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Gemini Astrology May 21 - June20

Gemini Strength Keywords:


Gemini Weakness Keywords:


Gemini and Independence:

Gemini are extremely independent. They will not

be pinned down by anyone or any rules. They
need to experience the world on their own.
Change and freedom are extremely important to
Gemini, they will never let anyone dictate them,
they are extremely independent and freedom is
essential to their mental well being.
Gemini and Friendship:

Gemini make very interesting and exciting friends.

They like to leave their mark on everyone they
meet. They are very flighty and will disappear for a
long time as they meet new friends and explore
new places. But when they come back, they will
have new thoughts, opinions and interesting
things to share and ideas to teach. Life is very
interesting and fun with a Gemini friend. If you
need any advice, Gemini is the one to ask. They
are masters of communication and they can help
you get what you need by helping you with
persuasion and enthusiasm, and they give good
advice too. Do not however, bog a Gemini down
with all of your emotional problems, they are not
want to deal with it because it depresses them and
steps on their freedom if you need too much long
term help, support and follow up. A Gemini friend
can fill you in with the latest gossip and if you love
conversation, the Gemini delivers! They are very
generous with their friends, they will spend lots of
time with you and share everything with you. Even
though Gemini is a social butterfly, they always
need time for themselves and that should be
Gemini and Business:

Gemini tends to disperse their energy on different

tasks and not just focus on one thing thus leaving
a trail of unfinished projects in their wake. If they

were to focus their energy in one place, their

cleverness and intelligence would allow them to
complete their project with success and creativity.
Gemini makes an excellent manager, they can
motivate a team with their enthusiasm and vitality.
They also make excellent salespeople because
their ease of communication allows them to be
clever and make a comeback to anything a person
says. They can persuade and manipulate very
well. They can easily justify any move they make
and explain any action.
Gemini Temperament:

Gemini have the ability to react instantly to

situations, and as a result, they have a very
nervous temperament. They can be compared to a
wound up spring as they attempt to absorb
everything they can about their surroundings at
once. The fact that they enjoy various situations
and people add to their nervousness and that
means they are almost constantly wound up.
However, if they experience boredom and have
nothing to survey, they get the same emotions,
the need for excitement and variety. This is the
Gemini duality, constantly conflicting emotions in
one spontaneous, excitable package.
Gemini Deep Inside:

One downfall of Gemini is their superficiality.

Instead of looking deep into a person's real
qualities, Gemini will judge a person by the way
they treat them. This can lead Gemini to have
wrong impressions of people and can cause
problems ion relationships. Gemini's can have
feeling of discouragement and moodiness
although they never allow this to be seen by
anyone but heir closest friends or family. Gemini
usually want everyone to think that they are
always happy and doing wonderfully and stress
never affects them.
Gemini in a Nutshell:

Gemini people are many sided, quick both in the

mind and physically. They are brimming with
energy and vitality, they are clever with words.
They are intelligent and very adaptable to every
situation and every person. Gemini are curious and
always want to know what's going on in the world
around them. They are not one to sit back and
watch the world go by, they want to be involved.
This can sometimes make Gemini nosy, they do
not mind their own business! This is because they
really enjoy communicating, more so then most
other astrology signs, they are the ultimate social
butterfly. Gemini can talk and talk, but they have
interesting things to say, their talk is not mindless
babble. They have interesting opinions and

thoughts on things and are not afraid to speak

their mind. They are always in the know and are
the one to see for the latest juicy gossip. Lacking
perseverance, Gemini easily goes off topic to
explore another thought or idea. Gemini are
superficial, they will form opinions on matter
without diving into them and exploring them fully.
This can lead them into thinking they know
everything, which they usually do but their mind is
too busy to be concerned with fine details. Routine
and boredom are Gemini's biggest fears. Gemini
would rather be naive then know the depressing
truth, they do not want anything putting a damper
on their freedom or positive energy.

