Smite Starter Guide

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Beginning of the Game Guide to Where You Should Start:

1. What side are you on? If Blue (Gold Fury on Left), proceed to 2. If orange (G
old Fury on right side), go to 6.
2. What role are you? If ADC/Support, go to 3. If Mid/Solo, Go to 4. If jungle,
go to 5
3. Start at the left lane blue buff, then go to lane.
4. Start at right mid camps. If solo, go to right lane blue buff then to lane. I
f mid, go straight from mid camps to lane.
5. Solo the red buff, then help the solo laner with the right lane blue buff.(Yo
u can help with mid if you want xp though)

6. What Role are you? If Solo/Jungle, go to 7. If support, go to 8. If Mid/ADC,

go to 9.
7. Do orange buff, then left lane blue buff, then go to lane.
8. Solo the right lane blue buff, but leave the last hit on the buff cyclops for
the hunter, then go to lane.
9. Do right side mid camps. If Mid, go to lane. If ADC, go to right lane blue bu
ff and get the last hit. Proceed to lane.

Top Picks:
Jungle: Freya, Bastet, Thor, Serqet, Ao Kuang, Kali, Mercury
Mid: Janus, Agni, Isis, Scylla, Nox, Poseidon, Nu Wa.
Solo: Aphrodite, Hercules, Loki, Chaac, Osiris, Bakasura, Vamana, Chang`e.
Support: Kumbhakarna, Athena, Geb, Ymir, Sylvanus.
ADC: Rama, Apollo, Artemis, Loki, Freya, Chronos, Anhur.
These are gods often played on the competitive level and often extremely balance
d but a few can be overpowered. (ex. Ao kuang, Nox, Serqet)
Now granted this does not mean they can not lose, but in the case of Nox and Ser
qet once 20 mins hits and its level 20 with a decent build, you're pretty much f

Gods to avoid (atleast if you're playing in a serious try hard manner)

Mid: Anubis, Zeus, Hel, Kukulkan.
Jungle: Nhe Zha, Arachne, Fenrir, Thanatos.
Solo: Zhong Kui, Tyr, Sun Wukong.

Support: Ares, Sobek, Odin.

ADC: Ah Muzen Cab, Xbalanque, Ullr.
Now being on the Avoid list doesn't mean they're bad (except for Goobis and Kuku
lkan) it just means there are way WAY better choices to make and or that god can
be countered easily enough.
Making this part was painful because i like some of these gods "Cough Cough Arac
hne Cough" but that doesn't mean they are top tier or good choices.

Not putting full builds into this section because every single match is differen
t, there is no such thing as a build there is only counter-builds to what you ar
e facing.
Now onto the Starting Items.
Junglers: Bumbas Mask, Rage of the Gods, 1 health potion, 1 ward.
Solo: Usually Deaths Toll, Hand of the Gods, 2 health potions, 1/2 Wards.
Mid: Vamp Shroud, Soul Reliquary or Uncommon Sash.
Support: Watchers Gift, Hand of the Gods, 1 health/mana potion, 1 ward.
ADC: Deaths Toll, Spiked Gauntlet, 1 health pot/ward.

Thats a wrap folks, hope this little starter guid helped and remember, it's only
gay if the moon shines high upon matured elk in the dead of winter.

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