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Creation or Evolution?
After Sir Charles Darwin introduced his original theory about the origins of species and
evolution, humanitys faith in God, which remained undisputed for hundreds of years, had
reeled. The former unity fractured into evolutionists, who believed life as we see it today
developed from smaller and more primitive organisms, and creationists, who kept believing
life in all its diversity was created by a higher entity. Each side introduced substantial
arguments to support their claims, but at the same time, the counter-arguments of each
opponent were also credible. Therefore, the debates between the evolutionists and the
creationists seem to be far from ending. And though their arguments are completely
opposite, they can co-exist or even complement each other.
Evolutionists often come with the argument about fossil findings serving as a proof of the
evolutionary process; bones of such creatures as dinosaurs, or the remains of even more
ancient beings found by archaeologists are much older than the age of our world according
to the Bible. Therefore, claim the evolutionists, creationists are wrong. Creationists, however,
came up with a strong counter argument. They say all fossil findings are already fully
formed, and appear to have not changed much over time; in other words, they remained in a
so-called stasis condition (Geological Society of America). This means there are no
intermediate links between simpler and more complex life forms, which witnesses in favor of
the claim of each species having been created.
Evolutionists as well as atheists state, despite the enormous scientific and technological
progress, despite ultra-sensitive observation systems, such as orbital telescopes, there are
still no factual evidence of Gods existence. At the same time, creationists appeal to the fact
that though God has not yet been heard or seen, a multitude of indirect evidence exists of
its existence. For example, creationists name an incredible complexity both of living
organisms, and the ecosystems they inhabit. The compound eyes of night creatures are
extremely difficult to have had developed on their own. Ecosystems function in such a way
that the absence even of several smallest components causes the ruin of the environment. It
is difficult to believe such complexity and diversity appeared and established balance on its
own, whereas evolutionists suggest the idea of random development through survival of the
Evolutionists believe over time, the matter which formed our universe shaped out into stars,
planets, chemicals, and finally, living organisms. According to evolutionists, before the Big
Bang, there existed nothing (or at least which could be observed with our laws of physics),
but after it the matter self-organized in ordered structures, which become even more
structured and organized as time flowed. Surprisingly, creationists refer to science to oppose
this thesis. They say that, according to the second law of thermodynamics, everything, be it
living creatures, chemicals, or substances, tend to blend and mix with their environment
over time, finally reaching the steady-state, which does not happen in nature.
At the same time, both sides seem to forget one point of view does not necessarily
contradict another one. It is possible God could have planned everything, prepared certain
semimanufactures for the universes development, and then just pressed the Start button,
letting its ideas self-embody, watching the results. Or, God could have created the possibility
of life, but after this it could leave this life to find its own ways. Besides these, many other
compromise variants can be suggested; anyways, it is ridiculous in the debate about the
most complex and incomprehensible subject in the world if only two points of view exist.

