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What if any, of the 3 social media plans should Foley pursue? Why?
Social Media plan to be incorporated would be Facebook with You Tube.
Videos about brand rationale (Design your personality?)Created by the consumers
and posted on Facebook as YouTube Links for a contest, the best video would be
awarded with vouchers from UnME
When a user clicks on the YouTube video links for their video or for reference, then
other links referring to the UnMe adverts would appear, creating increased Brand
On Facebook games like Farmville already exist which are virtual character Creatives,
as on Zwinktopia UnMe could, create a similar game with virtual characters on
Facebook. Its beneficial as it is easy to handle single platform for promotion online and
would tap all the Target Audience singularly.
To fit as a valuable social plan it needs to fulfil the criteria of the four main
characteristics of the WEB 2.0 platform.
1. CONSUMER CO-CREATION: Creating a brand profile page for promotion, allows the
brand to publish infinite content. UnMe could promote and sponsor events which relate
to the identity of the brand.
2. SOCIAL AFFILIATION: Facebook has the highest number of Target Audience. Creating
Widgets and providing daily updates on new feeds on the profile pages of the users,
YouTube contest, Virtual UnME World, Sasha, would keep the consumers updated with
new styles, generating Brand Recall .Users of can share the content with their friends
leading to expansion of consumer base for the brand.
3. DIGITAL SELF EXPRESSION: Facebook involves numerous events, application and
communication methods which make it easy for the consumers to identify and
associate themselves with the ones they assume are related to their personalities,
association with the same would provide UnME to understand Consumers Brand
Preference and design a Brand Strategy to position, as per consumers preference.
4. SHARING: Facebook provides a Two way communication of the consumers with the
brand and vice versa. Also sharing of information, Updates and personalized
perceptions by the users in the main motive of FACEBOOK as a brand itself. Hence this
would be an advantage for UnME or any brand in the market.

Is UnMe the right brand for brand building in social media? Why so?
The four cultural values and the attributes of the product (UnME jeans) result in an
appropriate match hence the New Media environment is perfectly in co-relation with the
Trendy Junior Denim brand.
Direct contribution of the consumer
Allows consumer to be the
information and the cultural,
Personalized approach
connecting consumers to others,
virtual community
More exposure and opportunities
Create their own virtual identities
Help revealing consumer attitudes

BRAND ATTRIBUTES ( Entry Ticket Benefits)

Motivates and encourages Speak against
peer pressure and conformity, provides the
opportunity to speak your fashion.
Good feedback mechanism from consumers.

The Brand name UnME (You and Me)

Association with Generation Y,
Target Market 12-24 yr, Target audienceTeenagers
Similar trend followers on one platform
Motivation for individualism
Appreciation for different opinions and taste
Creating unique identities (KEY BENEFIT

To collectively create and share
Consumers Marketer two way

To promote the best style designed through

self-expression for production and sale in
the market. (B2C Sharing)
Retail stores all across USA (B2B Sharing)

What benefits would Foley gain from each of the three social media plans?
What risks does each entail? How can Foley better reap the benefits and
mitigate the risks of each of the program?



Promotes high involvement and
participation Large demographic
availability, it allows marketers to target
the audience suitable for their product
Several forms of experiments have shown
positive results have given marketers an
option to choose layout and position of
their ad. Eg: participatory video ads, invideo advertising
Can choose from millions of videos to
promote their products.
Proven successful when used as the right
channel and not merely an alternative for
Television ads.
Can buy a virtual place on Youtube called
Promotes the ideals UnME stands for i.e.
celebrate individuality, non-confirming
attitude. A new way of expression.
Have the right demographics for UnME i.e.
teenage girls, the website are focused on
fashion and music. Marketers can promote
relevant ads in the virtual world.
According to Exhibit 10 Apparel are the
highest selling products on the SL
Can be ideal to launch ad inform about new
developments in the real world and
generate curiosity.
Can be linked to other social media like
facebook and Myspace.

High cost of marketing and additional
cost on developing professionally made
Lack of control over the content
Does not talk with users as well as other
social media do.
Does not provide in-depth analytics of
the users who view the videos.
Lack of measurement tools.

May not influence real world sales for the

There are over 200,000 virtual products
which increase competition and fight for
market share that may not give return for
the company.
Company cannot have dialogue with users
since it is chaotic and communication is
not linear.


