws

3. Establishing branches with full banking authority
What is common among the three?

Need MB approval
What is the extent of their powers?

Same functions and privileges as a Philippine bank of

the same category
When is a head office guarantee required?

Only for establishment of branches (mode 3)

Requirements on directors?
o 5-15
o At least 2 must be independent not connected with the bank,

its subsidiaries, or affiliates

o What if there are bank mergers?

Can have up to 21.

Appointive or elective official limits?
o Cannot work in a bank, whether part or full time.
o Exceptions?

1.Incidental to financial assistance (ex. PDIC gave

Universal banks:
o Universal banks may act as an investment house
o But universal banks HAVE TO list shares in the stock market
What is the nature of deposits?
o They are in the nature of simple loans. Thus, the bank is the

debtor, and the depositor is the creditor.

Thus, the bank can make use as its own the money deposited.

The money is not held in trust or for safekeeping.

Third persons may not have a right to the money deposited
unless there is court order for garnishment.

financial assistance; can require that an officer sit as

trustee in that companys law)

2. Provided by existing laws (ex. DBP is required to

invest in all rural banks, so they can have people sit in

the boards)
How can meetings be conducted?
o Can conduct meetings by teleconference or video conference.
Rule on banks and their branches:
o Universal and commercial banks may open branches in the

Philippines or abroad with prior approval by the CB.

A bank and its branches shall be treated as one unit.

Special powers of commercial banks (and universal)?

o Commercial banks automatically have the power to engage in

deposited or failed to return the amount.

Does right to compensation exist?

Yes. The bank can set-off indebtedness of the

Can automatically accept opening of current accounts

Unlike other banks (e.g. saving and mortgage or thrift

special authorization from Monetary Board.
Commercial banks can invest in allied enterprises, subject to

depositor with deposits, if the requisites apply.

BUT the bank must inform the depositor prior to such

What is the degree of diligence required to be exercised by banks?
o Extraordinary diligence in the handling of deposits
o What about deposit substitutes (ex. money market

banks) which can accept current accounts, only with


not third persons.

Officers are not liable for estafa if they used the money

Powers of banks

The debtor-

creditor relationship is between the bank and the depositor, and


Just ordinary diligence

What are essential for a bank to be a mortgagee in GF?

1. Ascertain mortgagors title or ownership of the

property mortgaged
2. Check both duplicate original title of the property

and the title in the ROD

3. Conduct ocular inspection of the property if there is
something which would arouse suspicion and require
an ocular inspection

MB approval.

N.B. For universal, even non-allied enterprises


Single Borrowers Limit (SBL) the law limits this to 20% of net worth

shares is owned by the same interest that

of the bank to a single borrower

o The MB has discretion to raise this
o In computing this, if the loan is secured with treasury bills or

owns a controlling proportion of shares of his

CB bills, bills of lading, trust receipts, and other readilyo

marketable goods the ceiling can be increased by 10%

Who are included in the calculated of SBL?

Loan to corporation where the SB has majority

the government
2. Loans covered




maximum amount allowed by law, whichever is lower

Generally, DOSRI transactions are allowed, however, what
restrictions must be complied with?

1. Procedural: Approved by majority of the directors

What is not included?

1. Loans that are secured by obligations of the BSP or

4. The loan or financial accommodation is in excess of
5% of capital and surplus of the lending bank or in the

interest, subsidiaries of a corporation, members of a



excluding the director concerned

2. Terms must be arms-length
3. Limits on amount that would be lent

Loan must be limited also to amount

maintained in the lending bank and held in the

equivalent to his encumbered deposits and

3. Loans under LOC to extent covered by the margin


for futures or option contracts)

4. Other non-risk items as specified by the MB

DOSRI loans (bank exposure to Directors, Officers, Stockholders and





also his paid-in capital contribution

When does an individual ceiling not
o 1. Fringe benefits extended by the

Related Interests)
o What are requisites to be covered under the DOSRI rule?

1. Borrower is a director, officer, stockholder, or has


contribution to the bank

o N.B. so, not just his deposits but

deposits (security deposit by a customer with a broker

c) a bank in which controlling proportion of

related interest
2. He contracts a loan or any form of financial
3. The loan or accommodation is from:

a) his bank,

b) a bank that is a subsidiary of a bank

bank to officers
2. Loans by cooperative banks to

3. Secured by collateral which MB

considers as non-risk items

4. Aggregate ceiling

The MB may regulate amount of loans,


holding company [and both his bank and




DOSRIs, including bank investment in their

lending bank are subsidiaries],



Current Manual for Regulation of Banks

provision sets ceilings:

o 15% of total loan portfolio of bank
o 100% of combined capital accounts
o Whichever is lower
5. Reportorial requirement: approval of the loan must

be entered in bank records and a copy of the entry

This is void. This is a bailment and this is part of the nature of

the obligation.
Stipulation that a bank is not liable for delay in wire-transfer is

similarly void.
Can a bank engage in insurance?
o No.
o But the bank can sell insurance policies if the insurance

transmitted to the Supervising and Examination

Sector of the BSP

Value of collaterals?
o If secured by REM up to 75% of value of property
o 60% of the improvements
o CM 75%
Statement of purpose:
o When a borrower loans money from a bank, he must state his

company is a subsidiary or affiliate of the bank.


Prohibitions against officers or employees:

o 1. Making false records of transactions affecting the operations

purpose for doing so

If he diverts it for some other reason, the bank may demand


immediate payment
o Check special laws on banks foreclosure [already know this]

Note that the purchaser in the auction sale, whether

judicial or extra-judicial shall have the right to enter

upon and take possession of the property immediately

after the date of the confirmation of the auction sale

If the property will be redeemed, the mortgagor must pay
amounts due on the mortgage.

Ex. there are two loans

secured by the REM, and the 2nd loan became due during

redemption period, he must pay both.

Total investment in real estate, including equipment for use by the

o 1. Cannot exceed 50% of capital
o 2. If it acquires real property it must be disposed within 5 years
Is it valid to stipulate that the bank will not be liable for losses of

property in the safety deposit box?


of the bank
2. Disclosing bank deposits to unauthorized persons without
prior court authorization
3. Overvaluing securities
4. Accept gifts or fees to approve a loan
5. Outsourcing inherent bank functions

Ex. lending and accepting deposits

6. Employing employees with lengthy probationary periods

Cannot do the usual S.M. practice for bank tellers

(replacing them every 5 months or so)
7. Engaging in unsafe or unsound banking practice:

A. material loss/damage or abnormal risk/danger to

B. same, to depositors, creditors, investors, SH, public

in general
C. undue injury or unwarranted benefits through

manifest partiality, evident BF, or gross negligence

D. manifestly and grossly disadvantageous to the

bank (w/n the officer or director profits)

8. Declaring dividends:

A. that are greater than accumulated net profits

B. if its clearing account with BSP is overdrawn

C. deficient in required liquidity floor for government

commercial papers of Camella homes. But Ayala did not push through

deposits for 5 days or more

D. does not comply with liquidity standards/ratios

E. committed major violation as prescribed by BSP

An urban bank was closed, and that some favored clientele

lost money. The customer sued the bank. HELD: The customer bears

with the JV. The long term papers plunged in value, so the customer
the risks because she gave the instructions to the bank. She cannot
blame the bank for her bad investment decision.

received advance warning so they could take out their loans. Is

there a violation?
o Yes, this was an act that caused unwarranted benefit to parties

Central Bank Act (RA 7653)

due to partiality, bad faith, etc.

Head office guarantees prompt payment by its Philippine branches.
Banco Filipino: SC appointed judge Cosico to receive evidence and he

What are the State policies?

o 1. State maintains a central monetary authority that functions

made a finding that Banco Filipino (BF) must be closed. The sc issued

and operates as an independent and accountable body

a resolution that these hearings were not thorough, so they appointed

corporate in discharging mandated responsibilities re: money,

Judge Ynares. Ynares said BF was solvent and had 1B in assets. The
closure violated due process because the bank was closed before the

investigation was finished. The law was then changed saying that a

bank may be closed before completing examination.

BPI family bank had three depositors. A deposited a check issued by B.

The money inside Bs account came from an authorization allegedly

signed by C to debit his account and transfer the amount to B.
Depositor C claimed it was forged so the bank debited the account of A,
because money was the medium of exchange. Money is money, and no
evidence of title is required to transfer.
o Ex. A robber held up passengers in a jeepney and went to a

department store to buy clothes using the money. The victims

of the SCs reasoning.
Senator Villar floated bonds abroad in dollars and started Camella

2. Supervise operations of banks
3. Exercise regulatory powers over finance companies and

quasi-banks and those performing quasi-banking functions

What is the Monetary Board (MB)?
o It exercises the powers and functions of the BSP
o It is composed of 7 members, appointed by the President for 6year terms:

1. Governor of BSP (treated as department head

cannot claim the money back from the store. This the analogy

Creation of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP):
o It is the central monetary authority mentioned above
What is the responsibility and primary objective of the BSP?
o 1. Provide policy directions in areas of money, banking, and

because the money was eventually credited to him. HELD: Wrong,

banking, and credit.

2. BSP is a GOCC that enjoys fiscal and administrative

There were talks that Ayala will start a joint venture with
A customer asked to invest her funds in the long term


subject to CONA confirmation)

2. Cabinet member designated by President

3. 5 from private sector (staggered terms)

How does the Monetary Board (MB) act?


It needs 4 votes to approve any decision

In case of emergency, the governor with 2 concurring

move on to receivership/liquidation (see next

members of the board can act on any matter requiring MB


But have to report to the President and Congress

within 72 hours
What steps can the MB take when the bank is under distress?
o 1. Place it under conservatorship

When the bank is having liquidity problems

What are the powers of the conservator?

1. Take charge of assets, liabilities, and

2. Receivership

Must there be prior conservatorship?


What is the difference?

The bank must be in insolvent here

When can you declare receivership?

