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lingva LATINA vii

Lectio XVII

NOMEN ET COGNOMEN: ______________________________________

MAGISTRA: ________________________________
HORA: _________

Lesson 17 2010-2011

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Quiz template: Lesson_____ Page _____ Nomen et Cognomen_________________________________

Fill in the chart with the vocab from this lesson

Word in Latin

Lesson 17 2010-2011

Part of Genitive
Speech Or
Principal Parts

Gender English meaning(s)

Page 2

Word in Latin

Lesson 17 2010-2011

Part of Genitive
Speech Or
Principal Parts

Gender English meaning(s)

Page 3

L17 Grammar basics Pgs. 127-128

Nomen:__________________________Hora ________

1. Is the verb sum, esse, fui, futurus regular or irregular? (circle one)
2. The future tense of sum is slightly irregular, but are the personal endings regular or irregular? (circle one)
3. What is the stem of the future tense of sum? __________________
4. Do we drop the i in the 1st person singular of the future tense of sum? yes or no
5. Conjugate the verb sum in the PRESENT tense; write out the four principal parts first. Translate into English.

_________________ ______________________ ______________________ _________________________




6. Conjugate the verb sum in the FUTURE tense; Translate into English.

_________________ ______________________ ______________________ _________________________



7. The perfect tense of sum is conjugated like __________________________________________________,
although it is based on a different stem which is ______________.
8. Are the personal endings regular for the perfect tense of sum? yes or no
9. Conjugate the verb sum in the PERFECT tense; Translate into English.

_________________ ______________________ ______________________ _________________________




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10. es ______________________________________

16. we have been _______________________________

11. erit _____________________________________

17. erant _________________________________

12. fuerunt __________________________________

18. I am ______________________________________

13. sunt ____________________________________

19. she has been _______________________________

14. erimus __________________________________

20. you (sg) will be _____________________________

15. fuisti ___________________________________

21. they will be ________________________________

22. Infinitives are verb forms but may also function as ____________________.
23. In this form it does not show _____________ or _______________ and its gender is ____________.
24. Infinitives as nouns may function as ______________________ or as ________________________
25. If there is a predicate adjective used with these nouns, its gender must be ______________.
26. Verbal nouns may also have ____________________.
Translate and indicate whether the infinitive is the subject, the PN or the DO.
27. I deserve to remain. ___________________________________________________________
28. To love is great. ___________________________________________________________
29. He prepared to praise. ____________________________________________________
30. It is pleasing to announce good things. ________________________________________________

debeo - Present:




debeo - Future:



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debeo - Perfect:



maturo - Present:




maturo - Future:



maturo - Perfect:



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Latin: arma


English translation:






Latin: auxilium


English translation:

Latin bellum


English translation:


Latin noun: concordia



English translation:


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Latin noun:

nuntius Gender?

English translation:

L17 phrases
1. the clear memory (abl) ___________________________________________________
2. the fifth rewards (nom) ___________________________________________________
3. the sacred plan (gen___________________________________________________
4. my daughter (dat) ___________________________________________________
5. foreign languages (gen) ___________________________________________________
6. small forests (dat) ___________________________________________________
7. large wagons (nom) ___________________________________________________
8. good life (nom) ___________________________________________________
9. new timber (acc) ___________________________________________________
10. deep waters (acc) ___________________________________________________
11. the sacred gifts (acc) ___________________________________________________
12. the great gratitude of the fifth son ___________________________________________________
13. foreign signals (nom) ___________________________________________________
14. the free camp (gen) ___________________________________________________
15. the famous punishment of the evil prisoner_________________________________________________
16. foreign arms (abl) ___________________________________________________
17. good harmony (abl) ___________________________________________________
18. great aid (gen) ___________________________________________________
19. small messenger (gen) ___________________________________________________
20. great arms (acc) ___________________________________________________
21. bad war (acc) ___________________________________________________
22. evil messengers (nom) ___________________________________________________
23. good aids (nom) ___________________________________________________
24. evil wars (dat) ___________________________________________________
25. the level island (acc) ___________________________________________________
26. the large supply (abl) ___________________________________________________
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27. the men one at a time (acc) ___________________________________________________

28. our shapes (nom) ___________________________________________________
29. the pleasing dinners (acc) ___________________________________________________
30. the foreign prisoner (gen) ___________________________________________________
31. the clear letter (gen) ___________________________________________________
32. the large waves (dat) ___________________________________________________
33. your (sg) concerns (nom) ___________________________________________________
34. hard punishment (abl) ___________________________________________________
35. arms (abl, pl) _____________________

