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The Washington Free-Beacon has accrued two-dozen [too-brief] video-clips that are

hysterical [e.g., Belushi as Bluto in Animal-House reacts to Kerry in Paris,

Masculinity, Hillarys Deceit Criminal-Work].
Oxford University Press demonstrates the polar opposite of provocative
[Schoolbook authors have been told not to write about sausages or pigs for fear of
causing offence.]; of course, there is no problem with talking of pork in Judaism, so
this was a shrouded method to avoid bothering Muslims.
Obama outlawed Islamic extremism
Marine Le Pen, Head of the National Front and the queen of Europe's Far Right [and
possible future President of France] is an enemy of Islamists, but not Jews
Majority of British Jews Say They Have No Future in the U.K.
ISIS Made a Direct Threat to Westerners Who Believe the Terror Group Won't Strike
Europe & United States
House to vote next week on resolution condemning Charlie Hebdo attacks
Muslim group responds to Charlie Hebdo with free 'Journalist's Guide' to Islam
Zogby: Obama amateurish over Paris anti-terror protest no-show
Human rights groups are using satellite imagery [From 480 Miles Up] to Counting
Nigerias Dead and, then, force Nigeria to accept the true scope of Boko Harams
latest atrocities.
Western failure to read the writing on the wall
The Syrian war is changing Hezbollah, Lebanons most infamous militia, due to
Corruption in the ranks, spies in their midst, and Discipline problems.
180 Terrorists in Sleeper Cells Prepping for Attacks
Satirizing Idiotic Islamists Isnt Punching Down or RacistIts a Moral Necessity
One of Europes most prominent Jewish organizations is petitioning the European
Union to pass new legislation that would permit Jewish community members to
carry guns for the essential protection of their communities.
Turkey and the West Parted Ways on Charlie Hebdo
Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said the Turkish President is A
Neighborhood Bully whose constant criticism of Israel fanned the flames of antiSemitism in the Middle East and Europe.
Bibi Played Paris


Je Suis Charlie (Until Je Get Scared).

Spare a Thought for Those Who Are Not Charlie; Mourn the attacks in Paris, but put
things into perspective [e.g., Nigeria].
[VIDEO] John Kerry Brings James Taylor to Sing to France After US Snubs Paris March
Carolla: Nobody Wants to Judge Islam Because They're Afraid of Being Called Racist
Leading Rabbis In Europe Calling On EU To Allow Jews To Carry Guns
Pour Charlie [by Robert Mankoff] We felt shock and sorrow that cartoons were met
with this level of hatred. But hate is not our strong suit. Humor is.
Who is saying what about the terrorist attacks
Europes Jews no longer alone
Pat Condell: Islam has nothing to do with Islam [Its getting hard to keep up with
all these Quran-inspired atrocities that have nothing to do with Islam.]
Into the fray: Its Islam, stupid! Threatens American way-of-life, culture and
Constitution. [Islam is to terror as rainfall is to flooding]
Obama's inaction in Yemen led to Paris; While the Obama administration was
fighting ISIL, Al Qaeda was regrouping in Yemen.

What do Belgians Really Think about Jews?

Andrew Klavan: Should Waterboarding Jihadis Be An Olympic Sport?
Majority of British Jews Believe They Have No Long-Term Future In Europe
Jake Tapper of CNN said what many of us were thinking: "I was ashamed" by the
lack of U.S. representation at the unity rally in Paris on Sunday. Over 40 world
leaders and millions of French citizens gathered to express their grief and solidarity
after the murders of 17 people by Islamist terrorists last week.
Byron York writes that Obama's Paris "snub" was intentional, part of his "years-long
effort to downgrade the threat of terrorism and move on to other things" -- things
like his support for (taxpayer-funded) "free" tuition to community colleges.
For Leslie H. Gelb, a former New York Times columnist and Carter administration
official, the President's failure to attend the rally was apparently the last straw:
Here's why America's failure to be represented at the Paris unity march was so
profoundly disturbing. It wasn't just because President Obama's or Vice President
Biden's absence was a horrendous gaffe. More than this, it demonstrated beyond
argument that the Obama team lacks the basic instincts and judgment necessary to
conduct U.S. national security policy in the next two years. It's simply too dangerous

