My Focus: You Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: The Solider Girl

Everyone has different coping methods. She was like Cocoon- sealed away, completely
protected from outsiders. She separated herself from everyone else, floating high above us all,
her emotions a far away moon that no one could reach. I was like Gran Pulse- I ran wild and
free, but I had my own survival skills. I was like a Navidon; I wore an intricate shell (cheerful and
carefree) to trick everyone into thinking that I had thick skin. But this carapace was actually
quite transparent and with enough force, it caved inward and my weakest parts were revealed
(uncertain and insecure). I was also like Pulse in that I wanted to bring down Cocoon, to
infiltrate its armor and to find all of its safe-kept secrets
Enough with the analogies. I wanted to find out what was bothering her. I wanted to break
down her walls and comfort her. I wanted to love her.
The Purge. Within the deepest parts of Cocoon, the Sanctum government found a FalCie from
Gran Pulse, Cocoons greatest enemy. Every citizen in Cocoon found near this godlike being was
to be relocated to Gran Pulse, for fear the FalCie had corrupted them. Being prodded and
pushed by PSICOM soldiers, the Cocoonians were led onto a train that would take them to
Pulse. Upon entering the train, the citizens were changed into white robes. The soldiers forced
them into crowded train cars and bond their hands.
No sudden movements, the soldiers said. The passengers didnt move. They were terrified.
They all suspected what relocate really meant. But actually arriving in Gran Pulse was just as
daunting to them. It was rumored that Pulse was a wasteland of beasts and barbarians dead set

on destroying Cocoon. How ironic. I sat there among them, looking no different from them
(robes draped over our heads, faces hung low, hidden in fear and shame). And I felt no different
from them- they had all already given up. I honestly didnt care about what happened to me. I
already knew that I was going to become a Cieth. And so, I decided to let the train take me
home, to Pulse, where I could wander the wilderness with my ancestors, all of us mislead
monsters, searching, searching, for something that we could never obtain, nothing to keep us
going but a broken vow.
But that changed when I saw her.
Every passenger on the train sat in frightened silence, the only sounds the train tracks clicking
underneath us and the precise footsteps of the soldier who patrolled our car, his gun held
tightly in his hands. This anxious stillness continued until we went through an underpass; the
opening of the tunnel had an electric barrier that must have been accidentally left on by the
railroad staff. The train rammed through the barrier, causing the whole train to shudder. All of
the passengers, myself included, were thrown back into our seats. The shock was so great that
even the soldier stumbled. And in that brief but perfect moment, she struck.
Someone- one of the prisoners- piggybacked over the soldiers head. He faltered in surprise and
dropped a remote control. Using her foot, the assailant (who, based on her abilities, must have
been a soldier herself) stomped on the remote, and, as it broke in half, the bonds holding all of
the prisoners were released. More soldiers stormed in from another car- she flipped and
kicked, and, in doing so, her robe fell off, exposing her face.

She was beautiful. Strawberry hair, a serious yet pretty face, a great figure. And killer legs.
Literally. She used them to take out more soldiers. Next, she stole their guns and took out every
other soldier that came her way. Soon, the other passengers joined her and a full scale riot
broke out. Before long the whole train had been won ever, but the news of this quickly reached
the rest of PSICOM. They sent jets and biological weapons, desperately trying to stop the train.
They were successful- an electric bolt instantly dissolved the tracks, the metal melting and
mangling itself into a ball of wasted steel.
Among the chaos, I saw the soldier girl in front of me. But she was no longer there; I looked up
and she was rising above me, toward the ceiling. I could tell by the slight light of panic in her
eyes that the train had just capsized. I rolled through the air; now the soldier girl was below me,
activating some kind of anti-gravity device. I had no such device. A blunt thud on the back of my
neck. She drifted away and I drifted into unconsciousness as the other passengers tumbled
around me.
Honey. Honey, wake up. Someone was shaking my shoulder. The soldier girl? I opened my
eyes. No. It was a woman with short silver hair. Come on, honey, she said. We cant stay in
the wreckage, its too dangerous. She helped me up and walked me over to a group of train
survivors, all slumped together on the ground. The soldier girl wasnt there. Take a seat, the
nice woman said. I sat down behind her and a young boy I presumed to be her son.
I looked around. We were on some kind of bridge. There was no sign of PSICOM here, but
elsewhere we could see escaped passengers fighting off soldiers. Everyone stayed huddled
together in the group, afraid that the slightest budge would catch the attention of the army.

The atmosphere wasnt much different than it had been on the train. Despite being free,
everyone stared at the concrete with their heads down, and, despite the gunfire and battle
raging on in the distance, it was silent. Everyone is still scared, I thought, even if their trip to
Pulse has been delayed. On the other hand, I wanted to go to Pulse.
Dying here would have no meaning.
Dont worry, no ones moving to Pulse today!
I looked up. A group of rebels had appeared before us, all of them carrying guns and weapons.
They all looked like skilled fighters or maybe there were just ruffians... or idiots. Among them
was a tall, muscular, blonde man with a green coat and a bandana wrapped around his
forehead. He was the one who had spoken.
Well clear you a path out of here, he continued, confidence in his voice and posture.
Who is this guy? I thought. Who decided that he was the leader?
So be ready-
Wait! One of the survivors interrupted him. Let me fight with you!
Yeah, you cant expect us to just sit here! someone else yelled.
Maybe they werent as scared as I thought.
Okay then, the blonde man said, Volunteers front and center.

They were hesitant at first, but after whispering amongst themselves, some of the passengers
stood up and walked toward the blonde man.
I didnt budge. I didnt care. There is no point in fighting, I thought. I am going to become a
Cieth soon anyway. It is inevitable. Ive basically given- But then I saw her face in my mind. The
soldier girl. I replayed the events of the train in my head, remembering her flips and kicks. But it
wasnt her technique that I was admiring It was her courage. She had fought regardless of the
odds against her. She was the only one who actually tried to fight, the only one who had the
audacity to do something so risky.
Heh. What would she think of me right now? I thought, watching as more and more of the
passengers volunteered to fight. She would probably laugh right in my face and say that I am
pathetic. Shes right
Alright, last one. Somebody take it. I snapped out of my daydream; it was the blonde man,
holding out a single gun. The nice womans son refused and backed away. Without thinking, I
stood up and chanted Here! I held out my arms. Handing me the gun, the blonde man said
Push comes to shove, keep em safe. He winked. Ugh. He is so cocky and corny. I tried to hide
my disgust by saying Bang! and making a shooting motion with my arms. Cuteness always
throws people off.
Oww! the blonde man said, playing along. All right, he proclaimed, becoming more serious.
Lay low and youll be fine, he said, addressing the whole group. Well clear out the area.

All talk, I thought, this guy is all talk. But most of the survivors followed him into the fight,
including the nice silver-haired woman. As brave as they were acting now, these people needed
a leader in order to do anything for themselves.
Would the solider girl have followed him? No. She would see right through him. She would
stand up and fight on her own. I gripped the gun to my chest. I was scared but
I am going to fight. I am going to find her.

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