The clash between evolutionists and creationists seems to be far from its finale. Both sides
come up with potent arguments in favor of their positions. Evolutionists stress the absence
of factual evidence in favor of Gods existence, point to fossils as a proof of the evolutionary
process, and name the Big Bang as the reason of the universes appearance and further
development. Creationists, in their turn, stress there are no intermediate links between
species in found fossils, consider complexity and diversity of nature to be an indirect
evidence of Gods existence, and refer to the second law of thermodynamics to argue
against the Big Bang theory. However, none of the sides seem to see how both points of
view can not only co-exist, but be successfully combined. Such a combination could explain
everything at once.
Differences Between Conventional And Alternative Medicine
The progress of science is usually believed to have improved the quality of many processes,
products, and services. However, in certain spheres of life, traditional methods are still being
used; medicine is a bright example of the co-existence of two antipodal approaches. Along
with commonly recognized conventional medicine based on science and technology, there
also exists so-called alternative medicine, which sometimes includes practices developed
thousands of years ago. The superiority of each of these kinds of medicine have a longstanding history, as each of them have proved its effectiveness; therefore, understanding
their advantages and drawbacks is crucial for forming ones own point of view.
The first difference between these two systems is their approach to diagnosis. Conventional
medicine focuses on the factors which cause diseases and remedying their symptoms; every
abnormality is seen as an independent clause, separate from the personality of an individual
and their environment. Unlike its counterpart, alternative medicine sees a body as an
equilibrium of interrelations between a body and its environment; therefore, a disease is
thought to be caused by an imbalance between them. In other words, alternative medicine
focuses rather on cleansing the entire system than on curing its particular elements
Alternative medicine assumes health is a life-long process; therefore, to sustain a healthy
body condition, a person should continually maintain proper nutrition, their daily regimen,
body care, mind exercises, and so on. Conventional medicine, while also taking these
principles in consideration, relies mostly on drugs and surgery. This makes it more effective
for managing critical situations (or for so-called quick-fixes), but is less efficient in healing
chronic diseases. In addition, it is extremely expensive. On the other hand, alternative
medicine is more affordable, it guarantees stronger and more stable results, but is also timeintensive, requiring a commitment to a healing process, and thus may not seem like a
reasonable option for quickly healing a patient (AHHA).
Unlike conventional medicine, which relies entirely on chemically synthesized drugs,
alternative medicine uses natural components such as herbs as remedying substances.
Alternative medicine also uses ancient methods of dealing with diseases, such as
acupuncture, massage, yoga, breathing techniques, meditation, and so on. Conventional
medicine, in its turn, puts more trust in scientifically approved methods of diagnosing and
though acupuncture and massage are also approved (AlternativeMedicine).
Alternative and conventional medicine have different approaches when it comes to
understanding and curing diseases. Whereas conventional medicine often sees a disease as
an independent clause, and focuses more on a quick-fix than on systematic approaches,
alternative medicine sees a body and its environment as a holistic system; a disease occurs
in case of an imbalance between all of the systems elements. Conventional medicine is thus
more effective for treating critical situations, but less suitable for managing chronic
diseases. Alternative medicine yields gradual results, but they are usually more stable and

long-lasting, as they often involve the change of an individuals lifestyle. Alternative

medicine relies mostly on natural components and ancient techniques, whereas
conventional medicine prefers chemical drugs and scientifically approved methods of
diagnosis and treatment.
Material And Non-Material Factors of Happiness
According to famous French postmodernist philosopher Jean Baudrillard, the consumerist
choice today is defined mostly not by the price of a certain product, but by its symbolically
added value. This added value depends on the symbol which it signifies; the more attractive
the symbol is, the higher the added value is, which can surpass production costs ten times
and more. Currently, the most common value complementing goods being sold is happiness.
The modern lifestyle demands people to be ever-smiling, active, and communicative; more
and more brands gently hint or directly say that their products can make their customers
happier. At the same time, we all know the so-called copy book maxims that claim that
happiness lies within ourselves, and that material goods can bring only temporary
satisfaction. Considering that people tend to throw themselves from one extreme to another,
significant discrepancies between these two types of welfare must be pointed out in order to
understand what to give preferences to.
Material goods, often seen as the most available avenues to happiness, are relatively easy
to obtain; the only obstacle which may prevent one from taking an item into possession is its
price. Considering that mass-culture endows material goods with metaphysical or abstract
meanings, purchasing products is almost equivalent to obtaining those qualities, personality
traits, or other values, which these goods symbolize (Fodder). To some extent this explains
the phenomenon of consumerism; it is easier to pay money for an item which symbolizes,
for example, self-confidence, than to make efforts to develop this quality in oneself; material
goods stimulate people to seek easy decisions. At the same time, the non-material factors
(or the so-called intangible benefits) of happinessjoy, friendship, a sense of beauty, a
sense of humor, calmnessdo not have an estimated price and are true, compared to their
simulations; thus, one cannot buy them, but only learn, which makes them difficult and
discouraging to obtain.
Even though material things can make our everyday lives easier and help us organize our
time and efforts rationally, the feeling of satisfaction which material goods can provide a
person with is temporary, and in most cases lasts for a relatively short period of time. One of
the reasons why this happens is that since products are endowed with certain values by
their vendors, as soon as other more valuable items appear on the market, individuals
may feel inferior because of possessing less advanced goods (Limbo). This causes them to
bend over backwards to purchase the latest possible products that in their turn will become
outdated rather soon; this creates a vicious cycle of consumption. In their turn, intangible
benefits remind of habits; once developed, they remain with an individual for the rest of
their lives, increasing its quality. Buddhist monks make the best possible example for this
thesis; while having almost nothing in possession they remain one of the most peacefulminded and fulfilled people in the world.
Material goods are as easily lost as obtained; malfunctions, loss, theft, and other misfortunes
easily affect the material welfare of an individual who connects their happiness only with
items they possess. At the same time, non-material factors of happiness cannot be lost so
easily; in most cases a person must undergo severe psychological pressure or go through
various life obstacles to change in a negative way.
Even though material items can make our lives easier to some extent, connecting ones
happiness to possessions would be reckless. Material goods are easier to obtain; however,
they are only simulations in comparison to the original concepts they imitate. Intangible
benefits are more difficult to obtain, as one needs to learn them and develop them as habits;