1. Unable to pay liabilities as they become

due in the ordinary course of business
o Does not include inability to pay due
to extraordinary demands
Ex. Equitable bank run

management thereof
2. Reorganize the management of the bank
3. Collect all monies and debts due the bank
4. Exercise all powers necessary to restore

impeachment trial
2. Insufficient realizable assets to meet

5. Can overrule the decisions of the bank

3. Cannot continue without probable loss to

depositors or creditors
4. Willfully violated cease and desist order

officers/directors when it will prejudice the



To what power does this apply?

Only to defective contracts

Can it apply to valid contracts?

This will impair

that has become final, or dissipation of

freedom of contracts
How long can conservatorship last?

1 year. Afterwards, it will be determined if it

can survive
When is conservatorship terminated?

1. MB is satisfied the institution can operate

as receiver is summary
Who is the statutory receiver?

The PDIC is the statutory receiver

But if quasi-bank, any person of recognized

assets of the bank

o In this case, forbidding from doing
business and appointment of PDIC

on its own and conservatorship is no longer

competence in banking or finance

Duties of the receiver?

1. Gather and take charge of all assets and

2. Continuance of business will involve

liabilities, and administer these for the

probable loss to depositors or creditors


2. General powers of receiver in ROC

Cannot pay or dissipate any of the

rehabilitated it.



questioned. They claimed there was an unusual bank

administrative expenditures
3. May deposit or place funds of the

run. But the court found that there was bankruptcy




institution in non-speculative interests

Case: Manila Banking was placed under receivership.

because they extended unlimited credit facilities

What happens in liquidation?

1. Receiver files ex parte in the RTC petition

for assistance in liquidation
o According to liquidation plan by

The officers sold real property belonging to Manila

Banking and the receiver approved it.

HELD: Invalid. The moment the bank was

placed under receivership, the officers lost

because they now pass under the control of

The receiver cannot approve

acts of administration.
What must the receiver decide within 90 days
from taking over?

1. Whether




Effect of receivership or liquidation?

1. Assets of institution cannot be garnished,

attached, levied, executed
o Because they are


rehabilitated or is in a condition that it may

public and creditors).
o MB must approve this determination

the receiver
2. No preference even if the claimantattachment
o Remedy is to join in liquidation

3. Appointment of receiver does not dissolve

receiver and close the bank. It is enough

It does not eliminate legal

personality of bank. It can sue and be sued,

that subsequent judicial review is given. To


require prior hearing would defeat purpose of

General Bank: It was closed and nobody was willing
to invest fresh capital.


depositor obtained a writ of preliminary

of resumption
2. Otherwise, proceed to liquidation

3. Liquidation

What is the close now, hear later scheme?

No prior hearing needed to appoint a


custodia legis when in the hands of

resume business (with safety to general

employees, and issues re: liquidation plan

3. Convert assets to cash and pay claims
according to concurrence and preference of

the sale because his powers are limited to

PDIC (or MB, if quasi-bank)

2. RTC adjudicates disputed claims against
the institution, liabilities of officers and

their authority to dispose its properties

the receiver.

The old orders to close it were

Allied Bank bought and






Can the BSP forbid the bank to do business?


Yes, but when the BSP decides this, the

legal currency:
o Coins, denominations of 25c, 10c, and 5c are legal tender up

bank can still foreclose mortgages and the

prescriptive period to foreclose is not tolled.
Is an insolvent bank closed by the BSP liable to
pay interests on deposits of clients?

No. A bank cannot pay interest when it is not

to 100 pesos.
Denominations of 1, 5, and 10 are legal tender up to 1000

But interests on loans extended by the BSP

N.B. The old rates were 25 and 50 pesos, but they have been

are still demandable.

What is the character of all these remedies?
o No prior hearing required
o Final and executory
o What is the remedy?

Within 10 days, file a petition for certiorari

o From when do you count the 10 days?

Count from receipt of order by the BOD

Filing must be authorized by majority of SHs interest

MB may impose sanctions including liquidation of a bank when:
o [violations]
o 1. There are violations of articles and by-laws
o 2. Willful failure to comply with banking law/regulation of Mb
o 3. Conducting business with irregularities
o [re: information and supervision]
o 4. Failure to submit reports
o 5. Refusal of examination
o 6. Willfully making false statements to MB
What is the provisional remedy against erring officers?
o 1. MB may place under preventive suspension any officer of

changed to these rates in 2006 by CB Circular 537

Someone went shopping in the supermarket and paid

Only the CB can issue currency and all notes issued by the CB are

coins to the cashier, total more than 1000 pesos.


cashier said it is not legal tender. Is she correct?

What is its powers regarding money function?

May prevent circulation of foreign currency or of

currency substitutes, or of reproduction of facsimiles

of BSP notes
Investigate, make arrests, conduct search and seizure
in accordance with law to maintain integrity of

What is the responsibility and primary objective of the BSP?
o Maintain price stability conducive to a balanced
sustainable growth of the economy.


Promote and maintain

monetary stability and the convertibility of the peso.

There are different tools held by the MB for this purpose:
o 1. CB maintains international reserves. The CB maintains an
account with the Federal Reserve system in the US. The CB

the bank pending investigation up to 120 days

2. If the officers continue with the violation, can issue a cease

thus can buy and sell foreign currency.

2. With concurrence of MB and with president, the MB can
restrict sales of foreign currency.

and desist order

Officers can request for a hearing within 5 days from

Back in the 60s the MB

ordered all banks to surrender all their foreign currency to the

order to question the cease and desist order, or else it

becomes final

3. Require exchange obtained by anyone to be sold to the


There are laws on paper saying that upon earning

State policy and SEC

money in dollars, you have to sell them to the bank

within 5 days. But because of our commitment to the

o 1. Protect public investors from fraudulent schemes
o 2. Encourage public investments by regulating sale and

IMF, this is not implemented anymore.

What is the purpose and scheme of the Securities Regulations

The MB can:
o 1. Determine exchange policy,
o 2. Require banks to sell excess foreign exchange,
o 3. Buy and sell credit instruments from banks (Discount

regulates, encourages widest participation of ownership in


Extend loans and advances (w/ charges and interests)


enterprises, enhance democratization of wealth, and promote

to banking institutions to influence volume of credit

4. Extend loans to banks for up to 7 days without collateral for

with the objective of price stability

5. In national emergency, by vote of at least 5 members, the
MB can approve of extraordinary loans

Amount must not exceed 50% of the banks total

deposits and deposit substitutes

Loans released in two tranches (installments)

6. Can buy and sell debt instruments (Open Market

BSP may buy and sell in the open market evidence of

indebtedness directly issued by the government or by
a government instrumentality (and guaranteed by the

development of capital market

4. Protect investors, ensure full and fair disclosure of securities,
minimize/eliminate insider trading and fraudulent/manipulative

the sake of liquidity

This can influence the volume of credit, consistent


disposition of securities
3. Establish a socially conscious free market that self-

7. Reserve requirements can increase this (to decrease the
amount available for loans by the banks) vis--vis deposit

Securities Regulations Code


devices that distort the free market

Composition of SEC:
o 1 chairperson, 4 commissioners
o Collegial body
o 7 year terms each
What are the powers and functions of the SEC?
o [Registration and supervisory]
o 1. Jurisdiction and supervision over business organizations
o 2. Approve, reject, suspend, revoke, require amendments to

registration statements, and registration/licensing applications

3. Supervise, monitor, suspend, take over exchanges, clearing


agencies, and SROs

1. Regulate, investigate, supervise activities of persons to

ensure compliance with SRC

2. Compel officers of registered corporations or association to

call meetings of SHs or members

3. Issue subpoenas duces tecum or summon witnesses in

proceedings, or procure books


1. Formulate policies and recommendations on issues re:


securities market and make recommendations to Congress

2. Issue rules and regulations and opinions
[compliance and punishment]
1. Impose sanctions for violation of rules and regulations
2. Enlist aid and support of government agencies to implement

its powers and functions

3. Issue cease and desist orders to prevent fraud/injury to


4. Punish for contempt according to ROC
5. Suspend or revoke the franchises or certificates of


1. Investors and corporate affairs

Particularly fraudulent



not an investment contract

What are securities?
o Shares, participation, or interests in a corporation/commercial

o 6. Exercise necessary or incidental powers
Which cases have been transferred to RTC jurisdiction from the

2. In a common enterprise

N.B. thus charitable institutions are not covered

3. With expectation of profits
4. To be derived primarily from efforts of others

N.B. So if the investor contributes actual work, its




certificate, contract, instrument (written or electronic)

In particular:

1. Shares of stock, bonds, debentures, notes,

evidence of indebtedness, asset-backed securities

2. Investment Ks, certificates of interest or
participation in profit-sharing agreement, certificates




interest/other firms

Ex. insider trading, etc.

2. State and corporate affairs

In relation to legal existence

partnerships, and associations
3. Intra-corporate and partnership relations

e.g. Controversies in election,

of deposit for future subscription

Investment K a person seeks to use the





money of others on the promise of profits

3. Fractional undivided interests in oil, gas, or other
mineral rights
4. Derivatives (options and warrants)

Options contracts that give the buyer the

right to buy/sell an underlying security at a


predetermined price on or before an expiry



directors or trustees
4. Petitions for suspension of payment corporate rehabilitation

Registration of securities


o Call options rights to buy

o Put options rights to sell
Warrants right to subscribe/purchase new
shares or existing shares in a company on or

What is an investment contract requisites?

o 1. Investment of money

N.B. a no money out transaction is not an


before an expiry date

Certificates of assignments,



participation, trust certificates, voting trust certificates,

and the like




1. No securities can be sold or offered without registration

certificates in corporations; other instruments

XYZ borrows money from persons and in exchange issues

statement filed with and approved by the SEC

2. Prior to sale, information on securities made available to





postdated checks in an amount equivalent to their value +

interest, maturing after 2 months. The lenders can re-lend

these amounts after and even increase contribution when
the checks mature. The SEC found out and issued a cease

and desist order for selling unregistered securities. Is the

transactions, but another for an elaborate scheme that

turns postdated checks as instruments for pseudoSecurities also include commercial

papers evidencing indebtedness of any person or

What are specific examples of securities?
o A foreign exchange trading transaction is an investment

of other people (you get commissions)

Someone with exploration contracts for oil or gas can sell

participation rights
Derivatives limitless (depends on creativity of the human

approved by proper adjudicatory body

4. Security or derivatives which sale or transfer is under


supervision of Insurance Comm, HLURB, BIR

5. Security issued by a bank except its own shares of stock
N.B. Usually these are issued by the government or

Different from spot trading. Spot trading is where X

dollar), but the seller gives credit: 10 days to pay.
agreed to a price, you are just given credit.
Whereas in derivatives, you must have a license from



For instance, certificates




securities issued by banks.

