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The Morning Star E-Journal

The God of the Mountains and Valleys

by Francis Frangipane

he battles we face are often intense times of weakness, distress, and confusion. If the events
of our lives were charted, these would be the lowest points. Yet God is no less with us
during difficulties than at other times. In fact, these valleys are often as much the plan of God
as our mountaintop experiences.
There is a story in the Bible that speaks plainly to this truth. Israel had recently defeated
the Arameans in a mountain battle. In I Kings 20, we read:
Then the prophet came near to the king of Israel and said to him, Go,
strengthen yourself and observe and see what you have to do; for at the turn
of the year the king of Aram will come up against you.
Now the servants of the king of Aram said to him, Their gods are gods
of the mountains, therefore they were stronger than we; but rather let us fight
against them in the plain, and surely we will be stronger than they (I Kings
The enemy said that the God of Israel was a god of the mountains, but if they fought the
Jews in the valleys, they would defeat them. We read in verse 28:
Then a man of God came near and spoke to the king of Israel and said,
Thus says the Lord, Because the Arameans have said, The Lord is a god
of the mountains, but He is not a god of the valleys, therefore I will give all
this great multitude into your hand, and you shall know that I am the Lord
(I Kings 20:28).
No matter what the enemy tries to tell you, Christ is God of the mountains and God of the
valleys. He has not stopped being God because you happen to be in a valley. He is the God of
glory as seen in His power and miracles. In the valleys, He reveals Himself as faithful, loyally
committed to us in our difficulties and distresses. In and through all things He is our God.
When we are on the mountaintops of our Christian experience, we can see our future
clearly. We have perspective and confidence. When we are in one of lifes valleys, however, our
vision is limited and our future seems hidden. Yet valleys are also the most fertile places on
earth. Valleys produce fruitfulness. You can expect there to be a harvest of virtue when God
dwells with you in the valleys.

The Highway



How blessed is the man whose strength is in You, in whose heart are the
highways to Zion!
Passing through the valley of Baca, they make it a spring (Psalm 84:5-6).

The Morning STar E-Journal

Baca means weeping. Each of us has times of weeping when our hearts and hopes seem
crushed. Because God has placed in our hearts highways to Zion, however, we pass through
valleys; we do not live in them.
Passing through the valley of Baca. Once we are on the other side of weeping, our
Redeemer makes our valley experience into a spring. The very things that overwhelmed us
will, in time, refresh us with new life. Whether we are experiencing the height of success and
power or are in a valley of weakness and despair, the Lord is our God continually!
Has the enemy isolated you, causing you to doubt Gods love? Do not forget, while we
were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Even the hairs on your head are numbered. He cares. It
is His love for us that redeems our hardships and not only brings good out of what was meant
for evil, but also trains us to deliver others.
How did Jesus prepare to do wonderful works? Part of His training involved suffering.
Christ was a man of sorrows. He was One who was acquainted with grief. Yet His suffering
was the Fathers means of acquainting Him with the actual feelings of mankinds need and
pain. Because He suffered what we suffer, He is able to serve as a faithful high priest. If we
yield to Gods plan for Christ to be formed in us, God will take our sorrows to enlarge our
hearts. Once we have been acquainted with grief, we then can be anointed with compassion to
deliver others.

Josephs Trials
Consider Joseph. He was the second youngest of Jacobs sons and his fathers favorite. His
walk with God began with dreams and visions. Josephs life is a pattern for many who have had
a genuine call from God. Our walk with God may also have begun with a travel brochure of
dreams and visions where God gives us a picture of His destination for us. Yet we fail to be able
to see how His promises will come to pass in our lives. Joseph was betrayed by his brothers
and delivered up by them to die. He was unjustly accused when Potiphars wife tried to seduce
him. He was imprisoned and forgotten by all except God who patiently watched and measured
Josephs reaction to difficulty.
Rich or poor, blessed or smitten, Joseph served God. He was being tested, but he continued
to pass his tests. Joseph was on trial before men, but he was found innocent before God.
Finally, at the right moment, the Lord suddenly connected all the loose ends of Josephs
life. Everything that Joseph went through would have seemed cruel and unfair except that
the Lord was shaping a man for His purpose. God uses everything we go through for future
purposes that He alone sees. We do not see His ultimate plan while we are in the valley. We
must remember the vision, keeping faith in what God has promised.
Just as He allowed Joseph to go through many trials, so He allows us to go through great
conflicts as well. For He knows that our liveswhat we have become through His gracewill
help others find the shelter of the Most High God in their lives.
The Morning Star E-Journal

Joseph named the firstborn Manasseh, For, he said, God has made me
forget all my trouble and all my fathers household (Genesis 41:51).
God caused Joseph to forget the difficulty and pain of his life. There is something wonderful
about the Lords capacity to cause all things to work for good. With Jesus in our lives, a time
ultimately comes when God causes us to forget all the troubles of the past.
He named the second Ephraim, For, he said, God has made me fruitful
in the land of my affliction (Genesis 41:52).
God made him fruitful in the very things that afflicted him. In the land of your affliction,
in your battle, is the place where God will make you fruitful.
Consider even now, the area of greatest affliction in your life. In that area, God will make
you fruitful in such a way that your heart will be fully satisfied and Gods heart fully glorified.
Ultimately, the Lord will touch many others with the substance of what you have gained. In a
world that is superficial, Christ will produce something within you that is deep and living.
God has not promised to keep us from valleys and sufferings, but He has promised to make
us fruitful in them. Without a doubt, we each will pass through valleys before we reach our
final goal in God. As we remain faithful to Him in trials, the character and nature of Christ
Jesus will emerge in our spirits; and Christ will be revealed to those around us. He intends to
make your life a key that unlocks Gods shelter for others.
Lord, You are God of the mountains and the valleys. I know that Your faithfulness is my shield
and my bulwark.
Thank You for redeeming the conflicts of my life. I praise You for healing me and causing me to
forget all the trauma of my past. Now Lord, help me to remember what I have learned. Cause me to
remember that the crises in my life always precedes the enrichment of my life. Help me to recognize that
the place of my fruitfulness is in the land of my affliction. In Jesus name. Amen.
This article was used by permission and adapted from a chapter in Francis Frangipanes
book, The Shelter of the Most High (Lake Mary, FL: Charisma House, 2008). For more information
on this book, please visit the Arrow Bookstore at You may contact
Francis Frangipane at:
Francis Frangipane is the senior pastor of River of Life Ministries in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and the
president of Advancing Church Ministries. The Lord has used Francis to unite thousands of pastors in prayer
in hundreds of cities. With more than a million copies of his bestselling books in print, and with an expanding online
training school and television ministry called, In Christs Image, Francis is in much demand worldwide. His
newest book is titled, This Day We Fight!

The Morning STar E-Journal

Revival and the Todd Bentley Restoration

by Rick Joyner

The following was first circulated as a Special Bulletin, which brought an overwhelmingly
positive response. Knowing that not all who receive our E-MSJ read our Special Bulletins, I
felt that this abbreviated version would be appropriate.

Present Status

fter nearly a year and a half of working with Todd, I recently felt that it was time to release
him into limited ministry in our local church. This does not mean that Todd has been
released back into ministry in general, nor does it mean that Todd is nearing the end of his
restoration process.
Before Todd will be fully released back into ministry, we will ask for a council to endorse
this, which will be composed of those who are respected throughout the body of Christ as true
elders in the church. Of course, they would need to come to the comfort level that would enable
them to become part of this council, which we think would be a worthy test of Todds present
spiritual condition. This is not to imply that this would endorse anything that Todd has done
in the past; rather that he recognized his mistakes and his sins, has genuinely repented of them,
and has adequately shut the gates of hell that gave the devil access into his life.
We see in the Scriptures that the Lord has a lot of mercy for sinners, but none for the
self-righteous, and that such pride usually precedes a fall. This is not to imply that all who
question or oppose Todds release are doing this out of pride, but it is a form of pride to make
important or sweeping judgments with partial information. Therefore, we will try to provide
all of the information possible to keep people from stumbling in this way and to judge Todd
and our process in the right way.





Local Church

I felt that it was time to release Todd into limited ministry in our local church because
I had the leading of the Lord to do this. To me, this always trumps every other reason, but I
had some other reasons too, which I will try to explain.
Some of the major issues, or strongholds, which had caused Todds problems, failures,
and sins had been understood and repented of with considerable depth by Todd and Jessa.
Todds personal relationship with the Lord has been restored and strengthened. Todd has an
understanding of and a vision for entering the rest of the Lord, and he has done this to a great
degree. As far as his spiritual health, Todds ministry is probably now in a better place than
many other ministries I know. However, he does still have issues that could hurt him, or cause
problems in the future, some of which we have not even addressed yet. Therefore, he is still
very much in the process of restoration.
The Morning Star E-Journal

We are all in a restoration process. So where do we draw the line and say that people are at
a level of maturity in which we can release them into ministry? This is one of those questions
worthy of deep consideration because its impact on the church has been, and will be, huge. If
we are going to do this right, we need to consider how the Lord did it. How did He do it?
In Luke 10, the Lord sent the seventy out in teams of two. They cast out demons, healed
the sick, and preached the gospel. They were so successful that the Lord said He saw Satan
fall from heaven like lightning. In Luke 11, these disciples came to Jesus and asked Him to
teach them to pray. Think about itthey did all of this, and they did not even know how to
pray yet!
Look at the condition of the leadership in the church when the Lord went to the cross
and basically left everything in their hands. They were fighting over who was the greatest on
the very night He was crucified. They could not even stay awake for one hour to pray with the
King of kings in His most desperate hour, then betrayed and denied Him, fleeing from Him
when He needed His friends the most. This is after three years under the greatest Mentor there
will ever be!
It is hard to understand why the Lord would trust so much to men in any degree, much
less to be representatives of His kingdom. In looking at the great heroes in the Bible, it seems
that every one of them had failures and were a major embarrassment in some way, often in
many ways. He is the King, so I have resolved to keep it simple and follow Him regardless
of whether I understand everything or not. I am also resolved to do my best to stand for His
truth and His people, regardless of the consequences.
It is interesting that the person who is considered the very first evangelist in Scripture
is the woman at the well, as she was the first to go forth proclaiming Jesus to be the Messiah.
She had been divorced five times and was living in sin at the time. It would be much easier to
explain if the Lord had chosen someone far less controversial for this great honor.
Then there is the embarrassment of Peter, who lived with Jesus for several years, had seen
all of His miracles, and had the revelation from the Father of who Jesus was, then denied Him
three times in one nightone of the worst things he could do. Just a few weeks later, he was
again in leadership preaching one of the most important evangelistic messages ever preached
on the Day of Pentecost. Im quite sure most of those new converts wondered just what kind of
leadership the Lord had given them in the church. From the beginning, we certainly have had
a leadership that definitely would be a stumbling block to those who care about appearances.
Many leaders feel that these embarrassing falls from those in high visibility in the
church are causing many to stumble, and doubtless they do. However, the self-righteousness
manifested by many when this happens is probably causing far more to reject the church and
our message. How can anyone trust our message of redemption and restoration when we will
not even restore our own fallen?
Another important point is that those who are forgiven much, love much, and tend to have
more real faith, which is having a dependence on who Jesus is, not on who we are. Those who
are immature are more dependent, and those who have received the mercy and grace of the