Gemini Love, Sex and Relationships

What it's like to date a Gemini Woman:

The Gemini woman is truly enchanting. However,

dating her might feel more like a friendship then a
real relationship due to her casual nature. This is
not necessarily a disadvantage, for the casual man
who shy's away from overly romantic emotions,
she is the perfect woman. Since she is the
astrology sign of the duality, she offers quite the
challenge. One one hand, she needs to be
nurtured, loved and catered to and on the other

hand, she needs stimulation and novelty. She is

very demanding and if you do not provide what
she wants, she will be off onto the next adventure
pretty quickly. To keep her interested is a
challenge, not completely impossible so she is the
perfect woman for the man who likes stimulation
and a challenge. She needs a partner with a quick
mind, she tends to poke and prod at the emotions
and the minds of those who are mentally slower
then her, make sure you can keep up to her wit or
you will briskly be left behind. She is prone to
keeping men on a string, not completely
heartlessly, she is evaluating if the man is worth
her attention and her time she has no time to
waste with a dull man. Once you have her
approval, she can easily become jealous. The
reason for her is jealousy is that if she is going to
open up to a man, when she rarely completely
opens up to anyone, she does not want to risk her
being deceived or hurt. If you are with a Gemini
woman and she becomes jealous, you are on the
right track to true love! Gemini women are so
exciting that they are worth the effort, you will
remember her forever!
What it's like to date a Gemini Man:

He is a great date - charming, witty, funny, clever,

talkative, creative, adventurous, just make sure
you can keep up with him! Women are drawn to

Gemini men because of their zest for life and their

vitality and enthusiasm. You may have competition
to if you are trying to win his heart. Do not expect
to win him and keep him all to yourself. He is
flighty and dictates his own,. He will not allow
himself to be pinned down and ruled by a woman.
You are going to be his sidekick, not his passionate
lover. He loves women and is very good at
persuading them and manipulating them with his
cleverness getting them into bed, he will say
anything to get what he wants. He is the master of
seduction. If you are looking for a great fling, the
gemini man is your top choice.
How To Attract Gemini:

Love to talk, that is the first rule about impressing

a Gemini. Be knowledgeable about that you talk
about too because Gemini are intelligent and have
lots of knowledge about many things. If you are an
expert on a certain topic, teach them about it, you
will impress them because this know-it-all sign is
does not usually know fine details about a lot of
things, they are too busy to bother to learn. Speak
your mind, engage them in a friendly debate but
never be too conservative, they find this dull. Be
honest and loyal to a Gemini, once they have had
their trust broken they usually will never get it
back again. Gemini are easy to date, they will do
any activity anywhere. Just have fun, like you

would with a friends because that's what Gemini

are, a great friend.
Gemini Erogenous Zone:

Gemini's hot spots are the hands and arms. These

are very sensitive regions and are very receptive a
massage and a gentle touch or stroke. This also
calms the high-strung Gemini and relaxes them,
setting the mood for passion. Gemini's usually love
their finger being sucked or nibbled, a great
integration into foreplay that will heighten the
mood. Gemini women love it when a man grabs
their hand and kisses it, like a princess.
Sex With Gemini:

Gemini loves to experiment and sex with a Gemini

is full of novelty and excitement, trying anything
and everything nearly anywhere. Gemini is not for
the faint of heart or the shy and secretive lovers!

Gemini Zodiac Sun Sign - Astrology /

Gemini Sign Element Properties, Symbol, Dates,





Birth Dates

May 21 - June 21


Agate, Emerald (May), Pearl (June)


Yellow, Rainbow










Lily, Lavender

Lucky Numbers

3, 12, 21, 30, 48, 47

It is the third zodiac sign in astrology / horoscope. People in this sign
love to talk.

Clever, Active, Adaptable, Intellectual, Charming, Straight forward,
Open minded, Enthusiastic, Energetic, Friendly, Risk taking

Dualistic, Insensitive, Tricky, Indecisive, Ego, Impulsive, Inconsistent

Talking, Teaching, Learning, Novelty and the unusual, Variety in life,
Multiple projects all going at once, Reading, Traveling, Making Jokes

Feeling tied down, Learning such as school, Losing, Being Wrong,
Being in a rut, Mental inaction, Being alone

Gemini make very interesting and exciting friends. They like to
leave their mark on everyone they meet. They are very generous

with their friends, they will spend lots of time with you and share
everything with you.

Gemini are narcissistic and love nothing more than themselves.
They love excitement and variety in love. They tend to be very
choosy when it comes to love.

Gemini natives are magnificent communicators and wonderful
facilitators. They always need to be busy doing something. Their
nature tend toward success.

