Towards A Quality Model For Rescuer Platform Evaluation Using A SoS Approaching

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Architectural Evaluation of Systems-of-systems

Historical Document Review





Initial document.



Jaguaraci Silva

1. Contextualization
Disasters occurring during large-scale events and in industrial areas may have a huge
impact on human lives, property, and the environment. Fast reaction is vital in order to
avoid physical damages as well as damages to the public image of the involved
organizations. As a result several measures are taken and periodically bolstered to ensure
effective and efficient emergency and crisis management. The use of a software system
is among those measures, together with staff assignments to a command center, trainings,
and (virtual) simulation exercises.
The main challenge for a command center is to quickly obtain contextual information
about the emergency situation in order to make the right decisions. Late decisions or
decisions based on inaccurate information have a great potential for causing more
damages. As mobile devices are widely used and in many cases connected to the Internet,
crowdsourcing information and mobile technologies offer great potential for addressing
this challenge. However, existing crowdsourcing information based platforms for
emergency and crisis management present several shortcomings. In particular and more
importantly, they are neither tailored for use in mobile devices nor for use close to the
place of an incident, when people are still under stress. Moreover, there is a lack of
resources for automatic analysis of the collected multimedia data.
RESCUER aims at developing a smart and interoperable computer platform for using
crowdsourcing information mashed up with open data to support emergency and crisis
management. Thus, the RESCUER platform will be capable of:
1) Gathering crowdsourcing information in real-time by providing user interaction
especially developed to be used in emergency situations;
2) Greatly improving situational awareness in a command center in a timely manner,
through novel multimedia data analysis methods and effective visualization and
manipulation mechanisms; and
3) Semi-automatically providing official and accurate announcement of emergencies to
the affected community and general public through an efficient approach for deriving
specific documents from generic ones. Furthermore, RESCUER will support ad-hoc

Both European and Brazilian industries will benefit from the project results, several of
which have the potential for becoming at least de facto standards. As industrial areas
periodically simulate incidents for training purposes, the RESCUER platform can be,
experimentally, validated before the Olympic Summer Games in 2016. In this context,
this project plan aims at provide a process quality model to support the Rescuer platform
by means of its package five, where the evaluation objectives, stakeholders and systems
are described below.

2. Objective
The main objectives of this work are:
ensure the quality characteristics of RESCUER systems and its integration;
support the measuring of each development phase, before and after to apply
the architectural evaluation;
contribute to identify system architecture issues; and
avoid architectural pitfalls on software development process;
The architecture evaluation will build a relationship between the system elements and
quality metrics. It have assumed the RESCUER evaluation tasks (WP5) can be associated
to several ISO/IEC 9126 quality characteristics and elements of Systems-of-systems. In
this aspect, it is believed that the reference architecture taxonomy for systems elements
(Nakagawa et al, 2012) can be fit to Systems-of-systems proposals (DeLaurentis et al.,
2005), specially to the RESCUER platform, that having Systems-of-systems
characteristics (DeLaurentis et al, 2005; Jamshidi, 2009; Maier, 1998).
In this sense, this proposal also will investigate and building a Systems-of-system
taxonomy using a Systematic Literature Review (Kitchenham, 2004) avoiding a wrong
taxonomy that will not fulfill the RESCUER evaluation objectives.
In order to establish the architectural evaluation for Systems-of-systems, this proposal
will be conducted in six main steps:
Step 1: Identification of related elements by using contexts, goals, projects, stakeholders,
interests, and software artifacts by means of a tailoring process.
Step 2: Identification of quality characteristics using the ISO/IEC 9126 standard.
Step 3: Identification of Systems-of-systems elements that could be contained in Step 1.
Step 4: Identification of a set of questions related to each objective, goal and metric to
evaluation contained in using context.
Step 5: Building of a dynamic model to architectural evaluation by: using contexts, goals,
projects, stakeholders, interests, etc... By select these criteria on an assessment interface.
Step 6: Perform the evaluation using the artifacts and the generated model.

3. Justification
The work package 5 aims at evaluating the results of WP2 (Mobile Crowdsourcing
Solution), WP3 (Data Analysis Solutions), and WP4 (Emergency Response Toolkit)
taking into consideration the requirements defined in Task 1.1 (Requirements
Engineering). A main issue is the need for orchestrating the evaluation of the several
components in the three iterations of the project, so that the project can achieve its
expected results are at the end. This will be addressed in Task 5.1, where an evaluation
model and a general evaluation plan will be created. All subsequent tasks (Task 5.2, Task
5.3, and Task 5.4) will follow the same pattern: a specific evaluation plan will be defined
based on the specifications of the general evaluation plan at the beginning of each
iteration. In this specific evaluation plan, applicable evaluation goals will be structured
according to the GQM approach in order to derive evaluation criteria. In addition, the
specific evaluation plan will determine the evaluation scenario (if not done yet), the
evaluation method, and the profile for recruiting participants to perform the evaluation.
Evaluation reports will state the quality of the current project results and the potential for
improvement in the next iteration. As the project will support emergency and crisis
management in emergencies occurring in large-scale events and in industrial areas, these
two underlying scenarios must be considered in the general evaluation plan and in the
specific evaluation plans. Another aspect to be addressed in this work package is the need
to at least simulate stressful situations in a close-to-real emergency context in order to
properly evaluate the project results.

DeLaurentis, D. and W. Crossley. "A Taxonomy-Based Perspective for System of
Systems Design Methods," Paper 925, IEEE 2005 Conference on Systems, Man, and
Cybernetics, Waikoba, HI, Oct. 10-12, 2005.
Nakagawa, E. Y., Oquendo, F., and Becker, M. RAModel: A reference model for reference
architectures. In WICSA/ECSA, pages 297301. IEEE Computer Society, 2012.

Jamshidi, M. Systems of Systems Engineering - Principles and Applications. Boca Raton,

FL, USA: CRC Press, 2009.
Kitchenham, Barbara. Procedures for performing systematic reviews. Technical Report TR/SE0401 and NICTA Technical Report 0400011T.1, Keele University and National ICT Australia
Ltd, Jul 2004.

Maier, M.W. "Architecting Principles for Systems-of-Systems." Systems Engineering,


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