The Morning STar E-Journal

Lord in a fresh way seem to be the most powerful in sharing it in a way that will lead others
who are struggling to receive salvationmaking them some of the most powerful evangelists.
Being an elder in the church is a different matter. Many think that being any of the equipping ministries listed in Ephesians 4 automatically makes one an elder, but it does not. If this
were true, why would Peter and John have to verify that they were elders in their Epistles?
Being an elder is often superficially understood in much of the modern church movements.
The New Testament model adopted by the early church was from the nation of Israel. In the
church, we often honor people with these positions just because they have some maturity and
wisdom, but in Israel an elder was a gatekeeper and a judge. Even prophets were not considered
elders, but like watchmen on the walls of a city, they communicated what they saw to the elders
who sat in the gates. However, it was the elders who determined the action to be taken from
their reports.
This is a study worthy of much more depth than we have a place for here, and even though
any minister could be an elder, having a ministry does not make you an elder. The woman at
the well may have done a great job as an evangelist by getting people to meet Jesus, but this
did not make her an elder. On the other hand, Peter was certainly an elder, a gatekeeper to the
entire body of Christ, opening the gate of salvation to both the Jews and the Gentiles, having
great authority over the church of the first century. Even so, he was prone to some serious
mistakes, too.
A large part of my motivation for seeing Todd restored to ministry is to see more of this
kind of fruit, and I am not at all ashamed of it. Many years ago, I was shown Todds calling. I
know that what he has yet to do will greatly eclipse what he has already done. As Bob Jones said
when the Outpouring broke out in Lakeland, This is just previews of coming attractions.
Even so, one of the greatest concerns I had about Lakeland was the prima donna attitude
that began to manifest on Todd. People with this syndrome dont think the rules that apply
to others apply to them. This will cause you to start thinking you are the main reason for the
revival, not Jesus, and not the lost. Youll start seeing yourself as more important than any one
person is, and even essential to the plan of God. This is the root of pride, which likely caused
the fall of Satan, and has caused many falls since.
One of the biggest open doors to this prima donna syndrome is low self-esteem and
rejection. These can cause one to be driven to prove their value to others. This is why the
foundation of Todds restoration was entering the rest of the Lord and finding his acceptance
in what the Lord had done, not what he could do. True faith has to be coupled with patience
to attain the promises.
As the law of inertia teaches us, you cannot steer something that is not moving. Likewise,
Todd doing some ministry will allow us to see and deal with some of these things that could cause
him to stumble again. I felt that by him doing some ministry again, it would bring some things
to the surface so they could be dealt with in a more controlled place. However, as stated, my real
reason for releasing him into some limited ministry was a clear leading from the Lord.
The Morning Star E-Journal

Todd still has some open doors that could trip him up in the future. At times, he has to
fight the discouragement that would naturally come with the failure of his marriage, the way
the Lakeland Outpouring ended, and the loss of just about everything he had built over the
last decade of very hard work. If he allows these feelings of failure to become a drive in his
life, he will likely burn out again, and the next time could be the last. I want to be with him
while he works through some of these.
When I was a flight instructor, I could fairly accurately tell which mistakes a student would
make. I would not let those students solo until they had made those mistakes with me in the
cockpit so they would not kill themselves. However, no matter how much I tried to explain
their tendencies that I considered dangerous to them, until they actually made the mistakes
while flying, they did not get it. Its time for Todd to start flying again, but I am going to be
very close to him for a while, for his sake, and for anyone else who might later get in the plane
with him.

A Visitation
I was not asking for confirmation of this step with Todd because I was confident in the
leading I had, but confirmation did come in a very powerful way. Bob Jones had been saying
for some time that he knew he was about to have a face-to-face encounter with the Lord, and
he did. In this encounter, Bob was told to come to our Sunday morning service and lay hands
on Todd for his release, and then to break off of Todd and MorningStar the negative spoken
words against us from other Christians. The effect of this prayer was so powerful that it was
like having the sky go from dark and overcast to clear blue instantly.
At the first meeting when Todd preached, I felt he had one of the greatest messages on
hunger for God that I have ever heard. It was not just about the words or concepts that he was
teaching, but there was a tangible impartation of hunger for God like many had not experienced
in a very long time. You cannot have that kind of impartation if it is not working in your own
life. This was the greatest witness that the restoration process I have been leading Todd through
has been working. I do believe that above any knowledge or personal discipline we have, it is
our love for God that keeps us hungry for Him more than anything else.
Loving God is our main job description as human beings, and it is the main way it will
be determined if we have been successful in this life. This is going to be the main thing that
keeps Todd, or any of us, on track in this life.

Immediate Revival?
In that meeting, and virtually every meeting since, the presence of the Lord has been
stronger than weve experienced in a long time. It seems to be increasing as the hunger in
us is increasing. This is what we signed up for in the beginningthe manifest presence of
the Lord. We are having great miracles and high-level prophecy, but this is better than all of
that. We may be in the first stages of an authentic revival. Were not calling it that yet, but it
seems like it is the beginning of something remarkable, and the beginning of it all was Bobs
visitation and prayer for us.

The Morning STar E-Journal

We are obviously in the first stages of something major. It is not built around Todds ministry
or anyone elses. Im thankful we had released him to minister in our local church because he
has been a large part of whats happening, and he will no doubt be a big part of what unfolds.
He may be in the forefront for a period of time, and then others will. Todd is just one of about
a half dozen who are being used on the forefront of this, and we expect that number to grow.
Several have an anointing similar to Todds, but others are different, but no less annointed. I
am the designated driver, and the primary one with the authority and responsibility to steer
it. If I do my part right, I will free the others from having to do this, and I expect all of them
to go to a new level. To do this, I need to know where the Lord is leading us, and I do have a
general map that I have been shown, beginning thirty-five years ago.
When we planted a church here, we began with the team ministry concept because we
were shown that this was not only biblical, but would be necessary for the revival that will
be coming to this area. After living here for a short time, I started to meet older people who
told me about the prophecies from as far back as the late 1930s and early 1940s of this coming
revival. None of these had lost hope, but were sure it would come one day. This could be it.
If it is the beginning of what I was shown, it will grow into something more remarkable
in some ways than anything we have experienced in our lifetime. If this is the beginning, we
will soon be in the greatest of all of the Great Awakenings, and a tithe of all Americans will
soon be born again and filled with the Spirit. That is thirty to forty million people who will
be added to all who are already born again. These will also be added to a real New Testament
church life because the church is going to be transformed into this. If what is happening here
is what I was shown, then no man or group of people will be the face of it. MorningStar will
not be the face of it either. This one will be about Jesus, not us.
Once we have experienced the manifest presence of the Lord, we are ruined for anything
else. What good is the most glorious temple if there is no God in it? If God is in His temple,
then it does not matter how glorious or spectacular the temple isit will not be the temple
that gets your attention. If people come here and then leave talking about any of us, or even
the great experiences that they have here, it will have fallen short of what it is supposed to
be. If this becomes a Todd show, or a MorningStar show, we will have fumbled with what we
were entrusted.
Another large factor in the breakup of Todds marriage was his marriage to ministry and
the pace that he tried to keep up, which led to two major burnout episodes. If God would rest
after six days, who are we to think we dont need this? Its quite a presumption to think we can
do something God did not even do. Presumption is pride. Having to submit to a team deals
with a lot of that pride.


and the




Many years ago, I had a dream in which one of my children had fallen into a sewage ditch
and could not get up. They were covered in filth and no one would help them. People only
scorned or jeered at my child, which was one of the most grievous things I have ever experienced
in a dream. Then someone came and helped my child out of the ditch, cleaned them up, and
The Morning Star E-Journal

got them going on their way again. In that dream, I would have given everything I owned to
that person who helped my child, and I was thinking about what I could do for them when I
heard the voice of the Lord say, Jim Bakker is My child. Will you help him?
When I asked Jim Bakker to speak at a conference right after he got out of prison, I did
take some heat for it, and some on my staff even thought I was risking everything. I may have
been, but I also had no doubt that I would gain the Lords favor, which is far more valuable
than having mans favor. I know the reason that we were able to acquire the former Heritage
Grand Hotel and Conference Center and other parts of the former PTL property, at a tiny
fraction of its value, was because of the favor of God we received for helping Jim.
I actually did not do very much to help Jim Bakker, and others may have done much more,
such as Tommy Barnett. I also think we have received such a huge benefit from our friendship
with Jim that it would have been well worth it without getting the property. We did get the
most remarkable home for our ministry that I could ever imagine, and we have even more of
the favor of God in other remarkable ways.
No doubt it has been a huge risk to help Todd. Of course, I lost some friends, and we lost
some people and partners. I have no guarantee of how this is going to turn out, and I have
had restoration failures before, too. However, I try not to weigh the possible costs or benefits
in such matters, but rather just try to be obedient. If I get rewards here, fine; but Im just as
good to get them in heaven.
No doubt some people will never accept Todds restoration to ministry, and we did gain a
few more enemies, some of whom were friends before. However, I know that the favor of God
is worth more than any cost we can pay in this life. Even with the controversy, we gained far
more friends than we lost, and we have even had a net gain in partners for our ministry. I also
think the greatest favor of all could be one of the greatest revivals in history, resulting in thirty
to forty million new brothers and sisters in Christ just in America. If we are trusted with this,
which is yet to be determined, it might be linked to this risk we took in helping Todd.
In Mark 10:29-30, the Lord gives us a wonderful promise: Truly I say to you, there is no
one who has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or farms, for
My sake and for the gospels sake, but that he shall receive a hundred times as much now
in the present age, houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and farms,
along with persecutions.
In my ministry to date, I think every time I have taken a major risk to help someone, or
to speak or write something that I was given, but knew it would be controversial, the benefits
gained always outweighed what I had risked by at least one hundred times. It is always right
to do what you think is right regardless of the risk or potential reward, but the Lord is faithful
to reward those who do so. Along with it, persecutions may be expected.
The Lord did nothing but what was right. I would never claim to be doing everything
that well, and I am quite sure that not all of our critics are wrong, and many have a sincere
desire to protect the truth and to protect Gods people. However, much of what is said and
written about Todd and me is false, but that does not mean everything is, so we try to stay

