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lingva LATINA vii

Lectio XI

NOMEN ET COGNOMEN: ______________________________________

MAGISTRA: ________________________________
HORA: _________

Lesson 11 2010-2011

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Quiz template: Lesson_____ Page _____ Nomen et Cognomen_________________________________

Fill in the chart with the vocab from this lesson

Word in Latin

Lesson 11 2010-2011

Part of Genitive
Speech Or
Principal Parts

Gender English meaning(s)

Page 2

Word in Latin

Lesson 11 2010-2011

Part of Genitive
Speech Or
Principal Parts

Gender English meaning(s)

Page 3

L11 Grammar Basics

Nomen:__________________________Hora ________

1. For the ablative of means, do we need a preposition in addition to the noun? Yes No
2. How do we express the ablative of means in Latin? ___________________________________________
3. Do some English expressions require the use of prepositions in Latin Y N
4. The preposition in in Latin can mean _______________ or ______________ in English.
5. For the ablative of place, we need 2 things: the prep ___________ and a noun in the ______________ case.
6. After the preposition ad we use the ______________________ case.
7. Before writing the Latin translation of an English sentence, what is helpful to do?
Decline the following noun phrases. Translate first.
amicus tuus ____________________________________
__________________________________________ ___________________________________________
__________________________________________ ___________________________________________
__________________________________________ ___________________________________________
__________________________________________ ___________________________________________
__________________________________________ ___________________________________________
agricola clarus _________________________________
__________________________________________ ___________________________________________
__________________________________________ ___________________________________________
__________________________________________ ___________________________________________
__________________________________________ ___________________________________________
__________________________________________ ___________________________________________
good friendship (acc sg and pl) ______________________________________________________________
good food (genitive sg and pl) ______________________________________________________________
a small number (abl. sg and pl) ______________________________________________________________
a famous language (dat sg and pl) ______________________________________________________________
Analyze the following sentences by labeling each nouns case and number, then translate
On many islands the sailors carry the queens timber._______________________________________________
In terra Gallorum multos equos specto.___________________________________________________________

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Latin noun or adjective: gloria mea


English translation:

Latin noun or adjective: magna materia

English translation:

Latin noun or adjective: gratia tua

English translation:





COMMANDS: _______________________________ (sg.) _______________________________________(pl)

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COMMANDS: _______________________________ (sg.) _______________________________________(pl)









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L11 E L verbs

Nomen:__________________________Hora ________

1. Give the four principal parts of the verb to stay:

__________________ __________________ ____________________ _______________________
2. Give the four principal parts of the verb to see:
__________________ __________________ ____________________ _______________________
3. What does video mean? ____________________
4. These two verbs are irregular; that means theyre not ___________________________.
5. Think about what you know about the other ere verbs. Which forms are irregular for these two verbs?
manere: ____________________________ and ______________________________
videre: _____________________________ and ______________________________
6. What is the difference between video and specto?
7. I must MEMORIZE irregular verbs and their quirks. Write this sentence out three time, saying it out loud.
1. I stay ______________________________

11. to remain ______________________________

2. to have ______________________________

12. you (sg) will stay ______________________________

3. he sees ______________________________

13. to carry ______________________________

4. manet ______________________________

14. she does have ______________________________

5. he watches ______________________________ 15. you(sg) do not scare ______________________________

6. laboro ______________________________

16. they do see ______________________________

7. we have ______________________________

17. They do watch ______________________________

8. Yall do not fight _______________________

18. Save! (pl) ______________________________

9. He will seize ___________________________

19. to prepare ______________________________

10. you (sg) do teach _______________________ 20. we get ______________________________

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1. Gratia reginarum bonarum in patria nostra manet. _________________________________________________

