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Table of Contents
SEWER HYDRAULICS ........................................................................................................................... 4
CATCHMENTS AND INFLUENCE AREAS ........................................................................................... 5
Define catchment areas ........................................................................................................................ 5
Area type ............................................................................................................................................. 5
Define mode ........................................................................................................................................ 6
Catchment labels ................................................................................................................................. 7
Catchment boundary layer .................................................................................................................. 7
Soil type catalogue .............................................................................................................................. 8
Defining areas ..................................................................................................................................... 9
CATCHMENT AND WASTE FLOW AREAS EDITOR ......................................................................... 10
Area properties .................................................................................................................................. 11
Labels ................................................................................................................................................ 11
INPUT COEFFICIENTS AND ROUGHNESS ....................................................................................... 12
Coefficient of inhabitants density ...................................................................................................... 12
Factor "N" .......................................................................................................................................... 13
Inflow time ......................................................................................................................................... 13
ATV frequency n ................................................................................................................................ 13
ATV raining time T ............................................................................................................................. 13
BLG Retention Factor ........................................................................................................................ 14
BLG Coefficient for foreign waters .................................................................................................... 14
Pipe roughness ................................................................................................................................. 14
SYSTEM FLOWS .................................................................................................................................. 14
WASTE WATER PERCENT CALCULATION ...................................................................................... 14
WASTE WATER INFLUENCE AREAS CALCULATION ..................................................................... 17
RAIN FLOW SIMPLE CALCULATION ............................................................................................. 18
RAIN FLOW RATIONAL METHOD (IDF) ............................................................................................. 19
IDF Lines ........................................................................................................................................... 19
REINHOLD Method ........................................................................................................................... 20
Calculation ......................................................................................................................................... 20
ADDITIONAL FLOWS ........................................................................................................................... 23
Foreign waters ................................................................................................................................... 24
Point flow ........................................................................................................................................... 24
Additional rain flow inside waste water channel ................................................................................ 24
User flow............................................................................................................................................ 25
TOTAL AND TRANSIT FLOW .............................................................................................................. 26
Transit flow ........................................................................................................................................ 26
Total flow ........................................................................................................................................... 27
HYDRAULICS CALCULATION ............................................................................................................ 28

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Hydraulic calculation theory .............................................................................................................. 28

Hydraulic calculation for Single section ............................................................................................ 30
Hydraulic calculation for section group ............................................................................................. 32
HYDRAULICS CALCULATOR ............................................................................................................. 33
FILE FOR HYDRAULIC VALUES ........................................................................................................ 34
WRITE FILE SWMM (.INP) ................................................................................................................... 35
PIPE STATICS ...................................................................................................................................... 35

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Hydraulic commands to calculate sewer systems are placed inside of separate tab inside of Urbano 7
workspace. Commands are depending of defined system type which has to be set to sewer. In
addition it is necessary to have the system geometry already created inside of the drawing.

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Areas are used for calculating flow quantities in sewer network system. In this command, user can
define three different types of areas that are used for calculating different flow quantities. There are
catchment areas that are used for calculating rain flow; influence areas for house waste flow and
influence areas for industrial flows.


Picture 1.

Dialog for defining catchment and influence areas

Buttons in the dialog:

- Define catchment label

- Pick point inside closed area
- Select closed polyline
- Draw closed area
- Automatic recognition of closed areas and associated

- Previous / next section

- Zoom

Starting command "Define area" opens the dialog shown on the previous picture. First step after
opening this dialog is to select work area. After that user must, from the drop down list in upper left
corner, select the type of area that will be defined (catchment area, house or industrial influence area).
Area type
Catchment area represent the area from which, all rain that fells on that area, comes in the section to
which that catchment area belong. One part of that water is lost because of the infiltration into the
ground, which depends on the character of the terrain. The amount of water that comes into the
section, in relation to the amount of rain that fell on that area, is regulated with "Flow factor". That
factor is entered in right part of the dialog.
Influence area for house waste flow represents the area from which the house wastewaters are
gathered for certain part of the sewer system. For this option, user must also enter population density
(population/ha). Later in the process of calculating waste flows, user must enter house waste water
flow coefficient (as l/s on 1000 inhabitants) and using that data calculate the flow.

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With influence area for industrial waste, only the area is entered in this step, while later, for the
calculation, user must also enter wastewater flow coefficient (l/s ha), and those two elements are
used for calculating flow.
Define mode
The data about the area is saved for every section individually. One section can have one or more
catchment areas. One catchment area can be divided into several sections. It is not necessary that all
sections have defined areas.
There are four ways for defining areas: "Area for one section", "Area for multiple sections", "Automatic
defining" and "Direct input data to section". Define mode is selected from the drop down list in the left
part of the dialog.
There are three ways for entering areas: by picking point inside closed area, by selecting closed
polyline or by drawing closed area. Any of these ways of entering area can be used for defining area
for one section or area for multiple sections.
When the option "Area for one section" is selected, user must first select the section whose area will
be defined. Section is selected using buttons Previous and Next section, and then the area is
If one section has several catchment areas defined, rain flow is calculated using total catchment area
and average coefficient of flow.
total area

A A A ... A

average coefficient of flow

A1 k1 A2 k2 ... An kn

A1 A2 ... An

The total influence area and average density of inhabitants are calculated on the same way as shown
above, and they are used for calculating the house wastewater flow on section with several influence
Option "Area for multiple sections" is used for defining one area for all sections selected as work area.
When one area is defined for several sections (for example, for the whole array), the area is
distributed according to length of sections. First, the total length of all sections is calculated, and then
the percentage of on section in total length is calculated. That percentage is than multiplied with the
total area, which results with area for that section. That is shown with formula:

Ai Asum


where are:
Ai ..part of total catchment area that belongs to "i" section catchment area
li.Length of the "i" section

l length of all sections


When the option "Automatic defining" is selected, the program automatically recognizes the area for
the sections selected in the work area. Automatic defining can define, in very short period, a very large
number of areas, under condition that area boundaries are set according to certain rules. Automatic
defining can define only one area for certain section. The process of defining is based on following:
one point on the section is selected (middle of section), and than the program searches for the closed
polygon around that point using the Boundary algorithm. If that algorithm is found, it represents area
for that section. If one bigger area, that includes several sections, is defined, the same polygon will be
defined for all those sections. Program has control that takes only one polygon into consideration
(other ignores) and divides it by all sections by criteria of length (the biggest area belongs to the
longest section). In this way, it is necessary to draw only outside boundary of areas along some longer

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channel, and program will distribute areas on sections quite well. After selecting this option and
entering all other needed data, user must start button Automatic recognition to define the areas.
Using option "Direct input data to section", the areas are not defined in the drawing, but the value of
the area is entered directly into a dialog ("Area" field in the right part of the dialog). This option is
useful when there are already measured values of area for certain sections, so that values just need to
be entered in the dialog.
It is often the case that inside one area, there is a part that has different settings (for example, for
catchment area that part can have different flow factor). That part must be subtracted from that area. If
that part is set up as an island (surrounded with same area from all sides), when the option "Search
for islands" is active, the program will automatically find islands and subtract them from the area.
Catchment labels
When the option "Catchment area" is active, program will draw label for every defined area. Activating
button Define catchment label opens the dialog for defining catchment labels that is shown on the
next picture.

Picture 2.
Buttons in the dialog:

Label definition dialog

- Open file

Right part of the dialog shows the default label block (CatchLabel.dwg). User can select some other
block he defined using button Open file. Left part of the dialog is used for selecting the data that will
be written in the catchment label (index, area and flow factor), and selecting in which block attribute
will that data be entered. After selecting certain data, drop down list appears in the "Attribute tag" field.
That list show tags of all attributes in the selected block. Activating button "OK" closes the dialog and
the user is returned to the "Define area" dialog.
Catchment boundary layer
Button "Catchment boundary layer" opens the dialog where user can select one or more layers that
contain boundaries of areas. When defining areas, the program will search for boundaries only on
selected layers. That option is very useful in cases when the option for searching islands is active and
the drawing includes elements that could be recognized as islands, and they are not islands. The
dialog for selecting boundary layers is shown on the next picture.

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Picture 3.
Buttons in the dialog:

Catchment boundary layer dialog

- Select in the drawing

The list shows the names of all layers defined in the drawing. User must select the layers that contain
area boundaries. Layers can be selected in the list (click, Ctrl+click, Shift+click), or they can be
selected in the drawing after activating Select in the drawing button. If the option "Show selected" is
active, the list will show only the selected layers. Button "OK" is used for closing this dialog and
returning to the "Define area" dialog.
Soil type catalogue
Flow factor is a very important data for catchment area for rain flow. That factor represent relation
between the amount of water that comes in the system and the total amount of water that fell on some
area. Flow factor can have a value between 0 and 1. Program has two predefined soil types (Ground
and Asphalt) and their flow factors. For creating new soil types user must start the button "Soil type
catalogue" which will open the following dialog.

Picture 4.
Buttons in the dialog:

Define soil flow factors dialog

- Save
- Erase

Central part of the dialog shows the list of all defined soil types and their flow factors. To define a new
soil type, user must enter a name and flow factor for that soil type in the fields at the top of the dialog.
After activating button Save, that new soil type is saved and it is shown in the list in the dialog. To
erase the definition of certain soil type, select that type in the list and activate button Erase.

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After closing "Define soil flow factors" dialog, the "Define area" dialog is active again. In that dialog
user has to select soil type for the certain area. Soil type is selected from the "Soil" drop down list.
After that, the "Flow factor" field shows the flow factor defined for that soil type. That flow factor can be
changed by entering new value in that field.
Defining areas
Areas can be defined in several ways by selecting a point inside closed area, by selecting a closed
polyline or by drawing a closed area.
Areas must be closed shapes. They can be made using closed elements (Polyline) or they can be
made from several elements (LINE, ). Urbano 7 uses three basic algorithms for selecting areas:
selecting existing closed elements, creating closed elements using AutoCAD Boundary function, or
drawing closed element. Defining areas is similar to the AutoCAD Hatch command. When using this
Boundary option by selecting the point inside some polygon, user must have in mind the limitations of
this AutoCAD function (primary the reliability of the algorithm for real surveying coordinates).
After activating button Pick point inside closed area user must pick inside some closed area in the
drawing. The area must be completely bordered with elements (line, polyline) that are on layers
selected in "Catchment boundary layers" dialog. After activating button Select closed polyline user
must select in the drawing closed polyline, while after activating button Draw closed area user must
draw the borders of the area in the drawing.
After selecting in the drawing, the selected area is hatched and marked yellow in the drawing, and the
list shows its type and area. If the option for searching islands was active, the data about found islands
will also be shown in the dialog. After activating button "Save data", the data about that area will be
saved in the selected section (or sections), and the label for that area will be drawn in the drawing.
When defining area for section that already has defined areas, existing areas will be hatched and
marked green, so they could be noticed easier.
The colors for marking observed (yellow) and previously defined (green) area are shown in upper right
part of the dialog, and they can be changed in general settings dialog. Underneath that, the index
number and the area for the certain area are shown. Fields Ground, Flow factor and Slope are active
when entering catchment areas, while the field Density [population/ha] is active when entering
influence area for house waste flow.