The Morning STar E-Journal

open. However, I will address what is being said that is false for the sakes of others who are
being caused to stumble by it.
If we are about to see a major revival break out, the persecution will also break out on a
correspondingly high level. This too comes with the territory as the Lord Himself taught.
With the increase of power and impact in Jesus ministry, the persecution went up accordingly.
With the undeniable resurrection of Lazarus, the Lords enemies determined that it was time
to kill Him.
No doubt that the persecution will ratchet up dramatically with the increase of the favor
of God. This is biblical. So what kind of favor is that? Ask the Jewish people who have been
His chosen people. It may not seem like favor to those who care about earthly things and
the favor of men, but to be considered worthy to suffer shame for His names sake is one of
the greatest honors we can have in this life and will be an eternal honor in heaven. Were here
to do the will of God and fully trust Him for any reward He thinks we deserve or any honor
such as persecution that He thinks we need.
Again, this is not to imply that we are doing everything right, but were trying our best
to keep it simple and just seek to be obedient. The same crowd that was crying, Hosanna,
when Jesus entered Jerusalem was crying, crucify Him, just five days later. I therefore think
it is foolish to put our trust in peoples opinions whether good or bad, but I seek to please the
Lord. As the Apostle Paul wrote in Galatians 1:10, If I were still seeking to please men, I
would not be a bond-servant of Christ.
The demon-possessed were easy for the Lord to deal with. The sinners were attracted to
Him, but it was the religious community that persecuted Him. I knew that the result of going
into this process with Todd would not only attract many who were in the grips of sin and needed
to know that the grace of God could extend to them, but it may also be to expose and help many
get free of an evil, self-righteous religious spirit, which has dominated the church throughout
most of her history. I knew all along that this was about much more than Todd or me.
For the sakes of those who are bound or influenced by this religious spirit, I will be
straightforward in confronting it whenever and in whomever it rises. I would expect no less
from those who are my own true friends who see it rising in me, and I certainly do not claim
to be perfect in this either.
Thank you for caring enough to read this regardless of your position on what we are
doing. In the future Bulletins, I think you will find them to be even more interesting. We will
cover many subjects related to divorce, remarriage, the restoration process, judgment in the
church, and other important subjects, so check them out when theyre posted on our website
at You can also view our outpouring and church meetings at
Rick Joyner is the founder and executive director of MorningStar Ministries and Heritage International
Ministries and is the senior pastor of MorningStar Fellowship Church. He is the author of more than forty books,
including The Final Quest, a worldwide bestseller. Rick isthe president of The Oak Initiative, an interdenominational
movementthat is mobilizing Christians to be engaged in the great issues inour time. Rick and his wife, Julie, have five
children: Anna, Aaryn, Amber, Ben, and Sam.

The Morning Star E-Journal


Love Based on Truth

by Rick Reddick

ave you ever heard the statement, Love is blind, and wondered if this was accurate? Love
that comes from the Father is not blind. Rather, it is based on truth. When we choose
to love people for who they truly are, while seeing the good and the bad, we are manifesting a
grace that comes from heaven. Sadly, a false concept has eased its way into the church, having
its foundation built on the assumption that love is blind. To love the way Christ does is to see
a persons true condition and then die for them.

A mistaken Christian practice is to tell others we love them while barely knowing them.
This error is nothing new. The Apostle Paul encountered this same problem, And we beseech
you, brethren, to know them which labour among you . . . and to esteem them very highly
in love for their works sake (I Thessalonians 5:12-13 KJV). To know means to see or have
an accurate perception. Sadly, the church has sometimes been told that if we try to correctly
see someone or something then we are in danger of committing a sin by judging. As a result,
we have veered away from making accurate evaluations when it concerns other believers.
Jesus said we would know people by their fruit (see Matthew 7:16). Yet we sometimes
find ourselves hesitant to make an assessment of a persons spiritual fruitfulness. Why? Could
it be that we have not properly understood righteous judgment? Jesus said, Do not judge
according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment (John 7:24 NKJV). Our Savior
reveals that there is a righteous process whereby we come to a conclusion using our intellect.
As Christians, we need to get past this unbiblical fear of judging. The Bible says that we
are to judge those inside the church, that we will judge the world, and that we will judge angels
(see I Corinthians 5:12; 6:2-3). Whenever the Bible speaks negatively about judging, it must
be read in context (see Matthew 7:1-5; Luke 6:37; Romans 14:13). Such passages, taken out
of context, are used to teach that we should not judge. However, a closer examination of these
passages reveals that we should judge while avoiding hypocrisy, legalism, and stumbling blocks
in our relationships to others. Overcoming these evils in our own lives allows us access to His
grace to make righteous judgments.
In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus specifically condemns hypocritical judgment (see Matthew
7:1-5). At the end of this teaching, He says, You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own
eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brothers eye (Matthew
7:5). Before making an assessment of another persons condition, we must first see ourselves
accurately. This causes us to view others with His grace and mercy. A good practice is to share
with others our personal failures before we attempt to bring their shortcomings to light. When
we speak to our friends, family, and others with this lowly posture, we love them based on truth.
Only when we have removed the log from our eyes are we able to accurately see the speck in
someone elses.
I have been married for almost eight years, and I have known my wife for more than ten
years. Recently, we found ourselves in a place where we wanted to completely know each others
The Morning Star E-Journal


past experiences. We did not want any secrets between us. My wife and I lived very sinful
lifestyles before we were saved, so we knew this would not be easy. The depths of depravity to
which we sank are still very real to us. While we had been honest about our pasts during our
engagement, we had not been totally open about everything. We did not lie to each other. We
just kept certain things backsuch as specific details concerning premarital sexual sins.
As long as we had hidden secrets, we were not free. By keeping these things in darkness,
our marriage was not becoming all that it was called to be. We had a good marriage, but I
sensed we were missing something. So we proceeded to talk about the secrets of our past. We
determined to love each other based on truth, no matter how painful that might be.
Instantaneous, miraculous freedom and deliverance did not happen once we started talking
about our pasts. Instead, this quickly became one of the darkest periods in our marriage. We
confessed past sexual sins that we thought would never be heard by another person, let alone
our spouse. The first few days were the hardest, but as the weeks passed, the pain started to
ease. Before we knew it, freedom rushed into our marriage, and we were able to love with a
brand new intensity. Having become totally exposed to each other in such a vulnerable way
forced us to see each other with Gods eyes.
As this love matured, we experienced marriage altering breakthroughs in our spirits, souls,
and bodies. Our unity increased to levels we thought impossible. Even now, my mind cannot
comprehend how our marriage could get any better. While it was dark and painful for both of
us to know the truth about each others past, it brought a new level of freedom and intimacy
in our marriage that neither of us dreamed was possible.
Such heavenly, supernatural love is possible when we purpose to make righteous judgments
supported by truth. My wife and I wanted to have truth in the innermost parts of our marriage.
This involved reaching honest conclusions concerning who we were in our past experiences
and who we are now. This process killed unregenerated areas in our souls before it empowered
us. The result is that we began to comprehend the suffering associated with loving in a godly
manner. The true understanding of a persons fallen condition causes us to feel pain and sorrow.
Thankfully, such knowledge releases Gods provision in our lives so that we can minister His
love to others in the place of their specific need.
We must get past false concepts of love and judgment if we are going to walk in this world
as Jesus did. He accurately assessed mans need and then became our Savior. If we are walking
in the love of God, we will want to correctly evaluate other peoples needs so that we can most
effectively serve them.
We also need to make correct assessments when it comes to seeing good qualities in
others. After telling us to know them which labour among you, Paul then admonishes us
to esteem them very highly in love for their works sake (I Thessalonians 5:12 KJV). We
cannot accurately esteem others unless we have made an intellectual evaluation concerning
their character.
The religious spirit has taught a counterfeit love that is not founded on truth. This false
perception cheapens love to mere words. Before we tell others that we love them, maybe we

The Morning STar E-Journal

should search our hearts to see what we have done for them. Have we lifted them up in prayer?
Have we shown them kindness and mercy? Have we spoken the truth to them? Or are we saying
we love them because it is the right thing to do?
Possibly, all of us have participated in the culture of cheap love at some point in our
Christian walks. Thats okay. This life is a journey, and we are not at the end yet. God continues
to compel His church to love others based on truth. This can be one of the hardest things to
endure, but the rewards greatly outweigh the suffering. If you see this false love operating in
your life, simply ask the Lord to forgive you, and move on. To love freely is one of the greatest
things we can experience in this life, and, who knows, your marriage or other relationships
may well excel beyond your greatest expectationsmine certainly have by loving others based
on truth.
Rick Reddick is a professional fisherman (licensed charter captain), writer, and businessman. Called as a
teacher and counselor to the Lords people, his passion is to see the church become a place of safety and free expression
for those experiencing personal bondages. Rick and his wife, Dawn, reside in South Carolina with their four children:
Noah, Jeremiah, Ricki, and Hosanna. Connect with Rick at

The Morning Star E-Journal


CMM Missions to Haiti Report

by Jorge Parrott

Christs Mandate for Missions came under the umbrella of MorningStar in 2009. Combined,
we now have more than 500 missionaries in the field, as well as schools and orphanages on
several different continents. For more information about these missions, please go to our website at

he second team of nurses and disaster relief volunteers are finishing up and returning to
the U.S. as this is being written. Teams are going each week to work under Pastor Vincents
supervision, the overseer of the CMM/MorningStar mission in Haiti.
There is much to do. Our focus is to repair Pastor Vincents home, church, school, perimeter
wall, and roof, for security. Even with the devastation all around, Pastor Vincent led a Pastors
Conference that attracted 500 pastors and workers January 27 30. This was possibly the first
conference of any type after the earthquake, and for it to be held in those conditions was an
extraordinary testimony of the resilience of the church that is in Haiti.
A new MorningStar Fellowship of Ministries (MFM) chapter is also being formed in Haiti as
a conduit for spiritual and physical aid to the country. With 90 percent of the infrastructure and
buildings of the country destroyed, and at this writing, nearly a quarter of a million confirmed
dead and multitudes more seriously injured, this may be the greatest opportunity for a nation
to be reborn, and we are committing ourselves to this end.
MorningStar has been training MFM members and MFC pastors in disaster relief, and
now we are able to send support teams to help Pastor Vincent and his leaders in the healing and
mobilization efforts. CISM, CERT, and IDRN trained counselors will be helping the hurting
pastors and leaders in the recovery process. MorningStar friends, Frank Gresham, Tom Hayes,
Joseph Michel, and others have given invaluable help to our teams and more teams are making
plans and raising funds to help in a variety of ways, based on their giftings and callings. Times
like this show the resiliency and diversity of gifts and callings rising to the surface and shining
with Gods glory.
We have also had many interns from MorningStar University, with Stephen Alls, CMM
volunteers, and MorningStar Fellowship of Ministries, under Director Tom Hardiman, rallying
the troops from all across America, Canada, and elsewhere.
CMM/MS has mobilized our pastors and missionaries in the Dominican Republic to rally
to the aid of her neighbors. Victor Rodriguez, Jose and Jacqeline Javier, and Veronica Freites are
helping their friend, Pastor Vincent, in any way they can. This is the unity spoken of in Psalm
133 and John 17. CMM/MS is blessed in many nations to have friends and pastors, leaders,
and church members rally together to pray for each other and connect and help each other
in times of need. CMM/MSis an army of ambassadors from heaven sent to bring Gods will
to earth as it is in heaven. Thank you for your generous prayers and support for Gods army
marching toward eternity gathering saints all rejoicing in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Captain