36. harmony (abl sg) ___________________

36. harmony (abl sg) ___________________

37. aid (gen sg) _______________________

38. messenger (gen sg) _________________

39. arms (acc pl) ______________________

40. war (acc sg) _______________________

41. messengers (nom pl) _________________

42. aids (nom pl) _______________________

43. harmony (gen pl) ___________________

44. wars (dat pl) _____________________

45. I shall be ________________________

46. they have been ___________________

47. I owe ________________________


48. owed (4

participal part) _______________

49. you (pl) owed ___________________

50. they will be _____________________

51. to hasten _______________________

52. to owe __________________

53. he will hasten __________________

Infinitive translations
1. Laborare est liberum esse. _____________________________________________________________
2. Maturare est debere. _____________________________________________________________
3. Donare est amare. _____________________________________________________________
4. Incitare est occupare. _____________________________________________________________
5. Occupare est incitare. _____________________________________________________________
6. Habere est tenere. _____________________________________________________________
7. Videre non spectare est. _____________________________________________________________
8. Vocare non evocare est. _____________________________________________________________
9. Amare est laudare . _____________________________________________________________
10. Laudare non amare est. _____________________________________________________________
11. Liberare est amare. _____________________________________________________________
12. Navigare non migrare est. _____________________________________________________________

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Latin English
1. Bona filia mea, equi nostri in agris et in castris cenam bonam parabunt.
2. Nuntii, maturate in fossis laborare quod reginae praedam cras donabimus.
3. Concordia magna numerum castrorum barbarorum augebit.
4. Concordia, matura advenire!
5. Debere est maturare.
6. Bella incitare malum est.
7. Nuntii boni multas litteras barbaras ad castra Galliae heri (yesterday) portaverunt.
8. Auxilia Britannicorum in dies (day by day) augere videmus.
9. Boni magistri in amica patria ibi manebunt.
10. Incitare est pugnare.
11. Paramus nuntiare litteris novum praemium.
12. Amaverunt habitare Romae.
13. Marcusne nuntiavit esse ibi in quinta hora? (NB. the suffix ne on the 1st word makes a yes/no question.)
14. Spectate picturam, discipuli; est pictura nostrae patriae.
15. Amare patriam est merere magnam famam.

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16. Habere parvam pugnam in bello est magnam.

17. Habere disciplinam est bonum. Habere minime disciplinam est malum.
18. Pugnate vestras pugnas singulas, Fabi, et tenete pugnas in memoria.
19. In anno XX, barbari barbari in castris habitaverunt.
20. Boni amici, da mihi boni consilia.
21. Praemium pro pugnas duras multam pecuniam erit.
22. Signum ranarum liberorum cavia porcellus est.
23. Pueri mei frumenta non amant; equum et cavam et agnum desiderant.
24. Multa castra Romana in Britannia erant.
25. Ubi discipuli frumenta parant, sunt multae formicae.
26. Pueri foedi, evocate reginam demissam quod pecuniam suam habere desidero.
27. Praemium ludi (of the game) multum frumentum erat. Eugepae! (Wow!)
28. Filiae bonae socios malos evocabunt quod filiae ad insulam navigare desiderant.

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29. Magistrae linguae Romanae in terra habitant.__________________________________________________

30. Multi coloni novi ad Galliam migraverunt.____________________________________________________
31. Carris foedis sciuri Romani pugnaverunt et victoriam magnam habuerunt
32. You must call out to the magic frogs; otherwise (aliter) they will be evil.
33. Really? (Itane vero) Did yall then stay in harmony with (of) the land?
34. Many difficult ants did see the suburban (suburbanus,a,um) weapons; they then migrated to France.
35. The good slaves will hasten to work in the camps and in the fields.
36. The students owe the teachers much harmony in the classroom.
37. You (pl) have been bad! Hurry up! Get the horses ready now, good allies!.

38. The magic frogs

of Gaul were there when the Romans seized Gaul.

39. Many prisoners of the fatherland will now depart from the sacred forests.
40. We shall not deserve to give our comrades the sacred rewards.
41. It is not good to owe money.________________________________________________________________
42. I like to sail to beautiful islands.
43. It is hard to depart.____________________________________________________________________
44. Didnt you seize the town, my friend, and where did you fight?.
45. Give help to Marcus, friends! The hour is now.
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Lesson 17 pg. 128 Copy the Latin on the first line; translate into English. Do this for ALL sections!!!