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This command is used for editing and labeling of already drawn areas. The dialog of this command is
shown on the next picture.

Picture 5.
Buttons in the dialog:

Catchment and waste flows area editor tab "Area properties"

- Select in the drawing
- Select work area

After starting this command, user first has to select work area (using one of the options in the Select
work area command). After that user must select the area type that will be edited. In the "Area type"
drop down list there are five options: Catchment area, Influence area house waste flow, Influence
area industrial waste flow, Direct input data and All areas.
After selecting one of the options, the list on the left side of the dialog adapts to the selected area type.
when the catchment area is selected, the list shows the data about the index, area, flow
factor and slope for each entered catchment area in the selected area.
for Influence area house waste flow the list shows the index, area and the density
[population/ha]; and
for Influence area industrial waste flow and Direct input data only the index and the area
is shown.
when the option All areas is selected, the list shows the index area and area type for every
defined area.
After selecting certain area in the list on the left side of the dialog, the right side of the dialog shows
the data about that area. Besides selecting in the list, areas can be selected in the drawing after
activating button Select in drawing or entering the index number in the adequate field. It is also
possible to select several sections at the same time or to select all areas in the list.
If the option "Zoom" is activated, the drawing is automatically zoomed on the selected area. Zoom
depends on zoom factor.

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Area properties
Right part of the dialog consists of two tabs "Area properties" and "Labels". First tab is used for
changing and erasing certain areas. After selecting certain area on the left, the right part of the dialog
shows the data about that area.
The value of the area can be changed only if that value was entered by direct input. When the area
was calculated from the drawing, its value can be changed using AutoCAD's Stretch command. User
only has to adapt the size of the area in the drawing, and next time when the command is started, the
data about that area will be updated.
That dialog also shows data that can be changed flow factor for catchment areas and density for
influence area house waste flow. After entering new data, and button "Save data" the new data is
saved and shown in the list. To erase certain area that area must be selected in the list, and button
"Delete area" must be activated.
When the option "All areas" is selected, it is not possible to change any data but only to review it. To
change data user must select particular area type.
If the tab Labels is selected, the dialog will look like this:

Picture 6.

Catchment and waste flows area editor tab Labels

This tab contains buttons for defining labels, labeling areas and deleting existing labels. Button Label
definition opens the dialog for defining labels (picture 6.). In that dialog user can redefine area label
turn on or turn off writing certain data or select some other block for labels.
Button Label selected areas is used for labeling areas that are selected in the list, while the button
Delete labels is used for erasing labels for areas selected in the list.

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This dialog is used for entering additional data for certain types of calculations. The dialog of this
command is shown on the following picture.

Picture 7.
Buttons in the dialog:

Input flow parameters dialog

- Select work area


- Previous / Next section

- Zoom
- General settings

After starting this command, user first has to select the work area for which the data will be entered.
There are two options for entering data: "Single" and "All". With the first option, the data is entered
individually for every section. After entering data for some section, button "Save data" must be
activated, and than user can move to the next section using buttons Previous / Next section. With
option "All"; same data is entered for all sections in the selected area. After entering data, button
"Save data" must be activated to save the entered data.
The name of the current section (or more than one section) is shown in the field on the right from
options "Single" and "All". Button Zoom is used for zooming the drawing on the current section, and
after activating option "Zoom" the program will automatically zoom on the current section.
Coefficient of inhabitants density
This coefficient is used in "Percent calculation" of the house waste water flow. It is used when the
inhabitants density is distributed unevenly, which means that the water consumption is also distributed

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It is possible to multiply the length of certain section with the coefficient and get so-called virtual length
of the section that can be bigger or smaller than the real length of that section. If we want to increase
the house waste water flow of some section, we have to enter the coefficient of inhabitants density
larger than 1, and if we want to decrease the waste water flow for some area, the coefficient of
inhabitants density must be smaller than 1 (if it is set as 0 the selected section will have no house
waste water flow).
Factor "N"
Factor "n" is used for calculating coefficient of retardation and the coefficient of reduction. Those two
coefficients are used in "Simple calculation" of the rain flow. The formulas for the coefficients of
retardation and reduction are very empirical, and in cases when they are not defined, it is taken that
their value is 1. Those coefficients are not used when calculating rain flow using rational method.
Coefficient of retardation is automatically calculated by this formula:



Where A stands for the catchment area of the certain section. Factor n depends on flow
characteristics, and it value can be n=2, 4, 6, 8. Recommended value is 6. In cases when the
catchment area is smaller than 1 [ha] the coefficient of retardation is recommended to be 1.
Coefficients of reduction is automatically calculated by this formula:

K u 1 0.005 L
where L represent the section length.

Inflow time
This coefficient is needed for rational method of calculating rain flow. Inflow time is time needed for the
most distanced raindrop of certain system to reach the gutter on the pipe. That value is empirical, and
recommended value is 5-15 minutes.