Ideal Career Jobs

Actor/Actress, Architect, Archaeologist, Comedian, Teacher, Model,
Playwright, Diplomat, Public Speaker, Author, Psychologist, Poet,
Journalist, Lawyer, Movie Writer or Director, Merchants,

Libra, Aries, Aquarius, Leo

Description of Gemini Zodiac

According to astrology, Gemini Zodiac people are those born in the
dates from between21st May to 20th June. Gemini or Mithuna is
the third sign of the zodiac. The sign is ruled by mercury. This zodiac
sign is represented by the symbol of 'The twins. Gemini zodiac
natives are known to be the versatile, quick-witted, energetic,
attractive and youthful.
Gemini zodiac sign natives has dual nature. In the favorable
situations, they are quite creative, energetic and enthusiastic while
in the unfavorable conditions, they become restless and irritating.
Their dual nature is applicable to their decision-making as well.
Many times, Gemini zodiac sign natives take any decision and in a
very small span of time, they can switch to the any other decision
even just opposite decision as well. Gemini zodiac or mithun
rashi natives can not stick to their decisions and opinions for a long
Gemini zodiac sign native is explicitly known for its carefree attitude
and free living approach as the Gemini people doesnt possess the
blend of concern in their attitude. They are quite enthusiastic in take
any initiative or starting a new work , but lack persistence. If the
work , they started require lot of labor and repetitive, Gemini zodiac
native is not going stick to it. They always require new twist and
turns in the work they are doing. These natives are very creative
and and if anybody knows to use their creativity well by giving them
freedom and challenging and creative assignments, Gemini zodiac
native could become a great asset to that person or organization.
Gemini zodiac natives are the people who are lesser attached to
anything. On the positive side, this becomes a quality when they are
easily adaptable to ever-changing conditions and go with the
changes but turns equally negative when they become unreliable
with their natural attitude. This further makes them appeal a lot of
people on account of their flexible attitude along with natural charm
but the natural lack of fidelity in them wont let the people make
stronger relations with them or either will not let them stay for a
long. But on the other hand, it wont be right to blame mithun rashi

natives for their weak points as they have been made the same way
by the creator.
The Gemini zodiac sign or mithuna rasi natives are bestowed with a
lot of liveliness and vivacity in their attitude which makes others feel
good when around as they can create the interesting and amusing
environment for those around but their attitude of enjoying life at
its entire picture becomes so intense that they could loose the
requisite concerns and could forget that life in deep possesses some
serious aspects.
Gemini zodiac or mithuna rashi natives are self centered people who
crave for the attention wherever they go and are most dominantly
concern about their own gratifications as they only want to live life
completely with enjoying everything possible and for that they could
also use all cunning ways comprising intriguing, contriving, deceit
and betraying and will lurk all of them behind their charming face
which will play the role of their most potent tool. Besides this,
Gemini zodiac people also possess the blend of affection, kindness
and generosity which even can lead them towards charity but that
all will come after their self satisfaction which is the priority.
Gemini zodiac or mithuna rashi natives are expertise in drawing
anybody towards them as they are bestowed with strong eloquence
and personality which they know is their tool towards the success
and they also know how, when and where to use it. On the other
hand, the Gemini zodiac people possess a high level of curiosity
which makes them inclined towards acquiring knowledge and
concentrating on something but their interest fades sooner as they
tend to be bored out of similitude and cant continue with the same
thing for much long.
Gemini zodiac natives are extremely free living souls as if given the
environment of liberty they could turn fruitful in profession and as
well as in personal relationships. This will make them appear with
their positives shades of their strong intellect, intelligence and loving
nature while if tried to kept them in cage, they will try their best to
flee with approaching any of the path, even if it requires betraying
anyone. One should not forget that their innovative approach could
turn highly productive for a company while their freedom loving and
easy going approach could make their partners lead a comfortable
and happy life.

In the end, these people live a life of fantasies where they lack the
presence of real pictures of life as looking at everything around for
only to laugh with. The perceived lucky color for Gemini is Yellow
and lucky number is 5.

First decan of Gemini or Mithun

The first decan of Gemini period(21st May to 20th June) that is the
first ten days are the days of entire freedom besides being highly
dominated by its own planet Mercury and is further called as the
week of freedom.
The people of this segment are endowed with the good intellect and
strong expressiveness with the good hold on appealing words.
Besides this, they are strictly free souls as could not be tied to a
single subject which makes them lack the shade of nobility at core.
They are the wandering souls without any purpose.

