Basic X-Ray Features in Joint Degeneration

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Basic X-ray features in joint degeneration.

Swelling of the periarticular soft tissues and distension of joint capsule with fluid.
Increase of the joint space indicates accumulation of fluid in the joint.
Destruction of articular cartilage and joint surface of bone: Narrowing of the joint
space indicates that there is destruction of joint cartilage or degenerative changes
of the cartilages. Destruction of articular bone may lead to dislocation or
subluxation of the joint
What belong to congenital malformations?
Ureteropelvic duplication (double renal pelvis, double ureter )
-Horseshoe kidney
-Solitary kidney
-Ectopic kidney
- double renal pelvis, double ureter
X-ray sign of spine tuberculosis
-bone destruction
-wedding compressive fracture
-Joint space narrowing
-abscess may be present
-Spine consists of vertebrae and intervertebral disc
-Vertebra divided in vertebral body and vertebral arch
-Intervertebral disc in the X- line performance is translucent shadow, called
intervertebral space
Predilection sites of ureteral stones.
1. ureteropelvic junction.
2. Crossing of iliac artery (midureter).
3. Ureterovesical junction.

A ureteral stone is a kidney stone that has moved down into the ureter.

Most lodged in a narrow part of the ureter.

Soy or rice grain-sized, high density, parallel to the long axis ureter.
The negative stones can be found in contrast radiography .
Ureteral stones should be distinguished with lymph node calcification, phlebolith.
According to morphology, the pelvis is divided into three types.
1.The bony pelvis, or pelvic skeleton, the part of the skeleton connecting the
sacrum region of the spine to the femurs, subdivided into:
The pelvic girdle (the two hip bones, which are part of the appendicular skeleton)
The pelvic region of the spine (sacrum, and coccyx, which are part of the axial
2. Pelvic cavity.
Preferred imaging examination for bone and soft tissue diseases

Bone X-ray and CT , soft tissue MRI

Plain Radiographs
Computed Tomography
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Nuclear Scintigraphy
7.X-ray findings of osteosarcoma?
Obtain plain films of the suspected lesions in 2 views.
Osteosarcoma lesions can be purely osteolytic (30%), purely osteoblastic (45%), or
a mixture of both.

CT scanning

CT scanning of the chest is more sensitive than is plain film radiography for
assessing pulmonary metastases.


MRI of the primary lesion is the best method to

assess the extent of
intramedullary disease as well as associated soft-tissue masses and skip lesions.
(Estrada 1995)

Bone Scan

A bone scan should be obtained to look for skeletal metastases or multi focal
Characteristics pathological change in the acute suppurative
: Primary focus and stage of inflammation
Spread of infection with pus formation
Formation of subperiosteal abscess
Pus tracks toward skin to form a sinus
Bone infarction (Sequestrum)
New bone formation (involucrum)
No subperiosteal abscess due to adherent periosteum
Soft tissue abscess
Vascular connection with the joint leading to secondary septic arthritis
Extensive bone necrosis
Increased ability to absorb large sequestrum
Increased ability to remodel
Epiphysio-metaphyseal vascular connection leading to secondary septic arthritis

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