Why are they exempt securities?

These are non-speculative in nature. The return on

investment is somewhat assured.

What transactions are exempt from registration?
o [A. isolated and minor transactions]
o 1. Isolated transactions

Not in repeated and successive transactions

o 2. Sale of securities to less than 20 persons within 12 months

Here, you are not speculating, you have already

subdivision) on the basis of reciprocity

3. Certificates issued by receiver/trustee in bankruptcy


bought $1000 (where exchange rate is 43 pesos to a

regulated by another agency.

Pyramiding scheme is an investment contract

Because there is expectation of profit from the efforts

political subdivision or agency, or instrumentality of government

2. Security issued or guaranteed by government of any country
with which Philippines maintains diplomatic relations (or

SEC right?

Yes, it is. It is one thing to issue checks for isolated


each prospective purchaser

Which securities need not be registered?
o 1. Security issued or guaranteed by the Phil. Government,

(deemed isolated)
[B. with existing underlying relationships]
1. Stock dividends (to existing SHs)
2. Sale of shares to existing SHs
3. Issue and delivery of security in exchange for any other
security of the same issuer pursuant to right of conversion

the MB.
Rules on registration?


If a corporation floated bonds and there is an option to

exchange it for stocks

4. Pre-incorporation subscription or pursuant to increase in


2. Violation of SRC
3. Engaged in fraudulent transactions or about to engage in


4. Issuing officer/SH convicted of moral turpitude or fraud
[misinformation or lack thereof]
5. False or misleading annotations as to material facts
6. Failed to comply with conditions for registration
7. Registration is inaccurate or incomplete

A.C.S. without compensation or remuneration for the

transaction and where purpose of solitication is to comply

with legal requirements

5. Exchange of securities by the issuer with its existing security


holders exclusively, where no remuneration is paid

[C. secured by mortgage and the like]
1. Sale by pledgee or mortgagee foreclosing
2. Issuance of bonds secured by mortgage, where the entire

Protection of investors

mortgage + all the bonds/notes secured thereby sold to one

buyer (who is the underwriter)

Ex. Meralco will float $500M bonds secured by


So even if securities are potentially valueless (ex.

mortgage on its assets. One bank bought all that.

issued by a company on the brink of insolvency), as long as

these facts are properly disclosed, the SEC will not deny


This is exempt.
[D. sophisticated transactions]
1. Judicial sale or any extra-judicial sale/execution sale by

admin/guardian/receiver/trustee in insolvency or bankruptcy

2. Brokers transactions, executed upon customers orders, on

any registered exchange or trading market

3. Sale to banks, etc. and other sophisticated investors not



government or those authorized by government

Investment company
Others, as deemed by the SEC
disapproving application for registration

What is a tender offer?
o Publicly announced intention by a person or group of persons
to acquire equity securities of a public company (a type of
takeover bid).

It is a public, open offer to all stockholders of the

needing protection from the SEC


Regulated investment house

Insurance company

Pension fund/retirement plan maintained by the RP

What is the shift of the Philippine securities registration system?

o It has shifted from a merit-based system to a disclosure-based

It is an offer for them to tender their shares on the

terms specified in the offer.

Purpose: To protect minority SHs from any scheme to dilute
their shares. It gives them the chance to exit the company
under reasonable terms and the chance to sell their shares at


o 1. If corporation is insolvent


the same price as those of majority SHs.

When is a tender offer required?
o If a person or group intends to acquire:

1. At least 35% equity of a listed corporation

2. At least 35% equity of an unlisted corporation, if it

has at least 50M+ assets and 200 SHs with at least

tender offer or request

o except as the SEC may otherwise

100 shares each

3. At least 35% of equity of a listed corporation over a

period of 12 months
NOTE: in the codal this was 15% and 30% but the SEC rules

changed these to 35%

N.B. This requirement applies even to indirect means of

will be sold
What are not covered by the tender offer rule?
o [New stocks]
o 1. Purchase from unissued capital
o 2. Purchase of shares from increase in ACS
o [In relation to proceedings]
o 1. Purchases in connection with privatization undertaken by the

2. Purchases in connection with corporate rehabilitation under


court supervision
3. Merger or consolidation
[Public sales]
1. Purchases through open market at prevailing market price
2. Purchase in connection with foreclosure proceedings




securities offered




person/group intend to purchase?

The offered securities are purchased pro rata,

acquiring control

Ex. Shares of mother corp. which owns a subsidiary

2. Not yet been accepted by the offeror, and

3. After 60 days from the date of the original

disregarding fractions
This rule also covers: securities deposited within 10

days from increased consideration offer

N.B. if the person/group offers higher consideration to
attract more offers, the initial depositors must also be

given the higher consideration

What is proxy solicitation?
o A request that a corporate shareholder authorize another

person to cast the shareholders vote at a corporate meeting.

What is the rule on proxy solicitation?
o No broker or dealer can give any proxy in respect to any
security carried for the account of the customer to a person
other than the customer, if without express written authorization

of the customer
A broker or dealer who holds or acquires proxy for at least 10%
of the shares must identify who the beneficial owner is, within

involving a pledge/security arrangement

What is the procedure for making a tender offer?
o 1. File a declaration with SEC of intent to make tender offer
o 2. Furnish the issuer of securities the necessary info
o 3. Publish and send out requests/invitation to tender shares
o 4. SHs deposit securities pursuant to the offer or request

Requisites if the depositor wants to withdraw the

10 days of acquisition, in a report given to:

1. SEC,

2. Issuer of the security, and

3. The exchange where the security is traded

Prohibited and Fraudulent Acts

securities deposited?

1. Done throughout period the offer remains

open, and


What are prohibited acts?

o [Market manipulations]

1. Manipulation of security prices, false transactions, where to

1. If the securities were acquired in good faith in

falsely show active trading, there are multiple transactions

Wash sales (transaction that involves no change in

connection with a debt contracted prior

2. If the beneficial owner was not such both at the

beneficial ownership thereof)

Matched orders

Market rigging or jiggling

2. Effecting alone or with others a series of transactions in

securities that:

Raise price to induce purchase

Depress price to induce sale

Create active trading to induce purchase/sale through

issued by the issuer if after 60 days from request to

prosecute, the issuer fails to do so

What is a short sale?
o It is the sale of a security that the seller doesnt own. A short

manipulative devices
3. Series of transactions for purchase/sale of security to peg,

seller often borrows shares from a broker and sells them to a


fix, or stabilize its price

4. Manipulative or deceptive devices or contrivance in

from the public, at a lower price, the same number and type of


purchase or sale of security

1. Circulate or disseminate information that the price of a

third person, hoping the price will drop. He then buys back
shares he borrowed from the broker and returns them, profiting

security will rise or fall because of manipulative market


2. Make false/misleading statement with respect to material
facts, which he knew or had ground to believe was

time of purchase and sale

When is suit filed?

2 years from when profit was realized, in the RTC

Brought by the issuer, or the owner of the securities

false/misleading to induce purchase or sale of any security

What are covered by the short-swing profit rule?
o Directors, officers, and principal stockholders (owns more than

from the lower value of shares.

N.B. This is perfectly legal. Contrast this with the short-swing

profit sale (which the code actually calls short sales)

What are fraudulent transactions?
o Obtain money or property through untrue statements
o Involves deceit
What is insider trading? (Usually asked in the Bar)
o Illegal for an insider to buy or sell security while in possession
of material information not available to the public

Unless that insider proves that the information was not

10% of a particular class of securities) (i.e. corporate

insiders) who enter into a purchase-and-sale or sale-ando

purchase transaction within a gap of 6 months

What is the effect?

The corporate insider must return any profits derived

to the securities-issuer
What transactions are exempted from forfeiture of profits?

obtained from insider relationship

Or if he had reason to believe the other party knew of

this information or he himself made it known

Who is an insider?

1. Issuer

2. Officer of issuer

3. Person whose relationship gives him access to

material information


4. Government employee, director, etc. (of SEC) with

access to this information

5. Person who learns this info from the foregoing

fraudulent, but the seller cannot decide to invoke that


of the violation


N.B. not if it wasnt communicated to the

person (ex. just randomly stumbled upon a

Transportation Law

letter containing such information)

When is information material?

If it will affect the price

Or important in the decision to buy, sell, or hold the

Distinguish common carrier from private carrier:

Civil liabilities:
o Any person acquiring a security may sue if the registration or

statement is untrue as to a material fact


1. Issuer and every person




registration statement
2. [See enumeration in the Code] prospectus,
fraudulent transactions, insider trading, etc.

Time sharing:
o Can offer staying in cottages, clubs, etc. to non-members
because sometimes they are empty. These are securities that

must be registered.
What is the effect of contracts made in violation of the SRC?
o 1. Void as regards the rights of any person who, in violation of

Common carrier

Private carrier

Holds self out in common to all

persons who choose to employ him
Bound to all who offer such goods as
it is accustomed to carry and tender
reasonable compensation
Subject to regulation; as a public
Extraordinary diligence
Cannot stipulate exemption from
liability for negligence (void against

Agrees to carry persons/goods for

hire in a special agreement
Only by virtue of special agreement

any such provision, shall have made or engaged in the

Not subject to regulation to same

Diligence of GFF
May validly stipulate such

What are common carriers?

o Hold themselves out to the public as ready to engage in
carrying goods or passengers or both for compensation as

performance of the contract

Ex. Company who knowingly issued unregistered

public employment.

