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The Paris Attack

I have repeatedly said that all religions should be respected.

The French magazine Charlie Hebdo published cartoons of Prophet Mohammed
regarded offensive by many Muslims.
The question is : how should Muslims react ?
My answer is : just ignore the cartoons.
If such cartoons had been published in India they would have attracted section
295A of the Indian Penal Code which states :
"Whoever, with deliberate and malicious intention of outraging the religious
feelings of any class of citizens of India, by words, either spoken or written, or by
signs or by visible representations or otherwise, insults or attempts to insult the
religion or the religious beliefs of that class, shall be punished with imprisonment
of either description for a term which may extend to three years, or with fine, or
with both."
However, the cartoons were published in France, where Indian laws do not apply
the culture is different, and there is no law similar to section 295A I.P.C.
Charlie Hebdo has also lampooned other religions too e.g. Christianity. For
example, it has published cartoons showing Jesus Christ sodomizing God, and the
Pope eloping with a Swiss Guard. There is no law in France making such cartoons
While my own personal view is that all religions should be respected, and
therefore such cartoons should not have been published, at the same time I am
also of the view that the best way to respond to them is to ignore them.
If an attack is made on the publishers, as was done in Paris, the result will be a
backlash against Muslims all over the world, particularly in France, Germany, and
other European countries, in which mosques will be burnt, Muslims killed or
injured, their houses attacked and their property looted. Surely that should be
I appeal to my Muslim brothers and sisters to act in accordance with reason, not

Markandey Katju
16 hrs

Only Solution to Kashmir Problem

I am replying to the message on my previous post.
. I have repeatedly said that the only solution to the Kashmir problem is reunification of India,
Pakistan and Bangladesh under a strong secular modern minded government which does not
tolerate religious extremism of any kind, whether Hindu or Muslim, and crushes it with an iron
. Many Kashmiris, being misguided by certain separatist leaders with their own agenda and
vested interests, demand independence for Kashmir. Let me tell you it will never be granted.
Firstly because Kashmir was part of India since Emperor Akbar conquered it in 1587 and
incorporated it in the Mughal Empire. So Kashmiris are very much Indians ( in fact even
Pakistanis are Indians, because Pakistan is a fake, artificial entity, and is really part of India, and
will one day be reunited with it ). Secondly if Kashmir is granted independence today, then

tomorrow Nagaland will demand independence, then Mizoram, then Tamilnadu, and so on and
on. Where will this stop ? India will break up. This must never be allowed.
So Kashmiris, give up your dream of independence, and start demanding reunification of India
and Pakistan under a secular government. Until you do that you will keep suffering. But I know
my words will fall on deaf ears.
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Mir Muzaffar Sir you mean to tell me that kashmir independence is more impractical than India-pak reunification! (Even though I would love to see that happen) .The trend should be a federal system of governance ,
not some utopian dream of "grand United subcontinent". With regards.
Like Reply 16 16 hrs

Markandey Katju replied 11 Replies 1 hr

GuRi Singh Dhillon If canada and UK can give referendum right to Quebec Nd Scotland, why can't we to our
states? We don't bcz we know our Indian state is not honest Nd unbiased like those nations. There ppl voted in
favor of Canada n UK bcz those state don't discriminat...See More
Like Reply 38 15 hrs Edited

11 Replies 1 hr

Ramakant Singh 1. Why kashmir was never subjected to referendum/plebiscite in accordance with indian
indipendence act, 1947 ?
2. The idea of integrated india never existed in history, its only the british who had made this possible, either by
force or gratification,...See More
Like Reply 11 14 hrs

3 Replies 11 hrs

Ebadul Haq looks like the script for a comedy show!!!!! Pathetic! And I know the cooler is there for me. Sir, where
u hang innocent people to satisfy the collective conscience of the nation, going in the cooler isn't a big deal!!!!
Like Reply 8 16 hrs

Patrick Jeevan I dont know why 1000s of year old cultures and hertitage should be spoiled because of this 67
year old country. This concept of India is just helping few business man to still can be united like
European union and continue thier independent culture of Telugu,Tamil, kannada, kerala and rest of the
states.why should one kill thier mother and adopt to step mother.
Like Reply 6 15 hrs

Bharat Mishra Are they willing to settle the Pandits in the valley again to begin with?
Why isn't it possible. The answer lies in Islamic fundamentalism. Why are there fundamentalists?
Sir, read Mohammed's biography and Quran.
Like Reply 6 16 hrs