ATV frequency n
The ATV frequency n (1/a) is used to specify the rain frequency of occurrence. The default value can
be set to n=1 for 1 year event or n=0,2 for a 5 year event.

ATV raining time T

ATV raining time is also defined as Block rain and defines the rainfall time. The default value for T
is set to 15 min.

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BLG Retention Factor

Factor for Retention is used in Bulgaria according to their standards.

BLG Coefficient for foreign waters

Coefficient for foreign waters is used in Bulgaria according to their standards.

Pipe roughness
Roughness height Kb is used to describe the type and construction of a sewer pipe. It has influence on
hydraulic calculation, and indirectly it is used to calculate friction. Pipe roughness is entered in
millimeters and the value can vary between 0.4 and 2.0 mm. Plastic pipes has a smaller K b, while for
concrete pipes it has greater value. This parameter is necessary for the hydraulic calculation.
Pipe roughness is set for all pipes in pipe catalogue. If pipe roughness is not entered with this
command, the program will use values from the pipe catalogue for the calculation.

Urbano 7 makes it possible to calculate many kinds of system flows in various methods. Calculation of
waste flows, rain flows as well as some additional specific flows is also made possible. This group of
commands is used for entering data needed for calculating different types of flows.


This calculation is based on the inhabitant water consumption in the observed area. In cases when the
inhabitant density is distributed unevenly, or the water consumption is irregular, it is possible to run the
calculation with the coefficient of inhabitants that has to be entered earlier using "Coefficients/inflow
time" command.
The calculation is based on the total amount of consumed water. That amount is than divided on total
length of pipes in the system, and that is the flow for one meter of the pipe (specific flow [l/s/m]). Than
that, specific flow is multiplied with the length of specific sections to get the sections own flow. It is also
possible to multiply lengths of some sections with the coefficient of inhabitant density to get so-called
virtual lengths that can be bigger or smaller than the real length, which produce bigger or smaller flow.
The dialog of this command is shown on the following picture:

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Picture 8.

Dialog for entering data for percent calculation

Waste water calculation is based on algorithm for which the following parameters must be defined

specific water consumption divided per inhabitant [liters/day], for example 150 l/day
number of inhabitants, for example 1000,
percent of population increase, for example 2%,
project period, for example 20 years
coefficient of variation per day, for example 1.5
coefficient of variation per hour, for example 1.

If a new name is entered in the "Input data configuration name" field, the data entered in the dialog
can be saved and used again for the next calculation by selecting adequate configuration from the
drop down list.
If user activate button "Show temporary results" after entering necessary data in the dialog, the
program will show results for that data in the lower part of the dialog. If these results are satisfactory,
they can be saved with activating button "Save data". Showing temporary results is not necessary; the
data can be saved directly. The flows obtained from this calculation can be reviewed after starting
"General review" command from the "Layout" module. After starting this command, on the right side of
the dialog select "Waste flow" subgroup from the "Sewage hydraulic data" group.
Now we will describe the calculation:

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Program first calculates planned number inhabitants [Pn] according to project period and percent of
population increase. That is done according to this formula:

Pn P1


Where P represents actual number of inhabitants, p represents annual population increase and n
represent design period in years. After that, the program calculates the average day flow according to

Qav,d Pn q
where q is entered consumption of water per inhabitant. Than the program calculates maximal
demand per day and maximal demand per hour according to formulas

Qmax d Qav,d K day

Qmax h Qmax d

K hour

where Kday and Khour are coefficient of variation per day and coefficient of variation per hour that
were entered in the dialog at the beginning. Number 24 represents the number of hours in one day.
After that the specific demand is calculated in liters per second


Qmax h

where 3600 represent number of seconds in one hour. Qs is flow that enters in the whole system (or
some part of the system if the calculation is made for just a part of the system). After that, the total
length of all sections is calculated (if the coefficient of inhabitants density were entered, than the virtual
lengths are used in the calculation of total length). After that, the program calculates the specific flow.

q spec

..........l / s m'

i 1

i n



Sections own flow of certain section is obtained by multiplying specific flow with length (virtual length)
of that section:

Qown qspec li

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This command is used for calculating house and industrial waste flows using influence areas.
Influence areas must be entered previously using command "Catchments and influence areas ->
Define area".
The dialog of this command is shown on the next picture:

Picture 9.

Waste water flow, area calculation

In the dialog, user first has to define the work area the part of the system for which the waste water
flow will be calculated. After that, user must select which type of flow will be calculated (house waste
water flow, industrial waste water flow or both) and enter needed coefficients. That configuration of
input values can be saved and used later. The configuration is saved simply by entering new name in
the drop down list at the top of the dialog.
After activating the button "Save data", the program calculates flows and saves them. The data about
the flows can be reviewed using "General settings" command from the "Layout" module.
The calculation is based on the following formulas:
Calculating house waste water flows is based on the following formula:


qh ED AE ,K 1

waste flow [l/s]
coefficient of flow, depending on waste flow [l/(s1000 inhabitants)]
inhabitants per hectare [inhabitants / ha]
influence area [ha]


Industrial waste water flow is calculated using next formula:

Q g q g AE ,K 2

industrial waste water flow

specific flow 0.5 l/(sha) for small consumption, 1 l/(sha) for medium
consumption, and 1.5 l/(sha) for big consumption
influence area for industrial waste

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This command is used for calculating rain flows using catchment areas. Catchments areas must be
previously entered using command "Catchments and influence areas -> Define area". The dialog of
this command is shown on the next picture.