The Morning STar E-Journal

of the Host of the Army. You will receive the same reward as those on the front lines for your
generous investment in rebuilding Haiti. One hundred percent of funds will be used to help
Haitians move on to their bright future.
You can help build the New Haiti by sending our teams and Revivalists there. Mail in your
gift to CMM,P.O. 7705, Charlotte, NC 28241. Or, donate online at securely.
Designate your gift for Haiti disaster relief or Haiti Crusade. 100 percent of funds will reach
Haitians. The MorningStarUniversitywill offer accredited degrees through CMM-NCCT in
the fall of 2010.
Jorge Parrott is the Missions Director for MorningStar Ministries.He has a doctoral degree from North
Carolina College of Theology and has served as President of Christs Mandate for Missions since 1998, traveling
to more thanthirty nations. CMM merged into MorningStar in 2009 and hasmore than five hundredmissionaries
who equip native leaders in over thirtynations. CMM also helps many churches plan trips. For information, visit

The following article appeared in The Palm Beach Post and talks about the CMM/MS work in
Haiti being led by Pastor Vincent, and illuminates some of the conditions that exist and questions that
are being asked there.

Distressing Question Lingers in Haiti Churches:

Why Did it Happen?
By Daphne Duret, The Palm Beach Post, Copyright, 2010

s the sun began to set an hour after the earthquake, all that Rev. Astrel Vincent could
hear were the sounds of people screaming. The moans and wails filled the dusty air and
surrounded both his church and the nearby city blocks, where he had begun the painstaking
task of sifting through the rubble for survivors.
He remembers thinking that this is what it must have sounded like when the Egyptians
in the 11th chapter of Exodus awoke to find the firstborn sons of every household dead. Im
telling you, I have never experienced something like this in my life, Vincent said.
His church compound has become not only a house of refuge for the homeless, but also a
place where the living have come looking for a reason to explain their suffering. It is the same
quest for answers that brings people to the ruins of the Notre Dame Cathedral near downtown
Port-au-Prince, where on Thursday groups of people stared woefully at the hollowed cathedral
that had once been a national monument, crossed themselves and kept walking. There were
more questions Saturday as hundreds gathered and wept at the funeral of Monsignor Joseph
Serge Miot, archbishop of Port-au-Prince, and Vicar Charles Benoit, who also died in the
January 12 quake.
Of all the questions surrounding the quake that killed tens of thousands of people, left 1.5
million homeless and forever changed the lives of countless others, none is as simple as this:
Why? It is a question that many of the faithful in Haitis predominantly Catholic religious
community have been asking their leaders.
The Morning Star E-Journal


Many Theories, Rumors

Theories, it seems, are more abundant than food and water in this ravaged region. Some
historians, and televangelist Pat Robertson, say a 1791 voodoo ceremony that invoked the
devil sealed a pact among slaves to overthrow French rule. There has been some debate about
whether the event happened, but the Rev. Edouard DuCarmel wasnt thinking about any of that
Thursday as he handed packets of cookies and water to volunteers sweeping rubble from the
front of Notre Dame. Thats not the God I know. My God is a God of love, he said. Gods
thoughts are not our thoughts, but we better be careful not to manipulate the thoughts and
intentions of God to fit our own theories. Vincent heard a rumor going around Cite Soleil,
where he leads a 500-member church, that what happened was not an earthquake at all but
a bomb that the U.S. had thrown on the nation. Vincent had yet to hear the reason behind
that theory.
Some have said it is a sign that the world is about to end, and God is reproaching
sinners. Others have simply said the earthquake was God walking upon the earth to make His
presence felt.
To say any of these things are true would make my God powerless, Vincent said. God
doesnt need to do any of these things to show His power. The Rev. Frantz Cole, an Episcopal
priest who helps run a hospital in Leogane, said hes heard all the same theories. He listens
patiently each time and never judges, he said. To that end, Cole has invited a geologist to speak
to his parishioners during this mornings church service. He said this will help parishioners
understand what happened on a natural, scientific level. There are so many lessons to be
learned from this, Cole said. If there is a reason for this, it can be found in the things we
can learn.
DuCarmel said he tells his followers that the question of why it happened isnt as important
as what they will do about it. In a land where men have lost wives, children, and houses, much
like what happened in the biblical story of Job, DuCarmels message is closer to the biblical
story of Gods answer to Joshua as he prayed for guidance after the death of Israelite leader
Moses. If everybody who was sitting around giving their theories or asking for aid would
instead go outside and pick up one piece of debris, the streets would be entirely clean, he said.
Now is not the time to talk. Now is the time for action.

Taking Responsibility
Action will be the subject of Vincents messages for the next three months, he said, standing outside in the yard of the church filled with tents, an environment he said makes him feel
like Moses with the Israelites in the wilderness. As he led a tour of his demolished elementary
school Friday afternoon, he found two Muslims bowing toward Mecca, reciting prayers. After a
while they rolled up their mats and greeted the pastor on their way out. We have all religions
here now, Vincent said with a shrug. Vincent, whose church is the largest in this city of more
than 800,000 people, said that on the road to rebuilding, humans will have to take a tough look
at the role they played in the disaster. Though the earthquake itself was a natural occurrence,

The Morning STar E-Journal

Vincent said, poor building conditions, lack of respect for the earth, and other factors led to
unnecessary loss of life.
Vincent said he believes in Armageddon but doesnt believe the earthquake is a sign of
the end. So he said he preaches to his congregation against ignorancea thing he said is
mans greatest enemyand instead encourages his congregants not to keep looking back at
the destruction that has befallen them. Has God cursed the people of Haiti? Vincent asks
himself. He said he doesnt believe that. I tell them, as long as you live on this Earth there
will be something going onfire, water, earthquakethese things will happen, he said. But
if I die tomorrow, I believe I will have another life. If I believe this, then I have to look at an
event like this and decide that I have to be strong.

The Morning Star E-Journal


Thousands Upon Thousands Touched in Haiti

by Jorge Parrott

All Scripture references NKJV unless indicated.

isasters can bring out the worst and the best in us. Thank God for the hearts of many from
around the world in the last month since the Haiti earthquake. Hundreds of organizations
and thousands of Americans continue to lead the way in offering disaster relief.
We are thankful for the $15,000 generator in place at Vincents school and also for the
used truck for Vincent. Great compassion poured out, and we cannot even calculate how much.
However, estimates have been revised to more than $500,000 in food, medicine, materials, tents,
rope, and tarps, which have been dropped off at Vincents. By Gods grace, 1,000 to 2,000 people
have been fed every day for a month with approximately 35,000 to 50,000 meals served. One
hundred percent of the funds go to earthquake victims, so if you have given to Haiti through
MorningStar, CMM, The Order of St. John,or other organizations, know that thousands and
thousands of lives have been touched and many saved by your love. Each is precious in the eyes
of God and us too. Over half of the people who have been to Haiti through MorningStar/CMM
are making plans to return a second time. This is Gods army rising up and putting action to
their faith with love being released.
We are still in Phase I respondersmedically licensed or disaster trained and certified,
being recommended at this time, due to security issues. Two high-level security experts will be
giving us their assessment soon.
A doctor was telling people recently that the intel he was getting from MorningStar/
CMM missionaries on the ground in Haiti was better than the U.S. government.We do not
pretend to offer anywhere near the level of expertise of information our government offers.
We just know we can trust our friends around the world. Whether by voice, text, or email, our
embedded missionaries are faithful to share their hearts and experiences. Gods fulfillment of
the Great Commission involves adventurous warriors going to the ends of the earth to reach
one more soul. On the way to that end, deep relationships are made as hearts become as one.
Networks and strategic alliances are made, which include a strong and intentional desire to
share all God shows us, equipping the saints, helping the hurting and hopeless, and discipling
the nations. With CMMs native pastors, missionaries, teachers, and so on in many nations
around the world which are already embedded, the work of the warriors will go forward in a
rapidly advancing rate. We were made for such a time as this.
A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it shall
not come near you (Psalm 91:7).I see a global army. It will get bloody, but the glory of our
living God overshadows all these temporary light afflictions.
Focused hunger for God and His purposes impel us to risk it all, knowing all things are
new, old things are passed away. As God releases His dreams and visions into our dreams and
visions, we cling to the solid band of brothers kindred family here and abroad who fit into
the misfits category as shared recently by retired General Jerry Boykin, one of the founders
The Morning Star E-Journal


of the Delta Force. When asked what type of soldiers made the best Delta Force members, and
he answered, (and I paraphrase), those who did not seem to fit in with the regular troops.
Just like Davids mighty men of valor, we see many who are hungry for God who did not fit
into the main stream of churchesmany of those are doing great good and benefiting the body
of Christ immeasurably in their own unique way. Heaven is a big place and I believe we are
all in for a big surprise because of who God is. Some of Gods Delta Force are just so left/right
brained they are misunderstoodso creative they think normal is insanity, or they have been
hurt by churches, betrayed, cut off by families and friends, and a host of other reasons.
Many of our CMM/MorningStar missionaries have also been hurt, abused, stymied,
unwelcomed, or did not fit the general mold of other organizations expectations, standards,
or styles. Again, there are many fine organizations and denominations doing their part in
fulfilling the Great Commission. Just like Jesus ragtag bunch of disciples, Gods army may
look like chaos. However, when the Holy Spirit helps us in the completion of our destinies and
callings, a peace comes to the storm and something supernatural takes place at a sub-atomic,
hyper-energized, levelan inexplicable chemical reaction occurs and miracles happen. We do
not try and explain it. We just are ever thankful for our Papa God for making it happen His
way. Heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force, whether it be in intercession,
worship, missions, disaster relief, education, or any of the seven mountains. Theocracy does
not require democracy, just the few, the humble, and the obedient uniting for the kingdom
through the ministry of reconciliation and restoration.
Our missionaries in Haiti and the Dominican Republic all come from the misfit class.
Maybe that is why our doctor friend said we had better intel than the CIA. These dedicated
servants all have been abandoned, shipwrecked, overlooked, or abused. (CMM had welcomed
these warriors in over the last ten years as we strive prophetically to see in others what God sees
in them). In this time of crisis in biblical proportions, they rallied together selflessly to lead
the way in helping the injured, those who lost loved ones, moving dead bodies, locating family
members, and doing what comes instinctively when disastrous circumstances are thrust upon
you. Who is ready for that level of crisis? Come with us and we will show you the future.
Rick Joyner, founder of MorningStar Ministries, and now on the CMM board, often speaks
of the restoration process spoken of in Galatians 6:1. This heart of restoration of the warriors
is the pulse of God. The wounds, rejection, the very scars of life, are often the area where the
Lord gives healing power and authority to flow through us and minister to others. This life is
training for reigning with the Captain of the hosts of the army.
Pastor Vincent, an orphan himself, now caring for orphans, told me in late January before
the first Pastors Conference held after the earthquake that he must tell our leaders to be strong
even when they dont feel like it. Three hundred were expected and five hundred showed up.
All of our team members from the U.S. have told me what a saint and general in Gods army
Pastor Vincent is. Victor Rodriguez, from the Dominican Republic, has been a close friend of
Vincents for many years, and both he and Vincent have worked together in many areas from
conferences, to hosting teams, to prior disaster relief from hurricanes, such as 2008s four
hurricanes that hit Haiti.