Second decan of Gemini or Mithun

The middle segment of the Gemini period that is the next ten days
are ruled by the planet Venus for leading the individuals towards the
similarities with Libra natives. This period is called as the week of
new language.
The Gemini natives of this decan are more concerned about their
personal enclosure as their relationships would play a significant role
in their lives for which they wont see themselves as only
themselves alone which altogether makes them loyal and honest of
all other Gemini natives. Besides this, they are endowed with
appealing eloquence and hand of art along with natural charm to
attain a significant place upon land.

Third decans of Gemini or Mithun

The last decan of Gemini period is dominated with the effect of
planet Uranus besides making the natives quiet similar to the

Aquarius people as they are truly optimistic and the period is known
as the week of the seeker.
The Gemini natives of this decan believes in making many relations
around while see them all at an equal ladder of humankind. They
are free living people who would let everything come there way but
its upon them to with whom to stay and carry on. They would look
towards pursuing something good for all around without being
biased as they wont be deeply attached to one or few.

Attitude of Gemini or mithuna for career or

Gemini people possess high energy and are always active at body
and mind along with optimistic vision. They are sharp by mind and
possess good brain power. They are believed to lack patience and
ability to stay quiet and calm at a single place or a single thought or
tasks in normal life as well as in career or business. In case of
career or profession, The high level of energy of mithuna natives is
difficult to get restricted in routine and boring jobs or in a typical 9
to 5 jobs with not much new happening and exciting happening in
the work place. Gemini Loathe boredom and it is very much
applicable when it comes to choosing their stream of career or
business. if it is suitable for them, Gemini can contribute great
value. His brilliant mind is always full of innovative ideas and plans.
They can process the knowledge very fast. They possess very good
oratory and presentation skills which could be very well utilized by
an organization for presentation in front of clients. They remain
fresh in their attitude and keep fascinating throughout as living in
dreams and still never loose the enthusiasm in them. This quality
makes a Gemini example for other employees to be ever-energetic.
On the other side, There is something in their nature which create
sometimes the obstacle in front of them in case of profession. They
stay away from routine as they easily get bored and always look for
something new. This tendency makes them sometimes restless in
job and they could change the job very frequently which would not
be good for them in long terms. They sometimes get indecisive and

may become average in decision-making which is very much

required in career or business.
In business, Gemini people are quite enterprising as the enterprise
give them freedom to unleash their energy and creativity. Mithuna
people are generally good in business as their ruling planet Mercury
gives them a inner ability for trading or business. On the other side,
sometimes, some traits of their nature creates hurdles for them as
they lack patience and in business, much patience is required
sometimes. Their indecisiveness also creates problems for them
Mithuna natives believe in living the life at fullest in every moment
without being concern about future which they even dont know and
are seekers of entertainment and fun. Besides this, they are
expressive in nature and possess a good tongue to appeal others.

Professional vision of Gemini for career or

The Gemini individuals are inclined towards the interesting, fun
involving and entertaining approaches of occupation, where they
could work with their energetic attitude. Besides this, they are
endowed with eloquence which makes them good at speech. These
factors makes them inclined towards market research, public
relation, interpreter, anchoring and entertainment industry.
They are highly fascinating as they live in their dream world and are
makers of stories along with effective expression and holder of good
intellect, for which Gemini natives could become good writers and
journalists. Many of mithuna native are good in computation,
mathematics and accounts which make them much successful in job
or enterprise related to software, accountancy, finance and banking
Mithuna people are not hard workers but are good at work if given
freedom to pursue and stay away from overtime workings. Still they
are highly ambitious but look towards the wealth exploring
directions. Besides this, because of their believes in dreams they
feel like enjoying success before even getting it in actual.

Suitable professions for Gemini or mithuna

There are some segment of career options as preferred for Gemini
natives like sports, marketing, sales, musician, announcer, publicist,
public relation, sculptor, artist, anchoring, media, photography,
accounts, interpreter, journalist, writer, market Research, television,
stock market, language experts, poet, software engineer, IT, ITES,
BPO, Telecom, finance, banking, chartered accountants, financial
auditors and radio.