to let Mr. Obama continue as is-with his current team and his way of making
decisions. America, its allies, and friends could be heading into one of the most
dangerous periods since the height of the Cold War.
Gelb is a mainstream liberal who is now calling on the President to fire his entire
national security team and bring in new people. (Many of the replacements he
recommends are Republicans.) Gelb also advises the President to reach out to
Congress and to experienced foreign policy officials from past administrations
(Republicans) for advice. But he recognizes that the core of the problem is Obama
...In the end, making the national security system work comes down to one factor,
one man - Barack Obama. He's the key problem, and he's the only one who can
bring about a solution.
The Wall Street Journal's editors took the U.S. failure to send a high-level
representative to the rally as confirmation that Pres. Obama is dismissive of Europe
and doesn't understand the Islamist threat.
Former Senator Joe Lieberman does not hesitate to name radical Islam as the threat.
In a Wall Street Journal op-ed, he calls for civilized nations to acknowledge that we
are in a war with Islamist extremism, to formally declare war against Islamist
terrorists, and to band together (along with Muslim nations like Saudi Arabia, United
Arab Emirates, and Egypt) in an alliance against radical Islam.
Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY-1), appearing on Fox and
Friends this week, commented on rising antiSemitism in Europe and around the world.

What freedom of speech?

Where the government decides which utterances are allowed
By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano,JWR
The photos of 40 of the worlds government leaders marching arm-in-arm along a
Paris boulevard on Sunday with the president of the United States not among them
was a provocative image that has fomented much debate. The march was, of
course, in direct response to the murderous attacks on workers at the French
satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo by a pair of brothers named Kouachi, and on
shoppers at a Paris kosher supermarket by one of the brothers comrades.The
debate has been about whether President Obama should have been at the march.
The march was billed as a defense of freedom of speech in the West, yet it hardly
could have been held in a less free-speech-friendly Western environment, and the

debate over Mr. Obamas absence misses the point. In the post-World War II era,
French governments have adopted a policy advanced upon them nearly 100 years
ago by Woodrow Wilson. He pioneered the modern idea that countries constitutions
dont limit governments; they unleash them. Thus, even though the French
Constitution guarantees freedom of speech, French governments treat speech as a
gift from the government, not as a natural right of all persons, as our Constitution
Fight Them Over There
Changing the Rules of the Democracy Game in Europe
Belgiums tough gun laws didnt keep Paris terrorists from getting their guns there
Palestinians Burn French Flag at Temple Mount
Jacques Myard, French National Assembly member, tells Channel 4 News that
Muslims will have to get used to it. Catherine Heseltine, ex-CEO of Muslim Public
Affairs Committee, says she will not take lectures from hypocritical French
politicians. Ruben Oppenheimer, a cartoonist, says the west are hypocritical and
that drawings should be a response to drawings.
Jarrett Called Paris March Nothing More Than A Parade
Bill Maher Channels Breitbart News on Threat of Radical Islam
Muslims Rioting Condemning New Charlie Hebdo Issue Leads to Death, Destruction
ISIS Photo Dump Reveals New Crucifixions, Man Thrown Off Roof in Mosul for
Religious War: African Muslims Burn Christian Churches to Ground
Greek Police Detain, Question Belgium Attack Plot Suspects
Effective Annexation': Russia and Georgias South Ossetia Sign Integration Treaty
Boko Haram Crisis: African Union to Discuss Multinational Force
Four Killed in Niger Charlie Hebdo Protest
Charlie Hebdo Massacre Triggers Spike in Jewish Exodus from France
Fmr. NATO Cmdr: I Have Great Concern Over Real Risk Gitmo Releases
GOP Sen: No One in the World Understands Obamas Position on Gitmo
Krauthammer: James Taylor Paris Performance Like An Onion Story
Muslim Doctor: Stop Avoiding Term Islamist
Israeli Ambassador: Rest of World Will Face Terror Threat Like Israel Does
French Ambassador: France Is at War with Radical Islam
Palin: Obama Chicken for Not Calling Paris Shooters Radical Islamists
Pat Buchanan: Insult Mohammed, Risk Death
Islamic CAIR to Breitbart Texas: Muslims are being Bullied
Foes of free speech take down Pamela Gellers Atlas Shrugs with a huge denial of
service attack
Here are the Popes Top Seven Most Outrageous Statements on Islam