2. Equi et materia ibi manebunt. __________________________________________________________________
3. Bonae amicitiae, bonus cibus et bona aqua semper sunt in Italia. _____________________________________
4. Servos patriae video; specto eos.
5. Ubi materiam silvarum clararum portabitis? ______________________________________________________
6. Materiam silvarum in viis Romanis portabo. ______________________________________________________
7. Gloriam silvarum cras videbo. _________________________________________________________________
8. Parvam copiam aquae clarae in insula vides. _____________________________________________________
9. Amat in via magna manere; ibi puellas bonas spectare amat. _________________________________________
10. In litteris novis, gratiam, gloriam magnam et amicitiam claram Romanorum videmus. ____________________
11. Big horses terrify Anna.______________________________________________________________
12. The memories of the many battles will not frighten good, grateful slaves.
13. Friends (f), teach the new language to the girls.
14. The families have much good land. ___________________________________________________________
15. I will have much food but he will have bad water. ________________________________________________
16. It is now five oclock.____________________________________________________________________
17. Sailor, increase your fame with victories. _____________________________________________________
18. By means of good fortune and much money, the grateful Gauls will remain in Gaul.

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19. Good friendships always remain good.

20. Show the good farmers the little frogs in the food!
21. I will see much new timber on the island.
22. We shall see victory when the new slaves fight.
23. Hold your horses! The queen announces my glory now! _________________________________________
24. The memories of the good and great province will stay in your memory.
25. Sailors, free (libero, liberare) the horses, slaves and girls in the forest now. We shall sail to the island.
26. By means of many pleasing letters you (pl) will praise friendship, the glory of the Romans and grace in the
Roman streets.
27. My daughter, seize the house now because the bad slaves will have our house.
28. My friend gives the good, great queens new timber.
29. The fifth fight in the forest was good.
30. The small and good frogs will get many long letters in the water near the island.
31. Where the waves increase, the carts of the horses carry bad dirt and water.

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Lesson 11 Parsing practice - answer the questions about each of the English sentences. THINK FIRST!!!
The cheetah walked lazily to see the farmer work his slaves endlessly in the forest
a. What is the subject? _______________________________
b. What is the verb? Tense? ___________________________________________
c. What is the person and # of the verb? ___________________________
d. What part of speech is lazily? _______________________________
e. What verb form is to see. _______________________________
f. What is the direct object? What is its case? ___________________________
g. Is there another d.o.? What __________________________________________
h. What part of speech is endlessly? _______________________________
i. How many clauses are there? _______________________________
j What kind of phrase is in the forest? ____________________________
k. What case should forest be in? Why?____________ _________________________________
l. Translate in the forest. ____________________________
My ridiculous dogs teach me the important things in life, namely, to get enough sleep, to eat well and to
bark on command.
a. How many clauses are there? _______________________________
b. What is the subject? ___________________________
c. What adjectives modify dogs? _______________________________________________________
d. What is the verb? Tense? _______________________________
e. What is the person and # of the verb? ___________________________
f. Translate it. _______________________________
g. What is the d.o. of teach? ____________________________
h. Translate in life? _______________________________
i. What case? Why? _______________________________
j. What part of speech is namely? _______________________________
k. List the infinitives? _______________________________
l. Translate to get? ___________________________
m. What part of speech is well? _______________________________________________________
n. What structure is on command? _______________________________
o. Is there an appositive in this sentence? Yes No
p. If so, what is it? _________________________________

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Lesson 11 Textbook exercises pg. 92

Nomen:_____________________________________Hora ______
Copy the Latin on the first line, completing as directed; translate into English. Do this for ALL sections!!!
1. ___________________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________________________
6. ___________________________________________________________________________________
7. ___________________________________________________________________________________
8. ___________________________________________________________________________________


1. ___________________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________________

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5. ___________________________________________________________________________________

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________________________

1. I see ______________________________

11. navigabitis ______________________________

2. he entrusts ______________________________

12. occupare ______________________________

3. they shall remain ______________________________ 13. laudabitis ______________________________

4. you (pl) watch ______________________________

14. donat ______________________________

5. we will have ______________________________

15. mandare ______________________________

6. they were ______________________________

16. incitabunt ______________________________

7. he was ______________________________

17. Pugnate! ______________________________

8. it is _______________________

18. Vide ______________________________

9. I will sail ___________________________

19. sunt ______________________________

10. I shall not fight _______________________

20. amo pugnare ______________________________

1. in the street _____________________________

6. on the lands _______________________________

2. in the streets _____________________________

7. in the cart _____________________________

3. on the food _____________________________

8. in the carts _____________________________

4. on the earth _____________________________

9. on the island _____________________________

5. on the land _____________________________

10. on the islands _____________________________

What case is represented above? _____________________________

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Latin 7 Passage Lesson 11, Page 89: translate into English in the space provided.