Highest demographic segment among the

target audience. Also has the highest
average time spent on the website and
highest frequent return of the user to the
One of the fastest growing social media
on the web.
Easy access to information on the users,
hence the target market can be served
with relevant ads based on their profile
Users willing to post ads from their chosen
advertise on their page and likely to share
it with others. Hence act as brand
Acts like a discussion forum where users
interact with the brand and discuss their
interests. Widgets and feeds promote more
engagement and show the popularity of
the brand.
Reported a high click though rates as a
result of relevant ads.
High visibility because of shared friend

Users may totally ignore the ads given

the task focused nature of their
Since users may view over 500 pages
of content the recall value may drop
Lack of control over the medium
Lack of measurement tools to measure
High cluttering on the network may
make the users indifferent to the ads.
May lead to over advertising and hijack
the very purpose
Cannot be used as an alternative to
television ads.

How should Foley integrate social media plan into her traditional plan?
Should Foley take money out of the traditional plan to fund the social
media program? Why? Why not?
Includes Brief presentation, analysing the Key
Benefit Claim which is personalized fashion.
$ 7000
Dramatizing of the Key benefit to a Creative Idea
Media Scheduling
(UnME advertisement on TV)

of the Media, advertisement appears
frequently on TV, to spread Brand Awareness and
Recognition. To Position the brand in the Market.
UnME can also sponsor Reality TV shows such as
You think You can dance, or American idol etc.
which involves Target Audience.
The impact of the advertisement is measured in
terms of Favorable conversions at the retail store
after the release
Creative for Newspaper showing the deals at UnME
retail outlet and a Link for the website.
Advertising in selective newspaper and page in
the Newspaper (e.g the page with , fashion news
or horoscopes) probably read by the Target
For Magazines, Creative should be published in
fashion magazines such as Femina, Seventeen,
Cosmopolitans etc. which are the Brands
Preferred by the Target Audience


The softwares regarding virtual characters,
applications, widgets, are developed and placed
in the Right Media for Positioning of the Brand,
which as suggested is Facebook and YouTube.
Withdrawing of money from other media
Search and
accounts is preferred for the Purchase of the
social media platform.
Purchase Intention

are launched at the same time of other
Feedback Analysis
media launches.
This would expand the Reach of the brand and
would tap consumers at every end. At the same
time the YouTube Video and the Facebook design
your style contest is launched with its links on
Facebook and online Brand apparel selling
channels are opened for easy access for the
OUT OF HOME Creative
Creative are designed for Banners and Screen
display in popular market places.
Distribution of brochures for retail outlets and
online contest in areas of high schools, colleges,
market area, malls for mass Brand Awareness.
Employment of an agency or people for
installation and distribution purposes.
LIVE EVENTS Event Plan Creative A Fashion Show is planned displaying Unme
Apparels, company design, and contest winners
(B2B,B2C) Cost Analysis
designs by users which are producible.
Event Design and

cost sheet with elements of the event is
out and the PR of the firms informs the
Event Execution
owners and Press to provide an
Feedback analysis
external coverage to the event. Event is executed
at a decided Date and post effects are measured.
Also UnME can sponsor live events and Artist Music
Concerts where excessive teenagers are present
creating increase Brand Recall and awareness.

How should Foley measure the result of her social media plans? Which
media metrics are best and least suited for a web 2.0 world?
CONVERSION RATIO: Refers to the effectiveness of the company to create brand
awareness amongst the consumer to make a purchase decision after perceiving advertising
on social media. It helps in calculating the strength of the product in the market by
observing the Brand Recognition by Brand Loyal, Favorable brand Switchers or Multiple
brand Loyal.
RETENTION RATIO: Refers to proportion of consumers who participated on Facebook or any
social media and intend to have a purchase intention at a non-virtual (retail outlet)
distribution channel. This method would help in measuring the Brand Recall Value and
Change in consumers brand preference regarding the UnME apparels. Also this method is
quite useful for measuring sales increment and market share.
ROI (Return on investment) MEASUREMENT: Measured by its ability to develop
improved customer relationships and by measuring feedback (bookmarking, tagging,
commenting, linking, blogging), Clicks per minute, Number of Page viewed etc.

BEHAVIOUR STUDY DATABASE: By studying the behavior of various consumers (for

example how often are they participating? What other websites are they visiting apart from
yours? Who are the influencers and their impact?) Statistical data is collected and studied
for positioning. This would help in measuring the overall volume, reach, exposure and
amplification of the brand.

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