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A Question of Morality

The Story:
On a grim, foggy evening, 14 of the most influential people in
Blackgate were invited to attend a dinner party at the
Penderghast estate. These events were not uncommon as the lady
of the house, Nora Penderghast was known for her lavish
gatherings in various social circles, more so after her
husbands passing.
Once the guests had arrived they were welcomed by a rather pale
host. Nora Penderghast did not seem herself which, in light of
her being dead, was entirely expected. Of course nobody was
aware of this fact, save two: Nora, being the obvious first,
and Ezra Bloom, Noras brother, of which not much was known
about except that he lived with the Penderghasts and preferred
rats and machines over human beings.
This said, Nora did not know much beside the fact that she was
no longer classified as Homo Sapiens, although as far as
spectral entities are concerned, she looked as stunning as
ever. Ezra on the other hand, for the obscure wallflower that
he was, knew everything. More precisely, how Nora died, what
she is, and who killed her. For the what we need not delve
too deep into the history of Ezra, for it would make a long and
peculiar tale. Suffice to say that whilst others were out
living generally normal lives, he was spending his pushing the
boundaries of science and often those of moral ambiguity. He
was able to use one of his latest albeit untested creations to
restore his sisters consciousness into an ethereal form.
Unfortunately her body was unsalvageable.
As to the how and the who, Ezra knew that one of the guests
was his sisters murderer but instead of pointing him out he
decided that this was an opportune moment to experiment on the
behaviour of humans under conditions of duress. This coupled
with the desire to watch the killer squirm, prompted Ezra to
ensure that Nora remembers nothing of the incident, as well as


1. Nora Penderghast - The victim of a gruesome murder that

occurred that faithful evening. Sole heir of the
Penderghast fortune; Now returned as a ghost to host her
murder party alongside her brother, Ezra; Does not
remember how she died; Maiden name: Bloom;
2. Gladys Faulkner - Noras closest friend from back when
they were both attending the Blackgate Collegiate;
Journalist; Her sister, Eleanor was a victim in the
Darkwater Massacre; Blames Rufus Young and will do
anything to prove he was the murderer;
3. Elizabeth Bowden - Warrens wife; 1 month pregnant;
Pragmatic and independant; Loves her husband but finds
herself more in tune with Joshuas mindset than his
Autonomous, leaving her family on the streets.
4. Charlotte Vandenberg - Thaddeus not so loving wife; Holds
Nora responsible for Thaddeus obsession with her,
claiming that she purposefully toys with him for
entertainment; Very impulsive and spiteful;
5. Margaret Salisbury - Byrons wife; Jealous of Noras
wealth and status; Used to be friends with her; Keeps up
appearances but secretly wishes to see Noras fortune
crumble, or worse...
6. Sarah
(undisclosed to the guests); No past; Can choose to say
anything. Should make for an interesting game changer.
1. Ezra Bloom - Noras brother and mad savant. He witnessed
Noras death and promptly used one of his machines to
restore her consciousness outside her body, in spectral
form. He intends to observe the guests as they are forced
to uncover the secret of the murder. Mad as a bat.
2. Joshua Bowden - The youngest of the Bowden brothers and
the one with the initiative; Does not always agree with
his brother but still respects him; Believes that Nora
will pull funding for Autonomous in favour of Reubens
3. Warren Bowden - Joshuas older brother and husband to
Elizabeth; The mind behind J&W Autonomous; He puts family
first in all matters; is afraid that after the meeting
with Reuben, Nora might pull her funding; Visits her a few
hours before the dinner party to discuss it;
4. Reuben Longley - Old friend of Noras; Decent man with the
missfortune of running into heavy debt with unsavoury
people; Plans on getting the money from Nora by telling
her hes starting a new Research and Development company
in Blackgate and is in need of funding;
5. Byron Salisbury - Like his wife, Margaret, he resents the
Penderghasts for their fortune; Although previously in
amicable relationship with Edwin, he disregards Nora; He





wanted to buy off the estate after Edwins death and was
angry when he couldnt due to Nora;
Jasper Tichborne - Great scientist, but rather arrogant;
He worked closely with Edwin on several projects along the
years; Believes that many of the inventions Edwin used to
accrue his wealth were based on his designs and therefore
Penderghasts fortune is rightfully his;
Thaddeus Vandenberg - Although married to Charlotte, he
has been obsessed with Nora since their years at the
Collegiate; Initially it only appeared to be a sort of
infatuation but over the years it grew into something much
more disturbing;
Rufus Young - The most well-known Doctor in Blackgate, and
also Head Surgeon at Blackgate Medical Institute; Was
implicated in the Darkwater Massacre trial as the prime
suspect, but was acquited;
Bernard Jefferies - Butler for the Penderghasts since
before Edwin and Nora married; Loyal and caring; Takes his
job very seriously; Was extremely distraught when Edwin
died; Second person to see Nora before she died, as he
brought food and wine to hers and Warrens meeting;