Pope Francis on Charlie Hebdo Jihad: One Cannot Make Fun of Faith
- See more at:
French President Hollande: Muslims are the first victims of
fundamentalism and intolerance - See


Erdoan attacks Netanyahu: How does head of terror state dare attend Paris
march? turkey
Turkey Halts Reporting on Weapon Transfers to Syria Rebels
Turkish President Accuses the West of Being Behind Paris Attacks
Turkey Says It Helped Hamas Become "Mainstream"
Reception for Palestinian President in Turkey Mocked as Ottoman Circus - Turkish
President Erdoan received Palestinian President Abbas in the new $800 million
presidential palace in the Turkish capital of Ankara; the guards were dressed in
uniforms that symbolized the 16 eras of Turkish soldiers from the Mongols to the
Ottomans, with swords, daggers and traditional helmets and shields. The exotic
ceremony evoked mockery in the Turkish media as an Ottoman circus; CNN said that
the Justice and Development Party, founded by Erdoan in 2002, follows the Islamic
heritage of the Ottoman Empire where the sultans considered themselves rulers of
the whole Muslim world.
Turkish PM: Israeli 'Provocations' Radicalizing Muslim World
Erdoan's Turkish Bazaar
Turkish Reaction To 'Charlie Hebdo' Terror Attack was for Erdoan to Accuse Western
Hypocrisy, Racism, Hate Speech, Islamophobia; Islamist/Pro-AKP Media Justified It,
while the Secular Media Mourned.

Switzerland May Be Preparing for the End of the Euro

Hamas officials reactivated separate parliament in Gaza
White House: Obama Will Fight Media To Stop Anti-Jihad Articles
Its difficult to overstate the potential importance of the Egyptian presidents New
Year speech on Islam and equally important to avoid overly optimistic
expectations as to its practical impact


Poll: British Jews Fear Future in Europe

Safety of the Jews in France
Ya'alon: We Want the Palestinians to Act as a Responsible Neighbor
France: Terror Funding, Attack Weapons Came from Abroad
French Parliament Votes 488-1 to Extend Airstrikes on ISIS in Iraq
U.S. Worried by "Rising Tide" of European Anti-Semitism

Prime Minister Netanyahu at Funerals of Paris Terror Victims: Time to Eliminate

Radical Islamic Terrorist Groups
President Rivlin at Funerals of Paris Terror Victims: We Wanted You to Come Home
Saudi Arabia Provides $60M for PA as Financial Aid Plummets
Israeli Court Rejected Appeal of Six Shalit Deal Palestinian Prisoners who were
rearrested in June 2014 after they had been freed; they had violated the terms of
the deal upon which they were freed and as a result, they will complete the original
lifetime sentences they were serving.
France: This wont be a Watershed Moment in the Western Battle against Islamic
Extremism because France [and the rest of Europe, and the EU] will not [1]launch
a crackdown on Islamist groupings at its higher-education institutions, or devote
serious resources to investigating potential incitement at local mosques; [2]
introduce passenger profiling at EU entry points, the way Israel does; [3]sanction
Turkey for facilitating the flow of radicalized European Muslims to and from the
Islamic State terror group in Syria and Iraq.
The gall of the Gauls Even though Coulibaly reportedly told his hostages, I am
Amedy Coulibaly, a Muslim from Mali. I belong to the Islamic State
The Fruits of Cowardice and Appeasement
Free speech for thee but not for me [By Steven Plaut] Not a single Je Suis Charlie
postureur in Israel has spoken out about the judicial atrocity of imprisoning Tatiana
Suskin for a Two-year prison term for drawing a cartoon!
The Saudi Role in Sept. 11 and the Hidden 9/11 Report Pages
The Terror Attacks in Paris: A Passing Episode
British police are stepping up security in Jewish areas in response to last weeks
terror attacks in Paris


DIPLOMACY GONE AWKWARD. John Kerry gave French President Franois Hollande a
big hug after an especially difficult week for the French. It didn't go well. Why?
Hugging is just not a very French thing to do.

