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Chapter 2: Ruffled Feathers

Author's Note
Chapter 2! Thank you for reading; I really appreciate it. We found out in the first chapter that
Mint has feelings for Ichigo and that she had a dream telling her to confess to Ichigo.
*Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the Tokyo Mew Mew anime or manga.
The next day at work, I tried to act as unfazed and uninterested as ever. I sauntered right over
to my usual spot, distancing myself from the others as if I were somehow better than them,
when really I wanted to be consoled by them. But showing any weakness would give my secret
away and that simply would not do. Maintaining my composure, I took out my porcelain tea set
and sipped plaintively, watching from behind my empty teacup. The usual antics took placePudding acting uncouth, pretending the caf was a circus ring; Lettuce tripping over customers
and cutlery; Onee-sama being both gorgeous and anti-social at the same time. And Ichigo
being much worse than usual.
Bubbly, babbling all kinds of delectable. Smiling and making conversation, she was in every
customers faces everyones face but mine. I didnt move from my spot for most of the day,
afraid that one thing out of place would send my perfectly positioned poise toppling over.
Later, after the caf had closed for the day, the other Mew Mews gathered around to chat
about how busy it had been. Staying completely quiet would have been suspicious so I decided
to make a rather Mint-like comment:
Its good you guys kept things under control today.

Of course, being her overly motivated self, Ichigo didnt like this comment. She started
rambling on about how I never did any work and always, always, always just sat there and
talked. Her relentless gabber set my nerves on edge and I simply could not hold back all of the
frustration I felt toward her and myself. With a sneer, I remarked, Ichigo, werent you late
again? Averting her eyes from mine, she mumbled some comment about being a cat and being
Excuses, excuses
My irritation began rising and I rose up with it. I stood up from my chair, glaring at Ichigo, my
face several inches lower than hers because of our height difference. Ichigo, I asked, what is
your purpose for coming here? (What was mine exactly?)
To work in the caf, she said plainly.
You seem to get it all wrong. There I go
I started mouthing on about how we were supposed to be guardians and heroes how working
in the caf wasnt important because it was just a cover up. (Ironic, isnt it? It wasnt the only
one) I also mentioned, rather smugly, how I was always early for work, and how Ichigo was a
nuisance (a rather cute one at that).
After more insults, I said my big line:
My, my, struck a nerve, did I?

I was hoping that this would really get to her, that it would somehow break down her overly
optimistic demeanor and, for once, she would show something other than an omnipotent
And then completely unrelated as oblivious as ever with a smile, on her round, cute face,
she said, Do guys make you weak all over?
For the first time, my faade was completely shattered. The prim and properness? Gone. The
perfect oujo-sama? Stripped clean. Clenching my teeth together, I wanted to scream, No, you
idiot! YOU make me weak all over!
In all honesty, it probably would have been her face I that hit if she hadnt blocked my fist with
one of the cafs dinner trays she has good reflexes Anyway, fist hit tray and I yelled, Since
you dont care to change, were unable to discuss this calmly!
Although I admit that this was very unladylike, I must say that I was still able to maintain some
self-control because I wanted to keep punching the tray and scream (pardon my language),
You are full of shit, Ichigo!
But before the argument (or my fist) could go any further, Shirogane-san showed up and told us
to stop because he had something important to discuss with us.
Shirogane-san, one of the founders of the Mew Mew Project, liked to keep us updated on
anything involving the environment or our extraterrestrial enemies. That day he explained the
importance of Mew Aqua, a very powerful substance that can alter nature. Shirogane showed
us how Mew Aqua was able to heal an injured duck that was hurt in an oil spill. But he also

explained that Mew Aqua could have devastating effects if it fell into the wrong hands (a.k.a.
those fashion-senseless aliens). Still distressed, this information was too much for me to
absorb... I had to save the world AND confess to Ichigo? It was simply too much.
After the brief meeting, Ichigo went to free the duck at the local park and I ruminated while
waiting for her return... I considered that maybe I should talk to her... maybe if I admitted my
feelings I would be less stressed and my hair would stop frizzing So I decided to apologize
about being so rash and then maybe that could lead into my confession... So I waited ... and
waited... and waited...When she finally came back, she was exhausted. And then Pudding
said.... "I'm picking up Aoyama-Oniichan's scent..."
AGAIN. She wasted her whole day with him again... and after I decided to apologize to her! As
you can imagine, I lost it again. "Ichigo! You misunderstood what I told you, didn't you?" I
couldn't stop myself because I would rather see her frown than smile about him. "Incidents
could have occurred!" (In other words, I wanted to talk to you, you dunce!)
"It isn't a problem," she replied.
"It isn't a problem, you say?" (Can't you tell how upset I am!)
Our yelling attracted Onee-sama. I thought maybe she would be on my side and would see how
preposterous Ichigo was acting.
"Mint... calm down."
Or not.

If Onee-sama didn't agree with me, no one would. Distraught, I ran from the caf crying, leaving
behind my cracked faade and all hope that I would ever confess to Ichigo.

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