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Battle of the Fist of the First Men


12 Nights Watch


Dragonglass cache


Jeor Mormont (Does not have Longclaw)

Samwell Tarly

Up to 200 points of Warriors of the Nights Watch. Up to 50% of these additional

models may be given bows. Mounted models may be taken. Up to 33% of these
addition models may be armed with torches.


3 Others

Up to 300 points of Warriors of The Others. (We recommend no more than 1 Wight
Bear and a mixture of Wights and Giant ice spiders. (Primarily more of the former) ).

This battle takes place on a 48 by 48 Board (112 cm by 112 cm) in the Snowy plains of the
North. A sloping hill should be placed in the middle to represent the Fist of the First Men.
Trees and other obstacles can be added.

The good side deploys all its members in a 12 circle in the middle of the board. The evil
player then deploys within 6 of a table edge with roughly similar models on each table edge
(Others cannot be placed on same board edge). After deployment priority is rolled as normal.
A weapon cache is also deployed in the middle of the board containing Dragonglass weapons
(see special rules for more).

The good player will win if they can kill all three Others. The Evil side will win if they can
kill over half of the starting goods force. If none of these conditions are met the game is a
draw. The game will finish and the end of a turn in which one side has reached its victory


The touch of ice: If a model is killed by an Other (White Walker) on the roll of a 4+
that model will come back as a Wight.

The Great Ranging: So long as Jeor Mormont is alive all men of the Nights Watch
can re-roll failed courage/terror tests.

Fire is the best weapon against them now!: Any model armed within 3 of a torch
bearer can alight his arrows, thus ignoring the Undead rule of the Wights.

Weapon Cache: Once The Others have been spotted any model can spend his
movement equipping the Dragonglass in the form of daggers and arrows if he is in
base contact with it prior this turn.

3 blasts: The Evil side cannot be shot at until they reach 12 of a Nights Watchman
or 15 if he has a torch or when the horn blasts 3 times. Roll for the horn from turn 2
onwards. On the roll of a 3+ it goes off, roll again until it fails or you reach 3, if 3 is
reached the Nights Watch are alerted. If the roll is failed it must be tried next turn on
the roll of a 2+. If again this is failed and the Nights Watch arent already aware of
The Other presence then the horn automatically sounds the next turn (turn 4 max) and
the men are alerted.

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