however, this fact facilitates their inalienability and constancy, compared to material goods
which are fulminant and easily-alienated. Thus, while owning material goods and using the
benefits they provide, people should strive for developing inner ways of happiness.
Most people know that bullying is wrong. Calling someone names has absolutely no
beneficial purpose. Moreover, hitting someone makes a bully feel good in the moment while
doing permanent damage to the person being victimized. With the Internet, people now
have even more opportunities to bully through cyberbullying. This includes sending crude
pictures, posting fake web pages, or tweeting slanderous messages. Cyberbullying has
subsequently led to a rise in a completely new kind of bullying.
One of the effects of bullying is that it can change the victims personality. It can cause
people who are normally confident and happy to become self-conscious, shy, and unsure.
Additionally, victims of bullying may also become sad or depressed. Their confidence might
completely disappear, keeping them from trying new things or trusting people. Once a
person has been bullied, they may hesitate to participate in situations where he or she
might be ridiculed, such as in public speaking or in sports. A bullying victim might even
begin to possess previously absent anxious
Despite all the negative effects of bullying, there are even far more serious consequences.
People who have been bullied sometimes become so upset, scared, or depressed that they
see no worth in themselves and no way out of their torment. There have been countless
reports over the past few years of students committing suicide because they were bullied.
Meanwhile, there are times when victims see no recourse but to seek revenge by serious
acts of violence against the bully and instigators. As a result of bullying, people can lose
their ability to love and trust, denying them the chance to experience a quality relationship
later in their life. They might find themselves as a submissive partner or they may want to
be completely alone. Compounding all of these problems, victims often develop eating
disorders, begin to self-injure, or require extensive counseling. Social bullying can also leave
people without a supportive group of friends that they can lean on and spend time with.
Another unfortunate consequence of this is that bullying is often cyclical. People who have
been bullied can, in an attempt to gain their power and self-esteem back, become bullies
themselves. In relation to this, bullies who are not confronted or stopped may find
themselves in future positions where they can bully as adults. This is where manipulative
bosses and child abusers come from.
Aside from its long-term effects, some consequences of bullying can be seen and felt
immediately. When one child calls another child names, the victim might cry and a bruise
might appear after a punch to the arm. However, some effects of bullying are not always
obvious to the naked eye. The results of bullying might grow and appear over time,
damaging a person in profound ways for the long term. There are so many effects of bullying
that they are impossible to count or predict. This is why it is so important to stop bullying.
Causes of Teenage Suicide

To live means not only to exist biologically or as a psychic entity, but also to cope with
difficulties, interact and communicate with people, make decisions, and sometimes undergo
excessive psychological pressure. Even an adult mind can fail to maintain pressure, making
an individual see no other solution but suicide. Along with this, a risk group that is even
more exposed to suicides is represented by teenagers, who are more vulnerable to stresses
and usually do not possess strongly-shaped personalities. According to the statistics, suicide
is the second (after motor vehicle accidents) leading cause of death among teenagers
(CHealth); this makes about 1 of 10000 people. Considering the problems scales, factors
which cause adolescents to do away with themselves should be distinguished.