The Morning STar E-Journal

Pastor Veronica Freites of Palmera de Ocoa, D.R. is a native Dominican who lived in
the U.S., and once her children were grown, answered the call to return to her native land as
a gifted evangelist, worship leader, preacher, and teacher. She has hosted many teams in the
D.R. such as midwives, medical teams, short-term mission teams of all kinds, and has planted
several Hispanic churches and two Haitian churches. She is loved by many for her bold faith,
love for all people, and passion for the lost.
Pastors Jose and Jacqueline Javier live in Santo Domingo, D.R., and they have helped by
picking up our team workers and having them stay in their home. They pastor a church planted
by Veronica in an inner city area of Santo Domingo, D.R., across the street from a government
posted sign labeling a poverty stricken area, the devils sewer.One time when my wife, Anna
Marie, was there, an eight-year old girl came forward for prayer for her grandmother, who had
been bitten by a rat, then passed away two days later from the infection. Ten thousand people
live along a creekbed with sewage flowing through it. Ramshackle scraps make homes for these
people who said no other churches would dare come into their midst. Many hearts are waiting
to be touched with that precious Love called Jesus. Jose and Jacqueline could not have children,
until they asked Anna Marie and I to pray for them, believing God is able. They have a child
now, thank God.
So what will the end times look like? Many believe we have not seen anything yet. God is
linking, building, strengthening, and waking us up. If the joy of the Lord is our strength, then
we need to get much stronger. The Lord spoke to me just ten days or so after the earthquake
that what He was doing in the Breakout or New Move at MorningStar, He would do in
Haiti. As I have been helping with our efforts in Haiti, the Lord has been revealing to many
of us visions of the New Haiti, founded on a love of the truth with righteousness prevailing.
This is an amazing opportunity for the body of Christ worldwide to shape the future of Haiti.
No one wants to see the past repeated in Haiti. We thank God for the reports of witch doctors
and their children on their knees the day of the earthquake and since then. We know many
angels are dancing in heaven over the multitudes in Haiti coming to know You, Jesus. Will
there be fathers in the faith for these beautiful people?Will you go or send someone who can?
Soon, we will be sending resources and materials for discipleship and firm foundations to our
brethren hungry for knowing God in fullness and power.
Lord, give Your people clarity. Holy Spirit, help us be a part in building The New Haiti, according
to Your will Lord, in Jesus name.
We have a Haiti Relief Mission Statement that keeps us focused on how to seek eternal
change in Haiti through our friend and missionary, Pastor Astrel Vincent, and his three hundred
or so pastors. (If you would like to see this, email This e-mail address
is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

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The Morning STar E-Journal

MFM Directory



Bryan Yager

Sylvain Gauthier (Pastor)

205 Meadowbrook Road, Victoria, British Dr. Francis Agbana (Pastor)

Columbia V9E 1J5
Life Builders International Network
Phone: (250) 479-7166
London, England (Europe)
Fax: (250) 479-7168

Najoth Ministries

784 Rang 7, Ste-Clotilde

Quebec, Canada G0N 1C0
Phone: (418) 484-5611

Eagleview Ministries


Wade Marshall (Pastor)

Dr. Francis Agbana (Pastor)

99 Stannus Street / P.O. Box 302

Windsor, Nova Scotia, Canada B0N-2T0
Phone: (902) 830-1295

Marianne Botha

River Center Ministries

Nelson Richardson (Pastor)

Maranatha Fellowship

4 James Long Court

Nepean, Ottawa, Ontario CANADA K2J 4R1
Phone: (613) 823-6815

Ralph Rains (Pastor)

Gateway Worship Centre

460 Muskoka Road South,

Gravenhurst, Ontario PIP IJ8
Phone: (705) 687-9937

Life Builders International

Light in the World Fellowship

Matisa jela 113-3/4, Riga, Latvia, LV1009

PO Box 307, Lone Republic of Togo
Phone: +371-2959-1321
(West Africa)
Fax: +371 6754 9485
Email: Email:

House of Hope

7-15th Ave, PO Box 473, Mossel Bay

6500, South Africa
Phone: +27446910821 /

Tahyo Manuel (Pastor)

Christ Risen Power Mission

B.P. 550 Boromo Province des

Bale Bukina Faso
Phone: +22676680020

Francine Tessier

John & Sharon Senin

360 Ave. Emile-Pominville

Lachine, Quebec H8R 1M3
Phone: (514) 903-6574

P.O. Box 399, Kabarnet, Rift Valley,

Kenya, East Africa
Phone: (816) 761-3667

International Christian Chamber of

Commerce Canada

Aivars Alksnis (Pastor)

Shiloh House Mission

Ralf D. Brzele (Pastor)

Hans-Reyhing-Weg 26, 72531

Hohenstein, Germany
Phone: +49-7387-984920
Fax: +49-7387-8284
Email: /

Rod & Kerrie Christensen

Rivers of Living Water Inc.

15/25 Canns Road,

Bedfordale, W.A. Australia 6112
Phone: 0011 (618) 9399-3786

Rob & Aliss Creswell (Pastors)


Blacon, Chester UK
Phone: +44 (0) 7964 084934

the morning star E-journal


MFM Directory
David Daynes

Tommie Naumann

Downs Baptist Church

P.O. Box 60438,

Thermi/Thessaloniki, Greece
544 Falmer Road,
Woodingdean Brighton, England BN2 6XZ Phone: +30-2310-805990
Phone: + 44-1273-691802

Nicolas Ndap

Christ Apostolic Church

Nanette Diogo

CAC Ungwa-Musa, Box 55, KAF,

Light On the Word
1005 Pavor y Morelos, Vincente Guerrero, Kafanchan, Kaduna State, Nigeria
Phone: +23-4806-8997219
Baja Norte, Mexico
Phone: 011-52-616-16-62403
Email: John Powell (Pastor)

Charles Payne (Pastor)

Open Door Fellowship

P.O. Box 280

Owens Cross Roads, AL 35763
Phone: (256) 682-2645

Tracy Schellhorn

Manifest Ministries International

P.O. Box 382227, Birmingham, AL 35238

Phone: (205) 980-4996

The Key of David Ministries

John Ebenezer (Pastor)

World Childrens Center Ministries

P.O. Box 126, Hyderabad, AP,
500001, India
Phone: (9140) 6682-1730
Fax: (9140) 6677-7430

George Ferrar (Pastor)

Tree of Life Ministries

Avenida Mangle, Caye Caulker,

Belize, Central America
Phone: (501) 226-0342

Calacotto, La Paz, Bolivia, South America ARIZONA

Mailing: 2771-29 Monument Road #224,
Jacksonville, FL 32225
Cory McClure (Pastor)
Phone: 011-591-706-27678
LifeWay World Outreach Center
2487 S. Gilbert Road, Suite 106-120,
Gilbert, AZ 85295
Andrei & Amanda Prychodko Email:
Chemin du CAdran Solaire 8, 3974
Mollens, VS, Switzerland
Phone / Fax: +41 (0) 27-481-2884
Randy & Crystal Moser (Pastor)

Sheena Ryan (Pastor)

The Gatherings

87 Nieboer Drive
Mountain Home, AR 72653
Phone: (870) 491-5299
Fax: (870) 491-5353
Valentina Tomasello
Via F. Cordova, 26, Palermo Italy 90143
Phone: +39 (338) 4828415

Beauty for Ashes

Conrad Gille
Face to Face

Schwalbengarten 61, Bonn/

53175, Germany
Phone: +49-228-9614335
Email: /

Richard & Audrey Ho

Cesar Hernando Pastas


Kim & Mary Andersson (Pastors)

658h 27/154 Taman Bkit Anggerik

Cheras, Kuala Lumpur 56000, Malaysia
Phone: 603-79806843

Calle 86 No 23-56, Bogota,

Colombia, South America
Phone: 571-802-37-14
Fax: 571-802-37-14

P.O. Box 1474, Anderson, CA 96007

Phone: (530) 227-5048

Streams Revival Ministries

Pieter Jordaan (Pastor)

The King and His Kingdom

Christ the Rock Ministries

Gateway Ministries

Ferry Wieland (Pastor)

Josh Dehmlow (Pastor)

shire, HP 20 2SE United Kingdom

Phone: +44 1296422669

Phone: +31 (512) 341095

Fresno, CA 93704
Phone: (559) 222-7509


Light On the Word

Living Stones
18 Mount Street, Aylesbury, Buckingham- Christian Fellowship Drachten (C.F.D.) 2142 N. Wilson Avenue
Torenstraat 18, Drachten 9203 BG

Andreas Keller (Pastor)

Stiftung Schleife

Pflanzschulstrasse 17, Postfach75

Winterthur, Switzerland CH-8411
Phone: + 41 (52) 233-6080
Fax: +41 (52) 233-6082

Jerry McNally (Pastor)

Living Hope International

Phone: (262) 381-0121
Fax: (262) 364-2153


Miles Wylie Albright (Pastor)
Days Dawn Ministries

Nanette Diogo

858 3rd Avenue #451

Chula Vista, CA 91911
Phone: (619) 540-0590

301-A CC Ivy Road, Huntsville, AL 35803



David Hart

Atlantic Missionary Aviation

Team Focus

P.O. Box 8, Dauphin Island, AL 36528

Phone: (704) 996-158

Craig & Amy Bassett

P.O. Box 5, Tolland, CT 06084

Phone: (860) 454-4377

The Morning STar E-Journal

MFM Directory
Weston Brooks (Pastor)

Andrew DeLong (Pastor)

Cynthia D. Stewart

384 Y Merrow Road, Tolland, CT 06084

Phone: (860) 871-1070
Fax: (860) 875-7214

2132 Shadowlawn Drive, Naples, FL 34112

Phone: (239) 530-2200
Fax: (239) 530-2203

4526 Serenity Trail

Palm Harbor, FL 34685
Phone: (727) 251-6155
Fax (727) 942-9268
Email: www.

