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First Impression

Hrvatski Telekom
February 14, 2014


U.R. (Buy)

Results beat our expectations but DPS cut to weigh on share

Price 13.02.14*
Price target
Volatility risk
Year high/low
GDR rate
Shares outstanding eoy in mn
Market capitalisation
(total shares) in EUR mn
Free float
Free float in EUR mn
Avg. daily turnover
(12 m) in EUR mn
ISIN code

U.R. (200)

4Q 13 results beat our expectations on EBIT and bottom line

EBITDA (before exc. items) margin of 43.5% beats revised guidance of 42-43%
Dividend cut to HRK 9 (51.5% of profit)
We put our TP and recommendation under review

4Q 13 operational figures beat our expectations overall, in particular we are surprised to the
upside with regard to the resilient bottom line that improved by over 55% yoy. However the
dividend cut should cut market optimism today.
Segments: Residential segment revenue fell by 5.2% yoy (to HRK 1,018 mn), business segment
shrank by 0.3% yoy (to HRK 818 mn) while network and support function improved by 15.9%
yoy (to HRK -324 mn). The mobile segment remained under pressure with the number of
customers down 1.0% yoy. The blended ARPU for 4Q in mobile amounted to HRK 80, down
8.9% yoy. The fixed segment showed a 19.7% yoy decrease in total traffic driven by a decrease
in retail fixed lines of 6.2%. Fixed voice ARPA shrank by 10.2% yoy to HRK 100. Residential
broadband access lines have declined by 0.7% yoy. On a positive note broadband retail ARPA
increased by a modest 0.7% yoy to HRK 126.
Guidance: THT achieved a FY 13 EBITDA (before exc. items) margin of 43.5% vs. the guided
range of 42-43% (that was revised downwards from 43-45% with the announcement of 3Q 13).
We expected a beat but of a lower magnitude (43.2%) so we view this positively.


Dividend: The company recommended a DPS of HRK 9.0 (our DPS estimate was HRK 15.8). T-HT
intends to intensify its investments in infrastructure development and through the regional
expansion of its business, to reverse the trend in declining business results and ensure long term
value for its shareholders.





Hrvatski Telekom

Source: Raiffeisen Centrobank

Outlook and recommendation: There is no consensus for the company due to limited coverage.
While we were positively surprised, especially on the bottom line beat, we expect a negative
market reaction today on the dividend cut. A successful purchase of Telekom Slovenije is not
guaranteed at this point from what we understand and we are not sure there are other
appropriate targets for acquisition. We put our recommendation and TP under review.
The company will host a conference call at 09:30 CET today

Hrvatski Telekom 4Q 2013 results

in HRK mn
Analyst: Jakub Krawczyk
Tel.: +43 1 51520 - 711
Published by: Raiffeisen Centrobank,
A-1015 Vienna, Tegetthoffstrasse 1
Bloomberg: RCBR <GO>
Supervisory authority: Financial Market Authority
* The indicated price is the last price as available at
6.30 AM on 14.02.14, Source: Reuters/Bloomberg

4Q 13

4Q 12



Total operating revenue
EBITDA (bef. except. items)
Net profit a.m.
EPS (in HRK)
EBITDA margin
EBIT margin
Net margin
Source: Company, Raiffeisen Centrobank




Important: Please read the references at the end of this report to possible conflicts of interest
and disclaimers/disclosures.

+/-% Consensus



Hrvatski Telekom

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Hrvatski Telekom
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For individual company report:
While the telecom sector in which this company, Hrvatski Telekom, operates can be considered less cyclical in nature, there are still significant industry specific risks. The
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to evaluate counterparty risk to mitigate default risk.
For sector report:
While the telecom sector can be considered less cyclical in nature, there are still significant industry specific risks. The main risks are the overall health of the global
economy as well as the macroeconomic conditions of the countries the companies operate in, regulatory as well as technology related risks in addition to currency and
interest rate risks. Legal restrictions of product pricing, regulation of interconnection fees as well as the technology risk with regard to network infrastructure and end-user
devices are among the key risks of this industry. Changes in the regulatory environment may limit the scope and profitability of the business and require additional
expenditures or capital. Finally, given the high pricing pressure and the high capital intensity of this industry, it is crucial to evaluate counterparty risk to mitigate default
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Hrvatski Telekom
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