Even if thats not his primary business

Does not need to have a regular schedule, and can

securities (the infirmity of which the buyer wasnt

aware of) cannot file action for specific performance to

it is void.
2. Void as regards a non-party to the contract who was aware

compel payment
N.B. It is unilaterally void only as for the violator. So

the buyer can void it because the seller was

have limited service (ex. school bus)

What about transportation of oil through a pipeline?

Still a common carrier it does not have to be a



Is a travel agency a common carrier?

No, it only makes arrangements for the passenger.

What is the level of diligence for a common carrier?
o Extraordinary diligence, as opposed to GFF for a private carrier
o Both in transportation of persons and custody of goods
o Can a common carrier invoke the last clear chance


appearance that they are not properly packed, and


No, it is a defense in quasi-delict, but does not apply


2. Acts of public enemy in war

3. Acts or omissions of the shipper or owner
4. Character of the goods or faulty packaging

Character of goods: ex. ripening of fruits

Faulty packaging: If obvious from external

to liability of passengers.
What about diligence in selection and supervision of

package to save money. The carrier accepted it.

This caused the goods to spill from the package.


No, its just a defense in quasi-delict but not breach of



transportation contract.
What about defects in the parts, even if brand new?

Its still not a defense. Even if its brand new, the

goods and noticing that they are obviously


components or car part is not a good defense.

What are the defenses available to the carrier?
o 1. Fortuitous event

When is fortuitous event not allowed to be


If there is negligence or delay

When is extraordinary diligence required, even

(fortuitous event does not justify major delays

Its traceable to human negligence.

What about robbery?

Robbers must be acting with irresistible force


The carrier is presumed to have been in fault

Burden of proof is on the carrier to prove exercise of

extraordinary diligence
When does responsibility of the carrier begin?
o From the time the goods were placed in its possession until the

after the event)

If there is failure to comply with this there is

concurrent negligence by the transporter

Is fire a fortuitous event?

As a rule, no, except if caused by lightning.

5. Order of competent public authority
6. Exercise of extraordinary diligence

If the goods are damaged or lost, what is

during a fortuitous event?

Before, during, and even after the event

There is shared liability. Extraordinary

diligence includes the carrier examining the

common carrier cannot be complacent. Defect in

still the carrier accepted it, it is liable.

An owner under-declared the weight of his

goods are actually delivered

Carrier was delivering hemp, but it cannot approach the wharf
because the water was shallow. It sent a lighter to send the
hemp, but it sank.

HELD: The carrier is liable. The transportation

through the lighter was a preparatory act to delivery,

and so was within the K of transportation.

Carrier was delivering oil, and when it got to the wharf, it was
pumping oil into a tank. The hose was severed, without the


carrier noticing, and the oil placed in the tanks spilled into the

water. Caltex, the shipper, sued.

HELD: No final delivery yet because the oil spilled


guard who assaulted him. X fell onto the tracks and got hit by
the train. Is LRT liable?

Yes, because he was there in pursuit of boarding the

reached the consignee. Its as if the owner never


bus hit one of the passengers. Is the bus liable?

Yes, responsibility only ends after passage of

reasonable time and opportunity to leave the

The contract of carriage does not automatically end

warehouse, but there was no consignee was there delivery?

o No.
o What are the defenses?

1. There was delivery

Notice given to consignee re: the arrival of

becomes akin to a warehouseman/bailee

What is the nature of services of an arrastre operator?
o The legal relationship between the arrastre operator and the

to get the baggage.

Upon landing on the dock, and the goods were placed in a

parted with ownership of the goods.

Legal effect: the contract of carriage is terminated; the shipper

consignee is akin to that of warehouseman/depositary and

upon alighting. Contract of carriage includes chance

control and responsibility over the goods

How could the carrier avoid liability?
o Through stoppage in transitu

This is exercised by the seller/owner, before it has

After alighting a bus, but waiting to pick up luggage, the same

diligence is reduced to GFF.

What if the goods were placed in a bonded warehouse
prior to loading or in transit?

The common carrier is still liable, because it has

back. Carrier was liable.

X was waiting for the LRT on the platform, after buying a token
and entering the turnstile. He got into an altercation with the

The carrier becomes a depositary, and

the goods
Given reasonable opportunity to remove

them or dispose of them

2. There was exercise of extraordinary diligence

When does the K of transportation terminate?
o 1. When the goods are actually received
o 2. When there is unreasonable delay in receiving the goods

What is the implication?

Maritime law does not apply to govern the arrastre operators

When is a stipulation limiting carrier liability valid?
o It must be reasonable to be valid.
o What are unreasonable?

1. No liability at all

2. Limited liability up to a certain amount

3. Goods transported at risk of owner

4. Exercise of diligence less than GFF

N.B. so this is the minimum

5. That the common carrier is not liable for acts of its


What is valid:

1. Limiting carrier liability in case of strikes or riots

2. Limiting liability up to a certain amount UNLESS

the shipper declares the actual damage


N.B. if the carrier is a private carrier, such stipulations

amuck and started hurting the passengers with a knife. The

otherwise deemed unreasonable are valid.

Which countrys laws govern the transshipment of goods between

other passengers panicked and ran out, and fell, died.

HELD: The bus company was liable because a

o The law of the country wherein the goods will be shipped

passenger ran amuck and the employees did not do

Ex. If there are two carriers (A and B) with a transshipment

agreement and As transportation ends in Davao, its liability is

What specific laws will govern under Philippine law?
o Primary: New Civil Code provision on common carriers
o Secondary: Code of Commerce and other special laws: Public

is required to exercise extraordinary diligence but is

Service Act, Customs and Tariff Code, Civil Aeronautics Act

Tertiary: Carriage of Goods by Sea Act
Can the parties deviate from this hierarchy?

Yes. Stipulate in contract of carriage what laws

reason of contract, as long as it is not against public

What are the rules governing baggage of passengers?
o If it is checked in, liable as common carrier
o If it is hand carried, it is considered necessary deposit only

required to exercise diligence of GFF

How does gratuitous transportation affect stipulation limiting

o It becomes valid
o But not for willful acts and gross negligence
Contributory negligence of passenger will not exculpate carrier but

not an absolute insurer.

What is the rule re: explosives, etc?
o Airline companies liable because they are authorized to
search bags
o Bus not authorized to search bags, so not liable.
If the carrier ends up in an accident, what are the remedies of the
o A passenger can sue under breach of contract or quasi-delict.
o N.B. Breach of contract is easier to prove because there is

should govern (Paramount Clause). It applies by

anything, stop the bus, or whatever.

A bystander threw a stone at a bus and it struck a passenger.
Carrier liable?

HELD: No. It has no control over this occurrence. It

governed by Philippine law even if B proceeds to deliver to

A bus was cruising along the highway. One passenger ran

presumption and the defense of diligence in


selection/supervision is not available.

Why would you sue under quasi-delict then?

There are more damages recoverable, but the case is

tougher. But you can recover moral damages from

minimize liability
o Ex. Passenger left his elbow hanging out the bus window, got
hit and severed. His contributory negligence reduced the

physical injuries here.

What damages can be recovered in breach of contract?
o 1. Passenger was injured:

Medical expenses

Loss of income if incapacitated to work

Attorneys fees, if the carrier unjustifiably resisted the

carriers liability.

If the driver was negligent, you cannot impose
exemplary damages on the employer unless there is


something that makes the employer liable (ex.

awareness of the drivers recklessness)

Moral damages?

General rule: not demandable

o Obligor acted in bad faith or fraud
o Gross negligence tantamount to

Warsaw Convention

award of 25K as temperate damages

Moral damages
Exemplary damages apply same doctrine above
Lost income

(80 actual age) (annual income) (2/3) =

When does the Warsaw Convention apply?

o To transport of persons, baggage, goods in international air
o Although domestic flights may apply it in a Paramount clause
When is there international transport?
o 1. Point of departure and point of destination are in two high

What bout injuries caused by acts or omissions of employees of








also covers even domestic portions of the itinerary

Ex. ML Amsterdam Madrid Barcelona

KLM issues a ticket from ML to Amsterdam. Then it helps
but flown through Air France. Is KLM liable for problems

automobile, then diligence of GFF is a defense.

Ex. But if at the same time, there is liability for injuries
caused to passenger, diligence of GFF is not a

What if the passenger was caused by co-passenger or stranger?
o If the act of the stranger could have been prevented or stopped

State that may or may not be a high contracting party

What is the single operation rule?

The moment a person is covered by the WC, then it

the passenger secure a ticket from Amsterdam to Paris,


(Respondeat superior)
Must be in the course of his employment

Ex. If the liability is for damages caused to another

contracting States to the convention

2. Point of departure and point of destination is within one high
contracting State, and there is an intermediate point, which is a

the common carrier?

o The CC is liable EVEN IF the act was done in violation of

Can this liability be eliminated by stipulation, posted notices,

statements on tickets, or otherwise?
o No.

bad faith
2. Passenger died

Medical expenses

Funeral expenses

Where there is no proof of funeral expenses,

in the flight to Paris?

NO. It is a mere agent of the other airline company.

What documents are involved in international transport by air?
o Passenger ticket
o Baggage check
o Airway bill
Is the issuance of an airway bill necessary in order to establish
contract of carriage?
o Yes, because an airway bill is a document that would establish

by the personnel using GFF, there is liability.

If not, it is a fortuitous event.

a contract of carriage between the carrier and the owner of


goods. It establishes receipt of goods and the condition of the

goods loaded on board.

Can the carrier accept the goods without issuing an airway bill?
o Yes, but it would be liable to the shipper, had it delivered the

goods to the consignee without asking for surrender of the


airway bill.
The carrier will be liable to shipper for misdelivery.
Also liable to real person with lawful right over the goods who

the goods are delivered to the latter)

o He couldnt recall the goods anymore or stop delivery in transit.
If the consignee refuses to exercise his rights as consignee, what

o The shipper resumes right over the goods and can exercise

rights and obligations over goods under Warsaw Convention

Rights of consignee upon arrival of goods at port of destination:
o 1. Right to demand from the carrier to deliver the airway bill

tort law) 4 years

Where can you sue the airline company?