the roots of terrorism," by Sara Reardon in Nature, who interviews anthropologist

Scott Atran, who says: "France has about 7.5% Muslims and [they make] up to 6075% of the prison population. It's a very similar situation to black youth in the
United States. The difference is here's an ideology that appeals to them, it's
something that's very attractive to more people than you might think. ... The jihad is
the only systemic cultural ideology that's effective, that's growing, that's attractive,
that's glorious - that basically says to these young people, 'Look, you're on the outs,
nobody cares about you, but look what we can do. We can change the world.'"
Unemployment and cultural weakness cause radicalism, not poverty
The process of assimilation is obviously a matter of great concern for any nation
with generous immigration policies. Immigration without assimilation is akin to
colonization. No nation benefits from importing a large population that does not
accept its founding principles, or perhaps even its laws. However, assimilation is
important for the native-born as well. It is a grave mistake to assume that people
born in a given nation, even after several generations of native birth, will
automatically assimilate to its culture.
White House Bromance: Obama Confirms Nickname for David Cameron - The leader
of the free world needs a little help from his friends, and Obama has confirmed he
calls British Prime Minister David Cameron "bro." Cameron is trying to build support
at home ahead of a parliamentary election in May.
White House: Thanks To Obama, ISIS Fighters Scared To Go Outside
Banning Anti-Semitism Does Not Help Jews
Americans Increasingly Find Obamas Foreign Policy Weak, Pew Study Finds
Saudi Arabia Beheaded Woman by Sword in Mecca Public Square
Lashing Postponed for Saudi Blogger Arrested for Anti-Islamic Discourse
Flogging of Saudi blogger Raif Badawi Postponed on Medical Grounds
USA Todays Radical Imam Columnist Called for Islamic State in America in 2011
Syria training program could involve 1000-plus US troops
Column One: The answer to French anti-Semitism [By Caroline Glick, JPOST] January 16 is the nine-year anniversary of the beginning of the Ilan Halimi disaster.


Palestinians Burn French Flag on Temple Mount to Protest New Charlie Hebdo Cover
Bulgaria to extradite French terrorist suspect
The Western World Is Not Really Dedicated to Free Speech
John Kerry Brings Hugs, James Taylor to Repair Relations with France
French Citizenship Expedited for Kosher Market Hero
New Research Charts Europes Inexorable Slide Toward Islam
Belgium Police Raid Multiple Groups of Returning Syrian Jihadists
Massive Pakistan Protests Against Charlie Hebdo Filthy Blasphemers
Jewish Schools Close After Belgian Terror Cell Raid
Al-Qaeda Yemen Wing Gave Charlie Hebdo Gunman $20,000 for Terror Activity

UKIP Must Remain the Anti-Establishment Party

BBC to Give UKIP Equal Coverage to Conservatives in Run Up to Election
Scores honor perpetrators of French attacks in Istanbul
Thousands of French Jews Flee to Britain Seeking Safe Haven
Evidence Appears of US Weapons in IS-aligned Hands - The United States will send
400 troops to train moderate Syrian rebels this spring as part of its campaign
against IS militants in the region.
PEGIDA Anti-Islamist Movement Gains Momentum in Spain
British PM Suggests Banning SnapChat, WhatsApp to Prevent Terrorism
Boko Haram Murders Woman in Labor in Baga Bloodbath
Cameroon: Chad Sending Large Military Contingent to Fight Boko Haram
Alleged Boko Haram Leader Celebrates Charlie Hebdo Massacre






Obama Releases Five Yemenis from Guantanamo, Sends Four to Oman


Cheek-kiss faux pas
'A big hug'
Brings James Taylor to Serenade French With 'You've Got a Friend'
POPE: There are limits to free expression
Zuckerberg defended FACEBOOK censorship despite 'Charlie Hebdo' support




American Consulate Established an 'Armed Arab Militia' and is replacing Israeli

security guards with armed Palestinians with criminal records; there is also a secret
armory; This is a breach of an agreement between the Consulate and the Israeli
government, signed in 2011 [whereby only guards who served in combat units in
the IDF who are employed by the consulate will be allowed to carry arms] and the
anti-Israeli character of the consulate today is reflected in the fact that the most
senior adviser is a Palestinian Arab, Ibrahim Delalsh, who sat in Israeli prison for
belonging to Fatah-linked terror groups.
Europe's Top Rabbi: Jews must start carrying guns
ISIS is doxing [publishing personal information online] US generals, a form of
psychological war

