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3D Printing Live Dragons Part II

Abstract: the neural functions of this dragon, are attained through mechanical or chemical processes, forged
either by a device of chemicals and bone, or by a mechanized implant.
Chapter I: neural mechanism of metal
Programmed to release ionized fluids -which are then cultured by the device within a second chamber- into
the tissue of the brain to hew wrinkles across its surface eliciting thought of contemplative nature, and to
control the body. Upon birth, the device begins testing each limb and function, controlling the creature in
every aspect; yet its control finds less impact once synapses begin to fire of their own volition, and true
thought emerges.
Chapter II: neural mechanism of bone
The more likely manner to produce success, is the initial: implanting a device of metal, whose wiles are
controlled by logic and programming. Yet to allow for passage into new creatures upon birth, a device must
be forged of bone, and as such this method utilizes the concept of first equipping the parent Drake with a
mechanized implant. Thus, upon impregnation, the Dragon must generate a second device capable of similar
control. Signals from the parent device use chemical paths to force cell division and movement, or to simply
relocate cells cultured within a third chamber. These cells form an oval structure with three distinct chambers.
The first, is bounded by a membrane whose pores allow a meager flow of ionized fluid to exit each hour, as
the valve across this membrane operates on a ponderous contraction, the membrane preventing an
inundation of fluid once the aperture is ajar. This ionized fluid is directed to the channels across which its
mechanized counterpart would ordinarily send its own sea of ionized fluid to pierce the brain. Proximate, is
the second chamber, which is similarly bounded by a membraneous web, yet this is designated for a far
simpler task: its own muscle ring arches to allow forth dopamine as time passes (to simulate normal
dopamine levels within creatures of such size, electrical signal carried to the ring by bacterial veins and
cords, to stimulate this sphincter), or once receptors upon the monsters tongue activate, allowing it to seek
food like most organisms, and enjoy the feast thereafter. The final sectioned fragment sends forth additional
chemicals on a time basis, sending forth levels of endorphins upon positive input by receptor activation,
among other vital chemicals found within the healthy brain, simulating the ordinary quantities for a creature of
such scope, and allowing it a reward for each successful test of its abilities, or consumption of prey.

Matthew Lane

Tuesday, January 20, 2015 at 10:59:20 AM Central Standard Time


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