11 Replies 2 hrs

Wani Snaw So Kashmiris, give up your dream of independence, and start demanding reunification of India and
Pakistan under a secular government. Until you do that you will keep suffering. But I know my words will fall on
deaf ears .. my reply will be hahahahahaha...See More
Like Reply 6 16 hrs

Krishna Mohan Highly ill conceived solution. The only solution is to wipe off Pakistan. Kashmir will fall in line
once their cross border terrorist supply dries up.
Like Reply 5 16 hrs

8 Replies 11 hrs

Iqbal Shaikh If we get suceeded in convincing that pakistan is now hell on earth and they dont hv better option
then India,
Then only we will be performing our responsibilities
Like Reply 4 10 hrs

Each country keep own identity. How far are all Indians/Pakistani really united ( while playing cricket against each
other!) What steps we have taken to reduce conflicts since 1947? ...See More
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2 Replies 5 hrs

hari om baba ka darbar laga hai .. sare ullu aur baba akele sayana hai See Translation
Like Reply 4 16 hrs

Mushtaq Dar Justice Katju, I have a different take on this: I would support an independent Kashmir if it were to
be secular and non-violent demand. If Kashmir would not fall in the hands of Islamist zealots, I would support its
independence. Unfortunately that does seem possible; if Kashmir is granted independence, people like me will
have to seek refuge in India to escape the Shariah law. Narayan narayan
Like Reply 3 14 hrs

Hemant Kumar Jha Amazed!!!!! Never expected such a post completely lacking rhyme and reason from a
person like Markandey Katzu.
Like Reply 3 14 hrs

Bilal Nazki Such an easy solution only he could tink so out of 1.60 billion.katju is genius.
Like Reply 3 16 hrs

1 Reply

Sajad Rasool re unification is a far dream than independence !

Like Reply 3 16 hrs
Prathamesh Joshi still we got independence. hence we vl unite again
Like 1 11 hrs
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Hisham Eslam i am with you sir

Like Reply 3 16 hrs

Ubaid War sir we are not misguided we were raised under the fear of indian security forces
Like Reply 3 16 hrs

5 Replies 6 hrs

Abhishek Pandey A noble idea but can be termed as utopian. No doubt it can solve the problem but in distant
future. What for this contemporary time. Day by day it is becoming difficult for India to wrest control of its
possessions there. An inclusive program is needed...See More
Like Reply 3 16 hrs

Altaf Kangoo So you want us to 'give up' our dreams so that your India does not 'break up'? C'mon be
human...very disappointed by your post!
Like Reply 2 2 hrs

Feroze Kuchay katju.. Note these words of an ordinary person... If india doesn't resolve the Kashmir issue it will
be vanished from the world map... How long u gona kill innocent people n forcibly snatch their birth right.
Like Reply 2 3 hrs

Prathap Kumar Gopinathan Kashmir is an integral part of India & it will be. Pakistan has nothing to do with it.
Mr. Katju talk sense
Like Reply 2 10 hrs

Usha George What's wrong with u guts? Katju does not say that Nash belongs to pak.
Like 8 hrs

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Rahul Ghosh So you want us to share our country with Pakis for Kashmir? Do we seem like a fool to you? You
want to make a national leader out of Owaisi, is it? Also want to make 'burqa' most common thing on streets?
Like Reply 2 11 hrs
Usha George Rahul Ghosh u got him wrong.
Like 8 hrs
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Shahnoor Khan United we stand divided we fall. To represent as a grate nation to the developed world v shd b
united again..
Like Reply 2 11 hrs

Akhil Harid Take it as an unpopular opinion,but the partition did more good than bad to the internal peace and
progress of the country.Even though unintentionally,it helped reduce Islamic fundamentalism within the country.
Like Reply 2 11 hrs

Xeenat Bhat ur logic z rediculous by saying kmr was a part of india in akbars regime.then one could say india
was part uk vl india then again do the same.2nd u people dislikes mughals but when u find ur vested inerest u
claim mughals as ur exlusive property
Like Reply 2 12 hrs

Arjjumend Dr-Hasrat Honourable Retd. Justice, your words would certainly fall on deaf ears, because you are
talking non-sense. Despite your revolutionary thoughts and verdicts in Indian judiciary, you were afterall the part
and parcel of State machinery meant to rule the ...See More

Like Reply 2 13 hrs

Ronith Joy The truth is that most of the states are forced to be together under the artificial idea of a nation and if
thats not so ( which is the common rhetoric ) then why fear and why compare and give such examples of other
states demanding separation in the first place............... !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Like Reply 2 14 hrs