River of Life Christian Fellowship

Dan Evans (Pastor)

Mount Zion Christian Fellowship

P.O. Box 9215, 104 Notch Road
Bolton, CT 06043
Phone: (860) 643-8083
Fax: (860) 649-5921

Chris Fields

The Armory Bookstore

12 Goose Lane, Tolland, CT 06084

Phone: (860) 906-7580
Fax: (860) 872-6828

Rick McKinniss (Pastor)

Wellspring Church

Tree of Life Church

Lucy Finch

451 Bayfront Place #5311

Naples, FL 34102

Kelly P. Galati (Pastor)

Family Life Church

P.O. Box 121, Frostproof, FL 33843

Phone: (863) 635-2704

Frank A. Gresham (Pastor)

Whosoever Ministries

P.O. Box 9591, Daytona Beach, FL 32120

Phone: (386) 566-4779

David Hartz (Pastor)

222 Lincoln Street

Kensington, CT 06037
Phone: (860) 225-0661
Fax: (860) 229-5433

Cherith Ministries

1506 Bannerman Road

Tallahassee FL 32312
Phone: (850) 893-3032
Fax: (850) 893-3032

Deleen & Don Walton

33 Trent Lane, Groton, CT 06340

Phone: (860) 445-6005 or (860) 235-0139 John David & Sarah C Kirby
John David Kirby Ministries
4690 Woodstock Road
St. James City, FL 33956
Phone: (239) 283-2553
Wesley Zinn (Pastor)
Wellspring Church
222 Lincoln Street
Kensington, CT 06037
Fred Lanier (Pastor)
Phone: (860) 225-0661
Harvest Fellowship
Fax: (860) 229-5433
35 Jenny Lynn Road
Crawfordville, FL 32327
Phone: (850) 559-8171
Fax: (954) 848-0419

Gerrick & Jill Busl

Sabbath House

2720 SE Kern Road

Port Saint Lucie, FL 34984
Phone: (772) 340-5807

Randal Cutter (Pastor)

New Dawn Community Church

11030 Wiles Road
Coral Springs, FL 33076
Phone: (954) 753-7729
Fax: (954) 345-2562

Cindy Stewart Connects

Rick & Bette Strombeck

Koinonia Ministries

10812 Poinciana Drive

Clermont, FL 34711
Phone: (352) 536-2792

K.R. Wake Upchurch (Pastor)

Liberty Ministries & Fellowship:
Gods House Church & FreeSong

P.O. Box 252, 210 N. Lake Shore Way

(US HWY 17 & 92)
Lake Alfred, FL 33850
Phone: (863) 956-0144 or (863) 299-0506

David Weber

126 Belmont Drive

Winter Haven, FL 33884
Phone: (863) 325-8215

Elizabeth Brunson

The Meeting Place for Women, Inc.

907 Cammaron Way, Augusta, GA 30907

Phone: (706) 210-7638

Craig Cooper (Pastor)

Relationship Church

1401 Cleveland Highway Suite C

Dalton, GA 30721
Phone: (800) 903-9809

Mike & Becky Chaille

Firestarter Ministries International

7523 Ridge Road, Hiram, GA 30141
Phone: (770) 439-2397

Greg Pusateri (Pastor)

Mike & Becky Chaille (Pastors)

20701 NW 70th Place, Starke, FL 32091

Phone: (904) 966-0404

578 Brownsville Road

Powder Springs, GA 30127
Phone: (770) 949-8877
Fax: (770) 573-2551

Partnership for Global


Great Commission Fellowship

Sr. Chaplain Linda Spaulding, MA Suzanne C. Eason

Levite Ministry &
School of Worship Inc.

P.O. Box 90736, Lakeland, FL 33804

Phone: (863) 581-1784

Due Season Ministries International

155 Azalea Avenue, Baxley, GA 31513
Phone: (912) 278-3990

the morning star E-journal


MFM Directory

Bryan & Mona Gabriel

1015 Cherokee Road

Winterville, GA 30683
Phone: (706) 742-5732

David McClellan (Pastor)

Strong Tower Ministries

4698 N. Tattenham Way, Boise, ID 83713

Phone: (208) 939-5155

Brian & Darla Hayes (Pastors)

The Gate Church

350 Bentley Way, Fayetteville, GA 30214

Phone: (770) 460-8822


Hilton Thomas

3377 Maple Tree Lane

Wadsworth, IL 60083
Phone: (847) 858-3136
Fax: (847) 244-1446

Robert Whitt (Pastor)

Family Life Church

270 E. Chicago Street, Elgin, IL 60120

Phone: (847) 717-4878
Fax: (847) 697-4987
Gail H. Ciarrachi
Order of the Saints of the Holy One Email: robertwhitt@familylifechurch.
137 N. Maple Avenue, Elmhurst, IL 60126

Dr. William John Hurst

Institute for Strategic Christian

984 Pebble Bend Drive SW
Grayson, GA 30017
Phone: (770) 982-5135

Tony Danhelka


Riverwoods Christian Center

Herb & Frostie Hall

Church at North Gate

1005 Crestwood Circle

St. Charles, IL 60175
Phone: (630) 377-5695
Fax: (630) 443-0286

7328 N. Haywood Farms Road

Brazil, IN 47834
Phone: (812) 442-1552

Ryan Lawson (Pastor)

Rodney A. Drury

J.L. Horton (Pastor)

P.O. Box 2190, Woodstock, GA 30188

Phone: (678) 494-2193

3011 N. Delaware Street, Peoria, IL 61603

Phone: (309) 361-4052

PO Box 68, Angola, IN 46703

Phone: (260) 668-3676
Fax: (260) 668-3676

Marc Lawson (Pastor)

9876 Main Street, Suite 250
Woodstock, GA 30188
Phone: (678) 494-2193
Fax: (678) 248-3693

Northgate Church of Atlanta

Peoria Prayer Center

Ryan & Torrey OConnor


Thurman Ferree

The Lighthouse Worship Center

Goshen Fellowship

411 Cobalt Valley Lane

Canton, GA 30114
Phone: (770) 345-6361

1 Equestrian Court
S. Glen Carbon, IL 62034
www.goshenhouse .org

Peggy Pulliam

Janice Fennell

Passionately Serving Ministries

1701 Bristol Hollow Road

Dunlap, IL 61525
Phone: (309) 243-5067
Fax: (309) 274-4686

2855 Jones Chapel Road

Sparta, GA 31087
Phone: (706) 998-0748

Keith & Janie Smith (Pastors)

Keith Smith Ministries, Inc.

P.O. Box 1263, Jesup, GA 31598

and Providence Worshiping Arts Center
3343 Highway 341 North, Jesup, GA 31545
Phone: (912) 270-5030

Karen Nicoli (Pastor)

Good News Fellowship Ministries

140 Uwapo Road #28203
Kihei, HI 96753
Phone: (808) 874-3652


Theresa Forkins-Phillips

Praise Ministries International

Dread Champions of the King

Firewater Fully Gospel Fellowship

Michael Lee (Pastor)

The Prayer & Training Center

1901 Mansfield Street

Indianapolis, IN 46202
Phone: (317) 632-0206

Betty K. Phillips (Pastor)

Cornerstone World Outreach

402 South Fort Wayne Avenue, Lot #79,

Eaton, IN 47338
Phone: (765) 396-2089

1731 South 7th Avenue

St. Charles, IL 60174
Phone: (630) 377-5355

Russell Wagner

Georganne Schweickert

H. Dean Woolard (Pastor)

21760 W. Washington Street

Grayslake, IL 60030
Phone: (847) 223-0042

P.O. Box 743, Auburn, IN 46706

Phone: (260) 925-4360

Knowing Him Ministries


Omega Kingdom Ministries

213 West Van Buren Street

Columbia City, IN 46725
Phone: (260) 388-1130

Cornerstone World
Outreach Ministries

The Morning STar E-Journal

MFM Directory


David & Lisa Brown

John W. Connor

The Eternity Project

150 W. Cedar Street / P.O. Box 76

Birmingham, IA 52535
Phone: (641) 226-2880

16 Summer Street, Winthrop, ME 04364

Phone: (207) 377-2015

Nancy Nichols

Transformations Ministries

Linda Schreurs

P.O. Box 1294, Johnston, IA 50131-1294

Phone: (515) 270-0231

P.O. Box 4202, Presque Isle, ME 04769

Phone: (207) 768-3400
Fax: (207) 768-3401


Roy Roden (Pastor)

Intimacy with God Ministries

Nick & Jana Harris (Pastors)

Living Waters House of Prayer

P.O. Box 48607, 201 N. Washington,

Wichita, KS 67201
Phone: (316) 262-7729

Destiny Church Fellowship and

Destiny School of Ministry

P.O. Box 711, Camden, Maine 04843

Phone: (207) 236-4904 or
(207) 975-1849

Steven & Karen Williams

Crown Fellowship Church

P.O. Box 550092, Waltham, MA 02455

Phone: (781) 609-2552

Christopher J. Hardwick
Jumpstart Ministries

P.O. Box 1551, Owosso, MI 48867

Phone: (989) 723-9511

Edward J. Kurdziel (Pastor)

Pure Heart Ministries

6452 E. Fulton Street, Ada, MI 49301

Phone: (616) 464-5667

Jerry & Ruth Wickline (Pastors) MARYLAND

Spirit Life Church & Spirit Life
Gene Paul & Debra J. Nesgoda Wendy M. Waterson (Pastor)
Ministries (Wichita, KS)
P.O. Box 215, McPherson, KS 67460
Phone: (620) 245-1058 or
(316) 284-1485


100 Dumbarton Road #D

Baltimore, MD 21212
Phone: (410) 616-9478 / (813) 454-7643


Ann B. Anderson

Aaron Evans


Emerging Daniel Company

1411 Wilshire Circle

Hopkinsville, KY 42240
Phone: (270) 885-9620
Fax: (270) 885-1594

P.O. Box 268, Boxford, MA 09121

Phone: (978) 979-4941

Barry Grauman (Pastor)

Taconic Valley Christian Fellowship

Tommy Hays

3399 Hancock Road

Williamstown, MA 01267
Phone: (413) 738-5814

Messiah Ministries

2800 Tates Creek Road

Lexington, KY 40502
Phone: (859) 422-1794

Sandy Lee

Walking In Destiny Ministries, Inc.