Lord Edwin Isaiah Penderghast was a major benefactor for
Blackgates primary development company J&W Autonomous.
Since his death, the estate along with the entirety of his
wealth had fallen to his wife, Nora, who although
impartial to his interest in science, has continued to
fund Edwins projects with J&W. He was a well respected
man in the community, and probably the only person to ever
come close to understanding Ezra.
o Industrial city
o Main exported goods: Automatons
o Heavy cultural emphasis on science
J&W Autonomous
o Research & Development company founded by the Bowden
o Produced most of the noteworthy inventions that
Blackgate is renowned for
o Primary source of funding was Edwin Penderghast
(acclaimed scientist himself) and now his wife, Nora
The Darkwater Massacre
o Several years ago, a killer rampaged through the East
Wing (womens quarters) of the Darkwater Institute
for the Mentally Ill

o Within an hour he ended the lives of 27 women,

including Gladys sister, Eleanor;
o The
Penderghast); she was dropping off a package for her
friends sister and she hid inside one of the
cabinets when the screaming started
o The main suspect was Dr. Rufus Young, a resident
o The cause of death for all of the victims were
repeated knife wounds caused by the same blade with
surgical precision (stated in the coroners report)
o Rufus Young was later acquitted due to lack of
evidence against him
Who: Elizabeth Bowden
Why: She found a copy of Edwins Will and Testament which
In the event of my death, I hereby declare that all my worldly
possessions be transferred onto my wife, Nora, whom I love with
all my heart.
*In the unlikely event that she refuses or is unable to accept,
I wish that everything be divided amongst the two things I love
beside my dear Nora: science and this city. Respectively J&W
Autonomous and the Blackgate Treasury.
Convinced that Nora decided to pull funding and instead offer
help with Reubens venture, she realised that her only course
of action is to kill her, whereupon half of Edwins wealth will
be given to Warren and Joshua.
How: She followed her husband as he met with Nora that evening,
wanting to make sure he really will confront her about the
funding. She snuck inside and hid in one of the rooms adjacent
to the Dinner Hall, where Warren and Nora were talking.
Realizing that it was Edwins office she started rifling
through the drawers, accidentally knocking over a picture frame
of Edwin and Nora, breaking the glass. Luckily for her, it went
unnoticed. She then stumbled upon the copy of his will and
finished reading it as Warren left. Deciding on her course of
action, she followed Nora into the kitchen where she grabbed
one of the knifes on table. She called out to her and as Nora
turned around she stabbed her directly in the heart. It was
quick. Seeing all that blood made her panic so she raced
through the dinner hall, knocking over some wine glasses,

grabbed the copy of the will, tore it to pieces and flung them
into the burning fireplace. She then left the house through the
same window she snuck in.
Room Clues:
o Noras body
o A pool of blood
o Bloody knife
Dinner Hall
o Broken glasses
o A few pieces of ripped paper near the fireplace that
read: two things I love beside declare that all
my Nora: science and this city she refuses or is
unable to accept Autonomous and the Blackgate
Edwins Office
o Rifles drawers
o Papers on the floor
o Broken picture frame of Nora and Edwin
Joshua and Warren depend on the funds from Nora. As long
as she kept paying them they benefitted, but if for some
reason she would stop, the entire company would plummet.
They begin doubting Nora after they heard about the
meeting with Reuben. Elizabeth, Warrens pregnant wife
along with Joshua, repeatedly pleaded with Warren to speak
to Nora and re-affirm their collaboration but he always
refused, claiming it was uncorteous to ask for money.
Joshua being more quick-tempered, said that if his brother
wouldnt do anything about it, he would. Warren met with
Nora a few hours before the event.
Reuben Longley, old friend of Noras, wants to start an
RND venture and needs money for it; conflicts with Jasper
and Warren as it would cause a conflict of interest for
Nora. He made her a business proposition but she was
reluctant to answer, making him doubt their friendship.
Unbeknownst to her, Reuben is also greatly in debt with a
lot of shady individuals, and his life quite literally
hangs on this endeavour.
Byron was always jealous of Edwin and his wife of Nora.
They used to be friends but as the Penderghasts fortune
grew, the bitterness took over the Salisburys. They kept
up appearances. He hoped to be able to buy the estate
after Edwins death, as a show of dominance.
Jasper, one of the greatest minds in Blackgate and the
head researcher at J&W, worked closely with Edwin on some
projects in the past. Although generally a pleasant man,

he harbours deep seeded resentment towards Edwin,

believing that some of the inventions that Penderghast
patented were based on his designs, and thus his fortune
rightfully belongs to him.
Thaddeus, Gladys and Nora attended the same Collegiate,
and was very much in love with Nora. After he professed
his feelings to her, she turned him down and their
relationship grew colder. He later married Charlotte but
his obsession with Nora never ceased, a fact which his
wife was completely aware of. This sparked most of their
household conflicts but they remained together. Charlotte
harbors a great amount of jelousy towards Nora.
Rufus, Head Surgeon at the Blackgate Medical Institute,
was implicated in the Darkwater Massacre trial several
years back. He was suspected of being the serial killer
that took the lives of 27 young women that worked or were
patients at the Darkwater Institute for the Mentally Ill.
Although he worked there at the time of the killings, no
real evidence was found against him, and therefore was
acquitted. Gladys younger sister, Eleanor was one of the
victims. Nora was deeply traumatised by the events as she
was visiting Eleanor at the time, delivering a package
from her sister. When the screaming started she survived
by hiding in one of the cabinets. The papers later
reported that she was the only survivor.
Gladys is Noras closest friend, ever since they were
roommates at the Collegiate. She was always drawn to
uncovering the truth so journalism was the obvious career
path after she graduated. Even more so after her sisters
death as she obsessed over finding the killer. She was one
of the main supporters of the theory that Dr. Rufus Young
was behind it, but she could never prove it, a fact that
drove her to obsessive tendencies. To this day she still
holds him responsible and vowed that shed do anything to
see him behind bars.
Sarah Ann is the wildcard. Escapee from the Darkwater
Institute, she was the only one not invited. She has no
stake in the game at all, and she can choose her own makebelief backstory to throw off the pursuit of the killer,
or aid it.

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