From Salman Rushdie to Charlie Hebdo - A quarter-century of Western fecklessness

led from the former to the latter.
Almost Half of British Jews Say They Have No Long-Term Future in Europe
Jewish-owned DC business targeted by self-described ISIS militants; Threatening
Vows to carry out mass murder
[Local Jew Feels Left Out Of Worldwide Jewish Conspiracy]
Jewish Watchdog Group Releases List of Anti-Semitic Acts in Midwest
ISIS launches social media campaign to capitalize on Paris attacks...
Huffington Post: The Real Threat Is the European Right
NY Times Editor: Charlie Hebdo Cartoons Innately Offensive to Muslims
New York Times in Hot Pursuit of Rupert Murdoch for Telling the Cold Truth About
Jon Stewart Latest to Attack Rupert Murdoch for Saying Muslims Should be Held
Accountable for Muslim Acts
How savage can satire be before it's uncivilized?
White House: Refusal To Describe Attacks As Radical Islamic Terrorism A Question
Of Accuracy
White House Lies About France Terror to Preserve PC View on Islam
Al Qaeda in Yemen Claims Responsibility for Paris Charlie Hebdo Massacre
Radical Imam Anjem Choudary Calls Charlie Hebdo Front Page Act Of War
Farage: Muslim Ghettos in Europe are Sharia-Run No-Go Zones for Police
France arrested 54 for defending terror
Anti-Semitic French Comedian in Trouble Again Over Charlie Hebdo
[Labour Admit Their Flagship Election Policy Would Actually Have Made Things
Nigel Farage is Right: We Must Protect our Judeo-Christian Heritage
Terror Expert Under Fire for Highlighting UKs Terror Enclaves
Farage: Muslim Ghettos in Europe are Sharia-Run No-Go Zones for Police

Muslim Coffee Shop Boss Faces Death Threats for Je suis Charlie Sign
The Political Establishment Responsible for the Paris Atrocities has Hijacked the
New Photos Reveal World Leaders Did Not Lead Paris March, but Were Kept Away
from Crowd - According to new photos relayed by the UK Independent, it took a bit
of clever staging to make it appear that French President Francois Hollande, British
Prime Minister David Cameron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and the other
world leaders gathered for the Paris unity march were leading the massive crowd to
the Grand Synagogue.
Britain on High Alert for Possible Beheading Attempt
'Homeland' may avoid a Muslim terrorist storyline next season (but won't shy away
from controversy); the show's writer-producer Alex Gansa might find a fresh
antagonist for CIA case officer Carrie Mathison (Claire Danes) to tackle when the
show returns later this year, but a decision has not yet been made and the story's
villain will be chosen for creative reasons- and to avoid repetition.
Europe Prepares for Greeces Possible Exit from Eurozone
Americas stalled war against terror
How not to stop terrorism - Fareed Zakaria claimed that, No matter what the U.S.
has done, Islamic radicalism has been on the rise for two decades.
Ignatius: Dont blame the Internet for radicalization
Krauthammer: Charlie who?
Roger simon
Leslie geld
Germanys New Right Wing
White House: Thanks To Obama, ISIS Fighters Scared To Go Outside
Influential Muslims Condemn Latest Charlie Hebdo Cover

Obama Releases Five Yemenis from Guantanamo, Sends Four to Oman

Al-Qaeda Yemen Wing Gave Charlie Hebdo Gunman $20,000 for Terror Activity
Jewish State has 2 Million Friends in Christians United for Israel
Palestinian Journalist Rips French President for Inviting Abbas - A Palestinian
journalist has penned an open letter to French President Franois Hollande,
protesting the fact that France invited Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud
Abbas to participate in last Sunday's march in Paris against terror and in memory of
the slain journalists of Charlie Hebdo. "Abbas is personally responsible for punishing
Palestinian journalists who dare to criticize him or express their views in public," the
letter declares.