One of the most common reasons for adolescent suicide is a divorce of parents, as well as a
new family formationincluding step-parents, step-siblings, and so on (CHealth). According
to the study of 146 adolescent friends of 26 adolescent suicide victims, those teenagers who
lived in single-parent families were more likely either to commit suicide and to have
psychological disorders, compared to children from complete families; more precisely, three
of four adolescent suicides were committed by children raised in single-parent households
Depression can be another reason for teenagers committing suicides. Scientists usually
connect the development of depression to the lack of the brain chemical serotonin, which
controls impulsivity; this is important considering the fact that many suicides are committed
impulsively (NAMI). Moreover, symptoms of depression can also serve as warning signs of a
teen having suicidal thoughts. Among the most common signs, parents or caregivers should
pay attention to the following changes in behavior: sudden changes of eating and sleeping
habits; withdrawal from friends and family members; giving up favorite activities; lack of
response to praise; alcohol and drug use; suicidal feelings, and so on. Statements about
wanting to die or hints like I wont be a problem much longer should also be payed extra
attention (The Ohio State University).

Yet another common reason for adolescent suicides is unsuccessful love. Teenagers are
vulnerable due to the complexities of a transitional period between adolescence and
adulthood. They also tend to maximize and generalize certain events of their lives. Thus, a
breakup or unrequited love, which themselves are rather complicated conundrums, may be

seen as a total disaster, and thus push a teen towards making a final decision for a
temporary problem.

Adolescence is a unique period, which is fraught with adverse experiences, fears, hopes, and
stresses. Unfortunately, sometimes teenagers cannot cope with the challenges life exposes
them to, and do away with themselves. Among the most common factors standing behind
this terrible decision are the divorce of parents and new family formations, depression, and
difficulties in intimate relationships. Thus, parents and caregivers should pay close attention
to the mental condition of their children to prevent them from making this crucial mistake.

Positive Effects of Faith

Since the time scientific discoveries had proven some religious dogmas to be flawed,
humanity became divided in two opposite camps: believers and atheists. Though religion
and following its dogmas is not equal to the faith in God, by majority, people still tend either
to concede to divine forces, or to explain the state of the Universe with the laws of nature,
physics, or evolution; compromises are rare. At the same time, believers (regardless of their
confession) seem to be different from atheists in terms of the positive effects they
experience due to having faith in divinity.

Perhaps one of the most important and miraculous effects of faith in divine powers is that
believers display increased longevity, lower blood pressure, and improved mental health,
compared to those who have no faith in God (Liberty Magazine). In particular, according to a
nationwide study held in the United States between 1987 and 1995, believers enjoyed an
average of seven additional years of life; they also had fewer chances to have hypertension,
and manifested lower rates of depression and anxiety.

Faith in divinity changes peoples attitude towards life in general, themselves, and other
people. In particular, believers tend to be more optimistic; they often expect assistance from
higher powers, and this gives them strength and hope to undertake life difficulties with
dignity and endurance (CAFSurveys). Psychologists emphasize that such an approach allows
people to pay less attention to the negative sides of life without ignoring them: fortunes and
beneficial opportunities are seen as divine help, whereas difficulties and problems are faced
with persistence and a hope for the best.

Being a believer not only effects an individuals health or mental well-being, but also their
social life. According to the study conducted by the Grey Matter Research team, when asked
about religions impact on the decrease of amounts of crime and poverty in society, or
decline in rates of violence, 45, 41, and 39 percent of respondents respectively thought that
religion has a positive impact on these processes in terms of regulating and minimizing them
(Grey Matter).

Faith in divinity, regardless of a religion, is able to cause surprising positive effects on its
bearers. Regardless of what confession people belong to, they experience the same benefits
from having faith. In particular, believers have longer lives, lower blood pressure, and lower
rates of anxiety and depression. They also tend to hope for the best even in complicated life
situations, and face difficulties with persistence and optimism. In addition, religion has a
regulative and minimizing effect on such social phenomena as violence, crime, and poverty.
Hence, being a believer seems to grant people with extra benefits without extra efforts.