Magna insula Britannia in amicitia Galliae manet.

Caesar in Gallia pugnat et amicitiam Britanniae et Galliae videt.
Ibi materiam et cibum parat et ad Britanniam navigat.
In Britannia amicos Gallorum pugnis terret, sed in Britannia non manet.
Insulam videt, non occupat, sed gloriam suam1 auget.
Semper pro2 patria et pro gloria sua1 laborat.
Caesar gratiam et amicitiam Romanorum meret3 quod magnae sunt victoriae.
Multis litteris Romae victorias nuntiat.
In Roma magnam pecuniam amicis donat.
Magna est gratia patriae quod Caesar patriam auget.
Multam praedam carris et equis ad patriam portat.
Nunc Caesar gloriam magnam habet et semper habebit.

1 his own

2 for, on behalf of 3 earns

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Translate and give the part of speech

1. friendship (nom) ____________________________

26. influences (dat) ________________________

2. I remain ____________________________

27. Stay! ________________________________

3. you dont praise ____________________________

28. she will see ___________________________

4. glory (nom) ____________________________

29. Increase! _____________________________

5. He increases ____________________________

30. timber (dat) ___________________________

6. tomorrow ____________________________

31. no ___________________________________

7. languages (gen) ____________________________

32. daughter (acc) _________________________

8. yes ____________________________

33. then _________________________________

9. instruction (abl) ____________________________

34. there _________________________________

10. where ___________________________

35. you (p) will see ________________________

11. hours (nom) ____________________________

36. and __________________________________

12. but ____________________________

37. into __________________________________

13. countries (acc) ____________________________

38. Seize (pl) _____________________________

14. quod ____________________________

39. victories (gen) _________________________

15. we do remain ____________________________

40. small (m,nom,s) _______________________

16. long (f,n,s) ____________________________

41. to see ________________________________

17. they dont teach ____________________________

42. my (f, acc, s) __________________________

18. injustices (abl) ____________________________

43. quantity (acc) _________________________

19. always ____________________________

44. almost _______________________________

20. famous (f,n,p) ____________________________

45. your (m, acc, p) ________________________

21. bad (m, acc,p) ____________________________

46. numbers (nom) ________________________

22. much (m,gen,s) ____________________________

47. we see _______________________________

23. difficult (m,dat,s) ____________________________

48. food (nom) ___________________________

24. flat( f,gen,p) ____________________________

49. lands (abl) ____________________________

25. to fight ____________________________

50. when ________________________________

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Lesson 11 Practice Test #1

Nomen ________________________________ Hora _______

Pars I:
1. Augebimus _______________________

11. they are looking at _______________________

2. they are seizing _______________________

12. we are scaring _______________________

3. laudare _______________________

13. he is seizing _______________________

4. stay (sg) _______________________

14. we shall hold _______________________

5. you (pl) do teach _______________________

15. you (sg) will approve _______________________

6. she has _______________________

16. we shall teach _______________________

7. portate _______________________

17. I shall hold _______________________

8. we shall get ready _______________________

18. to watch _______________________

9. they are seeing _______________________

19. they do point out _______________________

10. she shall see _______________________

20. you (sg) are sailing _______________________

Pars II: Sentence analysis answer the questions about each of the English sentences. THINK FIRST!!!
Daughter, your training gives our country, the United States, great pride to have you as our own.
a. What case should daughter go into? ____________________________
b. Why? _______________________________
c. Translate your into Latin? ___________________________
d. What job does United States do? _______________________________
e. What case would it go into? _______________________________
f. Why? (be specific) _______________________________
g. What verb form is to have? ____________________________
h. What case should you go into? _______________________________
i. What case should pride go into? _______________________________
j. Why? _________________________________________________________
Pars III: Translate thoughtfully and carefully!!!
1. The glory of my fatherland will give the good queen great victories.
2. Quintus servus amicos et agricolas malos non spectat quod victorias multas nautae magni laudat, mea filia.
3. Give to the evil sailor your good instruction.

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