Picture 10. Rain flow calculation, simple method

In the dialog, user firs must to select the work area the part of the system for which the rain flow will
be calculated. After that, user must enter the rainfall intensity on selected area. That intensity is
treated as constant. Intensity is entered in liters in second per hectare (l/s/ha). That intensity varies
and can be from 100 to 300 l/s/ha.
Beside that, user can enter a new name for the configuration of the input values, and use that
configuration again later. After activating button "Save data", the program calculates own rain flows for
all selected sections.
The calculation is done according to the following formula:

Qown I A K fl K ret K red

where is

rainfall intensity [l/s/ha]

catchment area [ha]
coefficient of flow
coefficient of retardation
coefficient of reduction

The program calculates section's own rain flow for the sections that has defined catchment area and
coefficient of flow. If the coefficient of retardation and coefficient of reduction are not defined, their
value is taken as 1. These two coefficients are calculated based on the "n" factor (chapter
"Coefficients/ Inflow time").

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The rational method of rain flow takes into account the time factor. That enables taking into account
the changes in the intensity of the rain due some time period. The dialog of this command is shown on
the next picture.

Picture 11. Rain flow, rational method

Buttons in the dialog:

- Select IDF data file

There are two options for entering the quantities of rain in rational method using IDF lines and using
Reinhold formula.

IDF Lines
The method is based on statistic monitoring and measuring rain intensity during certain period of time
(frequency). Based on these values so called IDF lines are constructed (Intensity Duration
Frequency). These lines define the ratio between intensity (l/s/ha) and time (min) for various
frequencies. Frequencies are usually 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, ... years. To calculate rain flow using this method
IDF lines must be defined in a way Urbano 7 can read them. That is done by defining pairs duration
intensity. Data defined in that way is saved as ASCII file with *.dat suffix.
To be able to use that data in the rain flow calculation, the file with data from IDF lines must be saved
somewhere on the computer. After activating button Select File user must select *.dat file with IDF
data, and than from the drop down list select the frequency that will be used in the calculation.
On the next page is an example of the file with the IDF lines data. That file has data about the IDF
lines for frequency of half year and frequency of one year. The frequency is written after the # sign.
That also represents the beginning of the new data group. First column shows the time in minutes,

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and the second column shows the rainfall intensity in l/s/ha. Comment can be placed anywhere in the
dialog, but it must be preceded with the * sign.
* Example of IDF lines
5 197.22
10 165.28
20 125.00
30 102.78
40 88.89
50 77.78
60 70.84
90 54.17
120 43.06
150 37.5
180 32.64
240 27.22
300 23.61
5 259.72
10 217.36
20 163.89
30 133.32
40 114.58
50 100.00
60 88.89
90 69.44
120 55.56
150 48.61
180 41.67
240 36.11
300 30.56

To run calculation using this method, inflow time must be entered before. That is done with the
"Coefficients/inflow time" command. Inflow time is time needed for the most distanced raindrop of
certain system to reach the gutter on the pipe. That value is empirical, and recommended value is 515 minutes.

This method is based on the long time analysis of correlation between the duration of the rain and its
intensity. From that analysis, the following formula for the flows was obtained.

qi q15

38 1

4 0,369
T 9 n


intensity of the rain that lasts T (min)

intensity of the rain that last 15 minutes
duration of the rain

After selecting this option user must enter in the dialog the intensity of the 15-minute rain (q15) and the
frequency that will be used for the calculation. Frequency 0.1 means that rain with that intensity will
happen once in 10 years, while frequency 10 means that the rain of that intensity will happen 10 times
in one year.

This calculation takes into account the duration of the water flowing, and that is why the hydraulic
calculation must also be performed. To perform hydraulic calculation it is necessary to have slopes
and roughness heights for all system and pipes defined. Rational calculation is iterative.

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The calculation will be explained on the following picture.

Picture 12. Example of the catchments area


sections' numbers
sections' slopes
catchments areas
coefficients of flow

Calculation is done according to following steps

1) Starting rain intensity [l/s/ha] (I1,I2,...,I8) is calculated for every section (from IDF line or
from Reinhold formula).
2) Total catchment areas are calculated for every section. Total catchment area of some
section is equal to the catchment area of that section multiplied with the coefficient of flow
added up together with the catchment areas off all previous sections multiplied with their
coefficients of flow. For example:



3) Than the total rain flows (Qi) are calculated for all the sections in the system. That is done
by multiplying the corrected catchment area of every section A ki with the intensity for that
section Ii
Q1=Ak1 I1


Q4=Ak4 I4.

4) hydraulic calculation is performed using defined slopes (ii) and total flows (Qi), thus
getting the water velocities in partially fulfilled pipe (vi)
5) every sections own flow time is calculated from the sections velocity (vi) and sections
length (li) according to formula Tvli=li/vi
6) competent flow times are calculated in a way that all times in one section are summed up,
and in case that in the certain node another section connects, competent time is chosen
(automatically or interactively). For example, for section 2 it is T2=Tvl1+Tvl2. Section 3,

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however, has its flow time calculated from the following: T3=Tvl3+Tvl1+ Tvl2 or
T3=Tvl3+Tvl5+Tvl6. User can decide which of this time is competent or it can be determined
automatically (the greater one).
7) this competent times for every section are added to inflow times and the results are times
of concentration Tci
8) new intensities Ii are calculated according to times of concentration and frequency and
compared to the times calculated in step 1), and if the difference is greater than defined
tolerance, the whole procedure is done again.
This method of calculation is iterative, so the user must set the calculation precision. The calculation
will be repeated until the set precision is obtained. Precision is entered in the percents.

