Compunere Engleza

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Loterry winner too afraid to leave house

One week ago a yung man won the lottery almost 2 mill dolars.He was so happy
that he became to brag himself to his friends,but he did not think someone will envy
him and start to hunt him asking for some money. At the beginning he thought
nothing wrong will happen,but one day he was coming from work and right on the
crossing line he was so close to be hit by a car.If he was not paying attention he
could have been in the hospital now or even worse. After he stand up he started to
run to a cab and went right home, he assured that any window or door is open or
unlocked, and called the police.In twenty minutes an officer came there and they
had a talk about what happened.The young man said that he doesnt know exactely
who could do this.The police man took some notes and before leaving he assured
the young man that the police will start the investigations. Next day,after a long
night he could not sleep at all,he called a taxi to go to work,thinking he will be safe
this way. But when he was close to get into the building where he works a starger
gave him a note. All shaking he opened the note and read few words saying We
meet tonight on the 54 highway,at 11.00 pm.Be sure you have 50,000 dolars with
you! Otherwise you wont get to work tomorrow morning!. He was so scared that
he could not even walk to his office, but he remembered that the police man gave
him his number so he grabbed a phone and called him. The police man told him
that he must wear a microphone and he also will be there too, so they can catch the
one who is doing this. So,that night the young man wearing a microphone went to
meet that one in the place he said, but also the police was there too .In that
moment he was ready to give the money to that person,who was wearing a mask,
the police man yelled at him to not move, and showed his gun and his badge. He
also said he is going to shoot him if he wants to run away. The bad man was one of
his colleague, but he never thought that colleague will ever do this to him. After the
bad man was taken to the police department the young man went home. But the
next morning he was still afraid to leave house to go to his job after what happened.

In urma cu o saptamana un tanar a castigat la loterie aproape doua milioane de

dolari.A fost ata de fericit incat a inceput sa se laude prietenilor lui,dar nu s-a gandit
ca cineva il va invidia si va incepe sa-i ceara bani.La inceput s-a gandit ca nimic rau
nu se va intampla, dar intr-o zi cand se intorcea de la serviciu si chiar pe trecerea de
pietoni a fost foarte aproape sa fie lovit de o masina.Daca nu era atent putea sa fie
in spital acum sau chiar mai rau. Dupa ce s-a ridicat a inceput sa alerge spre un taxi
si s-a dus acasa, s-a asigurat ca nicio fereastra sau usa nu sunt deschise sau
descuiate si a sunat la politie. In 20 de minute un ofiter a venit acolo si au discutat
despre cele intamplate. Tanarul a sps ca nu stie exact cine ar fi putut sa faca asta.

Politistul si-a luat cateva notite si inainte de a pleca l-a asigurat pe tanar ca politia
va incepe investigatiile.In ziua urmatoare,dupa o lunga noapte in care nu a putut sa
doarma deloc,a chemat un taxi sa mearga la serviciu gandindu-se ca astfel va fi in
siguranta. Dar cand era aproape sa intre in cladirea unde lucreaza un strain i-a dat
un bilet.Tremurand tot el a deschis biletul si a citit cateva cuvinte care spuneau Ne
intalnim diseara pe autostrada 54 la ora 11.00pm. Fii sigur ca ai la time 50,000
dolari altfel nu vei mai ajunge la serviciu maine dimineata. A fost atat de speriat
incat nici nu putea sa mearga spre biroul lui, dar si-a amintit ca politistul i-a dat un
numar de telefon ,astfel ca a pus mana pe telefon si l-a sunat.Politistul i-a spus ca
trebuie sa poarte un microfon si ca va fi si el acolo astfel incat il vor prinde pe cel
care face asta. Astfel,in acea seara,tanarul purtand microfonul s-a dus sa-l
intalneasca pe acela in locul indicat, dar si politistul era acolo. In momentul in care
era gata sa-i dea banii acelei persoane care purta o masca,politistul a strigat sa nu
miste si i-a aratat pistolul si insigna de politie.El i-a spus ca il va impusca daca
incearca sa fuga. Omul rau era unul din colegii sai, dar nu s-a gandit niciodata ca
acel coleg ii va face rau.Dupa ce rau facatorul a fost dus la politie, tanarul a mers
acasa. Insa in dimineata urmatoare inca ii era teama sa plece de acasa sa mearga
la serviciu dupa cele intamplate.

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