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Jsvj1u:Uin Iuzirisni

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French Extremist Traveller Returnee

French authorities announced on 20140601 that they had
at the Jewish Museum in Brussels, Belgium which killed three
The suspect was identified as Mehdi Nexnmouche, a French citizen, born
Roubaix. According to French officials, Nemmouche was arrested during a customs
at the St. Charles train station in Marseilles on a bus from Amsterdam via Brussels. A
assault rifle, a revolver and ammunition were found in his lugge. He was also found to be carrying a
small video caxbera. According to French prosecutors, he had filmed a short video taking responsibility
for the Museum attack; according to media reporting the video displayed the flag of the Islamic State of
Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). Nemznouche depart4 for Syria on 2012 12 31 and returned to Europe on
Belgiums Interior Ministry raised
2014 03 18,
and heightened security was being provided at other
its terror alert level in the
Jewish sites in Belgium.

Nemmouche is the
Syria suspected of having d.,
a Western country. Furthermore, fi
radicalized during the time he spent 1
prison between 2007 and 2012.
his radicalization in 2009. He was likely L.
extremist when he travelled to Syria.
Nemmouches case illustrates the ongoing concerns
about the threat posed by returning extremist travellers
willing to carly out attacks in the West,

2012. Like
complex exploS/6/4
attack was short anf t
/, U
could respond.


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