In field "Water viscosity (m /s)" user can enter the viscosity of the water and default value for viscosity
is set as 0.00000131. User also must select the pipe group. Pipe group is important because pipe
roughness is set there, and that data is very important for the calculation. Roughness different from
the one set in the pipe catalogue can be entered with the command "Input coefficients and
In the "Rational method" user can also enter some conditions for the calculation. User can enter the
percent of the pipe fill and minimal diameter. To do that, option "According conditions" must be
selected, and then user must select the wanted conditions and enter the data in adequate fields.
After entering all needed data, button "Calculate flow" must be activated. Values obtained from the
calculation can be reviewed using "General reviews" command from the "Layout" module.

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This command is used for entering all additional flows like foreign waters, point flows, user flows and
additional rain flow inside waste water channel.
The dialog of this command is shown on the following picture.

Picture 13. Dialog of the "Additional flows" command

Buttons in the dialog:

- Select work area


- Previous / Next
- Zoom
- General settings

When entering additional flows, user first has to select work area using button Select work area.
Additional flows can be entered for all sections in the work area at the same time, or single for every
section. After selecting needed additional flows and entering data, button "Save data" must be
activated. Buttons Previous / Next are used for moving on the previous / next section, while the
button Zoom is used for zooming the drawing on the current section (or sections). When the option
"Zoom" is activated, the drawing is automatically zoomed on the current section.

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Foreign waters
Foreign waters are flows that come in into the sewage pipe, but their origin is unknown. They can be
the result of the underground waters or the result of the broken water supply pipes. The calculation of
the foreign waters is empirical. It can be calculated on two ways. First way is to calculate the foreign
waters based on the influence areas for house waste flows. Second way is to calculate the foreign
waters as the part of the sum of previously calculated house and industrial waste water flows.
The program enables both versions of calculation. In the first version, calculation is based on the
following formula.

Q f q f AE , K

total quantity of foreign water [l/s]

coefficient specific flow for foreign water [l/(s*ha)]
influence area for house waste water

Second version is based on the following formula

Q f m Qh Qg

total quantity of foreign water [l/s]

coefficient, must be between 0.1 and 1.0 (ATV 118)
house waste water
industrial waste water

If the option "Using house waste flow influence areas" is selected "Waste water flow coefficient" must
be entered, while for option "Part of house and industrial flow" "Factor 'm'" must be entered.

Point flow
Often in sewer system some inflows in manholes appear. It is often cases that a new part is build on
already build sewer system and the old system gives his water to the new part in a single manhole. It
can also be a case that retention or some similar element is build in the system. In cases of great
quantities of water (rain flow), only part of flow is taken out of the system. This is also considered as
point flow, with a difference that water does not inflow system but outflows from system.
After selecting the option "Point flow" user must select if that flow is "Inflow to section starting node" or
"Outflow from sections starting node" and enter the value in adequate field.

Additional rain flow inside waste water channel

During rain, it is possible that a part of rain flow penetrates into pipes anticipated for waste flow only.
This inflow enters through manholes. This flow calculation is strictly empirical and it is performed
according to formula:

Qr ,T qr ,T AE , K

additional rain flow inside waste water channel [l/s]

coefficient of additional flow [l/(s*ha)]
influence area for house waste water

After selecting the option "Additional rain flow inside waste water channel" user must enter the
coefficient of additional flow whose recommended value is between 0.2 0.7.

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User flow
Urbano 7 gives many flow calculation methods; all the same, sometimes flow is already defined and it
is one of the input values for the planned sewer system. It is not necessary to try to accomplish that
value with previously described algorithms. This value can be simply defined interactively, by typing it
in appropriate edit-boxes. It can be also a case where user calculates flows using some other
programs and Urbano 7 is used strictly for graphical presentation of results. In those cases, calculated
values can be defined directly.
After selecting the option "User flow", user must enter the "Section user flow [l/s]" in the adequate field.
In this case, it is possible to add user flows to flows calculated in Urbano 7, and calculate transit and
own flows from the sum of the user flows and other calculated flows.
Flows entered in the "System flows" command are own flows of certain kind for every section. Own
flows are flows that occur on each section without any impact from other sections. Total own flow is a
sum of all selected own flows for certain section. That total own flow is written in every section that has
selected own flows as separate data and it is later available for calculating total flow, for reviews, and
so on.

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Transit flow
All previously mentioned calculation methods (besides rational method) calculate sections own flow.
However, every section has principally sections before and sections after itself. Therefore, every
section (beside first one) has also a flow as a result of previous sections own flows.
Transit flow for certain section is a sum of total own flows of all sections that precede the selected
section. The dialog of the "Transit and total flows" command when the "Transit flow" tab is selected is
show on the next picture.