In general, games played at home provide a wholesome activity for the entire family. Many
people find that the time spent playing games at home contributes to feelings of closeness
among family members, thus giving them time to relax together and promote familial ties.
Three types of games played at home that have remained popular over the years are card
games, board games, and outdoor or backyard games.
Card games have remained popular in many homes. Bridge, canasta, rummy and whist are
only a few of the hundreds of games that can be played with an ordinary deck of cards. The
popular movie star Omar Sharif has given bridge popular advertisement in his latest book
and on nationally syndicated talk shows. This positive endorsement of the game has brought

attention to the fever pitch. Canasta and rummy have always been considered staples of the
card-playing crowd, particularly in the northern climates where people are indoors during the
winter months. These card games provide a healthy way to spend leisure time together, and
the popularity of these games has not diminished over the years.
Board games have also been very popular with the typical Canadian family. Monopoly, Clue,
Chinese checkers, checkers, chess, and newer games like Trivial Pursuit are but a few of the
board games currently on the market. Clue has been so successful as a board game that it
has been made into a video game. Monopoly is the true Canadian standard board game.
What family does not have one somewhere in a drawer or closet? Its premise lies at the
heart of every Canadian to become successful and earn enough money to be happy. It is
the ultimate success game. Trivial Pursuit, a newcomer to the board game market, has
become very popular with the young urban professionals who play it at parties and weekend
get-togethers. There have even been spin-offs of the trivia game like Bible Trivia, Movie
Trivia, and the like. Yes, board games certainly have always been popular in Canada, and it
appears that this style of home entertainment is still a family favorite.
Outdoor or backyard games round out the list of home games that have remained popular
over the years. Touch football and baseball or softball are played in almost every vacant lot
or large backyard in the country. Most homes inhabited by children have a basketball hoop
somewhere on the premises. These games not only appeal to family togetherness, but also
appeal to those who are concerned about physical well-being since these physical activities
promote the concept of fitness.
These games promote healthy competition among friends and family members, provide a
healthy release of frustrations, and aid in understanding sportsmanship. Many younger
players learn to win--and lose--graciously while older players are reminded that how the
game is played is the most important thing to consider. Home entertainment has remained
popular for many years, and it appears that games that can be played at home will continue
to remain popular for a long time to come.

Types of Americans
Americans are unique. There is no other nation on earth so peculiar as ours. Our tastes, our
hobbies, our very natures make us unique. Our uniqueness is caused by the different types
of people that make up the American population. Basically, there are three types of
Americans: the sports-oriented, the violence-oriented, and the sex-oriented.
Many Americans are sports nuts. They are seen almost every weekend rushing madly to
athletic stadiums and wolfing down hot dogs and popcorn during every excitement-filled
moment of the games they are watching. If they are not dashing to the stadium, they are
sitting in front of their television sets, watching sporting events. These Americans, however,
do not just watch sports -- they play them, too. They are out in the fields and streets of
America, playing baseball, basketball, and football.
Sports like football, as well as wrestling and hockey, also attract Americans who love
violence. These Americans glamorize the violence in sports. They relish a bruising tackle in
football, a jarring body slam in wrestling, a lacerating check in hockey, and other violent
athletic situations. There are also Americans who thrive on violence in the media. They enjoy
newspapers and magazines that are dominated by articles on crimes, riots, and wars.
Furthermore, they subscribe to such publications as Detective and True Confessions that
highlight peoples horrible experiences of rape and assault. On television they watch
programs such as NYPD Blue, which often are filled with violence. This type of American is

