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lingva LATINA vii

Lectio XV

NOMEN ET COGNOMEN: ______________________________________

MAGISTRA: ________________________________
HORA: _________

Lesson 15


Page 1

Quiz template: Lesson_____ Page _____ Nomen et Cognomen_________________________________

Fill in the chart with the vocab from this lesson

Word in Latin

Lesson 15


Part of Genitive
Speech Or
Principal Parts

Gender English meaning(s)

Page 2

Word in Latin

Lesson 15


Part of Genitive
Speech Or
Principal Parts

Gender English meaning(s)

Page 3

Grammar basics

Pgs. 109-110.

1. The verb to be is formed irregularly in English. T F

2. The verb sum is formed irregularly in Latin. T F
3. Does sum belong to one of the regular conjugation? Yes No
4. Why not? Because it is ________________________________
5. What kind of verb is sum? ________________________________
6. Describe what an action verb is: _____________________________________________
7. Describe what an linking verb is: _____________________________________________
8. Translate porto three ways: _____________________________________________
9. Translate you (sg) depart into Latin ________________________
10. Translate he is dwelling into Latin ________________________
(NB. If you used a form of sum in this translation, parvae ranae habitabunt in your locker and your nose will fall
off. No No, Bad!!!!!)
11. Translate; then tell whether the italicized noun is a predicate nominative or a direct object. THINK FIRST!
a. They are sailors. ____________________________________________________________________________
b. We are settlers. _____________________________________________________________________________
c. They are moving the prisoners. _______________________________________________________________
d. He is a slave. _______________________________________________________________________________
e. I like my friend. ____________________________________________________________________________
f. You are boys. _______________________________________________________________________________
12. All prepositions in Latin are followed by either the ___________________ or ____________________ case.
13. When used with verbs of MOTION, ad means ________ or ___________ and in means ________or
________. These are followed by the _________________________ case.
14. When the preposition in is followed by the ablative, it means ______ or _______. This is called the ablative
of __________________________.

live - Present:


Lesson 15


Page 4

live - Future:





live - Perfect:

depart - Present:




depart - Future:



Lesson 15


Page 5

depart - Perfect:



to be:present
Translate all conjugated forms into English!



L 15 to be practice and more!


Remember linking verbs have either PN or PA!!!

1. She is a good girl. _____________________________________________

2. We are frightening the evil boys! _____________________________________________
3. You are a slave of the good farmer. _____________________________________________
4. He is a bad friend. _____________________________________________
5. Claudius and I are sons of the teacher. _____________________________________________
6. They are not allies. _____________________________________________
7. Marcus and Anna are the prisoners of the evil queen. _____________________________________________
8. Yall are colonists. _____________________________________________
9. The sons are watching the water. _____________________________________________
10. I am a good farmer. _____________________________________________
11. The friendly man is calling my horse. _____________________________________________
12. We are famous sailors. _____________________________________________
13. The dinner is in the house. _____________________________________________
14. The slaves are earning much money. _____________________________________________
15. It is a large, flat island. _____________________________________________

Lesson 15


Page 6

Lesson 15 English Latin

1. Cavia porcellus magistrae linguae Romanae multum cibum bonum et multam aquam claram amat.
2. Ranae magicae, meruistis multam pecuniam, sed habetis solus (0nly)aquam claram.
3. In silva, ubi hyaenae ululant, arboris ausculant (listen) quod amant ausculare.
4. Filii mei et filiae meae, ubi nautae quintae pugnae habitaverunt? Ad aquam? In silva?
5. In fossa alta manserunt quod esse soli (alone) amaverunt.
6. Ubi agros altos laboravistis?
7. Nondum (not yet) laboravi agros altos; cras eos laborabo.
8. Regina mala in aqua se spectat (looks at herself); videt reginam foedam.
9. Cur (why) filius bonus ad Italiam navigavit?
10. Ad Italiam navigavit quod bonum cibum amavit.
11. In equo pugnabo quod tum altus ero.
12. We have much spirit. Happy (laetus,a,um) settlers are we! We love our lives.
13. The good way is to work, to love, to listen and to give.
14. When do you leave for America? (use ad)
Lesson 15


Page 7

15. I leave for America tomorrow.____________________________________________________________

16. The good mens islands are beautiful because there are many frogs and hyenas there.
17. The little ants (formica) like to move into the earth because they live there.
18. Where are you? I am here. I do not see you (te). ________________________________________________
19. I will prepare clear water in the magic forest because (the water) is good there.
20. Stoopey lived in a little house in the forest near the Coliseum because he liked to fight and see the fights.
21. When the teachers are here, they work and teach.
22. You (sg) migrated to Rome because you liked living in Italy. ______________________________________
23. Good captives, we praise the great queen today (hodie).
24. Good captives, carry the great timber down from the new forest to the house of the great bunny Stoopey.
25. In the streets they saw slaves from Gaul; they walked one at a time.
26. There are many foods in my house but I have no captives now._____________________________________
27. The good waters here saved the bunnies one by one because the bunnies are good._______________________
28. Oh good waters! Save my bunnys life because I love my bunny!____________________________________

Lesson 15


Page 8

Lesson 15 Textbook exercises pg. 111

Copy the Latin on the first line, completing as directed; translate into English. Do this for ALL sections!!!
1. ___________________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________________________
6. ___________________________________________________________________________________
7. ___________________________________________________________________________________
1. ___________________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________________________

Lesson 15


Page 9

Latin 7 Passage Lesson 15, Page 108: translate into English in the space provided.