1. Where you bought the ticket

2. Where the airline company was incorporated

3. Where the airline company has its principal office

4. Point of destination
In a roundtrip flight (ex. SF ML SF), can you sue in

and the goods to him

o 2. Pay transportation costs to carrier if stipulated
When is the consignee allowed to enforce provisions of contract


have happened, or stoppage of carriage

What is the exception for period to file claims?

Action based on passenger being humiliated (follow


(airway bill)?
o 1. Goods not delivered before expiry of 7 days from the time

the rule in the Code of Commerce and unlike COGSA)

o See directly below for period to file claims in cour
What is the period to file claims for damages in court?
o 2 years from arrival at the destination, or when arrival should

holds the airway bill.

When does the right of the shipper to dispose the goods cease?
o From the time when the right of the consignee begins (when

the carrier?


No, because in a roundtrip flight, your point of

departure is the same as your point of destination.
When can you sue in ML?

If the return date is left open. Meaning, ML

is the point of destination.

Who is the defendant?
o 1. As regards passengers:

In case of successive carriers, the carrier in which the

they were supposed to arrive

2. Goods are missing
N.B. Consignee will have right to enforce rights under contract

of carriage
When must claim notice be given to the carrier?
o Baggage loss: 3 days from receipt of baggage
o Goods loss: 7 days from receipt of goods
o Delay in delivery of baggage or goods: 14 days from delivery
o What if the consignee does not give such claim notice to

Further action by the consignee is barred (similar to

accident or delay occurred

Unless by express agreement, the first carrier

assumed liability for the whole journey

2. As regards baggage or goods:

Passenger or consignor can sue first carrier,

Passenger or consignee can sue last carrier, or

Against carrier I which destruction, damage, or loss


N.B. all carriers are jointly and severally liable

What is the liability of carriers to passengers?

Liable for death or injury if caused on board, during

embarkation, or disembarkation
What is the period of responsibility for the air carrier?
o As soon as the carrier has possession and custody over the

baggage and goods

What are the defenses available to the carrier?
o 1. Carrier/agents took all necessary measures to avoid

special declaration of interest in the delivery and has

damage or it was impossible to take these measures

2. Error in piloting and the carrier/agents had taken all
impossible to take these measures

Ex. pilot mistakenly identified one airport as another

3. Error in handling of aircraft and the carrier/agents had taken


impossible to take these measures

4. Error in navigating and the carrier/agents had taken all
necessary measures to prevent the accident or it was

impossible to take these measures

5. Contributory negligence

Liability reduced appropriately by the degree of

negligence contributed by the shipper/consignees

What is the concept of limited liability?
o Liability to passengers (injury on board, injury during
delay) is limited to the stated amounts.
When does limited liability NOT apply?
o Limited liability does not apply when there is dol or willful

o No.
When a passenger is downgraded, can he recover damages?
o Yes.
How much are airlines allowed to overbook?
o Up to 10%.
o If everybody shows up, then the airline company asks for
volunteers to be transferred to the next flight.
If no one wants to be transferred, the last ones to check in will

be left behind.
o N.B. But our SC does not accept this reasoning.
X and his wife went to HK with another couple, with their friends. When
they were returning, X was informed that he was being transferred to


Ex. the PAL situation where bags were unloaded so it

baggage, but its not yet effective

Do you apply Warsaw Convention when suing on a tort? (Ex.

embarkation or disembarkation, or delay) or goods (damage or

paid a supplementary sum if it is required

In this case, what happens to the liability?

The limit will be the declared amount

Unless it is proven the actual value is higher

3. Hand-carried baggage 5K francs per passenger
What is the effect of the Guatemala Protocol?

Increased limits to $100K for passenger and $1K for

all necessary measures to prevent the accident or it was


passenger agree to a higher limit

2. Carriage of registered baggage and cargo 250 francs per
kg (of the baggage concerned, not total baggage)

Except if the passenger or consignor has made a

necessary measures to prevent the accident or it was

Except if by special contract, the carrier and

first class, against his wishes. He sued.

o HELD: He won. There was still a breach of contract, in spite of

could take in more freight

Ex. Recklessness in handling luggage

What is the limitation of liability?
o 1. Carriage of passengers 250K francs

the upgrade.
X was a soprano who was scheduled to perform in KL. X booked with
Sing Air a flight from Frankfurt to ML, and then ML to KL. Because of
the bad weather, Sing Air wasnt able to fly her to ML on time to reach


KL. So X just flew directly to KL with another flight and wasnt able to

practice, and performed badly.

o HELD: Sing Air was liable; it was not beyond remedy.

shoulders costs of inspection. If the carrier is wrong, it bears

Couldve booked another flight to make it possible.

A Northwest flight was aborted so the passengers were all rebooked in

in additional cargo and freight.

o HELD: this was bad faith, leading to moral damages.
Unloading baggage to prevent airplane from being overweight, for safety

o HELD: not liable
JAL was unable to land in MLA for two weeks because Pinatubo erupted


and the runway had lahar.

o HELD: It is a fortuitous event. JAL not liable for

the costs.
When can the consignee of the goods refuse to take delivery of the
goods and just claim damages?
o 1. When the partial loss makes the entire thing useless
o 2. When the damage makes the goods useless for the purpose

different NW flights. A family was rebooked in an itinerary that was

more roundabout and longer compared to other passengers.
o HELD: NW was liable.
PAL in a stopover unloaded pieces of baggage of its passengers to take

What if the carrier suspects the goods as misdeclared?

o It can open the package. If the carrier is right, the owner

accommodations, food, etc.

Immigration refuses to let a passenger leave due to defects in

passport/travel documents.
o HELD: This is not the airlines fault.

If goods are transshipped, who is liable?
o The ultimate carrier
o What if the goods were actually damaged during the first

Maritime law

What is the 3-fold character of a BOL?

o 1. Contract
o 2. Receipt for goods
o 3. Symbol of the goods
What does a clean bill of lading bar?
o Any argument by the shipper that the goods were damaged


The ultimate carrier is still liable

It can just sue the prior carrier for reimbursement

Against whom does the shipper or consignee have right of

Carrier who executed the transportation contract, or

other carriers who received the goods without

when it received them. The clean BOL shows that they were in

for which they were intended

3. Delay through fault of carrier
4. Damage apparent from external appearance of package

When must claim be made?

Immediately, or else barred

What if the damage is not apparent?

Within 24 hours from receipt, or else barred

When does this provision not apply?

For international shipping, the COGSA

When does a reservation have no effect in
relieving responsibility?

When the carrier who made the reservation

good condition when received.

What if the package appears unfit for transportation?
o The carrier can refuse to accept the goods


is responsible
When must the consignee pay for freight and expenses?

2. Contracts signed by the captain to repair, provision, or equip

until enough to pay arrears

The contract between buyer and seller stated that there should be

the vessel
3. For indemnities due to third persons due to conduct in the

no transshipment. The shipping company issued a BOL which

care of the goods

4. Quasi-delict in case of negligence in selection/supervision of


Within 24 hours of receipt

Otherwise, the carrier may ask that the goods be dissolved

stated on its face that there will be transshipment. When the

goods arrived, the buyer refused to receive the goods. The seller

sued the vessel. HELD?

o The seller lost. The BOL clearly stated that there will be

o 5. Collision due to the fault of the captain
Real and hypothecary nature of maritime commerce:
o If liability is incurred, it is not the owner that incurs the liability
attaches to the thing. So if the vessel sinks, the liability is

transshipment but the seller agreed.

The goods which arrived to the buyer did not meet specifications


The liability of the ship owner is limited to the value of

so the buyer refused to receive the goods. The carriage piled up.

the vessel, earned freightage, and proceeds of

Who is liable?
o The consignee. The contract of sale and the contract of

shipment are two different contracts. The consignee should

have just received the goods and sued the seller.

The goods were shipped from ML to Davao by one shipper, then

equipment and freight leads to exemption

Davao to SF by another. The goods were damaged upon arrival in

Davao, but suit was made upon arrival in SF. HELD?

o Period for filing the claim was barred. Should have claimed in

Registration of vessels with the Maritime Industry Authority
o Where the sale was not registered, the sale does not bind third
Goods arrived at the pier. Then the vessel hired a harbor pilot,

from liability.
What are the exceptions (usually asked)?

1. If the ship owner is at fault (i.e. the vessel is not


Ex. the ship did not have enough lifeboats

2. The vessel was insured the proceeds of the

insurance will take the place of the vessel

3. Even if the vessel sinks, the ship owner will be
liable for repairs and provisioning of the vessel

which crashed and damaged the goods. Claim was against the
vessel. Vessel claimed it was not liable because the harbor pilot

was not part of the crew. HELD?

o Vessel liable. The captain still retained control over the vessel.

undertaken before its loss

N.B.: workmans compensation is not anymore an
exception the sinking of the ship is irrelevant for
claims for injury, sickness, or death in the course of

When he saw that the harbor pilot was about to crash the ship,

insurance. No vessel, no liability.

What is the effect of abandonment?

Abandonment of the vessel and all her

he should have intervened.

Responsibilities of ship owners and ship agents?
o 1. Acts of the captain


employment. File claim with ECC

What are Charter parties?
o In essence, a lease of the vessel

What are the basic types of CPs?

1. Bareboat charter

The ship owner turns over the possession of

is not exhaustive.

the vessel to the charterer

The charterer undertakes to provide the
officers, supplies, provisions during the

What is owner pro hac vice?
o Owner for this occasion
o If it is a public carrier, it temporarily
becomes a private carrier (diligence

becomes GFF)
2. Time charter

Contract for the use of the vessel for a

specific duration or voyages

3. Voyage charter/contract of affreightment

Contract for carriage of goods from one or

What is the nature of the time/vessel charter?

