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Prepared by: Sheila Casey and Diana Gonzalez

the project. Sensitivity to working with young people in
What issue and/or study question of the Honors Study Topic special situations will also be necessary.
will this project address?
Does the project address the International Service Program?
If so, explain its connection.
Issues 2 and 9: How do the fine arts shape and reflect the paradox of
afflunce and what impact does affluence have on individuals, Operation Green: Improving Our Communities remains the
families, and community life?
International Service Program for Phi Theta Kappa. The art
RESEARCH SOURCES project is conceived and designed to implement recycled material
to create a work of art individual to the child's imagination. The
What academic publications and experts will you consult?
We will consult various education websites to develop an project will engage their creativity as well as serve as an
appropriate art project for children attending grades K-6. educational tool to describe the ethics of recycling and re-using
materials with transformative effects.
What is the title of the project? RePets: Imagining My Favorite Pet
Through Recycling
Estimated Chapter funds required for the completion of this
Where will the project take Place? The Elizabeth Coalition to House
the Homeless 0.
When will the project be held? Saturday, November 21, 2009 WhoItemized Budget:
will participate? An invitation to join the recycled art project at the
Coalition will be open to officers and members in attendance at our
What resources are needed? How will they be acquired?
weekly meetings.
Our participation as a chapter in the form of volunteers to assist
the children will be needed. A sign-up sheet will be circulated
How will appropriate permissions be attained? We seek the approval
and our commitment will be communicated to the Elizabeth
of the members and officers in attendance at our meeting scheduled
Coalition to House the Homeless.
for Thursday, November 5, 2009.

Describe the specific Leadership roles and actions the project

This undertaking requires the coordination of art supplies (to be
provided by the Coalition) to execute the recycled art project. Will you form committees? Describe them.
Leadership experience will be required in the supervision and
direction of as many as 18 youth involved in
Honors in Art utilizes a committee format to address the different motivates them to use their creativity in a valuable project and
components and goals of the broader project. Key members of the it aims to inspire them to take care of animals and each other.
committee collaborated to create the theme and parameters of
Creating My Favorite Pet Through Imagination and Recycling. Will you reward your members for participating in this
project? If so, how?
List the specific project goals. Our Phi Theta Kappa members will be rewarded by the mere
The goals of the project are two-fold. We endeavor to inspire a
experience of impacting the lives of children under difficult
project that ignites the imaginations of children from a community in
socio-economic distress whose needs are being addressed by a grass- living conditions and a group picture with these children.
roots organization located in the heart of that community. This
partnership with the Elizabeth Coalition to House the Homeless
How will the chapter publicize the project?
represents our commitment to the International Service Program,
We will publicize this project through our chapter website and
Operation Green: Improving Our Communities. Our second goal is
to inform and educate the children about the ethics of recycling, bulletin board.
reusing and reducing the everyday materials they encounter in their
List Chapter goals which the project is intended to meet and describe Chapter:
how the project fulfills each goal. Bring members to work together to help our community and
Our chapter goals, overall, are to foster leadership development, raise awareness of a, sometimes, unmentioned issue in our
make an impact in the communities our campuses are located in, and
to promote scholarship in our community. community.

Which Five Star Chapter Development Program requirements does

this project satisfy? College:
This project satisfies three requirements in the Five Star Chapter Create a connection between Union County College and the
Development Program. First, it satisfies the requirement of having at
least two chapter members research one issue/study question of the Elizabeth Coalition to House the Homeless.
Honors Program Guide, “The Paradox of Affluence: Choices,
Challenges and Consequences.” Second, it meets the requirement of,
based on chapter’s research, plan an Honors in Action project that Community:
includes leadership and service components. Finally, it satisfies the Promote the use of artistic activities as an useful form to
requirement of working with another campus or community
organization to implement the Honors in Action project. implement children’s creativity, raise awareness of the
importance of loving and caring for animals and people, and
What will you do to develop the leadership skills and capacity of teach eighteen children alternatives uses for recyclable
chapter members and others?
In order to develop the leaderships skills and capacity of chapter materials.
members, this project offers the opportunity to all interested Region:
members to mentor eighteen kids in the creation of RePet.
Simultaneously, this projects develops the leadership skills and A seed of inspiration to other chapters, community
capacities of eighteen children, from five to ten years old, for it organizations, and colleges.

Don’t forget to report your success to Headquarters at

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