P.O. Box 3132, Paducah KY 42003
Phone: (270) 898-2626


Robert & Donna Harris

Clinton Worship Center

445 Berlin Street, Clinton, MA 01510

Phone: (978) 365-2552
Fax: (978) 365-2233

Donna Milham (Pastor)

Denise LaPorte

Spirit of the Nazarite

Front Line Word Ministries, Inc.

P.O. Box 12624, Lake Charles, LA 70612

Phone: (337) 499-6763

Eagle & Dove Ministries / Judahs

Roar Church
P.O. Box 7094, Gloucester, MA 01930
Phone: (978) 283-9111

Sanctuary Gate Church

1422 W. Cutler Road, Dewitt, MI 48820

Phone: (517) 980-6603

Nathaniel Webb Smith

1225 Northway Drive, Apt. 10

Dewitt, MI 48820
Phone: (517) 862-3599

Teresa A. Whittington

Do You Know Who HE is Ministries

P.O. Box 123, Ishpeming, MI 49849

Phone: (906) 869-5267

Pete & Pam Thiel (Pastors)
Firestarters Worship Center

P.O. Box 63, Ottertail, MN 56571

Phone: (218) 367-3455

Carlton & Marilyn McCarter
Victory International Christian
8401 Ocean Spring Road
Ocean Spring, MS 39564
Phone: (228) 875-3131

the morning star E-journal


MFM Directory


David Apel (Pastor)

Ken Bellan

New Shiloh Ministries

105 Chestnut Hill Lane

Columbus, NJ 08022
Phone: (609) 647-4056

1809 County Road 1310

Moberly, MO 65270
Phone: (573) 228-2292

Steve Burton (Pastor)

House of Praise Ministries

Diane M. Czekala

670 B. Shady Drive, Branson, MO 65616

Phone: (417) 544-0664

P.O. Box 511, Swedesboro, NJ 08085

Phone: (856) 467-0986
Fax: (856) 494-7841

Dan Farley

Margaret Clark (Pastor)

Restore the Glory Ministries

Public Square Ministries

Gateway Ministries at GFP

131 Stillwood Drive, Branson, MO 65616 626 Plainsboro Road

Phone: (417) 337-8622
Plainsboro, NJ 08536
Phone: (609) 799-5637
Fax: (609) 799-0012
Paul Pomeroy
Public Square Ministries
131 Stillwood Drive, Branson, MO 65616 Daniel P. McKeon (Pastor)
Phone: (417) 239-0909
LifeSpring Church
P.O. Box 11247, Yardville, NJ 08620
Phone: (609) 387-4230

Thomas C. Banks (Pastor)

Morningstar International Fellowship

David & Evelyn Scull (Pastors)

Albert & Wilma LaRance


P.O. Box 333, Quinton, NJ 08072-0333

Phone: (856) 451-1356
Fax: (856) 451-2288
Email: jubileelivingwordministries@

609 S. Harris, Helena, MT 59601

Phone: (406) 439-6938

Morning Star House of Prayer

P.O. Box 1420, Lame Deer, MT 59043

Phone: (406) 477-6612
Fax: (406) 477-6635

Lloyd Phillips (Pastor)

FLINT Net (Fellow Laborers

International Network)

Jubilee Living Word Ministries

Dr. Andrew P. Surace (Pastor)

Covenant Life Christian Fellowship
P.O. Box 1038, Marmora, NJ 08223
Phone: (609) 602-5811
Fax: (609) 609-7445


P.O. Box 113, Missoula, MT 59806

Phone: (406) 251-8580

Bonita Eichorst

Phone: (505) 231-5256



Sherri Wilson

Free Indeed and Power

Eric & Kristy Murray

917 E. 10th, Clovis, NM 88101

Phone: (575) 763-5215

Awake Ministries

P.O. Box 747, Bellevue, NE 68005

Phone: (402) 212-3597 (Eric)
(402) 212-3767 (Kristy)


Joanie Boring

4856 Hitchcock Road, Odessa, NY 14869

Phone: (607) 594-2293

Dylan T. Bowden

Whole New Life Ministries

110 Miner Road
Porter Corners, NY 12859

Rev. Gail Breden

The Word & Spirit Ministries

238 Wallkill Road, Walden, NY 12586


Bob & Kathy Campbell


Harvest International Family Church

4647 Reservoir Road
Geneseo, NY 14454
Phone: (585) 243-9280

John Cuomo

Abide in the Vine Fellowship,

Owego, NY

23 London Lane, Endicott, NY 13760

Phone: (607) 754-4466

Ralph & Linda Diaz (Pastors)

New Harvest Christian Church

1230 RT 94 P.O. Box 217

Vails Gate, NY 12584
Phone: (845) 568-0135
Fax: (845) 568-6013

Roy & Marie Esposito (Pastors)

Restoration Christian Fellowship

P.O. Box 1194, East Northport, NY 11731

Phone: (631) 261-0323

James & Roseanne Exner

Syracuse Airport Christian
Fellowship & Ministries Int.
7744 Frontage Road Plaza
Cicero, NY 13039
Phone: (315) 415-6217


Robert Barker (Pastor)

James Fuller

Christ Otto

335 Oxhead Road

Stony Brook, NY 11790
Phone: (631) 941-4100
Fax: (631) 941-4102

335 Oxhead Road

Stony Brook, NY 11790
Phone: (631) 941-4100
Fax: (631) 941-4102

Church on the Sound

Belonging House

32 Manchester Road, Amherst, NH 03031

Phone: (603) 233-7803


Church on the Sound

The Morning STar E-Journal

MFM Directory
Fred & Donna Hoover (Pastors) Enoch & Linda Spadaro (Pastors) Jim Hill
Abide in the Vine

1018 Lillie Hill Road

Appalachian, NY 13732
Phone: (607) 625-5907
Fax: (607) 687-0045

Jim & Peg McLaughlin

New Beginnings Church

15 Silver Street, Norwich, NY 13815

Phone: (607) 334-2833
Fax: (607) 441-1231

Perry Natarelli

Spirit of the Lord Ministries

108 Vanderbilt, Buffalo, NY 14206

Phone: (706) 418-5068

Gary W. Pfeiffer (Pastor)

MorningStar Christian Fellowship


The Foundation Training Center

P.O. Box 1742, Mooresville, NC 28115

Phone: (704) 655-1272

Geoff Wattoff

Fathers Vinyard


Preston T. Barnum

Restoration of the Nations

P.O. Box 24971

Winston-Salem, NC 27114-4971
Phone: (336) 817-9500 (US)
(336) 793-1617 (Nicaragua)

Leo Barnwell

Faith Community Church

1220 Alamac Road

Lumberton, NC 28359
Phone: (910) 671-0339

Michael Quinn

Sally Boenau

672 Dogwood Avenue #182

Franklin Square, NY 11010
Phone: (516) 312-2532

Dianne Robinson

Abide in the Vine Fellowship

P.O. Box 314, Appalachian, NY 13732

Phone: (607) 625-3516

Diane Scalchunes (Pastor)

Deep Waters Ministry

P.O. Box 2091, Port Washington, NY 11050

Phone: (516) 629-6540

Nicholas Seeberger

122 S. Greenbriar Woods Road

Hendersonville, NC 28739
Phone: (828) 697-2172

Bruce Corwin

Trinity Christian Prep School

7005 Wallace Road Suite 300
Charlotte, NC 28212
Phone: (704) 569-1900
Fax: (704) 569-1999

Tom Elkins

Charis Partners International

1000 Blanton Street, Shelby, NC 28150

Phone: (828) 429-2496

Martial Ferigo (Pastor)

MorningStar Ministries Wilmington

Church on the Sound

Terry Howell (Pastor)

724 Oakland Road, Spindale, NC 28160

162 Stanley Drive, Centereach, NY 11720
Phone: (828) 287-2868
Phone: (631) 648-7528
Fax: (828) 287-3170

36 Heritage Woods Court

Rochester, NY 14615
Phone: (585) 529-5769

Resurrection Life Ministries

His Heart Missions

7649 East River Road, P.O. Box 177,

Kanona, NY 14856
Phone: (607) 622-5454

Steve Lappin

Kingdom Business / Real Estate

9618 Brandybuck Drive
Charlotte, NC 28269
Phone: (704) 817-9113

Steve Martin

Vision for Israel

P.O. Box 7743, Charlotte, NC 28241

Phone: (704) 806-6934
Fax: (704) 583-8308

Gina Misch

Firebrand Ministries

12238 Savannah Garden Drive

Charlotte, NC 28273
Phone: (619) 341-4702

Matt Peterson (Pastor)

MorningStar Fellowship

3812-A Littlebrook Drive

Clemmons, NC 27012
Phone: (336) 712-4008

Jon David Power

Prepare the Bride Ministries

138 Pine Cove Road
Trent Woods, NC 28562
Phone: (704) 575-6923

Carey & Suzanne Ramsey

Lovingkindness Ministries

690 Sink Road, Lexington, NC 27295

Phone: (336) 224-1216

335 Oxhead Road, Stony Brook, NY 11790 6253 Sentry Oaks Drive
Wilmington, NC 28409
Phone: (631) 941-4100
Fax: (631) 941-4102
Carroll L. Henderson (Pastor)

Mike & Nicole Roberts

Robert Seymour (Pastor)

DREAM of Restoration Ministries

Abide in the Vine Fellowship

279 Lower Fairfield Road
Newark Valley, NY 13811
Phone: (607) 687-5920

Laurel Wood Ministries

124 Gamble Loop Road

Bessemer City, NC 28016
Phone: (704) 867-8590
Fax: (704) 629-0262

P.O. Box 992, Moravian Falls, NC 28654

Phone: (336) 262-4175

Don Robertson (Pastor)

P.O. Box 300
Glendale Springs, NC 28629
Phone: (336) 982-3526

the morning star E-journal


MFM Directory
Steven (Pastor) & Mindy

Suzy Yaraei

Holy Spirit Adventures

Mountain Vintage Fellowship

3867 Sweeten Creek Road

Arden, NC 28704
Phone: (828) 687-9234
Fax: (828) 687-0628

Clifton Sutton


Charles George

Lavon Shapland

Hombre Liggett (Pastor)

173 Cimmeron Drive

Pisgah Forest, NC 28768
Phone: (828) 877-5154

420 W. Third Street, Dover, OH 44622

Phone: (330) 343-1905

House of Worship Home Fellowship Church of the Harvest

Timothy & Lynette Martin


Fathers Vineyard

404 E. Church Street, Bostic, NC 28018

Phone: (828) 245-5784

His Glorious Church

15655 Street, Rte. 170

East Liverpool, OH 43920
Phone: (330) 843-4895
Rick Stoker
First Fruit Ministries
2750 Vance Street, Wilmington, NC 28412
Phone: (910) 612-9437
Janet Richards
Fax: (910) 452-0211
4131 Schoolhouse Road
Little Hocking, OH 45472
Phone: (740) 989-2119
Randy Strombeck

Koinonia Ministries

Salem House of Prayer

P.O. Box 219, Moravian Falls, NC 28654

260 Liberty Street NE, Salem, OR 97309
Email: Phone: (503) 589-9176

P.O. Box 543, 131 W. Main Street

JLJ Ministries
Dalton, OH 44618
321 Fonville Street, Burlington, NC 27215
Phone: (330) 828-2749
Phone: (336) 538-1616

Don Stiver

Jim Moore

Jacob Ray

Phone: (503) 949-6262


Gregory J. Buzzanco (Pastor)
Triumphant Life Church

5651 Perry Highway, Erie, PA 16509

Phone: (814) 864-3984

Paul & Cindy Johnson

It Is a New Day Inc.