Picture 14. "Transit and total flows" command tab " Transit flow "
Buttons in the dialog:

- Select all
- Clear selection

Urbano 7 makes 8 different flows calculation possible. In case separate system is being planned
(waste or rain system), transit flow wont have all flows in it. Besides, all flows dont happen at the
same time. To have total control of flows and easy system modeling, it is possible to calculate transit
flow of some selected flows only. By turning the appropriate toggle on and off user selects flows to be
taken in consideration for transit flow calculation. User can also select some already suggested
selections using the first three buttons on the right part of dialog. If some of the selected flows do not
exist, by turning it on it wont affect the calculation. Transit flow calculation is always performed for the
current system.
In this dialog user has to select the own flows that will be included in the calculation of the transit flow.
Button Select all is used for selecting all available own flows, while button Clear selection is use for
clearing the selection. After selecting all wanted data, the button "Calculate transit flows" must be
In first step, the program will calculate total own flow for every section using just selected flows. After
that, the program calculates transit flows for all sections.
Next step is calculating total flows.

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Total flow
Total flows are relevant for all calculations later (hydraulics). The total flow of some section is equal to
the sum of the total own flow of that section and the transit flow in that section (sum of total own flows
of all preceding sections).
The dialog of the "Transit and total flows" command when the "Total flow" tab is selected is shown on
the next picture.

Picture 15. Transit and total flows" command tab " Total flow "
Buttons in the dialog:

- Select all
- Clear selection

Total flow can consist of: total sections own flow, transit flow, total rain flow (from rational method).
Rain flow obtained from rational method and TRRL method contains transit and own flows for every
section because the flow for every section is calculated using catchment areas for all previous
User must select in the dialog all data that will be taken into calculation of the total flow. Button
Select all is used for selecting all available own flows, while button Clear selection is use for
clearing the selection. After selecting all wanted data, the button "Calculate total flow" must be
The values that are selected in the dialog will be summed up for every section, and that sum will be
written as the total flow of the section. That data can be reviewed using "General review" command of
the "Layout" module.

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Hydraulics calculation is used for determining all values that define flowing. Urbano 7 enables running
hydraulic calculation on two ways. First and most common way is to enter flows and slopes and
calculating pipe diameters and other values (pipe fill, velocities...) from them. Second way is to enter
flows and diameters and to calculate minimal slopes and other hydraulic values. Program runs
calculations for all shapes and types of pipes.
The hydraulic calculation in the program is based on Prandtl-Colebrook's formula for flowing in circular
pipes. For non-circular pipes, the calculation is also based on Prandtl-Colebrook's formula but instead
of diameter of the pipe four times hydraulic radius is entered in the formula.
For both options of calculation, for calculating slopes or diameters, it is possible to run calculation
individually for every section, or automatically for some array or whole system at once. Hydraulic
calculation can be run only for sections that have slopes (or diameters) and total flows already set.

Hydraulic calculation theory

Hydraulic calculation is based on Darcy-Weisbachs and Colebrook-Whites equation for flow in totally
fulfilled pipe.
Darcy-Weisbachs expression for calculating the waste in energy line along pipe because of friction is:

H fr

Ie Io I


Hfr - waste in elevation because of friction


(Exp. A)

D 2g

L - pipe length
- friction coefficient
D - inner pipe diameter
v - average velocity in pipe
g - gravity acceleration

m s
2 -1
m s

Friction coefficient is defined with Colebrook-Whites expression

(exp. B)

2 log

3.71 Re


- absolute hydraulic roughness

(exp. C)

Re vD


Re - Reynolds coefficient defined with expression

v - average velocity in pipe

2 -1
(ni) - kinematic viscosity coefficient of water m s

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Combining expressions A and B, a velocity expression is defined as:

(exp. D)


v 2 log

2 g I D
D 2 g I D 3.71 D

Taking in consideration the expression for water flow consistency

Q A v

(Exp. E)

D 2
Q log

D 2 g I D 3.71 D 4

2 g I D

This is an expression for water flow calculation in totally fulfilled pipes with circular cross section.
Most of the time pipes are only partially fulfilled. The expressions for those pipes are as follows:

(exp. F)

v d Rd 8

v p R p

Flow quantity:

(Exp. G)


Qd Ad Rd 8

Q p Ap R p

vd - partially fulfilled pipe water velocity

vp - full pipe velocity
Qd - flow quantity in full pipe
Qp - flow quantity in partially fulfilled pipe
Rd - hydraulic radius in partially fulfilled pipe
Rp - hydraulic radius in full pipe
Ad - flow area in partially fulfilled pipe
Ap - flow area in full pipe

In case fulfillment in pipe is greater than half of the pipe height, Thormanns expressions added:

(exp. H)

O' ' O KT S

(Exp. I)
where is


10 5 50 25

O - wet circumference of partially fulfilled pipe
S - water width in partially fulfilled pipe
h - fulfillment height in pipe

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H - total pipe height

KT - Thormanns coefficient

Hydraulic calculation for Single section

After starting the command "Hydraulic calculation ", the dialog with two tabs ("Single section" and
"Section group") is opened. When the tab "Single section" is selected, the dialog looks like this:

Picture 16. "Hydraulic calculation" tab "Single section"

Buttons in the dialog:


- Previous/ Next section

- Select work area

Calculation can be done in two ways. First way is when the diameters are calculated from section
slopes, and the second way is to calculate section slopes from existing diameters. For both this ways
of calculation total flow and pipe roughness must also exist. When the button Min. diameter is active
diameters will be calculated, and button Min. slope is used for calculating slopes.
User first has to select the work area. Then, using buttons Previous/ Next section, user has to come
to the wanted section. If the option "Zoom" is activated the drawing will automatically zoom on the
current section. Size of the zoom is determined with zoom factor in the field next to that option.
Part of the dialog named "Data" shows the existing data about that section: flow, diameter or slope,
water viscosity, pipe roughness and pipe cross section shape. Certain data like diameter or slope are
shown depending on which type of calculation is selected. So, when the option for calculating
diameters is selected, the slope of the selected section is shown in the dialog and user has to select
the pipe group from the pipe catalogue from which the diameters will be selected. When the slopes
are calculated the dialog shows the diameter of the selected section. Water viscosity, pipe roughness
and pipe catalogue section can be changed, while other data cannot be changed in this dialog, but
they must previously be entered or calculated.