German Town Considers Housing Migrants in Buchenwald, Former Concentration
Camp [in the small township of Schwerte in North Rhine-Westphalia]
New PEGIDA Danish Chapter Says No Racists Allowed
Merkel decries anti-Muslim prejudice
Coup Plot Possible Against Socialist Venezuelan President Nicols Maduro
Last Words Of Pilot Of Crashed AirAsia Plane: Allahu Akbar!
PA Documents Detail Payments to Terrorists
My Husband Is The Victim Says Wife Of Man who Radicalised Charlie Hebdo
Pictures: Charlie Hebdo Protests Across Muslim World Turn Violent
Belgian troops guard key sites in wake of anti-terror sweep
British Police on Highest Ever Terror Alert
Muslims Shouldn't Pray to Defeat Non-Muslims via the not-obligatory supplication
that includes a prayer to Allah for, among other things, to grant "Muslims victory
over the 'Qawm al-Kafiroon,'" the Arabic phrase that lumps all non-Muslims Jews,
Hindus, Christians, Atheists, Buddhists and Sikhs into one derogatory category,
the "Kuffar", or non-Muslims.
Arlene Kushner [excerpts]: Netanyahu was placed in the second row, as the march
began through the streets of Paris, and that he adroitly moved himself into the first
row. He did this by reaching over to introduce himself to Ibrahim Boubakar Keita, the
president of Mali, and then remaining at his side.Most of it was Je suis Charlie,
with considerably fewer signs evident declaring Je suis Juif. The issue was
freedom of speech more than it was freedom from venomous antiSemitism.Netanyahu spoke at the Grand Synagogue of Paris.Hollande [just like
BHO] pledged unity and vigilance in the battles against racism and anti-Semitism,
but he didnt promise, then or now, to tackle violent Islamic extremism; he asserted
in an address to the nation that these terrorists and fanatics have nothing to do
with the Islamic religion.
Obama administration working 24/7 to enforce blasphemy laws
Obama will fight media to protect Islam from critics

Kahlon [Kulanu chairman] demanded Israel Land Administration portfolio as

condition for joining coalition after March elections; faction wants to dismantle
authority in charge of public lands.


Europe must sober up [By Maj Gen Yaacov Amidror]

Georges Wolinski, the leading caricaturist at Charlie Hebdo, was among those
murdered in the terror attacks in Paris last week; this half-Polish, half-Tunisian Jew
possessed an anarchist spirit that left no sacred cow standing.
What the hell was Abbas doing at Charlie Hebdo demo
Gates of Vienna has many fabulous articles: Oppression Instead of Admission;
PEGIDA is Not the Disease It is the Symptom; Amedy Coulibalys martyrdom
video; and an interview with the politically incorrect Czech President [Czech
President : If They Do Not Conform, Deport Them!].
ISIS Executions Becoming Even More Brutal; thus, it is necessary to Fight the
Terrorists Before They Reach the West
John Kerry French Faux Pas: I Just Want to Share a Hug With You (+video)
Piers Morgan: Pope's Comments 'Endorse Violence' Against Satirists

The Image CNN and the New York Times Dont Want You to See - Charlie Hebdos
first issue following the terrorist attack on its staff last week in Paris features a
defiant cover.
The Four Jews Murdered in Paris were a rap fan, a student, and two family men.
Radical Islam in Europe: No One to Blame But Us
Saudi Religious Scholar Issued Religious Ban on Snowmen
Jimmy Carter: Israeli-Palestinian Conflict is a Cause of Paris Attacks - Carter's
formula is for Israel to give up the West Bank, Gaza and Jerusalem and for the
Palestinians to promise Israel security.
Obama: Europe must better integrate Muslims
BBC Reporter in Paris [Tim Willcox] Apologized for Saying "Palestinians Suffer at
Jewish Hands"
Media Eviscerated Obama for Snubbing Paris Rally
Obama came into office with a liberal, academic, secular world view. He thought
anyone who claimed there was Islamic terror was a Republican, bigot, both, or
worse; but now that it is clear there really is a problem, he cannot confront it
because to do so would mean he must admit failure.
In next war in north, Hezbollah will try to grab territory inside Israel.