Possible improvements for Gemini or

Mithuna in career
Gemini people should try to have some patience as if they keep on
moving they could miss some good opportunities in career which
would be approaching towards them. Besides this, they need to
come out of their fantastical world and need to see the real picture
to excel in career and business. Mithuna natives should also control
their indecisiveness which is very damaging for any career or

As a Father
The Gemini Father in this relationship would be a loving and caring
father who would appear like a friend to his children and wont let
any generation gab come in between for being truly flexible in
attitude and believer of freedom. He will give required freedom to
his children and will let them do what they want but will surely tell
them the right direction. The only problem here is that they are
much critical in their attitude for seeking perfection in everything

As a Mother

The Gemini mother would be very much soft hearted and attached
to her children and wont be one of the strict parent as she will give
her children liberty to live their lives their own way and would prefer
to stay close to them as friend. They are truly devoted towards their
family and children as even if they would be working, they wont
ignore their home and will be really good mothers.

As a Son/Daughter
The Gemini individual in this relationship would be very
independence seeking children who wont stay in much
confinements and it will be difficult for primitive parents who would
not be much flexible in attitude. Theses children do respect and love
their parents but do not want their parents to interfere in their life
as they will listen to their parents, they wont rebel but will do only
what they want to.

As a Teacher/Senior
The Gemini personal would be quiet lenient as a teacher, he or she
wont be a strict educator as even she would not lead a silent class
and could be seen turning the class interesting at times and could
bring out new and easier ways to make students learn. These
natives will provide all the freedom to their junior but will strictly ask
for good work and perfection.

As a friend / in Friendship
The Gemini natives are good to have in a friend circle as they will
keep everyone happy and will win everyones heart as they are the
charm of the group and are loving at the core. They wont stay away
from appreciating others in friendship neither they will ever stand
far at the time of need. They make good relations around and
possibly would have many friends around.

Positive characteristics or personality traits of

Gemini or Mithuna
Bestowed with eloquence
Natural charm
Vivacious personalities
Free till roots
Fantastical and dreamers
Highly adaptable
Truly open thoughts
Straight forward
Know how to enjoy each moment
Crave for knowledge
Quick learners
Strong intellect
Innovative approach
Live life at its whole
Truly friendly in attitude
Possess many relations
Merge with all sort of surroundings
Kind and generous from inside
Inclined towards charity

Negative characteristics, or personality traits

of Gemini or Mithuna
Lack Persistence
Difficult to bind in any confinement
Lack serious understanding of life
Feel bored very soon
Lack concentrating strength
Gives priority to their own amusements

Could turn selfish

Indecisive in nature
Lack reliability
Lucky for Gemini (Mithun):
Here is a description of lucky things of Gemini. It lists the Luck
metal for Gemini, Lucky days for Gemini, Lucky flower for
Gemini, Lucky stone for Gemini, Lucky number for Gemini and
Lucky color for Gemini

Metal- Quicksilver
day Wednesday
color Orange, Lemon, Yellow
No 5
stone- Emerald, Aquamarine, Topaz, Agate
Flowers Azaleas and Lilies
Fats for Gemini (Mithun):

symbol - The Twins

ruling Planet- Mercury
quality- Mutable
element- Air
basic Trait- I Think
vibration - Intense mental energy
harmonious signs - Aquarius, Libra
Secret Desire - To be ahead of the crowd

Adriana Lima
Alanis Morissette
Angelina Jolie
Anna Kournikova
Anne Frank
Barbara Bush
Ben Johnson
Blaise Pascal
Bob Dylan
Brooke Shields
Che Guavara
Donald Trump
Elizabeth Bowen
Errol Flynn
Frank Lampard
George Bush
Gina Gershon
Heidi Klum
Helen Hunt
Ian McKellen
Ice Cube
Jackie Stewart
Jamie Oliver
Jim Thorpe
John F Kennedy
Johnny Ball
Johnny Depp
Judy Garland
Juliette Lewis
Katie Price
Liam Neeson
Lionel Richie

Brazilian Supermodel
Famous Singer
Famous actress
Famous tennis player
Very Famous diarist
Former US first lady
Famous sprinter
Famous revolutionary
American Actor
England footballer
Former US president
Famous Model
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Racing driver
Celebrity chef
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Famous Hollywood
Famous actress
Famous actress
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Margaret Drabble
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Nikki Giovanni
Paul McCartney
Queen Victoria
Roberto Duran
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Salman Rushdie
Steve Waugh
Vance Williams
Venus Williams

Hollywood actress
Famous actor
Famous actress
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Black American poet
Famous singer
Former Queen
British Novelist
Australian Cricketer
Tennis player

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