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Right side of the dialog shows the result of calculation for the selected section according to the
entered data. Next picture shows the look of that part of the dialog when diameters are calculated (on
the left) and when slopes are calculated (on the right).

Picture 17. Calculation results for calculating diameters (left) and slopes (right)
When calculating diameters, program calculates the minimum diameter, and selects the firs bigger
diameter from the selected pipe catalogue section. User can also select some other diameter from the
"Diameters from the catalogue" drop down list. Bottom part of the dialog shows the data about the
filling height, filling percent and so on, for the selected diameter.
When calculating section slope, the program calculates the minimum slope and than rounds it off
according to the set precision and than shows that value as the selected slope. Precision can be
selected from the drop down list. Slope is given in promil. List in bottom part of the dialog shows the
data that changes according to selected slope.
When the user is satisfied with the data obtained after entering diameter or slope, button "Save data"
should be started. Than user can move on to the calculation for the next section.

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Hydraulic calculation for section group

Second option of calculation is when the calculation is run for the group of sections. After selecting tab
"Section group" in the dialog of the "Hydraulic calculation" command, the dialog will look like this:

Picture 18. "Hydraulic calculation" tab "Section group"

Buttons in the dialog:

- Select work area

In this command, there are also two options for calculation calculating diameters and calculating
User first has to select the work area with one of the options of Select work area button. The
calculation is run for all elements of the selected area at the same time.
Data that must be entered in the dialog is water viscosity for both types of calculation, pipe catalogue
section for calculating diameters and precision for calculating slopes.
Also, user can enter certain conditions that have to be obeyed in the calculation. In lower left corner,
there are three options. When the option "No conditions" is selected, the calculation will be run without
any conditions. Option "Regarding existing diameters" is active only for calculating hydraulic values
according to diameters. With this option active, the program will run calculation according to existing
pipe diameters. If the existing diameter is smaller than the minimum diameter calculated for that
section, for those sections program will select new diameters according to calculated minimum
diameters. After selecting option "Conditions" user must select conditions and enter their values.
Condition can be "Maximal fulfillment percent", "Minimal pipe diameter" and Minimal flow velocity.
After entering all needed data button "Compute" must be activated. After that, the right part of the
dialog shows the data about sections' names, diameters (D), slopes (I), fulfillment percent (h/D) and
velocity (v) in selected sections.

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Hydraulics calculator is a fast tool for computing hydraulic data about the defined section of the
system. With the topology selection button select the desired section of the system for which you want
to calculate hydraulic data and instantaneously all hydraulic values are shown. Parameters like flow,
slope, pipe group, roughness and viscosity can be easily changed to desired values.

Picture 19.

"Hydraulics calculator"

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This command is made to output all hydraulic values into external ASCII file. The format of the file is
predefined and delimited by ; signs so it can be further used inside of EXCEL or other programs.

MW 23;;;MW 022;MW 023;MW 22;;;;;;;;;;0.0205;MW
2;1.0000;;;;25.2236;0.0619;1.0000;MW 23-1;;
1 - Section name
2 - Section's catchment name(s)
3 - Street name
4 - Starting node name
5 - Ending node name
6 - Inflow section(s) name
7 - Total catchments area
8 - Corrected catchments area
9 - Total corrected catchments area
10 - Industrial waste flow [l/s]
11 - Home waste flow + foreign flow [l/s]
12 - Sum of columns 10 and 11 [l/s]
13 - Building zone
14 - Rain intensity [l/s/ha]
15 - Rain flow [l/s]
16 - Total flow [l/s]
17 - Section's name
18 - Section length [m]
19 - Slope [promile]
20 - Code of cross section shape
21 - Diameter [mm]
22 - Pipe roughness [mm]
23 - Starting level line elevation [m]
24 - Ending level line elevation [m]
25 - Terrain elevation for starting node [m]
26 - Elevation of water surface for starting node [m]
27 - Flow velocity for fulfilled pipe [m/s]
28 - Flow for fulfilled pipe [m3/s]
29 - Flow velocity for partially filled pipe [m/s]
30 - Inflow time [min]
31 - Flow time along section [min]
32 - Reference flow time [min]
33 - Concentration time [min]
34 - Flow percent [%]
35 - Sum of home influence area [ha]
36 - Average density of inhabitants [inhabitants/ha]
37 - Name of all home influence area for section
38 - Sum of all industrial influence area [ha]
39 - Name of all industrial influence area for section

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Urbano 7 has the possibility to write defined data of the drawing in a file type that is supported by the
EPA SWMM software which is very good for modeling issues. After the file is written, it can be opened
by the SWMM software and some modifications and calculations can be also done.

Picture 20.

Write file SWMM

Urbano 7 has a feature to calculate stresses on pipes in pipe trench. According to defined trench,
upper layers, filling material of the pipe trench and loads which are designed to carry, the program
calculates stresses, strains and other deformation factors and values on selected pipe of the system.

Picture 20.

Steps in Calculating stresses on pipes of the system

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