1122 Mica Circle, Bethlehem, PA 18017

Phone: (610) 691-3368

Ted & Joyce Moyer

Rock Community Church

837 Main Street, Harleysville, PA 19438

Phone: (215) 723-8678

Barry & Tricia Tucker (Pastors) James & Jackie OKeefe

437 Hollywood Road

Moravian Falls, NC 28654
Phone: (336) 838-6701

2216 S. 17th Street

900 Taywood Road, Englewood, OH 45322 Philadelphia, PA 19145
Phone: (215) 805- 1931
Phone: (937) 836-9808
Email: /
Fax: (937) 836-9806
James & Rhonda Tomasi
Terry Smith (Pastor)
International Christian Servants, Inc.
Jubilee Christian Center
7541 Pilot Cove Court
P.O. Box 405, Clearfield, PA 16830
Denver, NC 28037
Richard & Joy Van Patten
Phone: (704) 323-9250
Phone: (814) 765-1915
Fax: (704) 951-8242
Pure Ministries Fellowship
Eugene Strite (Pastor)
Phone: (513) 583-0108
Sent Forth Ministries
David White (Pastor)
826 Tallow Hill Road
MorningStar Fellowship Church
Chambersburg, PA 17202
486 Hollywood Road
Phone: (717) 816-6002
Moravian Falls, NC 28654
Phone: (336) 667-0359
Robert & Rebecca Haaby

Five Rivers Vineyard Christian

Eagle Mountain Fellowship of


Byron Wicker (Pastor)

River Life Fellowship

2487 Charlotte Hwy

Mooresville, NC 28117
Phone: (704) 664-3540
Fax: (704) 799-1928


910 SE Wilson Avenue, Suite A1

Bend, OR 97708
Phone: (541) 312-9345
Fax: (541) 312-9345

Stephen Alls

MorningStar Ministries

2936 South Legacy Park Boulevard

Fort Mill, SC 29715
Phone: (803) 802-5544 x 239

The Morning STar E-Journal

MFM Directory
Cris & Rebecca Bennett

Jason Hooper (Pastor)

439 Fischer Road, Fort Mill, SC 29715

Phone: (803) 820-0288

375 Star Light Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 PO Box 187, Mount Pleasant, SC 29464
Phone: (803) 802-5544
Fax: (803) 548-8438
Bill & Chris NeSmith
Harvest Light Ministries

Life Ministries

John & Barbara Briggs

Restoration Ministries International

MorningStar Ministries

Brandon Hull (Youth Pastor)

711 Chelton Lane, Fort Mill, SC 29715

Phone: (828) 508-2122

MorningStar Fellowship Church

Emmett Cooper

Bobby & Ginger Hussey



251 Heritage Boulevard

Fort Mill, SC 29715
Phone: (803) 802-7528
Fax: (803) 802-7528

Maggie Deller

MorningStar Fellowship Church

375 Star Light Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715

Phone: (803) 802-5544 x 240
Fax: (803) 548-8438

Keala Elston

375 Star Light Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715

Phone: (803) 802-5544 ext. 224

MorningStar Fellowship Church

375 Star Light Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715

Phone: (803) 802-5544

Deborah Joyner

Shepherding Ministry / Restoration

P.O. Box 283, Landrum, SC 29356
Phone: (864) 977-8020

John Hansen

MorningStar Fellowship Church

375 Star Light Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715

Phone: (803) 802-5544

Tom Hardiman (Pastor)

MorningStar Fellowship Church

375 Star Light Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715

Phone: (803) 802-5544

MorningStar Ministries Missions


375 Star Light Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715

Phone: (704) 517-2557
Fax: (888) 816-0725

Leonard Jones

MorningStar Fellowship Church

375 Star Light Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715

Phone: (803) 802-5544

Jim Garrison (Pastor)

Daniel L. Garvin (Pastor)

Jorge & Anna Marie Parrott

375 Star Light Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715

Phone: (803) 802-5544 ext. 250
Email: bpeacher@morningstarministries.

P.O. Box 1048, Fort Mill, SC, 29716

Phone: (704) 737-1501
Fax: (704) 973-7724

P.O. Box 675, Wagener, SC 29164

Phone: (803) 564-3399
Fax: (803) 564-5750

1646 W. Hwy 160 Suite 105

Fort Mill, SC 29708
Phone: (704) 541-2693

Bart Peacher

375 Star Light Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715

Phone: (803) 802-5544

Oliver & Barbara Jones

Gateway Outreach Christian

Ministries (Chapel of Love)

Lone Star Ministries

MorningStar Fellowship Church

Morningstar Pastor of Intercession

375 Star Light Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715

Phone: (803) 802-5544 Ext. 209

Brad McClendon

Wind and Fire Ministries

Rick Joyner (Senior Pastor)

MorningStar Fellowship Church

Bill Perry (Pastor)

Hartsville Community Fellowship

PO Box 1739, Hartsville, SC 29551
Phone: (843) 383-8555

John (Andy) & Cathy Sanders

5 Fold Media LLC

2012 West Hwy 160 #38

Fort Mill, SC 29708
Phone: (803) 280-5770

MorningStar Fellowship Church

Patrick & Grace Selvey

Laura Kunzie

208 Wales Ave., Fort Mill, SC 29715

Phone: (704) 756-3053

375 Star Light Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715

Phone: (803) 802-5544

ZEB Gear

1646 West Hwy 160, Ste E, #8119

Fort Mill, SC 29708

Robin McMillan (Pastor)

MorningStar Fellowship Church

375 Star Light Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715

Phone: (803) 802-5544

Scott McClelland

Foundational Missions
(aka FX Missions)

109 Redcoat Drive, Fort Mill, SC, 29715

Phone: (704) 909-0631
Fax: (888) 307-2141


Trevor Tiessen

MorningStar Fellowship Church

375 Star Light Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715


Samuel Tyler (Pastor)

Vanguard Church

P.O. Box 170008, Spartanburg, SC 29301

Phone: (864) 574-2777
Fax: (864) 574-0040

Jim Whitley

892 Hickory Stick Ln.

Fort Mill, SC 29715
Phone: (704) 995-3775
Fax: (803) 547-5656

the morning star E-journal


MFM Directory
Al Woods


375 Star Light Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715

Phone: (803) 802-5544


428th Street SW, Auburn, WA 98001

Phone: (253) 863-8031

Philip K. Barth

Patrick OHern

Vincent DeLaidatti

P.O. Box 7333, Covington, WA 98042

Phone: (425) 432-9931

MorningStar Fellowship Church


4622 Tara Drive, Fairfax, VA 22032

Phone: (703) 732-0501

Doug Floyd (Pastor)

Spring of Light Ministries

4426 Pinehurst Road

Louisville, TN 37777
Phone: (856) 983-9015

Vincent Music Ministry

134 Harmony Lane, Martinsville, VA 24112
Phone: (276) 632-0561

Scott MacLeod (Pastor)

Provision International

1419 Clinton Street, Nashville, TN 32064

Phone: (615) 327-1200

Linda Miller

Charis/Through Ascension
Life Fellowship

1313 Pennsylvania Ave., Etowah TN 37331

Phone: (423) 263-4900
Fax: (423) 263-4901

Darrell Simbeck (Pastor)

Ascension Life Fellowship

205 E. Madison Ave, Athens, TN 37303

Phone: (423) 829-5102

Susan Todd

Crossmember Ministries

12 Otto Warner Rd, Crossville, TN 38571

Phone: (931) 200-3092

Steve Christmas

Steve Christmas Ministries

Tony Eldridge (Pastor)

Setfree Ministries International

Northwest Open Door Ministries

Christine (Heasoo Gim)

25826 158th Avenue SE
Covington, WA 98042
Phone: (253) 639-3578

Warriors Path International


Paul Red & Tricia Wilson


13486 Glenbrook Avenue

Meadowview, VA 27361
Phone: (276) 698-7247

Aggressive Ministries

P.O. Box 790, Sumner, WA 98390

Phone: (253) 709-6441
Fax: (253) 891-1710

Frederic D. Huntington


6744 S. Wings Highway

Alexandria, VA 22305
Phone: (703) 765-3949

P.O. Box 99, Elkview, WV 25071

Phone: (704) 608-1052

Joseph B. Perry (Pastor)

Terry Choate (Pastor)

P.O. Box 2942, Virginia Beach, VA 23450


P.O. Box 5927, Princeton, WV 247401

Phone: (304) 431-5683

San Marcos Congregation

Remnant Ministries

Joni Ames

Crossover Ministries

Tom & Jackie Archer

25760 174th Place SE

Covington, WA 98042
Phone: (253) 638-8490

Lisa Benge

Lewisville, TX 75057
Phone: (469) 464-4101

Aggressive Ministries

P.O. Box 1184, Milton, WA 98354

Phone: (253) 219-8882

Carl E. Greer

2880 W. Pioneer Pkwy. Suite D

Arlington, TX 76013
Phone: (817) 261-7137
Fax: (817) 274-2776

Ken & Deborah Deonigi

P.O. Box 1140, Maple Valley, WA 98038

Phone: (425) 413-9118


Robert Foster (Pastor)

Tracee Anne Loosle

My Fathers House

P.O. Box 13847, Ogden, UT 84412-3847

Phone: (801) 782-5663

Angela Greenig (Pastor)

Intrepid Heart Ministries


P.O. Box 1849, Newport, WA 99156


The Morning STar E-Journal

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