The owner of the ship retains ownership and control

If the charterer does not pay, there is a lien by the ship

owner over the goods

In a bareboat charter, there is no such lien if

General averages

Particular averages

Common danger to vessel and cargo

Deliberate sacrifice of part of the
vessel or cargo, with authority
Inured to common benefit
All persons with interest in the vessel
and cargo saved must contribute in
the indemnity

Accidental damage

more ports of loading to one or more ports of


the charterer does not pay the ship owner

The vessel remains a common carrier

In a charter party with a private carrier, a stipulation that the
ship owner will not be liable for damages is valid, or a

fault of the captain is valid.

o Averages may be particular or general


No such common benefit

Owner of the thing damaged bears
damage alone

General average samples:

o [Enemies and bad people!]
o 1. Goods or cash invested in redemption of the vessel or cargo

captured by pirates/enemies, etc. or expenses for repair

2. Curing and maintaining members of the crew who were


wounded in defending the vessel or saving it

3. Wages of member of the crew detained as hostage
[Too heavy, brother]
1. Goods jettisoned to lighten the vessel
2. Removing or transferring portion of cargo to lighten the

3. Loss suffered in value of goods sold at arrivals under stress


to lighten load
[Emo solutions]
1. Cables or masts cut or anchors and chains abandoned
2. Damages suffered by goods through opening made in vessel


for draining (to avoid sinking)

3. Floating a vessel intentionally stranded to save it
4. Damage to the vessel which had to be opened, scuttled, or


broken to save cargo

[Expenses pursuant to average]
1. Expenses to liquidate average

stipulation that the owner will not be liable for damages due to

Items mentioned in Art. 809 and 811 are merely illustrative. It

2. Wages of crew of a vessel chartered by the month during the

time vessel was detained by force majeure

When are there particular averages?
o The damage did not benefit persons interested in the cargo
o Ex. fruits became rotten
o Ex. pirates intercepted the vessel, so the captain threw money

due to fault of the captain

2. For common safety part of the vessel/cargo is sacrificed


foundation of general averages

3. It was successful
4. Legal steps should have been taken before general average

If you cannot tell which one is at fault:

Same rules as if both are at fault

Rule of inscrutable fault

o If a third vessel is at fault:

The third vessel is liable for losses and damages

o If collision was due to fortuitous event:

Each shall bear their own damage

What is the doctrine of error in extremis in collisions?
o There are three zones in collision:

First time up to the moment when risk of collision


What are the requisites of general averages?
o 1. There is common danger

There is no common danger when the damage was


is made

i.e. the captain conferred with the officers, the cargo

owner, entered in log book, marine protest made

Protest must be made within 24 hours (unless the

Second when risk of collision begins until the

moment it becomes a practical certainty

Third when collision is certain up to the time of

Thus, even when a ship with right of way suddenly changes its
course during third zone, in an effort to avoid collision due to
the other vessels fault, the act is in extremis and cannot

captain is injured, or is unable to do so for some

Solidarily liable for the damaged goods onboard both

What are the rules on apportionment of liability in collisions?

create responsibility on the part of the former (meaning, since

(Maritime tort)
o The provisions on civil tort do not apply

ex. last clear chance, rule of comparative fault, due

penalized for it).

its a useless effort, the ship with right of way must not be

Carriage of goods by sea act/COC

diligence in selection/supervision of employee

If two vessels collided and it is the fault of one:

Latter bears it own costs

Bears the other vessels costs

Bears cost of goods damaged

If both are at fault:

Each one will bear its loss

Do not consider LCC, comparative fault, etc.


When does the COGSA apply?

o Shipment from foreign country to the Philippines
o It is valid for parties in inter-island shipping to stipulate that the

COGSA applies
Even if the cargo owner did not file a claim, it can still sue. Filing a claim

is not a condition precedent.

1 year period to file a case

Count the one year from the last day delivery was made (if

unloaded Mon-Wed, count from Wed)

If the goods were not delivered, count it from the last day the

vessel was here and could have delivered the goods

Does the provision in the civil code that the filing of the

made before the payment of the

claim interrupts the prescriptive period apply?

No, it does not. Public policy dictates expeditious


disposition of the cases under COGSA.

Can the consignee-insured sue the insurer instead?

No. This is a circumvention of the rule. The insurer

here anyway:

Immediately if damage is apparent

Within 3 days from delivery if damages is not

from recovery.
When does the one year prescription not apply?

1. Agreement by parties to extend the period

2. In case of misdelivery delivered to wrong party

Apply NCC: 10 years under a written K, 5

Public service law

$500/carton limit
o BUT if the nature and value of the goods are stated in the bill of

What are not public utilities:

o In the old law, ice plants were regulated as public utility, but
when the PSC was abolished, there is no more body regulating

lading and the BOL indicates this greater amount, the ship
owner is liable for that greater amount

It must apply on the BOL itself, not a mere reference

Prescription for court claim

Within 1 year form delivery or when the

goods should have been delivered

years if suing under tort

3. Delay in the delivery of the goods

IMPT: COGSA doesnt apply to misdelivery and delayed
delivery. COGSA only applies to non-delivery and damaged

transportation charge
Prescription for court claim

Claim is a condition precedent

For non-delivery or misdelivery:

o Within 6 years if there is no BOL
o Within 10 years if there is a BOL


Claim is not a condition precedent. But periods are

will step into his shoes and will find himself barred

For both cases, the claim must be

to another document
Compare the prescriptive periods:
o Code of commerce:

Period to file a claim:

Immediately if damage is apparent

Within 24 hours if damage is not apparent

What is the caveat?


In case of tricycles, it is now the municipalities/cities who issue

certificates of public convenience

A shipyard is not a public utility, because you have to render

services to the public. A shipyard does not.

The law mentions entities that are not public utilities:
o Warehouses
o Vehicles drawn by animals
o Bancas, tugboats, lighters
o Tricycles
o Pedal-driven pedicabs

Public utilities operated by national or local government

Ex. PNR, Olongapo City power plant

But these are regulated by appropriate regulatory

returns in income should drastically lower the income

Can foreigners own public utility properties?
o Mere ownership of the properties used by public utilities does

not make one a public utility. So a foreign entity can own the

LRT facilities and lease it out.

In case of radio and telecommunication companies, what is
o A legislative franchise. What is granted is a certificate of

necessity and public convenience.

If legislative franchise is not required, its just a certificate of

public convenience.
So: if the legislative grants a franchise, its a CNPC. If no
legislative franchise is needed and what is just needed is

authorization given by the regulatory body, its a CPC.

When can a CPC be revoked?
o 1. Violation or refusal to comply with order, rule or regulation of

the authority
o 2. Holder is just a dummy
o 3. Holder ceases operations or abandons services
Requirements to get a Certificate of Public convenience?
o 1. Applicant must be Filipino or corp/association organized in

the Philippines and 60% Filipino

o 2. Applicant must prove public service and interest is promoted
o 3. Applicant is financially capable
What is the prior operator rule?
o Before allowing a new applicant to come in, a prior operator

Not all competition is ruinous competition, but the

of the prior operator that he loses a lot of money


1. Prior operator is operating less units than

2. Operator denies there is a need to expand his

3. The old operator did not apply until a new applicant

4. Service of the prior operator must be deficient
5. Prior operator given a chance to expand but failed

to do so

6. Abandoned his service

7. Routes are different, although partially overlapping

Who has the burden of proof to establish need for public
transportation service?
o Always the applicant
Unlawful acts:
o 1. Provide unsafe or inadequate service
o 2. Charge rates not authorized
Up to how long is suspension allowed?
o Director can suspend up to 30 days the certificate of authority.
Acts requiring commission approval:
o 1. Fixing rates

BUT Usually regulatory agencies are allowed to issue

provisional rate increases

This needs no hearing. Reason: they are temporary
by nature and subject to adjustment after final

must first be given the chance to expand his service

Provided that his service is efficient, to prevent ruinous


2. Construct, maintain, operate new units to extend facilities

Somebody had a certificate of public convenience for

inter-island shipping and had one vessel which was
indicated. It became unseaworthy, and he sold the


CPC. The sale is void because there was no valid


subject matter of the sale.

NOTE: the CPC indicates what units will be used. If

arrived at its calculations and to ask for an explanation on the

you replace the unit you have to get approval.

3. Increase capitalization
4. Sell, mortgage, lease, encumber its CPC and properties
Sale of units covered by a CPC without commission

approval valid?

Yes, but only between the parties and not to third

What is the standard that should be used when an admin body

jumper, the service can be disconnected immediately.


1. Caught in flagrante delicto

When the owner was not present and just his

with allowed variance of up to 15% in costs. Is this valid?

o No, because this is undue delegation.
What is the fair rate of return for investment?
o 12% - citing US jurisprudence
o But the SC also approved using present value of properties
used to render public service as basis
Meralco case: Court adopted the present value of the assets

used to render services as basis to determine rate of return.

Now and then, this is why power plants can submit adjusted
rates because they just had their assets reappraised, and

companies to reconnect the service

Generally: need 72 hour notice prior to disconnection of service
o EPIRA provision

If a customer was caught in flagrante delicto using a


the public utility

There is a circular saying that provincial buses can charge more or less

If a customer claims that his service of electricity was improperly
disconnected, where does he file?
o With the ERC, which has the power to direct the power

fixes rates of public utilities?

o The only standard is that it must be reasonable and just.
o Factors considered:

1. Rate of return (usually 12%)

2. Rate base

3. Return itself or computed revenue to be earned by

Same file with the court if you want to question how Meralco

these increased in value.

If a customer claims he was overcharged, where does he file?
o With the courts
o NOT with regulatory agency, because this does not involve



househelper was, there, not in flagrante

2. A representative of the ERC or officer of the law

must be present when the inspection was conducted

When is notice and hearing required?
o 1. Issuance of CPC/CNPC
o 2. Fixing standards and qualifications
o 3. Fixing standards of measuring quantity
o 4. Establishment of rules to secure accuracy of meters and
measuring appliances
o 5. Order to compel operators to furnish proper service
o 6. Allowing extension of facilities
When is notice and hearing not required?
o 1. Investigation of public utilities
o 2. Valuation of properties of public utilities
o 3. Examination and test of measuring appliances
o 4. Grant of special permits to make extra or special trips in
territories specified in the certificate
o 5. Investigation of accidents
o 6. Compel compliance with law and regulations
Kabit system is this legal?