"Russian Spies" Executed by Child Soldier in Shocking ISIS Video

The story behind the terrorist attack on the kosher supermarket.
The terrorist and his wife were on their way to make a most terrible
terrorist attack at the local Chabad school which is one of the biggest
in France. During their drive there, they had an accident and so it drew
attention to the police in the area. They panicked and shot the
policewoman that approached their car to investigate the seemingly
minor traffic accident. This accident saved the life of tens or even
hundreds of Jewish children at that school. The car was later found
abandoned with weapons as they could not carry so many weapons on
foot. Police also found a note with the address off the Chabad school in
the car, so the target was very clear.
They then realized that their plans had gone wrong and decided to
The terrorist then decided to attack another Jewish target and went for
the only other Jewish place he knew, the kosher supermarket
The terrorist was then dropped off by his wife at the kosher
supermarket and then drove to the airport to slip out of France. She
caught a flight to Turkey and then went onto Syria, where she is
believed to be and has joined up with the ISIS terrorist organization
that she and her husband are members of and had undergone
extensive training with the group.
We know the tragic circumstances that it ended in.
Can we now not see how Hashem is still always looking after us and
our children. Look what kind of miracle there was that could have gone
down as one of the worst terrorist attacks in the history on our pure
innocent children. I know we lost 4 of our best people, and this must
not be overlooked, but look what could have been without that little
simply stupid car accident that saved the children's lives.
To have a target of innocent children, must tell us great things as to
what these Islamic terrorists hold by in terms of humanity. This whole
story is so bizzare that it's beyond the imagination of any normal
human being.
The amount of arms and ammunition found astounded the police that
found it. It was supposed to be a very high toll on our Jewish

Jews Can No Longer be Safe in France


As long as radical Muslims in France are not dealt with in the severest
way, violence against Jews will continue and France will not be safe for
By: Joseph Puder
Almost two years ago (March 27, 2014) a Front Page Magazine article
by this writer asked the question, Is France Safe for Jews? The answer
today, more than ever is a decisive no. Immediately following the
murder of Rabbi Yonatan Sandler (30), his two small children, Aryeh 3
and Gavriel 6, as well as Miriam Monsonego, 8, outside the Ozer
HaTorah School in Toulouse, France, the French government of
President Nicolas Sarkozy was determined to fight the anti-Semitic
terror emanating from Muslim Jihadists. Sarkozy declared We shall not
back down in the face of terror, as he went about announcing a
minute of silence in all French schools. Sarkozy said, You cannot
murder children like this on the territory of the Republic without being
held accountable. Today is a day of national tragedy.
Sarkozy, on the eve of the 2012 French presidential elections, declared
that he was putting the southwestern Midi-Pyrenees region (where
Toulouse is located) on its highest alert level, and promised that This
odious act cannot remain unpunished. All means, absolutely all means
available, will be committed to neutralize this criminal. Franois
Hollande, who subsequently won the presidential election under the
banner of his Socialist Party called for France to unite after the
shooting. He pledged, We must do everything to ensure that acts of
anti-Semitism or racism are met with a firm and common response
from the whole Republic.
Jeffrey Goldberg, of The Atlantic magazine, who interviewed Manuel
Valls, Frances current Prime Minister, prior to the latest terrorist
attacks, argued that not only the physical safety of Jews in France is
imperiled by anti-Semitic violence, but the very idea of the French
Republic. Valls told Goldberg that, If 100,000 French people of Spanish
origin were to leave, I would never say that France is not France
anymore. But if 100,000 Jews leave, France will no longer be France.
The French Republic will be judged a failure.
PM Valls admitted that anti-Semitic violence in France exists. Former
French president Jacque Chirac, on the other hand said on March 1,
2002, that I would like to say clearly there is no upsurge in antiSemitism in France. Similar assurances have been made by his
successor Nickolas Sarkozy. And while PM Valls declared that France
was at war with radical Islam, and suggested that, Israel and Palestine
are just pretext for anti-Semitism and anti-Jewish violence, he added
that, There is something far more profound taking place now.
President Hollande also echoed his PM, saying, It is indeed an
appalling anti-Semitic act that was committed.