responsible for the violence that is shown on commercial television programs and that has
filtered through most of the other entertainment available in the United States.
Besides liking violence, many Americans are interested in sex. Half of these Americans days
are spent enjoying sex propaganda. They turn their televisions on to relax and watch
commercials with actors and actresses in swim suits that reveal all but a small portion of
their bodies. They also hang on every suggestive word or scene in television shows such as
Melrose Place and Baywatch. If television does not fill their sexual voids, they head for the
nearest adult bookstore. Here they can find a varied array of X-rated magazines, porn
movies, and even life-sized models to use as sexual stimulation. The ones who do not get
enough enjoyment from the porn films in the book stores go to X-rated theaters where they
can see longer versions of pornographic films. Films such as Deep Throat and The Candy
Girls are very entertaining to sexually-oriented people. From porn films to dirty books to
television to real life, sex has become a favorite form of entertainment for many Americans.
Without a doubt, Americans are a unique species. Their diversity is what makes the
American population different from all others. It is hard to believe that a nation as young as
the United States has as many peculiarities as it does.
The Chronicle of Levis
How often does anyone ever stop to think about the life of a plain, ordinary pair of Levis?
Mine seem to go through various phases in which they are completely different: from the
new to the not so new and finally to the very old.
In their first stage, my Levis are brand new. I am very conscious of my new Levis when I
wear them because they are usually very stiff and feel somewhat tight. They are also very
crisp, and I can almost smell the newness of the unfaded, dark blue color. Somehow I feel
very dressed up, like a soldier in his military blues, when I wear brand new Levis.
In their second stage, my Levis are beginning to loosen up and are starting to conform more
to my body. The original dark, denim blue is a little lighter now. Although they no longer
leave the wash water blue, they are still nice and bright. I have seen pictures of President
Carter wearing his stage-two Levis; he must enjoy them as much as I do.
In their final days, my Levis have gotten almost white from lots of wear and repeated
washings. Like a babys cheek, they are soft to the touch, and they have become as
comfortable as the proverbial old shoe. Even though they are very worn and have a few
small holes, I like them best at this stage.
My Levis and I go through a lot together, and each stage serves a purpose. When I am a
senior citizen, I will probably still be wearing them.
Rock of Ages
There are not many rock bands that can be defined as truly great. The history of rock is full
of one-hot wonders and cult favourites, but very few groups have achieved both popular
success and staying power. Many people dream of being rock stars, but very few actually
make it into the industry. Even once a band has penetrated the scene, there is still a lot left
to be done before a band can go into the rock and roll hall of fame. To be considered great, a
rock band must have musical talent, an exciting stage performance, and a long lifespan.
Musical talent is the first criterion of greatness, and great bands need to have outstanding
lyrics, knowledge of instruments and a firm understanding of many music genres. First,
bands need to be capable of writing lyrics that people can relate to. The favourite hits of all
time take listeners to a special place in their lives. For example, Were Not Gonna Take It
by Twisted Sister pumps up listeners with the emotion-filled chorus. Second, great bands

need to know the instruments they are playing inside out. In fact, many of these bands have
musicians who specialize in a single instrument. A special relationship is needed between
the instruments and the players in order to make a band great. Furthermore, all band
members need an understanding of many different genres of music. The best bands need to
bring something new to the scene, and a strong understanding of many different types of
music can help them do just that. Although musical talent is the first step towards greatness,
it is not the only element of a great band.
Another important characteristic is the ability to perform well live. Personality, special
effects and showboating are all key ingredients in making a live performance great. Fans
expect more from a live performance than they do from listening to a CD; therefore, bands
need to have personalities that will encourage audience involvement. An awesome live
performance also needs to have special effects. Lights, smoke and pyrotechnics are some
special effects that can really help the spectators experience the music; Kiss, for example,
often has sparks flying from the set. These sparks help the audience really feel the
emotional power of the song. Showboating is another element that great bands must
master. Musical stunts are mesmerizing and can really add to a bands performance, as long
as the stunts do not take away from the musical talent. It is exciting to watch members of a
band perform tricks, like the crisscross playing of guitars. If a band can master the art of
stage performing, it is well on its way to becoming great.
A masterful stage performance alone is not sufficient; a long lifespan is also important for a
band to be considered great. Many bands today have the ability to obtain greatness, yet
they are not able to stay together long enough. There are many reasons why bands fall
apart. First, some bands are unable to change with the time. In order to remain on the
scene, bands need to be able to adapt. Great bands, like Led Zeppelin, have a distinct sound
that will never go out of style; however, fad bands, like the Backstreet Boys, have a sound
that can be easily reproduced, so they quickly fade out of fashion. Furthermore, members of
great bands will always put the interest of the band ahead of their own personal interests.
Often, band members will leave a band because they feel that they can make it alone.
However, this usually leads to the break up of the band, which would otherwise have a lot of
potential. Bands, which might have otherwise been great, often have trouble dealing with
fame. It is important that bands be able to handle the pressures of being famous. Band
members often resort to drugs and alcohol, and the band quickly falls apart. Truly great
bands must change with the times, have members who are committed, and be able to
handle the pressures of being famous.
Naturally, personal tastes will differ, but no one can deny that musical talent, spectacular
live performance, and a long lifespan are the factors that made The Beatles, The Rolling
Stones, Dire Straits, and others like them the most popular rock bands. Each of these
qualities on its own is not enough to distinguish a band. Great bands combine all three
ingredients and offer a unique experience to their listeners. It takes years of commitment
and perseverance to make it into the industry, but to go down in the history books takes
much more.
Justice is currently defined by most people as moral rightness and the act administering the
deserved punishment or reward to those who have earned it. Most people think of justice as
being fair, when something is done wrong the wrongdoer is then fairly punished to create
justice. One of the major problems is that justice should not be fair; justice should be equal.
To be fair is not the same as to be equal. Fairness is simply defined as abiding by the rules

