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Reading makes a full man,

Speaking, a ready man;

And Writing, an exact man.

Business Communication I
Session IX
August 19th & 20th, 2014

Text References:
1. Chapter 22, Business Letters, Communication Skills, Sanjay Kr- Pushp Lata,
OUP 2011 pp 478-498
2. The Ten Principles of Good Business Writing, John Clayton, HMCL, Sep 2000

Learning Objectives

Business Letters
Contemporary significance

Parts of a Standard Business Letter

Composition of Business Letter

Good News- Persuasive messages

Routine- Neutral Messages
Bad News messages

Writing Effective Business Letters

Writing Emails

Business Letters

Contemporary Significance
Printed Conversations
Provides sincere thoughts because few people take time to write
Legal Records
Responsibility for commitments made
Legacy Instruments
Documents/Archives become public records
Modern Business Tool
Ubiquitous: can handle different types of issues/data
Cheap: compared to telephone

Parts of a Business Letter



Letterhead return address


Filing reference




Inside address




Attention line




Body of the letter


Complimentary close




Final notations- Reference initials


Post script




Copy notation


Types of Business Letters

Good News Messages

Persuasive Messages

Routine -Neutral
Bad News Messages

Appointment letters

Invitation letters

Confirmation letters

Acceptance letters

Sales letters

Requesting Favor

Appreciation Letters

Thank You letters

Enquiry letters

Collection letters

Adjustment letters

Acknowledgement letters

Complaint letters

Refusal letters

Condolence messages

Separation letters

Select an Outline for Messages

Writing Effective Business Letters

Words, Sentences & Paragraphs

Use simple words & Write short sentences
Limit a paragraph to one major idea
Restrict letter to three main points

Show that you care about readers

Emphasize you more than I

Show a warm friendly tone

Focus on people as well as on things
Include feelings with facts

Use Non Discriminatory Language

Use Gender Neutral Words
For pronouns- He/ His write She/ Her
Replace words depicting Masculine pronouns

Chairman- Chairperson
Cameraman- Camera operator

Focus on Receivers View Point

Me Attitude

I want to
congratulate you
on your award.

I am interested in
ordering . . .

I give you
permission to take
an extra day of

You Attitude

Congratulations! You are the

Employee of the Year.

Please send . . .
(You is the understood

You earned an extra day of

vacation because of your

Standard Letter Formats

Block Style
All parts have left alignment
Open punctuation used, but optional

Modified Block Style

Block style + Indents used
Return address (without letterhead), Date & Signature block center aligned
All other parts are left aligned

AMS Simplified Style

Subject line is a heading
Salutation & complimentary close omitted
Used to write sales/ introductory letters

Writing E-mails

Most common form of formal written communication

Write strong subject line- brief information & timeline
Touch one subject at a time
Edit, shorten & spell check formal mails
E mails should never need to be scroll read
Add the addressee's id at last only; check on unfinished mails
Official mail ids should must get attended once in 24 hrs

E-Mail Etiquettes: Dont Push That Send Button

Use e-mail only when it is the most efficient channel

Never substitute e-mail for face to face meeting
Remember the hierarchy: meeting- call- email
Never print your e-mail
Send nothing over e-mail that must be error free
Never delete names from your address book
Never forward chain e-mail
Never send e-mail when you are furious or exhausted
Dont pass on rumor about real people /companies over email
Organization owns email; emails are hack-able

Nick Morgan, Harvard Management Communication Letter, August 2002

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