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Peregrina, Czerine Mae G.

January 20, 2015 (T)

Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM)


Critical Success Factors










2. Product innovation





3. Enhancing environmental

















1. Higher level of customer







4. Product and Service
synonymous with quality
5. Compliance with the law
and legal influences
6. Market share





1st Toyota Motor Philippines Corporation

2nd - Mitsubishi Motors Corporation
3rd - Hyundai Asia Resources, Inc.
Based on the CPM, Toyota got the first place on attaining its key critical factors with a
weighted score of 3.60. This means that Toyota is near on fully accomplishing its goals and

objectives aligned with its vision and mission. While Mitsubishi and Hyundai ranked 2nd and 3rd.

/S of 3.10 and 2.45 respectively.

Toyota got a high score on Enhancing environmental preservation, Product and Service

synonymous with quality, Compliance with the law and legal influences, and Market share
factors. These factors just prove that Toyota is not given a privilege to brag on achieving the
Triple Crown for nothing. They continue to provide outstanding quality and service among the
Filipino people with the help of its prominent philosophy. Together with the compliance on laws
regarding tariff rates, environment protection, and many more. And what else is the outcome? Its
the market being penetrated by them signifying leadership in passenger car, commercial vehicles
and total sales.
There is always a space for improvement like customer satisfaction and product
innovation for Toyota. In my opinion, a great company addresses the inquiries, problems, and
suggestions of its customer all-throughout the use of its product. The delivery of the service or
the product is not the mission on this game. There are many levels to be surpassed. And
delighting a customer is lifetime devotion because this makes them re-buy the product, upgrade
it regularly, spread the word about it, and also give a positive feedback as well as profitable ideas
for the company.
Higher level of customer satisfaction. Customers and other stockholders interest are given
highest priority to achieve a higher level of customer satisfaction. Toyota is paying close
attention to its customers and providing what they want in a vehicle, either you meet their
expectation or exceed it. This is a fuel that drives them to continuously serve others. As a result,
there is customer loyalty and customer retention on the long-run.
Product innovation. To gain and retain its leadership in the automotive industry, Toyota started
the Innovative International Multi-purpose vehicle plan (IMV) to optimize worldwide
manufacturing and supply method for multipurpose automobiles and pickup trucks. Toyota is one
of the companies striving to offer innovative, modular and integrated products through global
sales and support network. It is crucial that an industry like Toyota can quickly response to
factors like the state of the economy, the price of fuel and new automotive technologies. They

remain attentive to technological trends and keep in place a system that can adapt quickly to
create new products that meet the current and near-future needs of customers.
Enhancing environmental preservation. People nowadays tried to be more sensitive to the
environment. TMPs dedication is to ensure that the Filipino people will have a brighter
tomorrow by devoting more than 10% of the TSEZ to a forest abounding with trees and
secondary growth. There is also the growing demand on environment-friendly products that
Toyota is producing which can result on having social and economic benefits on the nation.
Product and Service synonymous with quality. Quality is measured on the physical and the
performance dimension. Toyota is providing its customers with locally-built cars and services
whose quality is equal to that available anywhere else in the globe. Its product has been carefully
manufactured and tested thoroughly and satisfactory. The quality is also present on their
marketing and after-sales activities. Toyota tries to provide utmost quality on the physical ability
and capability of its products, to have consistency, reliability, responsiveness and willingness in
providing service, training employees to give enough knowledge and competence and lastly is
the empathetic concern for the customer product and service quality specification. All for the
name of Quality.
Compliance with the law and legal influences. Toyota has responded to the governments
challenge to promote business activity by generating billions in annual tax and customs revenues.
Toyota decided to expand its operations in the country and that comes with obeying the rules
subjected here.
Market share. Top 5 car companies by market share as of December 31, 2013, Toyota held the
largest share which is 41%. CAMPI said Toyota Motors was the best performer in 2013,
commanding over two-fifths of total market share while Mitsubishi came in second with a
quarter of the market. Some people buy what they usually see. If they see more Toyota car on the
streets every day, there is the perception of it being a good brand.

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