No, because someone not financially capable to render public

Philippines, and duly registered with the BSP which shall

service will be able to do so. So to protect the public, the

actual operator and ostensible operator (grantee of franchise)


are SOLIDARILY liable to victims.

But the ostensible operator (with the franchise) can sue the

actual operator for indemnity.

Can the ostensible operator sue the actual operator to
recover units which were the subject of Kabit system?

No. They are in pari delicto. You cant come to court


with unclean hands.

Kabit system jurisprudence talks about liabilities to third

parties. So if a kabit jeepney is hit by a truck from behind, the

truck is still liable.

If a taxi was used as a get-away vehicle by robbers, can the CPC be
o No, not unless there is proof of collusion.

Foreign investments act

What is the policy of the FIA?

o To attract and promote foreign investments in activities that

to national development

In general, no restrictions on foreign investments, except for

director/officer in that corporation

3. Appointing representative/distributor that acts in its

own name
Define export enterprise:
o Enterprise where the manufacturer, processor, or service
(including tourism) enterprise exports at least 60% of its output
o Or purchase-and-export of at least 60% of the products
Define domestic market enterprise:
o Enterprise which produces goods for sale or renders service to
reach at least 60% of its output
Is there need for prior approval before a non-Philippine enterprise
may invest or do business in the Philippines?
o None. The enterprise just has to register with the SEC or the

industries in the negative list, but foreign firms are encouraged

BTRCP (for sole proprietorships, the Bureau of Trade

to undertake measures to gradually improve Philippine

commercial gain or pursuant to objective of the organization

Does not include:

1. Mere investment as SH in domestic firm

2. Exercising rights as SH or having nominee

the domestic market entirely, or export fails to consistently

and socio-economic

development of the country, to the extent allowed by the


days or more
5. Participating in management of domestic business
6. Any other act that implies continuity of business dealings for

assess/appraise the other assets other than foreign exchange

Define doing business:
o 1. Soliciting orders
o 2. Service contracts
o 3. Opening offices whether liaison offices or branches
o 4. Appointing representatives staying in the Philippines 180

participation in the enterprise

Define foreign investment:
o Equity investment by non-Philippine nationals in the form of

Regulation and Consumer Protection).

The SEC or BTRCP cannot limit the amount of investment
made by the firm.

Of course, subject to constitutional limitations and the

foreign exchange or assets actually transferred to the

negative lists.


o If they seek incentives, register with the BOI.

What is the rule on foreign investments in export-oriented

o Can be up to 100%, if not on the negative lists
o If the export-oriented enterprise is not a Philippine national,

What is the right of Natural Born Filipinos and naturalized citizens?

o They have the same rights as Filipinos although they have lost

their citizenship as to investments.

Ex. in rural banks
Natural born Filipinos who lost their citizenships can acquire up

to 3 hectares of rural land or 500 sq. m. of urban land

Cannot acquire more than 2 lots, which must be in different

register with BOI, which will check compliance with the 60%
export requirement, and require reduction of domestic sales if

municipalities or cities

they fail to comply, under threat of cancellation of registration

by the SEC/BTRCP.
What is the rule on foreign investments in domestic market
o Can be up to 100%, if not prohibited or limited in the

Annex 1: in-depth discussion of presentment,

dishonor, acceptance in NIL

Constitution or negative lists

Negative lists:
o Board of Investments draws up negative list A and B.
o List A: covers business enterprises reserved for Filipinos by

Presentment for payment

the Constitution and specific laws.

List B: commercial activities which are nationalized and:

1. Defense-related activities due to national security

liable person

Maker and acceptor

If the instrument is payable in special place and he is

2. Activities which impact public health and morals

Ex. manufacture and sale of dangerous

able and willing to pay there at maturity = such

willingness is equivalent to tender of payment

What does this imply?

o If the person primarily liable is there

drugs (since there are drugs that are

regulated, not totally prohibited)

3. Small and medium sized domestic enterprises

on the place where it is payable on

where the paid in capital is less than $200,000


the stated time, holder loses right to

recover interest due subsequent to

technologies (approved by DOST) or they

employ at least 50 employees the paid up

When is it not

o Presentment for payment not necessary to charge the primarily


Unless approved by the Sec. of National

When is presentment for payment necessary?

capital can be at least $100,000

Outside of these two lists, its open to all foreigners.

maturity + costs of collection

BUT he does not lose the right to
get paid


But for those secondarily liable (indorsers and drawer) there

is need for presentment for payment

What if the holder does not make presentment to

the person primarily liable?

Those secondarily liable are discharged

But he can still go after the person primarily

charge the secondarily liable persons see

Sec. 71 for special rules on when an
instrument must be presented
What is presentment?

Production of BOE to drawee for acceptance or

maker for payment

What constitutes presentment?

1. Personal demand for payment

2. Readiness to present the note and surrender it if


So he can check genuineness
This is why telephone as demand is not allowed
First Pacific (?) Check negotiated by car dealer to financing
company. When the instrument not paid, company sued maker
and indorser. Indorser said he was discharged because there
was no proper presentment for payment.


Letter of

demand is not sufficient. Law requires that the instrument be

shown to the maker.


negotiation for collection between

must be made there.

If none provided, but address of maker is stated, go there
If none provided, to usual place of business/residence
Wherever he may be found/last known place

Sec 74
o NI must be exhibited to the person from whom payment is

Sec 71
o Instrument not payable on demand

Make presentment on date due

o instrument payable on demand

Must be presented within reasonable time from issue

If its a BOE, you make it after a reasonable time after

last negotiation

What does negotiation here cover?

o Negotiation

wife. Bank should pay the wife.

Sec 73 proper place for presentment
o If there is a stipulation where presentment must be made, it

payment, or acceptor for payment, or of a PN to the


Bank refused to pay her because they paid the

husband. HELD: it was not presented by the husband, but the

presented for payment on date it is due to

in place where presentment is made

There is a wife who presented a negotiable certificate of time

So, the bottomline: the instrument must be

2. Reasonable hour on business day

3. At proper place defined
4. To person primarily liable

Is absent/inaccessible to any person found

Sec 72 when presentment is sufficient

1. Made by holder or agent

Therefore, presentment not valid and

indorsement is discharged.
Failure excused on two grounds:

1) Instrument was lost

2) payment refused on some other ground

Ex. no funds, and not because it was not



Sec 75
o Presentment where instrument payable at bank must be

made during banking hours. Law assumes that the bank will

be the source of the funds.

But if presentment is made beyond banking hours, it is valid if

cannot be obtained
o 2. Presentment is excused and it is overdue and unpaid
What is the effect of dishonor by non-payment?
o Under the law, the moment it is dishonored, there is
immediately a right of recourse against those secondarily

the funds will not come from the bank, as long as it falls on the

date of maturity.
Sec 76-78
o Applies when principal debtors is:


Liable as partners

Liable as Joint debtors

o If there is an address stipulated, pay there.
o If dead, give to executor/admin

If there is one, and he can be found with reasonable

liable. NO NEED to go to the primarily liable.

Sec 85
o If payable in a fixed period, it must be paid on that day
o If on a Sunday or holiday, then go to next business day
o If on a Saturday

On next business day. Because even if some offices

hold business on Saturday, they are usually half day.

o If partners, to any of the partners

Even if dissolved already

o If joint debtors, to all of them
When presentment is not required to charge those secondarily liable:
o DRAWER presentment not required to charge the drawer

present it on next business day. So Monday.

Ex. BUT if it is payable on demand then the
maker/acceptor MUST pay provided it is presented on
working hours of Saturday.

INDORSER when instrument was made/accepted for

indorsers accommodation, and indorser has no reason to

present before 12 noon, Saturday, if it is not a holiday


Ex. Payable on Friday. But it was declared a public

acceptor will pay the instrument

Ex. knows there are no funds or there is stoppage of

The law wants a whole business day

Except instruments payable on demand can

holiday. So it becomes Saturday. But the law says

when there is no reasonable expectation that the drawee or

1. Duly presented for payment and payment is refused or

expect it will be paid if presented

Fortuitous event excuses delay in presentment
Presentment for PAYMENT excused if:
o 1. Cannot be done even after reasonable diligence
o 2. Drawee is fictitious person
o 3. Waiver of presentment express or implied
When is an instrument dishonored by non-payment?

Sec 86
o Time exclude first day, include last day
Sec 87 when instrument is payable at a bank
o Implied: that it is an order to the bank to pay for account of the

principal debtor
First National bank: PN payable at FNB. Maker had sufficient
funds. But holder did not show up at day of maturity. Dillydallied then the maker became insolvent. Had he shown up
by then, he would have been paid.




The fact

remains that he is the maker, so he is primarily liable, and


should pay.
N.B. Remember, failure to make proper presentment only
discharges those secondarily liable.

The primarily liable

person is still liable, although the holder may not claim interest

subsequent to maturity and costs of collection.

Sec 88 Payment in due course
o 1. At or after maturity
o 2. To the holder
o 3. By the debtor, in GF and w/o notice that the holders title is

Notice of dishonor
Sec 89 dishonor
o Give notice of dishonor
o Any party may be compelled to pay it to the holder with right of


D giving notice to B will benefit E

Notice given by a holder benefits all subsequent holders and


notice against
o Notice may be given by holder himself or agent of the holder.
Sec 90 Who can give notice of dishonor
o 1. Holder
o 2. Agent of holder
o 3. Party to the instrument who may be compelled to pay the

holder, but only to those other parties he may seek


secondarily liable parties

B) notify parties who are secondarily liable

o If agent receives notice of dishonor, he must be authorized

Because this is prejudicial

Form of notice:
o In writing or oral

As long as it sufficiently describes the instrument and

prior parties that have right of recourse against the one given

Sec 91
o Notice may be given by a party or an agent
o Agent need not be authorized by the party

Because this is beneficial

o If the agent wants to give notice, on a instrument dishonored
on Monday, two options:

A) notify principal

On Tuesday

Principal has until Wednesday to notify


Party discharged from the instrument

Person primarily liable who dishonored the instrument

reimbursement from
4. Agent of such party
What about strangers?