and being unbiased. Should it be considered fair if someone gets punched and cannot punch
back because
it is against the rules, or should that someone be allowed to punch back to make it equal?
Punching back is not a morally correct thing to do but it would be considered justice because
it is an equal punishment.
The problem with the morally correct and deserved definition is that there is no longer any
way to tell if something is truly morally correct or deserved. Morals seem to be most derived
from religions, be it the Ten Commandments, the teachings of Buddha, or the philosophies of
Allah. In the world today, religion is not as popular as it once was. Religion has diminished,
changed, mutated, developed, and as a result has caused morals to change. What one
person believes to be morally correct may notand probably will notbe seen the same
way as someone else. If there is no way to universally define what morally correct is then it
cannot be expected that justice will be served morally correct. There is also no way to
decide what is deserved. Deserved has the same problem as morally correct; there is no set
definition, so justice cannot be expected to be a deserved punishment or reward.
Justice began as a name of those who dispensed judgment and punishment on those who
had done wrong. This tradition began in England in c. 1200. From then on the word was
broadened, being used as, not only the name for people, but for a concept. In 1303, justice
began its meaning as the distribution of judgment. As the concept of justice changed, the
word did not. In todays world, justice is going in front of a judge, presenting a case, and
being found guilty or not guiltyat least thats how it is in the United States of America. A
punishment which is preapproved by the state and federal government is then given, this
punishment is supposedly morally correct as well as a method of giving the criminal what is
deserved. A problem is that this is not justice. Morally correct justice should not be seen as it
is in the world today. Justice today should be more of an equilibrium than a morally correct
punishment; An eye for an eye, as some would say. This quotation from Exodus 21:23-27,
sums up nicely what few people believe as true justice, as an equilibrium created between
the wrongdoer and the victim(s).
If a crime is committed it is not only fair, but just that that crime is equally paid. If money is
stolen it should be given back in double, the original amount returned and the same amount
taken from the thief. If a leg is shot, then the shooter needs a hole in their leg as well. If a
hand is cut off, then the cutter needs to be missing a hand. Similarly, if a life is taken, then
the murderer must suffer the same fate. This is justicea punishment equal to the crime
that was
committed. This is not morally correct; there is no such thing as morally correct punishment
because there is no one definition of morally correct. And it is not necessarily deserved
either, because there is no true definition of deserved. By having equal punishments it
would then be completely fair to all who needed to be punished. If a person even begins to
think about committing a crime, they will know what their punishment will be. They will
know that this punishment will equal their crime and that they will be brought to justice.
This raises very large questions about our current justice systems. One of the largest
concerns is that when a crime is committed, is there true justice served in the courts in the
United States of America? Or is it just an illusion to give its people the sense of fairness? At
most the courts will send someone to death row, even if they have killed multiple victims or
if they had first tortured them. The courts cannot kill the murderer multiple times, this is
impossible. But they will not try to make him pay equally either. He will not be raped as his
victims were, he will not starve as his victims did, he will not be beaten as his victims were,
and he will not die slowly as his victims did. This murderer will sit on death row, and when
his time comes, he will walk the green mile to a quick death. The government calls this
justice. It is believed to be morally correct, deserved, and appropriate for the convict. His

suffering will be no where near comparable to his victims, but his price will be seen as paid
in the eyes of the courts. It will be considered as justice.
So is justice in the United States of Americas courts truly served? Justice can no longer be
defined as morally correct and deserved because neither one of these definitions are
defined in their own right; fairness is just shown when reaching a verdict or making a
decision, not what the punishment is to be, and yet morally correct, deserved, and fair are
what our judicial systems are based on. Justice should be seen as equalequal punishment
for crimes which have been committed.

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