Aftab Muhammad i will be happy if our bharat become akhand bharat

Like Reply 2 14 hrs

Shadab Mohammad Simple to say , but almost impossible to achieve , but yes it sounds like a solution and will
save lakhsof crores of taxpayer's money as well as we will be more stable without an instable neighbourhood .
Like Reply 2 14 hrs

Pushpendra Kulshrestha But you also please tell us from where these Morden minded ultra secular the
supernatural people will come .
Like Reply 2 15 hrs Edited

Farhat Ul-Ain Farooqui The wicked westners and others with same mindset will never let the three unite as it's
against their interest...war earns them their daily bread... More differences more war and more revenue gain.
Like Reply 2 15 hrs

Danush Kumaar how r u saying TN will demand separation. even mizoram and other north eastern states had
demanded separate countries for them but not people, only few crooks. in our case TN mostly demands
autonomy and not separatism. as a citizen i strongly believe...See More
Like Reply 2 15 hrs

2 Replies 5 hrs

Kaul Ashok The most practical solution is making LoC as international border with an option of choosing
citizenship of either India or Pakistan with an option of remaining where ever they are if a person from Srinagar
wants Pakistani citizenship then he still can remain where he is but with the status of Person of Pakistan origin or
if in PoK person opts for Indian citizenship he would be called a Person of Indian origin .
Like Reply 4 16 hrs

8 Replies 5 hrs

Venu Nallore Unification of India and other two countries lacks even basic strain of practicality. It would not only
sound foolish and can never possible. We can all talik high ideals but there are certain impracticables. Solution to
KASHMIR problem has and must have nothing to do such a idea but outside it.
Like Reply 1 2 hrs

I'm sure tamilnadu will demand soon..
Like Reply 1 3 hrs

Kapil Dev education and BJP rule is a solution. (BJP is non partisan, non casteist and non partisan party.)
Like Reply 1 5 hrs

Vipul Dave It was very cunning of th britisher to give power of decision to join india or pakistan to th so called raja
s and maharajas...freedom was brought by ppl of india .not maharajas...but britishers wanted caos in th country
once left...kashmiris shld undr...See More
Like Reply 1 9 hrs

Amit Kamboj Dear Indian brothers let's fill the difference between us first and then we will talk about another
agenda. Every individual should try to contribute in peace process at his own strength and please don't forget
your patience will be the key point in this process. We should spread communal harmony ignoring those 1% by
whom we are misguided.
Like Reply 1 9 hrs

Kapilavastu Kandhar This is not a solution but a invitation to more problems and calamity to the mankind.
Like Reply 1 10 hrs Edited

Tarique Ahmed Sir reunification is the only way and I definatly want this#markandey
Like Reply 1 10 hrs

Zamser Ali Right Sir. I support it.

Like Reply 1 11 hrs

Sudhir Suman Singh No one hav gutts to separate kashmir from India....ultimately all dis proxy wars led to loss
of life of innocent and hinders the basic right of kashmri ppl....
Like Reply 1 11 hrs

Amir Malik they aint misguiding, but india is hiding d truth to d rest of world
Like Reply 1 12 hrs

Raviprem Jagannath C Yes, Clean off all those terrorists, Terrorist Suspects, its supports and sympathysirs from
all the 3 countries ... then we can unite and stay united happyly for ever
Like Reply 1 12 hrs

Irfan Hussain As per Justice Kathjoo 90 % Indians are idiots.

After reading this status I might well start believing this.
Like Reply 1 13 hrs

Mohammad Azim As per my view, India should give maximum. Power to states and each state should have
theirs own full pledged government. Only president should be the head of nation.
Like Reply 1 13 hrs

Ronith Joy If India is so unified as claimed, why will giving Independence to one state lead to a demand by
others ???
Like Reply 1 14 hrs

Maanvi Bhadauria I am a 18 year old girl. Just begun studying law. Just started knowing my own system. Just
started reading history.
N just started realising. How baseless the arguments are.
Religion something that our creator would refute totally if he arrives on t...See More
Like Reply 1 14 hrs

Syed Jan Ridiculous idea how can an oppressed small state reunite two nuclear countries which are having such
torn history between them . Also by suggesting Akbar's invasion as basis is disreputing history by a person like
u ,sir with respect
Like Reply 1 15 hrs

Khan Asif @ Markandey katju your solution it sheer juvenile .If kashmir was part of india in mugal empire then
how Pakistan and Bangladesh came on world map. Obviously two nation theory same thorey apply on j and k .
Separatist are demanding genuine agendas the occupation of india is illegal.
You have to subduct from j and k . Hyderabad. And junagadh. ...See More
Like Reply 1 15 hrs

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