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22. Explain how each event in a religious upbringing might
increase a childs faith.

52. Explain why there are different Christian attitudes to sex

outside of marriage and not so in Islam.

23. Explain how religious experience may lead to belief in

God with direct references to religious beliefs.

53. Understand the reasons why different Christians have

certain reasons for accepting or not accepting divorce (also
considering the complications of remarriage).

24. Critique the design and causation arguments and explain

how they may or may not engender faith.
25. Explain how scientific explanations for the existence of
the world may or may not engender faith and how one
religion responds to such claims.
26. Explain the classical argument that evil and suffering
poses about the existence of God and how religion has
responded to such a dilemma.
27. Explain the reasons why the role of men and women
have changed including references to the law and Christian
and Islamic attitudes.
28. Appraise the role of Christian and Islamic groups and the
government in promoting racial harmony and community
29. Assess how beliefs about life after death will affect a
Christians or a Muslims life.
30. Debate why these non-religious reasons might lead to
belief in life after death.
31. Explain the different attitudes to abortion within
Christianity and Islam referring to religious examples.

54. Evaluate the reasons for the different Christian attitudes

towards homosexuality and the subtleties of Islamic attitudes
toward homosexuality.
55. Explain the reasons why some Christians believe that the
Bible or the Church or the Conscience or situation ethics
should be used as a basis for decision-making and why some
people use all four.
56. Understand the reasons why human rights are important
for Christians with references to Christian teachings
particularly those of Jesus.
57. Assess the advantages and disadvantages of genetic
58. Assess one example of the work of the UN for world
peace such as Kosovo.
59. Explain how religious organisations promote world peace
with references to religion.
60. Explain why some Christians and Muslims are pacifists
whilst others believe in a Just war with references to religion.

81. Evaluate Christian and Islamic arguments for and against

the main theories of punishment.
82. Explain why justice is important for Christian and Muslims
with direct reference to religious quotations.
83. Explain why some Christians and Muslims support capital
punishment whilst others do not.
84. Evaluate the impact of tobacco, drugs and alcohol related
problems on society for example the National Health Service.
85. Assess the possible solutions to the problem of global
warming and whether they are likely to have an effect.
86. Assess the possible solutions to the problem of pollution
and scarcity of resources whether they are likely to have an
87. Understand the effects that Christian and Islamic
teachings on stewardship have on Christians and Muslims in
their attitude towards the environment.
88. Evaluate the importance of medical treatments for
89. Understand the reasons for the different Christian and
Muslim attitudes to infertility treatment.
90. Explain why some Christians and Muslims believe in
organ transplantation while others are opposed.

. Infer reasons why parents choose to raise their children to
have a religious faith.

41. Describe the reasons why attitudes to marriage, divorce,

and homosexuality have changed in the UK.

12. Describe religious experiences including numinous,

miracle, conversions and prayer including examples.

42. Describe the different Christian and Islamic attitudes to

sex outside of marriage.

13. Explain the argument from design using Paleys pocket

watch analogy and explain the causation argument using
ice/water as a metaphor.

43. Describe different Christian and Islamic attitudes to


14. Describe the scientific explanations for the existence of

the world and the how religion responds.
15. Describe situations when a person might lose faith in God
and how one religion responds to the problem of evil and
16. Describe the reasons for the change in Christians and
Islamic attitudes to the roles of men and women in religion.

44. Describe different Christian and Islamic attitudes to

homosexuality with references to religious evidence.
45. Describe different Human rights and state their
46. Explain for and against Christian attitudes toward genetic
engineering and cloning.
47. Understand how the UN works for world peace.

71. Describe the reasons why law and justice are needed.
72. Describe the four main theories of punishment.
73. Understand non-religious arguments about capital
74. Describe the social problems connected with tobacco,
drugs and alcohol.
75. Describe Christian and Islamic attitudes toward tobacco,
drugs and alcohol.
76. Describe in detail the reasons why global wearing is
77. Understand the effects that Christian and Islamic
teachings on stewardship have on Christians and Muslims in
their attitude towards the environment.

17. Describe the problems of discrimination and racism and

how the government and religious groups are trying to
promote community cohesion and promote racial harmony.

48. Describe, using examples, the reasons why wars occur.

18. Explain why a multi-faith society might bring problems in

the form of conversion, raising children and interfaith

50. Describe Christian and Islamic attitudes toward bullying.

79. Understand the reasons for the different Muslim attitudes

to infertility treatment.

51. Describe Christian and Islamic attitudes toward

forgiveness and reconciliation.

80. Describe Christian and Islamic attitudes toward organ


19. Describe the religious reasons why Christians and

Muslims believe in life after death: the main features of a
religious upbringing.
20. Explain the meaning of near-death experiences, ghosts,
mediums and reincarnation.
21. Describe different attitudes to abortion within Christianity
and Islam.

49. Describe the Just War Theory.

78. Describe Christian and Islamic attitudes toward


1. Identify the main features of a religious upbringing.
2. Define religious experiences: numinous, miracle,
conversions and prayer.
3. Discuss Paleys watchmaker metaphor and the caution
4. Identify situations when a person might lose faith in God.
5. Identify Christian and Islamic attitudes toward life after

32. Identify what the terms marriage, divorce, and

homosexuality mean.
33. State a personal opinion with reasoning regarding
divorce, homosexuality and the importance of family.
34. Identify the four things Christians use to make moral
35. Define the meaning of human rights with examples.
36. Identify the nature of genetic engineering.

6. Identify what non-religious reasons means.

37. Identify what the United Nations is.

7. Define the key terms abortion and euthanasia and state

the basic UK law regarding both of these issues.

38. Identify why wars occur.

8. Identify Christians and Islamic attitudes to the roles of men

and women in religion.
9. Understand what it means that the UK is a multi-ethnic
society and why the UK is a multi-ethnic society.
10. Describe the issues raised for religion because the UK is
a multi-faith society and the benefits of living in a multi faith

61. Identify what law and justice are.

62. Distinguish between a sin and a crime.
63. Identify what capital punishment is and why it is used.
64. Outline the UK laws on tobacco, drugs and alcohol.
65. Identify what global warming is and the possible causes.
66. State the main forms of pollution and the reasons why
there is a growing scarcity of natural resources.
67. Describe Christian and Islamic attitudes toward

39. Understand the reasons why people bully.

68. State the different types of medical treatments for

infertility and prove an opinion.

40. Understand the religious reasons why there is conflict

within families.

69. Describe Christian and Islamic attitudes toward organ

70. Identify the nature of transplant surgery.

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