Architecting VSphere Solutions Test

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Your customer has provided the following list of requirements that must be included in tho design you are working on. « HA DRS + vSphere Replication « vCenter Heartbeat « Support for up to 8 CPUs per VM (8 way vCPU) Which vSphere host licensing option is the minimum. that could be used for the ESXi hosts in the solution? Choose one. 9 Q [ie ‘Which of the following are some of the key partner benefits that can be realized by using ‘VMware Services Software Solutions (SSS)? Choose two. [Leverage Vitware Services IP [F_ Provide customized licensing bundles F_iscountea premium suppor options [Rapidly create customized, personalized solutions During the initial phase of a virtualization project, you typically need to gather a signiticant amount of data regarding the performance needs and capabilities of an existing infrastructure that may be entirely physical or may be a mix of physical and virtual. What \Viware tool can you use to acquire and analyze this data so that you can present a detailed and accurate analysis to your customer? Choose one. Vitware Site Analyzer Sphere Configuration Planner vitware inventory Analyzer ‘inch ofthe following ave part of VMware's commitment to maintaining vibrant online learning communtiies that wil provide you with up to date information on new courses and learning opportunities asa Vtware Technical Sales Professional? Choose three. a:aax T @yWworevTSF on Twiter [Vitware Technics! Sales Frofessionsl (VTSF) Group on Linkein [-Vitware Paine Link 7 vrer Communiy en Facebock tna conversation witha customer eiscussing the scope fora project, the customer statec that they wanted aclosely-integrated backup Solution for their iriual machines. They have also expressed very strong desire touse this as an opportunity Io begin 10GBE rollouts in ‘earnest and and would lke a solution that could be implemented witha minimum number of physical network ports per host Further design discussions have led toagreement that the solution should support iSCSI Storage, HA, DRS, v¥otion and vSphere Replication and the ‘customer has row stated that ll ESXi hosts must have a single ual port 10GDE NIC as they havea ardlimit onthe number of 10GigE switch ports avellable at ths ime. Which ofthe following additonal vSphere features should be included in a designin order to meet the ‘customers requirements? Choose two. i Your customer has brosdly accepted. design you have produced for a lage vSphere environment. You have specified, amongst other things, thatthe solution wlll make use of ‘Storage V0 Control, Strage DRS, Storage Froiles, and your design requires thatthe storage solution must be able to offcad functions, such as block eopyingand zeroing, to ‘he stocage array. The customer has asked you to contirm that the SAN solution thal they want to select can support the vSphere storage fectures younhave included in your éesgn. \Which af the following capabilties should the proposed SAN support? Choose two. atwere API fr Storage Acceleration During your kick ott meeting ves ota new virualzation initative, the CFO has emphasized the nee to identity how the new solution | customer te discuss te obje ill help address the issue of escalating operational costs for thelr server infrastructure. Which particular features ot should you nighlight as features of the solution that will directty reduce operational costs? Choose two. ‘Sphere High Avs 1 zerine uptime atno sstions ing th ‘lose out on tinal specications and requlrements. The customer has indicated an interest vophere 5.1 infrastructure design fora customer, youhave amecting t In alsaster recovery options. They nave previousiy looked a! building a dedicated DX | ‘capability ut the high cost ofthe storage haraware requires to support replication trom their production SAN has always ledto the cancelation of these projests. You suggesttha ‘a small solution could be implemented very costtectvely using ySphere Essentials Plus ‘but there would be some features they would leave out. Which of the following features would not be avs Het Aas CPU and Memory {Dynamic Power Management [Emncee viotin High avait ‘When carrying outyour analysis ofa customer's environment. you have zcauired detailed perfermance and capacity deta hat you are now using to develop the detailed specication {ortho vSphoreESit host that wil be required in the solution. Vou have bean given two supports allof the features requied for the solution. You can precisely matoh al pertemar 12 and capecity requir nents, with no spare capecity, using four of these servers, 25 the ESXi nests. + Configuration 8 provides 100% more CPU and Memory capacity per ESKinost but costs 60% more. in your ollow-up meetings with the customer to vetine the ‘spectication othe solution, they nave contirmes tht they require that ‘automaticaly re-started in case of any single host failure and they want the solution tobe ‘szo¢ at 20% higher capacity and performance than is currently required. This isto support ‘expected growth overthenext two years go they willnot need to acquire any additional ‘server hardware in that time irame. Excluding licensing considerations which ofthe {following server contiguration and quantities willbe the mast costetective option ‘or this ‘customer? Select one. 4 Configuration 3 ESxihests

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