This week President Hollande called once again for unity in the face of
a Jihadist Muslim terror spree that murdered 17 people, including 4
Jews in a Parisian Kosher supermarket, buying groceries for Sabbath.
Among the murdered were also 12 staff members of the satirical
French magazine Charlie Hebdo, as well as a policewoman.
A solidarity march in Paris last week brought out over one million
people and 40 world leaders including Germanys chancellor Angela
Merkel, Britains David Cameron, Israels Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu, and the rather oddity of Mahmoud Abbas, the leader of the
Palestine Liberation Organization, itself a full-fledged terrorist
organization. A visible absentee from the solidarity march was U.S.
President Barack Hussein Obama. The 1.2 million Paris marchers on
Sunday (January 11, 2015) called for free speech, and carried placards
with the words Je Suis Charlie, and we are not afraid, President
Hollande boasted that, Paris is today the capital of the world. Our
entire country will rise up and show its best side. Marches alone will
not however, end Islamist terror on French soil or elsewhere in the
world. For the Jews of France the actions perpetrated against them and
the words uttered by the French leaders gave the feeling of dj vu.
The Jewish victims of the latest terror outrage on French soil, at the
Paris Hyper Cacher (Kosher) supermarket were Yohan Cohen (22),
Philippe Braham (40), Francois-Michel Saada (64) and Yoav Hattab (21).
They were buried with full honors in Jerusalem, Israel, and thousands of
former French Jews and native Israelis attended. In French Jewish
communities conversations evolved around whether it is safe to live
and raise a family in France.
Wall Street Journal reporter in Paris, Ruth Bender, got these reactions
from Parisian Jews (January 13, 2015), I feel like packing my bags and
leaving said 48-year old Delphine Sultan, And yet, I love France and I
would miss it terribly. Her sister Laurence Sebag, 46, said, I have
always felt French, but today I am beginning to think that the future of
French Jews is at risk. Lydia Layani, 62, opined that, Its not normal in
a republic like ours to need police to protect our schools and have to
tell our children not to wear their yarmulke in the streets. She added, I
dont want to leave France, but I feel sick to my stomach.
Interviewed by Israels Channel 10-TV, Yohan Dumas, a survivor of the
Paris Hyper Cacher supermarket, described how he was hidden in the
cold-room trying to stay warm, and then in mid-interview he
announced that he decided to move to Israel at the start of next week.
Albert Levy, 60, who migrated from France to Israel a few years ago,
explained his decision to move to Israel, saying, The time of Jews in
Europe is over. Levy blamed the French media for the current
atmosphere and he pointed out that the media tended to demonize
Israel in recent years in the wake of events ranging from the First Gulf
War to the Second Intifada.


In 2014, 7,000 French Jews immigrated to Israel, double the number of

the previous year. In 2013, 20,000 French Jews formally applied to the
Jewish Agency in Paris for aliyah (emigration to Israel) and more than
3,000 completed the emigration process, twice as many as in 2012.
France has now become the primary aliyah source to Israel.
Frances multicultural ethos, and continued Muslim immigration is
transforming France in many ways. The future for Jews looks even
bleaker as thousands of French Muslim jihadi fighters in the ranks of
the Islamic State (IS) and al-Qaeda return from Iraq and Syria to
continue their war against the French infidels, and Jews in particular.
Shimon Samuels, the Paris Director of the Simon Wiesenthal Center
summed up the situation in France. He said, A culture of excuse
exonerates the perpetrators as disaffected, frustrated, and
unemployed. No other group of frustrated unemployed has resorted to
such behavior. Until politicians (in France) and the media define the
problem as jihadism remote-controlled from mosques in France, and
not only the Middle East, the cancer will not be isolated and
The truth is, nevertheless, that as long as Israel is vilified in the French
media, abused in academia, and betrayed by the French government,
anti-Semitism will not abate, and Jews will continue to be vulnerable
targets to such despicable attacks as the one of last Friday at the
kosher supermarket. And as long as radical Muslims in France are not
dealt with in the severest way, violence against Jews will continue and
France will not be safe for Jews.
Obama Won't Say Radical Islam Is the Enemy; by refusing to name the enemy and
the strict Islamic beliefs favored by millions of Muslims around the world are the
enemy because they are inimical to liberty as we understand it and have enshrined
it in our Constitution Obama directly aids those Islamic supremacists who are
undermining Western civilization generally, and especially Americas constitutional


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