Puella Romana sum. Filia sum agricolae. Coloni sumus et in provincia Gallia habitamus.
Ex Italia in provinciam migravimus. In provincia sunt agri novi et magni.
Agri nostri sunt boni, sed casa nostra parva est.
In agris multas horas laboramus. Liberi sumus, sed laboramus;
multos servos non tenemus. Pecuniam non habemus.
Vita agricolarum dura est, sed agricolae et coloni magnum animum habent.
Multi agricolae ad urbem1 Romam migraverunt, sed familia mea ad urbem non migrabit.
Romam vidi, sed ibi non mansi.
Agricolae in urbem equis et carris materiam et frumentum2 portant, sed ibi non manent.
Multi viri in viis Romae sunt: agricolae, coloni, nautae, magistri, captivi, servi.
Estis coloni, pueri et puellae? Ubi habitatis? Ad urbem migravistis?
Vita dura in agris vos3 terruit? Animos agricolarum non habetis.
1. city

2. grain

Lesson 15

3. you


Page 10

Latin 7 L15 Practice Test

Nomen_____________________________ Hora _______

Pars I - Sentence Analysis

Marcus, the powerful farmer does not wish to depart to the great lands of the evil queen, because she will
give her daughter to this man in marriage.
a. Translate Marcus _______________________
b. What case is it? ____________________________
c. Translate farmer ______________________
d. What verb form is to depart? __________________________
f. Translate great lands: _______________________
g. Translate evil queen: _________________________
h. Case and reason: _______________________
i. Translate the verb of the second clause: _____________________
j. Translate daughter _____________________________
k. Translate man ______________________
l. Case and reason: _________________________
m. What case would marriage go into? _______________________________
n. What kind of sentence is this? indicative imperative

Pars II - Verb Forms

1. habitabit _____________________________

6. we have moved _____________________________

2. they are calling ________________________

7. you (sg) did set free ___________________________

3. we have been ________________________

8. I shall deserve____________________________

4. tenuistis _____________________________

9. to remain _____________________________

5. we saw _____________________________

10. we shall watch _____________________________

Lesson 15


Page 11

Pars III- Noun Phrases

1. the prisoners one at a time (acc) ____________________________________________________
2. the sacred son (gen. sing.)


3. the free teachers (gen. pl.)


4. the famous influence (abl. sing.)

5. fifth sailor (dat sing.)


Pars IV- Sentence Translation

1. The good farmer will not report the small victory to the slave in a long letter. _______________________
2. magna insula ad tuam patriam navigabit. _________________________________________________
3. Coloni in provinciis habitabunt ubi agri magni sunt et nostri pueri et nostrae puellae magistros amant.

Lesson 15


Page 12

Latin 7 L15 Practice Test #2

Nomen_____________________________ Hora _______

Pars I - Sentence Analysis

Hortense, because it had snowed heavily last night, the evil queens carriage was buried in deep drifts; the
kingdoms plows malfunctioned.
a. How many clauses? Identify them _______________________
b. What is the function of Hortense? Case? ____________________________
c. What is the subject of the 1st clause? pos? ___________________________________
d. What pos is heavily? __________________________
f. Is there a complement in the 1st clause? What type? ___________________________________
g. What is the subject of the 2nd clause? _________________________
h. Translate the evil queens carriage: ___________________________________________________
i. If drifts were masculine, translate deep: Case? Why?______________________________________
j. Is there a complement? If so, what type? _____________________________
k. What is the subject of the 3rd clause? ______________________
l. What is the verb? Parse it _________________________
m. What case would kingdom be in? _______________________________
n. Is malfunctioned a transitive or intransitive verb? Why? _________________________________
o. Is there a complement in the 3rd clause? Why or why not? __________________________________

Pars II - Verb Forms

1. I was _____________________________

6. He was not _____________________________

2. Depart! (pl) ________________________

7. you (pl) did live ___________________________

3. to live ________________________

8. We will migrate____________________________

4. Move! (sg) _____________________________ 9. vocaverunt _____________________________

5. voco _____________________________

Lesson 15


10. you (sg) moved _____________________________

Page 13

Pars III- Noun Phrases

1. the free men of the earth


3. a good dinner (acc.)


4. a quantity of strange foods


5. difficult punishments (abl.)

6. good boys (dat.)


Pars IV- Sentence Translation

1. Servos vocavit quod ad Italiam migravit.
2. When they saw the dinner, they departed one at a time.
3. Tullius, free the horses and summon the prisoners.

Lesson 15


Page 14

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