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________________________
6. ___________________________________________________________________________________
7. ___________________________________________________________________________________

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________________________

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________________________
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Latin 7 Passage Lesson 17, Page 126: translate into English in the space provided.
Primus rex1 Romae Romulus fuit. Armis et consiliis bonis gloriam Romae auxit.
Viri Romulum amaverunt quod multis familiis asylum2 donavit et ad victoriam socios incitavit.
Roma magna erit, inquit3 Romulus. Clari eritis.
Secundus4 rex Romae fuit Numa Pompilius. Numa bellum non amavit.
Deam Egeriam5 amavit. Egeria Numam de curis sacris docuit.
Tum rex Romanos docere maturavit.
Dei6 amici Romae erunt, inquit Numa, si7 boni et grati erimus.
Multam gratiam deis habere debemus.
Tertius8 rex Romae fuit Tullus Hostilius.
Tullus inquit, Bonus vir et rex ero.
Sed reverentiam9 parvam habuit et concordiam non amavit.
Sacra10 non tenuit et multa bella movit11.
Sed Iupiter vitam Tulli non probavit et Tullum fulmine12 exstinguit.
1. the first king

2. refuge, sanctuary 3. said 4. second 5. the goddess Egeria 6. the gods 7. if

8. third 9. reverence 10. sacrifices 11. stirred up 12. with a lightning bolt

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L17 Practice Test#1

Nomen__________________________________ Hora ________

Pars I Consider the following sentence and answer the questions which follow:
Because the deadly, spine-covered sculpin, a scorpionfish, skulks on the bottom of the ocean near the island
of Catalina off the coast of California, many people step on them and are poisoned.
1. Where does the first clause end? __________________________
2. Where does the second clause begin? __________________________
3. What is the main clause? _______________________________
4. What is the dependent clause? ___________________________
5. What is the subject of the 1st clause? ____________________________________
6. Is there a D.O. in the 1st clause? What? _________________________
7. What tense is skulk? _____________________________
8. What is the job of a scorpionfish? What case? Why? _________________________________________
9. What case would on the bottom be in? Why? ___________________________
10. What case would of the ocean be in? Why? _____________________________________
11. Translate near the island: ________________________________
12 Translate of Catalina.


13. Verb(s) in the 2nd clause?


Pars II Please translate each of the following:

1. I was _______________________________

6. we have seen _______________________________

2. they will be ___________________________

7. you (pl) did increase __________________________

3. she is ____________________________

8. I have owed _______________________________

4. you (sg) will have____________________________ 9. you will be _______________________________

5. Hasten! (sg) _______________________________

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10. we were _______________________________

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Pars III Noun Phrases

1. good harmony (nom.)


2. new weapons (abl) __________________________________________________________

3. bad wars (gen.) __________________________________________________________
4. my daughters (acc.) __________________________________________________________
5. great aid (acc) __________________________________________________________
6. our free messengers (dat. pl.) __________________________________________________________
7. sacred lambs (dat.) __________________________________________________________
8. foreign camps messengers (abl.) __________________________________________________________
9. tall grain (gen) __________________________________________________________
10. many signals (nom.) __________________________________________________________
Pars IV Sentence Translation
1. Magnum numerum armorum habemus et semper habuimus.
2. I will not keep my difficult messenger; but I did keep my foreign frogs and nice lamb (agnus) .
3. Provinviis claris victoriam et famam patriae altae non nuntiabis.
4. Yes, they worked in the level forests; they carried much timber to the famous roads bmo the small carts.
5. New slaves, hasten to the small house and prepare the food. The queen will be here tomorrow. We ought to

praise the great froggie

6. It is nice to have good friends.
7. We hastened to entrust our sacred lambs to the good queen.
8. To work hard is to live well. __________________________________________________________________
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L17 Practice Test #2

Nomen__________________________________ Hora ________

Pars I Consider the following sentence and answer the questions which follow:
Tullius, I ought to work tomorrow in the morning, because I have a lot of things to do.
1. Where does the first clause end? __________________________
2. Where does the second clause begin? __________________________
3. What is the main clause? _______________________________
4. What is the dependent clause? ___________________________
5. What tense is ought? _____________________________
6. What form of the verb is to work? ____________________________
7. Translate I ought to work.


8. What pos is tomorrow? _________________________

9. Translate tomorrow: _______________________
10. What kind of structure is in the morning?
11. What is the sentences main DO?



Pars II Please translate each of the following:

1. I am _______________________________

6. we see _______________________________

2. they were ___________________________

7. you (pl) did sail __________________________

3. she will be ____________________________

8. I have hastened _______________________________

4. you (pl) will have____________________________ 9. you (sg) loved _______________________________

5. Watch! (pl) _______________________________

10. we do live _______________________________

Pars III Noun Phrases

1. good weapons (nom.)


2. new wagon (abl) __________________________________________________________

3. bad help (gen sing.) __________________________________________________________
4. my sons (acc.) __________________________________________________________
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5. great war (acc) __________________________________________________________

6. our free countries (dat. pl.) __________________________________________________________
7. sacred harmony (dat.) __________________________________________________________
8. grateful messengers (abl.) __________________________________________________________
9. tall forests (gen) __________________________________________________________
10. deep forests (nom.) __________________________________________________________
Pars IV Sentence Translation
1.By means of good weapons, we shall have a clear victory.
2. The free girls will work in the sacred, flat fields with our good wagons and our big horses.
3. She owed much money.


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