Cannot give notice, except as agents

Who is considered a stranger?


indicates that it has been dishonored

Misdescription does not vitiate notice unless the party

to whom it is given is in fact misled

Personal or through mail
If written, need not be signed

In sufficient written notice may be supplemented by

verbal/oral communication
Rule as to jointly liable parties:
o If partners?

Notice to one is notice to all

o If joint payees or joint indorsees who indorse?

Sec 68 treats them as solidarily liable

o If joint drawers or joint accommodation indorsers, and
others not covered by 68?

Give notice to all

Sec 103 and 104 time within which notice must given

Know the difference in rules where parties reside in the same

place (103) or different places (104)


1. If given at place of business before close of

business hours the next day

2. If given at residence before usual hours of rest

the next day

3. If by mail sufficient to reach him the next day


1. If by post office in time to go by mail the next day;

Can waiver be implied?

Who is affected by a waiver in an instrument?
o If written on the instrument all the parties
o If written over a signature just that person
Waiver of protest
o Includes presentment and notice of dishonor (steps to hold a

if no mail at a convenient hour that day, the next mail

2. If not by post office within the time it would have

person secondarily liable)

When is notice of DH not needed to be given to drawer?
o 1. Drawer and drawee are the same person
o 2. Drawee is fictitious person or has no capacity to contract
o 3. Drawer is the person to whom instrument was presented for

Ex. C went to the office of X, the drawee, but he was

been received in due course had it been sent by post


N.B. This same time is counted again, after a party receives

not there.

notice of dishonor, to give that party a chance to give notice to

antecedent parties
What is the effect of miscarriage in mails?
o Sec 105 if notice was duly addressed and deposited in the

manager, was there. And the drawer dishonored.

4. Drawer has no right to expect that drawee or acceptor will

Ex. X withdrew her money from her bank account and

issued a check to cover for expected proceeds of

post-office, due notice is deemed given

o What is deposit in the post office?

Deposited in any branch of the P.O.

Deposited in any P.O. box

Sec 108: WHERE notice must be sent
o 1. Post office nearest to residence or where he is accustomed

But R, the drawer, who was the office

jewelry she had to sell. She failed to sell the jewelry.

The check was in the hands of Y who had ABC
investment house rediscount it. The check bounced.
HELD: X had no right to expect the bank will pay

to receiving letters
2. To place of business or residence
3. Place where he is sojourning
If notice is actually received, although not according to


these provisions, what happens?

It is still valid
When can there be waiver of notice of dishonor?
o 1. Before actual time for giving it comes
o 2. Or after failure to give it

because she withdrew all her funds.

5. Drawer countermanded payment

Meaning, drawer stopped payment.

N.B. In all these cases, the drawer KNEW that there was or

would be dishonor.
When is notice of DH not needed to be given to indorser?
o 1. Drawee is fictitious person or has no capacity to contract
and the indorser is aware of this fact upon indorsement


2. Indorser is the person to whom presentment for payment

was made
3. Instrument was made or accepted for his accommodation


Drawer is to whom instrument was

presented for payment
Drawer has no right to expect it will
be paid by drawee

someone to whom it is shown and receives

Drawee is fictitious or no capacity,

and indorser knows
Indorser is to whom instrument was
presented for payment
Made or accepted for indorsers
accommodation (same principle: no
right to expect it will be paid)

o No.
o What is the exception?

If it was accepted in the meantime.

Failure to give notice of dishonor by non-acceptance does not prejudice

rights of a HIDC subsequent to the omission.

o Ex. A drew a BOE payable to B. B indorsed to C. C presented

pursuant to a LOC)
o Cannot be other than payment of money
Must accept within 24 hours from presentment
o Acceptance deemed done on date of presentment
o When is a bill deemed accepted?

Failed to act on it within 24 hours

Does the drawee have a right to retain the

bill for the whole 24 hours?
o No. The holder can ask for it back.

the BOE for acceptance to X. X dishonored the instrument. C

But the drawee will still have the

C indorsed the

instrument to D, a HIDC. D will not be precluded by Cs failure

rest of the 24 hours to decide.

Destroys the bill

NB: destruction must be on purpose

What are the special situations when can the drawee

to give notice of DH to A and B.



NB: this applies for bills that do not exist yet
when the promise is made (Ex. BOE

If an instrument was not accepted, and notice of dishonor by non-

did not give notice of dishonor to A or B.

time of acceptance
What if there is a promise to accept in writing?

Deemed an actual acceptance in favor of

acceptance is given, is there need to give notice of dishonor by

the bill for value upon faith thereof

NB: this applies when the bill exists as of

those who receive the bill for value upon faith

Drawer countermanded

may treat it as dishonored

What if the acceptance is written on a different
sheet of paper?

It does not bind the drawee, except to


Drawer and drawee same person

Drawee fictitious or no capacity

If drawee refused to write and sign, holder

accept pa rin?

1. Even before it is signed by the drawer

2. Even when it is incomplete

3. When it is overdue

Acceptance assent to order of drawer

o Must be in writing and signed by drawee

What if the drawee refuses to sign?


4. Dishonored by prior non-acceptance or non-

What is the special rule if the bill was dishonored

by prior non-acceptance, but it was accepted


The holder can consider the date of first

presentment as date of acceptance

Kinds of acceptance:
o 1. General

Includes local but not confined only at a particular

is needed?
o Delay caused by prior presentment for acceptance is excused

o 2. Qualified



Local (ONLY at a particular place)

As to time

Only some of drawees, but not all

What is the right of parties as to qualified acceptance?
o Holder can deem it DH by non-acceptance
o If holder allows qualified acceptance, indorser and drawer








of drawee
What about other cases?

some other ground

What if a bill is DH by non-acceptance?
o Immediate recourse to secondarily liable parties avail; no need


When is presentment for acceptance needed?

o 1. Bill payable after sight or acceptance needed to fix maturity

and does not discharge those secondarily liable

When is presentment for acceptance excused?
o 1. Drawee is dead, has absconded, fictitious, lacks capacity
o 2. Cannot make presentment even after reasonable diligence
o 3. Although presentment is irregular, acceptance refused on

for presentment for payment

Presentment for acceptance

of instrument
2. Bill expressly requires acceptance
3. Bill is payable elsewhere than residence or place of business

party to the bill liable

What is the option of the holder?
o Must present the bill for acceptance within reasonable time
o Or negotiate the bill within reasonable time
What is the consequence of failure to present for acceptance?
o Discharges those secondarily liable
Time for presentment same as presentment for payment
Special rule when there is little time to present for acceptance
before presenting for payment, where presentment for acceptance


Unless they assent

Failure to dissent is assent

No need for presentment for acceptance to render any

Step 1: Presentment for acceptance required if

o 1. BOE is payable after sight, or acceptance is needed to fix


the maturity of the instrument

2. BOE expressly requires presentment for acceptance
3. BOE payable elsewhere apart from residence or place of

business of drawee
OTHER OPTION May choose to negotiate it within a reasonable time
Consequence: will discharge drawer and all other indorsers
EXCEPTIONS no need to present if/or treated as dishonored if:

1. Drawee is dead, has absconded, fictitious, or lacks capacity


to contract
2. Presentment cannot be made even after reasonable

Protest necessary for DH of a bill that on its face appears to be a foreign

3. Although presentment is irregular, acceptance was refused

Made by Notary Public or respectable resident + two or more credible

on some other ground

Step 2: Give notice of dishonor by non-acceptance to secondarily liable



need to


notice: if




made/accepted for his accommodation and he has no reason


to expect the instrument will be paid if presented

AND will not prejudice rights of HIDC after omission to give
notice of dishonor
IF foreign bill,

Protest for non-acceptance or protest for non-payment


1. If instrument was made/accepted for his


2. Delay








Except: will not prejudice rights of HIDC after omission

to protest
Step 3: Give notice of dishonor by non-payment to secondarily liable

another person apart from the drawee

What is protest for better security?
o If the drawee was adjudged bankrupt or insolvent, or made


persons (if dishonored by non-payment)

o See notes above
o EXCEPT: When presentment for payment is excused

1. Drawee is fictitious person

2. Presentment cannot be made even

o Place of DH
o Except when expressly payable at the residence/business of

assignment for benefit of creditors even before the bill

accommodation and he has no reason to


When must it be done?
o Day of DH
o If bill is noted in the notarial register, protest may be made

Is this mandatory?

What is the purpose?

To inform the drawer/indorsers that the drawee is

insolvent and therefore they should prepare to pay

When is protest excused or dispensed with?
o Dispensed with for same grounds notice of DH is dispensed
o Excused for fortuitous event
When is protest also done?
o When bill is lost, destroyed, wrongly detained protest made
on copy/written particulars of the bill


Bills in set

reasonable diligence
3. Waiver of presentment, express or implied


Main Principle: each part of the bill, numbered and referring to the other
parts, the whole of the parts constitute one bill
o [usually, it is done to ensure that bills can be collected from

even if one part is lost in the mail or so]

[So usually bills in a set are several copies of the same thing,

sent separately]
What if different parts are negotiated to different HIDCs?
o The one whose title accrues first is the true owner
o But the one who gets acceptance or payment first is the one
who will be able to collect
Indorser of two different parts is liable on every such part
How should the drawee accept?
o Accept on any part, and on one part ONLY. If he accepts on

multiple parts and these are severed, he is liable on all parts.

If he pays and did not get back the part with the acceptance,
and it once again falls in the hands of an HIDC, he can still be

Discharge of one part is discharge of all


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